CC – Item 4C – Staff Report Payment of Claim Against City-Gene Eastwood y 9 �yw.„ staff report TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEADyCITY COUNCIL FROM: RANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER \ DATE: NOVEMBER 18, 1998 RE: PAYMENT OF CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY-GENE EASTWOOD unt of$425.87 filed by a Mr. Gene Attached astwoo , 2433 yourN. considerationd forism in the Avenue. Mr. was not aware of the damage to the curb until Mr. Eastwood came into to City Hall and filed his claim. City inspectors confirmed the damaged curb and the County Public Works crew repaired it that same day. Pursuant to Council Policy, property damage claims under $500.00 can be settled by the City. Attached is a copy of the claim with supportive documents. RECOMMENDATION It is Eastwood signs sadrthat the elease form as of $425.87 provided that as appro ed by the City Attorney. Mr. COUNCIL AGENDA NOV 2 41998 1 ITEM No. GC FILE WITH. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES RESERVE FOR FILING STAMP CITY CLERK'S OFFICE r CLAIM ND. -- TO PERSON OR PROPERTY INSTRUCTIONS 1.Claims tor death,injury to person or to personal property must be filed not later than six months after the occurrence.(Gov.Code Sec.9112.) 2.Claims for damages to real property must be filed not later than 1 year after the occurrence. (Gov.Code Sac 911.2.) a Read entire claim form before filing. 4.See page 2 tor diagram upon which to locate place of accident. 5.This claim form must be signed on page 2 at bottom. 5.Attach separate sheets,it necessary,to give full details.SIGN EACH SHEET. Date of Birth of Claimant • TO: CITY OF ROSEI.EAD, 8838 E. Valley Blvd. , Rosemead 91770 Occupation of Claimant Name of Claimant_ P; y er HGhf l- .571cD Hom=Address o!Claimant City and Slate Home Telephone Number �o5einec)7 Cc„ [(626.) ,;,2 Sig 30-1 6' BCity and State Business Telephone Numbery33 N � I<ar�B aVG Business Address of Claimant w I/ ,,2 G ) s73 .� ?Db) 57001 ��rvs y goSenmPr�J7 Give address and telephone number to which you desire notices or communications to be sent Claimant's Social Security No. regarding this claim: y -67 When did DAMAGE or INJURY occur?3 . c p Names of any city employees involved in INJURY or DAMAGE Date //- 7 — 'y Time 1f claim is for Equitable Indemnity,give date claimant served with the complaint: Daleappropriate,give street Where did DAMAGE or INJURY occur?Describe hilly,and locate on diagram on reverse side of this sheet.Where rO� tre 5?/'C�'r names/� and address and measurements iromlandmarhs: ,j} ,rhZ Che) e€ G- pr• ve Y r e /rtri r•? y re5idencC ' 14e 54rtrt 114‘-rnc 15 6 He et-VC . Describe in detail how the DAMAGE or INJURY occurred. j Wc5 pc-r A eµ APAI//, W5 I uJ'^'.S PAI I 4we-y fiery r e Curb , a )7 rCe Cc thet Curl vat y ;tic in the 5u++rr tt. e ire.i-h +arc rnr55 .,2 if bit* the Reek tm'ter h ,i lf" ) ] + bouren( eA off 1tiCtt 6" b ) h , t�+ ti grafi c;�rrf er el cf rnr Cc-r / Why do you claim the city is responsible? )? f1 LJCNid/ f1C+ hC"V d -Ff the 5t7CeY WG-5 f Pc pe 11 )9741 I rJ_Iie`'I ) ><5 i Describe in detail each INJURY or DAMAGE the tum e u,5 +CIC f0 itilC WI\I rStrmC er • tie where Titan' er pcne/ hcs fti be Kciair,4 mot 'Tu5-F the desk fhe CehCre>LL .LC 011 )n yCc- THIS CLAIM MUST BE SIGNED ON REVERSE SIDE SEE PAGE 2(OVER) The amount claimed, as of the date of presentation of this claim,is computed as follows: damages as lar as known: Damages incurred to date(exact): 5 14 �- s Etimated prospective /i 7 Future expenses for medical and hospital care 55 Expenses xp Damage;toor medical 5 Future loss of earnings Loss of eafngediral arW hospital care .. ...... $ Other prospective special damages 5 Loss of earnings O �r 5/00,0cli' Prospective general damages $ Special damages for .It r�'f� Total estimate prospective damages 5 General damages $ Total damages incurred to date $ $ Total amount claimed as of date of presentation of this claim: If so,what city? Was damage and/or ambulance investigated by police? I I so,name city or ambulance Were paramedics or time, a e called? If injured,state date,time,name and address of doctor of your first visit WITNESSES to DAMAGE or INJURY:List all persons and addresses of persons known to have information: Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Name - Address DOCTORS and HOSPITALS: Date Hospitalized Hospital Address Date of Treatment Doctor Address Dale of Treatment Doctor Address READ CAREFULLY - or your vehicle when you first saw City vehicle:location of City vehicle For all accident as,South,place on Westfollow;ng indicatediagmm names ofof dents. including North, Fast, and West; itnplace of accident by thet corners. at time off the accidentt by and location of yourof impad by"X? self or your vehicle at ''X"Iantl shewiagnvo "uby letter locas to tion of City OfE:eI diagramsbeowbdo not fit the situation,1" and the attach hereto a proper If Citye Vehiclehewas involved,tw designate diagram signed by claimant. Vehicle when you first saw it, and by "B" location of yourself 9 g I 7///7/ SIDEWALK / 1, CURB CURB / PARKWAY SIDEWALK ///J Signature of Claimant or person filing on Typed Name: Date: his behalf giving relationship to Claimant: Gem-- fps +W°CP Ir/47-98 NOTE:CLAIMS MUST BE FILED WITH CITY CLERK(Gov. Code Sec.915a). Presentation of a false claim is a felony (Pen. Code Sec n.) - �772e-c---7 apt",' zr c/,, sr "'cp4—.z:ry --- - - -- -a _ _ _ mil 'k ' • • - a,. • r S:ft 4 . TT y,( xi S1, i i. F.f.÷ t n N. at__...Fve i /- - � .. ... ...fly xV �Y • p� �� Iti _... - rah i fie- q° oyu.,� f r ottot • AMAGE REPORT EASTWOOD 1/09/98 at 11 : 04 D.R. 34185-0003982 B 006506 Est : L. SALGADO EL MONTE FORD BODY SHOP FAX : 626-443-8926 11401 GARVEY AVENUE EL MONTE, CA 91732- (626) 448-7681 wner: GENE EASTWOOD Day Phone: (626) 288-0716- ddress : 2433 N. EARLE AVE Other Ph: ( ) - - ROSEMEAD CA 91770 Deductible : $ N/A nsurance Co. : Phone: Claim No . : Adj . : 0 FORD MUSTANG LX 2D SED BLUE 4-2 .3L-FI in: 1FACP40A3LF133948 License: 2RWR881 CA Prod Date : 12/89 Odometer: 99641 ower steering Power brakes Tinted glass ody side moldings Dual mirrors Driver airbag loth seats Bucket seats Recline/lounge seats lear coat paint Metallic paint PART O. OP. DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGE QTY COST LABOR PAINT MISC 1 QUARTER PANEL 2* Repr RT Outer panel 1 1 5 2 .5 3 Add for Clear Coat 1 1. 0 4* PIN-STRIPE 1 X 20 00 5 6* BLEND ADJACENT PANEL 1 1 . 0 7* COVER CAR FOR OVERSPRAY 1 0 ,3 T 7 . 50 8* COLOR SAND & POLISH 1 1 .0 9* HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 1 X 2 ,98 Subtotals =__> 0 . 00 3 . 8 3 . 5 30 .48 Page: 1 • 4MAGE REPORT EASTWOOD 1/09/98 at 11 : 04 D.R. 34185-0003982 B 006506 Est : L. SALGADO EL MONTE FORD BODY SHOP FAX: 626-443-8926 11401 GARVEY AVENUE EL MONTE, CA 91732- (626) 448-7681 Parts 0 . 00 Body Labor 3 . 8 units @ $30 . 00 114 . 00 Paint Labor 3 .5 units @ $30 .00 105 . 00 Paint 3 .5 units @ $20 .00 70 . 00 Sublet/Misc 30 .48 SUBTOTAL $ 319 .48 Tax on $ 77 .50 at 8 .2500% 6 .39 GRAND TOTAL $ 325 . 87 INSURANCE PAYS $ 325 .87 Estimate based on MOTOR CRASS ESTIMATING GUIDE. Non-asteriskl'1 items are derived from the Guide DR2JC85. Database Date 1008 Double asterisk)") items indicate part supplied by a supplier other than the oriuinal equipment manufacturer. CAPA items have been certified for fit and finish by the Certified Auto Parts Association. NAGS Parr Numbers, Prices and Labor Times are provided from National Auto Glass Specifications, Inc. EZEst - A product of CCC Information Services Inc. Page: 2 INSURANChEEIALIST FF411k119 (626)280-9731 (o26) -11 (626) 443-1166 ESTIMATE # 18885 by MARCO MANRIQUE _1•- ••: Tim. i1 •4 • ri •n 1 -1"; ros la e ns. o. 111 2emar s BLUE Aopua'luster reuse ima� Home insure # 0 •"r--0 1 MUSTANG ]n/Jut�11 $1 . 11 lIc r I • P C•1 1 # DESCRIPTION EST PRICE 1 LABOR 1 PAINT 1 REPAIR RT QTR 2.0 CLEAR COAT 4 COLOR SAND BURP 1 1 .5 4 BLEND PAd PANELSD• ri i v- I :J 1 TIMATE MMAR 1 1 air gg((77 yy q 0A1 �ll • 1 HA AR AbSTE T. 10 1 1 It 11 II II I I I1. II 1or nrs. ems (I. a a:or• .1 I. aX L . 1. b :. r.n1 Tst. 1 $ 6 . r*rrrr++rrr.r�rrrrrrr AUTHORIZED nDr AND ACCE Part Prices Subjecteato Invoice payment willCbIZft AuD ACCEPTED: You are le, iy luding addito make the above rdamaued charges, I understand that want in full wireleasell of rate the car, truckaorr vehicle herein t descri'bea ona streeet,?udhighways o anelsewhere/forYt e ec ree the amountgofurf epairsathereto. An express wills not be helds lien sponsiblee for acknowledged damage above vehicle truck articleshleft tin o vehicle in case or fire theft accident or any other cause beyond our control. SLD PARTS REMOVED BROM CARS WILL BE SUNEED UNLESS OTBEP:ISE INSTRUCTED. ESTIMATE autboiiaed by ate Thank you for coming to our shop for your repairs. Collision Shop iht Mitchell International yrgt1993 All Rights Reserved