CC - Item 2A - Staff Report - Public Hearing for Renewal of Franchise Agreement Charter Cable Tv E M F , o\I - staf teport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER -V4/7— DATE: DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1998 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE RENEWAL OF FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND ACQUISITION OF CHARTER CABLE TELEVISION BY PAUL ALLEN The purpose of this item is to hold a public hearing to consider input from the public on the renewal of the City of Rosemead's cable television franchise agreement with Charter Communications and regarding Charter's pending acquisition by Paul G. Allen. These two issues are related because some of the same considerations must be reviewed in connection with the sale of a cable television franchise as are reviewed in franchise renewal. Public input is not required regarding the transfer of the franchise; nevertheless, public input may be considered by the Council in determining whether the applicants have satisfied the transfer criteria. BACKGROUND In 1985, the City of Rosemead granted a nonexclusive fifteen year cable television franchise to Falcon Communications. The franchise granted authority to the cable operator to use public streets and other public rights of way to engage in the business of operating a cable television system. Ownership of the cable company has changed several times over the years. Charter Communications has been the owner and operator of the cable system since October, 1995. • In August, 1998. Charter notified the City that Paul G. Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, had made an offer to purchase Charter Communications. Charter therefore filed the required papers, and requested the City's approval of the sale. Approval or rejection must occur by December 22, 1998, or the transfer is deemed approved. --, i COUNCIL AGENDA DEC 151998 ITEM No. Charter Franchise Transfer November 16, 1998 Page 2 DISCUSSION The following is a summary of facts on the current franchise: 1. The term of the current franchise agreement is expiring on June 27, of 2000. 2. City staff has met with Charter Communications regarding renewal of the franchise agreement to discuss possible issues. These meetings have resulted in tentative agreements with Charter on a number of issues, as reflected in the letter dated December 1, 1998 to Assistant City Manager Donald J. Wagner. Item 2 in that letter should say$10,000 rather than $5,000. The transfer\renewal expenses incurred by Charter and the City will not be passed along to customers in the form of rate increases. The equipment listed in item 9 will also not be passed along to customers. Staff is also recommending a ten year extension instead of the current fifteen. 3. Section 626 of the Cable Act provides the legal basis and framework for all cable television franchise renewals. The franchising authority must consider the following four factors: * Whether the cable operator has "substantially complied" with the material terms of the franchise and with applicable law. * Whether the quality of the operator's service has been "reasonable in light of community needs". * Whether the cable operator has the financial, legal and technical ability to provide the services, facilities and equipment set forth in the proposal. * Whether the operator's proposal is reasonable to meet the future needs and interests of the community, taking into account the cost of those needs. 4 As part of the franchise renewal process, identification of cable-related community needs and interests is required. In addition, a review of the performance of the cable operator during the existing franchise term is also completed. Section 76.502 of the FCC rules regarding cable franchises (47 C.F.R. § 76.502) provides that franchising authorities can deny a request for transfer only if the proposed transferee lacks legal, technical or financial qualifications to operate the franchise. Under the Cable Act, a city can only deny a franchise if the incumbent company has substantially Charter Franchise Transfer November 16, 1998 Page 3 failed to offer reasonable levels of service, has failed to comply with the terms of the franchise, or lacks the financial, legal or technical ability to provide services reasonable to satisfy community needs. Unless information comes to light during the public hearing which establishes that Charter has not satisfied one of these criteria for renewal, preparation of a renewal franchise agreement should proceed. Under the Cable Act, a franchising authority may disapprove a transfer of control of a cable franchisee if the franchising authority determines that the transferee lacks the legal technical or financial qualifications to operate the franchise. Sufficient assurances have been presented by the Applicants that the proposed transferee, Paul G. Allen, has the necessary legal and financial qualifications . Regarding the technical qualifications, Mr. Allen has successfully operated a number of technologically oriented businesses, but he does not have significant experience in operating cable television systems. It is therefore crucial that assurances be provided that Charter will continue to be operated by qualified personnel. Charter and Mr. Allen are still attempting to provide those assurances to the City. By the time of the hearing , more will be known regarding the applicant's qualifications to operate the system. SUMMARY In order to proceed with the franchise renewal process, an opportunity for public input is valued and necessary. The Public Hearing was properly noticed and input requested on the four factors outlined above that a franchising authority must consider. If it is the Council's decision to move ahead with the renewal, it is anticipated the franchise renewal will be complete and ready for City Council action in January, 1999. As a result, the content of the public testimony received during the public hearing will be considered by the Council and may be reflected in a motion to approve or reject renewal. Approval or rejection of the transfer shall be based upon specified criteria which are set forth in the alternate Resolutions Approving or Denying. Attached are copies of the resolutions, the letter dated December I, 1998 from Melvin Matthews, the letter dated December 7, 1998 from Jerry Kent, the letter from Jerry Kent dated August 18, 1998, and a copy of the notice of public hearing. RECOMMENDATION Open the public hearing to consider input from the public on the renewal of the City of Rosemead's cable television franchise agreement with Charter Communications and regarding transfer of control of Charter to Paul G. Allen. close the Public Hearing and : 1) Consider approval of the transfer of control to Paul G. Allen, and adopt Resolution No. 98-54 conditionally approving the transfer or adopt Resolution No.98-54 denying the transfer without prejudice. Charter Franchise Transfer November 16, 1998 Page 4 2) Approve the principal negotiating points for the cable television franchise agreement, as set forth in the letter dated December 1, 1998 from Melvin L. Matthews of Charter to Assistant City Manager Donald J. Wagner(as modified with regard to point 2), together with any additional points resulting from the public hearing process, and instruct staff to prepare a Franchise Agreement and Ordinance Amendments for consideration by the City Council at the January 26, 1999 Meeting . tafontrI129a • • CHIART�ER December 1, 1998 Donald J. Wagner Assistant City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Don: I am writing to confirm our mutual understanding on several points of agreement with respect to the pending transfer and franchise renewal. I. Charter will collect from customers and remit to the city the"fee on the fee" for the period between October 1, 1995 and March 31, 1998. This additional franchise fee will be billed to customers at the same time as the next rate adjustment,tentatively scheduled for March 1999 and will be billed over a mutually agreeable time period. 2. Charter will reimburse your expenses for the transfer/renewal process in an amount not to exceed$5,000 within 60 days of submitted of invoice and documentation. 3. Charter will continue to make improvements in customer service and provide a report to the city to address any open issues. 4. Upon completion of the system upgrade, Charter will add CCIN or other mutually agreeable programming on the educational access channel 5. Charter will provide information on the current management agreement to provide reasonable assurance that Charter management will stay in place after the franchise transfer. 6. Charter will continue to make its studio available for community access and will cover up to four city events per year. 7. Charter will agree to a"most favored nations" clause in the new agreement. 8. Charter will provide a character generator and VCR for a governmental informational channel. 9. Charter will provide up to $30,000 every five years upon request as an equipment grant based on a plan for the usage of the funds to produce local programming. 2215 West Mission Road•PO Box 1451 •Alhambra,California 91802-1451 10. Charter will provide 10% low income discount on limited and expanded basic service based on the same criterion for similar discounts on trash pickup service in the City. As an alternative, based on further discussion Charter is willing to consider a continuation pY'the current 25%discount to customers who only have limited basic service. 11. AlthoughCharter believes that its current full-service location in Alhambra is convenient to Rosemead residents, Charter will explore the cost of providing a payment-only location in Rosemead. Please let me know if there are any other outstanding issues. Sincerely, Melvin L. Matthews Director of Government and Community Relations cc: Cary S. Reisman 11 CHARTER December 7, 1998 Mr. Don Wagner Assistant City Manager City of Rosemead VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Wagner: As we near the end of the 120 day approval process relative to Paul Allen's acquisition of Charter Communications, Inc. (Charter), it has come to my attention that some communities in Northern and Southern California have raised an issue regarding the potential impact this transaction may have on subscriber rates. It seems that many consultants have sought to calculate the amount needed to "service" the purchase price as if the purchase price were comprised primarily of debt. Fortunately for Charter, the communities we service and the subscribers we serve, Paul Allen will acquire a strong equity position in Charter. The equity that Mr. Allen will invest in Charter will neither be serviced as debt or carried as debt. Equity, as you know, has no guaranteed rate of return or "debt' service requirement. What this means for you and your constituents is that there is no new pressure on rates. You can rest assured, that no portion of the purchase price will be used as a basis to increase rates. As you know, Charter manages and/or owns cable TV systems in 19 different states serving 1,300,000 subscribers. We are proud of our growth and our commitment to customer service. We were recently ranked by JD. Powers & Associates (an independent research firm) as Number 3 in customer service for providers of CATV service. We are proud of this accomplishment but not satisfied. As we continue to serve your community, we strive for the Number 1 spot. We look forward to achieving that goal as we provide new and advanced services to your community. 12444 Powerscourt Drive•Suite 100•SL Louis,Missouri 63131 •(314)965-0555•Fax(314)965-6640•Internet http://www.chartercom.com Mr. Don Wagner December 7, 1998 Page 2 We sincerely hope that you will place our request for transfer on the next available City Council agenda so that this transaction can be concluded on a timely basis. Sincerely, eec / ,4 Jerry Kent President& Chief Operating Officer JLKJtmt cc: Mel Matthews Cary Reisman, Esq. j:allcn/394transferirosemead2 CHARTER August 18, 1998 The Honorable Robert W. Bruesch Mayor City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mayor Bruesch: Over the past five years, Charter Communications, Inc. and its affiliated entities ("Charter") has grown to be the 10th largest multiple system operator ("MSO") in the United States. Charter accomplished this phenomenal growth with the aide of some trusted and valued partners. Charter provided the expertise and cable management acumen while our partners, primarily Kelso & Company and Charterhouse Group International, Inc., provided access to equity and capital. With the wave of consolidations in the industry, Charter's senior management has been looking at ways to consolidate the ownership and control of all of the cable properties managed by Charter under a single umbrella company. We have recently explored the idea of an IPO (issuing public stock) to provide the liquidity needed to further grow and expand and may still pursue this option in the future. As we explored all of our alternatives, we were presented with an option that provided for consolidation of the entities, access to capital, and a vision which is unsurpassed in the industry. We are extremely pleased to have been chosen by Paul G.Allen,co-founder of Microsoft, to manage his cable 1p iver s vision the 'Wired Worl ." n short, en envisionsa connected ted futureemarked l by the meop and lrger olf high bandwidth fata channels, l the power of the personal computer and the availability of compelling content. You will be pleased to know that there will be no increase in debt-to-equity ratios of the entities as a result of this transaction. Mr. Allen will assume the current debt and in many instances liquidate some debt instruments. Notwithstanding the consumer benefit of this transaction, the effect of this transaction on you and your subscribers should be transparent for the most part. The current corporate staff and system management will remain under my leadership. And of course, Charter will retain its commitment to superior customer service. In reviewing this application, you are called upon to determine that the applicant meets the legal, technical and financial qualifications to own and operate a CATV system. In this instance, legal and technical qualifications are a non-issue since there is no change in either corporate or system management. We think you will agree that the financial condition of the company can only be strengthened by this consolidation and infusion of equity. The men and women of Charter are eager to focus our energy toward deploying new technology and hope for a speedy transfer process. Paul Allen's vision helped bring forth the computer revolution. Just imagine the possibilities when compelling content, personal computing and high bandwidth data channels combine. The staff at Charter looks forward to bringing you the"Wired World." Sincerely, Jerald L. Kent President and CEO (Space below for use of County Clerk only) • I SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TRIBUNE affiliated with SGV Newspaper Group 1210 N. Azusa Canyon Road West Covina, CA 91790 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA Proof of Publication of County of Los Angeles CITY OF ROSEMEAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I am a citizen of the United States, and a resident NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on December 15, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the eighteenyears, and nota partyto or interested in Council Chamber at Rosemead City Holh 8838 E. 9 Volley Boulevard,Rosemead,CA,the Rosemeod the above-entited matter. I am the principal clerk of City Council will consider Input from the public on the renewal of.the City's nonexclusive cable the printer of SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TRIBUNE, a television franchise agreement with Charter Communications and on the proposed transfer of newspaper of general circulation which has been that franchise to Paul G.Allen. adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation The proposed agreement allows Charter to by the Superior Court of the County of Los install and maintain its Infrastructure In theCity and to continue providingcable television Angeles, State of California, on the date of services to Rosemead resdents with period systeSeptember 10, 1957, Case Number 684891. The cable ulevisis.in return,chartertwill provide p cable television and related services to notice, of which the annexed is a true printed copy, Rosemead residents, as well as assistance for public access programming, and will pay has been published in each regular and entired issue franchise fee to the City of Rosemeod. The proposed franchise renewal period is ten rears. of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the followingdates, to wit: Input from etre public will be received on me following questions: U Whetherthe cableoperator has"substantially complied" with the material terms of the franchise and with applicable law? 2) Whether thequality of the operator's service as been "reasonable in liaht of co unity 12/5/98 -- needs?' 3) Whether the cable operatorhos the financial, legal'and technical ability to provide the I declare under penalty of perjury that the see facilities and equipment set forth in foregoing is true and correct. the proposal? 4) toWmeetrtheef Lure neer's ds and intereosal is sts of the community, taking into a:count the cost of those needs? • 5) Whether proposed transferee Poul G. Allen Executed at West Covina, LA Co, California lacks the legal, technical or financial t$IS 5 day of DECEMBE 1 9 99 qualifications to operate the franchise. Interested persons are invited to attend thd participate inre the publicss sa tia t Questions C should be directed to Assistant City Manager signature ✓ � Donald Wagner at (626) 288-6611. • Nancy Y.Valderrama City of Rosemead 8838 E.Valley Boulevard • Rosemead, CA 91770 1 I Publish: December 5,1998 Son Gabriel Valley Tribune 8147/11288