CC – Item 4B – Staff Report – Acceptance of Easement Deed for Street Purposes • - F\ O � /1 � <1;1141 :/7 staf teport TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER DATE: JANUARY 20, 1998 RE: ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEED FOR STREET PURPOSES - NORTHWEST CORNER OF GARVEY AVENUE AND PROSPECT AVENUE Attached is an easement deed for road and public utility purposes for the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Prospect Avenue. The street dedication is being submitted as a requirement of building permits for 7503 Garvey Avenue (McDonalds) as required in Section 8110 of the Municipal Code. The northwest corner of the intersection did not have the necessary right-of-way for the construction of a standard 35-foot corner curb radius. Therefore, the corner radius dedication was required per Section 8110 to obtain the necessary right-of-way to comply with City standards for arterial streets. RECOMMENDATION I It is recommended that the City Council accept the attached document and direct the City Clerk to record the deed together with the certification of acceptance. I Attachments KJ R kr NWGARPRS.ROW COUNCIL AGENDA JAN 2 71998 • • ITEM N4. •CL' -3 J RECC RDING REQUESTED BY: WHEEL RECORDED MAIL TO: City o 'Rosemead 8838 1 :ast Valley Boulevard • Rosen ead, CA 91770 EASEMENT DEED FOR i , VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, McDo tald's Corporation does 1• .rby irrevocably offer to the City of Rosemead an easement for street and public utility purposes in the real property in the City of Rosemead, County of Lorakngelra, State ( f California, described as follows: That portion of parcel 2 of parcel map no. 16123 in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map filed is i parcel map book 178 pages 78 and 79. See E: hibit A, attached hereto. Ir is ui derstood that each undersigned grantor grants only that portion of the above- desert )ed land in which said grantor has an interest. Dated Z7 kR_7 2 /? 9P .dz,� /7J�✓ha/�s (7 )-eu- .,„ SKeTCH TO ACCOMF'1ANY LEeAL DEec .IPTtON GRT OF ROSEM EAD a ' crony OP LOS ANOCLES STATE OP CAL/FRONIA 2 r, .'E` MVD $:; !I DOUG fr ,,` • TH^ 1 W S. 1343�a 1 M t P 1Or 2---54t,' Z i 'f IJ 12� j ' tLt' �, 50' >. z 25 '125 ' cr d-40.0 '4o• R l ,-_Is.ox r,4 S } oR N JUH6C`49YJ0' H on P. n IN V/ 0 aARYZY A\ltNU ft Q A- 0m O ---. H _ • .4O^ 6'1'WW' N l LEGAL DESCRIPTION 15 FOOT RADIUS CORNER DEDICATION THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 16123, IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER WAS FILED IN PARCEL MAP BOOK 178 PAGES 78 AND 79, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF GARVEY AVENUE (100 . 00 FEET WIDE) AND THE WEST LINE OP PROSPECT AV21IV8 ( 0 .00 PEST w2DE) , THKNCC AMONG- C t NotYrl tZ:aa or GARVEY AVENUE, N.896 40, 00"w. , 15. 03 FEET TO THE POINT OF CUSP OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY SAVING A RADIUS OF 15. 00 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°07'40" AN ARC LENGTH OF 23. 60 FEET TO IT' S INTERSECTION WITH SAID WEST LINE OF PROSPECT AVENUE; THENCE ALONG ¢L7D WEST LINE, 5.004'20"W. , 15. 03 FEET TO THE POINT OF B&GINNINO. THIS DESCRIPTION CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 49 SQUARE FEET. U�er JSa a.�• •. OJ 3 • S.5343 * 1:1, 124149 It. OFCAUF°