CC – Item 4I – Staff Report – Authorization to Attend League of California Cities- City Managers Meeting stat f,eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER V DATE: JANUARY 22, 1998 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT MEETING - SANTA BARBARA- FEBRUARY 11-13, 1998 Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. Staff has attended this conference in the past and they have proven to be of benefit to the City. Some of the topics covered will be: Preparing Leaders for the 2I st Century, How to Deal with Changing Political Base, Welfare Reform, Enterprise Zones, Financial & Retirement Planning, How to Build High-Performance, Self-Directed Work Teams and City Council/City Manager Employment Relationships. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of the City Manager to the aforementioned conference. FGT:js Attachments COUNCIL. AGENDA JAN 2 71998 ITEM No. lit . it -I iP-12rhfirii.c0,-s. a,'et�vre;Clu Ir ,vGH�g4' flINIIIIIr City Managers ::n Department Meeting ru=m_ Wednesday-Friday,February 11 -13, 1998 LEAGUE OF Doubletree Hotel, Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA CITIES Who Should Attend... • City Managers • Assistant City Managers • Administrative Assistants—A goal of the department is to involve assistants in department activities and professional development opportunities. • County Chief Administrative Officers and Council of Governments Executive Directors—Many urban problems are of mutual interest to counties and Council of Governments.Several sessions offer ICMA University credit or deal with ICMA issues,and we encourage the attendance of county chief administrative officers and executive directors of councils of government.Area manager groups are urged to personally invite their county chief administrative officer and council of governments director. • Retired City Managers—Retired city managers who have no association with commercial products or services used by local governments are invited to attend (complimentary registration). Special recognition will be given to city managers who retired during 1997.If this is your situation,please indicate so on the Advance Registration Form. join your friends and colleagues on February 11-13, 1998 in Santa Barbara to renew your enthusiasm for your profession. The program will feature a number of renowned speakers on an array of valuable topics, providing practical information you can use immediately.It will also address the key issues facing cities,and offer you a chance to explore how best you can deal with them. See the enclosed prelminary program for details. Your hosts in the City of Santa Barbara are making arrangements for a special reception and dinner on Thursday evrning.Be sure to sign up for this optional event if you wish to join them. Keep your eyes open for a detailed program sometime In January. Make plans to continue your education at the City Managers Academy, February 13-14,1998 at the Doubletree Hotel,Santa Barbara. It will cover process mapping— a valuable organization analysis tool to help improve results.See the separate announcement for details! if you plan on attending both the City Managers Department Meeting and the Academy, you can make your hotel reservations on one form. Hotel Reservation Deadline:Wednesday, January 21, 1998 Advance Conference Registration Deadline: Wednesday, January 21,1998 1400 K STREET SACRAMENTO,CA 95814 916 658.8200 PROGRESS THROUGH .LEARNING Preliminary Program Wednesday, February 11 11:00 am- 5:00 pm Registration Open 1230- 1:45 pm Pre-Conference Session FINANCIAL AND RETIREMENT PLANNING WITH ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION ( q'eard Thu nday Afternoon) 200 - 3:15 pm Opening Ceremonies Opening General Session LEADERSHIP WITHOUT EASY ANSWERS 3:30 - 5:00 pm Concurrent Sessions PREPARING LEADERS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY HOW TO DEAL WITH A CHANGING POLITICAL BASE 5:00-6:00 pm Welcoming Reception Thursday, February 12 8:00 am -5:00 pm Registration Open 8:00- 9:15 am General Session THE ECONOMIC FORECAST FOR THE CALIFORNIAS - SOUTH. CENTRAL AND NORTH 9:30-10:45 am General Session WELFARE REFORM, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.JOB TRAINING AND CITIES:WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW AND DO 11:00 am- noon Concurrent Sessions ENTERPRISE ZONES — HOW TO GET THE MOST BENEFITS SHEDDING LIGHT ON ELECTRICITY RESTRUCTURING MAXIMIZING YOUR PUBLIC GOLF ASSETS noon-1:45 pm General Luncheon DEPARTMENT AWARDS 1998 John H.Nail Award 1997 Retired City Managers 1998 Diversity Award CCMF Memorial Scholarship Award CALIFORNIA'S CHANGING REALITY Page 2 Thursday, February 12, continued 2:00-3:00 pm General Session BUILDING A SMARTER COMMUNITY - CITIES OF THE FUTURE 3:15- 4:10 pm Concurrent Sessions FINANCIAL AND RETIREMENT PLANNING WITH ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION (Repeat ofPre-Conference Smion) HOW TO BUILD HIGH-PERFORMANCE,SELF-DIRECTED WORK TEAMS 3:15- 5:15 pm Technology Trends and Toys— A Hands-On Experience 4:20- 5:15 pm Concurrent Sessions CITY COUNCIL/CITY MANAGER EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS MODELS FOR COMMUNITY CONSENSUS-BUILDING 6:00- 8:00 pm Optional Reception and Dinner— Sponsored by the City of Santa Barbara Advance registration is requested for this optional rent Please refer to the registration form. Friday, February 13 8:00 am - noon Registration Open 8:30 am I Informal Continental Breakfast 8:45 - 9:45 am Department Business Session You have a unique opportunity to hear the latest activities of the department,the League, ICMA,and to provide your input. President's Report Director's Report ICMA Report League's Executive Director's Report 10:00-11:30 am General Session FISCAL STABILITY FOR CITIES - OPTIONS AND ACTIONS 11:45 am -200 pm Concluding Luncheon—Sponsored by the California City Management Foundation VISION,VALUES.AND INSPIRED CITY LEADERSHIP 200 pm Adjourn Page 3