RRA - Item 3 - Discussion of Valley Blvd. Redevelopment R R A ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD.,ROSEMEAD.CA 91770•(818)288-66710 Teiecopier 8183079218 TO: AGENCY CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR `7 � DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1998 r RE: DISCUSSION OF VALLEY BOULEVARD REDEVELOPMENT At the Council Meeting of February 10, 1998, the Council met in closed session to discuss property acquisition on Valley Boulevard. During the session a Councilmember requested that the Agency discuss Valley Boulevard at the next scheduled meeting. In response I asked Steve Copenhaver, GRC Associates Inc., to provide the attached information to help you in your discussion. AGENCY AGENDA FEB 2 41998 ITEM No. GIC A.SSOQIRTES;1NCi DFS IFt afl � :'.,• ton,$$$.. �p{tip HnN Memorandum To: Frank G. Tripepi,Executive Director ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT From: Stephen Copenhaver, President REDEVELOPMENT Dale: February 19, 1998 (Subject.: Valley Boulevard Program REAL ESTATE CONSULTING Redevelopment Process and Schedule AFFORDABLE HOUSING Pursuant to your request, ple-sefind a schedule of events that are required to adopt a redevelopment project area. The schedule is very detailed and it outlines each document and each action that the Planning Commission, City Council and the Redevelopment Agency must take in adopting the plan. It may be possible to eliminate some of the individual steps illustrated in the outline depending on the specifics of the project area; however, under any set of circumstances, the adoption of a redevelopment project area is an extensive process that requires between 7 months to one year to complete. State law pertaining to the adoption of a redevelopment area is concerned with ensuring that the proposed redevelopment area is urbanized and that the area exhibits characteristics of physical and economic blight as defined in law. Beyond these considerations,' much of the process is oriented toward providing protections for property owners and tenants in the form of owner participation rights, tenant preferences, etc., and requiring an Agency to outline its future program and financial resources. Much of Valley Boulevard in Rosemead would qualify for redevelopment under state law, but redevelopment is more of a policy issue than a technical issue and the decision to proceed should be based on community goals and preferences. The main value of redevelopment is that it provides a financing tool and a long-term revenue source that is not otherwise provided by state law. Edward's Property The northeast corner of Valley Boulevard and Rosemead Boulevard offers both opportunities and concerns. The vicinity of DiPilla's Restaurant 1340 VALLEY VISTA DRIVE currently benefits from being underutilized and thus there is a more than sufficient supply of parking available for the restaurant and surrounding SURE 120 businesses. The distribution of parking, the circulation pattern on-site and access from the adjacent streets is not the best, but the available DIAMOND BAR,CA 91765 parking fulfills the needs. In the event that the Edward's parcel was developed, sothat the parking in the area could no longer be operated as T`j9O9j 396-7714 an integrated parking lot, and the density of businesses in the area V(909)396-7913 E.grcassoc@ea4019kne, Valley Boulevard Program February 19, 1998 Paget increases there would be a much greater demand for parking and less supply -- a situation that could impact the future of the existing businesses. If the Edward's property could be reserved for parldng in the future, or if development of the property could be limited, the restaurant and the corner businesses would have their best opportunity to remain successful and even perhaps expand. The only effective and fair method of controlling the development of parking and development would be to purchase the property at its fair market value. This would financially protect the interests of the property owner and it would protect the interests of the City in encouraging its existing businesses to expand. rosemead/memo527J19/98 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF Schedule of Actions for the Adoption of the Redevelopment Plan for the Proposed Redevelopment Project DATE D$SCRIPTION OF ACTIONS and/or DOCUMENTS 1. City Council adopts resolution designating the redevelopment Survey Area 2. GRC prepares and submits preliminary draft Preliminary Plan to Agency. 3, GRC prepares and submits preliminary draft of proposed Redevelopment Plan and Draft Owner Participation and Preferences Rules(OP Rules). 4. Redevelopment Staff and Legal Counsel review and forward to GRC comments on preliminary draft Preliminary Plan. S. GRC prepares and submits final draft of Preliminary Plan for Project. 6. Redevelopment Staff and Legal Counsel review and forward to GRC comments on preliminary drafts of proposed Redevelopment Plan and Draft OP Rules. 7. GRC prepares and submits list of names and addresses of governing bodies of taxing agencies which levy ad valorem taxes in Project Area (affected taxing agencies), and county and state taxing officials to whom adoption notices must be transmitted, 8. Planning Commission adopts resolution selecting Project Area, establishing boundary therefor, formulating and adopting Preliminary planned authoring transmittal of same to Agency. • Resolution ▪ Preliminary Plan • Project Area map and boundary (legal)description 9. Planning Commission staff mails or delivers adopted Preliminary Plan to Agency. 1 10. GRC prepares and submits final drafts of proposed Redevelopment Plan and Draft OP Rules. 11. Redevelopment Staff completes list of existing organizations including religious institutions, within Project Area and GRC completes lists of,and mailing labels for, last known assesses for all parcels within Project Area, and, to the extent feasible, all businesses and residences within Project Area. 1. List of, and mailing labels for: a: last known assessees b: residents c: businesses 2. List of existing organizations, including religious institutions 12. Agency adopts resolution receiving adopted Preliminary Plan, directing Redevelopment Staff to prepare Redevelopment Plan and EIR, and establishing fiscal year as the year of last equalized assessment roll proposed to be used for allocation of taxes and approving as the base year if is not achieved. 13. Redevelopment Staff orders publication of notice concerning City Council's: 1) public hearing on proposed Community wide PAC Procedures,and 2)call for Project Area Committee (PAC)formation,opportunity to serve on PAC, community information meeting, PAC election meeting and City Council finding regarding PAC election and approval of representative PAC for the 1. Public hearing and meeting notice 2. Project Area map 14. publishes notice concerning City Council's: 1) public hearing on proposed PAC Procedures, and 2)call for PAC formation, opportunity to serve on PAC, community information meeting, PAC election meeting and City Council finding regarding PAC election and approval of representative PAC, and provides Redevelopment Staff with affidavit of publication. 1. Public hearing and meeting notice 2. Project Area map 3. Affidavit of publication 2 15. Redevelopment Staff mails or delivers notice to all residences, businesses,existing organizations, including religious institutions, and last known assesses within Project Area concerning City Council's: 1)public hearing on proposed PAC Procedures,and 2)call for PAC formation, opportunity to serve on PAC,community information meeting, PAC election meeting, and City Council finding regarding PAC election and approval of representative PAC. Staff also prepares affidavits of mailing and/or delivery. 1. Cover letters 2. Public hearing and meeting notice 3. Proposed PAC Procedures 4. Project Area map 5, Affidavits 16. City Council holds public hearing on proposed PAC Procedures. At hearing conclusion City council adopts resolution approving and adopting PAC Procedures as proposed, or, if desired, instructs Redevelopment Staff to make changes in Procedures and adopts resolution approving and adopting PAC Procedures as proposed to be changed. 17. City Council adopts resolution calling for formation of a representative Project Area Committee (PAC)for Merged Area, 18. Redevelopment staff mails by certified mail return receipt requested Project Area boundary(legal)description and map of Project area, a statement that plan for the redevelopment of the Project Area is being prepared, and advising of the last equalized assessment roll proposed to be used for the allocation of taxes required by Community Redevelopment Law(CRL)Section 33327 to: A. Affected taxing agencies; B. County Auditor-Controller; C. County Assessor; D. County Tax Collector-Treasurer; and E. State Board of Equalization(SBE) 1. Cover letter 2. Statement 3. Project boundary (legal) description 4. Project Area map 5. Filing fee(to SBE) 3 19. Redevelopment Staff, Legal Counsel and GRC consult with affected taxing agencies with respect to proposed Redevelopment Plan and allocation of taxes, and GRC prepares summary of such consultations for inclusion in Agency's Report to city Council on proposed Redevelopment Plan. I. Letters to and from taxing agencies 2. Memos to file regarding meetings and telephone conversations with taxing agency officials 3. Analyses of fiscal impact(if needed) 4. Summary of consultations 20. Redevelopment Staff completes preparation of Initial Study and project description per Section 15124(a)(d)of State CEQA Guidelines to be used in preparing Project Area EIR, and identifies all responsible and trustee agencies, and any bordering city or county. 21. Redevelopment Staff transmits EIR Notice of Preparation (NOP) by certified mail, return receipt requested, to each responsible agency, each trustee agency, if any, any bordering city or county, each transportation planning agency and public agency with transportation facilities within its jurisdiction that could be affected by the Project, and to each affected taxing agency stating that a Draft EIR will be prepared, and transmits copy to county Clerk for posting for 30 days and confirms notice has been posted. 22. Within approx. 15 days State Board of Equalization and county taxing officials notify of Action No._ Agency of acceptance of Project Area map and Project above (By ) boundary (legal)description 23. GRC prepares and submits preliminary draft of Preliminary Report, including the following five parts: I. Reasons for selection of Merged Area 2. Description of conditions in Project Area (blight and urbanization report) 3. Description of the proposed projects 4. Description of how projects will improve or alleviate blight conditions 5. Preliminary assessment of method of financing and economic feasibility, and reasons for including tax increment. 24. Redevelopment Staff and GRC conduct community meeting for purposes of informing property owners, residents, businesses, and existing organizations of plans to establish a - redevelopment project. Staff prepares minutes of meeting. 4 25. Redevelopment Staff and Legal Counsel review and forward comments to CRC on preliminary draft of Preliminary Report 26. Within 100 days of Redevelopment Staff and GRC hold second community Project Area selection meeting for purpose of conducting elections for formation of (Bye representative PAC. Staff prepares minutes of meeting. 27. GRC prepares and submits final draft of Preliminary Report. 28. CRC prepares and submits administrative draft of Draft EIR. Redevelopment staff prepares list of persons/groups with environmental expertise or who have commented on related past EIRs or who have requested a copy of EIR. 29. Agency adopts resolution receiving and approving Preliminary Report and authorizing transmittal to PAC and affected taxing agencies for consultations. 30. Agency adopts resolution receiving Draft Owner Participation and Preferences Rules and authorizing staff to make the Rules available for public inspection; and receiving proposed Redevelopment Plan and authorizing transmittal to a) affected taxing agencies for consultations; b)to Planning Commission for its report and recommendations; and c)to Project Area Comm IItee. 31. Within 15 calendar days Any person,group or organization may file a challenge to the of PAC election (By_ ) validity of the PAC election or to the PAC procedures adopted by the City Council. 32. City Council, if challenge to PAC election or the adopted PAC Procedures is filed, adopts resolution determining the validity of such challenge. 33. City Council, if no challenge to the PAC election or the adopted PAC Procedure has been filed,or if a challenge has been filed and the validity thereof determined, adopts resolution finding that all procedures adopted by it were followed in the PAC election, and approving a representative PAC for the Merged Area. 34. From PAC formation to Redevelopment Staff provides staff assistance to and conducts joint public hearing regular meeting with approved PAC. During the process, Staff submits all major documents to PAC for review/comments/ recommendations as appropriate. GRC prepares summary of PAC record for inclusion in Agency's Report to City Council on proposed Redevelopment Plan. 5 35, Within 60 days of County Fiscal Officer(Auditor-Controller)prepares report of Action No._above Project Area base year values and other data required by CRL (By_) Section 33328, and transmits to Redevelopment Agency. Redevelopment Staff forwards copy of report to GRC for preparation of analysis and for insertion of report and analysis into Agency's Report to City Council. 36. Redevelopment Staff, after receiving county fiscal officer's report, transmits Preliminary Report and proposed Redevelopment Plan by Certified Mail return receipt requested to governing bodies of affected taxing agencies, together with letter offering to commence or continue, as appropriate, consultations on proposed Redevelopment Plan. 37. Redevelopment Staff, GRC and Legal Counsel review and comment on Draft EIR. 38. GRC completes and submits final Draft LIR 39. Redevelopment Staff orders publication of notice of completion and availability of Draft ELR and public hearing of Redevelopment Agency thereon from and submits Draft EIR to Agency. 40. Redevelopment Agency adopts resolution receiving and authorizing circulation of Draft EIR to public agencies and others for public review and comment, and authorizing publication of notice of completion and availability of Negative Declaration and public hearing thereon. 41. Redevelopment Staff mails Draft EIR to public agencies including trustee agencies and State Clearinghouse, to affected taxing agencies, to Planning Commission, to any bordering city or county, to PAC, to persons/groups having environmental expertise or who have commented on related past EIRs or who have requested copy of EIR, and to libraries for public review and comment; and mails notice of completion and availability to other interested persons and - - - groups. Staff also transmits Notice of Completion to the County Clerk's office for posting for at least 30 days and confirms notice has been posted. 42. Redevelopment Staff receives comments on Draft EIR and prepares responses thereto for incorporation into Final EIR. to (Public review and comment period.) 6 43. publishes notice of completion and availability of Draft EIR and public hearing thereon, two times,and provides Redevelopment Staff with affidavit of publication 44. Redevelopment Staff mails or delivers proposed Redevelopment Plan and Draft EIR (if not previously sent) to Planning Commission for report and recommendations, (To be received at Commission's_meeting.) 45. Agency holds public hearing on Draft EIR. List of parsons/groups commenting,summary of written and oral comments received, and prepares responses thereto. 46. Planning Commission adopts resolution approving its report and recommendations on proposed Redevelopment Plan, finding that it conforms to General Plan, and authorizing transmittal to the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council. 47. Planning Commission Staff mails or delivers Planning Commission's report and recommendations to Agency. Redevelopment Staff forwards a copy to GRC for insertion into Report to City Council. 48. Preparation and submission of summary of all written and oral comments received during public review and comment period and at public hearing, and responses thereto. 49. GRC prepares and submits preliminary draft of Agency's Report to City Council on proposed Project. 50. Redevelopment Staff,GRC and Legal Counsel review and forward comments on draft Final EIR. 51. Redevelopment staff and Legal Counsel review and forward comments on preliminary draft Report to City Council to GRC. 52. - Redevelopment Staff mails by certified mail, return receipt requested, to each public agency commenting on Draft EIR responses to such comments. (Final EIR may suffice as means of response.) 53. Project Area Committee adopts report and recommendations on proposed Redevelopment Plan,and Redevelopment Staff forwards copy to GRC for insertion into Agency's Report to City Council. 54. GRC prepares Final EIR and submits to Redevelopment Staff. 7 55. GRC prepares and submits final draft of Agency's Report to City Council. 56. GRC, if necessary, and after new assessment roll has been equalized, updates previously prepared list of last known assessees within Project Area. 57. City Clerk, in cooperation with Redevelopment Staff, orders publication of notice of joint public hearing(including map and legal description of Project Area boundary)on proposed Redevelopment Plan in 58. ORC, if Agency does not attain its designated base year (1998/99), after new assessment roll has been equalized, prepares a new county fiscal officer report of base year values. Agency staff transmits copy of new county fiscal officer report to county taxing officials and affected taxing agencies. 59. GRC prepares and submits preliminary draft of Supplementary Report analyzing the effects of the use of the different equalized assessment roll which shall include those subjects required by subdivisions (b), (e), and (n)of Section 33352 of the CRL 60. Redevelopment Staff and Legal Counsel review and forward to GRC comments on preliminary draft Supplementary Report. 61. GRC prepares and submits final draft of Supplementary Report. 62. Agency adopts resolution receiving and approving its Supplementary Report and authorizing transmittal to affected taxing agencies. 63. Agency adopts resolution approving and adopting Owner Participation and Preferences Rules and authorizing transmittal to City Council. 64. Agency adopts resolution certifying adequacy of Final EIR, making necessary environmental findings, adopting a reporting or monitoring program, (and, if necessary, adopting statement of overriding considerations)and authorizing transmittal to City Council. 65. Agency adopts resolution receiving and approving its Report to City Council on proposed Redevelopment Plan, authorizing submittal of Report and Redevelopment Plan to City Council, consenting to joint public hearing with City Council on proposed Redevelopment Plan, and requesting City Council to set date, time and place therefor. 8 66. City Council adopts resolution receiving proposed Redevelopment Plan, Agency's Report to City Council, and Owner Participation and Preferences Rules, consenting to joint public hearing with Agency on proposed Redevelopment Plan, and setting date, time and place therefor. 67. No later than 14 days Redevelopment Staff transmits by certified mail return receipt prior to joint public requested copy of Supplementary Report to each affected hearing(By ) taxing agency. 68. City Council adopts resolution receiving proposed Redevelopment Plan, Agency's Report to City Council, and Owner Participation and Preferences Rules, consenting to joint public hearing with Agency on proposed Redevelopment Plan, and setting date, time and place therefor. 69. ' publishes notice of joint public hearing once a week for five (5) consecutive weeks, and provides Redevelopment Staff with affidavit of publication. and 70. At least 30 days prior to Redevelopment Staff mails copy of notice of joint public joint public hearing hearing,map and legal description of Project Area boundary (By ) and cover letter(which includes condemnation statement), by first class mail to all residences,businesses and existing organizations, PAC, and to last known assessecs of each parcel in Project Area. Staff also mails notice,map and legal description by certified mail return receipt requested to each affected taxing agency. Staff prepares affidavits of mailing and/or delivery. 71. Redevelopment Staff prepares and mails or delivers document binders to Agency/City Council members containing documents to be considered or referred to at joint public hearing. 72. Prior to adoption of Any affected taxing agency, including the city, may adopt Redevelopment Plan by resolution pursuant to CRL Section 33676 electing to receive City Council allocation of its proportionate share of taxes attributable to: 1) tax rate increases which would otherwise be allocated to the Redevelopment Agency; and, if it is a basic aid local government agency,2) annual inflationary increase in taxable value of Merged Area as shown on base year assessment roll, Taxing agencies adopting such resolutions must transmit copies to Agency Board, City Council, and officials who levy - — and collect taxes for such agencies. 9 73. City Council and Agency hold joint public hearing on proposed Redevelopment Plan. If written objections are received from property owners or affected taxing agencies, after all presentations have been made and public testimony taken and responded to, the hearing is closed and the joint meeting is continued to . If no written objections are received, after all presentations have been made and public testimony received and responded to, the hearing is closed an the Council and Agency proceed with Action No. below. 74. _(If no written City Council and Agency hold continued joint meeting and objections are recd) consider the following actions/documents. or A. Agency adopts resolution finding the provision of low and moderate income housing outside of (If the Project Area is of benefit to the Project. written objections are reed) B. City Council adopts resolution ruling on objections to the proposed Redevelopment Plan, and if necessary, approving written findings in response to all written objections from property owners and affected taxing agencies. C. City Council adopts resolution making findings regarding the Negative Declaration D. City Council adopts resolution finding the provision of low and moderate income housing outside of the Merged Area is of benefit to the Project. E. City Council gives first reading to ordinance adopting Redevelopment Plan. 75. - If necessary,Redevelopment Staff,GRC, Legal Counsel prepare written findings In response to each written objection received from an affected property owner or taxing entity either prior to or at the joint public hearing. -- 76. City Council gives second reading to and thereby adopts ordinance adopting Redevelopment Plan. -- - or 10 77. City Clerk records a document(to be hand carried to County Recorder's Office)which states: or 1. Boundary(legal)description of Project Area; and 2. Statement that redevelopment proceedings have been instituted in Project Area. 78. City Clerk transmits copy of adopted Redevelopment Pan to City Building Department and advises department of its or responsibilities under the Plan and pursuant to CRL Section 33374. 79, Redevelopment Staff files with County Clerk Joint EIR Notice of Determination concerning action taken by Redevelopment or Agency and City Council on Project. (Notice to be hand carried to County Clerk's office.) Staff also submits Fish and Game Dept. environmental filing fee payable to County Clerk, unless a"de minimis" finding is made and certificate of fee exemption is flied with Notice of Determination. Staff confirms that Notice is actually posted as required by law, including County Clerk's requirement o post notice within 24 hours of receipt. 80. City Clerk transmits copies of the ordinance adopting the Redevelopment Plan, the recorded document and the Project or Area Map to: A. Affected taxing agencies; B. County Tax Assessor; C. County Auditor-Controller; and D. State Board of Equalization 81. As required by law publishes ordinance adopting Redevelopment Plan and provides affidavit of publication to City Clerk. 82. After Ordinance City Clerk transmits copy of ordinance adopting becomes effective Redevelopment Plan to Redevelopment Agency. 83. Within approximately State Board of Equalization advises Agency that ordinance and 21 days of Action No. other documents have been received, and confirms that Project above base year will be 11