CC – Item 4D – Staff Report – AB 1243 – Pooled Use Tax Distribution - Support 4-E M X T *� staf , eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK 0. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAG DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1998 RE: AB 1243 (GRANLUND) -POOLED USE TAX DISTRIBUTION- SUPPORT Last year, the Legislature approved SB 110 allowing cities with large businesses within their jurisdiction to receive use tax revenues from out-of-state purchases made by those businesses. The bill was signed into law, and a copy of the chaptered version is attached for the Council's review. However, a controversy has arisen regarding the provisions of a last minute amendment to the bill. SB 110 states that the remaining pooled use tax would be allocated only to those cities which opted into the special provisions of the bill. As a result, most cities, including Rosemead, would lose up to 10% to 15% of their sales and use tax revenues annually. After negotions involving the cities of Rosemead, Lakewood, Long Beach and our legislative advocate, Anthony Gonsalves, we have reached an agreement among all parties involved regarding corrective legislation to the problems created by SB 110. Senator Betty Karnette has agreed to sign on as a co-author to AB 1243 (Granlund). The wording of Assemblymember Granlund's bill will be changed and the problematic portion of SB 110, specifically Section F of that legislation, will simply be removed - thus eliminating the problem. AB 1243 is a piece of urgency legislation and will be in effect as soon as it is signed into law. Since all parties arc in agreement in this issue, the bill should he approved. iAttached for the Council's review is a letter from Anthony Gonsalves explaining the situation, a copy of the SB 110 and a copy of the corrective language proposed in AB 1243. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council support AB 1243 (Granlund) and authorize the Mayor to forward the appropriate correspondence. — COUNCIL. AGENDAI «memoabI21 fgt FEB 2 4 1998 1 ITEM No. I. e c! -5 = 2 Joe A. Gonsalves if lit, Anthony D. Gonsalves AA PROFESSIONAL LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATION I11' • I i PARK EXECUTIVE BLDG.•925 L ST•SUITE 250•SACRAMENTO,CA 95814-3704 916•441-0587 • • • FAX 916•441.5061 11 4 1, . 7 February 6, 1998 Mr. Frank Tripepi City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770-1787 Dear Frank: As you are probably aware, there has been a controversy brewing over the passage of SB 110, Chapter 702 , by Senator Dills from the last Legislative Session. SB 110 was designed to benefit local entities with businesses within their jurisdiction who have large purchases from out-of- state retailers in aggregate of over $500, 000 or more of tangible personal property to receive the revenue from the use tax. The controversy created by SB 110 is in how the remaining local use tax pool is distributed among cities in the individual counties . This change was in the last amended version of the bill in the closing days of the session. The amendment is on page 3, Section F, which allocates the use tax pool only to those local governments who have opted in to the special provisions of SB 110. I am pleased to inform you that I have been working with several of my client cities to correct this re-distribution of the use tax pool . On Thursday, February 5, we had a conference call orchestrated by our office and the city of Lakewood. Taking part in the conference call were representatives from MRC and HDL, which are sales tax consulting firms, and Mr. Ted Muhlhauser, Administrative Aide to Senator Karnette. As a result of that conference call, we forged an agreement satisfactory with the principals who supported the legislation from last year. This agreement is to strike Section F from SB 110 which would reinstate the distribution formula of the use tax pool to its original allocation. This will once again allow all cities to share in the use tax pool . February 6, 1998 Page 2 We hope to accomplish this by either an urgency bill or finding a 2-year bill already in the other house that is available. Ted Muhlhauser, on behalf of Senator Karnette, has already requested a bill from Legislative Counsel which the Senator plans to introduce. Our plan is to have a bill to the Governor before the budget is passed. Without this legislation in place, it would be necessary for the State budget to include an additional appropriation for the Board of Equalization to implement these provisions . These costs, which would be in the millions, would be borne by all local agencies . I have enclosed a copy of the chaptered version of SB 110 and the Senate Third Reading analysis for your review. I will continue to keep you informed on our progress in correcting this situation. Sincerely, ,,--- ANTRO D. GONSALVES ADG/br 52/,_2�E6Aa3 .L98 1015RM GONSRLVES 8 SON SENATOR KA NETTE F�,_/Q e2/04 02/11/98 12:40 PM 22245 RN9805521 PAGE 1 Substantive AMENDMENTS TO ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 1243 AS AMENDED IN SENATE JULY 10, 1997 Amendment 1 In lines 1 and 2 of the heading, strike out "Thomson, and :Firestone" and insert: liavice, and Thomson (Coauthor: Senator Barnette) Amendment 2 In line 1 of the title, strike out "add Sections 6091 .5 and 6091 .6 to" and insert: amend Section 7051 .3 of Amendment 3 In line 2 of the title, after "taxation" insert: , and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately Amendment 4 On page 2, strike out line 1 and insert: SECTION 1 . Section 7051 .3 of the Revenue and Taxation Code is amended to read: 7051 .3. (a) "Use tax direct payment permit" means a permit issued by the board that allows a taxpayer to self-assess and pay state and local use tax under Part 1 (commencing with Section 6001 ) , Part 1 .5. (commencing with Section 7200) , and if otherwise. applicable, Part 1 .6 (commencing with Section 7251 ) , and Part 1 .7 (commencing with Section 7280) directly to the board. (b) Every person seeking to pay use taxes directly to the board shall file an application for a use tax direct payment permit. a An application for a use tax direct payment permit shall be made upon a form prescribed by the board and shall set forththe name under which the applicant transacts or intends to transact business,,. El the location of the place or places of business where the applicant RM intends to maks direct payment of use tax, and any other information . a ass E2/14E8 13 X48_ 1S.:15GM 60NSRiVES 2 SC4 SENATOR•KARNETTE FP.3/4 E3/04 • 02/11/98 12:40 P14 :22245 RS9805621 PASS 2 Substantive • that the board may require. An applicant for a use tax direct payment permit may register as a place to make direct payment of use tax, any of the places of business in this state that the applicant expects to be a place of first use for purchases subject to use tax, in accordance with the requirements of subdivision (d) . The application shall be signed by the owner, if a natural person; in• the case of an association or partnership, by a member or partner; and in the case of a corporation, by an executive officer or some person specifically authorized by the corporation to sign the application. (c) Pursuant to an application, a use tax direct payment permit shall be issued to any person who meets alI of the following conditions: ( 1 ) The applicant agrees to self-assess and pay directly to the board any use tax liability incurred under this section. (2) The applicant certifies to the board either of the. following: (A) The applicant is the purchaser for its own use or is the lessee of tangible personal property at a cost of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or more in the aggregate, during the calendar year immediately preceding tris application for the permit. (B) The applicant is a county, city, city and county, or redevelopment agency. (d) Any person who holds a valid use tax direct payment permit shall self-assess and pay directly to the board use taxes due under this part, Part 1 .5 (commencing with Section 7200) , and if otherwise applicable, Part 1 . 6 (commencing with Section 7251 ) , and Part 1 .7. (commencing with Section 7280) for all purchases subject to use tax for which a use tax direct payment exemption certificate was issued, and shall report on the tax return required te •be filed by Section 6452, the amount of local use tax applicable to each county, city, city and county, or redevelopment agency in which the first "use, " as defined in Section 6009, occurs. (e) The board shall allow any holder of a use tax direct payment permit to issue a use tax direct payment certificate to any registered retailer or seller subject to all of the following: ( 1 ) The use tax direct payment certificate shall be in a form prescribed by the board, and shall be signed by, and bear the name, address, and permit number of, the holder of the use tax direct payment permit. (2) Once a use tax direct payment certificate has been issued by a holder of a use. tax direct payment permit, it shall remain effective until revised or withdrawn by the holder of the . . permit or until the retailer or seller has received actual notice that the. permit has been revoked by the board. (3) A use tax direct payment certificate relieves a person selling property from the duty of collecting use tax only if taken in good faith from a person who holds a use tax direct payment permit. A purchaser who issues a use tax direct payment certificate rrD 12 e2/1:2/1-nn J,21--)41 au1B' :5g� ' GONSPLvES & SON SENATOR KARNETTE FP._Ii4 B4/04 02/11/98 12:40 PM 22245 aN9805521 PAGE 3 Substantive that is accepted in good faith by a seller or retailer of tangible personal property shall be the sole person liable for any salestax and related interest and penalties with respect to any transaction that is subsequently determined by the board to be. subject to sales tax and not use tax. (4) Any person who holds a use tax direct payment permit and gives a use tax direct payment certificate to a seller or retailer shall, in addition to any applicable use tax liabilities, be subject to the same penalty provisions that apply to a seller or retailer. (f) Bath quarter the beard shall aiieeate been* use tea not reported to a county,. cityy city and country or redeveiepment ageneyy based upon the distribution of &deal vee tax that has been reported to the county? city/ city and eeantyT er rederelepmeet agency in the prier quarter- fgt It is the intent of the Legislature that the board administer this part in a manner which assures that local use tax be ::eceived by the county, city, city and county, or redevelopment ' agency where the first use occurs. SEC. 2. This act is an urgency statute necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety within the meaning of Article IV of the Constitution and shall go into immediate effect. The facts constituting the necessity are: In order for the State Board of Equalization to avoid an expensive and imprecise process of allocating local revenue, it is necessary that this act take effect immediately. Amendment 5 On page 2, strike out lines 2 to 24, inclusive, and strike out page 3 - 0 - -t* o .. �5vo mac-.0 apv �'v o 35 vo v `o03 m v ,, ocwcd tmCI os g0 .ro , -0t � oa v � o 9 ' 0 pL oE 0 ti- k H b maT ' 0O0v ° gxn„ �F 0a0 0 Erd ° G ° as ° 3= .., toti4Ve .6E0 v0co �� vv � � d v " v ex `o v " .° „I C . Ecil- 0I:0o = i -' uop. m cli ]0 0 C ca � a 03 Co =d.° 0u- off5 v%ro , N ;v >. ,AN " oCgv. O N4 C y A . ° NwP d �ba °G U °V . N " a)• tt >.C :f 0� > a y 0..Co,Ev 5 � oWito, CS 'o.cEy�'a v o vcE _,i ` ° m v -,aUca ; o'= avo � [ 0 zF) 'o O ,cvao ' � nn `°o vi. 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