CC - Item 3D - Res. No. 98-09 RESOLUTION NO. 98-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD OPPOSING PROPOSITION 224, THE "GOVERNMENT COST SAVINGS AND TAXPAYER PROTECTION AMENDMENT" WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Rosemead is committed to the municipal contracting philosophy which allows the latitude to provide necessary services to its residents in the most cost effective manner available; and WHEREAS, Proposition 224,the so-called, "Government Cost Savings and Taxpayer Protection Amendment," threatens to undermine that philosophy by allowing the State Controller's Office to cancel contracts exceeding$50,000 if it determines that State civil service employees can perform the work cheaper than the cost of the contract; and WHEREAS,the standards to be employed by the Controller's Office in making that determination have not been enumerated, thus leading to a circumstance in which the State could become even more enmeshed in local control issues; and WHEREAS, aside from the incursion into local control, the initiative does not specify any performance or quality standards for the completion of projects,thus eliminating local governments' ability to hold project managers accountable for their work; and WHEREAS,the initiative represents a thinly veiled attempt to guarantee work for State employees, even when such employment is not justified by the natural demand of State initiated projects; and WHEREAS, over and above those issues, the initiative would force the State Controller's office to bear the burden of evaluating many local public works projects to determine whether or not the projects fall under the requirements of the initiative; and WHEREAS,the members of the Rosemead City Counc i re Proposition 224 as little more than an attempt to guarantee employee State employees,and as an effort to institute an additional barrier to local government effectiveness. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. To oppose Proposition 224, the "Government Cost Savings and Taxpayer Protection Amendment;" 2. Authorize the City Clerk to send certified copies of this resolution to the League of California Cities, the City of Rosemead's Legislative Advocate and other entities interested in opposing Proposition 224. DONE THIS 24TH DAY OF MARCH, 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK