CC - Item 4I - Staff Report - Approval of Youth Employment Plan to Meet YEG [ M" /e � O ( i 9�\ 177-144t;/,' stattepor (r- TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREAT ON DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1998 LAN TO ET RE: APPROYOUTHVAL OF EMPLOYMENTHGOALL(YEG)T-PROSEMEADEPARK SS GARVEY PARK AND GARVEY AVENUE RECREATION FACILITIES The Safe Neighborhood Park Propositions (Prop "A") of 1992 and 1996 provided Rosemead with $ 2,985, 549 . To date, these funds have been used to: a) Build the picnic shelters/play area at $ 297, 352 Rosemead Park (completed 1997) , and b) Provided for the expansion of the $ 218, 197 Garvey Park Clubhouse (estimated Fall, 1998) , and c) Acquired funds to go toward the development $ 2 ,470, 000 and construction of the Recreation Center on Garvey Avenue The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has adopted its youth hiring guidelines which stipulate that City' s/Agencies that use Prop "A" funds must adopt a Youth Employment Goal (YEG) before it can be reimbursed for any construction cost (Exhibit 1) . They have defined youth as an individual between 14 and 21 years of age. The City has two (2) options in developing its "GOAL" (Exhibit 2) . OPTION 1. - It can spend ten percent (10%) of its Total Construction Allocation, ($ 298,555) on hiring youth that would be employed on the construction phase of a project; or OPTION 2 . - It could spend fifty percent (50%) of its Maintenance and Servicing funds, (S 431,493) on hiring youth to maintain and or operate facilities built with Prop "A" monies. COUNCIL AGENDA MAR 2 41998 ITEM No. I\ J Option 2 would meet the Board's requirements and assist the City with the on-going maintenance at three (3) facilities built with Prop "A" monies. Generally speaking, it proposes to hire two (2) youth. One (1) At Risk Youth would be hired full-time to assist with the general building maintenance at the New Garvey Avenue Recreation Center when it is completed. The other youth would be hired part-time and provide for ground maintenance at the Rosemead Park Project (Picnic and Play Area) and building maintenance at the Garvey Park Clubhouse when it is completed later this year. The "Plan" would spend a total of $430, 968 over an eleven (11) year period. (See Youth Emploment Plan. ) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council meet its Youth Employment Goal (YEG) by adopting the attached Youth Employment Plan and authorize its filing with the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District. attachments - Exhibit "1" - Exhibit "2" - Youth Emploment Plan - Exhibit "A" MB: sb/07-N-B5S EXHIBIT 1 . j r , _ •tsn: LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT January 12, 1998 Mr. Michael Burbank Director of Parks &Recreation City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead,CA 91770 Dear Mr. Burbank: Garvey Park Clubhouse Restoration and Expansion Grant No. 58118-98-1025 Enclosed for your file is an executed Project Agreement, for the above mentioned project. Before you begin construction, we request that you provide us with the contractor's liability Certificate of Insurance naming the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District as an additional insured. The Certificate must also contain the name and grant number of the project being undertaken. Also, please be reminded that a filed-stamped copy from the County Clerk of the document necessary to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) must be provided before the District will reimburse for construction costs. A list of additional documents required prior to receiving reimbursement is attached for your reference. (See Section VIII of the "draft" Procedural Guide, dated January 1998 contains further details and outlines the reimbursement process). Forms are enclosed for your use. A special emphasis on employing youth in park improvement projects was included in both the 1992 Order and the 1996 Resolution. To meet the requirements of the District's Youth Employment Policy, the City of Rosemead a) must adopt a Youth Employment Plan at a duly noticed public meeting for each District-funded project. Notice of the meeting must include the term "Youth Employment Plan" and identify the project or projects addressed by the proposed plan. The Plan must,at a minimum include: 1. The tasks or elements of work to be performed by at-risk youth from the community in which the project is ' being performed, and 2. An estimate of the amount of project funds to be spent on employment of youth,and 3. The method or methods by which youth will be recruited and employed (i.e.through a youth employment agency,the City of Rosemead's own employment program, or through construction contract bid), and 4. An explanation of how the City will meet its Youth Employment Goal(YEG)through the employment of )` at-risk youth in District-funded park improvement projects,District-funded maintenance,or other new I employment of at-risk youth consistent with this policy,or any combination thereof. Administrative Offices • 433 South Vermont Avenue • Los Angeles • California 90020-1975 • (213) 738-2981 • Michael Burbank January 12, 1998 Page 2 Construct costs incurred prior to written approval by the District of the City's Youth Employment Policy are not c) eligible for reimbursement by the District. This applies to every District-funded development, improvement, restoration,or rehabilitation project for which plans and specifications have not been adopted by the City of Rosemead's City Council as of February 1, 1998. The City of Rosemead has the option of using an amount equal to ten (10)percent of its total(1992 and 1996 Proposition A)development project allocations as its Youth Employment Goal or fifty(50)percent of its total maintenance allocations as its Youth Employment Goal. Selection of the source of the goal does not effect the way maintenance and servicing funds or development funds may be used. These figures are used only for calculation of the goal. (See enclosure to find the City's choice for a Youth Employment Goal). The City of Rosemead may meet their YEG by employing youth in any combination of the following methods: a. Improvement or acquisition projects funded by the District. b. Maintenance at sites of Proposition A. projects where the maintenance is eligible to be funded by the I) District through the maintenance and servicing program. c. Maintenance, operation,and programming funded by the City of Rosemead at sites of Proposition A projects. d. New employment of at-risk youth funded by the City of Rosemead(not by State or Federal Grants)where the youth are employed by or an agency under contract with the City of Rosemead whether or not the youth are employed at the site of a Proposition A project. (For more details, see Appendix C, D, E,F and G of the"draft"Procedural Guide, dated January 1998). If you have any questions regarding any of the above, or required additional clarification on the conditions and/or requirements of the Project Agreement please call me at(213) 738-3131. Sincerely,Te i/ ti.,.: d Elisa Estrella Program Manager EE: (DISK R.2#1 RS/AD-1025 FxrrraoJ AGREEMENT&YEG) Enclosures EXHIBIT 2. City of Rosemead YOUTH EMPLOYMENT GOAL (YEG) CALCULATION I. Based on Ten Percent of Total Development Project Allocation: Development Acquisition Total 1992 Proposition Specified Grants $1,470,000 $0 $1,470,000 Per Parcel Grants $352,673 $0 $352,673 1996 Proposition Specified Grants $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 Per Parcel Grants $162,875 $0 $162,875 Total $2,985,549 $0 $2,985,549 YEG at 10% of Development $298,555 III. Based on Fifty Percent of Total Maintenance &Servicing Allocations for Fiscal Years 1997/1998 to 2018/2019 as Estimated by the District: Estimated Total Annual Amount No. of Years Amount First 18 Years $44,478 18 $800,608 _ - Last 4 Years $15,595 4 $6 2.312 Total $862,987 YEG at 50% of M&S Allocation - $431,493 City of Rosemead YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PLAN BACKGROUND The afe op "A") 12 and provided Rosemead hwith P$r 2 , 985k 1,549 , and itositions rdeveloped ithe 1996 following projects: 1992 PROP "A" 1,470, 000 New Garvey Avenue Recreation Center $ Rosemead Park Picnic Facilities/Play Area $ 297 , 352 (1) TOTAL $ 1, 767 , 352 1996 PROP "A" 1, 000, 000 New Garvey Avenue Recreation Center $ 000, 000 (2) Garvey Park Clubhouse Remodel TOTAL $ 1, 218, 197 The Rosemead Park Project was completed in 1997 and the Garvey Park Project will be completed in the Fall of 1998 . The Architect is still working on the plans for the New Garvey Avenue Recreation Center and construction should begin in the 1998/99 fiscal year. The project cost are estimated to be $ 3 , 000,000. TASKS THAT MAY BE PERFORMED BY AT RISK YOUTH To meet the District' s policy on Employment of at Risk Youth (ages 14-21) , the City of Rosemead will use fifty percent (50%) of its Maintenance and Servicing Allocation Funds ($ 431, 493) to hire and pay for two (2) individuals. A. Provide custodial and building maintenance at the Garvey Park Clubhouse and maintenance of Park grounds; picnic shelters and play area at Rosemead Park. B. Provide for custodial and general interior maintenance of the new Recreation Center on Garvey Avenue. (1) Actual Project Cost (2) Includes $ 55, 322 of residual funds from the 1992 proposition. Actual project cost have not been established. O1-Z-B7S Page 1 of 2 ESTIMATED COST OF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM 1. Garvey and Rosemead Park Projects The City plans on employing one youth part-time to provide custodial and building maintenance at the Garvey Park Clubhouse and maintenance of park grounds, picnic shelters and play area at Rosemead Park. A) 1,560 hours/year x $ 7 . 67 = $ 11,965 Fringe Benefits $ 1, 559 Annual Personnel Cost $ 13 , 524 This figure is based upon the employment of one youth five days per week. He/she will work three hours a day at Garvey Park on the remodeled Clubhouse and three hours per day maintaining the grounds, picnic shelters and play area at Rosemead Park. 2 . Garvey Avenue Recreation Center The City plans on hiring one full time youth to assist with the custodial and internal maintenance of the new Recreation Center on Garvey Avenue. A) 2, 080 hours/year x $ 9 . 33 = $ 19, 406 Fringe Benefits $ 9, 538 Annual Personnel Cost $ 28, 944 This figure is based on hiring one youth full time that will work five (5) days a week at eight (8) hours per day. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT RECRUITMENT The City will recruit for these positions in it' s normal manner; job flies ges, to local to unior and four and Girls Club,year Westc Sane Gabriel Valleyyouth Juvenilagencies Juvenile Diversion, etc. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT GOAL As stated earlier, The Youth Employment Goal (YEG) for the City of Rosemead will be met by using fifty percent (50%) of its Maintenance and Servicing Allocation Funds; $ 436, 493 . 00 The City is proposing to hire two (2) at Risk Youth to provide for custodial and ground maintenance for projects built with Prop "A" funds. The current plan to meet the City' s YEG is: 1) Rosemead and Garvey Park Projects $ 148 ,764 ($ 13 ,524/year x 11 yrs) 2) New Garvey Avenue Recreation Center $ 282, 204 ($ 28, 944/year x 9 3/4 yrs) Total Youth Employment $ 430,968 It is anticipated that the City' s YEG will be completed before the year 2010. 01-Z-B7S Page 2 of 2 Exhibit "A" PERSONNEL COST YOUTH EMPLOYMENT GOAL (YEG) A. FULL-TIME STAFF - 1 STAFF WEEKDAYS ANNUAL SALARY: $ 28, 944 (New Garvey Avenue Rec. Center) Hours Per Year 2, 080 (1) Hourly Rate x $ 9.33 Annual Salary $ 19, 406 Monthly Salary $ 1, 617 Fringe Benefit Cost per Month $ 795 TOTAL MONTHLY SALARY $ 2 ,412 B. PART-TIME STAFF - 1 STAFF WEEKDAYS ANNUAL SALARY: $ 13 , 524 (Garvey Pk Clubhouse & Rosemead Park Play Area) Hours Per Year 1, 560 (2) Hourly Rate x $ 7. 67 Annual Salary $ 11, 965 Monthly Salary $ 997 Fringe Benefit Cost per Month $ 130 TOTAL MONTHLY SALARY $ 1, 127 TOTAL ANNUAL SALARIES $ 42,468 (1) Works 5 days a week @ 8 hours per day (2) Works 5 days a week @ 6 hours per day O1-Z-B7S