RRA – Item 3 – Acceptance of Bids and Award of Contract – Highcliff Street Improvements R IR 1 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD..ROSEMEAD.CA 91770•(618)288-6671 •Telecopier 8183079218 TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: ROBERT L. KRESS, AGENCY COUNSEL KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER DATE: APRIL 8, 1998 RE: ACCEPreig all.p8 AND AWARD OF CONTRAC - HIGHCLIFF STREET IMPROVEMENTS At the last Agency meeting we expressed concerns regarding the low bidder, Civil Constructors, Inc. and recommended the Agency reject their bid. Since the meeting, Civil Constructors has submitted additional referenc , Brockman, RME (Responsible Managing Employee) for Civil Constructors. Staff has contacted these reference and they all had positive comments regarding Mr. Brockman. It should be noted that the references were for Mr. Brockman's former company, General Construction Engineers. Attached you will the reference material submitted to you during the last Redevelopment Agency meeting. Our other major concern was the fact that Civil Constructors did not specify any subcontractors in its bid. Research indicates that the "A" contractor's license that Civil Constructors holds allows them to perform all necessary job tasks within the public right-of- way. We also advised the Agency that Mr. Brockman's former company had outstanding IRS and County property tax liens. Mr. Brockman continues to maintain that these "difficulties stem from litigation involving his ex-wife". To our knowledge, these matters remain unresolved, but appear to be unrelated to Mr. Brockman's employment with the new entity, Civil Constructors, Inc. AGENCY A.1• .t_'- APR 141998 ITEM No. L _ April 8, 1998 Page 2 The financial backing and management skills of Mr. Cha, combined with the technical expertise of Mr. Brockman and his locally based crew, should give the Agency a good project. Based upon our further review of the bid submitted and check of references, staff withdraws its previous recommendation and now recommends that the Agency award the project to Civil Constructors, Inc., the low bidder. To reiterate the bid results presented at the last Redevelopment Agency meeting, the following bids were received for the subject project on February 26, 1998: 1. Civil Constructors $459,162.50 2. E. C. Construction $463,906.27 3. Gentry Brothers Inc. $475,488.50 4. Sequel Contractors, Inc. $476,288.00 5. Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. $482,633.50 6. Damon Const. Co. $495,218.00 7. Pima Corp. $523,707.00 8. Sully-Miller Contracting Co. $527,864.25 9. Silvia Construction, Inc. $539,676.60 10. J.E.G. Construction Co., Inc. $617,282.00 Attached are copies of the three low bids, a bid analysis, and Dun and Bradstreet reports for the second and third low bids. A Dun and Bradstreet report was not available for Civil Constructors due to the short time period this contractor has been in business. The average bid was $511,340.46. There were irregularities in the bids submitted by E.C. Construction, Co., Los Angeles Engineering, Inc., and Pima Corp. Incorrect total bids were submitted due to addition and extension errors. The correct bid amounts are listed above. RECOMMENDATION 1. Waive the irregularities in the bids submitted by E.C. Construction, Co., Los Angeles Engineering, Inc., and Pima Corp. 2. Accept the bids and award the project to Civil Constructors, in the amount of $459,162.50. 3. Authorize the Chairman to sign the contract on behalf of the Agency. HPGMLVPAWO • ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROPOSAL FOR STREET, STREET LIGHTING, AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO DEL MAR AVENUE . PROJECT NO. 98-01 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, as AGENCY In accordance with AGENCY'S NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above-stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and contract documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and/or lump-sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work • satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump-sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern overextended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within 10 working days after the date of the AGENCY'S notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. C-1 • BID SCHEDULE - FOR STREET, STREET LIGHTING, AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO DEL MAR AVENUE PROJECT NO. 98-01 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AM UNT CIP 1. Clearing and grubbing. — L.S. — $ 2. Unclassified excava- tion. 1,800 C.Y. $ 2c3 $ jJ 3. Asphalt concrete pave- 2.!0-1±-a_ ment. 1,070 TON $ $ cee 4. Crushed aggregate I _- O O base. 1,915 TON ,,.� • a iMar 211.71. 5. Remove and construct 4-inch thick AC over Z`� $21 lO� compacted subgrade. 1,055 S.F. $ 6. Remove and construct 4-inch thick PCC be- hind walk or right-of- 9 OOc_ way. 4,420 S.F. $ $ L 1 7. Remove and con-struct 4-inch thick colored PCC hebind walk or OCC) right-of-way.right-of-way. 200 S.F. $ $ 8. Curb and gutter, Type /� A2-150(6). 2,370 L.F. $ � C-2(a) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 44 9. Curb and gutter, vari- 4411able height. 160 L.F. $ - $VAC 10. Construct cross gutter CiaJ per APWA Standard ®© Plan No. 122-1. 760 S.F. $4r 11. Construct 4-thick PCC 5°9 2 � sidewalk. 11,425 S.F. $ $�S 16 12. Construct 4-inch PCC residential driveway. 4,090 S.F. $�-" $ ( �� 13. Construct curb ramp per LACDPW Standard Plan No. 1200-1, Case I ,\ __ B. 4 EACH $ ! $4846LPy�"�� 14. Construct Type "C"wall per detail on Sheet No. 2 (combination of Type A masonry retaining wall per APWA Stan- dard Plan No. 618-1 and wrought-iron fence, with red brick pilasters, \ 125 and red brick finish). 55 L.F. $ ,C0 $ 'C_® 15. Construct Type "D"wall per detail on Sheet No. 2. 56 L.F. $ ' �r 16. Construct Type "E" wall per detail on Sheet No. 2. 52 L.F. $\,e'•a 17. Construct Type "F" wall per detail on Sheet No. ��p� 2. 40 LF. $ Y�Y -AMa C-2(b) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 18. Construct block slough wall per APWA Stan- dard Plan No. 622-1. • Height varies from 6 inches to 18 inches. 1,225 L.F. $ $)cn3n5 • 19. Remove and replace • new chain-link fence and CLF gate (swing or rolling). 320 L.F. $ `•'911 mam 20. Construct reinforced concrete block wall and chain-link fence combi- nation, per APWA Stan- .4190 - dard Plan No. 621-1. 345 L.F. $ $ 21. Remove and construct block wall with wrought- ��,,��77 iron fence to match ex- ,(.�/ fisting. 120 L.F. $ l 1yl� 22. Construct block wallo. (H= per Plan). 80 L.F. ,$ $ � 23. Remove portion of fence or wall, and re- • _ construct end. 24 EACH $ ( , ' $ 24. Remove and reestab- lish existing wrought- J iron fence and gate. 100 L.F. $ ��$ 25. Install wrought-irongate � /] (H=6 feet). 2 EACH $�E�'�� $ 26. Remove and reconstruct decorative mow strip material to match existing. 65 L.F. $ ‘Cry $. (1811RAP C-2(c) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 27. Remove trees,diameter COr 700 cim varies from 4 inches to 31 inches. 14 EACH $L1 e/' $ rateallnir 28. Remove palm tree or Yucca tree, diameter varies from 21 inches to 30 inches. 4 EACH $ $ � 29. Remove and replace shrubs in kind to match existing (min. size 1- 14. 1,a,, gallon). 20 EACH $ � $ �' 30. Plant 24-inch Box Brisbane. 38 EACH $ 0 $ 31. Construct 4-foot by 3- ,TT,,�,,�.� foot tree well. 38 EACH $________ $_aaki 32. Plant 24-inch box fern. 1 EACH $�(' 33. Construct curb opening catch basin per APWA Standard Plan No. 300- 2, including curb and local depression, re- moval of existing catch basin, agency stencil, and interfering portion of existing pipe. //// a. W=3.5' 2 EACH $ 24" ° p$ 0 °°° b. W=14' 2 EACH $ CD $ /01Ooe' C-2(d) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 34. Construct concrete col- lar per APWA Standard Plan No. 380-2. 3 EACH $ $ 35. Construct support for conduits across trenches per APWA CdP Standard Plan No. 2q^ 224-1. 1 EACH $ SCJ $ 36. 18-inch RCP (2000-D). 36 L.F. $ )0 �� $ 37. 27-inch RCP (2000-D). 40 L.F. $ L' ( ®�: AI li• 38. 30-inch RCP (2000-D). 16 L.F. $ r $.. -� 39. Adjust water valve frame and cover to —�y ,�- grade. 5 EACH $ l7 40. -Adjust water meter box —/3-- CCfp '�—'�'c and lid to grade. 2 EACH $ / $ 5-02 41. Adjust traffic signal r pullbox to grade. 1 EACH $ $ ® _5 42. Adjust manhole frame and cover to grade. 6 EACH $ $ ` 43. Construct house - connection sewer per in APWA Standard Plan (�'��' No. 222-1, Type A. 5 EACH $4�/� $ /_ 44. Remove and recon- struct portions of S) irrigation system. — L.S. — $ C-2(e) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 45. Furnish and install 8- inch DI pipe, Class 350, 2 including fittings and appurtenances, corn- � plate. 1,032 L.F. $ • 46. Furnish and install 8- - inch gate valve and / • //��,,,,,�,� valve box. 2 EACH $) /$ � 47. Furnish and install 6- inch fire hydrant assembly, including all appurtenances and all • PCC and AC removals and replacement, complete as shown on 4 D 0 Plans. 3 EACH $_!�;.,err MO© `�_ 48. Furnish and install 1- inch water service from new main, including 1- inch copper pipe, meter box, and all fittings re- quired per Southern Water Company Stan- dard Drawing No. 8, and as shown on the Plans, including con- nection to existing ser- vice lateral from house, abandonment of exist- ing water service, all PCC and AC removal and replacement, and r,(� all appurtenant work, f" complete. 34 EACH $ $� PP J C-2(f) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 49. Furnish and install (hot tap) 1-inch water ser- vice from existing main, including 1-inch copper pipe, tapping materials, meter box, and all fit- tings required per • Southern California Water Company Standard Drawing No. 8, and as shown on the Plans, including connection to existing riser at house , abandonment of existing water service, all PCC and AC removal replacement, and all appurtenant ��yy-� work, complete. 4 EACH $'9-00 $ e'� 50. Furnish all materials, tools, and labor and perform hot tap connec- tion to existing waterlines, including tapping sleeve, tapping valve, fittings, all PCC and AC removal and replacement, and ap- purtenances, comp- lete. 1 EACH $ 4Q0 51. Furnish all materials, tools, and labor and perform connection to existing waterline, in- cluding all fittings, all PCC and AC removal and replacement, and appurtenances, comp- lete. (Sta. 12+61.50) 1 EACH $ $ C-2(g) • ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 52. Abandon existing fire hydrant assembly. Re- move existing head and bury. Plug remaining abandoned section with t_ concrete. 1 EACH $.e-L)J2� 53. Abandon existing water valve and fill box with $ � �Q concrete. 3 EACH $ \V-15) 54. Cut, plug, and abandon .✓J existing waterlines. — L.S. — $ 55. Public improvement gQ�.-,� sign. 2 EACH $ $ Can 56. Signing and Striping, complete per Plan. — L.S. — $ 1 57. Furnish and install new 11/2-inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE re- quirements. 300 L.F. $ $ 58. Furnish and install new 2-inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE re- i -rte quirements. 1,000 L.F. $ I � $ ( - 59. Furnish and install new 10%-inch by 17-inch by 12-inch street lighting handhole, complete per 11 SCE requirements. 6 EACH $ lO $ 1o�� C-2(h) • - _ ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 60. Furnish and install new - 10%-inch by 17-inch by • 24-inch street lighting handhole, complete per iCCD SCE requirements. 1 EACH $ I $• TOTAL AMOUNT BID FIGURES $_ti9S 5�• TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN WORDS Foug l/U,&JP SD AFT)' /JlNE —71-O U SAND ONE }4UWPgED 5 pclY TW SOLLARS irNip ' cEAJ -f S C-2(i) DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one- half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or$10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS PORTION OF WORK • • Prior to award of contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors, in writing, to the City Engineer. • C-3 t REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: 1. C1 -tdy (c9-�q Me sa- p a leo n t Name an Addre s of Owner Penns Jkite Name and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project • ia3/ono „Eno Aim pain + 5-p<v'Yl tie Om' pro 7 res Contract Amount Type of Work Pfreed- Date Completed 2. (.i±y ) 0,11Lk )cTrl f Co c McSei, Name and Addrkss of Owner 30, 1 Me I i 75--g _s G Name and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project 7-- 1{ 3I„rrb✓e --ferm Dram 1/31/q �' Contract Amount Type of Work Date Completed 3. Name and Address of Owner Name and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project Contract Amount Type of Work Date Completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: Arai S'fror Co //e TnS . Svc. 10// ( Mbe,/7 kre 5Lytt- placi2n47-z-L eti 71 r{' - '> 0 3S nzt4is - MAr K 2oS Ice C-4 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontractors, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any Agency, City, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. • AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual,firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. C-5 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's NameCi ✓ i q( Co n c- y-LA CH p S Business Address / 20 / LOW-e 430 SA k1) RD CA 9 / '717 o Telephone No. 6-24 - -�3 S - 7 State Contractor's License No. /74122 70 Class A Original Date Issued 11/4/9/7 Expiration Date 1./ 0/ The following are the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners,joint venturers, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: CLL2S CHP Precic-e-✓!'t Don £3roC-hAan V; c_e pyes ;o( e✓) f - RIA, El Thedate of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgements against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership or joint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: M0tiG All current and prior DBA's alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: CoviCtrutj-j EvN� ineeis C-s • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits this proposal with the names, titles, hands, and seals of all afonrenamed principals this :?(l day of BIDDER: (CI I COn911-YLIC±Ors „4--e-?-77 Subscribed and sworn to is ,9(p day of /rehiczar- 1 ss NOTARY PUBLIC ( t t --- O 11 - _ CAROL BRANCH NOTARY PUBL C- ALIFORNIA LOS AN:E1E5 COUNTY My Commission Expires April 3.2000 C-7 PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR STREET, STREET LIGHTING, AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO DEL MAR AVENUE PROJECT NO. 98-01 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that , as BIDDER, and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ), which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above-stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above-stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. • C-8(a) IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals, this day of , 19_. BIDDER' SURETY* . Subscribed and sworn to this_ day of , 19 . NOTARY PUBLIC Provide BIDDER/ADMITTED SURETY name,address,and telephone number and the name,title, address, and telephone number for authorized representative. • C-8(b) • • Bond No. 6140487-03 GZEATANERICN INSURANCE COMPANY OHIO BID BOND Approved by The American lusti lute of Architects, A.I.A.Document No.A 310 Febmary 1970 Edition KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we B.I.K. , INC. DBA: CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS as Principal, Princi and the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized fereinafter under the lawscof thetheSlate of Ohio, with Administrative Offices at 580 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety,are held firmly bound unto CITY OF ROSEMEAD as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee. in the sum of TEN PERCENT OF THE BID AMOUNT -Dollars (5 (102 OF BID AMOUNTfor the payment of which sum well and truly to be made,and the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for HIGH CLIFF STREET IMPROVEMENT, STREET PAVING, LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter biro a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid,and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surely for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof,or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference nut to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void,otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 25th day of FEBRUARY 19 98 In the presence of: B.I.K. , INC. DBA: CIVIL 7i CONST S T UCTORS. (Seal)/Principal/%� ! GREAT AMERICAN I SLIRANCE COMP:NY (Seal) /Surety/ r, B AA. (A F.9630—t3102) PATRICIA M. WHITE m.Fner • STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE f SS. On FEBRUARY 25, 1998 J , before me, D. J. PICARD, NOTARY PUBLIC PERSONALLY APPEARED ELLIS Y. CHA PRESIDENT personally known to me licKNEXt rXM»xxlauxa vp TsVIR "' •"' " .s. . to be the person(L) whose named) is/XKcXsubscribed to the within instrument and acknowl- edged to me that he/XXXXEX,y executed the same in his/ NEZIWOrza authorized capacity(X.RX and that by his/RRA✓ fair signature on the instrument the persona or the entity upon behalf of which the person( acted, executed the instrument. OFFICIAL SEAL ( NOTARY PUBLIC- 1 r671 A WITNESS my hand and official seal. COMMISSION a ozr6lt C ORANGE COUNTY MY Clovilinvl E)q.MaY 22,1998 s / This arra for Official Nolartil Seal Signatureimimmimiiramiimrs OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT ❑ INDIVIDUAL 17 CORPORATE OFFICER PRESIDENT BID BOND Tmsrsl TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ❑ PARTNER(S) E LIMITED ❑ GENERAL —1_ 11 ATTORNEY-IN-FACT U TRUSTEE(S) NUMBER OF PAGES ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR LI OTHER: FEB. 25, 1998 DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: ?AME OF PERSOMSI OR ENTITYOES) B.I.K. , INC. DBA: CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS SIGNER(S)OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE coos] ov 6/91 ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT �'�rl�N— No.SOOT A. State of CALIFORNIA f County of _ORANGE nt On 2/25/98 before me, BEATA A. SENSI NOTA Y GALE NAME TI1IE OF OFFICEfl-E.G..;JANE DOE,NOTARY PUBLIC personally appeared r NAME(S)OF SIGNER(S) p 1 I- personally known to me - OR - ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ;, to be the person(aywhose name(sj- is/ars subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me thathc/she/t ed the same in his/her/thcirautho authorized BEATq q gENg) capacity(its), and that by 1:1+s/her/WeftN 1 �� pyf2� NOTARY signature(s) on the instrument the person.(a), ti`1tF�• a2 or the entity upon behalf of which the Exp.Apr. Z person(a) acted, executed the instrument. 1 WITNESS my hand and official seal. ti ) ti SIGNATURE OF NOTARY 1 OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. ` ; CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER 1 DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT l� t0 ill INDIVIDUAL - litCORPORATE OFFICER 10 0 BID BOND 1 Trnr=)s) TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT 1 ❑ PARTNER(S) E LIMITED CSI ATTORNEY-IN-FACT ] GENERAL 01 ❑ TRUSTEES) NUMBER OF PAGES 0 ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR 1 1 ❑ OTHER: 2/25/98 1_ DATE OF DOCUMENT 1 SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S)OR ENT/TOTES) 1111 GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY SIGNER(S)OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE L 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION•8236 Remmet Ave_P.O.Box 7184•Canoga Park.CA 91309-7184 fit GZFATANERICMJ INSURANCE COMPANY 580 WALNUT STREET•CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202• 513-369-5000• FAX 513-723-2740 The number of persons authorized by this power of attorney is not more than No. 0 13805 FOUR POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Stam of Ohio,does hereby nominate,constitute and appoint the person or persons named below its true and lawful attorney-in-fact,for it and in its name,place and stead to execute in behalf of the said Company,as surety,any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship,or other written obligations in the nature thereof;provided that the liability of the said Company on any such bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall not exceed the limit stated below. Name Address Limit of Power BEATA A. SENSI ALL OF ALL J,W. JOHNSON PLACENTIA, UNLIMITED PATRICIA M. WRITE CALIFORNIA FRANK G. ROBITAILLE This Power of Attorney revokes all previous powers issued in behalf of the attorney(s)-in-fact named above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to he signed and attested by its appropriate offers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 28th day of January , 1998 Attest GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF HAMILTON — ss: On this 28th day. of January, 1998 , before me personally appeared GARY T. DUNBAR, to me known,being duly sworn,deposes and says that he resided in Cincinnati,Ohio,that he is the President of the Bond Division of Great American Insurance Company,the Company described in and which executed the above instrument;that he knows the seal;that it was so affixed by authority of his office under the By-Laws of said Company,and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. • • This Power of Attorney is granted by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of Great American Insurance Company by unanimous written consent dated March I, 1991 RESOLVED: That the Division President,the several Division Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents;or anyone of them,be and hereby is authorized,from rime to time,to appoint one or more Attorneys-In-Fact to execute on behalf of the Company,as surety,anyand all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, or other written obligations in the nature thereof:to prescribe their respective duties and the respective limits of their authority:and to revoke any such appointment at any time. RESOL VEn FURTHER: That the Company seal and the signature of any of the aforesaid officers and any Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Company may he affixed by facsimile to am power of attorney or certificate of either given for the execution of any bond, undertaA ing,contract or suretyship,or other written obligation in the nature thereof,such signature and seal when so used being hereby adopted by the Company as the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Company, to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. CERTIFICATION I, RONALD C. HAYES, Assistant Secretary of Great American Insurance Company,do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney and the Resolutions of the Board of Directors of March I, 1991 have not been revoked and are now in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 25thday,of FEBRUARY 19 98 F' ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROPOSAL FOR STREET, STREET LIGHTING, AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO DEL MAR AVENUE PROJECT NO. 98-01 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, as AGENCY In accordance with AGENCY'S NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposesto furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above-stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and contract documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and/or lump-sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump-sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the • amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within 10 working days after the date of the AGENCY'S notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. C-1 BID SCHEDULE `; FOR STREET, STREET LIGHTING, AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS `-i IN HIGHCLIFF STREET rr FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO DEL MAR AVENUE PROJECT NO. 98-01 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. Clearing and grubbing. — L.S. _ $ j 000, oo 2. Unclassified excava- tion. 1,800 C.Y. $ $ 3. Asphalt concrete pave- ment. 1,070 TON $ 2 C $moo 4. Crushed aggregate base. 1,915 TON $ /3•32– 5. Remove and construct 4-inch thick AC over compacted subgrade. 1,055 S.F. $ /.?5 6. Remove and construct 4-inch thick PCC be- hind walk or right-of- way. 4,420 S.F. $ 3' $ r5 �ZD •00 7. Remove and con-struct 4-inch thick colored PCC hebind walk or right-of-way. 200 S.F. $ ,j Op $ 000. 00 8. Curb and gutter, Type A2-150(6). 2,370 L.F. $ .1-gifit (Q 0 C-2(a) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT '•` 9. Curb and gutter, van- tf, TY able height. 160 L.F. $ /Z $ aoeo,so 10. Construct cross gutter per APWA Standard 1: Plan No. 122-1. 760 S.F. $ 7 — $6,g/A. 00 p 11. Construct 4-thick PCC sidewalk. 11,425 S.F. $ -Z — $ a4 12. Construct 4-inch PCC 35" residential driveway. 4,090 S.F. $ a — $ 9,b//. Sv 13. Construct curb ramp per LACDPW Standard Plan No. 1200-11 ,. Case co B. 4 EACH $ 7%S $ 3, /40.00 14. Construct Type "C"wall per detail on Sheet No. 2 (combination of Type A masonry retaining wall per APWA Stan- dard Plan No. 618-1 and wrought-iron fence with red brick pilasters, co and red brick finish). 55 L.F. $ 333 — $ 184/z.so 15. Construct Type "D" wall per detail on Sheet No. 2. 56 L.F. $ Z/s= $ /z,zos.00 16. Construct Type "E"wall per detail on Sheet No. on 2. 52 L.F. $ //0• $ -no,o0 17. Construct Type "F" wall per detail on Sheet No. 2. 40 L.F. $ /a6 bd $ 'lz‘5--.co C-2(b) .`� ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1.; 18. Construct block slough wall per APWA Stan- _; dard Plan No. 622-1. Height varies from 6 inches to 18 inches. 1,225 L.F. $ /8- $ aa,gvv.rs 19. Remove and replace new chain-link fence and CLF gate (swing or rolling). 320 L.F. $ 1Z5,/ $ '-11°C. yo 20. Construct reinforced concrete block wall and chain-link fence combi- nation, perAPWA Stan- dard Plan No. 621-1. 345 L.F. $ 39 53 $ /3, 637,6f 21. Remove and construct block wall with wrought- iron fence to match ex- isting. 120 L.F. $ /s`/ - $ /S,s6C,ao 22. Construct block wall (H= per Plan). 80 L.F. $ /$6 zz $ /Y, f97. L0 23. Remove portion of fence or wall, and re- f construct end. 24 EACH $ $ 1560. v9 24. Remove and reestab- lish existing wrought- iron fence and gate. 100 L.F. $ ,Zs c— $ =g65. 00 25. Install wrought-iron gate (H=6 feet). 2 EACH $ H/61 S° $ 3,3s3.00 26. Remove and - reconstruct decorative mow strip material to match existing. 65 L.F. $ /L �r $/o8Y,7s C-2(c) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED Na DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 27. Remove trees,diameter varies from 4 inches to 31 inches. 14 EACH $ 27/. $ 3102. 'j() 28. Remove palm tree or Yucca tree, diameter varies from 21 inches to 30 inches. 4 EACH $ 5-73.aS $ 29. Remove and replace shrubs in kind to match existing (min. size 1- gallon). 20 EACH $ ai��� $ ' itto 30. Plant 24-inch Box Brisbane. 38 EACH $351.51 $ 131351, f 31. Construct 4-foot by a- foottreewell. 38 EACH $ ,530 $ /G'LC 1,0 S3332. Plant 24-inch box fern. 1 EACH $ '3Sl. (7($ "351 , V,- 33. . Construct curb opening catch basin per APWA Standard Plan No. 300- 2, including curb and local depression, re- moval of existing catch basin, agency stencil, and interfering portion of existing pipe. ns a. W=3.5' 2 EACH $ ,2.70L0 $ v, /za.ab b. W=14' 2 EACH $ 6 /a-o— $ /2-1360.ao • C-2(d) : ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 34. Construct concrete col- lar perAPWA Standard Plan No. 380-2. 3 EACH $ Soo $ gsoo. oo 35. Construct support for conduits across trenches per APWA Standard Plan No. 224-1. 1 EACH $ Sides $ no 36. 18-inch RCP (2000-D). 36 L.F. $ 79 '-0 $ F69.zo 37. 27-inch RCP (2000-D). 40 L.F. $ 574 ar $ 3ytL,M 38. 30-inch RCP (2000-0). 16 L.F. $ eozr $ 1414v.oO 39. Adjust water valve frame and cover to grade. 5 EACH $ 25 $ izS. 60 40. Adjust water meter box and lid to grade. 2 EACH $ St— $ SO. m 41. Adjust traffic signal oci pullbox to grade. 1 EACH $ So $ sv. o0 42. Adjust manhole frame and cover to grade. 6 EACH $ 311),14 $ 2340,311 43. Construct house connection sewer per APWA Standard Plan No. 222-1, Type A. 5 EACH $`357 fob $ 42-b,.00 44. Remove and recon- struct portions of irrigation system. — L.S. — $ Sot, C-2(e) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 45. Furnish and install fl- inch DI pipe, Class 350, including fittings and appurtenances, corn- plate. 1,032 L.F. $31 ,q"1 $ 32,°1 ,O LI 46. Furnish and install 8- inch gate valve and valve box. 2 EACH $532,- $ (p jZ (z) 47. Furnish and install 6- inch fire hydrant assembly, including all appurtenances and all PCC and AC removals and replacement, complete as shown on Plans. 3 EACH $7-131' 319 $ 6 S'1'f 5-0 48. Furnish and install 1- inch water service from new main, including 1- inch copper pipe, meter box, and all fittings re- quired per Southern Water Company Stan- dard Drawing No. 8, and as shown on the Plans, including con- nection to existing ser- vice lateral from house, abandonment of exist- ing water service, all • PCC and AC removal and replacement, and all appurtenant work, "�� complete. 34 EACH $+7 ;-�q` $ (rj130S. D1 C-2(f) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT -7 49. Furnish and install (hot tap) 1-inch water ser- vice from existing main, including 1-inch copper pipe, tapping materials, meter box, and all fit- tings required per Southern California Water Company Standard Drawing No. 8, and as shown on the Plans, including connection to existing riser at house, abandonment of existing water service, all PCC and AC removal replacement, and all appurtenant work, complete. 4 EACH $6561,573 $ 223 00 50. Furnish all materials, tools, and labor and perform hot tap connec- tion to existing waterlines, including tapping sleeve, tapping valve, fittings, all PCC and AC removal and replacement, and ap- purtenances, comp- lete. 1 EACH $ 2-W440 ,'ti0 $ '�lp�. `t/✓ 51. Furnish all materials, tools, and labor and perform connection to existing waterline, in- cluding all fittings, all PCC and AC removal and replacement, and appurtenances, comp- lete. (Sta. 12+61.50) 1 EACH $ 3LR'/12f$ & q 7, C-2(g) • !t ITEM ESTIMATED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT EXTENDED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 52. Abandon existing fire hydrant assembly. Re- move existing head and bury. Plug remaining abandoned section with concrete. 1 EACH $ 633(OP $ 53�.OcO 53. Abandon existing water valve and fill box with concrete. 3 EACH $flcD, $ 42°, '” 54. Cut, plug, and abandon existing waterlines. _ $ —1 q� — L.S. 55. Public improvement to sign. 2 EACH $ /ZS 56. Signing and Striping, complete per Plan. — L.S. _ $ �S (P 0 57. Furnish and install new 1'A-inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE re- quirements. 300 L.F. $ II,b'D 58. Furnish and install new 2-inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE re- quirements. 1,000 L.F. $ !OR $ O q/ _. pb 59. Furnish and install new 101/2-inch by 17-inch by 12-inch street lighting handhole, complete per SCE requirements. 6 EACH $ 203•77ti$ V2-46(1 3( C-2(h) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 60. Furnish and install new 10%z-inch by 17-inch by 24-inch street lighting hand hole, complete per n SCE requirements. 1 EACH $ '�Z� P'-S $ 6 TOTAL AMOUNT BID FIGURES $ `W7I27>- 7� TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN WORDS 7 -4 54w4= ifeaza--d7 dbpjui S. 7�- 75 C-2(i) DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one- ; half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or$10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS PORTION OF WORK 4elrnlnej, COA4k Lai - �n ?VW t - eKe 'ire ✓ I� Q-vitki d- Fla L �� 9 QviCc� Grow Ell -vt. ( 2eedwuT) t_ LA 5 Li hie) lin4i4-5611-1\ Vir lea oh in60 `�"�� tSlot T3(L)C-INL ti V w� l ie 554 ( 6.1-2 f Prior to award of contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors, in writing, to the City Engineer. C-3 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: 1. C1 o PeizCta • Name and Address of Owner RiLi Co26 14- 4( qJ Name and Telephone Number of P rson miliar with Project • 500,00o ->L 1tif5 Fig � Contract Amount Type of Work Date Complete 2. l:(V\4 J fl I oyttsi e,v P- l_ Name arid Address of Owner 13-Lb 1-I4are b2to '201- 132x' Name and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project zoo,000 � �w Wet s X124 -61'1 Contract Amount Type f Work Date Completed 3. Clf aC Ifiii le_ Name and Address of Owner (? IoS AlvarAL0 (97-(0 - a6Z- 3-3WI Name and Telephone Number of Personr�Familiawith Project A250,00D Iv1 kekve+1 5 Ng' Contract Amount Typ of Work Date Completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: IMcrrdi e-17r116Coll E/ MY40 5k. - P�zd.e(i OE. Quo- ca% eias-g124 • C-4 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontractors, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any Agency, City, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. C-5 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name Ey ' OVj5'rrVLP1.UVl Business Address Cjil Co Akkc Telephone No. (074 Li'7e1 qgq State Contractor's License No. 3V98-1 14 Class A Original Date Issued li"2-2--/6 Expiration Date 11 74 -"IU The following are the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners,joint venturers, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: Kennetk D • ilkers PasLc/evi:17 Carl 1 42errerami Vicc,?as ir1� The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgements against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, partnership or joint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: !JO V\e • • All current and prior DBA's alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: 141^-0/ C-6 - - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits this proposal with the names, titles ands, and seals of all 1aforenamed principals this day of .I .. >c_ BIDDER: E e, C0vstro-c(kovl o. -5,Q Subscribed and sworn ti• ' is lo da of ' ' 6-A ca „leg NOTARY PUBLIC a0,1-/ , p`gt6.0, S qq''��.� asw�,aoeearsoy Not tt", lu N'"Covyy My Cmn�s fJov n.y[p C-7 UNIT$D PACIFIC I STJRAIVCT: CO1v1:432-1.2„y HEAD OFFICE,PHILADELPHIA,PEMiSYWAMA BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that wo E.C. CONSTRUCTION CO. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC IN$VHANCF COMPANY of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a corporation duly organised under the taws of the Collnmonwoulth of Pennsylvania,ea Surety,hereinafter celled the Steely,are hold and firmly bound unto CITY OF ROSEMEAD as Obligee,hwclnafler called rhe Obligee,In tho tum of TEN PERCENT OF BID AMOUNT bollars(r5 10% OF BID ),for tho payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal arid the snip Surety, bind ourselves,our heirs, executors, administrators,successors and wisteria lointly and euvprnlly, firmly by thane prasen's, WHEREAS,the PrinclpAl has upbraided a bid for STREET, STREET LIGHTING & WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET #98-01 NOW, THEREFORE, if the contract be timely awarded to the Principal and the Princl al shall within such lime as specified In the bid, enter Into a contract In writing and give bond Ith good and sufficient surety, or, in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter Into such Co ract end 'give such bona or bonds; II the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the dlflerence not to ox d the penally hereof between the amount specified In said bid and such larger amount Ira which in Obligee may In good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then his obligation • shall bo null and vola.otherwise to remain in lull force and effect. OWEVER, neither l nor Surety lges prior le execution oflth final contract shall furnish evidence of financingnIn a manner d rand ionn acceptable to Principal and Surely that financing has been Kir my eommlttod to cover the enure cost of IIiie project. Signed and soled this 24th day of FEBRUARY ,19 98 - l� avllnw:l �" (Pari iwa tss,p k47 (villa) UNITED PA IN/M1S/xURAN}cp C• 'ANY COU-2423 Wm Tworeell.FFeel / / .. CHs..-, • State of CALIFORNIA Rorer THUMBPRINT(Optional) County of LOS ANGELES On 2/24/98 before me, DIANE BOUGER, A NOTARY OATS INAMEmTLE OF OFNCEXra.'JM'E DOE,NOTARY PUBLIC) personally appeared GARY B. MERRILL INAMEISI OF SIGNERISB CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER'S) DINDIVIDUALISI DCORPORATE_ • ® personally known to me -OR- 0 proved to me on the OFFICERISI RIMED basis of satisfactory DPARTNER(SI ❑LIMITED evidence to be the ❑GENERAL person(s)whosename(s) °A ORNEYINFAC s/are subscribed to the DTRUSTEEISI within instrument and °GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR acknowledged to me that DOTHER: i he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: and that by his/her/their (Name ofMammas,orEnt/Lynes) signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the personls) acted, executed the instrument. RIGHT THUMBPRINT(Optional) DANE EOUGEP, Witness my hand and official seal. comm.*1013973 Notary pctt_cotbmlo LOSAEIGFJF3(bi1NN Ewilm OCT-0,197! I n )SIGNATURE 6dF��NNN TAP CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIONERIS) DINDIVIDUALISI DCo RPORATE ATTENTION NOTARY OFFICERIS) The information requested below and in the column to the right is OPTIONAL. crimp Recording of this document is not required by law and is also optional. It could, however, prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to any OPARTNERIS) ❑LIMITED unauthorized document. °GENERAL °ATTORNEY W FACT THIS CERTIFICATE Tab or Type of Docvmm DTRUSTEEIS) MUST BE ATTACHED DGUARDIANICDNSERVATOR TO THE DOCUMENT Number of Pages Date of Document °OTHER: DESCRIBED AT RIGHT; Signer(*)Other Than Named Above SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (Name of PersonIal or Entitylie,l WOLCDTTS FORM e]}40 Pay.3-94 Owe Mm B-2A1 6:51BU WOLCOTTS FORMS.INC. All PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT WITH SIGNER CAPACITYmEPREsLnTATI ON/TWO FINGERPRINTS III II I II I�� - - '- RELIANCE SURETY COMPAN RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE,PHILADELPHIA,PENNSYLVANIA - POWER OF ATTORNEY 14NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY is a corporation dust organized under the laws of the State of Delaware,and that RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY and UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,are corporations duly organized under the laws of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania and that RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wsmnsin (herein collectively called the Companies')and that the Companies by virtue of signature and seals do hereby make,constitute and appoint Gary B.Menill, of Pasadena,California their true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact,to make,execute, seal and deliver for and on their behalf,and as their act and deed any and all bonds and undertakings of suretyship and to bind the Companies thereby as hilly and to the same extent as If such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the Companies and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that their said Attomey(s)-in-Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of Article VII of the By-Laws of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY,UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY which provisions are now in MI force and effect,reading as follows: ARTICLE NI-EXECUTION OF BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS I. The Marl NDirstm.the President the Clubman N Wt Boast any senior Vet emim-W Vice Peidm or Avuua Vox Pawl=art ark=clAtipused by We Bola RDi:mon shall have purer ml=hod&m a)was AlluberrOANFact AN or=baize thank amok m behalf at Corrowy.wpm Nl b mne say such Alummisbioa wavy the W make Oe rower and uroiry given to them. ��eh`�Le.,m�c,®.tmMeWm1®ityW Met witiW, dBYgaana the menti am Lanonnubb.Fan shall hast W>aM sainenna maim to We In are bmieYm,or We newer ern nose aM debar m hall of-Cmaq,boob ml, ease nmig,CW4slmy'm ah curt uentG au=mmiae*litany miff oaten tea Ih AM1^:aamim lame validity IW�I,em mleiuko<aamtm++aa.emnv,MVlmmY and caber shall r anr 4.e 3. AmlaHpm thefAwe rawmvo�W n¢eIcaffinas ilW`b_li a ns II byL.:mfaireaa.emau,or itl m War mtlitin.i m onjarNY 4gnabbas Rest hey shall gm Mn and mBaitluCmT@ Na cute ®.-eq mup'aNNe or amen Ihamf. Ms Power Path�o�is signed am paled by raam^®oCmpm Vy of S following Mani by ue Fowli.a am Roar Cambium of At&Anti of Duavn of Rube Ime re C�and datum M zvh of February v. Iso aM by Ik Sm6ve W Formal C®va of lie Buie or Di,mwa of ReC Company. Uniud Conoco,MlienC Form Reale Of National far Arany Ma -Anorrey or osnifscare Salim such Rm&:d mat Vat simuaa of mm diatum aM°MMo m mane Neel IN W e CmAO may be afI W to Rr vd Re¢or Aumny or aw evtitv+a relating Menlo by La®I&ant a mak My of m seas be nail m hireling von the muestrmm,amraa®I a Ia he Ski and,end oamMRR arab kr it ammw.raw.a,nv®w.m earn by mimile NigAnaaamm®iie Cwm'.m0e or fav mabyal 1k Cc ry Adla IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Companies have caused these presents to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed,this July 11,1997. RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY �'e'�\ RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY J'!Renal` `` re� .`'BLL ee4-t UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY J fi i`S�En�L''' RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY °M1ani �,�` 71b ",W'S 4/ STATE OF Washington ) (1141-71 COUNTY OF King )ss. On this, July 11, 1997,before me, Laura L Wadsworth, personally appeared Mark W.Alsup,who acknowledged himself to be the Vice President of the Reliance Surety Company, Reliance Insurance Company, United Pacific Insurance Company,and Reliance National Indemnity Company and that as such, being au hm¢ed to do so,executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained by signing the name of the corporation by himself as Its duly I authoraed officer. In witness whereof,I hereunto set my hand and official seal. :y d LI Fafte 1Ntan dF w Notary Public in an for the State of Washington Residing at Puyallup I, Robyn Layng, Assistant Secretary of RELIANCE SURETY COMPANY, RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY,UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMP- ANY,and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,which is still in Nil force and effect. IN WTNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals aaofsaid Companies this 24th day of FEBRUARY 19 9S CID-- �� =es' j 5 • . Assistant Secretary • {nM.?.1B:4dl Yen n lidsNlnall rloigdwaitn -rAtF::rt�ol:..n�L..-_.nc:.r-wb..�.......... Lir,..-,..__ : - ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROPOSAL FOR STREET, STREET LIGHTING, AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO DEL MAR AVENUE • PROJECT NO. 98-01 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO THE ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, as AGENCY In accordance with AGENCY'S NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS, the undersigned BIDDER hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above-stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and contract documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER declares that this proposal is based upon careful examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER agrees to enter into a contract with AGENCY at the unit and/or lump-sum prices set forth in the following BID SCHEDULE. BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in theananner and time prescribed will result in forfeiture to AGENCY of the proposal guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work,that the estimated quantities set forth in the BID SCHEDULE are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. THE AGENCY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ANY QUANTITY SHOWN AND TO DELETE ANY ITEM FROM THE CONTRACT. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump-sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER's default in executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within 10 working days after the date of the AGENCY'S notice of award of contract to the BIDDER, the proceeds of the security accompanying this bid shall become the property of the AGENCY and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the AGENCY'S option, be considered null and void. C-1 A BID SCHEDULE FOR STREET, STREET LIGHTING, AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO DEL MAR AVENUE PROJECT NO. 98-01 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. Clearing and grubbing. — L.S. — $ S2 o o o 2. Unclassified excava- tion. 1,800 C.Y. • $ Q5 cO� • 3. Asphalt concrete pave- ment. 1,070 TON $ 0)-g $ cl 9 G 0 4. Crushed aggregate base. 1,915 TON $ If= $ / °2 5. Remove and construct 4-inch thick AC over compacted subgrade. 1,055 S.F. $ $ a 1 I O 6. Remove and construct 4-inch thick PCC be- hind walk or right-of- 6o way. 4,420 S.F. $ / T $ 7. Remove and con-struct 4-inch thick colored PCC hebind walk or right-of-way. 200 S.F. $ 3 ' $ 7" 0 8. Curb and gutter, Type ; A2-150(6). 2,370 L.F. $ $ ca3 7 0O '_ C-2(a) . - - ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 9. Curb and gutter, vari- able height. 160 L.F. $ /0 T $ /( 00 10. Construct cross gutter per APWA Standard Plan No. 122-1. 760 S.F. $ 3 • $ Q c (°O 11. Construct 4-thick PCC := sidewalk. 11,425 S.F. $ I $ /c( Y2 Z S • 12. Construct 4-inch PCC gt residential driveway. 4,090 S.F. $ $ 73 c—a 13. Construct curb ramp - per LACDPW Standard - Plan No. 1200-1, Case B. 4 EACH $ SS ry $ c2cZO0 14. Construct Type "C"wall per detail on Sheet No. 2 (combination of Type A masonry retaining wall per APWA Stan- dard Plan No. 618-1 and wrought-iron fence with red brick pilasters, and red brick finish). 55 L.F. $ ,.6) 0 ° $ 11 4461 :- ) 15. Construct Type "D"wall • per detail on Sheet No. 2. 56 L.F. $ / 7� $ �� en 16. Construct Type "E" wall per detail on Sheet No. 2. 52 L.F. $ /40 $ 17. Construct Type "F" wall per detail on Sheet No. S�0 2. 40 L.F. $ ,F $ 3 C-2(b) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 18. Construct block slough wall per APWA Stan- dard Plan No. 622-1. Height varies from 6o _ inches to 18 inches. 1225 L.F. $ /8 $ 02.‘2°S—° • 19. Remove and replace new chain-link fence and CLF gate (swing or rolling). 320 L.F. $ �° $ /0 2 '4 a 20. Construct reinforced concrete block wall and chain-link fence combi- nation,perAPWA Stan- dard Plan No. 621-1. 345 L.F. $ EJ • $ c i 735- 21. Remove and construct block wall with wrought- iron fence to match ex- isting. 120 L.F. $ . % $ /L 6110 22. Construct block wall (H= per Plan). 80 L.F. ,$ ° $ h/ c o 23. Remove portion of fence or wall, and re- construct end. 24 EACH $ 2-5 G $ 4 0 0 o i 24. Remove and reestab- lish existing wrought- iron fence and gate. 100 L.F. $ 0 $ 02 00° . 25. Install wrought-iron gate (H=6 feet). 2 EACH $ 7-260• $ 02 y 60 26. Remove and reconstruct decorative mow strip material to match existing. 65 L.F. $ 020 $ ) ,300 C-2(c) - ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 27. Removetrees,diameter varies from 4 inches to 31 inches. 14 EACH $ /ICo- $ j (000 ..- 28. 0oo :'28. Remove palm tree or Yucca tree, diameter varies from 21 inches to 30 inches. 4 EACH $ 600 • $ 400 • 29. Remove and replace shrubs in kind to match existing (min. size 1- gallon). 20 EACH $ „Z 0 • $ � 00 • 30. Plant 24-inch Box - Brisbane. 38 EACH $ 300 • $ 11 q 00 • 31. Construct 4-foot by a- foot tree well. 38 EACH $ J 0 a - $ 3R 0 0 32. Plant 24-inch box fern. 1 EACH $ 30° $ _30 o 33. Construct curb opening catch basin per APWA Standard Plan No. 300- 2, including curb and local depression, re- moval of existing catch basin, agency stencil, and interfering portion of existing pipe. • a. W=3.5' 2 EACH $ 3 nit' • $ . O O o b. W=14' 2 EACH $ Ssoo $ l/ ocoH • C-2(d) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 34. Construct concrete col- lar per APWA Standard Plan No. 380-2. 3 EACH $ X00 $ (6 00 35. Construct support for conduits across trenches per APWA Standard Plan No. 224-1. 1 EACH $ doer $ 200 36. 18-inch RCP (2000-D). 36 L.F. $ $ a k F0 37. 27-inch RCP (2000-D). 40 L.F. $ 90" $ 300 38. 30-inch RCP (2000-D). 16 L.F. $ 420 _ $ 7 010 . 39. Adjust water valve frame and cover to grade. 5 EACH $ /C' $ -5-07 40. Adjust water meter box and lid to grade. 2 EACH $ /f $ 41. Adjust traffic signal pullbox to grade. 1 EACH $ i°°. $ f ( o 0 42. Adjust manhole frame and cover to grade. 6 EACH $ 00�- $ /a o0 43. Construct house connection sewer per APWA Standard Plan No. 222-1, Type A. 5 EACH $ Cie _ $ o a0 • 44. Remove and recon- struct portions of irrigation system. — L.S. — $ SO'('.- , C-2(e) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED Na DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 45. Furnish and install 8- inch DI pipe, Class 350, including fittings and appurtenances, corn- t- plete. 1,032 L.F. $ Jo $ 30 9.Go 46. Furnish and install 8- inch gate valve and valve box. 2 EACH $CCo $ / 6 OC 47. Furnish and install 6- inch fire hydrant assembly, including all appurtenances and all PCC and AC removals and replacement, complete as shown on Plans. 3 EACH $ 3foe' • $ /O17o0 48. Furnish and install 1- inch water service from new main, including 1- inch copper pipe, meter box, and all fittings re- quired per Southern Water Company Stan- dard Drawing No. 8, and as shown on the Plans, including con- nection to existing ser- vice lateral from house, abandonment of exist- ing water service, all PCC and AC removal and replacement, and all appurtenant work, complete. 34 EACH $ ys0 $ /5 300 C-2(f) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 49. Furnish and install (hot tap) 1-inch water ser- vice from existing main, including 1-inch copper pipe, tapping materials, meter box, and all fit- • _ tings required per Southern California Water Company Standard Drawing No. 8, and as shown on the Plans, including connection to existing riser at house, abandonment of existing water service, all PCC and AC removal replacement, and all appurtenant co work, complete. 4 EACH $ /TO $ /.qi3O 50. Furnish all materials, tools, and labor and perform hot tap connec- tion to existing waterlines, including tapping sleeve, tapping valve, fittings, all PCC and AC removal and replacement, and ap- purtenances, comp- lete. 1 EACH $ / 700. $ / 00 51. Furnish all materials, tools, and labor and perform connection to existing waterline, in- cluding all fittings, all PCC and AC removal and replacement, and appurtenances, comp- 44, .t, lete. (Sta. 12+61.50) 1 EACH $ /CV $ 700 C-2(g) • ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 52. Abandon existing fire hydrant assembly. Re- move existing head and bury. Plug remaining abandoned section with • concrete. 1 EACH $ qCe • $ 5'cO 1 53. Abandon existing water valve and fill box with concrete. 3 EACH $ ?00 $ G 0 0 54. Cut, plug, and abandon existing waterlines. — L.S. — $ / O ad -- 55. Public improvement ..- sign. 2 EACH $ YOO -- $ ?CO 56. Signing and Striping, complete per Plan. — L.S. — $ / Co O • 57. Furnish and install new 11A-inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE re- ., quirements. 300 L.F. $ I I • $ 3 3 DC 58. Furnish and install new 2-inch street lighting conduit and pull rope, complete per SCE re- quirements. 1,000 L.F. $ / 3 . $ 13 0 DC •y 59. Furnish and install new 101/2-inch by 17-inch by 12-inch street lighting handhole, complete per SCE requirements. 6 EACH $ a7S' $ j (, . -0 C-2(h) ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 60. Furnish and install new 101/2-inch by 17-inch by 24-inch street lighting • handhole, complete per SCE requirements. 1 EACH $ '/5 $ `/,r° TOTAL AMOUNT BID FIGURES $ h, 7S7 ti fri -7 • TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN WORDS F N «/ cL U< �T • t' - 7,72I c47/4,s 1/!, (c /J C-2(i) DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one- half of 1 percent of the total amount bid or $10,000, whichever is greater, as follows: NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SUBCONTRACTORS PORTION OF WORK /D,=4 -�,,,, - z (car, „ e. c .C . (4 . (6 ' c ) 33Y- d57r I e. / r )45cti„ 7 a/061( L.. ngJ <e, Ca CGa61 76G - 7<9< /72 Cat r ,c... [,c= - Y ( (gid) cjf, -off° enA o (..cn ,��.., n ( (rfc cf• P �n . 695) ?Cr d43.5- /0 0 0.4 2” 43S///00.42 c//1r c ,�/ -c/rt, c • / Prior to award of contract, Contractor shall submit a list of suppliers and vendors, in writing, to the City Engineer. C-3 • REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past 2 years: Name and Address of Owner gi<dFn T,,,,�os (L..)-q Qs-,f -/asy 1 Name and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project .i 35'O 01.,u fl ei ' / - ) 7 Contract Amount Type of Work Date Completed 2. < • i, o r L 4 14711"I Name and Address of Owner .4 . D . SoL^,soN Cq ci) 55L - 5- 7f ( Name and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project 02 ) 0 0 0 o 7P //- / - % 7 Contract Amount Type of Work Date Completed 3. l i 4y O F LA_)A-: s r ( , .. , ,. ., Nameamand Address of Owner / Name and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project / 5-0; 0Lc -. ig 02 - / - 58 Contract Amount Type of Work Date Completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all brokers and sureties from whom BIDDER intends to procure insurance and bonds: / . i --eln D (0., /, S,. Aa / SC h V/ C<S ,)34LI S . Po , _-Ir bx . A ,, , �, , ( 4 . 9 ,7r0s3 (7/0 y ,- 7 - /060 C-4 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that in all previous contracts or subcontractors, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any Agency, City, State, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfactorily filed, and that no such reports are currently outstanding. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority • business enterprises for those portions of the work to be subcontracted, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that said documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that no officer, agent, or employee of the AGENCY is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual,firm, or corporation making a bid for the same work and that this proposal is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. • C-5 BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name GENTRY BROTHERS, INC. • Business Address 3 r 4 .e. L. .,4, O n /r 4 -5 _.1 n ..., i ...diie ( n . 917e 1, Telephone No. ( 6 L ) 357- 9 L 3 1 State Contractor's License No. 3 57 6 6 X Class Original Date Issued 4-). -Y° Expiration Date / 2 - 7 I -SY The following are the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint venturers, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposaj; 0ct 62.,,, /J ''V — /17c-hrs LJ/ .( The date of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgements against any principal having an interest in this proposal, or any firm, corporation, padnership or joint venturer of which any principal having an interest in this proposal was an owner, corporate officer, partner, or joint venturer are as follows: i„6 _ ,= All current and prior DBA's alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: C-6 k: a f, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits this proposal with the names, titles, hands, and seals of all aforenamed principals this ,,,,/-(o day of J FebF,,„ , 19 91 . BIDDER: GENTRY BROTHERS, IN—C. D kl ,e5- /RAS . .^In-1- le) „ . .. - S.., , - /t-/c,t5 . • Subscribed and sworn to this day of , 19 . NOTARY PUBLIC . RIGHT THUMBPRINT(OPHafALI State of CALIFORNIA 1 County off �LO/S ANGELES 1l a. On ”/ �/S before me, L::0 TEED OTAAY PUBLIC , mmm«>El IW.YE.TITLE OF OFFICER-I.E..'JANE DOE.NOTARY PUBUCI personally appeared RODNEY J. GENTRY & WAYNE GENTRY JR. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNERS) , IWME(SI OF SIGNERISI) 0 INDIVIDUAL(S) 23 CORPORATE PRESIDENT • OFFICER(S) SECY./TREAS. - • 0 PARTNER(S) (mts(SH ® personally known to me -OR- 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 0 ATTORNEY IN FACT to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are sub- 0 TRUSTEE(S) • scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged 0 GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR to me that he/she/they executed the same in 0 OTHER: ' R his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by In ;rSHARON TEED his/her/their tea signature(s) on the instrument the COMM. # 1157284 > person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: • Q a4 No .yput.ht cafern, y person(s) acted,executed the instrument. (NAME OF PERsONrs1 OR[NTT IEsl1 my CNn ORANGEioCOUNTY 101 Witness myhand and official seal. mtq Esq.IN1 MVO ISICNATURE OF NOTARO ATTENTION NOTARY:The illwmabon requested below is OPTIONAL It co wit,however,prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to any unaudmnzed document THIS CERTIFICATE Title or Type of Document MUST BE ATTACHED Number of Pages Date of Document TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above CIS RYW MO—Nl F WO%PaO Y fDCAlalf WIT MiER C cn/REPRES'NTARMIM1MGfRPANT—Rn.12.92 01992 NIXCOTTS FORMS.FIC F9:e9 S 4 GENTRY BROTHERS R3 • PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR STREET, STREET LIGHTING,AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO DEL MAR AVENUE PROJECT NO. 98-01 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that GENTRY BROTHERS, INC. , as BIDDER, and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of INDIANA and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California. as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of TEN PERCENT OF BID Dollars(S 10% ), which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above-stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above-stated project,if said bid is rejected,or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise It shall remain in full force and effect in favor of AGENCY. • C-8(a) • IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their names,titles, hands, and seals, this 18TH day of FEBRUARY 19 98 BIDDER' GENTRY B THERS, INC. 384 LIVE OAR AVENUE, IRWINDALE, CA 91706 //CS 626-357-9631 • SURETY' FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY 801 SO. FIGUEROA STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA /ti Hn � 213-611-0880 in LINDA D. COATS, ATTORNEY IN FACT 23461 SOUTH POINTE DRIVE N0. 345, LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 Subscribed and sworn io this day of 719-457-1060 . 19 NOTARY PUBLIC • Provide BIODER/ADMITTED SURETY nave,address,and telephone number and the name,elle, address,and telephone number for authorized napresentative. acx State of CALIFORNIA )l` rrxlalevlmrr srrloxar County of TOS ANGELES I On ..-2/ ;44 before me. SHARON TEED, NOTARY PUBLIC wwo Pao&SOLE CFflea.LE.OWE COE rULWY MALL') ' 11111 xrsonally appeared ROINEY J. GENTRY PIANOS)oFsrrrys)I CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S) o INDIVIDUAL(S) • b5 CORPORATE PRESIDENT OFFICER(S) S personalty known tome -OR- ❑proved to me on the basis of satisfactory � o PARTNER(S) nmEml to be the person(s) whose name(s) saarre sub- 0 TRe 0 USTEE(S) ) FACT sated to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in 0 GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ,�p1, SHARON TEED his/her/their authorized capacity(ies) and that ❑ OTHER: a , !s$ COMM # I1572 y his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the ' �, ^OMM # c,i5294 w person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the J MY ORANGE COUNTY persons)acted,executed the instrument SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: on al b.Mil IM - Witness my hand and official seal. SOF P°eOirnwErmrr�l / G Y HR0. TN es,e MEW Ilr10N NOTARY: rnCaNNnE Or NOTARY) inbrmali y�faquaatpy below b OPTIONAL Ii toot.opeover,prevent fraudulent altachmmt of this cerc6pta to any uraulMrired dent THIS CERTIFICATE Tele or Type of Document MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT Number of Pages DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above Date of Document ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles On FEB 1 8 at before me, CHRISTOPHER J. COATS, NOTARY PUBLIC Due Name,Tide of Otltaer-e.g.'Jane Doe, Notary Public" personally appeared LINDA D. COATS Names(s)of Slgner(a) personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity on behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. AA Witness my hand and official seal, CHRISTOPHER ' COATS M1 m ,,„ ...tint COMM. / 1103462 > y.1' NOTARY PUBLICCOUNTY CALIFORNIA N ct S GRANGE CDDR V Alfa/� by Crnmt FiyrmJuy 15.2700 Signatu Notary ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL,it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to unauthorized documents. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Title or Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document OPTIONAL SECTION/ • CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER (n dividua i(s) _Pa rtner(s) _Attorney-in-Fact • _Corporate Other Officer(s) Tinge) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Name of persons or entity(ies) POWER OF ATTORNEY FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY ATTN: SURETY DEPARTMENT 15 Mountain View Road,Warren, NJ 117059 (908) 580-2000 • Know all Men by these Presents,That FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an Indiana Corporation, has constituted and appointed, and does hereby constitute and appoint Douglas A. Rapp and Linda D. Coats of Laguna Hills, California each its true and lawful Attorney-in-Fact to execute under such designation in its name and to affix its corporate seal to and deliver for and on Its behalf as surety thereon or otherwise, bonds of any of the following classes, to-wit: 1. Bonds and Undertakings(other than Bail Bonds)filed in any suit, matter or proceeding in any Court, or filed with any Sheriff or Magistrate, for the doing or not doing of anything specified in such Bond or Undertaking. 2. Surety bonds to the United States of America or any agency thereof, including those required or permitted under the laws or regulations relating to Customs or Internal Revenue;License and Permit Bonds or other indemnity bonds under the laws,ordinances or regulations of any State,City,Town,Village,Board or other body or organization,public or private; bonds to Transportation Companies,Lost Instrument bonds;Lease bonds,Workers Compensation bonds,Miscellaneous Surety bonds and bonds on behalf of Notaries Public, Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs and similar public officials. 3 Bonds on behalf of contractors in connection with bids, proposals or contracts In Witness Whereof, the said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY has, pursuant to its By-Laws, caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President and Assistant Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 10th day of • March 1994 Corporate Seal - L f wftii . FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY / BY X- _ , "di. M Kenneth C. Wendel Gerardo G. Mauriz - Assistant Secretary Vice President STATE OF NEW JERSEY ) ss County of Somerset j On this 10th day of March 19 94 , before me personally came Kenneth C. Wendel to me known and by.me known to be Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney,and the said Kenneth C. Wendel being by me duly sworn,did depose and say that he is Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY and knows the corporate seal thereof;that the seal affixed to the foregoing Power of Attorney is such corporate seal and was thereto affixed by authority of the By-Laws of said Company, - and that he signed said Power of Attorney as Assistant Secretary of said Company by like authority;and that he is acquainted with Gerardo G. Mauriz and knows him to be the Vice President of said Company, and that the signature of said Gerardo G. Mauriz subscribed to said Power of Attorney is in the genuine handwriting of said Gerardo G.Mauriz and was thereto subscribed by authority of said By-Laws and in deponent's presence. Notarial Seal ea•ee4� Acknowledged and Sworn to before me on the date ab written. • Putin ,A rrJ Y t �C' L Vri 0. Notary Public 4►w.ot� J ENipT A.SCAVDtP1I - ` Pc No.2065520of?Pe.7eueP Cee®iniry 5xp1n;Occalwar 2,1994 Roan 15-104134 Mot 1043)GENERALM wasezr eon vT't& .. CERTIFICATION STATE OF NEW JERSEY County of Somerset /} ss. I,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the following is a true excerpt from the By-Laws of the said Company as adopted by its Board of Directors on March 2, 1990 and that this By-Lew is in full force and effect. 'ARifCLE XVIII. Section 2.All bonds,undertakings,contracts and other instruments other than as above for and on behalf of the Company which It is authorized by law or Its charter to execute,may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company either by the Chairman or the Vice Chairman or the President or a Vice President,jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations, except that any one or more officers or attomeys-in-fact designated in any resolution of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee, or in any power of attorney executed as provided for in Section 3 below,may execute any such bond,undertaking or other obligation as provided in such resolution or power of attorney. Section 3.All powers of attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company, either by the Chairman or the Vice Chairman or the President or a Vice President or an Assistant Vice President,jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations.The signature of such officers may be engraved,printed or lithographed.The signature of each of the following officers:Chairman,Vice Chairman, President,any Vice President,any Assistant Vice President,any Secretary,any Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Com- parry may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached:' I further certify that said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY is duly licensed to transact fidelity and surety business in each of the Stales of the United States of America, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and each of the Provinces of Canada with the exception of Prince Edward Island;and is also duly licensed to become sole surety on bonds,undertakings.etc.,permitted or required by law. I, the undersigned Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is in full force and effect of Given under my hand and the seal of said Company at Warren, N.J., this FEB I S day 19 Corporate Seal / ��in tart 'S6eretuy� rr •• BID ANALYSIS •••• JN 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 ITEM QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION ENGRS ESTIMATE AVERAGE BID LOW BID 1 1 LS CLEARING AND GRUBBING 5 11,940.00 $ 27,820.00 5 1,000.00 ( 2 1 2 1,800 CY UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION $ 18.0D $ 26.85 5 17,00 1 4 ) 3 1,070 TON ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 5 30.00 $ 31-57 5 26.00 ( 4 1 4 1,915 TON CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE $ 16,00 5 14,83 5 12.00 ( 4 ) 5 1,055 SF REMOVE CONSTRUCT 4 INCH AC OVER SUBGRADE 5 4.00 5 2.95 $ 1.20 1 5 1 6 4,420 Sr REMOVE CONSTRUCT 4 INCH PCC BEHIND WALK 5 4.00 $ 3.53 5 1.90 13 1 7 200 SF REMOVE CONSTRUCT 4 INCH ]HICK COLORED PCC 5 6.00 5 6.76 $ 2,60 1 5 I B 2,370 LF CURB AND GUTTER TYPE A2 $ 12.00 $ 11.52 5 10.00 15 1 9 160 LF CURB AND GUTTER VARIABLE HEIGHT 5 15,00 5 12.99 $ 10.00 ( 3 ) 10 760 SF CONSTRUCT CROSS GUTTER PER APWA $ 5.50 5 4.84 $ 3.50 1 3 1 11 11.425 SF CONSTRUCT 4 INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 5 3.00 $ 2.10 5 1.50 15 I 12 4.090 SF CONSTRUCT 4 INCH PCC RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY $ 3.50 $ 2.35 $ 1.50 15 I 13 4 EA CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP $ 650.00 5 764.50 $ 450.00 ( 10 1 14 55 LF CONSTRUCT TYPE C WALL PER PLAN 5 60.00 $ 222.00 $ 80.00 ( 7 ) 15 56 LF CONSTRUCT TYPE D WALL PER DETAIL $ 55.00 5 175.40 5 100.00 ( 1 ) 16 52 LF CONSTRUCT TYPE E WALL PER DETAIL $ 45.00 $ 97.30 $ 70.00 ( 7 I 17 40 LF CONSTRUCT TYPE F WALL PER DETAIL $ 45.00 5 96.56 $ 70.00 17 ) 18 1,225 LF CONSTRUCT BLOCK SLOUCH WALL PER APRA 5 15.00 5 2153 $ 15.00 1 1 I 19 320 LF REMOVE REPLACE NEW CHAIN LINK FENCE $ 20.00 $ 24.54 $ 8.00 ( 5 1 20 345 LF CONSTRUCT REINFORCED CONCRETE BLOCK WALL 5 30.00 $ 56.25 5 29.53 12 ) 21 120 LF REMOVE CONSTRUCT BLOCK NALL TO MATCH $ 40.00 $ 89,97 $ 26.00 ( 4 I 22 80 Li CONSTRUCT BLOCK WALL 5 25.00 5 111.02 $ 35.00 ( 1 ) 23 24 EA REMOVE PORTION OF FENCE OR WALL $ 250.00 5 277,40 $ 65.02 ( 2 ) 24 100 LF REMOVE REESTABLISH EXISTING WROUGHT IRON $ 25,00 $ 21,46 $ 13.60 1 5 ) 25 2 EA INSTALL WROUGHT IRON GATE $ 450.00 5 1,340.15 $ 250.00 ( 1 I 26 65 LF REMOVE RECONSTRUCT DECORATIVE MOW STRIP $ 15.00 $ 19.31 $ 7.00 1 6 I 27 14 EA REMOVE TREES DIAMETER VARIES FROM 4 TO 31 $ 400.00 5 363,46 $ 221.60 12 ) 2B 4 EA REMOVE PALM TREE OR YUCCA TREE 5 400,00 5 587.30 5 390.00 ( 6 I 29 20 EA REMOVE REPLACE SHRUBS IN KIND TO MATCH $ 35.00 $ 27.65 $ 16.00 ( 9 ) 30 36 EA PLANT 24 INCH BOX BRISBANE $ 280.00 $ 339,66 5 250,00 ( 1 ) 31 38 EA CONSTRUCT 4 FOOT BY ] FOOT TREE WELL $ 50,00 5 113.73 5 20.00 I 1 ) 32 1 EA PLAIT 24 INCH BOX FERN $ 300.00 5 356.16 $ 300.00 ( 7 I 22A 2 EA CONSTRUCT CURB OPENING CATCH BASIN $ 3,700.00 $ 3,176.00 5 2,060.00 1 2 ) 335 2 FA CONSTRUCT CURB OPENING CATCH BASIN $ 4,200.00 5 5,853.00 $ 4,000.00 ( 7 ) 34 3 EA CONSTRUCT CONCRETE COLLAR 5 500,00 $ 500.00 $ 200.00 ( 3 1 35 1 EA CONSTRUCT SUPPORT FOR CONDUITS 5 450.00 $ - 654.60 5 200,00 ( 3 I 36 36 LF 18 INCH RCP 2000D $ 100.00 $ 91.37 $ 79.70 ( 2 I 37 40 LF 27 INCL{ RCP 2000➢ $ 110.00 $ 109.17 $ 86.65 ( 2 I 38 16 LF 30 INCH RCP 20000 $ 120.00 $ 122,53 5 90.25 ( 2 I 39 5 EA ADJUST WATER VALVE FRAME AND COVER $ 150.00 $ 129.50 $ 10,00 1 3 I 40 2 EA ADJUST WATER METER BOX AND LID TO GRADE $ 200.00 $ 102.00 $ 15,00 13 I 41 _ EA ADJUST TRAFFIC SIGNAL PULLBOX TO GRADE 5 200.00 $ 546.00 5 50.00 I 1 1 42 6 EA ADJUST MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER TO GRADE 5 250.00 $ 331.51 $ 200.00 1 4 1 43 5 EA CONSTRUCT' HOUSE CONNECTION SEWER PER PLAN $ 1,000.00 $ 1,259,26 $ 400.00 ( 1 1 44 1 IS REMOVE CONSTRUCT PORTIONS OF IRRIGATION SYS $ 500.00 $ 2,514.00 5 500.00 1 2 ) 45 1,032 LF FURNISH INSTALL 6 INCH DI PIPE CLASS 350 5 40.00 $ 35.26 $ 25.00 ) 1 I 46 2 EA FURNISH INSTALL 8 INp1 GATE VALVE AND BOX $ 750.00 $ 890.29 $ 532.88 ( 2 ) 47 3 EA FURNISH INSTALL 6 INCH FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 5 1,200,00 5 2,43315 $ 1,500.00 ( 6 ) 48 34 EA FURNISH INSTALL 1 INCH WATER SERVICE FROM NEW $ 550.00 $ 550.46 $ 400.0D 1 1 I 49 4 EA FURNISH INSTALL 1 :NCH WATER SERVICE $ 1,100.00 $ 762.95 $ 200.00 ( 1 I 50 1 EA FURNISH MATERIALS AND PERFORM HOT TAP 5 4,500.00 5 2,614.44 5 400.00 1 1 1 •••• BID ANALYSIS "" PAGE 2 OF 15 JN 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 51 1 EA FURNISH MATERIALS AND CONNECT WATERLINE $ 1,500.00 5 1,956.73 5 400.00 1 1 I 52 1 EA ABANDON FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY $ 700.00 5 381.10 5 150.00 1 5 I 53 3 EA ABANDON EXISTING NATER VALVE AND FILL BOX $ 250.00 5 236.31 5 125.00 ( 1 ) 54 1 LS CUT PLUG AND ABONDON EXISTING WATERLINES $ 1,270.00 5 1.005.53 5 200.00 I. 1 ) 55 2 EA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SIGN 5 500.00 $ 509.00 S 125.00 1 2 ) 56 1 :S SIGNING AND STRIPING COMPLETE PER PLAN 5 1.300.00 5 1,616.26 $ 852.60 1 2 ) 57 300 LF FURNISH INSTALL NEW STREET LIGHTING CONDUIT $ 10.00 $ 12.19 5 9.00 ( 7 ) 58 1,000 LF FURNISH INSTALL 2 INCH STREET LIGHTING $ 12.50 5 11.30 5 8.00 1 5 I 59 6 EA FURNISH INSTALL STREET LIGHTING 5 450.00 5 220.72 5 100.00 I 1 I 60 1 EA FURNISH INSTALL NEW STREET LIGHTING HANDHOLE $ 500.06 5 331.15 5 ' 150.00 ( 1 I TOTAL 5 445,000.00 PACE 3 OF 15 BIDDERS TOTAL BID 1 CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS $ 959,163,50 2 EC CONSTRUCTION $ 963,906.27 3 GENTRY BROTHERS $ 9]5.900.50 4 SEQUEL CONTRACTORS $ 9]6,200,00 5 LOS ANGELES ENGINEERING $ 982,633.50 6 DAMON CONSTRUCTION CO $ 995,218,00 ] PIMA CORP $ 52370].00 B SULLY MILLER CONIRACTIN S 527,869.25 9 SILVA CONSTRUCTION INC $ 539,676.60 10 SEG CONSTRUCTION CO 5 617.293.00 AVERAGE BID $ 506,122.66 •••• EID SVMMARY ••" PAGE 4 OF 15 ,IN 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET 02/26/90 Cl ) ( 2 ) ( 31 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS EC CONSTRUCTION GENTRY BROTHERS ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE _AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 1 5 11,940.00 5 11,940.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 S 1.000.00 5 1,000.00 $ 50,000.00 S 50.000.00 2 1,800 5 18.00 $ 32,400.00 $ 28.00 5 50,400.00 $ 24.15 5 43.470.00 $ 25.00 5 45,000.00 3 1.070 5 30.00 5 32,100.00 5 55.00 5 58.850.00 5 27.27 $ 29,178.90 5 28.00 $ 29,960.00 4 1.915 $ 18.00 5 34,470.00 $ 13.00 $ 24,895.00 $ 13.32 5 25.507.80 $ 15.00 $ 28,725.00 5 1,055 $ 4.00 $ 4,220.00 $ 2.00 $ 2,110.00 $ 1.05 5 1.951.75 $ 2.0D $ 2,110.00 6 4.420 $ 4.00 5 17,680.00 5 5.00 $ 22.100.00 $ 3.50 5 15,470.00 $ 1.80 5 7.956.00 7 200 $ 6.00 5 1,200.00 $ 8.00 5 1,600.00 5 5.00 5 1,000.00 5 3.50 $ 700.00 8 2,370 5 12.00 5 28,440.00 $ 15.00 5 35,550.00 5 12.88 5 20,525 60 5 10.00 5 23,700.00 9 160 5 15.00 5 2,400.00 $ 14.00 $ 2,240.00 $ 12.88 $ 2,060.80 5 10.00 $ 1,600.00 10 760 $ 5.50 S 4,180.00 $ 4.00 $ 3.040.00 5 7.65 $ 5,814.00 5 3.50 $ 2,660.00 11 11.425 5 3.00 5 34,275.00 $ 2.70 $ 30,847.50 $ 2.35 $ 26,848.75 5 1.70 $ 19.422.50 12 4,090 5 3.50 $ 14,315.00 5 4.00 $ 16,360.00 $ 2.35 5 9.611-50 $ 1.80 5 7,362.00 13 4 5 650.00 $ 2.600.00 5 1,200.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 785.00 $ 3,140.00 $ 550.00 $ 2,200.00 14 85 5 60.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 100.00 $ 5,500.00 5 335.00 5 18.425.00 $ 208.00 $ 11,440.00 15 51 5 35.00 $ 3.080.00 5 100.00 $ 5,600.00 $ 218.00 5 12,208.00 $ 173.00 $ 9,688.00 16 52 5 45.00 5 2,340.00 $ 100.00 5 5,200.00 5 110.00 $ 5.720.00 5 100.00 5 5,200.00 17 40 5 45.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 100.00 $ 4,000-00 5 106.64 $ 4,265.60 $ 00.00 $ 3,520.00 18 1,225 5 15.00 5 18,375.00 5 15.00 $ 18.375.00 $ 18.73 $ 22,944.25 $ 18.00 5 22,050.00 19 320 $ 20.00 5 6,400.00 $ 20.00 $ 6,400.00 $ 12.84 5 4.108-80 $ 32.00 5 10,240.00 20 345 5 30.00 5 10,350.00 5 42.00 5 14.490.00 $ 39.53 5 13,637.85 $ 63.00 $ 21,735.00 "" BID SUMMARY •"• PACE 5 OF 15 N 09649 CITY OF ROSE€AD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 11 ) 12 ) 131 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS EC CONSTRUCTION GENTRY BROTHERS ITEM 0UANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 21 120 5 40.00 $ 4.800.00 5 45.00 5 5,400.00 $ 154.72 S 18,566.40 $ 89.00 $ 10,680.00 22 80 5 25.00 5 2,000.00 5 35.00 $ 2,800.00 5 186.22 5 14,897.60 5 50.00 5 4,000.00 23 24 $ 250.00 5 6,000.00 $ 150.00 5 3,600.00 5 65.02 5 1,560.40 $ 250.00 $ 6,000.00 24 100 5 25.00 5 2,500.00 $ 15.00 5 1,500.00 5 28.65 $ 2,865.00 $ 20.00 $ 2.000.00 25 2 $ 450.00 5 900.00 5 250.00 $ 500.00 5 4,161.50 5 8,323.00 $ 1,200.00 5 2,400.00 26 65 5 15.00 5 915.00 $ 10.00 5 650.00 5 16.75 $ 1,088,75 5 20.00 5 1,300.00 27 14 S 400.00 S 5,600.00 $ 500.00 5 7,000,00 5 221.60 $ 3,102.40 5 400.00 $ 5.600.00 28 4 $ 400.00 5 1.600.00 5 1,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 513.95 5 2,055.80 5 600.00 $ 2,400.00 29 20 5 35.00 5 700.00 5 20.00 5 400.00 $ 89.47 5 1,789.40 5 20.00 $ 400.00 30 38 $ 280.00 5 10,640.00 $ 250.00 5 9,500.00 5 351.57 5 13,359.66 $ 300.00 $ 11,400.00 31 38 $ 50.00 $ 1.900.00 5 20.00 5 760.00 5 43.30 $ 1,645.40 $ 100.00 5 3,800.00 32 1 5 300.00 5 300.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 351.65 $ 351.65 5 300.00 5 300.00 33A 2 $ 3,700.00 5 7,400.00 5 4,000.00 $ 8.000.00 5 2,060.00 $ 4,120.00 5 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 333 2 $ 4,200.00 $ 8.400.00 5 5,000.00 5 10,000.00 $ 6,180.00 $ 12,360.00 $ 5,500.00 5 11,000.00 34 3 5 500.00 5 1,500.00 $ 300.00 $ 900.00 $ 500,00 $ 1.500.00 $ 200.00 5 600.00 35 1 $ 450.00 5 450.00 5 250.00 5 250.00 5 510.00 $ 510.00 5 200.00 $ 200.00 35 36 5 100.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 100.00 $ 3,600.00 79.70 $ 2,869.20 5 80.00 $ 2,880.00 37 40 $ 110.00 5 4.400.00 $ 110.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 86.65 5 3,466,00 $ 90.00 $ 3,600.00 38 le $ 120.00 5 1,920.00 $ 120.00 $ 1,920.00 $ 90.25 $ 1,444.00 $ 120.00 5 1,920.00 39 5 5 150.00 $ 750.00 5 70.00 5 350.00 $ 25.00 $ 125.00 5 10,00 5 50.00 •••' BID SUMMARY •••• PAGE 6 OF 15 SN 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGBCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 111 121 131 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS EC CONSTRUCTION GENTRY BROTHERS ITEM OUASTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 40 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 5 25.00 5 50.00 5 50.00 $ 100,00 $ 15-00 $ 30.00 41 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,100.00 5 1.100.00 42 6 5 250.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 300.00 5 1,800.00 $ 390,14 $ 2.340,54 5 200.00 5 1,200.00 43 5 5 1,000.00 $ 5,000.00 5 400.00 $ 2.000,00 $ 852.60 $ 4,263.00 5 600.00 5 3,000.00 44 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 4,000,00 $ 4,000.00 $ 500,00 5 500.00 5 2,500,00 $ 2.500.00 45 1,032 5 40.00 $ 41,250.00 5 25.00 5 25,500.00 $ 21.97 5 32,993.04 5 30.00 5 30,960.00 46 2 5 750.00 $ 1,500.00 5 1,000,00 5 2,000,00 $ 532.88 $ 1,065.76 5 B00.00 5 1.600.00 47 3 S 3,200.00 $ 9,600.00 5 2,600.00 5 7,500.00 $ 2,131.50 $ 6,394.50 S 3,500.00 5 10,500.00 40 34 5 550.00 $ 18,700.00 5 400.00 5 13,600.00 $ 479.56 $ 16,305.04 $ 450.00 $ 15,300.00 49 4 5 1,100.00 $ 4,400.00 5 200.00 5 800.00 5 559.50 $ 2,238.00 $ 450.00 $ 1,000.00 • 50 1 5 4,500.00 5 4,500.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 5 2,664.40 $ 2,664.40 $ 1,100.00 $ 1.100.00 51 1 5 1,500.00 5 1,500.00 5 400.00 5 400.00 5 3,197.25 $ 3,197.25 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 52 - 1 $ 700.00 5 700,00 5 350.00 5 350.00 S 533.00 5 533.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 53 3 5 250.00 5 750.00 $ 125.00 5 375.00 5 160.13 5 480.39 $ 200.00 5 600.00 54 1 5 1,270,00 5 1,270.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 799.31 $ 799.31 5 1,000.00 5 : 000.00 55 2 5 500.00 5 1,000.00 $ 400.00 5 500.00 $ 125.00 5 250.00 $ 400.00 $ 000.00 56 _ 1 $ 1,300.00 5 1,300.00 $ 1.500.00 5 1.500.00 $ 852.60 5 852.60 5 1,500,00 5 1,500.00 57 300 5 10.00 . 5 3,000.00 $ L4.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 11.80 5 3,540.00 $ 11-00 5 3,300.00 58 1,000 5 12.50 5 :2,500.00 $ 10.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10.91 5 10,910.00 $ 13.00 $ 13,000.00 59 6 5 450.00 5 2,700.00 $ 100.00 5 600.00 $ 203,22 5 1,219.32 5 275.00 $ 1,650.00 ^•• HI➢ SVI4IMY •••• PAGE 7 OF 15 .IN 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGNCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 11 ) 121 131 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS EC CONSTRUCTION GENTRY BROTHERS ITEM PUAN7I Y UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AM= UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 60 1 $ 500.00 5 500.00 $ 150.00 S 150.00 5 321.48 5 321.48 5 450.00 $ 450.00 TOTAL 5 445,000.00 $ 459.162.50 $ 463.906.27 $ 475.488.50 ••'• BIO SIRAWiY •••' PAGE B OF 15 ,IN 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 141 15 ) I61 I 7 I SEQUEL CONTRACTORS LOS ANGELES ENGINEERING DAMON CONSTRUCTION CO PIMA CORP ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 1 5 42,000.00 $ 42.000.00 5 13,000.00 5 13,000.00 5 31,500.00 5 31,500.00 5 30,000.00 5 34000.00 2 1.800 $ 17.00 5 30.600.00 $ 28,00 5 50,400.00 5 22.00 5 39,600.00 5 35.00 5 63,000.00 3 1,070 $ 26,00 5 27,020,00 5 29.00 $ 31,030.00 5 29.00 $ 31,030.00 $ 32.00 5 34,240.00 4 1.915 5 12.00 $ 22,980.00 5 16.00 5 30,640.00 5 15.00 5 28,725.00 5 15,00 $ 28,725.00 5 1,055 $ 2.00 $ 2,110.00 $ 1.20 $ 1,266.00 $ 3.00 $ 3,165.00 $ 3.00 $ 3,165,00 6 4,420 5 3.00 5 13,260.00 $ 2.10 5 9,282.00 5 2.75 $ 12,155.00 5 3.50 $ 15,470.00 7 200 $ 5.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2.60 $ 520.00 $ 5.00 5 1,000.00 $ 7.50 5 1,500.00 8 2,370 5 11.00 $ 26,070.00 $ 10.00 $ 23,700.00 $ 11.00 5 26,070.00 5 11.00 $ 26,070.00 9 160 $ 13.00 $ 2,080.00 5 10.25 5 1,690.00 5 12.00 $ 1,920.00 5 15.00 $ 2,400.00 10 760 5 4.00 $ 3.040.00 5 4.00 $ 3,040.00 $ 3.75 5 2,850.00 5 5.00 5 3,800,00 11 11,425 5 2.00 $ 22,850.00 $ 1.50 $ 17,137.50 $ 2.00 5 22,050.00 $ 2.00 $ 22,850.00 12 4.090 5 2.00 $ 0,100.00 $ 1.50 $ 6,135.00 $ 2.00 5 8,100.00 $ 2.80 $ 11,452.00 17 4 5 600.00 5 2,400.00 5 580.00 5 2,320.00 5 800-00 5 3,200.00 $ 700.00 5 2,800.00 14 55 5 130.00 5 7,150.00 5 235.00 5 12,925.00 5 310.00 5 17,050.00 $ 80,00 5 4,400.00 15 56 5 135.00 5 7,560.00 S 250.00 5 14.000,00 5 200.00 S 11.200,00 $ 100,00 5 5,600.00 16 52 5 98.00 $ 5,096.00 $ 101.00 $ 5,252.00 $ 90.00 5 4,600.00 $ 70.00 5 3.640,00 17 4C 5 108.00 $ 4,320.00 $ 96.00 5 3,840.00 $ 90.00 5 3,600.00 5 70.00 S 2,800,00 18 1,225 $ 25.00 $ 30,625.00 $ 26_00 $ 31,850.00 5 19.00 $ 23,275.00 5 20.00 5 24,500.00 19 320 $ 22.00 5 7,040.00 $ 8.00 5 2,560.00 5 31,00 5 9.920,00 5 20.00 $ 6,400.00 2D 345 5 65.00 $ 22,425.00 5 43.00 5 14,035.00 $ 52.00 $ 17.940,00 5 45.00 5 15,525.00 "" BIO SVIPMRY •••• PAGE 9 OF 15 .3N 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREEI LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN NICHCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 ( 41 1 5 ) ( 61 ( 7 1 SEQUEL CONTRACTORS LOS ANGELES ENGINEERING DAMON CONSTRUCTION CO PIMA CORP ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 21 120 5 26.00 $ 3,120.00 5 84.00 5 10,080.00 $ 100.00 5 12,000.00 $ 70.0D $ 8,400.00 22 60 $ 50.00 $ 4,000.00 5 72.00 5 5,760.00 $ 195.00 $ 14,800.00 5 60.00 5 4,800.00 23 24 $ 300.00 5 7,200.00 $ 430.00 $ 10,320.00 5 310.00 $ 7.440.00 $ 300.00 5 ,200.00 24 100 5 40.00 $ 4.000_0D $ 13.60 5 1,360.00 $ 19.00 5 1,900.00 $ 15.00 $ 1,500.00 25 2 5 500.00 $ 1.000.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 1,200.00 5 2,400.00 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 26 65 5 20.00 5 1,300.00 $ 8.00 $ 520.00 5 7.00 5 455.00 $ 20.00 5 1.300.00 27 14 $ 400.00 5 5,600.00 $ 475.00 5 6,650.00 $ 360.0D $ 5,040.00 5 300.00 $ 4,200.00 28 4 5 450.00 $ 1,900.00 5 589.00 5 2,356.00 5 390.00 5 1.560.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,000.00 29 20 $ 20.00 5 400.00 5 23.00 5 460.00 5 21.00 5 420.00 $ 20.00 5 400.00 30 30 5 340.00 5 12.920.00 $ 370.00 5 14,060.00 $ 360.00 5 13,680.00 $ 300.00 $ 11,400.00 31 38 5 210.00 5 7,980.00 $ 966.00 5 3,646.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,900.00 5 50.00 $ 1,900.00 32 1 $ 350.30 5 350.00 5 375.00 5 375.00 5 360.00 5 360.00 $ 300.00 5 300.00 33A 2 5 3,200.00 $ 6.400.00 $ 3,400.00 5 6,800.00 5 3,200.00 5 6,400.00 $ 3,000.00 5 6,000.00 33E 2 $ 6,500.00 5 13.000.00 5 8,450.00 5 16,900.00 $ 6,700.00 5 13,400.00 $ 4.000.00 5 6,000.00 34 3 5 800.00 5 2,400.00 $ 450.00 $ 1.350.00 5 800.00 5 2,400.00 5 500.00 $ 1,500.00 35 1 5 600.00 5 600.00 5 850.00 $ 850.00 5 550.00 $ 550.00 $ 2,000.0D $ 2,000.00 36 36 $ 82.00 5 2,952.00 $ 111.00 $ 3,996.00 $ 85.00 5 3,060.00 $ 100.00 $ 3,600.00 37 40 5 110.00 5 4,400.00 $ 148.00 $ 5.920.00 $ 105.00 $ 4,200.0D $ 120.00 $ 4,800.00 38 16 $ 130.00 5 2,080.00 S 126.00 $ 2,016.00 $ 125.00 $ 2,000.00 5 140.00 $ 2,240.00 39 5 $ 150.00 5 750.00 $ 200.00 $ 1,000.00 5 215.00 $ 1,075.00 $ 200.00 $ 1,000.00 •••• BIO SIMMA.QY PAGE 10 OF 15 ]N 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING MD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHC IFF STREET 02/26/98 ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 61 17 ) SEQUEL CONTRACTORS LOS ANGELES ENGINEERING DAMON CONSTRUCTION CO PIMA CORP ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 40 2 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 5 85.00 $ 170.00 5 55.00 $ 110.00 $ 200.0D 5 400.00 41 I 5 150.00 $ 150.00 5 85.00 5 85.00 5 750.00 5 750.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 42 6 9 200.00 5 1.200.00 $ 250.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 275.00 $ 1,650.00 S 400.00 5 2,400.00 43 5 $ 1,300.00 5 6,500.00 $ 1,800.00 5 9,000.00 5 1,300.00 5 6,500.00 5 1,000.00 5 5.000.00 45 1 $ 3,000.00 5 3.000.00. $ 2,800.00 5 2.800.00 $ 2,400.00 5 2.400.00 $ 2.000.00 $ 2,000.00 45 2,032 $ 40.00 $ 41,290.00 5 27.50 $ 28,380.00 $ 39.00 5 40.248-00 $ 40.00 5 41.280.00 46 2 5 800.00 $ 1,600.00 S 815.00 $ 1,630.00 5 780.00 5 1.560.00 5 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 47 3 $ 1,800.00 $ 5.400.00 5 3,000.00 $ 9,000.00 5 1,500.00 5 4,500.00 5 3,000.00 5 9.000.00 48 34 5 450.00 $ 15.300.00 $ 665.00 5 23,290.00 5 410.00 5 13.940.00 $ 1,200.00 5 40.800.00 49 4 $ 800.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 5,000.00 5 770.00 $ 3,080.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 6,000.00 50 1 5 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 5 4.400.00 5 4,400.00 5 2,600.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 2,000.00 5 2,000.00 51 1 5 2.200.00 $ 2,200.00 5 1,150.00 5 1,150.00 5 2.100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,000.00 5 2.000.00 52 1 $ 300.00 5 300.00 5 150.00 $ 150.00 $ 260.00 $ 260.00 5 500.00 S 500.00 53 3 5 300.00 $ 900.00 5 340.00 $ 1.020.00 5 270.00 $ 810.00 $ 200.00 $ 600.00 54 1 5 600.00 5 600.00 $ 2,000.00 5 2,000.00 $ 520.00 5 520,00 $ 2.000.00 $ 2,000.00 55 2 5 400.00 $ 800.00 $ 565.00 5 1,130.00 5 350.00 $ 700.00 5 500.00 5 1.000.00 56 1 $ 2.000.00 5 2,000.00 S 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 5 1,360.00 S 1,360.00 $ 5.000.00 5 5,000.00 57 300 $ 12.00 5" 3,600.00 $ 19.40 5 5,820.00 5 9.00 $ 2.700.00 5 9.00 $ 2,700.00 58 1,000 $ 13.00 $ 13,000.00 5 8.00 $ 9.000.00 5 12.50 $ 12.500.00 $ 10.00 5 10,000.00 59 6 $ 150.00 5 900.00 5 455.00 5 2.730.00 $ 260.00 $ 1,560.00 5 200.00 5 1,200.00 '•" BSO sm 4ARY "'• PAGE 11 OF 15 JN 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 ( 41 ( 51 ( 6 ) TT ) SEQUEL CONTRACTORS LOS ANGELES ENGINEERING DAMON CONSTRUCTION CO PIMA CORP ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 6D 1 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ 485.00 $ 485.00 5 420.00 $ 420.00 5 350.00 5 350.00 TOTAL 5 476.288.00 5 462.633.50 $ 495.218.00 5 523.707.D0 •••• BID StflIARY --•• PAGE 12 OF 15 JN 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING ANO WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 181 191 ( 10 ) SULLY MILLER COUIRACTIN SILVA CONSTRUCTION INC SEC CONSTRUCTION CO ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE ANDO= UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE. AMOUNT 1 1 5 7,700.00 5 7,700.00 5 35,000.00 5 35,000.00 $ 64,000.00 5 64,000.00 2 1,900 5 25.50 $ 45,900.00 $ 37.80 5 68,040.00 $ 26.00 $ 46,800.00 3 1.070 5 29.00 5 31,030.00 5 30.40 5 32,528.00 5 30.00 5 32,100.00 4 1,915 5 15.00 $ 28,725.00 $ 12.00 5 22,990.00 $ 22.00 5 42,130.00 5 1.055 5 2.75 $ 2,901.25 $ 5.20 5 5,486.30 5 6.50 5 6,857.50 6 4,420 5 3.75 $ 16,575.00 5 3.40 $ 15,028.00 5 6.50 5 28,730.00 7 200 $ 4.50 5 900.00 5 15.50 $ 3.100.00 $ 11.00 $ 2,200.00 8 2,370 5 10.80 5 25,596.00 5 11.00 5 26,070,00 5 12.50 5 29,625.00 9 150 $ 10.50 5 1,680.00 5 19.90 $ 3,168.00 5 12.50 $ 2.000.00 10 760 5 5.50 5 4,180,00 5 4.96 5 3,769.60 5 6.00 $ 4,560.00 11 11,425 5 2.70 5 30,847,50 5 1,74 $ 19,879,50 5 2.30 $ 26,277.50 12 4,090 5 2.70 $ 11.043.00 5 2.07 $ 8,466.30 $ 2,30 S 9,407.00 13 4 - 5 800.00 5 3,200.00 5 1,380.00 5 5,520.00 $ 450.00 $ 1.800.00 14 55 5 145.00 5 7,975.00 $ 327.00 5 17,985.00 5. 350.00 $ 19,250.00 15 56 - 5 145-00 $ 8,120.00 $ 208.00 $ 11,648.00 5 225.00 5 12,600.00 16 52 5 110.00 5 5,720.00 5 94.00 5 4,988.00 $ 100.00 $ 5,200.00 17 40 $ 115.00 5 4,600.00 $ 92.00 $ 3,680.00 5 100.00 $ 4,000,00 18 1.225 $ 32.30 $ 39,567.50 5 19.30 5 23,642.50 5 22.00 5 26,950.00 19 320 $ 34.75 5 11,120.00 $ 31.80 $ 10,176.00 5 33,00 $ 10,560.00 20 345 $ 100.00 5 34,500.00 5 53.00 5 18,285.00 5 60.00 $ 20,700.00 "•• BID SIMMARY •••• PAGE 13 OF 15 3N 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGNCLIFF STREET 02/26/99 ( BI 191 1101 SULLY MILLER CONrRACTIN SILVA CONSTRUCTION INC JEG CONSTRUCTION CO ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 21 120 5 90.00 $ 10,800.00 5 95.00 5 11,400.00 $ 145.00 5 17,400.00 22 80 5 60.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 192.00 5 15,360.00 5 220.00 5 17,600.00 23 24 $ 430.00 $ 10,320.00 5 214.00 $ 5,136.00 $ 325.00 $ 7,800.00 24 100 5 24.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 19.30 $ 1.930.00 5 20.00 $ 2.000.00 25 2 5 1,200.00 $ 2.400.00 $ 1,190.00 5 2,380.00 5 1,700.00 S 3.400.00 26 65 $ 18.00 5 1,170.00 5 38.30 $ 2,489.50 $ 35.00 5 2,275.00 27 14 5 375.00 5 5,250.00 $ 228.00 5 3,192.00 $ 375.00 5 5,250.00 28 4 5 400.00 5 1,600.00 $ 530.00 5 2,120.00 5 400.00 $ 1,600.00 29 20 5 22.00 $ 440.00 $ 16.00 5 320.00 $ 25.00 S 500.00 30 38 5 375-00 $ 14.250.00 5 375.00 5 14,250,00 $ 375.00 5 14,250.00 31 38 5 225.00 $ 8,550.00 5 118.00 5 4,484.00 $ 225.00 S 8,550.00 32 1 $ 375.00 5 375.00 $ 375.00 $ 375.00 5 375.00 5 375.00 33A 2 5 3,500.00 5 7,000.00 5 3,200.00 5 6.400.00 5 2,700.00 5 5,400.00 33B 2 5 4,800.00 5 9,600.00 5 6,700.00 $ 13.400.00 5 4,700.00 5 9,400.00 34 3 5 250.00 $ 750.00 $ 800.00 5 2,400.00 $ 400.00 5 1.200.00 35 1 $ 650.00 5 650.00 5 536.00 5 536.00 5 400.00 $ 400.00 36 36 $ 100.00 $ 3,600.00 5 86.00 5 3.096.00 $ 90.00 $ 3,240.00 37 40 5 120.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 107.00 $ 4,280.00 $ 95.00 5 3,800.00 38 16 5 145.00 5 2,320.00 5 129.00 5 2,064.00 $ 100.00 S 1,600.00 39 5 5 100.00 5 500.00 5 225.00 $ 1.125.00 S 100.00 $ 500.00 • BID SUMMRY PAGE 14 OF 15 09649 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGGHTINGG AND WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET 02/26/95 8 ) 191 1101 SULLY MILLER CONTRACTIN SILVA CONSTRUCTION INC .SEG CONSTRUCTION CO ITFY, QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUMT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 40 2 5 200.00 $ 400.00 5 :90.00 5 380.00 5 100.00 $ 200.00 41 1 5 125.00 5 125.00 $ 1.070.00 $ 1,070.00 5 100.00 5 100.00 42 6 5 500.00 5 3,000.00 5 400.00 $ 2,400.00 5 400.00 5 2.400.00 43 5 5 1,500.00 5 7,500.00 $ 1.340.00 5 6,700,00 $ 2,500.00 5 12,500.00 44 1 5 3,000,00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2.140.00 5 2,140.00 5 2,800.00 $ 2,500.00 45 1,032 5 37.00 $ 38,154.00 $ 39.60 $ 40,867.20 $ 42.50 5 43,860.00 46 2 5 675.00 5 1,350.00 $ 800.00 5 1,600.00 $ 100.00 5 1,400.00 47 3 5 2,200.00 5 6,600.00 5 1,600.00 5 4,800.00 5 3.000.00 $ 9,000.00 48 34 5 600.00 5 20,400.00 $ 430.00 $ 14,620.00 $ 400.00 5 13,600.00 49 4 5 500.00 $ 3,200.00 5 800.00 5 3,200.00 5 500.00 $ 2,000.00 50 1 5 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,650.00 5 2,680.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 51 1 $ 2,700.00 S 2,500.00 5 2,140.00 5 2,140.00 5 2,800.00 5 2,500,00 52 1 5 500.00 $ 500.00 5 268.00 $ 268.00 5 550.00 5 550.00 53 3 5 250.00 $ 550.00 5 268.00 5 804.00 5 250.00 $ 550.00 54 1 $ 1,500.00 5 1,500.00 $ 536.00 5 536.00 $ 900.00 5 900.00 55 2 5 1,000.00 5 2,000-00 5 800.00 5 1,600.00 5 550.00 $ 1,100.00 56 1 5 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,350.00 $ 1,350.00 5 1,400.00 5 1,400.00 57 300 5 12.50 5. 3,150.00 5 10.70 5 3,210.00 5 12.50 5 3,550.00 58 1,000 $ 11.55 $ 11,750.00 $ 12.30 5 12,300.00 5 11.50 $ 11,500.00 59 6 5 225.00 $ 1,350.00 5 129.00 5 774.00 5 210.00 5 1,260.00 •"' BID $VMMA.QY "•• PACE 15 OF 15 N 09659 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET STREET LIGHTING AND NATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHCLIFF STREET 02/26/98 61 191 ( 10 1 SULLY MILLER CONTRACIIN SILVA CONSTRUCTION INC JEG CONSTRUZTION CO ITEM PUAM1TI Y UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMDUM 60 1 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 5 160.00 S 160.00 $ 325.00 $ 325.00 TOTAL $ 52).869.25 $ 539.676.60 S 617,262.00 RCV 9Y'WILLDAN ASSOc:A-ES ; 3-10-98 11138 D0:-- G3- W:LLDAN ASSOc:ATES1E 1 LUII CX LSI aUJll l%L Business Information Reports' Page 1 of 5 For: SiEVE KORPAL March 10, 1998 MILLDAM ASSOCIATES 2: 40 pm BUSINESS SUMMARY E C CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC DUNS: 04-846-2980 RATING 1R3 2213 CHICO AYE ASPHALT & CONCRETE STARTED 1948 ' (SOUTH) CONTRACTOR EMPLOYS 20 I EL MONTE CA 91733 SIC NO. HISTORY CLEAR TEL: 626 444-9596 1611 CHIEF EXECUTIVE: KENNETH WALTERS, PRESIDENT CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, pi ease call our Customer Service Center at 1-B0C-234-3867 from anywhere within the U. S. If you are outside the U. S. , contact your local D&B office. *** Additional Decision Support Available *** Arida ti anal D&B products, credit recommendatl ons and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet' s Sal uta on Center at 1-800-362-3425 from anywhere within the U. S. SUMMARY ANALYSIS The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D&B' s file as of March 9, 1998. RATING SUMMARY . . . . The "1R" porti on of the Rating (the Rating Classification) indicates business size of 10 or more employees for this company. The '3" on the right (Composite Credit Appraisal) indicates an overall "fair' credit appraisal. This credit appraisal was assigned because the payment information in O&B' s file on this company indicates slowness in meeting trade obligations and the open suits, liens or judgments in D&B' s file. ISI Bel ow Is an overview of the company' s D&B Rating(s) since 01/01/91: RATING DATE APPLIED Provi ded unser contract for the exe usi ve use of WILLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri gnt 1998 0613 Inc. V3.9 RCV 5Y:W:LLOAN A550C:ATES : 3-10-98 : 11 :LQ CCITT G3+ W:LLDAN ASSOC:ATES:: 2 .„ . I For: STEVE KORPAL March 10. 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 2: 40 pm SUt#4RYAIIALY515 (continued) 1R3 12/16/95 3A2 08/30/95 3A3 - 04/26/95 342 03/30/95 3A3 12/07/93 3A2 05/28/93 3A3 04/16/93 3A2 04/04/91 3A3 01/01/91 PAYIL'NT SUIPWRY The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D&B' s file as of the date of this report. The PAYDEX for this company is 80. This PAYDEX score indicates that payments to suppliers are generally within terms, weighted by dollar amounts. When dollar amounts are not considered, approximately 87% of the,.company' s payments are within terms. Below is an overview of the company' s dollar-weighted payments. segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: TOTAL LARGEST * DAYS SLOW TOTAL DOLLAR kIGH W/IN RCV' D AMOUNTS CREDIT TERMS <31 31-60 61-90 91+ P $ $ k k % & & Total in D&B' s file 9 133, 150 100, 000 Payment By Industry: 1 Mfg readymix concrete 3 130, 000 100, 000 100 - - - - 2 Whol industrial suppl 1 1,000 1, 000 50 50 - - - 3 Ret building material 1 1, 000 1, 000 100 - - - - 4 Oil/gas production 1 750 750 50 50 - - - 5 'Whol petroleum prdts 1 250 250 100 - - - - 6 Whol electrical equip 1 100 100 - 100 - - - 7 Air 'courier service 1 50 50 100 - - - - . ' Other Payment Categories: I Cash experiences D 0 0 Payment record unknown 0 0 0 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 - Placed for collection with D&B 0 0 Provided unser contract far the ext usive use of!.RLLDPN A55CCIATES. Copyri gat 19929&9 Inc 13.9 RCV BP:WILLDAN ASSOCIATES ; 3-10-98 1 11 :to ; CCITT S3+ WILLDAN ASSOCC:ATES;tl 3 ^For: STEVE KORPAL March 10, 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 2: 40 pm PAY NT SUMMARY (continued) other 0 N/A The highest "Now Owes" on file is $10, 000 The highest "Past Due" on file is $ 0 D&B receives over 220 million payment experiences each year. We enter these new and updated experiences into D&B Reports as this information is received. PAY/CNN Antic - Anticipated (Payments received prior to date of Invoice) Disc - DiscountedPayments received within trade discount period) Ppt - Prompt (Payments received within terms granted) REPORTED PAYING HIGH NOW PAST SELLING LAST SALE RECDRD CREDIT OWES DUE TERMS WITHIN 02/98 Ppt 1000 250 -0- Prox 1 Mo Ppt 250 -0- -0- Regular terms 1 Mo 01/98 Ppt-Slow 30 1000 500 -0- N30 1 Mo 12/97 Disc 5000 5C00 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 25000 10000 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 50 -0- -0- Ni5 4-5 Mos Ppt-Slow 30 750 250 -0- N30 1 Mo Slow 5 100 -0- -0- N30 E-12 Mos (009) 100000 5000 -0- 1 Ma Satisfactory. * Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. * Each experience shown represents a separate account reported by a supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Amounts may be rounded to nearest figure in prescribed ranges. FINANCE 12/02/97 On DEC 02 1997 Susan Robertson, office mgr/controllr, deferred financial statement. PUBLIC FILING' The following data is for information purposes only ana is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. I • . * * * LIEN(S) * * * 1 i Provided unser cent act for the enc"usive use of 1ILLDAN ASSOCIRTES. Copyrignt 1998 Oha Inc. 43.9 RCV BY:WILLOAN ASSOC:A-ES 1 3-10-93 : 11 ::1 CCITT G3-. WILLDAN ASSOC:A-ES1: 4 For: STEVE KORPAL March 10, 1998 WILLDM ASSOCIATES 2: 40 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) DOCKET NO. : 94403571 AMOUNT: $174 STATUS: Open TYPE: State Tax DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 02/28/1994 FILED BY: EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE FILED: 02/28/1994 AGAINST: E C CONSTRUCTION CO LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/10/1994 WHERE FILED: LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE, NORWALK, CA On 1.2/02/97, Susa Robertson, office manager/controller, E C CONSTRUCTION CO, stated that the 11 en has been dismissed. * * * UCC FILINGS) it * COLLATERAL: Equipment and proceeds FILING NO: 9624360322 DATE FILED: 08/28/1995 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 09/04/1995 SEC. PARTY: COOK TRACTOR INCORPORATED, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF CERRITOS, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, ASSIGNEE: ASSOCIATES COMMERCIAL CA CORPORATION, IRVI NC, TX DEBTOR: E. C. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. COLLATERAL: Equipment FILING NO: 9801561203 DATE FILED: 01/13/1998 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 01/23/1998 SEC. PARTY: NEW HOLLAND CREDIT CO. FM REI ELD FILED WI TH: SECRETARY OF CA STATE/UCC DIVISION. DEBTOR: E. C. CONSTRUCTI ON CO. CA COLLATERAL: Speci f?ed Equipment and proceeds FILING NO: 93125792 DATE FILED: 04/28/1994 : TYPE: Partial release LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 05/18/1994 SEC. PARTY: LANDMARK BK, LA HABRA, CA ORIG. UCC FILED: 06/24/1993 DEBTOR: E C CONSTRUCTION INC ORIG. FILING NO: 93125792 FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, CA COLLATERAL: Specified Construction equipment/machinery and proceeds FILING NO: 94029718 DATE FILED: 02/14/1994 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/11/1994 SEC. PARTY: INGERSOLL-RAND CO, PICO RI VERA, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, ASSIGNEE: ASSOCIATES COMMERCIAL CORP, CA NEWPORT BEACH, CA , DEBTOR: E C CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - COLLATERAL: Specified Equipment and proceeds FILING NO: 92021455 DATE FILED: 01/31/1992 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 03/10/1992 ' SEC. PARTY: INGERSOLL RAND EQUIPMENT CORP, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF I Provided ,neer ccrtract `or the exc:usive use c'i WILLDAN ASSOCIATES. Co,,yr gni: 1998 D&B Inc. a.9 - - - RCV BV:WILLOAN ASSOCIATES : 3-10-39 : 11 :12 ' CC:7T G3» WILLDAN ASSOCIA-ES:Y 5 For: STEVE KORPAL March 10. 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 2: 40 pm PUBLIC FILINGS (continued) PICO RIVERA, CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, ASSIGNEE: ASSOCIATES COMMERCIAL CORP, CA NEWPORT BEACH, CA DEBTOR: E C CONSTRUCTION CO The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. I/ISTOR Y 12/02/97 KENNETH WALTERS, PRESIDENT CARL PETERSON, V PRES DIRECTOR( S): THE OFFICER(S) CORPORATE .AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF 02/27/1998: BUSINESS TYPE: Gorooration - DATE INCORPORATED: 04/12/1978 Profit STATE OF INCORP: California Corporate file #00863795. Business started 1948 by Carl Peterson. 1O0% of capital stock is owned by Kenneth Walters. KENNETH WALTERS born 1942. OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1965-present active here. Elected officer in 1978. CARL PETERSON born 1913, not active here. OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1948-1995 active here. OPERA77011 12/02/97 Contractor specializing in asphalt and concrete work, primarily doing sidewalks and parking lots. Contractor' s license #366814. Subject is licensed as a 9ereral engineering contractor. This business contracts 15% of work to others. Contracts are obtained through bidding 70% and negotiation 30%. Contracts call for fixed fee 70% and cost plus 30%. Terms are progress payments 50% and lump sum payment 50% Has 20 accounts) Sells to school districts, municipalities and commercial and industrial concerns. Territory : Southern California. Nonseasonal. EMPLOYEES: 20 which includes officer(s). FACILITIES: Rents 33, 000 sq. ft. In a ore story cinder block building In good condition. Premises owned personally by Kenneth Walters, president. - LOCATION: Industrial section on side street. 03-10(665 /665) 00000 098098098 BANK: California State pBaappnk,ppLpap�Hpapbra, CA Provi•ied uncer contract for the exc:ocive use of 4TLL9AN ASSOC.ALES. Copyright 1998 CMB Inc. ✓3.9 • Dun &Bradstreet Business Information Report `" Page 1 of 4 For: STEVE KORPAL March 10. 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 2: 39 pm BUSINESS SUMMARY GENTRY BROTHERS, INC DUNS: 06-039-0390 RATING 1R2 384 LIVE OAK AVE HIGHWAY & STREET STARTED 1974 IRWINDALE CA 91706 PAVING CONTRACTOR SALES $8, 000 000 TEL: 626 357-9531 SIC NO. (PROJ) 1611 EMPLOYS 16 HISTORY CLEAR CHIEF EXECUTIVE: RODNEY GENTRY, PRES CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questi ons about this report, please call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-234-3867 from anywhere within the U. S. If you are outside the U. S. , contact your local D&B offi ce. *** Additional Decision Support Available *** Additional D&B products, credit recommendati ons and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet' s Solution Center at 1-800-362-3425 from anywhere within the U. S. SUMMARY ANAL YSIS The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D&B' s file as of March 9, 1998. RATING SUMMARY . . . . The "1R" portion of the Rating (the Rating Classification) indicates business size of 10 or more employees for this company. The "2" on the right (Composite Credit Appraisal indicates an overall "good" credit appraisal. This credit appraisal was assigned because the payment information in D&B' s file indicates the majority of this company' s obligations are retired satisfactorily and this company' s number of years in business. Below is an overview of the company' s D&B Rating(s) since 01/01/91: Provi ded under contract for the exclusive use of WILLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri ght 1998 DOB Inc. V3.9 • DAB Business Information Report (IN7RY8407?ERSS INC Page 2 of 4 For: STEVE KORPAL March 10, 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 2: 39 pm SUMMARY ANALYSIS (continued) RATING DATE APPLIED 1R2 09/02/95 -- 01/01/91 PAYMENT SUMMARY The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D&B' s file as of the date of this report. The PAYDEX for this company is 99. This PAYDEX score indicates that payments to suppliers average 29 days sooner than terms, weighted by dollar amounts. When dollar amounts are not considered, approximately 100% of the company' s payments are within terms. Below is an overview of the company' s dollar-weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: TOTAL LARGEST DAYS SLOW TOTAL DOLLAR HIGH W/IN RCV' 0 AMOUNTS CREDIT TERMS <31 31-60 61-90 91+ # $ $ e % % % Total in D&B' s file 8 309, 800 300, 000 Payment By Industry: 1 Whol bri ck/stone 1 300, 000 300, 000 100 - - 2 Mfg readymix concrete 1 5, 000 5, 000 100 - 3 Whol metal 1 2, 500 2, 500 100 - - 4 Ret building material 1 1, 000 1, 000 100 - 5 Oil /gas production 1 750 750 100 - - 6 Whol electrical equip 1 250 250 100 - - - 7 Whol office supplies 1 250 250 100 - - - - 8 Air courier service 1 50 50 100 - - - Other Payment Categories: Cash experiences 0 0 0 Payment record unknown 0 0 0 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 Placed for collection - with D&B 0 0 other 0 N/A Provi ded under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyright 1998 D&B Inc. V3.9 • D&B Business Infa-neticn Report rEN7RY BROTTERS. INC Page 3 of 4 ' F'or: STEVE KORPAL March 10. 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 2: 39 pm PAYMENT SUMMARY (continued) The highest "Now Owes" on file is $90, 000 The highest "Past Due" on file is $ 0 The aggregate dollar amount of the 8 payment experiences in D&B' s file equals 46. 5% of this company' s average monthly sales. In Dun & Bradstreet' s opinion, payment experiences exceeding 10% of a company s average monthly sales can be considered representative of payment performance. PAYHEN7S Antic - Anticipated (Payments received prior to date of invoice) Disc - Discounted (Payments received within trade discount period) Ppt - Prompt (Payments received within terms granted) REPORTED PAYING HIGH NOW PAST SELLING LAST SALE RECORD CREDIT OWES DUE TERMS WITHIN 02/98 Ppt 1000 500 -0- Prox 1 Mo 12/97 Disc-Ppt 5000 5000 -0- 1 Mo Ppt 2500 -0- -0- 4-5 Mos Ppt 750 250 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt 250 50 -0- N30 1 Mo 11/97 Ppt 250 50 -0- N30 10/97 Ppt 50 -0- -0- N15 6-12 Mos 05/97 Antic 300000 90000 -0- 1 Mo * Each experience shown represents a separate account reported by a supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Amounts may be rounded to nearest figure in prescribed ranges. FINANCE 03/03/98 On MAR 03 1998 Rodney J Gentry, president, declined financial statement. He submitted the following partial estimates dated MAR 03 1998: Projected annual sales are $ 8, 000, 000. • HISTORY 03/03/98 RODNEY J GENTRY, PRES WAYNE J GENTRY, SEC-TREAS GENE GENTRY, SHAREHOLDER STEVE GENTRY, SHAREHOLDER CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF 02/27/1998: BUSINESS TYPE: Corporation - DATE INCORPORATED: 09/15/1980 Profit STATE OF INCORP: California Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WILLD/IN ASSOCIATES. Copyri ght 1998 D&B Inc. VI • DMB Business Information Report (TN7RY BRO77ERS. INC Page 4 of 4 For: STEVE KORPAL March 10. 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 2: 39 pm HISTORY (continued) Business started 1974 by Rodney J Gentry. 25% of capital stock is owned by Wayne J Gentry. 25% of capital stock is owned by Rodney J Gentry. 25% of capital stock is owned by Gene Gentry. 25% of capital stock is owned by Steve Gentry. RODNEY J GENTRY born 1950. 1971-74 with Mai ntenance Men Pavi ng, Pi co Rivera. CA as foreman. 1974-present active here. WAYNE J GENTRY born 1928. 1960-72 employed by Western Paving, Bell Gardens, CA as a paving contractor. 1972-79 employed by Struecker Constructi on, Norwalk, CA, as a paving contractor. 1979-present active here. GENE GENTRY born 1962. Active here all • of adult working career. STEVE GENTRY born 1961. Active here all of adult working career. OPERATION 03/03/98 Contractor specializing in paving highways and city streets (100%). License #397682. This business contracts 20% of work to others. Contracts are obtained through bidding 100%. Contracts call for fixed fee 100%. Retainages, if any, generally 10%. Terms: Progressive payments due upon completion of contract. Sells to public works departments. Territory : Los Angeles, CA. Nonseasonal . EMPLOYEES: 16 which includes officer(s). FACILITIES: Leases 6, 000 sq. ft. in one story frame 3, 000 square feet office and 3, 000 square feet of shop on three acres. LOCATION: Industrial secti on on main street. 03-10(4BP /286) 99999 098112112 -- END OF REPORT -- Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri ght 1998 D&B Inc. V3.9 n1LLIJv vcpY KEISMAN : S-?S-9P. :12:Of.3pM 13101 ,250-0.50S- 313 307 B_']&:K / 4 Page 6 5TH RECORD of Level 1 printed in FULL format. • ot THIS DATA IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ,""- JUDGMENTS "JUDGMENTS AND LIENS STATE OF CALIFORNIA LA COUNTY / RECORDER OF DEEDS DEBTOR: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS ADDRESS: 9209 LOWER AZUSA RD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 CREDITOR: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AMOUNT: $ 2, 656 NUMBER: 951303615 �7 TYPE: COUNTY TAX LIEN SL09 I2'54 /1-4 , ENTERED: 09/09/1995 ENTER LEXDOC TO ORDER COPIES OF PLEADINGS, LIENS AND RELATED FILINGS — nMLLav rkt > REISMAN : 3-23-98 :12:03PM 13101 950-0506- all: 307 9218:# 3i 9 6TH RECORD of Level 1 printed in FULL format. •n THIS DATA IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY `^ JUDGMENTS AND LIENS STATE OF CALIFORNIA LA COUNTY / RECORDER OF DEEDS DEBTOR: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS ADDRESS: 9209 LOWER AZUSA RD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 SSN/TAX ID: 95-3633832 CREDITOR: IRS AMOUNT: $ 6,340 NJI✓.3ER: 9517 51913 TYPE: FEDERAL TAX. LIEN IRS SerLal No. 959536247 ENTERED: 10/30/1995 ENTER LEXDOC TO ORDER COPIES OF PLEADINGS, LIENS ANT RELATED FILINGS naLLIN w.r.SS KEISMAN : 3-23-98 :I2:03PM i310i 950-0500— fl18 3Di 9218:# 3i 4 Page 8 19TH RECORD of Level 1 printed in FULL format. ***THIS DATA IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. CERTIFICATION CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE OFFICE OF THE CALIFORNIA SECRETARY OF STATE"' CALIFORNIA SECRETARY OF STATE, UCC RECORD DEBTOR(S) : GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS INC A CORPORATION [BUSINESS] 9209 LOWER AZUSA RD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770-1511 FID/SSI-.': 953633832 SECURED PARTIES: IRS - LOS ANGELES 300 NORTH LOS ANGELES ST, RN 1216 LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 .i:L:NG-DATE: 10/30/1995 FILING-TIME: 06:00 AM EXPIRATION DATE: D7/12/2005 FILING-NUMBER: 9530560328 STATUS' ACTIVE :Myr: FEDERAL TAX LIEN TAX LPN SERIAL NUMSER: 959536248 TAX LIEN INFORMATION: Assessed Expiration Date Date Tax Amount Due 02/20/1995 03/22/2005 $ 3, 457.10 02/27/1995 03/29/2005 S 2,603.83 06/12/1995 07/12/2005 $ 279.92 ENTER LEXDOC TO ORDER COPIES OF TEE ORIGINAL FILING AND RELATED DOCUMENTS CIVILXCONSTRUCTORS March 23, 1998 Mr. Ken Rukavina, P.E. City Engineer City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. P.O.Box 399 Rosemead, Ca 91770 Re: Street, Street Lighting , and Water Improvements on Highcliff Street Project No: 98-01 Dear Mr. Rukavina: I would like to explain that my company is ready for this work. Civil Constructors hired Don Brockman and leased his yard since he has been out of action for the last two years. Don Brockman is not a shareholder, but a hired R.M.E. and Vice President of Civil Constructors. Don Brockman and I were not aware of the county and IRS tax liens. This is Don Brockman's personal problem. This is not Civil Constructors' problem, however we will resolve the problem as soon as possible. Secondly, I've hired Don Brockman for his experience and numerous public work experience as explained in his letter. His public work experience certainly proves that he is capable of and has experience of doing the job. Moreover, I am attaching my resume. I have a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree in Civil Engineering and Construction Management. I have also worked in construction management and have numerous years in business experience which helps me in running a job like this: I would also like to emphasize that I will be able to supply all the necessary bonding and insurance needs. And also, I worked ten times harder than the other people to get bonded and win the previous jobs. This job must be awarded to me because I have no reason to be disqualified. 9209 Lower Azusa Road • Rosemead • CA 91770-9110 Voice (625) 285-4747 • Fax (626) 285-8515 I'm pretty sure that the City of Rosemead will make an unbiased decision to award me the project. Regards, Ellis Cha President cc: Adel Freij, Willdan Associates. enclosure 9209 Lower Azusa Road • Rosemead • CA 91770-9110 Voice (626) 285-4747 • Fax (626) 285-8519 Ellis Yunseong Cha Home 714-525-4862 2140 Camino Rey Fullerton, CA 92833 Office 626-285-4747 9209 Lower Azusa Rd. Rosemead CA 91770 CARFFR OBTFCTIVF My career dream is to build up a construction company capable of doing medium to heavy civil construction. FDI(CATION 1981 - Stanford University Master of Science in Constriction Engineering and Management 1980 - University of California Berkeley Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering FNCTINEFRINC4 FXPERTFNCF (I) July 1981 thru August 1984 as a Cost and Scheduling Engineer at Bechtel Power Corp. My duty was to coordinate construction scheduling and budgeting . - Construction Progress Report and Projection Report. - Check the progress of each small projects and forecast any other schedule changes. - Reschedule to meet the final completion date. - Intertie scheduling and budgeting by using P/2, PCP software so that financing planning can be adjusted with all the schedule changes. (2) Sep. 1980 thru July 1981 as a Research Assistant at Stanford University. My duty was to develop educational material for OSHA. - Study statistics of accidents and observe underground construction. - Develop brouchures and pocket cards for safe underground construction. - (3) Sep 1978 thru Sep 1980 as a Research Aid at U.C. Berkeley. My duty was to develop cement like material from spent oil shale. - Analyze the chemistry of the spent oil shale. - Try different additives to the spent oil shale and determine the economical ways to get the best strength. BUSYNESS EXPERIENCE (1) 1992 - current : Owner of two liquor and mini mart stores ABC Liquor. My primary duty was managing employees, purchasing, and customer handling. - Employee management is very critical because this is a cash handling business. - Customer relationship is really important since the most of the customers are repetitive customers. (2) 1984 - 1994 : Owner of Southwest Mattress Co. My essential duty was to coordinate sales, production and delivery. - Determine marketing strategy with sales force. - Prioritize production and delivery schedule. - Fighting against workman's compensation claim was the very important task. OTHER EXPFRJENCES (1) 1979 - current: The head of happy Cha's family. Keeping my family happy is my everyday's objective. - My wife(Gini) is very healthy. Golf Handicap 18. - My daughter(Julianne) is a freshman at U.S.0 studying accounting. - My son (Teddy) is a leadership student, basketball team, and the school tresurer. (2) July 1976-July 1978: A soldier of United States Army. During the Vietnam War, I volunteered for U.S. Army. - Sharp Shooter - Artillery man - Medal of Recognition - Honorably discharged as E-4. B.I.K.. Inc. D.BA. Civil Constructors State of California License No: 742270 Class A 9209 Lower Azuza Road, Rosemead, Ca 91770 Tel: (626) 285-4747 Fax: (626) 285-8519 BIKBIKBIK@AOL.com Summary Of MajorProjects Completed Mt. Washington Bulkhead Phases I & 2 City Of Los Angeles $ 725,000 Roadway Escape Ramp City of Beverly Hills $ 350,000 Lido Cafe Wharf City of Newport Beach $ 385,000 Los Angeles County Department of Public Works: (Numerous Projects To Date, Total Value $ 4,500,000) Curb & Gutter Projects Debris Basin Enlargement Darn Spillway Modification Water Line Replacements (City Wide) Santa Ana River Low Flow Metering Station Installation Arenth Road Realignment Construction equipment owned and operated by B.I.K., Inc. D.B.A. Civil Constructors: 1 8 - Ton RO/F- 800 Ford Crane 1 14.5 Ton 70 Meter Linkbelt Crane 4 Peterbilt Tractor Trailers 2 Landoll Lowside Trailers 2 Landoll Highside Trailers A fleet of 12 Ford and International Dump and Pick-Up trucks 6 Bobcats 4 Ingersoll -Rand Air Compressors 1 950 Cat Loader 1 252 Case Roller 1 Brodeson Stomper 1 710-B John Deere Backhoe 1 Case 220-B Excavator Numerous Pumps and Generators 50+ 1" Steel Trenchplates Civil Constructors Equipment Package The B.I.K., Inc. D.B.A. Civil Constructors is prepared to commence work on your construction project when YOU need to start. The Company owns its equipment, thus we are never waiting for the availability of a rental unit, our heavy equipment is maintained by our staff and remains at the ready to service our many ongoing projects. emir M_ E rii • w �C •T 45 • ♦'.. )4 .har frrt. ;-, 4 ' €1, Z ,. ct _ A t w:, . ri iwtO s - 1 - -a".... - 4 ,'k - - 1 +` i 1• ` r ( ► '1 ):`;$ 11111/471117111.114 `; ' � ' � - ),... r o - ,14 wa- ir t 4 fi • i • . 7 ' ( . < ' ' jit : Civil Constructors Officers & Directors Mr. Ellis Yunseong Cha President Mr. Cha completed his education in 1981 when he received his Master of Science degree in Construction Engineering& Management from Stanford University, he additionally holds an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from The University of California, Berkeley. Mr. Cha has gained his practical engineering experience from five years employment as a scheduling and costing engineer with Bechtel Power Corp. and several years staff work at both U.C. Berkeley and Stanford University. Mr. Don Brockman • Vice President / Chief Engineer Mr. Brockman is a licensed Engineer who received his E.I.T Registration in 1971 (Calif Certificate ti 29549)after completing his studies at California State Polytechnic University, School of Engineering. Mr. Brockman founded General Construction Engineers, Inc. in 1972 and has completed in • • sof 100 State and F ereObjects, to date. General Construction Engineers, Inc. merged 'th B.I.K., In . in 1997 and the companies are now doing increased b 'r • . der the D.B.A. tructors. Mr. Howard Ho jun Choi Vice President Director Of Sales & Marketing Mr. Choi has completed business and media studies in both Korea and the United States at Clayton University, St. Louis, Mo. Since completing his studies Mr. Choi has managed businesses in the far east and in the United States in several aspects of the construction trade. His business ventures have provided him with expertise in the areas of Paints and Paint applications as well as Pipe and Frame Scaffolding and Forming. Mr. Choi will be managing and supervising the development of new business opportunities for Civil Constructors in the southern California Korean community. Mr. Andrew M. Reisini Vice President Administration Mr. Reisini received his BS in Finance from Georgetown University in 1983 and has successfully managed several multi-million dollar companies as a management consultant. Mr. Reisini was engaged by B.I.K., Inc. to assist in the integration of the merged entities and has been retained as an Officer of Civil Constructors in charge of Administration. 1 camcrtft On I cc-, i -;: „'WW2 r dtk6171q, 4Hdtmu COtwv")C•SI 1 d :' ' hhhyyy��� h _ ^.f'. — r11::,-,es Y I�I Dr..: InA b�B If `0 4 45,49,.�) ;TV; 11'I i r. a .faf1 ,�'tii'll�ka al 61 t :!I. :. 1,f ' l �1'. t4 d1 Inc ¢ I -- 3 ,•iv I. , k BBB g I (� '1 I 41,)1 0446 '' fttdMikil iI ,Nd/Obitty .4 1' s"Cye'n 1}..: r} pl ill 1 1EEMppp B��� 41101.• " LYbxce; r{pb,�s tAr, Cr) :L b 114 1sRC.�06 a Ittl 34'44 f6} h111 t . » I ?X• m 1 '{ bhhf% f+fep tatt'� ;3,(' 'fake 6 tin:,f •invhdr oohs with flul1 4 7 t .,“ 15 dB9�. eIDDINd eIHS•VIE ' }' -1”,1111 :71; •rr (1 (1W%hump win ton 3opene�'cay. T{:..,4:i.„4,4 270;1!' 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I ani aria.tge$ • ��v nen 310111 vayrIli.,0160_ !nigh M by Inn 02C9 �r r^rR ; Va1 py Btt oq, i '041344- ". tr t 8°$j iq' t :, 481954-tri,./f1.1:31$4a �5i 4 t ip JsY Eri1r Pi. J� � '1� $ 3. a°)6�ta� l'.fl HBe. ai n ti,r'I Cry . 11 1 8111) Fex, tete +4dkf2Da)Z it. 0 lir Co Inc PO add 90086 ,1 f " 91tisco95'�B1 iBg1Ap!lr op *2 Oo M3o � B�obgrloo'Avantai tr'r. ° '44,BB4il •IlL210-591-end 748s)re2,°szeI. Al )0 al- Ihdl.11t33 i� ed data'`�,...1, H ift 911 B CoNtRActAWAo bs.. t 6 �'�'`'F"t ,} ,yl/.' fP";k/'rn wl{A( `I ) x Iy r:r] t {•.e?r1 i { •ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONTRACT AGREEMENT Fon BLOCK IVALI_ CONSTRUCTION IN VACATES WHITMORE ALLEY FROM ECKIIART AVENUE TO 1 ,600 FEET WESTERLY IIJ triE CITY OF ROSEMEAD This Contract Agrrent is made arid entered into for the bove stated hrnjert r his .2.2 a •day BY PFTWEEFJ the Rnsemearl of eve[oprUK) t�nt Agency, as 19 AC NGy, AND Construction Engineers, as CONTRACTOR. and WI TNESSETII that AGENCY and CONTRACTOR have mutually agreed as fellows[ ARTICLE I The contract documents for the aforesaid project shall consist of the Notice !I Inviting Sealed Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, General Specifications, Standard Specifications, Special Provisions, Plans, and all referenced specifications, details, standard drawings, and appendices; `I together with this Contract Agreement and all required bonds, insurance certificates, permits, notices, and affidavits; and also Including any and all addenda or supplemental agreements clarifying, or extending the work contemplated as may be required to insure Its completion In an acceptable • manner. All of the provisions of said contract documents are made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. ARTICLE II f; Fn' mid in consideration of the payments per4+rmed B\, and agreements tomade and 1i AGENCY, CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish alllmaterials and perform all work required for the above stated project, and to fulfill all nrhnr nhligations as set forth in the aforesaid contract documents. 1.1ARTICLE III lv:I CIIrITRACTt)R agrees to receive and accept the prices proposal as full compensation for furnishingmaterials, all performing forth the n work , and fulfilling all obligations hereunder. Said compensationshall cover all eypensec, losses, damages, and consequences arising out of the nature of t�. the work during its progress or prior to its acceptance including those for • well and faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof in the manner i and time specified in the aforesaid contract documents; and also Including �. those arising from actions of the elements, unforeseen difficulties or cbstruetionc encountered in the lose p cotien unknowns the woro, suspension or i. • Hisrnniinuanre of the work, and all other description connected with the wort., or risks of any Anr5R/v ?�i . al ; . yy ; t� ' .� i! n + N' "�* Haat ":77}r ��(� )..; r 7 1 yl p ' t� • f� y1::fy ,:,,„. .r. ti BID SCHEDULE = t �,''; FOR BLOCK WALL CONSTRUCTION 1y( IN ,i , VACATED WHITMORE ALLEY FROM ECKHART AVENUE TO 1 ,600 FEET WESTERLY lh IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD tI NEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED , No. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ,;' ' • ri / . 'i,if 1 Unclassified excavation 30 C. Y. . < 5 I� i 2 Construct 6-Inch P.C.C.IT VOX /i ' J. r over compacted subgrade / - per alley typical . I section on plan 1 ,310 S.F. f tl i 3 Construct concrete block Va 0 '.• - ti . t- wail per typical Section "A" on plan 1 ,1150 ir , Construct concrete block wall per typical Section "B" on plan 280 L.F. § ?Sa,_ OO.- 5 Construct concrete block 1 wall to match existing � iNNNN themnot to exceed to 6 the new block wall) 90 L.F. § I 1 6 Construct chain link fence to match existing 135 L.F. $ 132% L15. 7 Construct wood fence to match existing 80 L.F. $ ----r t_ P Construct wrought Iron fence Iwith concrete footing to QU rR match existing 6 L.F. § �§ (12 o' 9 Construct 6 foot high (one leaf) gate per LACRD Standard ,. = Plan No. 88-01 10 L.F. $ (�`�§ 62OO ( I f_ C-2(a) .. .. m : rte ittrl ,f, ! FA1 ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. - DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT If: 10 Adjust manhole (rime ands cr. ` �/�� Y cover to grade I Each $ Li.7 $ IY e"/ 17 Removal of existing fences 2,080 L.F. $ . 4%$ 00I. 12 Removal of existing block 880 L. F. $_14.f 1.23OD if wall i�• 0 13 Project Sign 2 Each $ I7 § l 000 ' TOTAL AMOUNT BID IN FIGURES waft/ - ��E` )TAL AA •UNT BID IN WORDS ffirI IIree j//��rr`) 1-� 'll=IIi^ �'t��C•i�r �a!1..►qtr ' � rte? • . %Atk.LL�r �r. I► r� i0.AI ' a __ 10 I{ ...,. gar �.. • II cIA IP .... at , ...• , • ei 4 • , . . ____ _ __________ ... \-_ 4np,d,v 32, 612 • • C-2(h) ' �4� -(.� � t': ,troll .:�•, 4 i l DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRAC'ORS a¶; n111n FR proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are In °woos of one-half of one percent of the bid and to procure materials and equipment from suppliers and vendors as follows: ADDRESS, AND PHONE AMBER 0E-g-[-jt. i ACTORS, PORTION OF {YORK _SUPP4gS, AND VEND .5 MATERIALS, OR EQUIPMENT CC7 Y 1 T • • • • • • C-7 • rn partmnnt of r I1Ic Works ( Bureau of Contract Adminiattation CONTRACT PROGRESS PAYMENT REPORT ,req TTIIr DATE 03/21/94 mlI+a^IIIvi.:TON DR TIMBER BULKHEAD M/9 JOB NO. EB000009 r C5❑ IoSTK Ian PAYMENT NO. 7 (FINAL) CLOSING DATE' 03/15/94 REPORTED Bit LJUPCO CAROVSK r..,.nr.nck: f,n INSPECTOR Engineers 07n0 E, l.Cv^r Azusa Rd. Itnn^wend, CA 91770 CONTRACT NO. C-86863 Value nI work included in previous reports. $ 203,540.50," oe've of .o-Nrk crosIl eked during thin period- $ 15,799.84 T2.TAL VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $219,340.34 $ 219,340.34 i nnhilLatino so.00 I holo for Retr•ntlon(Orig( Cnntract Amourlt) $204,000. 50 Pntentjon 5% of Basis Amount $10,200.03 ' other 4:irhhnldi '.q (A)Office of ouretract Compliance $0.00 (9)Ennineerin9 $0.00 (ClInncnction $0.00 $0.00 T O T A 50WITHHELD $10,200.03 $ (10,200:03)1 'Retention payable 35 days after acceptance by the Board of Public Works. BALANCE $ 209'140131 , LESS BALANCE TPnli PREVIOUS PAYMENT $ 183,186.45 AMOUNT DUE CONTRACTOR $ 25,953.86 I herehy certify that this is a I hereby certify that the amount due correct estimate of work completed the contractor is correct; baked on on the above contract. the quantities of work reportbd:by the Inspector of Public Warks! Il For C. Berner Gilpin Ff Robert 5. Horii J Inspector of Public Works City Engineer !// Insurance ExpirNN -4Q- : Evidence of insurance approved/filed Automobile 03/21/94•; '1 9 . in the Board of Public Works Office. Workers' compensation: : : 03/21/94+ d,.''s!'. �//ff //'-'J General Liability . 03/21/94 .i1 ;. ��e/-2-7:rit'it _ fL�jT�KLio Other. : . . Not Reed: I a N „ v v ° u v .. m DD ...1 a U . L., u •- o g I H o, o ' r... . • - - - __ - - Cam - — n _ n n n n lx'' v. ti ° r.i rn ' n y C Y M ' A• P. 9 C a Y A m y m M C ',-.1 /.. - H H n i m " 0 '1 DO C = S m 1of T m O t' y Y N Yn 0 m n v ' H N 0 p Z y n vl, Y � t n C 2 m ° i . F Gl O In^ 0 0 Sia t ; g0 E. n 00 m o •r n m >> z a % " y H u N n m m m 0 H n y Cl01 ° e' - ° Ca r :.' H i 9 n n n {1 �: m m n n a s ). { m a t > D H T m n a ° a I n D r• 1 I H n o rri n ni y O I I r 0 o n n D w a m _ 11101 11- 1 III ..i S0 nH ., „i it. 0 t., P 75 1 H • A n Hz n. H m. 10 la H _ • r C H H ° H H O y M y m r °Y i fi :Hui m rorou qN Ai:. NH n H ° H VII l! ° Ha cl 11 1 •-• .. 0 H D n • ' -V-111 i nnpartmnnt of Poli) lc Works Bureau of Contract Administration 1 y� CONTRACT PROGRESS PAYMENT REPORT DATE 00/24/94 1T HORITTFAL ST r FOWLING ST STORM DAMAGE FFPA)R J09 NO. E4000075 f1 PAYMENT NO, 5 I CLOSING DATE: 08/11/94 REPORTED BY: JOHN L REAMER ''"NT PACTrT INSPECTOR Canstructien Rngineers 9207 C. T,o•.) r Azusa Rd. Roemmnad, CA 91770 CONTRACT NO. C-87618 • Value of work included in previous reports: $ 167,753.00 -> r.l':e of Iork n-”Tleted during this pi [or)- $ 4, 665.00 OTn I, VAlJrE OF 9/MK COMPLETED r Inhill -nt inn $172,4$018.00 $ 172,418.00 Rask f..r Its trntlon18.00 $172,418.00 I`ntentir.n 10% of Basis Amount $17, 241.80 nt1'` r Wit6101din, IA)nffi'-- of Cnntrect Compliancn $0.00 (R)Fnoinnerine $0.00 i1}Tnnpcctien $0.00 $0.00 T 0 T A I, WITHHELD $17,241.80 $ (17,241:80) RALANCE $ 155,1762Q �j ) 'etak1. !i LESS PLLAIICE FROM PREVIOUS PAYMENT $ 150,977:70 AMOUNT DUE CONTRACTOR - $ 4,198:50 I hereby certify that this is a -- rnrrsct estimat- of work completed on the above contract. ,t.! For C. Bernard Gilpin H Inspector of Public Works Insurance Expires Evidence of insurance approved/filed Automobile- 03/21/95 :Lit in the Board of Public Works Office. Workers' Compensation. .: 03/21/95 ' /a��J),, /�j General Liability 03/21/95 2,.cryaryk yer Other : Not Req'd • I � , u v - o f 1 .E lr m A -- : LI Y = V nNi M1 H .-1 .3 Y : a' r I • • p O 0 p f 11 0 .1 T H Y• o I m m m 0 H " L.O )Y_' vl 9 n A Z LI N o [' ro i lr rY,r m : .r y w • _ r r yr _ o 0 k' �. 4y O b O a A b 4 .-1 -. - H •1 fa. 0 y 74 r c o o U")" = =. i P v 0 1..., -.I N e • 1- a i n cl rH A 01 N y' u o o v o a n y r - x tt n yO 0 m ., a n n 2 Y H 3 O � v i m A H QCO m b O HNC .3 O A N r` i •'1 H o 3 0 . 0 ; r, = N , _ Cl 1, = C < m N, '40 ^O o a 0 1 z .1e) nt.3 t l „ L. o a m a N m LI 3'1 n CIA n A II 1. 1 L^ S C ,9 O n A v .-.--L 0 m a n n 4 NI _alit i I yA O• N 0 .9 In . . __1 1 K o 102 i) • r. 11 Y 14 k O to .3g .4). 2 FFA OC Y O Q N o eu � NNur .. r .. uNau ' l'r• NC 1 ; H l 1 S G q a H . o O H ~ o 0 La Y 0 N I. r I n tl B p i y . 4. 0 9 0 , n n k H O m yO TH Y o H H M O G it4.-. 0Ort 0000000000O0 00000000 0 0000000000000000C 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 001000000 ji _ - _ _ _ - I CO 0 .4 o an an 000 .-3 q •Y3 .4 ._ H 0 I , 1 , - ' /, ' . ; JMl1 FL TNT'r' I ^'3if. (117, 117T II I_/V I-T /11_ , CIL C(lHiI /nS 1 ' 1C ) E;TFUCT.I014011 ENGINEERS .__ I .00....00_ flip " I ; LIMIT In i r 10'11 I : FRI-LE 1 TOTAL I ri Pr 1I FFII'I AL 040I1-1,11 INETIFLFP _ _. } . ... I-u. fi.:., 250. 00 I 11 f 1C1 /IJ ..wpy� ITPUT :IIJC - €9f. . 0 ___ _ , ol i t , ,,69 n. IRI r 1- II I, (`III CUTTER IN Fr A2I p, T7. 98_`. UII 4 ;ur s r p i (H II) r I ITT FLI . 1"V r ' ci ,c,: __ ___. -'. .• "-'i!_ . Inlnl r-0,11 -1 En' nr ,.,: 1 . : rn r1 1^:: cE I . ? .. 0000: p` ...... _ _. : : .__ _ ! I_ , ('r.. . plo1 11 ,2. 01, £ ` 1 :. 0A 5-2/ 111, A"I I 36, 7(1 IRI I`iJ, ' � _.._ .._. i 1-T. 0; .117,874 0 1.77.. , _ __ __ _ Jam . ^ ni I i .1 nr 1FP TrF'E1 11, 1-211 7' p I n l,: p r T, rF 1 1'5 r : : fi riL . 1l_'' r. 0000 - - ' - f 1 1 ';p "I l 11PIFDp Ig 1,/,1:,E _.. 9 fill: 4.--- 7n1 1:-? 71 rp=I I i A pd(I 7, I1.-19 1 I . 10. 001 1-7, 000. 00 ` "F' r. I A I9' CF-1TE =11 F T4 ,200. Or: 3B,911, 011 ' rr'c r II I I I=': COFf' OF EI I r 9711 1 9 F" 3a uu %•p Iq pn 1 illi 1 r - _ _ 1 rr1 yy11 :!:( L ND 11 - - . — 1 1-7,50A. nr, T15. 000. 00 I t v 0000_ .__ I Pr'F' 111 ( rr rE C9LL0G u ,, Orl1.911r.). LII l I _ IP 1 : ' F.{ r • .: :1'12 r, ! _ T - T50. 00 -Irl T1 . 500. 00 ,30 ; _ 0000 __ , n rte ' Fc p, ITh e Z7b,172v1. In1 d 1 'nrT -_ : F G1 r r7-'121,E�T I ( J i1I _ 'j /3 /It , it 94.1. 1111 t TOTAL t2677, 1015. 1 1 1 C1 V1 LXCONSTRUCTORS March 19, 1998 • Mr. Ken Rukavina, P.E. City Engineer City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. P.O.Box 399 Rosemead, Ca 91770 Re: Street, Street Lighting , and Water Improvements on Highcliff Street: Project No: 98-01 Dear Mr. Rukavina: Pursuant to your letter dated March 18, 1998, Civil Constructors, Inc. like to bring to your attention the following facts. Insofar as the fact that I was the President of General Construction Engineers, Inc. and that the company has prior debts (public & private) has no bearing on this job,due to the following reasons: 1) The County and IRS tax liens are the result of my previous marriage and are the subject of a current and ongoing law suit. 2) General Construction Engineers, Inc. has been inactive due to the advise of counsel and I have become the Vice President and RME of Civil Constructors, Inc., a company that also rents yard and office space from me. Insofar, as Civil Constructors not listing any subcontractors with its bid, our company does not require the assistance or expertise of any outside trades to complete the scope of the work as detailed in the bid documents. I have been a licensed civil engineer and have been successfully in the construction business since 1976 and it has always been my practice to limit the use of outside contractors unless specifically mandated in the contract (as with certain LA City contracts). • 9209 Lower Azusa Road . Rosemead . CA Voice (626) 285-4747 . Fax (626) 285-8519 110 wiLLUAN e550c;q-_5;; t CIVILXCONSTRUCTORS March 1D, 1998 M-. Adel Friej WILLOAN ASSOCIATES 12900 Crossroads Parkway South Ste. 200 Industry, CA 91746 Re: Highcliff Street Improvement Dear Mr. Friej, I would like to inform you that our company will be performing 100% of contrzct We will not hire any subcontractor for the project Highcliff Street paving, lichtino and water main for me city of Rosemead. Sincerely, Ellis Cha President 2209 Lower Azusa Road . Roeemead- CA 91770-9110 Phone (82S) 285-4747 . Fax(526)265-6519