RRA – Item 2 – Award of Bid for Qualifications for City Hall Energy Retrofit Project T=iIOSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RRA8838 VALLEY BLVD.ROSEMEAD,CA 91770•(818)288-6671•Teiecopier 8183079218 • TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN • • AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 6, 1998 RE: AWARD OF BID FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR CITY HALL ENERGY RETROFIT PROJECT {pj'December 9, 1997,the Agency approved a Request for Qualifications for Energy Retrofit and Specifcatioes 464 e Inviting Bids for Ceiling Tile Replacement. In ,4pneywell Inc. and the other from response the Agency received two propo Energy Pacific. After a careful review by staff, we are recommending that the Agency award the contract to Honeywell, Inc. Their references include an extensive number of municipalities and they have • been in the energy conservation business since 1981. Honeywell's proposed scope of work includes the following: 1 Feasibility Study-An analysis of potential energy savings is performed and potential energy conservation measures are identified. A rough estimate to implement the savings is calculated. 2. Comprehensive Engineering Analysis- After a thorough analysis of the City Hall heating, air conditioning and ventilation system is completed, the most cost effective method of securing the energy savings is recommended. 3. Design and Construction- The final design engineering, project management and construction of the improvements are implemented by Honeywell. 4.Monitoring- Honeywell will continue to monitor the performance of the installation. They will provide us with quarterly reports and provide training in the operation of the equipment. AGENCY AG END APR 1419 ITEM No. a_