CC – Item 4E – Staff Report – Extension of Agreement for Signal Maintenance Services �//� E, ,,.,_,:i: ,..& ,,,,, 1,,,,,,T,,,y„,I stat f e ort p TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 6, 1998 RE: EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT FOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES Attached is a letter from Signal Maintenance, Inc. (SMI) requesting a one-year extension to its current agreement with the City. SMI is requesting a 1.2% increase in rates for the coming year. That request is in line with the most recent CPI report, which is attached for the Council's review. If approved,the rates paid by the City would be$57.86 per month per intersection,$46.29 per month for one flashing beacon near the Williams Elementary School, and $4.36 per month per location for insurance costs. SMI has maintained the City's traffic signals since 1981. Since then, the company has established itself as reputable and reliable contractor. Staff recommends that the City Council approve a one- year extension to the agreement. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve a one-year extension to the City's agreement with Signal Maintenance. Inc. (SMI) effective June 1, 1998 through May 31, 1999. sulrmemsmIOS jls COUNCIL. AGENDA APR 141995 ITEM No. tL . L°C-E 2 TRAFFIC SIM SIGNAL MAINTENANCE INC. A Pcc,:. AA,-'-aerv. Signal Maintenance Inc. a 3suar S Anaho'.m.. C: ii on-.e 9280E 4.4;4: L)ne (7411553.4' 4,0 racy.,- •_ �'4;5G3-3 March 30, 1998 Mr. Jeff Stewart Executive Assistant CITY OF ROSEMEAD P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Extension of Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement Dear Mr. Stewart, The current one (1) year extension of the Agreement for Traffic Signal Maintenance services expires on May 31, 1998. Signal Maintenance, Inc. (SMI), requests that the City of Rosemead (City) extend the Agreement for one (1) additional year. We also request that the City allow SMI to adjust the intersection rate, and the labor and equipment rates to reflect the increase in the current Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is 1.2% (index attached). I have attached a revised rate sheet that reflects this increase for your review and endorsement. Should this request meet with the City's approval, kindly forward the proper documentation to my attention for signature. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. We, at SMI, look forward to the opportunity to be of service to the City of Rosemead. Very truly yours, PEEK TRAFFIC - SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INC. , �,s Wyk. James Ogg, Jr. President cc: K. Harris, SMI owE ! ! . , I ; . / \| riE | �,�I`§| ! * - . ! ;, . .:: ! ; , r1. 4 2k.24:)| "! * /;' ; )} * ) ( : *li. ; /!1! ; , — ( . ** o4 4� E ( .\ \\.\..}.. * } . !: !! 1....,.!! 4 ! .... H .. . ; . \E ; 22 7. E�c \ i§ ! - -- . i =! ! :_;; .� i )! �� , : * gg ! !| - | :::: !, .!!!!.§., . | . (( ) \ : , l , . ". ! -:. ! i . i . !r !, : , : . : i : . : .. „. | |) k !! 0 | HH • . . : !!m ” : . . . : I!g " |- ;!; 2 §tX7t4g * no S . r;{ , _,!„ ; . : . , . : . : !�| |\ § \ : . § \ w \ . . - : ) S ; 9 g £ a« ` ©ate w�C„. . % \l • .*** \ . �� ( - - 2 @ 2 �. \; ) . . ! !, - , . . ( . ; * * ! ! . -. . : . ; . : . r . = ,r . . , * . ee . . . * \ / ` gN " . . . , . 9© § \ \ g ^ \ \§ \ \ 0 \ } \! § / \ * \ Sn 4a wa . . � _ \ EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT THIS EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT is entered into effective the 1st day of June 1998,by and between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD,a municipal corporation(hereinafter"CITY"),and PEEK TRAFFIC/SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INCORPORATED (hereinafter"CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS,the parties have executed an Agreement dated March I, 1981, in which CITY agrees to contract with CONTRACTOR for the performance of certain traffic signal maintenance and repair services; and WHEREAS,said Agreement is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS,the Agreement of March 1, 1981 provides for an annual extension of said Agreement for a period of one year; and WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR has thus far satisfactorily performed the services set forth in the Agreement dated March 1, 1981; and WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR has offered to perform the services required in the agreement for a period of one year with a 1.2% increase in the current rate for services. NOW. THEREFORE, the parties agree: 1. That the Agreement of March 1, 1981 is hereby extended for an additional one-year period to May 31. 1999. 2. This EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT shall be effective as of June I, 1998 and continue in full force and effect until May 31, 1999. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT on the date set forth below. DATED: CITY OF ROSEMEAD MAYOR DATED: PEEK TRAFFIC/SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INC. PRESIDENT 1'ROPOSOL FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL 1.AIN'TENANC. FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA • The undersigned declares that he has examined the signal locations contained herein ' and Ieroposes to perform the following services for the unit prices as submitted. 1. DEFINITIONS a) . The worn "City Manager" shall mean the City Manager of the City of Rosemead, • acting personally or through his duly authorized agents, each agent acting only within the scope of authority delegated to him. b) The word "Police Chief" shall mean the Mead of the City's Law Enforcement Agency of the City of Rosemead, acting personally or through his duly authorized agents, each agent acting only within the scope of authority delegated to him. 2. AUTHORITY OF THE CITY MANAGER • a) The City Manager shall. decide any and all questions which may arise as to the quality or acceptability of materials furnished and wor)c performed, and as to the manner of performance and rate of progress of the work; all questions which arise as to the acceptable fulfillment of the Agreement on the part of the Company; and all questions as to claims and compensations_ b) The City Manager's decision shall be final and he shall have executive authority to enforce and make effective such decisions and orders as the Company fails to carry out promptly. c) At no time will any changes in timing or progression of the signals be made except under the direct supervision of the City Tanager. 3. SERVICES Traffic Signals: Company shall service, maintain and overhaul, traffic signal devices; i.e. , electro mechanical and solid state type including type 170 controllers, fixed time, semi-actuated, fully actuated traffic signals, and at the locations set forth on Exhibit "A", and at such other locations where such devices may from time to time be installed within the City. All said labor, services, materials and equipment shall be furnished and work performed and completed, subject to the inspection and approval of the City, the City Manager's Office, or inspectors or their representatives. When City desires to add traffic signal devices, to be serviced and maintained, it shall notify Company thereof at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the time such service shall commence. The services to he performed shall consist of a preventive maintenance program including, but not limited to, the following: 1. The inspection, cleaning and adjustment of each controller unit, and the repair and _enlacement of any and alldefective parts; such inspection, cleaning and adjustment shall take place as to each unit at least once per calendar month. 2: The Company shall r emp on a group rclamping basis The rel anu.ing period shall be based on a depletion curve, not to exceed twelve (12) months. Lamps shall be General Electric, Sylvania, Westinghouse or approved equal. 3. The replacement and/or repair of any and all defective parts of the controller mechanisms of any unit, or any part thereof, as may be necessary for the operation thereo: 4. The cleaning, polishing, and inspection of all lenses and reflectors in each unit at the time the signals are relamped. All broken or deteriorated parts will be replaced or changed as necessary. 5. Daily visual inspections at intersections throughout the City to insure the prompt replacement of burned out lamps including highway safety lighting, illuminated strc name signs, and repair of controller malfunctions, pedestrian push buttons, detectors, etc. , and to insure the traffic signal progression of all units according to timing relationships determined by the City Manager. 6. The servicing of the signal systems on an emergency basis in the event of • malfunctions of the controller or signal systet. 4. ANSWERING SERVICE CALLS • The Company shall maintain a 24-hour emergency service so that he may be contacted at any hour of the day or night with no exceptions to holidays and weekends and will be required to answer different types of calls, as specified below, within certain time limits. The Company shall supply the City Manager and the Police Chief with a telephone number from which his radio operator may be contacted at all hours. If this telephone number is a toll number, the City will reverse the charges. a) Emergency Calls. Whenever the signal is malfunctioning in any manner, the Company shall answer the call immediately, regardless of the fact that the controller may have been switched to flashing operation by the Police Department. The word "immediately" is is construed to mean with all possible haste, and shall not exceed two hours. The above will also apply to any calls indicating the existence of danger to the motoring public caused by the signal control or the lack thereof. b) Light out calls. Two separate indications will be required for each direction of traffic at all times. When this number falls below two, or if one red indicator is out, the Company shall answer the light out call as soon as possible, not to exceed 2 hours, day or night_ In the event a light out call is received with the report that two indicators are still remaining, the Company shall answer the call within 24 hours. c) Other emergency service. The services shall include, but not be limited to, part replacement or repair, including burned out lamps, lenses, reflectors, visors, light contacts, repairable relays, back plates, push button signs, controllers, coordinating units, interconnect units, time switches, head orientations, etc. d) Illuminated street name signs. The illuminated street name signs shall be serviced and maintained at locations shown in Appendix "B". Burned out lamps, and ballast shall be replaced within 72 hours, Since the delivery of panels by the vendor requires 3-4 weeks, panel replacements shall be ordered by the _ Company within five (5) days. e) Highway safety lighting. The highway safety lights shall be serviced and main- tained at locations shoem in Appendix "B". Burned out lamps and/or ballast steal be replaced within 72 hours. The Luminaire reflector and/or refractor shall be cleaned at the time of lamp replacement. f) Equipment required. The Company shall be equipped with spare parts sufficient to place the signal back in operation for ordinary trouble calls. In those cases where a complex controller or component has to be repaired, the Company shall be required to furnish and install a substitute controller or component until the defective controller or component is repaired or replaced to its original condition as originally installed. The Company after performing any temporary emergency work shall have thirty (30) days in which to complete permanent repairs. All permanent repairs shall be to the level that existed ' prior to the need of the emergency work. 5. EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE Whenever any part of the signal system is damaged by. collision, Acts of God, or malicious mischief, excepting damage resulting from the negligence of the Company while on the job, the repair of such damage will' be paid for as extraordinary maintenance. In addition to this, the replacement of vehicle detectors, pedestrian signal neon tubes and transformers, emergency service calls, flourescent street name signs, highway safety lights, or any revision work the City may request the Company to perform will be paid for as extraordinary maintenace. All extraordinary maintenan< will be subject to the prior approval of the City Manager. If the Company receives a night call that requires the replacement of damaged equipment, he shall put the. signal in a temporary operating condition if damage is of a minor nature, otherwise the Company shall, if unable to restore temporary operation, place the signal on flashing operation if possible. If the signals arc damaged to the extent that they have to be shut down, the Company shall call the Police Chief to provide traffic control until - the signal can be repaired. In no case will the Company perform extraordinary main- . tenance without first obtaining the prior approval of the City Manager. 6. COMPENSATION City shall pay to Company the sum of $92 . 68 per month for each intersection as set forth on Exhibit "A" for the traffic signal preventive maintenance program. Company shall be entitled to additional compensation for extraordinary maintenance. Billing for extraordinary maintenance shall include only the following: a) Company' s invoiced material cost plus 15 per cent. b) Company's labor costs established as N/A per hour to be reviewed annually by the City Manager. Please see schedule A & B attached. c) Equipment rental to be revised annually by the City Manager. Upon receipt of each monthly invoice and certification by the City Manager, the City will, within thirty (30) days after receipt of such invoice, pay to the Company all certified sums. In addition, .the Company will furnish to the City a monthly summary of all work performed within the City, with the location of service, the day and approximate time, the reason for the service, whether routine or emergency, and the hours spent. 7. sINSuRANCE REQUIREMENTS IN CASE OP A CONTRICT • Company shall carry public liability and property damage insurance covering its operations and obligations hereunder in an amount not less than .$1,000,000 for injuries, including accidental death, for any one person, and subir at to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than $500,000, and pro-'. sty damage insurance in an amount not less than $100,000 per each occurrence. The Company shall also take out and maintain during the life of this contract, Workman's Compensation insurance covering all of his employees on the project, with a colnpany satisfactory to the City and shall furnish to the City certificates issued - by such companies showing that all of the above mentioned insurance has been issued and is in full force and effect prior to commencing work in accordance with this agreement. The Company shall be responsible for the insurance coverage as herein provided of all employees of said Company. Said insurance shall provide that the same in non-cancellable except upon ten (10) days' written notice to the City. In case any employee engages in hazardous work under this contract and ia not protected under the Workman' s Compensation Act, the Company shall provide or cause to be provided, appropriate insurance for the protection of all such employees not otherwise protected. The' Company shall lil:ewise'obtain public liability and property damage insurance to cover vehicles used or maintained by him in the performance of said work connected withthis Agreement, with liability limits of not less than $500,000 for any one person, and $500,000 for any one accident, and property damage of $100,000. - If the Company fails to maintain such insurance, the City may obtain such insurance to cover any damages which said City or its principals may be liable to pay through any of the operations and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which the Company may be held responsible for payment of damages to persons or propert resulting from his operations or any operations of any subcontractors under him. Company will be required to indemnify and hold harmless City and its officers and employees from any claims, damages or expenses, including attorney's fees and court costs, arising out of Company's performance. The City to be named as an additional insured on the Company's master policy. S. ASSIGNMENT - Company shall not assign this Agreement or any portion hereof, without first obtaining the written consent of City. If such assignment is made or, attempted by Company, City, at its sole option, may terminate this Agreement upon the giving of a 24-hour written notice to Company of such termination. 9. TE!&i This Agreement shall be in full force and effect for a period of one (1) year, and may be extended upon mutual consent of both parties. • 10. 'TERMINATION OF CONTRACT a) In the event that any of the provisions of this contract are violated by the Company, the City may terminate the Contract by serving wx). :ten notice upon the Company of its intention to terminate such Contract and, unless within ten (10) days after the serving of such notice, such violation shall cease, the Contract shall, upon the expiration of said ten (10) days, cease and terminate. As to violations of the provisions of this Contract which cannot he remedied or corrected within ten (10) days, said Contract shall be, at the option of this City, ceased and terminated upon the giving of like notice. In the event of any such termination of any of the reasons above mentioned, the City may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise for the amount and at the expense of the Company. b) If the Company should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform. any provisions of contract, the City, after three (3) days' written notice to the Company may, without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, make good such deficiencies, and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due the Company, provided, however, the City Manager of said City shall approve such action and certify the amount thereof to be charged to the Company. 11. NOT AN AGENT OF CITY It is expressly understood and agreed that the Company given the Contract will be responsible for furnishing all labor, service, materials and equipment and performing the work as provided for, is acting as an independent Company and not as an agent, servant or employee of the City of Rosemead. • 12. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS The contractor must be highly skilled and specialized in traffic signal systems maintenance. Maintenance work should be the only business of the firm so that no business conflict will arise between maintenance and construction. The contractor must be familiar with a variety of equipment, have substantial parts inventory- and have sufficient equipment to adequately perform the contract. This can best • be assured by demonstrable past experience in the maintenance of traffic signal systems similar to Rosemead's. A positive answer to the following question should assure that this minimum requirement is met: Has your firm been engaged for at least three years solely in the maintenance of traffic signal systems in at least one jurisdiction with equal or greater numbers of signal. installations than Rosemead? Answer: Yes X No If the answer is Yes, please list the following: Total number of years' experience: Eighteen (18) Juri :'.d i ction Served No. of Fixed. No. of Actuated No. of Years Contract Time Si.gna]s Signals with this jurisdiction has been held Monterey Park 11 27 18 Years Montebello 22 35 16 Years Covina 7 22 18 Years • 13. TOTAL BID PRICE FOR ORDINARY MAINTENANCE SHALL BE: • a) Traffic signals, 32 at $42 . 88 per intersection , per month, for a total of $1 , 372 . 16 per month, as of the bid date. b) Safety lighting luminaires, at N/A per luminaire, per month, for a total of N/A per month as of the bid date. c) Total per month (a and b) above N/A d) Total per hour labor for extraordinary maintenance, as of the bid date (Please . see schedule A & B attached) . Signed L• --(4141-4^-- Signal l-/ 4141.4 -- Signal Maintenance, IneCr 2720 E. Regal Park Drive Anaheim, Ca. 92806 Date February 3, 1981 "Shedule A" Signal Maintenance, Inc. Proposed Rate Schedule for the City of Rosemead, 1998/99 A. Intersection Rate, per intersection per month $ 57.86 B. Labor Rates: Description Regular Overtime Operations Superintendent $38.73/hr $57.26/hr Engineering Technician 33.40/hr 50.09/hr Leadman 30.26/hr 45.38/hr Field Technician 29.42/hr 44.13/hr Lab Technician 29.64/hr 44.46/hr Traffic Signalman 29.42/hr 44.13/hr Signalman Apprentice 27.43/hr 41.16/hr Laborer 25.44/hr 38.17/hr C. Equipment Rates: Descriotion Job Trio Personnel Vehicle $ 13.60 Pickup Truck 13.60 Service Truck 13.60 Service Ladder Truck 13.60 Boom/Ladder Truck 95.82 Paint Rig Truck 95.82 Hydraulic Man-lift 95.82 Air Compressor with tools 149.39 Water Truck 61.30 Big Concrete Saw 61.30