CC - Item 3C - Staff Report – Proposed Vacation of a Public Alley Between Hellman and Hershey M stat eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER ✓ DATE: APRIL 14, 1998 RE: VAC 98-01: PROPOSED VACATION OF A PUBLIC ALLEY BETWEEN HELLMAN AND HERSHEY, EAST OF DEL MAR APPLICANT: NORMAN WONG The City has received a request for the vacation of an existing public alley from Norman Wong(Chinese for Christ church). The proposal calls for the existing public alley to be blocked off and utilized for expansion of the church parking lot. The Planning Commission considered the request and determined (PC Resolution 98-7, attached)that the request was not in conformity with the City's General Plan Circulation Element and recommended that the City Council not approve the vacation. If the Council wishes to proceed, the next step is to adopt the attached Resolution of Intention. This Resolution merely sets the public hearing to consider the request. If the Council wishes to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission, it may summarily reject the vacation proposal without going forward to a public hearing. The alternatives the Council has are: 1. Move to abandon vacation proceedings based upon the Planning Commission's determination that the vacation is not in conformity with City's General Plan Circulation Element; or 2. Adopt Resolution No. 98-11, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD EXPRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO VACATE A PUBLIC ALLEY (between Hellman and Hershey). This would set a public hearing on the matter for May 12, 1998. COUNCIL AGENDA APR 14 1998 ITEM No. • e • 2 RESOLUTION NO. 98-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DECLARING ITS INTENT TO VACATE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN HELLMAN AND HERSHEY AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED VACATION. WHEREAS, Mr. Norman Wong, 3342 N. Del Mar Avenue, submitted an application to vacate a public right-of-way on November 10, 1997; and WHEREAS, Section 8313 of the Streets and Highway Code of California requires the local planning commission to report on a proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, Section 65402 of the Government Code of California authorizes the Planning Commission to review and report on actions as they pertain to the goals and objectives of the city's general plan; and WHEREAS, Rosemead City Council adopted Resolution 87-48 on November 24, 1987 adopting the City of Rosemead General Plan which includes a Circulation Element; and WHEREAS, on February 17, 1998, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 98-7 setting forth findings of fact and recommendation relative to Case VAC 98-01 pursuant to Section 65402 of the Government Code of California; and WHEREAS, a City Council resolution notifying persons and agencies of the City's intent to vacate is required pursuant to Section 8300-8349 of the Streets and Highway Code of California; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead City Council is responsible for maintaining a transportation and traffic circulation system for the City of Rosemead; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 1998, the City Council reviewed this request and sufficiently considered all testimony presented in order to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that the public alley as described in the attached Exhibit "A", is not an essential or integral part of the transportation network for the City of Rosemead. SECTION 2. The City Council HEREBY ELECTS to proceed in vacating a portion of the alley in the manner as prescribed in the Street Vacation Act of 1941. SECTION I. The City Council HEREBY DECLARES its intention to vacate a public alley in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as shown on the map marked Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Said map of the proposed vacation is kept on file with the City Clerk of the City of Rosemead. Reference is hereby made to said map for particulars as to the proposed vacation. SECTION 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 12 day of May, 1998, at the hour of 8:00 p.m., at the City Council Chambers, Rosemead City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, the City Council will hear all persons interested in or objecting to this proposed vacation. SECTION 5. The City Clerk is HEREBY DIRECTED to conspicuously post "Notices of Street Vacation", together with a copy of this Resolution attached thereto along the line of the area to be vacated. Said notices shall state the fact of passage of this Resolution and shall state the time and place of the scheduled hearing pursuant to Section 8323 of the Streets and Highway Resolution No. 98-11 Street Vacation Page 2 of 3 Code of California. SECTION Q. The Mayor is HEREBY AUTHORIZED to execute this Resolution on behalf of the City Council of the City of Rosemead and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto. SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall forthwith cause this Resolution to be published for at least two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Rosemead. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14 day of April, 1998. ROBERT BRUESCH, Mayor ATTEST: NANCY VALDERRAMA, City Clerk Resolution No. 98-11 Street Vacation Page 3 of 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) CITY OF ROSEMEAD I,Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk of the City of Rosemead, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 989811 being: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DECLARING ITS INTENT TO VACATE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN HELLMAN AND HERSHEY AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED VACATION. was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 14 day of April, 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NANCY VALDERRAMA, City Clerk T ALLEY VACATION FOR 3342 N DEL MAR, ROSEMEAD LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL I: THE WESTERLY 10 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOTS 6 THROUGH 11, INCLUSIVE OF TRACT NO, 7353, IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 99 PAGES 27 AND 28 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; BOUNDED NORTHERLY BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 6 OF SAID TRACT AND BOUNDED SOUTHERLY BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 11 OF SAID TRACT. PARCEL 2: THE EASTERLY 10 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOT 77 OF TRACT NO. 7353, IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 99 PAGES 27 AND 28 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; BOUNDED NORTHERLY BY THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT AND BOUNDED SOUTHERLY BY THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. EXHIBIT "A" 1 o ) o • _ Q y . Apartments ......) _. HELL MAN years _ IL.. otace 3,-.4•4 I 20 40-i ,, 5<(oul __ _.—Two-Story CD Commercial Bldg t9 Applicance Repair Shop I F r'=.. 0 oSo Duplex r > . N Two-Story Apartment 1 Building �. or Church Sanctuary 00 0t� m S.F.R. Parking Lot / j 3 • dy • ,l) ,,0.9 �� i/o * . �', /�� � rt . o HERSHEY. . �.� . /io EXHIBIT "B" T PC RESOLUTION 98-7 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SETTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION RELATIVE TO CASE VAC 98-01, REQUESTING VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A PUBLIC ALLEY FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES IN THE C-3 ZONE IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. WHEREAS, Mr. Norman Wong, P.O. Box 1888, Monterey Park, CA 91754, submitted an application to vacate a public right-of-way on November 10, 1997; and WHEREAS, The proposed vacation is generally located 140 feet north of Hershey Street between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street, east of Del Mar Avenue; and WHEREAS, Section 8313 of the Streets and Highway Code of California requires the local planning commission to report on a proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, Section 65402 of the Government Code of California authorizes the Planning Commission to review and report on actions as they pertain to the goals and objectives of the city's general plan; and WHEREAS, Section 65302 of the Government Code of California requires all local jurisdictions to include a circulation element as part of the city's general plan; and WHEREAS, Rosemead City Council adopted Resolution 87-48 on November 24, 1987 adopting the City of Rosemead General Plan which includes a Circulation Element; and WHEREAS, Rosemead's Planning Commission is responsible for reporting its findings on a recommendation for the overall layout of the circulation system in the City of Rosemead; and WHEREAS, on February 2, 1998, the Planning Commission reviewed this request and sufficiently considered all testimony presented in order to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1. The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that Case VAC 98-01 is a request to convert an existing public alley into a private parking lot. The request is for an assessor), structure, a small parking lot. Section 15311 of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) exempts such projects from environmental review under a Class 11 exemption. Case VAC 98-01 is Categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15311 of CEQA. SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that the proposed vacation of a portion of an existing public alley for public street purposes, is not in conformity with the Circulation Element of the Rosemead General Plan as required by Section 65402 of the Government Code of California. Hellman Avenue is designated as a collector street on Figure CIR-1 of the Circulation Element. This right-of-way located off of Hellman Avenue is currently used as a public alley for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. This specific alley is not addressed in the Circulation Element, however, the proposed vacation is not in conformance with any of the goals or policies set out in Section 3.0 of the Circulation Element. Goal No. 1 of the Circulation Element is to "Insure the free movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic throughout the City." Vacating this alley would hinder the free movement of both pedestrians and vehicles. SECTION A. The Planning Commission HEREBY RECOMMENDS that the City Council DENY any further vacation proceedings in the manner prescribed in the Street Vacation Act of 1941 for property shown on Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and described as follows: • PC Resolution No.98-7 Street Vacation 98-01 Page 2 of 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: THE WESTERLY 10 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOTS 6 THROUGH 11, INCLUSIVE OF TRACT NO, 7353, IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 99 PAGES 27 AND 28 OF MAPS,IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY;BOUNDED NORTHERLY BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 6 OF SAID TRACT AND BOUNDED SOUTHERLY BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY6 LINE OF LOT 11 OF SAID TRACT, Parcel 2: THE EASTERLY 10 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOT 77 OF 1RACT NO 7353,IN THE CITY OFROSEMEA,COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 99 PAGES 27 AND 28 OF MAPS,IN TITS OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; BOUNDED NORTI-IERLY BY THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT AND BOUNDED SOUTHERLY BY THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT SECTION 4. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on February 2, 1998 by the following vote: YES: LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, ALARCON, RUIZ NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SECTION 5. The secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the petitioner(s) and Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1998. c Loi, Chairman PC Resolution No.98-7 Street Vacation 98-01 Page 3 of 3 CERTIFICATION I, Jeffrey L. Stewart, Secretary of the Rosemead Planning Commission, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 17th day of February, 1998, by the following vote: YES: ALARCON, ORTIZ , LOI , BREEN, RUIZ NO: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE Jr 'my L. Stewart, Secretary COUNTY OF LOS ANGL.IES e P.,LO pIRE \ I �T; FIRE DEPARTMENT D-^ ['`77,1 'j U I320 NORTH EASTERN AVENUE � \� LOS ANGELES.CALIFORNIA 90063-3294 • CA7M 5 1998 0 LOS II. II. f O LL,FI MICHAEL FREEMAN / -- FIREECHIEF FORESTER 8 FIRE WARDEN February 26, 1998 TO: City of Rosemead Planning Department 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770 ATTENTION: Brad Johnson SUBJECT: Vacation 98-01 3342 Del Mar Avenue This letter is in response to concerns regarding the fire departments ability to access property of 3342 Del Mar Avenue, if said vacation is granted. Upon further investigation, and with concerns from the County of Los Angeles Sheriffs Department, the vacation of said alley would effect emergency capabilities of the County of Los Angeles Fire Department. If public alley is vacated, the impact could eliminate the ability to turn fire apparatus around if the thoroughfare is blocked, creating a dead end without a turn around area. Existing structures to the north of 3342 Del Mar Avenue, have limited access due to the close proximity to the side lot lines, making front and rear access more desirable. This letter supersedes letter dated December 22, 1997, the vacation of thoroghfare/ alley. Sincer ly, ell CAPTAIN JAMES JACOBS WATER, SUB-DIVISIONS, and ACCESS UNIT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION SERVING THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY AND THE CITIES OF: AGOURA HILLS CALABASAS GLENDORA LAKEWOOD NORWALK ROLLMG HILLS ESTATES WALNUT ARTESIA CARSON HAWAIIAN GARDENS LA MIADA PALMDALE ROSEMEAD WEST HOLLYWOOD AZUSA CERRITOS HAWTHORNE LANCASTER PALOS VERDES ESTATES SAN DIMAS WESTLAKE VILLAGE BALDWIN PARK CLAREMONT HIDDEN HILLS LA PUENTE PARAMOUNT SANTA CLARITA WHITTIER BELL COMMERCE HUNTINGTON MRK LAWNDALE PICO RIVERA SIGNAL HILL BELLFLOWER CUDAHY INDUSTRY LOMITA POMONA SOUTH EL MONTE BELL GARDENS DIAMOND BAR IRWINDALE MALIBU RANCHO PALOS VERDES SOUTH GATE RRADRURY DUARTE LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE MAYWOOD POLLING HILLS TEMPLE CITY uomtig of Eos Angeles a $� c 1.©•jerifE'srparfmcnt LTgenJquxrtrrs f;l 4700 Ramona i nuleburJ "IN ire gimttrreu park, (California 91754-2164 =HERMAN sLock,s„ER,,, (626)285-7171 December 11, 1997 Brad Johnson, Associate Planner City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Dear Mr. Johnson: Reference: Vacation 98-01, 3342 Del Mar Avenue In response to your request for comments regarding the subject vacation, Sergeant Wayne Wallace has reviewed the proposal. Sergeant Wallace has indicated that the granting of this request might possibly effect the abilities of public safety services to respond to the businesses and apartments that surround the alley in question. Although there is adequate access to the building in question from other directions, creating a narrow cul-de-sac will impinge upon the abilities of law enforcement personnel to appropriately deploy around the buildings in the event of a law enforcement emergency. I also believe that emergency fire response would be similarly effected. Narrow cul-de-sacs, such as what would be created, are always officer safety concerns for law enforcement personnel. Based on the above concerns I would recommend denial of the subject vacation. If you have any questions you may contact Sergeant Wallace at(626) 292-3341. Sincerely, SHERMAN BLOCK, SHERIFF' t � Jon Engebretsen, Captain Commander, Temple Station Urad'Ir'on f(Service PC Minutes 02-02-98 Page 2 of 13 1998, Planning Commission meeting, to allow sufficient time for additional background information on the applicant. There being no objection, this item was deferred to the February 17, 1998 meeting. B. VACATION 9R-01 - Alley Vacation - Mr. Norman Wong of Chinese For Christ, Inc., Rosemead, requests to vacate and abandon for public street purposes a portion of an alley right of way located approximately 140 feet north of Hershey Street between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street. Mr. Lyons presented the Staff Memorandum. The site consists of two (2) parcels that are separated by a 20 foot wide public alley. There are currently four (4) additional separate parcels that are adjacent to this alley. The first parcel fronts on Del Mar Avenue and consists of a parking lot and a sanctuary. The second lot fronts on Hershey Street and contains a two-story seminary building and library. Conditional Use Permit No. 12 was approved by the Planning Commission on July 18, 1967. This permit allowed the expansion of an existing church, and the construction of a new Sunday School building for the Church of the Nazarene. Chinese for Christ Church purchased the two (2) parcels in 1984, and has operated a church facility at this location since that time. Conditional Use Permit 87-369 was initially approved by the Planning Commission on April 20, 1987. This granted approval for a two-story library addition to the existing social/Sunday school room. This addition was never constructed and the permit has since expired. Staff site inspection revealed that the church needed cleaning up of both the sanctuary and the parking lot area. The parking lot needed repair, resurfacing and restriping. Staff suggested for the applicant to submit a restriping plan so as not to allow vehicles to back out onto a public sidewalk, as what exists now. It was at this point that the church showed interest in the alley vacation. Their request is to be able to fence off their property to create a better parking lot circulation pattern and to keep neighboring residents from dumping trash and debris onto their property. The current alley is 20 feet wide by 270 feet long and runs between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street. The request is to vacate the southern half of this alley to Chinese for Christ Church. The Church is requesting this vacatiion to easily secure their property and provide better on-site circulation and parking. A vacation of the alley raises questions of blockage and inadequate turning radius for large trucks. In addition, the Sheriffs Department has indicated that public safety could be hindered because of access limitations created by a dead end alley. If implemented, it would benefit the church but would not be in the best interest of the public nor the neighboring property and business owners. Staff feels that putting up wrought iron fences with sliding gates would be better in securing the premises. In addition, staff requests that the applicant adhere to their original conditions of approval requiring that the parking lot be re-striped and re-paved, with plans to be submitted to the Planning Department. Staff therefore recommended that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Vacation 98-01 be denied, and that a finding of consistency with the Geneal Plan cannot be found in the affirmative at this time. It was ascertained that the applicant for this item was in the audience. Questions from the Commissioners to Staff: None. Verbatim dialogue begins: Chairman Loi: Public Hearing is opened. Anyone wish to speak in support of this agenda, please come forward to the microphone. Please spell your first name, last name and address. Norman Wong: I reside at 565 Jade Tree Drive, Monterey Park. Chairman Loi, Members of the Commission, City Attorney and Director Lyons. My name is Norman Wong, I am the Vice- PC Minutes 02-02-98 Page 3 of 13 Chairman on the Board of Directors for the Chinese for Christ organization. We have a number of people that are present here today but in the interest of time, I have asked them not to speak but I would like to acknowledge that they are here in support of our proposal. May I ask them to stand and just acknowledge that they are here. (There were about fifteen people who stood up.) Thank you. Our organization was incorporated in 1959, and we have been in existence for forty years. Our primary work is to help service local churches, help them to grow and once they are able to financially stand on their own, then we allow them to go independent. That's one of our work. The second one is that we have a seminary which is a post graduate school in teaching and educating ministers and ministers to be. We're approved by the State Board of Education in post seminary education work to allow us to confer master's degree and doctor's degree, as well as, PH.D. By the way, our chief executive officer is here with us also and I would like to introduce her as well. Her name is Dr. Sophie Wong. I would like to ask her to stand. (Dr. Wong stood up to be recognized.) By the way. Sophie is also a member elected to the Board of Alhambra School Board of Education. I understand that that also covers part of the Rosemead, as well. Our property was purchased in 1984 and for all these years that we have been using it we are very concerned with the safety. We have a burglar alarm installed in the property. And there's nuisance a month ago without the alarms being set on and with several calls made to the police department. But what is even more stressful to us is that we have not received any kind of response from the police department to indicate that they have ever responded to any of these calls. We have a record of number of calls from the alarm company. We are also very concerned about the children who attend church they come out of the social hall which is directly adjacent to this alley. And we have many occassions they have to scramble out of the way because the cars were speeding right through in the middle of the crowd. We are very concerned about their safety. Our parking lot has been used for clandestine meetings. One of the examples was that last week, I met with Sgt. Wallace, I was there early and there was two cars waiting with two men sitting waiting for something in the car. And as soon as Sgt. Wallace approaches in his police car, they just sped off immediately. And also one of our problems is that it's also being used for parking lot. We have all the time large big trucks that park in our property and many occasions, fleet of taxis are parked in our lot. And our lot is being used for the neighborhoods' dump. On a regular basis, we have to clean up old refrigerators, old sofas, and about six months ago, we had fifty two old tires dumped in our lot. And in addition to having to pay for moving it out, we have to pay the dump $3.00 each because it is a hazardous waste. And this has been a regular problem to clean up the yard. For all these years, we have pretty much suffered in silence. We really need some relief. And we feel that these problems are not caused by us. We really need some help from the City to see if we can resolve this. We would really like to have the alley closed. If we are able to close the alley we're able to put a fence all the way around the property which would prevent all these problems from happening. At this time, I would like to ask our architect and also engineer who are also here to make that presentation as to what we would do if we had the alley closed. I ask that they would come and present that and ask Chairman to allow me to come back and finish my comment. Chairman Loi: Go ahead. Please state your first name, last name and address. Daphne Fan: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Daphne Fan, address is 13501 Tracy Street, Baldwin Park. We know an open area really create a lot of security problems for the church. This project will not only to solve the security problem for the children but also help to improve the safety for the neighborhood. (Ms. Fan distributed copies of the parking layout.) We also submit the new parking layout, electric and landscaping layout to the Planning Department to improve the neighborhood. We request the Commissioners to consider and approve the project. Thank you. Norman Wong: The architect and the engineer will be here to answer any questions if you have any questions later. In response to the staff report, I think you have in your packet, I have seven signatures of our immediate neighbors around our church. These are the people who live there, these are the people who see the conditions from day to day and they are aware of our problems, and they are aware that this is not just the church problem. They feel that if we enclose the property that this will help in preventing the drug dealers from dealing over there which is not only affects the church which also affects the whole community. And they feel that they see and they hear the cars PC Minutes 02-02-98 Page 4 of 13 going speeding through the alley and they feel the safety of the pea*who is also a public concern not just for our church. They also would like very much for us to kale to complete our plans and this to them, would improve the neighborhood. And I think the neijborhood pride is also a matter of public concern. So I ask the Commission to please consider all base facts very carefully. We ask that you consider all our problems and consider that this is not onlyour problem, I think the City also has some responsibility in giving all the property owners somekind of protection, reasonable protection. So I ask that you make this decision and allow us to clue the alley that we will solve our problems and this is very important to us and its great impact tithe survival of our church. I thank you for listening and I thank you for your patience. Commissioner Breen: Mr. Wong. Norman Wong: Yes. Commissioner Breen: One quick question. You mentioned you called the Sheriff's office many times or several times and they have never responded? They norm.by have good response. Norman Wong: What happens is that the alarm company calk tern directly and the alarm company would call me. They say they call them (meaning the Sheriffs Dept.) twice, they say they call them three times but I never had any response from the Sheriffs Dept. Commissioner Breen: You have never called them yourself? Norman Wong: I really don't know whom to call. Commissioner Breen: 911 usually gets through. Norman Wong: Anyway. I have not had any contact with the poli dept. as to whether they had any indication, whether they had even been aware of the problems. !did talk to Sgt. Wallace just last week he said he'll put some patrol checks but I have not heard Isom him. Chairman Loi: I'd like very much to step in. Can you answer lhegsestion about the response to this service or problem? What is the turn around time when one nik for service? Peter Lyons: The average turn around time for request for the Sheriff's Department? Chairman Loi: Yes. Peter Lyons: It depends on what part of town it is. Jeff Stewart: Yes, we can check the dates. If you have the dates, you an call me and we can check the tapes and find out what the response was. They tape all the conventions that are coming to the Sheriffs Department. Norman Wong: Yes, Sgt.Wallace also told me that. Jeff Stewart: Yes, if you have specific dates that you called if you don't know if you receive a response or whatever. Norman Wong: I can not recall it myself but I'm sure the alarm =patty will have that. Peter Lyons: Norman, if you would want to give me those dates,■e can give it to the Sheriffs Department and find out. Chairman Loi: Commissioners, any question to the applicant? • PC Minutes 02-02-98 Page 5 of 13 Vice-Chairman Ruiz: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Loi: Vice-Chairman Ruiz. Vice-Chairman Ruiz: As Commissioner Breen has stated, or you stated Mr. Wong that you had indication to discuss whatever the situation with Sgt. Wallace. What was the reason that he was there in the first place. Was he responding to an issue? Norman Wong: No, this was included in the staff report that Sgt. Wallace is the only one who objected to our closure of the alley and I was meeting him to discuss our problem and not to respond to anything. Vice-Chairman Ruiz: In other words, he was just looking at the alley. Mr. Wong, another question, there's a school on the next street is that alley being used exclusively by the children going back and forth to the school? Norman Wong: I don't believe so. I seldom see any children walking, are you saying walking trying to cross Hershey to Hellman? I have seldom seen any pedestrians going through the alley except for the people who may be living in the area I have not seen any pedestrians as a group to go through there. Vice-Chairman Ruiz: That's all I have to ask. Chairman Loi: Any more questions Commissioners to the applicant? Thank you very much, Mr. Wong. Anyone else wish to speak in support of this agenda, please come forward. None. Anyone wish to speak in opposition of this item, please come forward. Please state your first name, last name, address please. Jon Yates: My name is Jon Yates, address is 3358 N. Del Mar Avenue, Rosemead. I am the owner of a grocery store almost on the corner there near Del Mar and Hellman. We came to object by blocking off the alley as it's going to make it quite a lot of a problem for my business. We have trash trucks using the alley, I have large delivery trucks that use the alley. If he blocks off the alley, that means they're going to have to back out onto Hellman which is a bad area as it is right now, probably one of unsafest areas because you come up a hill and you can't see anybody coming out of that street as it is. To do this would create quite a lot of a problems. Quite a few of my customers and quite a few of the children who go to school use that alley, I see them everyday because I'm there everyday. I would say 25 to 30 kids use that alley back and forth, as well as, 100 to 150 of my customers who use that alley to come to my store because it's so unsafe out on Del Mar Avenue because the traffic is moving so fast and the sidewalk is not that large. Go ahead and close off the alley, but I think, it would really be detrimental to the area there. It would really upset everything there. Thank you. Chairman Loi: Any question for Mr. Yates? None, thank you. Anyone else would like to speak in opposition to this item? Please state your first name, last name and address. Bill Scruggs: Yes, my name is Bill Scruggs, I live at 7821 Hellman Avenue on north of his store. I look at that parking lot everyday. I've been there for approximately 14 years. I've been through the area when it was bad, and I've been through the area when it's good, that alley way there is a thorough fare for trucks, traffic and also the police use it to transfer whatever they're going to be doing. Also, as far as drugs are concerned, other things if you could sense there, if you could go over there and take a look at it yourself, if you look at it you'll see that it's kind of dark because one light is covered because of a tree. And I think you'd have more drug traffic more than anything else. Also if the police would like to go and patrol that area, there's no way for them to go through there. Also, as far as fire hazard, I would really, really, please excuse me I'm sorry I'm not use to speaking in front of you. I would say a fire lane would be necessary for all businesses there. If you would look at the map, the map is kind of distorted because it really doesn't show you what's PC Minutes 02-02-98 Page 6 of 13 going on Hellman Avenue is basically a race track. And I really hate to see a truck back out of there during day time hours. It would really be detrimental to the traffic. Like I said, I live right acrosss the street, I have problems myself with the traffic all the time. I go over his store and I go through that area to stay away from Hellman Avenue as much as I possibly can. I see kids go through there and all the time as well I never sat down and count them. I just found out about this proposal this very recently. My suggestion is as far as hot rodders going through that area I would put up some speed bumps. That would slow them down. I also would put up some signs and I would put up some more lights. I think that would probably cut down on people hanging around there. It would make it more visible, get rid of maybe a tree or two. If you have nothing to hide behind, those people aren't going to hang around and do what they're not supposed to be doing. Other than that, I really do not have too much to say about it. Thank you for your time. Chairman Loi: Thank you. Any one else who wish to speak in opposition to this agenda, please come forward. Peter Wong: My name is Peter Wong. address is 1507 So. Marguerita Avenue, #C in Alhambra. Ladies and gentlemen, I am the property owner on the corner of Del Mar and Hellman. I would say the southeast corner. We are here to oppose the closing off of the alley, I just have a simple diagram here (showing the diagram to the Commissioners), the property exits to my property, next to it is a store for air-conditioning. and beside that is an apartment building. So it's nice and dandy for the church they own a whole piece of property and they close it off and secure the property, but what about me? I have a parking lot there also. I share the same problem as he does. Occasionally people do dump sofas and I have even at one time had a boat dumped on my parking lot, too. You know. So we all get the same problem, so he can close it off and be secure and nice. Traffic now comes through this way as you can see there's only 150 ft from the corner of Del Mar to the alley way and during many occassions, cars would be lining up on Hellman stopped by the signal light and if all the traffic come out this way, they will have a difficult time in making a left turn and wait and also there are many screeching halts that come to this intersection here with many cars trying to make a left turn onto Del Mar so if this is the only way to come out through the alley to serve my other people or the other residents or patrons of the store, it will terribly hinder the flow of traffic where as they can take a safe route going down to Hershey and come around. And I believe, that's the purpose of the alley when it was first designed, was to alleviate the turning in and out because there's no access on Del Mar. So I sympathize with him on his problem with the trash or whatsoever on the parking lot because I experience the same situation, as well. But if he closes it off, I have no control like he does. And addressing some of the other issue that he mentions, the car speeding down, yes, there could be a problem. But like the other gentleman recommended putting speed bumps would control the speed of the traffic going down the alley way. And when he mentions drug dealers, I don't know if there is any substantiated police report in terms of those activities in the area. And like Mr. Yates that operates a store and the other gentleman that lives across the street, they do know this street and the other people that walk down the alley, I don't know how many hours Mr. Norman Wong spend at church over there observing pedestrians going through the alley. Also another fundamental issue is that when they purchased the property in 1984, that alley was already in existence. So that would be something they should have considered when they purchased the property rather than now they want to take away a public right of way that is designed for the benefit of all the property owners on that street facing Del Mar Avenue. So I think the City should be more responsible to the general public rather than the self-interest of a single property owner in the area. He also mention about the beautification and aesthetic value so he can control this property whereas mine is just right next to it where I can not fence it off. Does that mean the problem is just going to jump from his property to my property? So that does not remove the eyesore or whatever he was mentioning, if anything the problems will comer over to mine. So the other neighbors would still see that unless the City would have a better way of securing both properties. Thank you very much. Chairman Loi: Thank you. Anything else? Mr. Wong: Yes, any questions, I'm sorry. Thank you. PC Minutes 02-02-98 Page 7 of 13 Chairman Loi: Anyone else wants to speak in opposition to this agenda item, please come forward? Seeing none, Public Hearing is closed. Atty. Price: The applicant can rebut[ the opposition. Chairman Loi: Mr. Wong, would you like to rebutt the question this gentleman bring up? Norman Wong: Yes,just a couple of comments that Mr. Yates had mentioned about trucks going through that alley, I don't believe that the alley was ever designed for the trucks to go thru. And the other thing about the children using the alley, as they say, I really do not believe it's safer to go through the alley rather than to go on the sidewalk on Del Mar which is just about 100 ft away with a crosswalk properly marked. And I think it will be safer for the children to cross at the intersection with a crosswalk mark and going on the sidewalk of Del Mar. Perhaps I can ask Mr. Lyons how many of the, what you call, when you send it to departments to get their response? Mr. Lyons: The service provider list? We send about 12 or 13. If I may Chairman, these type of requests are sent out to various utilities and public service providers. Norman Wong: Yes, the mason I 'm asking is that apparently Mr. Lyons received one (I) negative back and all the others did not object. Mr. Lyons: If I may, Mr. Chairman, several did not respond whatsoever. Some simply said they had no objection, however, they did not voice opinion for or against. And then yes. we did receive the one from the Sheriffs Department which was against it. Norman Wong: And also Mr. Peter Wong mentioned that apparently he feels that all the property owners feel the same way he does. I just want to remind the Commission that I just submitted the seven (7) signatures of seven people directly adjacent to our property and they thought that it is for public good and not just for the church. I thank you all. Chairman Loi: Okay, thank you. Public Hearing is closed, discussion of the matter,Commissioners. Commissioner Ortiz: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Loi: Commissioner Ortiz. Commissioner Ortiz: I think we have quite a few issues here, but the main issue, is of course the traffic. And regarding the easement, the alley is necessary and essential to the community and area basically on Del Mar, we have no parking in front of those stores there. But basically, we are in service not only for just one business but for all the businesses in that section right there. It will be detrimental to block it off because it will hinder the traffic flow on Hellman. Commissioners, it is important to see what's the benefit for the community and what's in the best interest for everybody. And I'd like to give my point to the rest of the Commissioners. I feel that we should look at it in regards to peace in the alley, is it possible to have control on the two buildings and facilities, and look at their supervision of children. It's important to go out there and see if it would be detrimental to the community and residents and businesses in that corner, in that particular lot. I've lived here many years and have seen many types of disturbances there and get my groceries right across the street, I pick up my groceries sometimes and I stop by the store sometimes where I get some meat and see the traffic flow, see how things are going in our community. I know you'd like to have a project that would not be detrimental to the rest of the community in regards to the traffic flow on Del Mar. It will be detrimental to the traffic. You'll be creating problems, at this point, to the community like the trash trucks that go in there. Here's the opportunity for the other Commissioners to give their views before I give my recommendation to approve or deny this. Vice-Chairman Ruiz: Mr. Chairman. PC Minutes 02-02-98 Page 8 of 13 Chairman Loi: Commissioner Ruiz. Vice-Chairman Ruiz: I'm going to ask and concur with Commissioner Ortiz. Mr. Norman Wong had presented the use that was basically about the benefits to the church itself and not necessarily requesting what is in the best interest of the community. There were some indications that perhaps they may keep drug dealers out of that area but there will be a public nuisance on somebody else's property. I think as Commissioner Ortiz mentioned that we have to look at the overall picture on what's in the best interest of the community what we are here for, what's in the best interest of the general plan. We should consider that and not the interest of the individual applicant. Those are my view points. Commissioner Breen: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Loi: Mr. Breen. Commissioner Breen: We heard several things pertaining to the circulation of traffic and I have to concur. We're merely making a recommendation to the City Council and based on what I heard tonight, since we would be cutting off the circulation on Hershey to Hellman it would be an impact to traffic onto Hellman, I would like to suggest that we take a vote to recommend to the City Council that we deny the request to vacate. Chairman Loi: We have the motion to deny. Mr. Lyons: If I may Chairman, before a motion is made, we look at the alternative of creating sonic sort of a hammer head or turning radius at the end of this alley. This still does not allow for thru traffic, but it does allow for trucks and other traffic to turn-around and then drive back out north bound on Hellman. You'll solve one of the problems, however, you don't solve all the others that were mentioned. So we could investigate that as an alternative if you instruct me to prior to presentation to the City Council. Commissioner Breen: That would be wise. You could check that and see if it would work out and see if our maintenance department could cut back on some of the branches of the trees. Chairman Loi: Commissioner Ortiz. Commissioner Ortiz: For your information, just the containers of the trash vehicles are about 40 feet long and that does not include the cab, that's another 13 feet approximately. We're talking about 50 feet, 53 feet. There is no way to make a cul-de-sac to service a emergency vehicle. There's no way to get a trash truck in there at all. Chairman Loi: Commissioner Alarcon. Commissioner Alarcon: Mr. Chairman. I only would like to add that when we make our decision, we ought to think of the City as a whole. But I personally like to give a lot of credence to the people who are directly affected by this proposal. But what is critical to me is the people who come before us and in my mind what the Sheriffs feel is the best for the area. Chairman Loi: Thank you. I'd like to comment since this is a public alley, the vacation of alley will not be a benefit for the City as well. As for me, as far as the safety is concerned, I strongly support this speed bump on both sides of the alley and middle of the alley so as to slow down the speed of vehicle that pass through the alley and to stop those drug dealers there or anyone that use the parking lot. I strongly support staff's suggestion that he can put up an iron gate or sliding gate at the parking lot. We have a motion, and we need a second. Commissioner Alarcon: I second. PC Minutes 02-02-98 Page 9 of 13 Chairman Loi: We have a motion and a second, please vote to approve the denial. Staffs suggestion is to vote for denial for Vacation 98-01. Please vote. Atty. Price: Yes vote is for denial. Vote was taken as follows: YES: ALARCON, ORTIZ, LOI, BREEN, RUIZ NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Loi: Mr. Wong. you still have a chance to request a hearing. Atty. Price: An appeal is not necessary. The City Council will automatically take this without any appeal being necessary on your part. Mr. Lyons: If I may, Mr. Chairman. All those who were notified for the hearing two weeks ago, you will be notified again for the City Council meeting. In addition to that all those who spoke or wrote to us, we will also notify you by mail of the City Council meeting. If you have any questions about being notified, please sign a piece of paper and request to be notified. We need your name and address and we'll mail you a notice. Commissioner Ortiz: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Loi: Commissioner Ortiz. Commissioner Ortiz: I'd like the Council to look at the issues that we're concerned with, the rationalities we have for the community. Chairman Loi: Thank you. Atty. Price: Mr. Lyons, would you write a recommendation for the City Council about this cul-de- sac? Mr. Lyons: I'm going to investigate this idea to see if it's at all possible. We'll do our best to investigate that. End of Verbatim dialogue. C. CONDITIONAL 111SF.PFRMIT 9S-737 - 888 Montebello Boulevard - A request by Pacific Bell Mobile Services to install roof mounted antennas on an existing hotel structure located at 888 Montebello Boulevard. Mr. Johnson presented the Staff Report. The subject project consists of adding roof mounted antennas to an existing hotel to support wireless Personal Communication Service (PCS) equipment. Section 9181.16 of the Rosemead Municipal Code allows "Professional radio, microwave and television transmitters and broadcasting station" in any zone, upon the granting of a conditional use permit. The subject site is currently on 888 Montebello Boulevard developed as a hotel, Sheraton Hotel. This 4-story 150 room hotel was approved by the Planning Commission under Parcel Map 18019 in January of 1987 and Design Review 85-12 in December of 1985. On September 3, 1996, the Planning Commission approved for a similar request, a set of antennas at the same location for Cox California, PCS. Pacific CENTRAL STATION Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listed Company: • /C . -' ', " . c> Date: _ t _ , / Attention: ' rj .`�;-� /i From:='ii. �;' j/�,,=d.. Fax #: No. of Pages: ; (Includes cover page) Subject: • • If you experience any difficulties in receiving this transmission, please contact the Control Center. _Tel: (408) 629-4414 Tel: (800) 341-9292 Fax: (408) 293-1129 csfaxcvr.frm RFI Security Inc • $60 Turtle Creek Coult San Jose. C4 05125 • Tdenhone/:OSI `05.5400 • F 2 /O2.'9P CMN:28. CENTER InnAg AEIAILED 8c5.15t; 47T1e1T4 ;41N4L7N 422/ 1NET 0 IC 999399 ACC19 0.1-674 !D ., 67, E ... .r . ,r.,. . 154 ALP2M DATA COPf41KT1^..N CS ACCT 01-474 CHINESE AOR CHRIST CHURCH ALT 'M. 3342 DEL MAR AVENUE MSI- HELLMA1 AVENIw R.OSEMEAD CA 91770 BI8 5.90-64!7 02/5998 08:M2:27 NM. 1236 HIsten . 1fAi :r1 02/02/98 0€:44.:05 COMMENT: Rt.:ANDRE. 02/02/98 09:43.:85 "IML 1999 Dasicard QU"1fl213:3 0E4 ER 01/28/94 05:56:35 ST 4971 DE: Acc'. Cfinced 01/29/99 05:58:35 COMMENT: TYPE:C ¢ - 01/28/98 05:58:35 CTt ENT: PHN1:81E 280-6C2 01/04/96 07:14:25 ACP 4612 ---Ful Clear--- 01/04/98 07:14:24 ACP 25 Dsspatcher 2adge 0 13 0004/98 @7:14:18 ACP 4011 Update IT 01/04/96 07:14:06 C4"081T: ACP:ASTIc1ED HARMAN 5T ALARM C DINA. 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J�j: 3342 Del Mar as proposed by Chinese for Christ. It will - improve the appearance of our area and improve public salty. Name: ‘lor-liivirio Rnni f) a signatureG--__7 /jY--,_Ge.— Address 7621 itrcf9Py St- POstmcnd r 81770 Owner s—Resident Date 21] I IGJPI Name: 4✓,//vjt _ (.,, MGk 6/D signature _ /(iv .e /1� ir�6�i.� Address 7 c---.) 3 %"T`` P . 1-+r F f >r _Owner )< Resident Date _,-.1_-/ --7 - l 4 Name_ � -oma ) %I signature al--ri�'x`i-1C1,4(-7---4y Address 7.3] f-ic^z,-FrE-cr 5-,- ✓Owner Resident Date 2-- 1 --9 c Name: 7?41kti-•iN d óc---ii—rt si natur Address 7021 f}•-r±s1{-f s-/- X ,�e..�,Ed Her _ Resident Date --V1/175 V Namei�� 7 /R/l777liL 6171 ` / signature /4_,A-Pe,-----c___- Address Address / /i0 /V Y/l Zf f,! Owner' 7' Residenla/ Date r---:—/-91-72 I I ‘ Name: f hl T'l j}+� �[-l1' signature iLc d hW,P ) Address 'c2O --i--)c 4r<(-If'J .c,---i- . Owner 1✓Resident Date >7/ / V I Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date o: The Planning Commission, City of Rosemead: 2S / I am strongly supporting the closure of the alley adjacent to / ,yam 3342 Del Mar as proposed by Chinese for Christ. It will improve the appearance of our area and improve public safty. . Name: suture Address 4;22 -J �� _6- 17Q- Own. _ ' dent Date Ct )Cjini ° t v Name: signature Address Owner _Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner _ Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date Name: signature Address Owner Resident Date 02/03/49 13:47 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC i,., ROSEMEAD 2002'003 I III.McT 1 p Q —11 r4YISh PavF 'k •L6K:"`i II• ��� lR�� St. r {rt ail i ' tY (phi 2 °''wird i 4 ; rs, 92' _ Q FZPi4r -PI v CL�.w F SAM V. °'. d Ii °rall p It .may, las U ii'� -- —i--4 n. _--S. 7,,,„.. � 11 . — ILM ; xo I 'I i t re . Plcc -4.1" „ .� aua�iI A KtstEI 2P 6e zs,1 i i s I Jao4 :4. .. --t0AT4. AL. Fs.v1.14 is j leos.vye _. eryclno .. w Jo FesF"0w ) 5-K Nives ' I i I L'4-IlDa K44GE. .` e-• - Itch II io '9r• -B 1 . c. 's le' et •3 II 2‘ IL J Io v I ISL �� F<e4+1.1� e'`-r out lk�1i+ 1 ! 4uuww1111 - • �,Q -:fAL d0: PF. MRk(1' 3i .'- ;t t zc • y cPwcT s F.k4 JIT Yt-.41� I 20.0 ItiQ�� I . 3i4 z- J. ACL Hqn, iCciGw Ytc.cf mc,-, 11 ASSOCIA74 (bz6J 570•!4/6 GYN1':N • Z MISitVIOOSSY NYOTIM «8158 LOS SIS I t0;BZ ! FB-Z -Z ! 53 YIOOSSY NYOTIM:AO An City of Rosemead VACATE RIGHT-OF-WAY / Procedure Checklist 1 V Planning Commission Resolution. Commission evaluates request relative to conformity with the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The Commission must report to the City • Council within 40 days of receiving a complete application. [Gov't. Code Section 65402] 2 City Council Resolution. Council adopts a "Resolution of Intention to Vacate". This • Resolution sets the time and place for a public hearing (hearing not less than 15 days after adopt Resolution of Intent). [Section 8320 Streets and Highway Code] 3 Notification. The project must be notified as follows: a. Publish the Resolution of Intent for at least two (2) successive weeks prior to the hearing. File an affidavit of publication [Sections 8317/8322 Streets and Highway Code]. • b. Post a "Notice of Intention to Vacate" at least two (2) weeks prior to the hearing. Notices are to be posted no more than 300-feet apart and at least three (3) notices are to be posted. File an affidavit of posting. [Section 8317/8323 Streets and Highway Code] c. Notify Utility Companies and Applicants of the proposed abandonment within 15 days of adoption of the Resolution of Intention and not less than 10 days prior to the hearing. [Civil Code Section 812.5] 4 Public Hearing. City Council adopts a Resolution of Vacation. [Section 8324 Streets and Highway Code] 5 Verification. After the Resolution is adopted, the following actions must be taken: [Section 8324/8325 Streets and Highway Code] a. City Engineer checks the legal description and documents of the vacation. b. Mail a copy of the Resolution to all affected utility companies. c. Mail dated copy of the Resolution to the County Recorder and to the County Assessor (Napping Section) offices. d. Notify the property owners/applicant of the Council action. 6 Mail a copy of the recorded Resolution to the applicant and/or property owners after it is received from the Recorder's office. STAFF REPORT Planning Commission Agenda Report February 2, 1998 CASE NO: VACATION 98-01 APPLICANT REQUEST: Vacation of a portion of an existing public alley LOCATION: 3342 Del Mar Avenue (see attached legal description) APPLICANT Chinese for Christ, Inc. 3342 N. Del Mar Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 OV,'NER: City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: 65 Notices were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on 1-8-98. EXHIBITS: A. Legal Description F. Zoning Map B. Land Use Map G. General Plan Map C. Site Plan H. Letter from applicant 10/11/96 D. Assessors Parcel Map I. Agency Responses E. Aerial Map J. Application I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Vacation 98-01 consists of the vacation of a public alley for the purposes of a private parking lot. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local environmental guidelines exempt assessory structures including small parking lots. These projects are Categorically Exempt under Section 15311 of CEQA. Therefore, Vacation 98-01 is classified as a Class 11 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15311(b) of CEQA. II. CODE RF,OUTREMENTS Government Code Section 65402, Planning & Zoning Law, requires the Planning Commission to find any public vacation of property to be in conformity with the General Plan. HI. PROPERTY HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION The site consists of two parcels that are separated by a 20 foot wide public alley. There are currently four additional separate parcels that are adjacent to this alley. The first parcel fronts on Del Mar Avenue and consists of a parking lot and a sanctuary. The second lot fronts on Hershey Street and contains a two story seminary building and library. Conditional Use Permit No. 12 was approved by the Planning Commission on July 18, 1967. This permit allowed the expansion of an existing church and the construction of a new Sunday School building for the Church of the Nazarene. Chinese for Christ Church purchased the two parcels in 1984 and has operated a church facility at this location since that time. Since 1984 a seminary was also introduced to the site which occupies the two-story Sunday School Classroom Building. ROSEMEAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Vacation 98-01 Planning Commission Report-22/98 Page 2 of 3 Conditional Use Permit No. 87-369 was approved by the Planning Commission on April 20, 1987. This granted approval for a two-story library addition to the existing social / Sunday school room. This addition was never constructed and the permit has since expired. In an effort to clean up some of the church sites in the City, staff investigated this site in August of 1996 for compliance with the original conditions of approval for both CUP cases. The site inspection revealed that the church needed cleaning up of both the sanctuary and the parking lot area. In addition the inspection revealed that the parking lot was in need of repair, resurfacing and restriping. Also, staff suggested to the applicant that if they were going to restripe the lot, the City would like to see a restriping plan that did not allow vehicles to back out onto a public sidewalk, as exists now. It was at this point that the church showed interest in the alley vacation. Their request is to be able to fence off their property to create a better parking lot circulation pattern and to keep neighboring residents from dumping trash and debris onto their property. IV. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS A. LAND USE This site as well as the surrounding sites are all designated for mixed use; Residential/Commercial use in the general plan and in the zoning map the surrounding properties are zoned for medium commercial uses. The site is surrounded by the following land uses: North: General Plan: Mixed Use; Residential/Commercial Zoning: C-3; Medium Commercial Land Use: Two-Story Apartment Bldg., Two Story Commercial Bldg. South: (Across Hershey) General Plan: Mixed Use; Residential/Commercial Zoning: C-3; Medium Commercial Land Use: Commercial Bldg. East: General Plan: Medium Density Residential Zoning: R-2; Light Multiple Residential Land Use: Residential Homes West: (Across Del Mar) General Plan: Mixed Use; Residential/Commercial Zoning: C-3; Medium Commercial Land Use: El Torito Market B. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY In accordance with State law, the Planning Commission is to review any request for public street vacation and determine if the consideration is consistent with the City's General Plan. In this case the City's General Plan does not identify any significance to this alley. This block is surrounded by Del Mar Avenue, Hellman Avenue, and Hershey Street. Del Mar Avenue is classified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan as a Secondary Arterial Street, Hellman Avenue is classified as a Collector Street and Hershey Street is classified as a local street. Although the alley is not identified or discussed within the City's Circulation Element of the General Plan, the vacation request does not serve a public purpose as offered - the contrary exists. Vacation 98-01 Planning Commission Report-2/2/98 Page 3 of3 B. PARKING/CIRCULATION The current alley is 20 feet wide by 270 feet long and runs between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street. This alley continues south approximately 1 and 'h blocks and dead ends into a vacant parcel of land adjacent to Duff Elementary School. The request is to vacate the southern half of this alley to Chinese for Christ Church. The Church is requesting this vacation to easily secure their property and provide better on-site circulation and parking. This vacation would not make good planning sense for public circulation purposes because a dead end alley hinders circulation rather than improving it. Future re-development of the lots north of the church, abutting the alley, could create a narrow alley requiring vehicles to back out onto Hellman Avenue which is a busy collector street. A vacation of the alley raises questions of blockage, inadequate turning radius for large trucks. In addition, the Sheriffs department has indicated in their response (attached), that public safety could be hindered because of access limitations created by a dead end alley. If implemented, this vacation would improve the circulation and security of the church property, however, the benefit for the individual property owner would not be in the best interest of the public, nor the neighboring property owners and business owners. Staff feels that the site would be better served by having the church put up a system of wrought iron fences with sliding gates to better secure the premises. In addition, staff requests that the applicant adhere to their conditions of approval under their Conditional Use Permit which requires that the parking lot striping & repaving plan be submitted to the Planning Department. V. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the vacation be denied, that a finding of consistency with the General Plan cannot be found in the affirmative at this time. ALLEY VACATION FOR 3342 N DEL MAR, ROSEMEAD LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: THE WESTERLY 10 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOTS 6 THROUGH 11, INCLUSIVE OF TRACT NO. 7353, IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 99 PAGES 27 AND 28 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; BOUNDED NORTHERLY BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 6 OF SAID TRACT AND BOUNDED SOUTHERLY BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 11 OF SAID TRACT. PARCEL 2: THE EASTERLY 10 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY ADJACENT TO LOT 77 OF TRACT NO. 7353, IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 99 PAGES 27 AND 28 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; BOUNDED NORTHERLY BY THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT AND BOUNDED SOUTHERLY BY THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. EXHIBIT "A" i0 , o _ p A Frl J _, („</: Apartments HELLMAN 0 t,. ,t 14 I 20 40 Aestrs I s4tern _ ._ _Two-Story - -I Commercial Bldg Ba M!M µr[;ef Z,' w Applicance Repair Shop I -k _ i _ < _ o oro Duplex � r > o ii -- I� Two-Story Apartment L N Building r ��' a- V Church Sanctuary I _0— on 1 00 En I. S.F.R. Parking Lot . g I tit 4 I X09 40 . ° HERSHEY . �,.. ti o EXHIBIT "B" . 1 6 Q -- — —. II ,>, 5..F 't" NFv( ISMS E%1Arl R1 P<JO I 0 iGRF.4 L ylo REVYRA'FO - /�®R " 2� iIX 31< 3c _ II <K I S 2aH b d In7 I � t• 1 FKIsTG. , Z• II 1 n I cuae -I i PI +4 - !2F Y /� �I, i. illI ' zew IQ I- I. �I 1V 7�--N zs \ra II IJJLRi K 15, . HEI i'i zc 2.I 2.7. �i za�� eEaq ="_1 Icor E zt k- JE.t eN - '-- 155.1s-4. e.c- Pnv10 w et I E leouo E 4 P'Tcl5b A4P CESL-: FA' I N 1e5 TO BE Ip 1 zF.rov[o ea.teLJ FF.ICE. I 1 l ¢LI .I �1 I "I -6 1 = c � '__ 4 -b zL Ic 0 v I is..., cKisT'1 52_E �\ jl y..... - a-'4 1- — l,, ~e ,1_,,, SI IT_ 66 054`` — — -- "dE11 I� F= E 1 TAL d^. of P4ak'Ct - 34 __ L... y ZMOS¢o 26 J� E I"c�1� is G - cnPAcT - a �I3w i- I .3942 NI 0 ._ MAR ROSE MSCkM 1 ( >x(4 4_-27 Pi-f)4 50Is ) -TRATE(N e AuOCATFS (62CJs7o-[a/13, MARthu= F EXHIBIT "C" P CI � 4 _ , u HELLMAN AVE. o 0 0 1 17 N/410:64 N 2O 40 •• 40 50 -^ .-cc � ea CO N , ® 03 77 r 0 W — 1 K A U 46 ro W ° - zi N 0 N N. m o � 'r SITE —1 b (tJ -I7 b �$N O K > o O © ® © ® co 11 Z 6. I eHERSHEY STo N • J • Tj 1 iio W 2O 40 .� .. .. ee '.\-1— N ,4 i m O4 Co w U N0 0 0 ® 0 0 .O W - A cII J . - p - (J r 1 = 0 • 0 -0-D b 31O O CR 0 b 0 D• �� - 0 0 Co W '61 A " LA C 0 ( J k P P • N � 40 N® <.0 �© k® °W 7-1 A N 7 ,40 .. .. ,� 40 SO T ,;e �W DOROTHY - ST. v, e �uoq�hV\ o pFiS04WVo q Nb\ S 0 Vt IN Al 1.-A 4_6AN°u "Nb m4.0 f EXHIBIT "D" 1) Situs: 7615 HERSHEY ST, ROSEMEAD CA 91770-2310 CO25 APN: 5287-017-032 Rec Date: 06/13/84 Total Value: $187,069 County: LOS ANGELES,CA Sale Price: $395,000 Impry Value: $112,243 Use: RELIGIOUS Document#: 706498 Land Value: $74,826 Zoning: R2 RM 1st TD Amt: Lot Size: A0.12 Map Pg: 46-El New Pg: 636-E1 Rooms: Bedrms: Bldg/Liv Area: 4,200 Phone: Full Baths: Half: Yr Built/Eff: 68 68 Owners: CHINESE FOR CHRIST INC Stories: 2 Pool: Mail: PO BOX 1189; ROSEMEAD CA 9177 0-1 013 2) Situs: 3342 DEL MAR AV,ROSEMEAD CA 91770-2361 C031 APN: 5287-017-049 Rec Date: 06/13/84 Total Value: $305,553 County: LOS ANGELES,CA Sale Price: $395,000 Impry Value: $43,647 Use: RELIGIOUS Document#: 706498 Land Value: $261,906 Zoning: C3' RM 1st TD Amt: Lot Size: A0.36 Map Pg: 46-El New Pg: 636-E1 Rooms: Bedrms: Bldg/Liv Area: 3,840 Phone: Full Baths: Half: Yr Built/Eff: 25 30 Owners: CHINESE FOR CHRIST INC Stories: 1 Pool: Mail: PO BOX 1189; ROSEMEAD CA 91770-1013 3) Situs: , ROSEMEAD CA 91770 APN: 5287-017-043 Rec Date: 12/30/86 Total Value: $76,462 County: LOS ANGELES,CA Sale Price: $131,800 Impry Value: $5,950 Use: PARKING LOT Document#: 1833701 Land Value: $70,512 Zoning: R2 RM 1st TD Amt: $245,000 Lot Size: A0.11 Map Pg: 37-E1 New Pg: 596-E1 Rooms: • Bedrms: BIdg/Liv Area: 5,200 Phone: 818/281-5679 Full Baths: Half: Yr Built/Eff: 80 80 Owners: WONG PETER Stories: Pool: Mail: 1507 5 MARGUERITA AV#C; ALHAMBRA CA 91803-3188 4) Situs: 3358 DEL MAR AV, ROSEMEAD CA 91770-2361 C031 APN: 5267-017-001 Rec Date: 12/30/86 Total Value: $393,704 County: LOS ANGELES,CA Sale Price: $263,100 Impry Value: $311,440 Use: STORE BUILDING Document#: 1824834 Land Value: $82,264 Zoning: C3' RM 1st TD Amt: $245,000 Lot Size: A0.12 Map Pg: 46-E1 New Pg: 636-E1 Rooms: Bedrms: Bldg/Liv Area: 9,364 Phone: 818/261-5679 Full Baths: Half: Yr Built/Eff: 28 28 Owners: WONG PETER Stories: Pool: Mail: 1507 5 MARGUERITA AV#C;ALHAMBRA CA 91803-3188 Copyright 01996-97 Experian Page: 1 of 2 5) Situs: 3356 DEL MAR AV, ROSEMEAD CA 91770-2361 C031 APN: 5287-017-002 Rec Date: 12/10/92 Total Value: $124,186 County: LOS ANGELES,CA Sale Price: $119,000 Impry Value: $40,699 Use: STORE BUILDING Document#: 2324100 Land Value: $83,487 Zoning: Cr RM 1st TD Amt: Lot Size: 25 X 110 Map Pg: 46-El New Pg: 636-E1 Rooms: Bedrms: Bldg/Liv Area: 1,092 Phone: Full Baths: Half: Yr Built/ER: 51 51 Owners: THO PHUOC LUONG Stories: 1 Pool: Mail: 3356 DEL MAR AVE; ROSEMEAD CA 91770-2361 6) Situs: 3352 DEL MAR AV 6,ROSEMEAD CA 91770-2354 C031 APN: 5287-017-045 Rec Date: 12/09/87 Total Value: $248,991 County: LOS ANGELES, CA Sale Price: Impry Value: $176,917 Use: APARTMENT Document#: Land Value: $72,074 Zoning: C3' RM 1st TD Amt: Lot Size: A0.12 Map Pg: 46-El New Pg: 636-El Rooms: Bedrms: Bldg/Liv Area: 5,054 Phone: 213/721-2691 Full Baths: Half: Yr Built/EH: 65 65 Owners: TORRES EDUARDO D 8 TRUST/TR Stories: Pool: Mail: 523 ELLINGBROOK DR; MONTEBELLO CA 90640-2113 Copyright m 1996-97 Experian Page:2 of 2 • • 0 ..- rik , 0 ...Iit..:, kg. .... 1t17't :45;" a ; i 1 - ' .• ;CPI- • 3A. A 11.1t .5 4r4 • • 41- :irk • -Ir. I AL*. ',' -1 .,. „ .. I 4 .24- . . treira.: . 41..:.1 '•-• .- — . :rim, st&i,--4t.. ' • • ' Y ..' t'" '1'":":`,Y '1' 1-..(t.i;'` ''' ' -, 'r •.:f• ., . • --,' -: .„ :," ; 't",,,•;: i ., ''•/- : ; . f ,. , ,.. , z* 7,2 4 'Th-t --- ^11 - tt- •4'. — t 1;....; -... - . ik : Lt . • 1--•‘f.- -:: „/ -4.r . I SITE, . .. ..._ ,,e. . a„,„,-,,,,.-..,._.„. , a , ..., ‘14. ''': "1 cliff . . ?1: - Fr ` . , . - ' - A - -c"----2 - • . 7.-7 "" - J- T. 4 •ei , -4, t i.' 4.1.N.....ir....-' A' ! ---' iii,,\1 r ' (T. I \ 44 k ; .5., -1 '- ' -- S4:•til , 75--.-- -tk•-Cti j-ritaak-'-....:Z',....:4-- . • , S -:-. . ,..,. ' t , "17;•• •t _ ,k. t- ;l11.5 ' 3. ,t 3 -: t <; i5Dr. f-tt,* 1. _f ., ,,, i „1:-3-.; . • ;,- i -',. ..fi.Y.:i. t• , . ...7.,_ , r-,,_4i, , .1., 1 . _... , ...,..„ ,,,_,--.:„__,....?„,,. :„ ,. ..,. . E ---7-71—, ' ic' : 17:/.;,;...".=R- ... -: :- •-.1?.2.:-:'..,- --f e.. .. ...-. ZI:TP • 1 515-11' '5' .5 115,-..-• - ' _ ., . . c i . - , ,- ,‘. , t• ,,,. _ .-".4.:111"..t; ft--;.-4--1111-- in-_ a-4 n Fel ' • k-3- -. kit. .,. :13:1. 4;;,;.t.-...-25 t?--t--5 - -' -14:5-.-L•t's-tt;'-'t'te1:-;j-tab watt ; I .- );(` ; - ; - ''''F-' .-.:r -,-;,1-, , - —maim— -- t_-. y ...-..;-.1.,: . ---#.- -- - -; i :,-- e e - ” '•- Ile- 44. I — - t l'' 4 ..t. Ek \ , -fat . n 554441 - . • - 1.k .....-.3 , • .: -...."16. It...* 11 1.- te ... i•-•,:tim••-Mtvai'tr. r•P'l .-- . • 1 ' ;1 ...i.-4...3.,Pr. e - • - - - • >.g.:,-.± . I) ,. 1 I -. -...c., ..' ,..>,.t.v."-c?,i. • - .: k, ( ' -;-„:0 `\1= - -14 - -.'' '''s. • - :,4:,&. `g . : . -: -.- .",-..t':4.":!' - • • ....., . . fl> . - ... .. . '.-f.;.'7 - -- 1 •"x... " ' i - A " .::::”.1" : -4 ._ • as • it 21.5'5'4 .. ''' Il -: .31 ' i 1i. - /\'' L't."---:':"'ete-' EXHIBIT "E" 4:. N l( ' ......-. 1 i ;; .';‘,•-• .' e‘t; f11,7 _. ' • ' -:;' . 51.4-lit t:' - -,W;"r• .7-' . I 11.1 5.1 1-,.... eia n 1, i 4... - -- .., uuuuuuuu:auuunuuuuuuuwlu>m uuvuuuu Juuuc wmuuwwunumuuuumncc minnur i'Hi „ sanwitgarullO E LI 3 m rt _ I I >I I € E ISI IliL — = N I�. Cr r\e-- -1 II1r_ _�,� '� / • ' MM ! II 9, I ).:ii Sr_._�.�n, fi 1 I aco>' > {I 12J. IQ1 � Q;11 > Vr C !q r I5 r ..l ..�.•.__ 'v spa 9cn uenmea _.:,. - _.. . _ ._s:ve�M'*�'a"ill•1®}=0, jSul 9EnhMDINo – .. ,---, —Qr�— a > a , ill'u . > ,.., ..--1"-1,„S ima H '�. umuuvumvlt 'trcumO n . � ' C3 R2 � > ' < =�CT!,cc3y{5-I 1.r, -J- i ••• 34. =5i _ AV Q 34" 0 /I L.5J 1_ . _'_. r,C3 78634 o ,��\\ Q Q r 3 ill 4 ' "t PT] (% HERSHEY S I > I ot' ! 1 1 v \\\LL\�6\\\ll�4�lUi . ., R2 1J _ J -62r ZZ , . DOROTHY C w h • r ...4 IUI �I I 1 1 I PL 32e0' I _ II 4 cl Li PL 3 001 L:i ERSON Y, I — yI t —I �� ;,! ¢. :—III _ OF _J a_1 T .<I ._ ¢ � , Lu z>- QI 1■ Tu + ; " --- J ` «, IEC zl QI w + R2 \C3a 0 pF iK, _ ! t,—`L Zw _d et 1 ' VIRGINIA ` R 7 P , A o> C� 77! �•- E ,, c �' PS zQ 1 �•. z. GARVEY � I ` I r " " . - n1 J a AV 3 : ..0 I t/ C.D.7 �"Wuuwrwwww vn300rrmt>u� c ..I unuuul'Ilmuuuuunuul,nnmm�vanlnnnnnuvuunln- 'I lllllhmmnanu:::il In +i "1".2.1:11. i . R2 C3 C3. o C3 ® f A .C3 I cv al'r 'E GFsti Ey r t:tm > oz i R2> > > y c11 I \\ �;rt �dC3 �� 1Ial h � VEWMARK AV 1 AV 1 P ''� ) r I RZ p _ . NE AR• h AV C7 �= Q. z WASO E (FEF, EXHIBIT "F" 7� Z g- ¢. . I>CI 1,. r�A .., , wi Ottice/Light industrial Low Density Residential \� Medium Density Residential High Density Residential •I a e r Mixed Use:Reeldentlal/Commercial --- 1XY Mixed Use: Industrial/Commercial --1 Commercial Public Facilities rt.! PLANNING AREA nI' E f ,a m Cite j� San Bernadino ----- — P 7° It °o°°0° • Alhambra _ l l i 1N ° oc 00000 e' Monterey Park P ° "� j ••••777- [..... i"�il +. r ma , • Emerson PI. »rx 1 '--� ' 1 . .lig . r 3 1 �� VIII pi-- Fi IJP Iter h • iL C • Garvey Ave. r l m co FIGURE LU-4 Land Use Policy Planning Area 4 2 City of Rosemead General Plan • COTTON/BELAND/ASSOCIATES £ f– /tfr EXHIBIT "G" L., ..,, ,n JO .o.UM 0ia-YC2-onoy SOPHIE C WONG PAGE em • • Chinese for Christ, Inc. 3342 N. Del Mar Avenue Rosemead, California Tel: 626-282-7095 Fax: 626-282-5058 January 14, 1998 Mr. Peter Lyons Planning Director City of Rosemead Fax: 626-307-9218 Dear Mr. Lyons: RE: VACATION 98-01 3342 N. Del Mar Avenue As discussed by telephone earlier today, I am requesting a continuance of the hearing for this case. We will require additional time to complete our preparation for this hearing. Please reschedule the hearing for February 2, 1998. If you need addition information, please contact me by telephone or fax. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Sincerely Illa -/ No Wong Chinese for Christ, Inc. / EXHIBIT "H" (Quuntl of inns Angrtrs •._ /' hrriff's Department Firabquartrrs .41� 1 ;n •®(r�; _ Ltal0 Ramona L' mdrbarD If IP {iinntercu Park, tfalifnrnia 917y4-2169 SHERMAN 6EaK,s..cpwr (626)285-7171 December 11, 1997 Brad Johnson, Associate Planner City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Dear Mr. Johnson: Reference: Vacation 98-01, 3342 Del Mar Avenue In response to your request for comments regarding the subject vacation, Sergeant Wayne Wallace has reviewed the proposal. Sergeant Wallace has indicated that the granting of this request might possibly effect the abilities of public safety services to respond to the businesses and apartments that surround the alley in question. Although there is adequate access to the building in question from other directions, creating a narrow cul-de-sac will impinge upon the abilities of law enforcement personnel to appropriately deploy around the buildings in the event of a law enforcement emergency. I also believe that emergency fire response would be similarly effected. Narrow cul-de-sacs, such as what would be created, are always officer safety concerns for law enforcement personnel. Based on the above concerns I would recommend denial of the subject vacation. If you have any questions you may contact Sergeant Wallace at (626) 292-3341. Sincerely, SHERMAN BLOCK, Sl1ERI_ 2 Jon EngebretsenCaptain Commander, Temple Station 2 Tract/ion of cSeruice EXHIBIT "I" " :OUNTY OF LOS ANGE. ES U• _.y pL'LiI�: F nE FIRE DEPARTMENT • • ¶, I r�A t 320 NORTH EASTERN AVENUE . O f�'l. 4 LOS ANGELES.CALIFORNIA 9006}3394 O4=4 OL A'IRTIg P. MICHAEL FREEMAN FIRE CHIEF FORESTER F. FIRE WARDEN December 22, 1997 TO: City of Rosemead Planning Department 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770 ATTENTION: Brad Johnson SUBJECT: Vacation 98-01 3342 Del Mar Avenue Neither fire protection facilities, nor our ability to respond to emergencies will be affected by the proposed vacation of the subject property. Sincerely, CAPT, N ANDY SOLORZANO WATER, SOB-DIVISIONS, AND ACCESS UNIT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION cc: Inspector Attila ham c\ofcc\wpwin\wpdocs'98-01vac SERVING THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY AND THE CITIES OF: AGOURA HILLS CALABASAS GLENDORA LAKEWOOD NORWALK ROLLING HILLS ESTATES WALNUT ARTESIA CARSON HAWAIIAN GARDENS LA MIRADA PALMDALE ROSEMEAD WEST HOLLYWOOD AZUSA CERRITOS HAWTHORNE LANCASTER PALOS VERDES ESTATES SAN DIMAS WESTLAKE VILLAGE BALDWIN PARK CLAREMONT HIDDEN HILLS LA PUENTE PARAMOUNT SANTA CLARITA WHRTI BELL COMMERCE HUNTINGTON PARK LAWNUALE PIOO RIVERA SIGNAL HILL ER BELLFLOWER CUDAHY INDUSTRY LOMITA POMONA SOUTH EL MONTE BELL GARDENS DIAMOND BAR IRWINDALE MALIBU RANCHO PALOS VERDES SOUTH GATE BRADBURY DUARTE LA CANADA FLINrRIDGE MAYWOOD ROLLING HILLS TEMPLE CITY COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1955 Workman AU Rood, Whltlier, CA 90601-1400 Moiling Address. P.O. Box 4998, Whittier, CA 906074998 CHARLES W. CARRY. Telephone. (562) 699-7411, FAX: (562) 699-5422 Chief Engineer and General Manager December 10, 1997 File No: 31-900.1215 City of Rosemead Planning Department 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Gentlemen: VACATION 98-01/ 3342 DEL MAR AVENUE This is in reply to your letter dated December 1, 1997, with which you forwarded a sketch of the subject proposed vacation. No Sanitation Districts facilities exist within the subject vacation area and none are currently planned. Reservation of easements for Districts purposes is not requested. Your cooperation in forwarding the subject action for review is appreciated. if you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Tim Denton at the number listed above, extension 2710. Very truly yours, Charles W Carry Saga' K. .'aksit Supero mg Engineer Planning & Property Management Section SKR:TD U = ,_— ier,e Va,owen Sreo; e. a :] • ,�iNmsCald0:11Mviare PACTFIC���BELL. :, A Pacific Telesis Company • December 16, 1997 City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention: Planning Department Regarding: Street Vacation No. 98-01 Gentlemen: This is in reference to your letter of December 1, 1997, regarding the proposed vacation of a portion of a public alley located east of 3342 Del Mar Avenue, north of Hershey Street, Street Vacation No. 98-01. Pacific Bell does not maintain facilities within the area proposed to be vacated; therefore, we have no objection to this vacation proceeding. Thank you for notifying us. Sincerely, Rick Rodriguez Right of Way Administrator (626) 578-3697 EGR:egr CHAFFER COI I,MMUN. .ATIONS ' lint ( w1 111014011 To: DATE: ?nn 144 -i/Vzn,v /re- P /997 /Or(F main 1//at-s- 770 /'O Sc-v ?9Y /7,-, Wit4/7: ( 2/770 FROM: FTP/t.—fr F ci;E v PRINTS ATTACHED In response to your request for facilities check for the following project(s): 1/4rn7,c/✓ 98-O/ 3';12 /z NAA' ,4vE /"/ -- 4'217 /24-- cF.-e-71.-/2 - We have no facilities within the limits of the proposed project. We have facilities within the limits of the proposed work and we are sending copies of applicable atlas sheets or plans. Our existing facilities may possibly interfere with the completion of you project. We have prior rights in the area. We well submit an estimate of relocation costs to your office within days. We have facilities that will be affected within the proposed project and may • require relocation and coordination with contractor. • _ The name and telephone number of our contact person are as follows: /.SNF r7 /C2 C/'' S Name �. Ignature (818) 300-6118 Telephone 2215 West Mission Road - PO. Box 1451 • Alhambra.CA 91802-1451 The Gas Cart mny® December 17, 1997 SBrad Johnson, Associate Planner Gas Company City of Rosemead 8838E. Valle Blvd. P. O. Box 399 Wei cmym+i<<rnn nr Valley Atonrnny Pork Ci Rosemead, Ca.91770 .Nmling Addrza. law 2031 11me-m.JraGA Attn: Mr.Johnson: RE: Alley East of Del Mar & S/o Hellman Vaction 98-01 "" 2"2 6 0- 72 8 p In response to your request for information on the proposed vacation, the Gas Company has no facilities in the area, therefore, the Gas Company has no objection to the vacation. However upon completion of the proposed street vacation, please send to Southern California Gas Company a recorded copy of the completed vacation. This is extremely important, so that we may update our Gas Company Maps. Please feel free to contact me at (213) 881-8136 if you should have any questions. Thank you Santo Plescia Planning Aide cstrvac.doc La 3640 City of Rosemead APPLICATION TO VACATE RIGHT-OF-WAY Planning Department, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770, (818) 288-6671 Please complete all of the following items using type or printing with black ink. Applications may be filed at the Planning Department Monday through Thursday between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Your application will not be accepted without all of the information requested in this application package. The Planning Department reserves the right to request additional information that is deemed necessary to complete this application. LOCATION: 33142 , DEL M4R Avg. CASE NO: VAC 7-01 I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 . Description of Request: VAC6,TE AIS EX16T' . QI I FT kTT AT c ANt� 7f715 +}eciaa ' 33<42N DEL MAzi eosENlEAp, cA . 2. Applicant Name: V . I1OkMAN 14014 Phone ;EL (626) 2e - 70°.''5 Address, City, State, Zip: 3342. 1-1 pEL MAR, 1.'bSEMFF�0, CA 3. Representative Name/Agency: TOM CAO, TRITECH ASSOG(A71IES, I4C. Phone»:(62‘..)570-1,0 Address, City, State, Zip: 735 EM1'(E25JN , V&1'NErIPARk C i754 4. Engineer/Licensed Surveyor: TOM CAO Phone R{6267570-19/5 Address, City, State, Zip: 735 . ENH2504, MOUrEkE fpeliK64,7751 5. Legal Description. Provide a full legal description of the right-of-way to be vacated. 6. Assessor Parcel Map: Book(s) 52g 7 Page(s) 17 Lot(s) 632 . 64°7 7. Surrounding Land Uses (List the types of uses in the area surrounding the subject area). North (-OHMERCI4L / p 7 -1ye)L South CoMME12CIRL East CHURCH Fi4L ILITT West Cote(MERC IAI_. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge: (� Applicant's Signature: / Date: ti^ . Applicant Name (Print) 6108 FI Application to Vacate Page 1 of 5 EXHIBIT ',r LOCATION: 3342 Al DCG /14z4e. CASE NO: //IC 77 —L97 II. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. In addition to the information requested in Section I, please submit the following information/items: •„ 1 A signed and notarized "Property Owner's Affidavit" for each property the abuts the subject right- of-way using the form that is attached. 2 A signed and notarized "Applicant Affidavit" on the form attached. £ f tOF IstFHEhb 3 Fees. The filing fee for this application is $675 ($300 Planning Department for processing the public hearing, $350 Engineering fee for reviewing the legal description and documents, plus $25 that is paid to Los Angeles County for posting the environmental notice). �y 4 A. Map. Provide a map that shows the exient of area that you are requesting to have vacated, T<c u7•� including the following items: north arrow, the assessor and address numbers for each parcel abutting the right-of-way that is to be vacated, surrounding street names, the name of all utility companies serving the properties abutting the right-of-way, a vicinity map of the general area. 5 Legal Decription. Provide a separate sheet of paper (S-1/2" X 11") that gives a detailed legal desciption of the area to be vacated. t/6 Mailing Labels. Provide two (2) sets of gummed labels with the names and addresses of all property owners, and tenants if different, for properties located within 100-feet of the subject right-of-way. 7 A signed and notarized affidavit that certifies the mailing label list I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge: I j; Applicant's Signature: / y Date: /Ja '. 97 Applicant Name (Print) ki " Ail ' / • Application to Vacate Page 2 of 5 APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT LOCATION: � yZ /V. Dez /r'l6f1Z QIl/E CASE NO: V4 C 97-O I Description of Request: IEGUEST TO VACATE A4 ECISTG. AI-LET pc M 7t315 HERSE)' ?IzlECT1 AL 3342Irk . P L 4,0Z\i?DS£MEAO, CA . ' Applicant Name (Printed): 1C I N. 4bk34 Mailing Address: 342 4 t EL MAR, ROSE HEAP, C/Ai City, State, Zip: I2CSENIEAD, CA• Phone Number: (6Z6) 2B2 - 70 05 Date: Il/S--/ q"1 :AFFIDAVIT City of Rosemead County of Los Angeles State of California I ) I. (print name) 14 ORMA 1 !4 bk46I do hereby certify that I am the applicant involved in this request, and that statements and answers contained within this application package, and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if any information is found to be false, that this application may be denied or revoked. I, the undersigned, hereby declare under penalty of perjury, that I have the legal authority to make such an application. Applicant Signature: Alec _, Date: A /ea. $ /97 / 7 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ` day of �f aa-eF-.-G 19 h / . TU HUONG VUONG tiTU 02' NOTARY PUBLICCALIFORNIA N_ NOTARY PUBLIC ✓ Vt Los Angeles County ext..,--xMy Comm.Lomm. Expires Feb.Fb.29 Z9,t000 j Application to Vacate Page 3 of 5 "� PROPERTYOWNER AFFIDAVIT LOCATION: 33LIZ 4 . 1C1- 44,,p_ Ave- CASEIN: V46 97 - 0 ( Description of Request: REQUEST 70 VACATE AHI FX I51-36t . ALLEFo IZ .�A Al1P 7fi5 tzuHE( , f'o2n AT '342 -� (FL A`IZOSEtAFAIO, Ci4 Owner Name (Printed): GIYXc MAb Ktoi14 CNIt.1F5E Fok CNRIS"T t . Property Owned (Address/Assessor Parcel Number): AI 5 ag 7-011-05 2 04°7 Mailing Address: - - ` i'.0 150X 1886 City, State, Zip: VICArtkei pAek, c,4Oj1754 Phone Number: (e2-6-) 282 - 70 yS Date: II/5/41 AFFIDAVIT City of Rosemead ) County of Los Angeles State of California I, (print name) ` /-/ANESE {02 ,sr /Nc , do hereby certify that I am an owner of property involved in this request, and that statements and answers contained within this application package, and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief I understand that if any information is found to be false, that this application may be denied or revoked. I, the undersigned, hereby declare under penalty of perjury, that I have the legal authority to make such an application. Date: AJCJ. S / S91 Owner Signature: Air ,4'it 0 J. /10 u4 ,cCCMA,K,.to,.,, Subscribed and sworn to before me this -t-'1X day of N Y pfe^"1`"-' , 19 9 7. .1 TU HUONG VUONG Comm.,/1089002 rp VI a ri e NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA NOTARY PUBLIC R' los Angeles County My Comm. Expires Feb.29,3000 Application to Vacate Page 4 of 5 AlMAILING LIST AFFIDAVIT N LOCATION: 33141 . El— MA AVS CASE NO: VAC q — 01 Description of Request: (ZE&UE5T TO AC JE5 t,AN fEX6t4 • ALLEY OR 120pERT7 AT 3542 t. l MARS RbSENREA2 CA Name Person/Agency Completing List: SUSANIriczel0 Mailing Address: 2270 cc&-I4FLIa92Ko CI" CCS CITY OF ROSEIOZAD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNERS LIST AFFIDAVIT Site Address: 3342 N DEL MAR AVENUE Date: JULY 7 , 1997 Description of Request/Project: AFFIDAVIT City of Rosemead County of Los Angeles ) State of California ) I, SUSAN MORENO , hereby certify that the names and addresses of all persons to whom all property is assessed as they appear on the latest available assessment roll of the County of Los Angeles within the described and for a distance of three hundred (300) feet from the exterior boundaries of property described as: _ Street Address(es) : 3342 N DEL MAR AVENUE Assessor' s Parcel No. (s) : 5287-017-032 & 049 Signed: \ TA1 1 O(T1(47/"' Print Name(s) : SUSAN MORENO Hailing Address: 2270 COGSWELL ROAD Phone: (818) 350-5944 City/State/Zip: EL MONTE, CA 91732 Date: JULY 7 , 1997 subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of duly , 1997 41111111 NOTARY PUBLIC atN ANARANTWA FL/RADIUSa�,:q,9� Notary Puolp—CAAfortJn My Camm.GNret Oct 31.1919