CC – Item 4E – Staff Report – Consideration of Dues Increase for the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments wo."' stafa or _______________T TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 7, 1998 RE: CONSIDERATION OF DUES INCREASE FOR THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Attached for your consideration is a memorandum regarding a proposed dues increase for the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments. The current dues of$ 11,617 include $5,510 in Proposition A Funds, $ 3,857 in AB 2766 Funds and $2250 in General Funds. The proposed increase would raise the Proposition A& C and AB 2766 contributions to $6,612 a piece. The General Fund contribution would remain at $2,250. RECOMMENDATION II It is recommended that the City Manager be directed to inform the San Gabriel Council of Governments of the Council's decision to support or oppose the request. COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 121998 ITEMNo. -Lit • cG 061, 4 go MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 5, 1998 TO: SAN GABRIEL VALLEY CITY MANAGERS FROM: wIsiii W WILLIAM R. KELLY, PRESIDENT - SAN GABRIEL VALLEY CITY MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION SUBJECT: DUES FOR THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS As was briefly discussed at the last City Manager's luncheon, enclosed is notice of a proposed dues increase for the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments ("COG"). The reason for the increase is that the COG cannot continue to operate with its present revenue. Accordingly, it has been suggested that the dues be increased as outlined on the attachment a smallnd thatt the from your money coe from dyour Proposition A and C and 2766 funds with The Executive Committee of the COG has determined that they do not want to roll back work programs because of the lack of revenue. They eel i tiinsraps pre appropriateto charge the above referenced funds in order to keep going. out $410,000 and will keep the COG in operation for the next fiscal year. I will need to know if there is any significant opposition so that I can present this at the next COG meeting y 21.increase. Trefore, please get back to me as soon as you can if your City opposes the dues I realize this is coming to you late as most of us have already done or are finishing our budget. Please feel free to call me at (626) 574-5401 if you have any questions. If you have specific questions about operational issues you may want to call Nick Conway, COG Executive Director, at (626) 564-9702. Thanks. Attachment cc: Nick Conway, Executive Director - COG San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Proposed Dues Increase 1997 Dues Proposition A&C AB 2766 'General Proposed City Population Employment Received `'$.12JCy$tta* $.177CA' pita" Fund 199299 Dues 395 $ 17,915.00 $ 10,740.00 . $ 10,740.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 24,180.00 Alhambra 90, 6,312.00 6,31200 2,250.00 14,874.00 11,192.00 Arcadia 53,126 9,69050 5,318.00 5,35800 2,700.00 12816.00 Azusa Baldwin 45,097 15,198.00 8,928.00 ' 8,928.00 2,550.00 20,406.00 Bradbury Park T,109 1,716.00 106.00 . 108.00 1$00.00 1,653.00 10,206.00 Bradbury 9094,12g 00 1,950.00 7,798.00 4,128.00 Claremont 34,744 5,57400 2,100.00 __._13,2.8.03 9,996.50 5,574.00 . Covina 46,915 6,804.00 2,250.00 . 15,858.00 57,267 Diamond11,889.00 6,804.00 Bar 2,658.00 2,65800 1,800.00 7,116.00 5,5653072 Duarte 16,2 13,812.00 3,000.00 30,624.00 20,000.00 13,812.00 l5f2,411 6,228.00 , 14,706.00 El Monte 0.00 11,073.00 6,228.00 25 Glendora 52,419 1,617.30 82.80 82.80 1,500.00 1.665.60 Industry .. 177 139.20 1,500.00 1,778.40 Ir 1,172 1,697.20 139.20 L Puente 4,896.00 4,896.00 2,100.00 11,892.00 9,036.00 La La Vernernet 41,208 3,948.00 1,950.00 9,846.00 7,543.00 3,948.00 Monrovia 39,799 . 4,728.00 1,950.00 11406.00 39,794 6,648.OD 4,728.00 63,428 12,926.00 7,536.00 7,536.00 2,250.00 17,322.00 Montebello7,75200 2,40000 17,90400 13,38200 7,75200 Monterey Park... 40,289. 3,000.00 36,336.00 20,000.00 16,668.00 16,668.00 140,289 16,968.00 36,936.00. Pasadena3,000.00 AL 16,968.00 Pomonasem142,814 11,617.00 .. .2,250.00 15,474.00 11,617.00 6,612.00 6,612.00 Rosemead 36,101 1,950.00 10,530.00 36,108 8,02730 4,29000 4,290.00 San Dimas 4,806.00 4,806.00 2,100.00 ' 11,712.00 40,451 8,90850 . 4,902.00 San GabMarinoriel 1,626.00 1,626.00 1,650.00 13,686 . 3,95350 4,362.00 San M 1,356.00 1,356.00 1,650.00 11,413 3,571.00 6,918.00 SierrautMadre2,634.00 2,634.00 1,65000 22,170 5,38150 South ElMonte _,. _ -- 3,018.00 3,01800 1,800.00 7,836.00 '. 25,402 6,075.50 _ _.. Walnut 32,320 3,840.00 3,840.00 1,950.00 9,630.00 7,390.00 West Covina 12 408.00 12 408.00 3 070.00 27 816 00 West 104.434 . 20.000.00 . 1,464,147 5 291,74450 $ 173,958.00 5 173.95800 $ 62,10000 S 410,016.W • 1997 Prop.A&C rates:5.10 "1997 AB2766 rates:5.07 ....E-M . - cm stat teport TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER DATE: MAY 5, 1998 RE: APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP 24136 - 3450 BARTLETT AVENUE Attached for consideration and approval of Parcel Map No. 24136 are the following: 1. Copy of Parcel Map No. 24136. 2. Planning Commission's conditions of approval. Four feet of street dedication will be granted on the map for pedestrian sidewalk purposes. The City Engineer has determined that all conditions of approval for the map have been met and the map is ready for Council's approval. RECOMMENDATION 1. Approve Parcel Map No. 24136. 2. Accept the street dedication. 3. Direct the City Clerk to arrange for the recordation of the map. Attachment KJR:kr COUNCIL AGENDA pm24136 MAY 1 2 1998 ITEM No. e& F K 2 Staff Report for Planning Commission Meeting of January 16, 1995 CASE NO. : Tentative Parcel Map 24136 APPLICATION REQUEST: To subdivide an existing lot into three (3) parcels to facilitate single-family dwelling development. LOCATION: 3450 Bartlett Avenue APPLICANT: Sophia Wong 1388 West Colorado Blvd. Pasadena , CA 91105 OWNER: Tritech Associates, Inc. 735 W. Emerson Avenue Monterey Park, CA 91754 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: 55 Notices were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on 12-22-94 . EXHIBITS: Tentative Parcel Map 24136, dated 12-7-94 , marked Exhibit B Site and Floor Plans, marked Exhibit C Owner' s Application Negative Declaration L.A. County Fire Department comments, x 11-14-94 L.A. County Sheriff ' s Department comments, W 10-31-94 Rosemead School District Comments, 11-1-94 L.A. County Sanitation District comments, Imm 11-8-94 L.A. County Department of Health Services ,..0 comments, 1-4-95 So. California Gas Co. comments, 11-3-94 W Assessor ' s Map Book 5289 , page 8 , parcel 40 City Engineer' s Report, dated 11-2-94 Zoning Map GENERAL PLAN: Low Density Residential , 4.9 ZONING: R-1 Z ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Based on an initial environmental study, the proposed subdivision qualifies for a Negative Declaration in accordance with CEQA and local regulations. SURROUNDING ZONES AND LAND USES: To the north, south, east, and west are R-1 properties developed with single-family dwellings. MUNICIPAL CODE SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS: a 1. The proposed division will not be materially detrimental tail the public welfare nor injurious to the property or S improvements in the immediate vicinity. 2 . The proposed division will not be contrary to any official N plan adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead; or to any official policies or standards adopted by the City Planning Commission or the City Council and on file in thee office of the City Clerk at or prior to the time of filing of the application hereunder; • .___ STAFF REPORT Tentative Parcel Map 24136 1-16-95 Page 2 of 2 . 3 . Each proposed parcel conforms in area and dimension to the provisions of zoning and subdivision requirements of the City of Rosemead; and 4 . All streets, alleys and driveways proposed to serve the property have been dedicated or such dedication is not required for the protection of public safety, health and welfare and that such streets, alleys and driveways are of sufficient width, design and construction to preserve the public safety and to provide adequate access and circulation for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 5. All easements and covenants required for the approval of the tentative map or plot plan have been duly executed and recorded (RMC Section 9412) . STATE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT REQUIREMENTS: A parcel map shall be recuired for those subdivisions on which the land before division contains less than five acres, each parcel created by the division abuts upon a maintained public street or highway and no dedication or improvements are required by the legislative body (section 66426 a) . PROPERTY HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION: The subject property is a rectangular shaped parcel with 21, 579 square feet of land area. The property is currently developed with one (1) single family dwelling, a duplex, and detached accessory structures. The property takes access from Bartlett Avenue which is a local street according to the General Plan. This area is included within the original incorporated boundaries of the City. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS: The applicant now proposes to subdivide the property into three (3) parcels in order to provide for one single family dwelling on each newly created parcel. Lot 1 will measure 6, 000 square feet; Lot 2 will measure 6, 080 square feet; and Lot 3 will measure 9 , 105 square feet. The applicant plans on demolishing all of the existing structures on the proposed parcels. The project has been designed to accommodate on-site drainage by utilizing a sump pump. A drainage easement on Parcel 2 for the benefit of Parcel 3 will be necessary, and is included as a condition of approval . The proposed dwellings will be two story in height and be approximately 2 , 430 square feet. Each home has a four (4) bedroom, two (2) bath floor plan, each with attached accessory structures (garages) . The proposed homes meet all City zoning, setback, and floor-area ratio requirements. The rear yard setback complies with Section 9104 . 5 of the Municipal Code which requires a rear yard minimum of twenty-five (25) feet or twenty percent (20%) of the depth of the lot, whichever is less. The proposed setbacks fall within those guidelines. Staff supports the proposal because it improves the quality of housing in the area, and transforms the lot from rental to ownership property. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the information presented, staff recommends that the Planning Commission make the required findings set forth above, and approve Tentative Parcel Map 24136 subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A. rY:Y ATTACHMENT A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 24136 3450 BARTLETT AVENUE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL JANUARY 16, 1995 1. The property shall be developed in accordance with Tentative Parcel Map 24136 dated 12-7-94 , marked Exhibit B, site and floor plans marked Exhibit C, and approved by the Planning Commission on 1-16-95. 2 . The project shall comply with the conditions as set forth in the City Engineer' s report dated 11-2-94 , and the Fire Department's recommendations dated 11-14-94 That all conditions shall be completed to the City Engineer ' s and Director of Planning' s satisfaction prior to recordation of the final map. 3 . The interior property line of the newly created lots, and where designated by the Director of Planning, the perimeter property line, shall be fenced with a six-foot (6 ' ) high masonry or wooden fence ending at the rear of the dwelling unit on Lot 1. If a wooden fence is installed, the fence shall be supported by steel posts set in concrete. Said fence shall be installed prior to recordation of the parcel map or at the time of issuance of building permit be made a matter of condition. All masonry walls shall have finished surface on both sides. 4 . Each newly created lot shall be provided with a 15-gallon tree subject to the approval of the Director of Planning. 5 . All utilities shall be underground including appropriate wiring for Cable Television. 6. The property shall be kept cleared of weeds, debris and abandoned vehicles, and maintained to the L.A. County Fire and Health codes until it is developed. All trash shall be contained in dumpsters and removed on an as-needed basis. No trash shall be visible from outside the dumpster. Surplus construction materials shall be stored so as to be screened from view when not actually in use. 7 . A covenant shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney assuring that the private, common driveway shall be continually maintained and that any costs associated with such maintenance shall be equally shared by lots 1 and 2 in accordance with Section 9104 .21 I, 5 (g) . This covenant shall be recorded prior to or in conjunction with the final parcel map. 8. A drainage easement shall be recorded on Parcel 2 for the benefit of Parcel 3 and shall be shown on the final map. 9 . This map shall be finaled and recorded within two (2) years of tentative approval. Failure to do so may result in the map' s expiration and the need for another tentative map application. Any request for extension must be submitted, in writing, together with ten (10) copies of the map and corresponding plans, to the Planning Department before the expiration date. 10. The conditions listed on this Exhibit shall be copied directly onto development plans submitted to the Planning and Building Departments for review. 11. Construction activities shall be limited to take place between the hours of 7: 00 a.m. and 8: 00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No . construction shall take place on Sundays or on any legal holidays. . W .I 12 . The numbers of the address signs shall be at least 6" tall with a minimum character width of 1/4" , contrasting in color and easily visible at driver ' s level from the street. The location, color and size of such sign shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director. 13 . The applicant shall sign an affidavit of agreement, and return it to the Planning Department within ten (10) days after approval of this request. WPM24136 =sc; �i6't' CITY OF ROSEMEAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 X NEGATIVE DECLARATION MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 1. Entitlement: Parcel Map 24136 2. Applicant: Sophia Wong 3 . Proposal : Subdivide one existing lot into three lots in order to facilitate the constructin of three single-family dwellings. 4 . Location & Parcel Number (s) : 5289-8-40 3450 Bartlett Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 5. Responsible Agencies: City of Rosemead II . STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS: An initial study was conducted by the Planning Department to evaluate the potential effects of this project upon the environment. Based upon the findings contained in the attached initial study, it has been determined that this project could not have a significant effect upon the environment. Based upon the initial study evaluation the project will have a de minimis impact on fish and wildlife and therefore is exempted from State Fish and Game Code Section 711 . 4 for payment of $1, 250 filing fee for a ND and $850 filing fee for an EIR. III . PUBLIC REVIEW 1 . Public Notice: Publication of a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the area. 2 . Document Posting Period. X 3 . Direct mailing to owners of property within 300 feet of project. X / i 3 CITY OF ROSEMEAD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING INITIAL STUDY Entitlement: Parcel Map 24136 Date of Initial Study: December 21, 1994 Name of Applicant: Sophia Wong Location of Project: 3450 Bartlett Avenue, Rosemead Assessor' s Parcel No (s) : 5289-8-40 General Plan Land Use Designation: Low-Density Residential Proposed General Plan Land Use Designation: Low-Density Residential Present Land Use: Single-Family Residential Existing Zoning: R-1 Proposed Zoning: R-1 Agency staff Contact: City of Rosemead . 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (818) 288-6671 I . PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: Location: 3450 Bartlett Avenue Project: Lot subdivision and construction of three new single-family dwellings. Site Description: Subject site is a 21, 579 square foot lot which takes access directly from Bartlett Avenue. Surrounding Land Uses: North: R-1 South: R-1 East: R-1 West: R-1 II. IS THE PROPOSED PROJECT CONSISTENT WITH: Yes No N/A Rosemead General Plan X 1 Yes No N/A Applicable Specific Plan: X Rosemead Zoning Ordinance X III .ARE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING STUDIES REQUIRED: Noise Study Tree Study Archaeological Report Biology Report Geotechnical Report Soil Borings & Assessment for Liquefaction Potential Traffic Study Others (identify below) IV. INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST AND RESPONSES: A. Earth 1 . Does the parcel contain slopes of 20% or greater which will be affected by project construction? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Is any significant modification of major landforms proposed? Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Will the project result in disruption, displacements, compaction, or overcovering of the soil? Yes Maybe No N/A X 4 . Will the project result in the exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Yes Maybe No N/A X 5. Does the site include any unique geological features or paleontological resources of significance? Yes Maybe No N/A X 6. will the project result in a significant increase in wind or water erosion or siltation either off- or on-site beyond the construction phase of the project? Yes Maybe No N/A X 7 . Will the project result in changes in siltation, 2 4 . _l deposition, or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream? Yes Maybe No N/A X B. Air 1 . Will the project, result in a significant adverse air quality impact (based on the estimated date of project completion) , as identified in the Air Quality Management Air District' s guidelines for the Preparation of Air Quality Impact Analyses? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Will the project result in a significant cumulative adverse air quality impact based on inconsistency with the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan? Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Will the project result in the creation of objectionable odors? Yes Maybe No N/A X 4 . will the project result in the exposure of sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? Yes Maybe No N/A X C. water 1. Does the project involve a major natural drainage course or flood control channel? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Will the project result in changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Is the project within a 100-year flood hazard area as identified on the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Map for the City of Rosemead? Yes Maybe No N/A X 4 . Will the project result in alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Yes Maybe No N/A X 5. Will the project result in a change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Yes Maybe No N/A X 6 . Will the project result in degradation of ground or surface water quality? Yes Maybe No N/A X 7 . Will the project change the amount of surface water in any water body? Yes Maybe No N/A X E . Will the project result in substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise availabe for public water supplies? Yes Maybe No N/A X D. Plant. Life 1. Will the project result in a substantial change in the diversity or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants) ? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Are any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants present on the project site? (See State and Federal listings and California Native Plant Society, Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants. ) Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Will the project result in the introduction of invasive species of plants into the area? Yes Maybe No N/A X 4 � ;. 4 . Will the proposal result in the reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Yes Maybe No N/A X E. Animal Life 1 . Will the project result in a reduction in the diversity or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals, including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms, or insects) ? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Will the project restrict the range of or otherwise affect any rare or endangered animal species? Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Will the project result in a deterioration of any significant wildlife habitat? Yes Maybe No N/A X 4 . Will the project result in a de minimis impact on fish and wildlife resources? Yes Maybe No N/A X F. Noise 1. Will the project result in increases to existing noise levels? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Will the project result in the exposure of people to conditionally acceptable or unacceptable noise levels? Yes Maybe No N/A X G. Light and Glare 5 1. Will the project result in new light or glare? Yes Maybe No N/A X H. Land Use 1 . Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Are adjoining or planned land uses incompatible with the proposed project, so that a substantial or potentially substantial interface problem would be created? Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Could the project serve to encourage the development of presently undeveloped areas or result in increases in the development intensity of existing developed areas (examples include the introduction of new or expanded public utilities, and new industrial , commercial, or recreational facilities) ? Yes Maybe No N/A X 1 , Natural Resources 1 . Will the project result in substantial depletion of any nonrenewable resource? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Will the project result in the conversion of agricultural land to nonagricultural use or impairment of the agricultural productivity of agricultural land? Yes Maybe No N/A X 6 �// J. Risk of Upset and Human Health 1. Will the project involve or be subject to a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radioactive materials) in the event of an accident or upset condition? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . areathedsro7ect definedhln byorthe7a Lost to a Angeles County hazard Is CountyFire Protection District? Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard and/or the exposure of people to potential health hazards? Yes Maybe No N/A X K. Population Will 1 density,, e orro project rowthalter rate ofetheohumannpopulationdistribution, ofan area? Yes Maybe No N/A X L. Housing 1. Will the proposal require the removal of any housing unit(s) ? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Will the proposal reduce currently available low and very-low income housing through changes in the use or demolition? Yes Maybe No N/A X 7 3 . Will the proposal require the displacement of people from the project site? Yes Maybe No N/A X M. Transportation/Circulation 1. Will the proposal result in the generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? (Identify extimated a .m. and p.m. peak hour trips and average daily vehicle trips generated by the project. ) Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Will the proposal result in a substantial impact to the existing or planned transportation systems? Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Will the proposal result in an increased demand for off-site parking? Yes Maybe No N/A X 4 . Will the proposal result in an increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians? Yes Maybe No N/A X N. Public Services Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services such as police and fire protection, schools, parks or recreational facilities , or other governmental services? Yes Maybe No N/A X 8 , O. Energy Will the proposal result in the use of excessive amounts of fuel or energy? Yes Maybe No N/A X P. Utilities Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to utilities, including power or natural gas, communications systems, water, sewer, storm water drainage, solid waste disposal, and street lighting annexation and/or improvements? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2. Aesthetics 1 . Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Will the project result in the loss, covering, or modification of any unique geologic or physical features such as a natural canyon, rock outcropping, ridgeline, or hillside with a slope in excess of 25 percent? Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Will the project result in the loss of a distinctive landmark tree or stand of mature trees? Yes Maybe No N/A X 9 R. Archaeological/Historical 1 . Is there a potential that the proposal will result in the alteration or destruction of an archaelogical or historical site? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to an archaeological site or historic building, structure, or object? Yes Maybe No N/A X S. Mandator Findin•s of Si•nificance I . Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self staining llevels, threaten to eliminate a plantor community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Yes Maybe No N/A X 2 . Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage m ofpact f ng-term, environmental goals? environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future. ) Yes Maybe No N/A X 3 . Does the project have impacts which are individually may limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant. The term "cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of the past projects, the effects of other currecnt projects, and the effects of probable future projects. ) Yes Maybe No N/A X 10 . i i' • 4 . Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Yes Maybe No N/A X VI . DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: X I find the proposcd project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project COULD have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures, described in this initial study could be applied to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION should be prepared. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ADDENDUM to an existing certified ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. fi\\Prepared by: Concur: FFsVVV UUU�l eer Lyons James Plannr;( P Directtr ofPlanning Project Planner 11 / 2.- 27- 51 Date Date 11 /_/,_ 03/93 1 CC TY OF LOS ANGELES PIRE DE1 .TRENT FIRE PRO'1c;CTION REQUIREMENTS -ern AREAS DAMAP Ps W~ /CITY OF ed. c�G Y) SUBJECT: Pm z v4 3 LOCATION : FIRE FLOW [ ] Hydrants and fire flow are adequate to meet current Fire Department requirements. -7- j The required fi flow for public fire hydrants at this location is /2. 0 gallons per minute at 20 psi for a duration of 2 hours, over and above maximum daily domestic demand. [ ] The required on-site fire flow for private on-site hydrants is gallons per minute at 20 psi. Each private on-site hydrant must be capable of flowing gallons per minute at 20 psi with any two hydrants flowing simultaneously. ti",3/41,1 Fire Hydrt requirements as follows: Install Public Fire Hydrant(s) . Install Private On-site ire Hydrant(s) . Upgrade Public Fire Hydrant(s) . .4.1%.1 All hydrants shall measure 6" x 4" x 2-1/2" brass or bronze, conforming to current AWWA standard C503 or approved equal. All hydrants shall be installed a minimum of 25' from a structure or protected by a (2) two hour fire wall. saITS, Location: As per map comae.i�l]e�w/ith t�S►isss of� iii ee..9 o�I �[�]" Other location:415 J $ R p ( 1 W pf 7�"G,. lit..41, All required fire hydrants shall be installed, tested and accepted prior to construction. Vehicular access must be provided and maintained serviceable throughout construction. [ ] Additional on-site hydrants may be required during the building permit process. L.%), Upgrade not necessary, if existing hydrant meets fire flow requirements. r�tst� i� �� Comments:SVI%IM IT Comp "" ' OATS, a i LA el Be Ivry Iso IVA3 ()FACE Fort- A neoNIA L tt»141`J All hydrants shall be installed in conformance with Title 20, L.A. County Government Code or appropriate city regulations. This shall include minimum six-inch diameter mains. Arrangements to meet these requirements must be made with the water purveyor serving the area. ZONEMAP BY qt"...,., DATE NOV 14 1994 FIRE PREVENTION ENGINEERING SECTION - (213) 890-4125 \ . - _ :gy :-. FORM 266 COUNTY —V LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTY 7 01/94 • CONDITI. .3 OF APPROVAL FOR SDBDIVIS_.JNS ��yy, INCORPORATED� CITIES '�yF�� �T�` I P1t�R.CCcEL MAP NO. 2T% :JY TENTATIVE MAP DATE $40 CITY F tf$E Me-AD l 1 This property is Located within the areas described by the Forester and Fire Harden as Fire Zane 4 and future construction must comply with applicable Code requirements. "11,90 Provide water mains: fire hydrants, and fire nous as required by Canty forester and Fire Warden for all land sham on the map to be recorded. [ 1 The final concept map which has been cEaitted to this Department for review has fulfilled the corditiora of approval recoeme ded by this Departaent'for access only. lilta Provide Fire Department and City moved street signs, building address niers prior to occupancy. Tim Fire Department access shall be extended to within 150 feet distance of any portion of stauctnre to be built. [ 1 The Canty Forester and Fire Warden is not setting requirements for water mains, fire hydrants and fire flows as a condition of approval for this division land as presently zoned and submitted. esermlm Access shall comply with section 10.207 of the Fire code which requires all weather access. All weather access may require paying. [ 1 Where driveways extend further than 300 feet and are of single access design, turnarou ds suitable for fire protection equipment use shell be provided and shown at the final sap. Turnarands shall be designed, , constructed and maintained to insure their integrity for Fire Department use. Where topography dictates, turnarounds shell be provided for driveways which extend over 150 feet. �my The private driveways shall be indicated on the final map as "FIRE LANE" and shall be maintained in accordance with the Los Angeles Carty fire Cade. [ 1 There are no additional fire hydrants or fire flora required for this division of land. Requirements for fire protection water end access will be determined at the time of building perm it ami, All required fire hydrants shall be installed, tested and accepted prior to construction. Vehicular access mast be provided and maintained serviceable throughout construction. - [ 1 Additional fire protection systems shall be i /n �stilled in lieu of suitable,access and/or fire protectioniwater. L� comments: 1 ROJ\OE A 200 1)44 eta ( ( ys th'{ G 1.Eot tZ Tb S tee/ F‘rtE i.A E s evict o * 2 c 3 . F►RE L 6 SHA (-L 6 ?o s-1 eD BY: DATE: NOV 14 1994 ({0 Mini of tue; Alutclr ; «_,;\ c: dv;:'f �Itrritt.6, Drnartnv'ut tiralquarirra .Ii an 1,:nnnna Tlrtutlrh arl tl +Ijnnh•nm .lark. California 0175•1- '2160 - - - - (818) 285-7171 October 31, 1994 James Troyer Associate Planner City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Dear Mr. Troyer We are in receipt of Tentative Parcel Subdivision Tract Map Number 24136 concerning the project in the City of Rosemead The Sheriffs Department requests that as a condition of approval for this project that the addresses for the proposed lot be clearly marked at the entrance to the driveway on Bartlett Avenue to allow for location identification in the event of emergency response to the proposed residences. If you have any further questions_ please contact Sergeant Wayne Wallace at (818) 285-7171, extension 3541 Sincerely, SHERMAN BLOCK. SHERIFF� nnI C Robert Mirabella. Captain Commander, Temple Station M 7ra->i17on o/ r)aruce • K.a -- - (818) 443-0173 3640 NORTH RIO HONDO AVE., ROSEMEAD - = CALIFORNIA 91770 _ FAX (818) 443-7470 BOARD OLST_ES o ME.ISSA _ Mono November 1, 1994 Mr. James Troyer Associate Planner City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear James. This is to inform you that Tentative ParceUSubdivision Tract Map Number 24136 is within Rosemead School District's jurisdiction and we will provide the appropriate services. If you have any questions, please call me Sincerely, R Richard Yodites Business manager RV cf k;: November 8, 1994 File No: 15-00.00-00 Mr. James Troyer City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Troyer: Tentative Parcel Map No. 24136 The letter and plans for the subject project, forwarded by your office, were received on October 27, 1994. The proposed development is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of District No. 15. We offer the following comments retarding sewerage service: • The Sanitation Districts arc empowered by the California Health and Safety Code to charge a fee for the privilege of connecting (directly or indirectly) to the Sanitation Districts' Sewerage System or increasing the existing strength and/or quantity of wastewater attributable to a particular parcel or operation already connected. This connection fee is required to construct an incremental expansion of the Sewerage System to accommodate the proposed project which will mitigate the impact of this project on the present Sewerage System. Payment of a connection fee will be required before a permit to connect to the sewer is issued. - • The design capacity of Districts' wastewater conveyance and treatment facilities are based on population forecasts adopted in the Southern California Association of Governments' (SCAG) 1994 Regional Comprehensive Plan (RCP). The RCP is in the process of being adopted as part of the 1994 South Coast Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). The AQMP is jointly prepared by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and SCAG as a requirement of the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA). In order to conform with the AQMP, all expansions of Districts' facilities must be sized and service phased in a manner which will be consistent with the Growth Management element of the 1994 RCP. The Growth Management element contains a regional growth forecast for the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside,Ventura, and Imperial which was prepared by SCAG. Specific policies included in the RCP which deal with the management of growth will be incorporated into the AQMP strategies to improve air quality in the South Coast Air Basin. The available capacity of Districts' conveyance and treatment facilities will, therefore,be limited to levels associated with approved growth identified in the adopted RCP. As such, this letter does not constitute a guarantee of wastewater service, but is to advise you that the Districts intend l7 Mr. James Troyer 2 November 8, 1994 to provide this service up to the levels which are legally permitted and to inform you of the currently existing capacity and any proposed expansion of Districts' facilities. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (310) 699-7411, extension 2717. Very truly yours, Charles W. Carry Marie L. Pagenkopp Engineering Technician Financial Planning & Property Management Section MLP:cg NErvASSEsENV SSZ.TPMFIIRLTR COUNTY LOS ANGELES • DEPARTMENT OF H _TH SERVICES DNS ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Mountain & Rural \ Water, Sewerage & Subdivisions Programs 2525 Corporate Place, Suite 150, Monterey Park, CA 91754-7631 (213) 881-4147/4158 January 4, 1995 Bradd Tarr Assistant Planning Director City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard P. 0. Box 399 Rosemead, California 91770 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 24136 Dear Sir: The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services has no objection to the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 24136 provided that sanitary sewers are used as the method of sewage disposal. Domestic water will be supplied by Southern California Water Company. Sincerely, Norman L. Groom, R.E.H.S. Chief Environmental Health Specialist Mountain and Rural/Water, Sewage and Subdivision Programs NLG:11 '' • The Gas Cow, tly Technical Services Dupanmenl November 3, 1994 Mr. James Troyer Associate Planner City of Rosemead 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Southern m Celiloia Reference: Parcel Map No. 24136 SGm outhern Dear Mr. Troyer: v� „ a�,• a The following is in response to your 10/25/94,letter requesting information relative to an Environmental Impact Repon on the proposed development of 3 units.. Within the areas of interest and responsibilities of the Southern California Gas Company,we find the proposed development reasonable and acceptable. This letter is not to be interpreted as a contractual commitment to serve the subject development, but only as an information service. Its intent is to notify you that the proposed project can be served from existing mains in the arca. This can be done without any major impact on overall system capacity,service to existing customers.or the environment. Average consumption is estimated at 1095 therms per year per single fa dwelling unit. This estimate is based on past system averages and does not encompass the possible effect of the State's new insulating requirements and consumers' loads van'with types of equipment used. The availability of natural gas service as set forth in this letter is based upon present conditions of gas supply and regulatory policies. As a public utility, Southern California Gas Company is under the jurisdiction of the California Public Utilities Commission. We can also be affected by actions of federal regulatory agencies. Should these agencies take any action that effects gas supply or the condition under which service is available, gas service will be provided in accordance with the revised condition. We have developed several programs which are available. upon request.to provide assistance in selecting the most effective applications of energy conservation techniques for a particular project. If you desire further information on any of our energy conservation programs. please call (213) 881-8208. Sincerely, �t f / / Santo Plescia Planning Aide Mountain View Region CRA:cc cpr'^4.l3Eea �G]�Y A see ssor 's Pup � ! CA 62 89 . 8• ` .., 3/ lv SAN BERNARDINO FRWY.• I M/169/-1 o P 9 • RAMONA BLVD. o N99°l/'W 5� e l_ EZ 4942 40 18 43 A ao av �i eal I I ��. 40 $. ®o_�"I ° ..I tl O�I4 I I c I "b0 a CD _ 1 0s9s—L..i,o =Ik I I O I O K -Xi?/06 12)98 > -51fEG (P II''. I I Cdr .Z1 m j o ,21 GS ±53.±5- n 1$ '' w I r— i%v5 4. 5.4 m 4 ® ® ole ® � MI -I 3YSc 21243 -- I H _ — —_l 4942 60 24I /o06f / r y tZ7 V °� "u 93.46IsIUG 4B �.. ..,r,-.A o —.3y. o 15 `` 0 a tT'a S //6 b X1:`1 ' 209.64 + 4 """ IF) P .`., ,..;....r or"rte w .3 9 22 us u7 N'4 l 96./0 //a a- s jr.. /o�7:55 339.9i 4 48 3 r J b a O Ov" NW oWW /0720 '0— /.06-5,9 0 0 � r 5.3 /0720 u g y u arA; ti a u N Yz9 48 7939 /0720 49 p° .. _ t^ o o / 3/02 O25 '4 ,4 ; 0 O 3Y2� � _ OuuO VN /3/02 ° Rio � ° dB /5 225,07 t. .s., 3/11) 13f.°� �, NI'Et NU sY;1 DUN .® o m _39/ o N o 9 0 .j I/o 80 N 13/351 N o_I4> 22157 z/in //i .ii P9.If 7460 60 .3v/3 m ® 5 2999 __ ___ 9.0 /6°.(fie..flu ` 3407 N 44 3 `j0 ® I 2/0,52 di TV 0 220.57 /8/39 a PGo eN da r 336y 3 36/ o a4eO06 $ WI /00.39 ___ W t .33531119. r4TJ9 5.89°/Yµ: /8139 0 4. - . I, s /o.3<co" 3355 N4o J Ni ry 33� : % zas„ rzrii�G3 45 ®' �s;, o,a 33vq ti .... _ - 33 Sa B 'e'oi w 2120 66__ 40' e —�� 1 _KBTSL%Of 1ffii — h �T� v nN,— .33V mom^. 4a 133 Y /res x--10 �,�,JJ—N — 1'4 y I > ---Th, _ p i — 2NJ 669 40 1 no 9 A. __ e targe'/fl TO: PETERS LYONS, PLANNING DIRECTOR FROM: FRED WICKMAN, DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 1994 RE: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 24136 Attached for your consideration is the City Engineer's recommended conditions of approval for the referenced parcel map. Attachment AMF:fw plan(.con) City Engineer's Recommended Conditions of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map No. 24136 GENERAL 1. Details shown on the tentative map are not necessarily approved. Any details which are inconsistent with requirements of ordinances, general conditions of approval, or City Engineer's policies must be specifically approved in the final map or improvement plan approvals. 2. A final parcel map prepared by, or under the direction of a Registered Civil Engineer authorized to practice land surveying, or a Licensed Land Surveyor, must be processed through the City Engineer's office prior to being filed with the County Recorder. 3. A preliminary subdivision guarantee is required showing all fee interest holders and encumbrances. An updated title report shall be provided before the final parcel map is released for filing with the County Recorder. 4. Monumentation of parcel map boundaries, street centerline and lot boundaries is required. 5. Comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. 6_ Approval for filing of this land division is contingent upon approval of plans and specifications mentioned below. If the public improvements are not installed prior to the filing of this division, the developer must submit an Undertaking Agreement and a Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond in the amount estimated by the City Engineer guaranteeing the installation of the improvements. ck /or 7. The City approved byserves the right to imose any new- plan City Council subsequentt to tentative approval eof this dpermit fees map. DRAINAGE AND GRADING 8. Prior to the recordation of the final map, grading and drainage plans must be approved to provide for contributory drainage from adjoining properties as approved by the City Engineer, including dedication of the necessary easements. 9. A grading and drainage plan must provide for each lot having an independent drainage system to the public street, to a public drainage facility, or by means of an approved drainage easement. 10. Historical or existing storm water flow from adjacent lots must be received and lJtj a/ directed by gravity to the street, a public drainage facility, or an approved drainage easement. 11. Developer shall prepare a covenant, subject to City Engineer's approval for a drainage easement across Parcel 3 benefitting Parcel 2. 12. Developer shall prepare a covenant, subject to City Engineer's approval, to allow cross lot drainage. ROAD 13. Developer shall prepare a covenant, subject to City Engineer's approval, for ingress and egress, utility and drainage easement, and fire lane. 14. New drive approaches shall be constructed at least 3' from any above-ground obstructions in the public right-of-way to the top of "x" or the obstruction shall be relocated. 15. Drive approaches shall be at least 10' wide. 16. Existing drive approaches on Bartlett Avenue shall he closed with full curb, gutter and sidewalk. 17. Developer shall grant a 4' wide road deed dedication along the property frontage. SEWER lg Approval of this land division is contingent upon providing separate house sewer laterals to serve each lot of the land division. 19. The developer shall consult the City Engineer to determine the sewer location and design requirements. 20. Easements may be required and shall be subject to review by the City Engineer to determine the final locations and requirements. UTILITIES 21. Power, telephone and cable television service shall be underground. 21 Any utilities that are in conflict with the development shall be relocated at the developer's expense. • t �x3 W WATER 23. All lots shall be served by adequately sized water system facilities which shall include fire hydrants of the size, type and location as determined by the Fire Chief. 24. The water mains shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the total domestic and fire flow required for the land division. Domestic flows required are to be determined by the City Engineer. Fire flows required are to be determined by the Fire Chief. 25. Plans and specifications for the water system facilities shall be submitted for approval to the water company serving this land division. The subdivider shall submit an agreement and other evidence, satisfactory to the City Engineer, indicating that the subdivider has entered into a contract with the servicing water purveyor guaranteeing payment and installation of the water improvements. 26. Prior to the filing of the final map, there shall also be filed with the City Engineer, a statement from the water purveyor indicating subdivider compliance with the Fire Chiefs fire flow requirements. -.A .J • I I at PN 1.1 co corzi SAN BERNRARDINO F htlY. w C R I F.M 1/69/-2 RAMONA o BLVD. " 1189"11'W .$ 80 `." I°y4' 10* V � 1! kI .,� 14941 140 138 143 I\\ I m • DN i`32 t, 46 � ' A. 1.] �C I' o0 1 r>. _Lk asset p9 > j L/CO 0—aver/az 21.96 - ,, 1 ® I ® I ® ;3 ��' " I mar 1 3 '5 ' v w ( I ... 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MW1 /71.39 CO 3358 zz„17x"2- `� el:NS.G9`/l/✓ Bf-39 -4 /0,3444' 3355 a °' 014 33.5‘ " .."."'"ono-k. ej. 96..as d4 ®;` g V oO 4 � A a 33Yq 45 33 5D .,E,8J 8'47 V 220.66 .0 4o' ' -_ la 41-71 ?L9-x"'10 I G ^ z- 33'/ 'to°p.o. 44 33179 OI Vo ,0• M FD S -70117-11 t 0 ,6.®-r' 220.69 m [n �3Iv2 ,� „$ li7 • o ® iv 40 40 Ins ...CI I .33✓' v e 7487166'/0'6 s � Y /6i)