CC – Item 4B – Staff Report – Approval of Entertainment Permit for the Silver Mug 8921 E. Valley Blvd. E ti \o • c003stafte port TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G.TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 7, 1998 RE: APPROVAL OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT FOR THE SILVER MUG 8921 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD Pursuant to the Rosemead Municipal Code, an Administrative Hearing was held on May 5, 1998 regarding the approval of an Entertainment Permit for The Silver Mug, 8921 E. Valley Boulevard. This establishment is a bar serving food and alcoholic beverages. The owner wishes to allow customers to sing with a "karaoke" machine. The owner is requesting that the hours of operation for the entertainment be 9:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday evenings. The regular hours of operation are from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. seven days a week. Staff is recommending approval of the Entertainment Permit contingent upon the attached conditions. Attached for your information are the following items: 1. List of Conditions. 2. Copy of the Sheriffs Department License Detail Investigators report. 3. A copy of the minutes of the Administrative Hearing on May 5, 1998. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council grant an Entertainment Permit to The Silver Mug, 8921 E. Valley Boulevard. m. ,v, COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 121998 ITEM No. Tr. G--8 2 • LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDED BUSINESS LICENSE CONDITIONS THE SILVER MUG 8921 E. VALLEY BL. ROSEMEAD, CA. 1. Entire premises are subject to inspection by the Sheriff's Department at any time while the business is operating. Any locked or otherwise secured doors will be opened upon demand. 2. The floor plan and room use shall not change without Sheriff 's approval. 3. A "Responsible Person" shall be on duty at all times while the business is open. When any regulatory official (Sheriff's Deputies/Investigators, Fire Officials, Health Officials, Building Inspectors, Code Enforcement Officers, etc. ) announce their arrival at the business this "responsible person" shall immediately introduce him/herself to the regulatory official and offer his/her assistance and cooperate fully with all requests. All management designated "responsible persons" must be a minimum twenty-one (21) years of age, possess on his/her person a valid California (DMV) identification, and be able to communicate effectively with such officials. 4. Any violation of applicable laws and/or these operating conditions will be grounds for suspension and/or revocation of these business licenses. 5. Management will not allow dancing on the premises unless a Dance Permit is obtained. 6. The hours of operation for the enterta; e t h-n t, t 9:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday evenings I understand and accept the above conditions. N „i DATE &untu of dos .tngr1es . ,,,,,7,„,,,-„;-,F.,• Sheriff's Department TAettilquarlcrsO • 4700ttmatttt laulead '..---.0V .r !iiantrrcu Park, falifarnia 91734-2109 • SHERMAN FLOCK.s,canr April 29, 1998 LICENSE UNIT INVESTIGATION REPORT 198-00442-3410-446 city of Rosemead Application for Business License and/or Permit Entertainment Business Name: The Silver Mug Address: 8921 E. Valley Blvd . Rosemead , CA 91770 Applicants: Smith Janet S. Smith . Dnnald r X Result of investigation fails to indicate a basis for protest. Result of investigation indicates a basis for protest. See narrative report attached in clarification of recommendation. investigating Officer T. McLaughlin Report Approved R. Kenealy, Sergeant #449065 License Detail #048866 Departmental Recommendation a jlroval with rnndit_.ens SHERMAN BLOCK,SHERIFF 83/No an`L. ,�u Captain S ecial Investigat ' r}., Bureau jraolthon of[Service ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING SILVER MUG 8921 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD MAY 5, 1998 The Hearing was opened by the Hearing Officer, Don Wagner, at 10:03 a.m. The Hearing Officer stated that the purpose of the Hearing was to consider an application for an Entertainment Permit for the Silver Mug. Present was Terry McLaughlan from the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Business License Investigation, Milan Mrakich, City of Rosemead's Code Enforcement Officer, and Donald and Janet Smith from the Silver Mug. Ms. McLaughlan stated that the Sheriffs Department is recommending approval of the application with Conditions. The Hearing Officer stated that the Conditions will be entered into the minutes as part of the record and that the business owner has signed the Conditions. The Hearing Officer requested for the record that today's Hearing is to consider the Entertainment Permit only, and that this item will placed on the City Council Agenda on May 12, 1998 for consideration and approval. The Hearing Officer noted for the record also, that there were no other people present at the Hearing. The Hearing was then closed at 10:08 a.m. Respectfully submitted V i' 9O O �J\ ` ®h staffrt epo TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER ✓ DATE: MAY 7, 1998 RE: REAUTHORIZATION OF AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FOR GANG ALTERNATIVE AND PREVENTION PROGRAM (GAPP) The City's current agreement with the County of Los Angeles for the implementation and administration of the Gang Alternative and Prevention Program (GAPP) expires on June 30, 1998. Attached is the renewal agreement from the County requesting an extension of the program through June 30, 1999. The attached agreement states that the City shall reimburse the County for one-half ('/2)the salary and benefits of a Deputy Probation Officer to administer the program and work with the local school districts. That provision remains unchanged from the agreement currently in effect. The proposal from the County County Probation Departement for the next fiscal year includes a 9.1% increase in fees. The actual cost for the program will be $42,612 for the coming year. Over the past year, the Garvey and Rosemead School Districts and the Sheriffs Department have stated that the GAPP Program has been very effective in identifying and counseling "at risk"youth. Once identified, subsequent counseling involves children, parents and teachers. In addition, the LAPP Officer contracted by the City is serving as the Case Coordinator for the Rosemead Youth Effectiveness System (Y.E.S.). RECOMMENDATION: • It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached agreement extending the GAPP Program for one-year through June 30, 1999. COUNCIL AGENDA ccmem.gapp99.1st MAY 121998 • ITEM No. . e G� COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES PROBATION DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE GANG CRIME SUPPRESSION PROGRAM SERVICES (GCSPI • CITY OF ROSEMEAD 7/1/98 - 6/30/99 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No? 1 . PURPOSE OF THE AGREEMENT 1 2. STATEMENT OF WORK 1 3. EMPLOYMENT STATUS 2 4. PAYMENT 2 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 2 6. INDEMNIFICATION 3 7. LIMITATION OF COUNTY'S OBLIGATION DUE TO NON-APPROPRIATION 3 8. BUDGET REDUCTIONS 3 9. TERMINATION AND TERMINATION COSTS 3 10. TERMINATION FOR IMPROPER CONSIDERATION 4 1 1 . TERM 4 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND CITY OF ROSEMEAD THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ day of 1998, by and between the City of Rosemead located at 8838 East Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY", both of whom are collectively referred to as the "PARTIES". WHEREAS, CITY desires to provide probation prevention and intervention services to assist in reducing incidents of truancy and other serious behavioral problems; and WHEREAS, COUNTY Probation Department has statutory authority pursuant to Section 652 of the Welfare and Institutions Code to provide certain expertise and resources in this area; and WHEREAS, the Chief Probation Officer has been delegated authority by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to negotiate and sign agreements to provide these services; and WHEREAS, COUNTY desires to participate in a joint effort with the CITY; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and subject to the conditions contained herein, the PARTIES mutually agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE OF THE AGREEMENT The purpose of this Agreement is to maintain within the City of Rosemead, the services of a Deputy Probation Officer and support staff mutually agreed upon by both parties. This Deputy Probation Officer will provide specialized probation services for CITY. Probation services shall be provided by COUNTY through this Agreement and shall be consistent with the laws of the State of California and the guidelines of the CITY. 2. STATEMENT OF WORK A. COUNTY shall provide, on behalf of CITY, the services of a Deputy Probation Officer and related support staff with caseload court-ordered juvenile probationers who are within the community of Rosemead, such caseloads to conform to the standards established for the Probation Department's Gang Crime Suppression Program. These 1 students will be mutually agreed upon by the Chief Probation Officer or his designee and the CITY. Further, the CITY will give input towards the evaluation conducted by the Deputy Probation Officer. B. CITY shall provide office space and telephone services within its boundaries for use by the assigned Deputy Probation Officer. C. In addition to the duties associated with caseload supervision, the assigned Deputy Probation Officer will: Supervise a caseload of 75 court-ordered probationers; and Conduct crisis counseling in individual and group settings with referred juveniles and parents. 3. EMPLOYMENT STATUS The assigned Deputy Probation Officer is an employee of COUNTY and is entitled to wages and employee benefits appropriate to what is provided other County employees who are Deputy Probation Officers. It is additionally understood that no term or condition of this Agreement can conflict with State statute defining the status of the Deputy Probation Officer as a Peace Officer. 4. PAYMENT CITY shall reimburse COUNTY for 50% of the salary and employee benefits for a Deputy Probation Officer II and support staff assigned by COUNTY to perform services according to Paragraph 2, STATEMENT OF WORK above. The billable amount is $42,612 plus any adjustments to salary, employee benefits and/or overhead rates approved by the Board of Supervisors during the fiscal year. Within thirty (30) days following the receipt of an invoice from the Probation Department's Business Management Office, CITY shall reimburse COUNTY for the billed amount. These invoices shall be provided to CITY within twenty (20) days following September 30, 1998, December 31 , 1998, March 31 , 1999 and June 30, 1999. 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR This Agreement is by and between COUNTY and CITY and is not intended, and shall not be construed, to create the relationship of agent, servant, 2 employee, partnership, joint venture, or association as between COUNTY and CITY. 6. INDEMNIFICATION CITY agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless COUNTY and its Special Districts, elected and appointed officers, employees and agents (County) from and against any and all liability and expenses, including defense costs and legal fees arising from or connected with claims and lawsuits for damages or workers' compensation benefits relating to CITY'S operations or its services, which result from bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property damage (including damage to CITY'S property). CITY shall not be obligated to indemnify for liability and expense arising from the active negligence of the COUNTY. 7. LIMITATION OF COUNTY'S OBLIGATION DUE TO NON-APPROPRIATION COUNTY'S obligation for its 50% of salary and employee benefits costs is payable only and solely from funds appropriated for the purpose of this Agreement subject to COUNTY'S legislative appropriation for this purpose. In the event the Board of Supervisors does not allocate sufficient funds then the affected services shall be terminated. COUNTY shall notify CITY in writing of such non-allocation at the earliest possible date. 8. BUDGET REDUCTIONS In the event that County's Board of Supervisors adopts a Fiscal Year 1998/99 County Budget or a revised 1998/99 Budget which provides for reductions and imposes similar reductions with respect to COUNTY contracts, COUNTY reserves the right to reduce its obligation correspondingly for Fiscal Year 1998/99 services. COUNTY'S notice to CITY regarding said reduction in obligation shall be provided within thirty (30) days of the Board's approval of such actions. 9. TERMINATION AND TERMINATION COSTS In the event that CITY or COUNTY withdraws its participation in the project described in this Agreement, such withdrawal shall be preceded by thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. Notwithstanding, CITY or COUNTY may terminate this Agreement upon the termination, suspension, discontinuation or substantial reduction in CITY or COUNTY funding for the Agreement activity. In such event, COUNTY shall be compensated for all services rendered and all necessary incurred costs performed in accordance 3 with the terms of this Agreement which have not been previously reimbursed up to the date of said termination. Payment shall be made only upon the filing with CITY, by COUNTY, vouchers evidencing the time expended and said costs incurred. Said vouchers must be filed with CITY within thirty (30) days of said termination. 10. TERMINATION FOR IMPROPER CONSIDERATION COUNTY may, by written notice to CITY, immediately terminate the right of the CITY to proceed under this agreement if it is found that consideration, in any form, was offered or given by the COUNTY, either directly or through an intermediary, with the intent of securing the agreement or securing favorable treatment with respect to the amendment or extension of the agreement or making of any determinations with respect to the COUNTY'S performance pursuant to the agreement. In the event of such termination, COUNTY shall be entitled to pursue the same remedies against the CITY as it could pursue in the event of default by the CITY. CITY shall immediately report any attempt by a County officer or employee to solicit such improper consideration. The report shall be made either to the County manager charged with the supervision of the employee or to the County Auditor-Controller's Employee Fraud Hotline at (213) 974-0914 or (800) 544-6861 . Among other items, such improper consideration may take the form of cash, discounts, service, the provision of travel or entertainment, or tangible gifts. 11. TERM This Agreement shall be for a period of twelve (12) months commencing on July 1, 1998 and terminating on June 30, 1999. 4 The PARTIES by their duly authorized signatures, have caused this Agreement to become effective on the day, month and year first written above. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES BY Walter J. Kelly Acting Chief Probation Officer CITY OF ROSEMEAD BY Typed or Printed Name Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: DE WITT W. CLINTON County Counsel By i=r. ..__ 5 i'iLQM 144 Halvor S. Melom Principal Deputy County Counsel 5