CC – Item 3E – MOU Resolution Approving the Filing of the Garvey Av. Community Center Grant Fund Application Memorandum To: Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager From: Stephen Copenhaver, GRC Dolt: May 20, 1998 8ubjxb Resolution Approving the Filing of the Garvey Avenue Community Center Grant Fund Application In November 1992, the Los Angeles County voters enacted Proposition A; the Safe Neighborhood Parks Proposition. This Proposition provides funds to the County and other public agencies for the purposes of acquiring and/or developing facilities for public recreation facilities and open space. In November 1996, Proposition A was again enacted by the people of Los Angeles County. The City of Rosemead received $1.47 million under the 1992 Bond Act and an additional $1.00 million under the 1996 Bond Act. These Specified Grant Funds were developed under the provisions of the Safe Neighborhood Parks Proposition of 1992 and administered through the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District. These Funds will be used to develop the proposed Garvey Avenue Community Center in the City of Rosemead. The proposed Garvey Avenue Community Center will be constructed on approximately 4.4 acres of land located adjacent to the Rio Hondo flood control channel on cast Garvey Avenue. A portion of the property is owned by the Redevelopment Agency and a portion is controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers. The proposed community center will serve as a multi-purpose facility of approximately 25,000 square feet, andit is designed to accommodate a wide range of events including pre-school programs, after school recreation programs, senior lunch programs, and provide banquet space and meeting rooms for community events. The property owned by the Army Corps of Engineers is proposed for parking. COUNCIL. AGENDA MAY 2 61998 ITEM The attached grant application requests a total of$2.47 million from the 1992 and 1996 Specified Grant Funds. The total cost of developing the proposed Project is estimated at approximately $4.0 million. Additional funds will be secured through the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency (approximately $780,000) and the Community Development Block Grant (approximately $750,000). Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve and adopt the attached Resolution No. 98-21, which authorizes the filing of the attached application for grant funds from the Regional Park and Open Space District Specified Project Grant Program, and authorizes the City Manager to submit all documents necessary to secure Roseniead's allocation of funds. RESOLUTION NO.98-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE ern COUNCIL OF CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM TILE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT SPECIFIED PROJECT GRANT PROGRAM FOR GARVEY AVENUE COMMUNITY CENTER WHEREAS, the people of the County of Los Angeles on November, 1992, enacted Los Angeles County Proposition A, Safe Neighborhood Parks, Gang Prevention, Tree-Planting, Senior and Youth Recreation, Beaches and Wildlife Protection(the Proposition),which provides funds to the County of Los Angeles and other public agencies in the County for the purposes of acquiring and/or developing facilities for public recreational facilities and open space; WHEREAS, the people of the County of Los Angeles on November, 1996, enacted Los Angeles County Proposition A, Safe Neighborhood Parks, Gang Prevention, Tree-Planting, Senior and Youth Recreation, Beaches and Wildlife Protection(the Proposition), which provides funds to the County of Los Angeles and other public agencies in the County for the purposes of acquiring and/or developing facilities for public recreational facilities and open space. WHEREAS, the 1992 Proposition also created the County of Los Angeles Regional Park and Open Space District(the District)to administer said funds; and WHEREAS, the District has set forth the necessary procedures governing local agency applications for grant funds under the Proposition;and WHEREAS, the District's procedures require the Applicant to certify, by resolution, the approval of the application(s)before submission of said application(s)to the District; and WHEREAS, said application(s) contains assurances that the Applicant must comply with; and WHEREAS, the Applicant will enter into an Agreement with the District to provide funds for acquisition or development of the Project(s); NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY; 1. Approves the filing of an application with the County of Los Angeles Regional Park and Open Space District for funds under Sections; a) 8.B.2I1; b) 3.C.2VV of Proposition A for the above Project(s); and 2. Certifies that said Applicant understands the assurances and certifications in the application form; and 3. Certifies that said Applicant has, or will have, sufficient funds to operate and maintain the Project(s)in perpetuity; and 4. Appoints Frank Tripepi as agent of City of Rosemead to conduct all negotiations, and to execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments, payment requests and so forth, which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned Project(s). Approved and Adopted this day of , 19__. I,the undersigned,hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly adopted by the City Council with the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Clerk • EXHIBIT A GRANT APPLICATION FORM This form and required attachments must be submitted for each project Project NameForDsy`- s¢ iry -- Garvey Avenue Community Center Grant Amount Requested:$2,470,000 Project Applicant Wane of agency and mailing address): Proposition Section(s): $1,470,000-1992 8.B.2II City of Rosemead $1,000,000-1996 3.C.2V V 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead,Ca. 90740 Total Project Cost: $3,750,000-$4,000,000 (estimated) Other Funds: $780,000 Rosemead Red.Agency $750,000 CDBG-HUD Project Address: Garvey Avenue, Rosemead No address assigned,see map Grant Applicant's Representative Authorized in Resolution: Frank Tripepi City Manager (626) 288-0671 Name Title Phone line area code) Person with day-to-day responsibility for project(if different from authorized representative): Donald Wagner Assistant City Manager (6261 286-6671 Name Title Phone(inc.area code) Brief Description of Project: The Garvey Avenue Community Center is a multi-purpose facility which will be operated by the Community Services Departnment of the City and designed to accommodate a wide range of events including pre-school programs,after school recreation programs for older children, the senior lunch program and provide banquet space and meeting rooms for community events. The one-story building will consist of 25,000 square feet. Document Submission Date(include enough time to complete the project and submit final documents):May 30, 1998 _w For Development Projects Land Tenure: For Acquisition Projects: Project is approx. 4.41 acres: Project land will be acres: 3.16 Acres owned by Applicant(fee simple) _ Acquired in fee simple by Applicant 1.25 Acres available under a long term lease ___Acquired in other than lee simple(explain): Acres other interest(explain): Property owned by the appilicant is held in fee by the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency or the City of Rosemead. Additional property to be utilized for parking is owned by the Army Corps of Engineers and will be leased to the City of Rosemead for recreation purposes without cost. The Army Corps has approved this process and is preparing the documentation for execution. Approx. 1-acre of the site will be utilized for a senior citizen housing complex. I certify that the information contained in this project application form,including required attachments, is accurate and that 1 have read and understand the important information and assurances on the reverse side of this form: Signature ofApplirnnt's Authorized Representative as shown in resolution Date