CC – Item 6A – Staff Report – Status Report – Dues Request from San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments \a stat ®�-� � teport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS I , R�OSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER yDATE: MAY 20, 1998 RE: STATUS REPORT- DUES REQUEST FROM SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS The City Council deferred action on this item at the last regular meeting and Councilmember Taylor requested additional information from the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (COG). Yesterday,staff received a copy of the COG's proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. However. the COG has not yet forwarded the organization's budgets for the past three (3)years. Earlier today, COG Executive Director,Nick Conway,said that he would have copies of the requested budgets by early next week. The COG's request for an increase in membership dues will be back on the next City Council agenda. wmemommdues.MI I COUNCIL. AGENDA vt�Y 261998 ITEM No. 77--- 4 /