CC – Item 4C – Staff Report – Selection of Consultant for Community Development Block Grant and Home Program Services ...E M ...../ f Aa staf eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 3, 1998 RE: SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AND HOME PROGRAM SERVICES Pursuant to Councilmember Taylor's request at the last regular meeting, staff has developed a detailed cost breakdown for the CDBG and HOME Program consultant costs. Attached is one-year projection of the actual costs that would likely be incurred by the City for CDBG and HOME program services as provided by USE and Willdan Associates. The costs are based on the estimated total number of hours required to conduct the various facets of the City's program. As the Council is aware, there are essentially four components of the City's CDBG program: Administration, Residential Rehabilitation, Commercial Rehabilitation and Housing Code Compliance. Under those headings, staff has developed brief descriptions of basic program elements and listed the total hours annually required to run those components. For example, the heading "Administration" incorporates the preparation of the required annual Grantee Performance Report (GPR),preparation of the annual CDBG and HOME funding plan, preparation of public notices and staff work for required public hearings for use of the CDBG and HOME funds. preparation of quarterly Cash Transaction Reports and maintenance of IDIS reporting requirements, drawdown requisitions for individual projects, preparation of all annual and bi-annual performance reports, liaison with HUD staff, preparation of annual City budget in areas of CDBG and HOME programs, execution of all sub-recipient agreements, monitoring all subrecipients for program compliance, preparation of all RFPs for subrecipients, preparation of environmental analyses, time spent with City staff and the public and providing staff support for program changes, as required by the City. COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 091998 ITEM No. �• CC C J CDBG Administration June 3, 1998 Page 2. As indicated by staff at the May 26 City Council meeting, Willdan's proposal is based on actual history in the City,whereas USE's proposal is a generic"warehouse"approach that underestimates the actual time spent on the programs. In an effort to compare the programs equally, staff used USE's quoted hourly and piece rates and plugged those numbers into the actual time,thus creating an approximated annual cost to the City. For example, under"Administration,"number 14, USE does not include a line item cost for the preparation of environmental analyses. The City completes approximately fifty each year. Willdan's proposal includes that part of the program in the total quoted for "Administration." USE, however, stated that it would charge the City $300.00 per environmental analyses. Accordingly, USE's annual services would cost $15,000 more than their proposal states due to that single component of the program. The Council should note that there are several similar instances that became apparent when completing the full cost breakdown, thus accounting for the significant increase in the projected total of USE's proposal. Please note that in the original staff report, staff estimated that USE's estimated fee to perform services in Rosemead would run approximately$208,075 annually, based on general categories and rates. However, upon a more detailed analysis of individual categories and using actual projected time and costs for required for the program, USE's fees exceed that amount substantially. The adjusted proposal price is approximately $317,165 for all programs. Willdan's cost remains unchanged at $222,145 for the first year. For the second and third years of the proposals, staff estimates the costs to be as follows: FY 1999/2000 Admin. Res. Rehab. Comm. Rehab. Housing Code Comp. USE $129,435 $101,878 $52,982 $32,640 Willdan $129,115 $37,710 $37,440 $26,900 FY 2000/2001 Admin. Res. Rehab. Comm. Rehab. Housing Code Comp. USE $133,836 $126,440 $54,780 $33,840 Willdan $129,115 $37,710 $17,382 $26,900 Attached is a the chart reflecting the cost breakdown discussed above and a copy of the original staff report presented to the Council on May 26. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council select Willdan Associates as the City's consultant for CDBG and HOME program services and authorize the City Manager to execute all agreements. c mcmo.cdbgadm r�