CC – Item 4A – Acceptance of Bids and Award of Contract – Street Improvements on Valley Blvd. • 70/4,- (,„ ...., x � stat f eport TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER R FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER DATE: JUNE 2, 1998 RE: ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT - STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON VALLEY BOULEVARD (CHARLOTTE AVENUE TO EATON WASH); CDBG PROJECT NO. P76102 AND FEDERAL PROJECT NO. DBL-5358 (003) The following bids were received for the subject project on Wednesday, May 20, 1998: 1. Damon Const. Co. $3,334,632.10 2. Sully-Miller Contracting Co. $3,524,875.70 3. Griffith Company $3,575,987.70 4. Los Angeles Engineering $3,671,582.70 5. Gentry Brothers, Inc. $3,821,877.65 Attached are copies of the three low bids, including the bid from Griffith Company, a bid analysis, and Dun and Bradstreet reports for the three low bidders. The low bid was submitted by Damon Const. Co., a responsible contractor, in the amount of $3,334,632.10, which is approximately 6 percent above the Engineer's estimate of $3,151,000.00. The average bid was $3,588,242.04. The bid submitted by Griffith Company was incomplete. Griffith Company failed to enter the Unit Price for Bid Item No. 53 of Bid Schedule A; therefore, their bid must be deemed non-responsive. Since the bid was incomplete, it was not included in the bid analysis. COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 091998 ITEM No. -I-IG • e6-4 K June 2, 1998 Page 2 There was an irregularity in the low bid submitted by Damon Const. Co. The contractor did not submit the CDBG Section 3 Economic Opportunity Plan with its bid as required by the City's Section 3 procedures, which are modeled after the Los Angeles County procedures. However, Damon Const. Co. submitted an appropriate Plan the day after the bid opening. Staff contacted HUD; wherein staff was informed that there are no outstanding regulations regarding such a circumstance, and that funds would not be jeopardized if Damon's bid was accepted. The City Attorney determined that submittal of the Section 3 Economic Development Plan was not required by State law and therefore the Council has jurisdiction to waive the irregularity. The information contained in the Section 3 plan does not include cost information; rather the Plan is a commitment to the employment of local low-income residents and job creation. Information provided in the plan is weighed along with all other Section 3 information pertaining to subcontractors, which is allowed to be submitted after the time bids are received. Therefore, this is an immaterial irregularity and can be waived. Damon Construction Co.'s Section 3 plan is attached and has been analyzed by staff and is acceptable. There were also irregularities in the bids submitted by Sully-Miller Contracting Co., Los Angeles Engineering, and Gentry Brothers Inc. due to addition and extension errors. The correct bid amounts are listed above. RECOMMENDATION 1. Reject the bid submitted by Griffith Company. 2. Waive the irregularities in the bids submitted by Damon Construction Co., Sully-Miller Contracting Co., Los Angeles Engineering, and Gentry Brothers, Inc. 3. Accept all other bids and award the project to Damon Const. Co. in the amount of $3,334,632.10. 4. Authorize the Mayor to sign the contract on behalf of the City. Attachments KJRkr 1998/staff reports/city