RRA – Item 3 – Approval of Request for Qualifications for Energy Retrofit and Specifications and Notice of Inviting BIDS for Ceiling Tile Replacement t r R R A ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD.,ROSEMEAD,CA 91770•(818)288-6671*Teecopier 8183079218 L Jl • TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: DECEMBER 1, 1997 RE: APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENERGY RETROFIT AND SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR CEILING TILE REPLACEMENT The 1997-98 Redevelopment Agency Budget includes funds for the renovation of City Hall. Attached for your consideration is a Request for Qualifications for Energy Management Services ..,,� hich includes new mechanical equipment and lighting fixture retrofit and Notice Inviting Bids for cel m ment. The following is a proposed scope of work in the order theyiletettbaoppilsIg44. . Remove existing ceiling tile. Allow Energy Services.company to clean all ductwork and mechanical registers. Begin and complete lighting retrofit. Make necessary repairs to suspended ceiling grid to bring into compliance with current seismic standards. Continue to remove and install new mechanical equipment in basement area while the above is taking place. Install new ceiling tile throughout City Hall. The second phase of the renovation includes removal of existing wallpaper, removal and relocation of the interior wall between the Planning and Building Departments, painting of various walls and respraying of acoustical tile in the Council Chambers. These items will be brought to you at a future date. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency approve the attached Request for Qualifications for Energy Retrofit and Specifications and Notice Inviting Bids for ceiling tile replacement. FGT:js AGENCY AGENDA Attachment DEC ' 91997 ITEM No. 3 • City Hall Energy Retrofit April 6, 1998 page two Attached are copies of the two proposals. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency approve the attached proposal from Honeywell, Inc. rmIeQRQmu 98 MEMORANDUM TO: DONALD J. WAGNER, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: STEVEN C. BAILEY, DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICI DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 1997 SUBJECT: CITY HALL ENERGY RETROFIT, CEILING TILE REPLACEMENT, INTERIOR PAINTING, WALLPAPER REPLACEMENT AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT REMODEL. As you have requested I have prepared a Request of Qualifications for the Energy Services retrofit and a Request for Proposals for the ceiling tile replacement. Once these two projects are underway I will take the necessary steps to follow through with the balance of the remodel. The following is an outline and anticipated work schedule in order for the projects to mesh together and flow as smooth as possible. • Remove existing ceiling tile • Allow Energy services company to clean all ductwork and mechanical registers • Begin and complete lighting retrofit • Make necessary repairs to suspended ceiling grid to bring into compliance with current seismic standards • Continue to remove and install new mechanical equipment in basement area while the above is taking place • Install new ceiling tile throughout City Hall Donald J. Wagner November 17, 1997 Page 2 • Begin and complete removal of existing wallpaper throughout City Hall • Remove and relocate wall between the Building and Planning Departments • Begin painting of interior, which includes ceilings in certain locations I hope this provides you with a good idea of the project and when the various aspects will take place. If you should have any questions or require additional information please let me know. (/Y 5 E 7o it el IMS � CI VILP�IDE 7-)99)2 ' Cc'RPOFATEO 19'9 DECEMBER 1997 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The intent of this RFQ is to solicit qualifications from Energy service companies to describe their capability to identify, design, install and maintain a medium scale comprehensive energy conversation retrofit project REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL/QUALIFICATIONS IMPROVEMENT OF BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCIES DECEMBER 1997 The Rosemead Redevelopment Agency invites your company to submit a proposal for services as described herein. Proposal should be delivered to the Agency by Proposal should be marked "Rosemead Redevelopment Agency Energy Retrofit Project" Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project and addressed to: Rosemead Redevelopment Agency City of Rosemead City Clerks Office 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 For information contact: Steven C. Bailey , Deputy Building Official Telephone: (626) 288-6671 or Fax Number: (626) 307-9218 SUMMARY OF REQUEST The intent of this Request for Qualifications is to identify and select a company specializing in performance contracting to implement energy efficiency improvements in the City Hall building owned by the City. The purpose of the project is to improve the City Hall building while reducing utility costs. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION Three (3) copies of the Qualification Response should be submitted to the Agency. SCOPE OF SERVICES IMPROVEMENT OF BUILDING EFFICIENCIES 1. SERVICES REQUESTED. The primary task of the successful Energy Services Company/Performance Contractor is to improve the City Hall Building while reducing energy consumption and the peak electrical demand of the facility. The Agency seeks improvements to the City Hall lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. The Agency would like to replace those systems beyond their useful life. Improvements and replacements of the systems will be paid for by the Agency. It is expected by the Agency that the following services will be provided by the Energy Services Company. a. Comprehensive Energy Analysis. The Energy Services Company will provide a comprehensive engineering analysis of the City's facility to determine what energy savings potential exists. All major energy consuming systems in the City Hall facility will be addressed during the comprehensive energy analysis--i.e., lighting, air conditioning, heating, and ventilating systems etc. The Energy Services Company will use utility data and equipment inventories provided by the Agency to facilitate prompt completion of the analysis. The analysis will identify and individually list energy conservation measures(ECM's)and outline a precise implementation cost and the anticipated energy savings. The Energy Services Company will indicate which ECM's are recommended. After reviewing the list of ECM's and considering the Energy Services Company's recommendations, the Agency will select a combination of ECM's for design and implementation by the Energy Services Company. If the Energy Services Company can not provide the Agency a project which will provide improved efficiency and energy savings, the Agency can choose to end the project at the end of the comprehensive engineering analysis at no cost to the Agency. If the Energy Services Company provides the Agency a project which is cost effective and meets its operating requirements, the Agency will either choose to move forward with the project's design and implementation or pay the Energy Services Company for the cost of the analysis. The cost of the Comprehensive engineering analysis will he quoted to the Agency prior to its commencement. b. Financing. None, the Agency will pay for the cost of the project. c. Engineering Design. The Energy Services Company should provide a complete design of the ECM's selected by the Agency. The design must be performed or supervised by a professional engineer registered in the State of California. The Energy Services Company will secure approvals from required local, state and federal bodies and will comply with relevant codes and statutes. d. Implementation. The Energy Services Company should provide a"turn-key" installation of the ECM's. This will include procurement and construction management. The type and manufacturer of systems purchased and any subcontractors will be mutually selected by the Agency and the Energy Services Company. e. Training. The Energy Services Company will provide training to Agency personnel on proper operation and maintenance of new and retrofitted equipment and systems. This training should be provided at regular intervals for the term of the performance contract. f. Equipment Service. Equipment installed which requires ongoing maintenance to insure successful and proper operation and achievement of energy savings will be included in the base project proposal. Maintenance costs must be listed separately, with two cash flows reflecting with or without maintenance services. 2. ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES. It is expected that, as a minimum, the following ECM's and improvements will be investigated: (I). electronic programmable time clocks with override capability for use during abnormal hours (2). remove and replace existing 45 ton water chiller with direct expansion type unit (3). remove and replace existing air handler chilled water coil with a direct expansion type coil (4). provide a separate package unit for heating and cooling of the Council Chambers (5). provide a separate package unit for cooling of the computer room/Finance Department (6). provide new air dryer, oil filter, and water drain for the pneumatic air control system (7). repair and modify pneumatic air control system (8). cleaning of the air distribution system (9). installation of new condensate pan and associated drain pipes for the air handler (10). installation of new lighting in the conference room (11). replacement of incandescent lighting to fluorescent throughout (12). replacement of existing ballasts to electronic ballasts (13). replacement of existing lamps to T-8 lamps (14). installation of optical reflectors in selected areas (15). installation of motion/occupancy sensors in selected areas (16). installation of new lighting fixture lenses throughout (17). domestic hot water system upgrade The Agency will select those ECM's which are cost effective and meet its operating requirements: 3. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENT. The following topics must be covered in the proposal: a. Management Plan. Describe your company's proposed management approach to this project. Include information on project management, and scheduling. Describe your company's capabilities in providing the services required to implement retrofit projects. b. Services. Describe the services provided by your company. c. Personnel. Provide information describing the capabilities and experience of the people who will be involved in this project. Indicate whether these people are currently full time employees of your company. Describe the role which each of these people would play in the management of the project. Provide professional resumes for the key people. d. Selection of Manufacturers and Subcontractors. Describe your company's approach to selecting products and system manufacturers for the project. If subcontractors are used to provide the system installation, how are they selected? What role does the Agency play in these selection processes? e. Verification of Energy savings. Describe the methodology used to verify and guarantee the energy savings that the Agency will realize. Maintenance savings and savings from utility rebates will not be considered at this time. f. Maintenance and operations. Describe the services your company provides to assure proper maintenance and operation of the systems installed. h. Experience. Provide information which describes your company's experience with performing the services described in this RFQ. Provide a list of at least five (5) project references which have been implemented by your company. Use the information listed on Attachment"A" to describe each project. I. Project billing and invoice. Describe your firm's standard billing procedures and attach a sample project invoice. ATTACHMENT "A" PROJECT REFERENCE FORM Provide information for at least five (5) projects that your firm has completed, or has in progress, which most closely represents the services requested in this RFQ. Provide the following information: 1. Project title and location 2. Type of contract 3. Nature of firm's responsibility 4. Contract Amount 5. Name, address and phone number of contact person 6. Start date. 7. Current status. 8. Energy conservation opportunities implemented. 4. SELECTION. The Agency will evaluate submitted written qualifications and choose the most highly qualified Energy Service Company . If necessary, the Agency may invite the Energy Services Companies to participate in individual oral interviews. The Agency will evaluate the participants and select the one best suited to the Agency's requirements. Terms and conditions of an Energy Services Agreement will be negotiated with the successful Energy Services Company. The terms will be consistent with the terms set forth in the RFQ. If an agreement can't be reached with the selected Energy Service Company, the Agency will terminate discussion with that Energy Service Company and commence negotiations with the next highest qualified Energy Service Company. After approval by the City Council the successful Energy Service Company will be given a letter of intent and then may proceed with the comprehensive engineering analysis of the facility as directed by the Agency. The Energy Service Company will be provided access to the facility on a schedule convenient to the Agency. The Agency will provide the Energy Service Company with utility usage data and other reasonably available information as requested by the Energy Service Company to perform the analysis. 5. OTHER CONDITIONS a. Proposal cost. Cost for developing proposals and making proposal presentations are entirely the responsibility of the proposer and shall not be chargeable in any manner to the Agency. b. Acceptance of proposal content. The contents of the proposal of the successful firm will become contractual obligations. Failure of the successful firm to accept these obligations in a subsequent contractual agreement may result in cancellation of the award. c. Additional information. Describe you organization's willingness to be flexible in unbundling the following services, if not desired by the Agency. 1. Guaranteed savings 2. Monitoring and metering 3. Equipment servicing If the above services are unbundled, indicate the percentage reduction in overall project cost for each of these items. Provide other information that you would like the selection committee to consider in the selection process d. Questions. List any questions your team would like the Agency to address. E 1 v / S F ti MN CIVIC PRIDE itM„, 1/40ORPOR AT EOX - ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 1997 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF NEW CEILING TILES AND THE REPAIR/UPGRADE OF THE SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEM IN THE CITY HALL BUILDING IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Willdan Associates Engineers and Planners 12900 Crossroads Parkway South, Suite 200 Industry, CA 91746-3499 (562) 908-6200 INDEX BID PACKET I. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS INVITING BIDS II. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 Proposals 2.0 Opening of Bids 3.0 Award and Rejection of Bids 4.0 Withdrawal of Bids 5.0 Assignment of Contract 6.0 Interpretation of Document 7.0 Addendum or Bulletins 8.0 Bond and Liability Insurance 9.0 Liquidated Damages 10.0 Permits 11.0 Warranty III. SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 Scope of Project 2.0 Material Qualifications 3.0 Ceiling Tile Demolition Specifications 4.0 Suspended Ceiling Grid (T-Bar)Repair/Retrofit 5.0 New Ceiling Tile Installation IV. CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT V. BID PROPOSAL VI. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS WI. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS VIII. EXHIBITS I -INSURANCE II - CEILING TILE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, Los Angeles County, California, acting by and through its Authorized Representative, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive up to but not later than 2:00 p.m. on the 1997, sealed bids for the removal and installation of new ceiling tiles in the City Hall Building. LOCATION ROSEMEAD CITY HALL 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770 All bids shall be made on a form furnished by the Owner. Bids shall be received in the office of the City Clerk, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead and shall be opened and publicly read aloud in the Council Chambers, above address, shortly thereafter. Each bid must conform and be responsive to all the pertinent Contract Documents, copies of which are now on file and open for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk at above address, specifications may be obtained for bidding at the office of the City Clerk. A Ten Percent (10%) Bid Bond, Cashier's Check, or Certified Check shall accompany each bid. Pursuant to the California Labor Code, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, Sections 1770, 1773, and 1773.1, the Director of Industrial Relations has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pension and similar purposes applicable to the work to be done. Said rate and scale are on file with the City Clerk, City of Rosemead, and copies will be made available to any interested party on request. The Contractor is hereby required to post a copy of the above mentioned prevailing wage rates at job site. Any classification shall comply with the prevailing wage rate in effect at the time of this Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids. All Contractors and Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions in Section 1777.5, 1777.6 and 1777.7 of the California Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices. The Contractor and any Subcontractors under him shall comply with the requirements of said sections including applicable portions of all subsequent amendments in the employment of apprentices; however, the Contractor shall have full responsibility for compliance with said Labor Code sections, for all apprentice able occupations, regardless of any other contractual or employment relationships alleged to exist. (1) It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded, and upon the Subcontractors under him,to pay not less than the said specified rates of the current minimum prevailing rate in the area where the work is preformed, to all workers employed by them in the execution of the Contract. In accordance with provisions of Government Code Section 4590, substitution of eligible and equivalent securities for any monies withheld to ensure performance under this Contract will be permitted at the request of the Contractor and upon the approval of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any irregularities to informalities in any bid. (2) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 PROPOSALS 1.1 Bids shall be made upon the form provided and with all items filled out; numbers shall be stated both in writing and in figures, the signature of all persons signing shall be in longhand. The completed form shall be without interlineation, alterations or erasures. Any irregularity may be cause for rejection of the bid. 1.2 Alternative proposals will not be considered unless called for. No oral, telegraphic, telephonic or facsimile proposals or modifications shall be considered. 1.3 Bids shall be accompanied with a certified or cashier's check, or a bidder's bond for an amount not less than ten percent(10%) of the bid, made payable to the order of the Owner. If a bidder's bond accompanies the proposal, said bond shall be secured with a surety Company satisfactory to the Owner, guaranteeing that the Bidder will enter into a contract if awarded the work, and in the case of refusal or failure to enter into said contract, the check or bond, as the case may be, shall be forfeited to the Owner. Bid bond will be held until the successful bidder has properly executed all contract documents. 1.4 Before submitting a bid,bidders shall carefully, read the specifications and shall fully inform themselves as to all existing conditions and limitations and shall include in the bid a sum to cover the total cost of the removal. 2.0 OPENING OF BIDS 2.1 Bids will be opened as indicated in the invitation for Bids. 3.0 AWARD AND REJECTION OF BIDS 3.1 The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsible Bidder complying with these instructions, provided his or her bid is reasonable in judgment of the Owner and it is to the interest of the Owner to accept it. The Owner; however, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality to bids received. The competency and responsibility of Bidders and of their proposed subcontractors will be considered in making the awards. (J) 4.0 WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 4.1 Bids may be withdrawn by the Bidder prior to, but not after the time fixed for opening of bids. 5.0 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT 5.1 No assignment by the Contractor of any contract to be entered into hereunder or any part thereof, or if funds to be received thereunder by the Contractor, will be recognized by the Owner, unless such assignment has had the approval in writing of the awarding authority. No assignment will receive the approval of the Owner unless the instrument of assignment contains a clause to the effect that it is agreed that the funds to be paid the assignee under the assignment are subject to a prior lien for services rendered or materials supplied for the performance of the work called for in said contract in favor of all persons, firms, or corporations rendering such services or supplying such material. A merger, consolidation, bankruptcy, either voluntary or involuntary, or a sale of a controlling interest of the Contractor's business, shall be considered an assignment as that term is used herein. 6.0 INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS 6.1 If any person contemplating submitting a bid for the proposed contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications, or other proposed contract documents, he may submit to the Owner a written request for an interpretation thereof The person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation of the proposed documents, which in the Owner's judgment is necessary, will be made only by Addendum duly issued, and a copy of such documents. The Owner will not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations of the proposed documents. 7.0 ADDENDUM OR BULLETINS 7.1 Any addendum or bulletins issued during the time of bidding or forming a part of the documents furnished to the Bidder, for the preparation of this bid, shall be covered in the bid, and shall be made a part of the Contract. The receipt of each Addendum shall be acknowledged on the Bid Proposal Form as submitted by the Bidder. (2) 8.0 BOND AND LIABILITY INSURANCE 8.1 The successful Bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Agreement shall be required to furnish a labor and material bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent(100%) of the Contract Price, and a faithful performance bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price; said bonds shall be secured from a Surety Company satisfactory to the Owner, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. 8.2 The signatory agrees to provide the Owner with proof of coverage of the types and in the amounts specified in Exhibit "I" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 8.3 The Contractor is to name the City of Rosemead as an additional insured. 9.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 9.1 Work shall commence on or before the date stated in the Owner's notice to the Contractor to proceed and shall be completed by the Contractor in the time specified in Bid Proposal. If the work is not completed in accordance with the foregoing, it is understood that the Owner will suffer damage, it is agreed that the Contractor shall pay to the Owner as a fixed and liquidated damage, and not as a penalty, the sum of two hundred($200.00)dollars for each calendar day of delay until work is completed and accepted. The Contractor and his surety shall be liable for the amount thereof. 10.0 PERMITS 10.1 All permits must be obtained by contractor from the City's Building Department at no cost to the contractor. 10.2 The Contractor is not to proceed with any work until he/she have obtained required permits and received written approval. 11.0 WARRANTY 11.1 Contractor shall provide minimum one(I)year guarantee for labor, installation, and workmanship. Provide manufacturers' standard warranty on all materials. (3) SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 SCOPE OF PROJECT 1.1 The project consists of removing and installing new acoustical ceiling tiles, one hour fire rated ceiling tiles and repair/upgrade of the suspended ceiling grid at the City Hail. All materials shall be new and conform to the attached specifications. The Contractor's lump sum bid shall include furnishing all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, etc., necessary to perform the work. A. Ceiling Tile The ceiling tile shall be Armstrong Acoustical Fissured type and shall be one hour rated in fire rated corridor and exit systems. The size and style shall match existing, 2' X 2' drop in type and shall be installed in accordance with the International Conference of Building Officials Evaluation Report Number 1349, and with the manufactures installation instructions. Product information is available by contacting; Armstrong World Industries Inc. 2500 Columbia Avenue Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604 1.2 If the Contractor wishes to bid an or "equal" product, the Contractor must submit back up information that clearly and specifically demonstrates that the "or Equal" meets or exceeds the specified materials. Contractors must receive written authorization from City to bid the non-specified material prior to submitting his/her bid. 1.3 This project is a portion of a larger project which consists of a complete energy retrofit and cosmetic remodel. Coordination with other trades is of utmost importance. 1.4 The City of Rosemead has hired an Environmental Testing Company to test the composition of the existing ceiling tiles. Laboratory results indicated no asbestos was found in the ceiling tiles. (I) 1.5 Project Location and Contact Person Location: A- Rosemead City Hall- 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Contact Person: The City's representatives are Steven C. Bailey, Deputy Building Official and Chris Lea, Senior Building Inspector, 8838 E Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, (626) 288-6671. 1.6 The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all construction and installation of new ceiling tile and repair/ upgrade of existing suspended ceiling tile grid to current seismic requirements. 2.0 MATERIAL QUALIFICATIONS 2.1 Products and execution shall meet the requirements as specified by Underwriters' Laboratories Incorporated. 2.2 The Contractor shall obtain a statement signed by the manufacturers that the materials supplied are proper for the use indicated in the contract documents, that the manufacturer is in agreement with the use of such materials in connection with the suspended ceiling tile system identified. 2.3 All materials shall be in manufacturers original, unopened containers with labels intact and legible, and in sufficient quantity to allow continuity of work. 3.0 EXISTING CEILING TILE DEMO SPECIFICATIONS 3.I Remove the existing ceiling tile from all areas and leave intact the existing suspended ceiling grid. 3.2 Remove and haul away all debris from site at once and dispose of properly. No debris will be disposed of in City waste containers. 3.3 All furniture, desks, computer equipment shall be protected from dust and falling debris at all times. All doorway entries and exits must be kept clear and clean at all times. Any debris and materials tracked into City Hall will be cleaned up immediately by the contractor. (2) 4.0 SUSPENDED CEILING GRID REPAIR/UPGRADE 4.1 The suspended ceiling grid system shall be supported in accordance with the 1994 Uniform Building Code Standards Section 25.212. A. Vertical hangers. Suspension wires shall not be smaller than No. 12 gage spaced at 4 feet on center or No. 10 gage at 5 feet on center along each main runner. B. Perimeter hangers. The terminal ends of each cross runner and main runner shall be supported independently a maximum of 8 inches from each wall or ceiling discontinuity with No. 12 gage wire or approved wall support. C. Lateral force bracing. Horizontal restraints shall be effected by four No. 12 gage wires secured to the main runner within 2 inches of the cross runner intersection and splayed 90 degrees from each other at an angle not exceeding 45 degrees from the plane of the ceiling. A strut fastened to the main runner shall be extended to and fastened to the structural members supporting the roof or floor above. The strut shall be adequate to resist the vertical component induced by the bracing wires. These horizontal restraint points shall be placed not more than 12 feet on center in both directions with the first point within 6 feet from each wall. Attachment of the restraint wires to the structure above shall be adequate for the load imposed. D. Perimeter members. Unless members are a structural part of the approved system, wall angles or channels shall be considered as aesthetic closures and with no structural value. Ends of main runners and cross members shall be tied together to prevent their spreading. E. Attachment of members to the perimeter. To facilitate installation, main runners and cross runners may be attached to the perimeter member at two adjacent wall with clearance between the wall and the runners maintained at the other two walls or as shown or otherwise shown or described for the approved system. (3) 4.2 SUPPORT OF LIGHTING FIXTURES 4.3 All lighting fixtures shall be supported in accordance with the 1994 Uniform Building Code Standards section 25.213. A. All lighting fixtures shall be positively attached to the suspended ceiling system. The attachment device shall have a capacity of 100 percent of the lighting fixture weight acting in any direction. B. Hangers shall be attached to the grid members within 3 inches of each corner of each fixture. Tandem fixtures may utilize common wires. C. Lighting fixtures weighing less than 56 pounds shall have, in addition to the requirements outlined above, two No. 12 gage hangers connected from the fixture housing to the structure above. These hanger wires may be slack. 4.4 SUPPORT OF MECHANICAL REGISTERS 4.5 Ceiling mounted air terminals shall be supported in accordance with the 1994 Uniform Building Code Standards section 25.214. A. Ceiling mounted air terminals or services weighing less than 20 pounds shall be positively attached to the ceiling suspension main runners or to the cross runners with the same carrying capacity as the main runners. B. Terminals or services weighing 20 pounds, but not more than 56 pounds, in addition to the above, shall have two No. 12 gage hangers connected from the terminal or service to the ceiling system hangers or to the structure above. These hanger wires may be slack. (4) 5.0 NEW CEILING TILE INSTALLATION 5.1 The ceiling tile shall be the type as specified in the specifications section 1.1 A. The new ceiling tiles shall be 2 X T fissured type drop in ceiling tiles. Ceiling tiles located in fire rated corridors and exit assemblies shall be 1 hour fire rated type. The ceiling tiles shall be installed in a workmanship like manner. 5.2 Office furniture, desks, computer equipment etc. shall be protected from dust and falling debris at all times during installation. All debris shall be removed from site at once and disposed of properly. No debris will be disposed of in City waste containers. 5.3 All doorway entries and exits must be kept clear and clean at all times. Any debris and materials tracked into City Hall will be cleaned up immediately by the contractor. (5) BID PROPOSAL FORM City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 I have received the documents titled: Notice Inviting Bids, Instruction to Bidders, Specifications, Exhibits, Bid Proposal Form and Addendums , have satisfied myself as to the scope of the work and the condition of the sites. In submitting this proposal, I agree: 1. To hold my bid open for thirty (30) calendar days from the due date of this proposal. 2. To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids, Addendums, Instructions to Bidders, Specifications, Exhibits and Bid Proposal. 3. Work shall begin within seven (7) days after Notice to Proceed. 4. All work shall be completed in (30) calendar days. I will provide all of the materials and labor as set forth in the specifications for the following amounts. I. ROSEMEAD CITY HALL A. CEILING TILE REMOVAL SUPPORT OF SUSPENDED CEILING GRID SUPPORT OF LIGHTING FIXTURES SUPPORT OF MECHANICAL REGISTERS INSTALLATION OF NEW CEILING TILE (S ) Written Amount TOTAL (S ) Written Amount (1) NAME: A. CORPORATION: _ B. PARTNERSHIP: _ C. SOLE PROPRIETOR SUBMITTED BY: PHONE NO: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE NUMBER: (2) CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSAL GUARANTEE BID BOND FOR CEILING TILE REPLACEMENT AND THE REPAIR/UPGRADE OF THE SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEM IN THE CITY HALL BUILDING IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that as BIDDER, and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of dollars($ ), which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to AGENCY for the above-stated project, for the payment of which sum, BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bid to AGENCY for the above-stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified,then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in Ml force and effect in favor of AGENCY. (I) IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their names,titles,hands, and seals, this day of , 19_. BIDDER* SURETY* Subscribed and sworn to this day of , 19 NOTARY PUBLIC * Provide BIDDER/ADMITTED SURETY name, address, and telephone number and the name, title, address, and telephone number for authorized representative. (2) LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS The following is a true and complete list showing the name and the location of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work, or labor or render service to the Contractor in or about the Work in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the Contractor's total bid. (List the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor and list only one subcontractor for each such portion). WORK PORTION SUBCONTRACTOR'S NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS (3) CITY OF ROSEMEAD CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR CEILING TILE REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR/UPGRADE OF THE SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEM IN THE CITY HALL BUILDING IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD This Contract Agreement is made and entered into for the above-stated project this day of , 19 , BY AND BETWEEN the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, and , as CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH that AGENCY and CONTRACTOR have mutually agreed as follows: ARTICLE I The contract documents for the aforesaid project shall consist of the Notice To Contractors Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Specifications, Contractor's Qualification Statement, Bid Proposal, List of Subcontractors, Exhibits, Plans, and all referenced specifications, details, standard drawings, and appendices; together with this Contract Agreement and all required bonds, insurance certificates, permits, notices, and affidavits; and also including any and all addenda or supplemental agreements clarifying, or extending the work contemplated as may be required to insure its completion in an acceptable manner. All of the provisions of said contract documents are made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. ARTICLE II For and in consideration of the payments and agreements to be made and performed by AGENCY, CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish all materials and perform all work required for the above-stated project, and to fulfill all other obligations as set forth in the aforesaid contract documents. ARTICLE III CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept the prices set forth in the Proposal as full compensation for furnishing all materials, performing all work, and fulfilling all obligations hereunder. Said compensation shall cover all expenses, losses, damages, and consequences arising out of the nature of the work during its progress or prior to its acceptance including those for well and faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof in the manner and (I) time specified in the aforesaid contract documents; and also including those arising from actions of the elements,unforeseen difficulties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of the work, suspension or discontinuance of the work, and all other unknowns or risks of any description connected with the work. ARTICLE IV AGENCY hereby promises and agrees to employ, and does hereby employ, CONTRACTOR to provide the materials, do the work and fulfill the obligations according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions set forth in the contract documents. ARTICLE V CONTRACTOR acknowledges the provisions of the State Labor Code requiring every employer to be insured against liability for workers compensation, or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and certifies compliance with such provisions. ARTICLE VI CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless AGENCY and all of its officers and agents from any claims, demand, or causes of action, including related expenses, attorney's fees, and costs, based on, arising out of, or in any way related to the work undertaken by CONTRACTOR hereunder. In the event the insurance coverage is on a claims made basis, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and all of its officers and agents from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action that arise after the expiration of the Contractor's current policy or after the service contract has ended, for any occurrences arising out of, or in any way related to the work undertaken by the Contractor. The liability insurance coverage values shall be: Insurance Coverage Requirements Limit Requirements Comprehensive General Liability $1,000,000 Product/Completion Operations $1,000,000 Contractual General Liability $1,000,000 Comprehensive Automobile Liability $1,000,000 (2) A combined single-limit policy with aggregate limits in the amount of$2,000,000 will be considered equivalent to the required minimum limits. The issuer shall be an "admitted surety insurer" duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California. Acceptable insurance coverage shall be placed with carriers admitted to write insurance in California, or carriers with a rating of, or equivalent to, A:VIII by AM. Best & Co. Any deviation from this rule shall require specific approval in writing from the City. Insurance shall name the City of Rosemead, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insured by endorsement of the Contractor's policy. A copy of the endorsement, showing policy limits, shall be provided to the City on or before signing this contract. ARTICLE VII CONTRACTOR affirms that the signatures, titles, and seals set forth hereinafter in execution of this Contract Agreement represent all individuals, firm members, partners,joint venturers, and/or corporate officers having principal interest herein. ARTICLE VIII (BLANK) ARTICLE IX Records and Audits. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, and financial records, adequate to identify and account for all costs pertaining to the contract and such other records as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting for all project funds, both federal and non-federal shares. These records will be made available for audit purposes to the City or any authorized representative and will be retained for 5 years after the expiration of this contract, unless permission to destroy them is granted by the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained and have caused this Contract Agreement to be executed in triplicate by setting hereunto their names, titles, hands, and seals this day of , 19_. (3) CONTRACTOR: (Title) Contractor's License No. Class CITY Business License No. Federal Tax Identification No. Subscribed and sworn to this day of , 19 NOTARY PUBLIC AGENCY: Mayor of the City of Rosemead Attested City Clerk of the City of Rosemead Date Approved as to form City Attorney of the City of Rosemead Date (4) CITY OF ROSEMEAD FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR CEILING TILE REPLACEMENT AND THE REPAIR/UPGRADE OF THE SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEM IN THE CITY HALL BUILDING IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that as CONTRACTOR and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of dollars ($ ), which is 100 percent of the total contract amount for the above-stated project, for the payment of which sum, CONTRACTOR and SURETY agree to be bound,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas CONTRACTOR has been awarded and is about to enter into the annexed Contract Agreement with AGENCY for the above-stated project, if CONTRACTOR faithfully performs and fulfills all obligations under the contract documents in the manner and time specified therein, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of AGENCY; provided that any alterations in the obligations or time for completion made pursuant to the terms of the contract documents shall not in any way release either CONTRACTOR or SURETY, and notice of such alterations is hereby waived by SURETY. (1) IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals this day of , 19 CONTRACTOR* SURETY* Subscribed and sworn to this day of , 19 . NOTARY PUBLIC * Provide CONTRACTOR/ADMITTED SURETY name, address, and telephone number and the name, title, address, and telephone number for authorized representative. (2) CITY OF ROSEMEAD MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND FOR CEILING TILE REPLACEMENT AND THE REPAIR/UPGRADE OF THE SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEM IN THE CITY HALL BUILDING IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that , as CONTRACTOR, and , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of California, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rosemead, as AGENCY, in the penal sum of dollars($ ), which is 100 percent of the total contract amount for the above-stated project, for payment of which sum, CONTRACTOR and SURETY agree to be bound,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas CONTRACTOR has been awarded and is about to enter into the annexed Contract Agreement with AGENCY for the above-stated project, if CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor fails to pay for any labor or material of any kind used in the performance of the work to be done under said contract, or fails to submit amounts due under the State Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to said labor, SURETY will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum set forth above,which amount shall inure to the benefit of all persons entitled to file claims under the State Code of Civil Procedures; provided that any alterations in the work to be done, materials to be furnished, or time for completion made pursuant to the terms of the contract documents shall not in any way release either CONTRACTOR or SURETY, and notice of said alterations is hereby waived by SURETY. (1) IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have set their names, titles, hands, and seals this day of , 19_ CONTRACTOR* SURETY* Subscribed and sworn to this day of , 19 . NOTARY PUBLIC * Provide CONTRACTOR/ADMITTED SURETY name, address, and telephone number and the name, title, address, and telephone number for authorized representative. (2) Rosemead Agency Redevelopment A p g Y Energy Retrofit Project Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Presented by Craig Bond -�--_ Account Manager February 23, 1998 Energy Pacific Energy Pacific 633 west Fifth Street Los Angeles, CA 90071-2006 213/895-5700 Tel February 23, 1998 Rosemead Redevelopment Agency City of Rosemead City Clerks Office 8838 Fast Valley Boulevard Rosemead, Calfiomia 91770 Attention: Mr. Steven C. Bailey Dear Mr. Bailey: It is with great pleasure that Energy Pacific and I present this proposal the City of Rosemead for the energy and infrastructure upgrade project at the City Hall. We are confident that our proposal will provide the City with solutions to their most pressing concerns as outlined in the Request for Proposals (RFP), dated January 1998. The assembled team of Energy Pacific and ACCO has combined their resources to develop and present a comprehensive and effective proposal that specifically addresses each of the items outlined in the RFP. We are confident that given ACCO's history of success with the City of Rosemead, combined with Energy Pacific's qualifications directly relating to this particular project, make us the best team to address your needs. In addition to the City Hall Building, Energy Pacific, if awarded the project, would welcome the opportunity to expand upon the scope of the energy retrofit project to include other City facilities that might be made more efficient and more effective. We will be happy to perform surveys of any City facilities for the purposes of evaluating — energy efficiency opportunities. We look forward to working with you and CHMC on this project, and to maintaining and building our relationship with you today and in the future. Sirlc�rely, CCC/ CraiBond, C.E.M. Account Manager A Joint Venture of Enova Corporatio• and Pacific Enterprises • Energy Pacific p p A loins Venture of Enova Corporation Rosemead//edeve/opmemg eencv and Pacic Enterprises SECTION A. MANAGEMENT PLAN 2 SECTION B. SERVICES 6 SECTION C. PERSONNEL 8 SECTION D. MANUFACTURERS & SUBCONTRACTORS 12 SECTION E. VERIFICATION OF ENERGY SAVINGS 13 SECTION F. MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 17 SECTION H. EXPERIENCE 23 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project • Energy Pacific A Joint Vcmure of Enova Corporacion Nesemeafledne/ppment4gepcy and Pacific Enterprises SECTION A. MANAGEMENT PLAN Energy Pacific is a limited liability company owned by Enova Corporation, the parent company of San Diego Gas & Electric, and Pacific Enterprises, the parent company of Southern California Gas Company.' Formed in January 1997, Energy Pacific has extensive knowledge of demand side management, performance contracting, energy procurement, energy transportation, energy distribution, natural gas, and the recent deregulation of electricity. Energy Pacific also possesses the long-term stability and strong reputation for customer service -- the hallmarks of the Enova and Pacific Enterprises family of companies. Energy Pacific's mission is to assist facility owners, such as the City of Rosemead, in their efforts to replace out-of-date, inefficient energy systems with new, energy efficient, environmentally sound and fiscally responsible systems. Energy Pacific provides turnkey services including engineering, construction, start-up, commissioning and financing for energy efficiency and facility modernization projects. By balancing the dollar value of the project with the corresponding energy cost savings, Energy Pacific's provides energy efficiency retrofits with no out-of-pocket cost to the customer. From energy modeling to project implementation, Energy Pacific will be the sole point of contact for the City of Rosemead, eliminating their need to coordinate multiple vendors. Our project managers ensure that each element of your facility energy retrofit project is implemented in accordance with both Energy Pacific's and the City of Rosemead's requirements. By selecting Energy Pacific as your project provider, the City of Rosemead will benefit from the assurance of quality which is delivered in many ways. First and foremost, your project will be in the hands of Energy Pacific, whose parent companies are two of the largest and most conservative businesses in the country. This translates into financial stability and permanence. Energy Pacific will be around for the life of the contract and beyond. Unlike some ESCOs, Energy Pacific and its affiliate companies, Southern California Gas Company and San Diego Gas and Electric Company, are long- term players in Southern California. Secondly, because Energy Pacific has complete responsibility for the project, our staff effectively manages the engineering and construction process through direct control over the engineering and construction contractors. We have built Energy Pacific from the best elements of our parent companies and have attracted a team of experienced professionals and with a strong orientation towards performance. Energy Pacific and its parent companies have the depth of management that no ESCO could even contemplate, let alone match. Finally, we hold ourselves to a higher standard of conduct. It is literally a part of our corporate philosophy -performance and customer satisfaction will always come first. The superior customer Energy Pacific is nor the same company as either Southern California Gas Company or San Diego Gas&Electric, the utilities. Energy Pacific is not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. You do not have to purchase Energy Pacific services in order to receive quality service from the utilities. 2 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation BasemeadHedeve/apmentfgency and Pacific Enterprises service track record of our parent companies in combination with their fiscal and corporate integrity guarantees the City of Rosemead that Energy Pacific's proposals are fundamentally sound and will deliver the promised results. Project Success Energy Pacific's project management approach has yielded successful project implementation. Our process is to: • Organize to provide timely internal and customer communication with check point milestones during the project, resulting in the optimal use of resources. • Designate project teams under the direction of the project manager assisted by project engineers providing technical direction and quality assurance. These project engineers are typically representative from our design sub-contractor(s) and report directly to Energy Pacific's Engineering Manager. • Document the execution and management approach of each energy efficiency project. • Follow a comprehensive process during all phases of the project. There are no short cuts. • Do peer review of Energy Pacific's and our design sub-contractor's work. • Implement the project according to the Project Schedule, which varies according to the project complexity and size. Our Project Schedules are developed with input from our construction sub-contractors, our project managers, our project controls manager, and our client. • Control project cost and quality with our comprehensive project control system. Energy Pacific implements individual energy efficiency projects in a manner which: • Provides a design review where customers and Energy Pacific mutually agree on the selection of specific energy efficiency measures, engineering design, equipment vendors, and installation contractors. • Minimizes unnecessary interruption to the ongoing operation of customers' facilities during analysis, data collection, installation and savings verification. • Complete the project in a manner which exceeds customers' expectations for installation and performance of the energy efficiency measures installed. 3 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project • Energy Pacific A Joint Venture or Enova Co yu.non 9asemeadRedeve/apmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises The steps we use for energy efficiency improvement projects are generally: • Project Development - Energy Pacific either through our staff or through our audit, engineering, and construction sub-contractors(s) conducts on-site analysis of sufficient detail to establish the probable energy savings, the scope of work, and likely project cost. • Project Engineering - Energy Pacific through its engineering sub-contractor(s) will perform on-site verification, gather additional in-situ data, perform detailed design and calculations which culminate in construction documents and definitive energy savings and project cost. • Project Management - The design and construction is supervised by an experienced Project Team under the overall direction of a seasoned Program Manager. Their charter is to assure project quality, timeliness, and cost effectiveness. Energy Pacific through its construction sub- contractors will implement the energy savings design. Owner-designated representatives are an important part of the Project Team. • Project Maintenance, Measurement and Verification - Superior design and implementation, maintenance programs, continuous peer review, and accurate energy consumption measurement reduce exposure to savings shortfalls and equipment failure. 4 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project • Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation BasemeadiedevetopmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises Project Scheduling and Budget Control As part of the request for proposal, Energy Pacific will develop a Gantt proposal schedule and an Order of Magnitude budget using software applications such as Microsoft Project, and Excel. The initial schedule will track the committed deliverables during the audit and preliminary engineering portion of the project.. The Program Director will control the budget and schedule by monitoring the project progress and engineering costs. The Program Director will note and report any departures from the proposal budget and schedule, and, if necessary will make adjustments to ensure timely delivery of the final proposal. Included with the proposal will be a Gantt project schedule detailing the engineering, procurement, and construction tasks required to implement the project. The schedule will also indicate dates for client review of submittals, client acceptance walkdowns, punch list formulation and completion, and project turnover to the client. Schedule and budget progress will be based on the earned value method. Committed costs and expended will be tracked. S-Curves may be developed to track cumulative cost and schedule performance. Monthly forecasts for schedule and budget performance will be developed at the specific project level. 5 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of[nova Corporation RosemeadRedevetopmentAgenc, and Padre Enterprises • SECTION B. SERVICES Consulting Planning I dundiim Information Integrated Commodity Ener Operations Energy Management Managemen Efficiency & Management ment Maintenane- Services "Buy Smart "Buy Low" "Buy Less" "Operate It" "Outsource It' Information Management- Buy Smart Our Energy Pacific information management services are two fold: 1) Our ENCHARGETM Service offers data collection, bill consolidation, auditing, verification, tariff review, payment processing and reporting. Encharge is built around the successful implementation of Microsoft based software originally developed for the deregulated electricity market in United Kingdom. Over 80 separate UK health systems use this solution today to better manage their energy information. You can expect a reduction in energy related expenses of 10% to 15% by engaging Encharge services. 2) Metering Planning services offer verification of existing meters and recommendations of upgrades in order for each facility to consistently collect energy data at the right times in the right places. We are vendor neutral and can recommend the right "metering" solution to position the City of Rosemead for the open market environment. And, with our streamlined process, the City of Rosemead can avoid the delays related to upgrading meters in order to participate in the open market effective March 31, 1998. Commodity Management- Buy Low We will work with the City of Rosemead to develop the right combination of pricing options to buy at the lowest price possible to meet specific requirements of each facility/meter. We anticipate that the electric rate model for California, with rate caps and competitive transition charges will provide minimal savings in the purchase of commodity, approximately 2% of your total electric bill. Energy Efficiency- Buy Less Energy Pacific offers energy efficiency project expertise, management and shared savings agreements where the City of Rosemead can upgrade lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems without capital outlay. Our success in this area is best exemplified by our relationship with Sears and our recent selection by the Department of Energy to respond to $750 million in programs in the western states. Energy consumers can expect to see savings of 15% to 20% by implementing the right energy efficiency programs. 6 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project • Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation ReseneadRedeve/epmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises Operations and Maintenance - Operate It • Energy Pacific can help the City of Rosemead by ensuring the operation and maintenance activities are well tuned. We can recommend building automation systems, remote monitoring systems, cooking equipment services, utility infrastructure services, operational processes and policies...all focused towards removing energy waste and improving efficiencies. If the City of Rosemead desires to bring in outside engineers to manage this area, we can do that as well. Integrated Energy Management Services (IEMS)- Outsource It IEMS brings all components of our comprehensive where the customer desires to turnover entire control of energy based assets, delivery and management to Energy Pacific. Consulting • Planning •Education The best solutions only work if the right people are available to help consult, plan and educate those that are affected. From management to users to your own patients, Energy Pacific will bring its experience and expertise to ensure a well defined and understood plan is in place for the maximum opportunity to succeed. 7 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project . • Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation Rosemead RedevelopmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises SECTION C. PERSONNEL Energy Pacific's Organizational Structure • Energy Pacific's Commercial Services Group will manage the City of Rosemead Improvement of Energy Efficiency Project. The applicable portion of Energy Pacific's organization structure is shown below: • I Eric Nelson President John Laura Dwain Boettcher Rob Dunntn Senior Vice President Vice President Vice President Commercial Services Power Marketing Risk Mamgement II Amy Pesea Mark Shank Kitty Colvin-Teon Vice President e,V and Operationspi Manager Marketlrq Sale and Energy lnformatlm Rick Ellk Jay Purcell Dave Rlchlteltl Alan Butcher Direcmrof Project Management — Manager o(Englneerh Manager M J Sales Director Customer Support Senice P cIM Region Len Pettis 1Joe Shin 1 Andy Beggs Sr.Project Manager Energy Engineer Account Manager Mark Suehrestedt JJim Reese J+1 Pacific Region Project Manager I Energy Engh,eer / Account Managers 1 Bob Demyanovich National Account Managers Project Manager 1 National Account Project Managers Management Approach to Energy Conservation Projects. Energy Pacific has designated the.Director of Project Management, Mr. Rick Ellis, to be the Program Director for City of Rosemead's Improvement of Energy Efficiencies Project. Mr. Ellis is an experienced program developer and has contributed greatly to the establishment of Energy Pacific's performance contracting programs. As Program Director, Mr. Ellis will have full authority to commit Energy Pacific's resources to implement the City's Program. Resources will be allocated in a manner insuring timely completion of energy auditing, scope development, engineering, construction planning, installation, verification, and administration of the Program. Mr. Ellis and his management group will assemble project management, project control, TQM, contract administration, energy audit, engineering, construction, and finance teams comprised of representatives from the City, Energy Pacific, and key subcontractors 8 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation Basemeadledeve/apmentfgencY and Pacific Enierpdses to provide leadership, oversight and coordination of the Program. Periodic meetings with the teams will identify and resolve policy, schedule, or performance concerns before they become an issue with the City. Mr. Ellis will work closely with the City's program manager (or with various city representatives at the City's direction) to ensure that the City's requirements are met and communications remain open and productive. He will establish routine and exception reporting protocols with the City and will assure the quality and timeliness of reporting. Energy Pacific has designated Mr. Jay Purcell to be the team's Engineering Manager. Mr. Purcell will work closely with the City to develop Energy Conservation Measures, project scope, definitive engineering, and commissioning plans. Mr. Len Pettis will be the Construction Manager and will handle the procurement and installation of the equipment. Mr. Pettis will coordinate al] sub-contractor construction issues and interface with the City on a regular basis. Energy Pacific will hold all sub-contracts for the project. 9 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project • Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation Rosemeadpedeve/opmeniggencv and Pacific Enterprises • Energy Pacific's Project Team Energy Pacific's management structure for City of Rosemead's Improvement of Energy Efficiency Project is shown below: City of Rosemead Building Efficiencies Project Program Director Rick Ellis, P.E., C.E.M. 1 • f 1 Construction Manager Engineering Manager Len Pettis Jay Purcell, C.E.M. Lighting Retrofit Company (TBD) Lead Energy Engineer Lighting Installation Joe Shiau, P. E., C.E.M. ACCO Energy Engineer Mechanical Installation Jim Reese, P. E. ILighting Retrofit Company (TBD). Lighting Design ACCO Mechanical Installation The project will initially be evaluated for energy savings and estimated installation cost under the direction of Mr. Jay Purcell, Engineering Manager. As indicated on the organization chart Energy Pacific will use internal resources as well as those of a qualified lighting retrofit company and ACCO. Once the project scope is defined, the project will be designed by the same company for lighting, and — ACCO for mechanical. Construction of the mechanical and lighting retrofits will be managed by Mr. Len Penis who is experienced with energy efficiency upgrade projects. He is currently developing a $200M project for Los Angeles Unified School District. Resumes for Energy Pacific's key staff members are included attached. Energy Pacific will dedicate the following senior managers to City of Rosemead's project: 10 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific p A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation BosemeadRedevetopmentAgency and Pao he Enterprises Craig Bond, C.E.M. has more than 15 years of experience in energy conservation engineering. He will be the Account Manager directly responsible for City of Rosemead's overall satisfaction with the project. Rick Ellis, P.E., C.E.M., has more than 25 years of experience in engineering, construction, and project management. He will be the program director and responsible for all aspects of the project. Jay Purcell, C.E.M., has more than 15 years of experience in engineering and project development. He will be the Engineering Manager and responsible for all aspects of the project's engineering and design. Monica Haas, MBA, has more than IO years experience in accounting, budgeting, cash management, and financial planning. She will be the program's financial manager. Len Pettis C.E.M., has more than 12 years of experience in engineering, construction, and project management. Joe Shiau, P.E., C.E.M., has more than 20 years of experience in engineering, construction, and project management. He will head the energy engineering and auditing activities. Jim Reese, P.E., has more than 20 years of experience in engineering, construction, and project management. He will perform energy engineering and auditing for your project. I Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venturi:of enova Corporation RosemestMeeevelopmemhgency and Pacific Enterprises Craig Bond, C.E.M. Account Manager Mr. Bond brings to Energy Pacific over 18 years of energy efficiency experience. Craig's experience has provided him with a broad perspective of the energy efficiency market. As a facilities engineer, Craig was responsible for the western region's energy use for a leading national high-tech computer manufacturer where he was able to reduce consumption by over 30%. Craig was able to apply his facilities experience and knowledge next as a Sr. Systems Engineer for California's largest mechanical design/build contractor. In this position, Craig was responsible for the design, estimates, proposal generation, sales, project management and overall profitability of large-scale commercial and industrial energy efficiency retrofit projects. Craig's knowledge of all aspects of energy management technologies has established him as a reliable and respected resource in the energy market. As part of his efforts to help perpetuate energy efficiency throughout Southern California, Craig has remained very active in local energy and engineering associations, including serving as an officer for the local chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers for five years. Craig's tenure with AEE included serving for a year as President. However, the most significant contribution Craig has made to this organization was the foundation and chaired of the AEE Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee has been responsible for recruiting a vibrant new staff of officers and board members, and ultimately for the success the Southern California Chapter is experiencing today. Education: Bachelor of Technology/Mechanical Engineering- Southwest State University, Minnesota Professional Registration: Certified Energy Manager, Association of Energy Engineers Qualifications and Experience: Mr. Bond is an Account Manager for Energy Pacific's Commercial Business unit dedicated to the Portland State University projects. He is responsible for all phases of a project's development from initial identification up to and including final engineering. Mr. Bond has been with Energy Pacific since it's inception, and is intimately familiar will all aspects of the Energy Services business. Professional Affiliations: Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers(ASHRAE),Association of Professional Managers(APEM) Energy Pacific A Joint Venture ofEnova Corporation Nnsemea#Redeve/apmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises Rick Ellis, P.E. ,C.E.M. Director Energy Engineering and Project Management Project Responsibility: Mr. Ellis will be the Program Manager for the Government's 46 State ESPC. Mr. Ellis will be responsible for the Program's budget and schedule, coordination of the design and construction team, construction management, and start-up and commissioning of the project. He will personally ensure the Government's project requirements are fully met with the goal to have the project exceed the Government's expectations. Education: Master of Business Administration, Pepperdine University • Master of Science-Engineering, California State University, Long Beach Bachelor of Science- Aerospace Engineering,Northrop Institute of Technology Professional Registration: Registered Professional Engineer, Mechanical Engineering, California Certified Energy Manager, Association of Energy Engineers Qualifications and Experience: Mr. Ellis is the Director of Energy Engineering and Project Management for Energy Pacific's Commercial and Industrial Group. This position provides him with the capability to mobilize resources within Energy Pacific and its strategic partners to define and execute projects to satisfy client requirements. Prior to that assignment he was the Senior Project Manager for the Southern California Gas Company's TEEM business unit. Mr. Ellis has a solid background in engineering and project management. He has over 25 years of experience in the engineering and construction business. Before joining TEEM, Mr. Ellis was a Project Manager with the Bechtel Corporation. During his 22 years with Bechtel, Mr. Ellis worked as a Plant Design Engineer, Engineering Supervisor, Project Engineer, and Project Manager. As a Project Engineer he was responsible for quality, budget, and schedule of the project's multi-discipline engineering team. He coordinated with the client to establish the scope of work, schedule, and man-hour budgets. As a Project Manager Mr. Ellis was responsible foreacj project's overall schedule and cost performance, selection of contractors, and construction management. Ile was directly responsible to the client for the project's quality and execution. Relevant Project Experience: San Fernando Valley Juvenile Hall Energy Savings Projects TEEM, Sr. Project Manager Los Angeles County,Internal Services Department Project retrofitted lighting throughout the facility, replaced domestic hot water boiler, replaced two 500 ton chillers, replaced two 500 ton cooling towers, added VFD's to airside fans and chilled water pumps, and added a DDC control system. RUSD Energy Retrofit Projects TEEM, Sr. Project Manager Riverside Unified School District Project retrofitted interior and exterior lighting including adding occupancy controls, replaced single zone and multi-zone roof top package units (over 2000 tons), replaced three 180 ton chillers, replaced three 180 ton cooling towers, added energy controls to the HVAC system on a district wide basis, replaced two hot water boilers,and added pony pumps to pool cogen systems. Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation Rosemead Redevelopment Agency and Pacific Enterprises Relevant Project Experience(continued): Paradise Water Energy Retrofit Project TEEM, Sr. Project Manager Paradise Textile Corporation Energy Management Project to design and construct water recyling and heat recovery system at Paradise Textile to filter approximately 40% of the current effluent discharge and to reuse the treated water in the dye machines. The reuse wastewater will come from cycles prior to the dye bath (i.e. scouring cycle, bleach cycle, pre-dye bath rinses, bleach reduction baths, etc.). The amount of water required for these cycles typically amounts to 40 to 50% of the total water used during the dying process. Other Project Experience: • UNOCAL,AQMD RECLAIM Project Project Manager Carson Refinery and Wilmington Refinery Chevron,AQMD Rule 431.1 Fuel Gas Scrubbing Projects: Project Manager El Segundo Refinery Chevron,LPG Truck Loading and Rail Car Loading Facility Project Engineer El Segundo Refinery SCE,SONGS Units 2 & 3,Various Plant Up-Grade Projects Project Engineer San Onofre Units 2 & 3 Professional Affiliations: Association of Energy Engineers(AEE) Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Eneva Corporation ROsemeSfREOBveIopmentagency and Pacific Enterprises Jay Purcell Manager of Engineering Education: • Bachelor of Science, Industrial Engineering- Cal Poly, Pomona Professional Registration: • Association of Professional Energy Managers(APEM) • National Society of Professional Engineers • Los Angeles Power Producers Association Relevant Project Experience: Southern California Gas Company Special Project Manager • Responsible For Growing The Cogeneration Market Within Service Territory • Consistently Met or Exceeded All Sales& Marketing Objectives • Managed Special Energy Related Projects • Developed and Implemented SoCalGas Energy Management& Modernization Program (EMMP) • Prepared Integration Business Plan For Major International Acquisition • Performed Power Market Analysis • Assisted In DOE Super ESPC Bid Proposal Development • Created New "For Fee" Service Offerings • Energy Use Consultation • Significantly Responsible For Evaluating Impacts Of Electric Industry Restructuring, And Making Recommendations To Management • Evaluated Over 200 Energy Projects Southern California Gas Company ERC Technical Consultant • Charged With Expanding The Gas Company's Role In The Energy Markets (Fuel Neutral) • Prepared ERC Business Plan • Developed Technical Seminars • Established Professional Community Liaisons • Acted As International Ambassador • Hosted Delegations From I I Different Countries • Prepared Detailed Technical Energy Analysis & Recommendations • HVAC, Central Plants, Power Generation, Building Envelope, Lighting, Etc... • Energy Pacific A Joint Venture or Enova Corporation Rosemeadfedeve/opmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises Relevant Project Experience (continued): Southern California Gas Company Sr. Account Executive • • • Principally Responsible For Growing The Cogeneration Market • Created Proprietary Energy Modeling Software • Sold First Isolated Generation System In Company History • Negotiated First Above Tariff Fixed Price Contract In Company History • Significantly Exceeded All Sales& Marketing Goals • Responsible For Developing&Maintaining Professional Trade Allies • Managed"Blitzer"Software Development Project • Southern California Gas Company Energy Systems Engineer • Provided Detailed Energy Systems Analysis & Recommendations For Large Commercial & Industrial Customers • Coordinated Customer Services Activities • System Hook Up • Billing Disputes • Facility Expansions • Distribution System Upgrades Assisted Large Commercial & Industrial Customer In Developing Energy Conservation Alternatives Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation Rasemea#Re#eve/ppmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises Monica P. Haas Financial Analyst Energy Pacific Project Responsibility: Monica Haas is currently responsible for maintaining lender relations, evaluating project financing requirements, and obtaining financing for energy savings projects. She also is experienced in analyzing energy savings project cash flows and evaluating the credit quality of potential customers. While working for General Dynamics, Monica also gained extensive experience in developing budgets and measuring ongoing contract performance for multi-million dollar commercial contracts. Education: • B. S., Marketing,New Mexico State University • M.B. A.,New Mexico State University Qualifications & Experience: Ms. Haas has been responsible for selecting and maintaining relations with third party lenders for Energy Pacific and its clients. Her expertise includes evaluating project financing requirements for energy savings projects and creatively utilizing a variety of financing tools including operating and capital leases. Ms. Haas is experienced in calculating energy savings project cash flows, developing feasibility studies and evaluating business plans. She has developed budgets and measured ongoing contract performance for multi-million dollar commercial contracts. Her prior experience includes financial analyst positions with both San Diego Gas& Electric and General Dynamics Corporation. Relevant Project Experience: • Project Financing • Responsible for developing and managing the financing program for Enova Energy. Has established strong lender relationships and is experienced in evaluating project financing requirements for energy savings projects. • Financial Analysis: • Experienced in evaluating energy savings project cash flows. Responsible for preparing and evaluating financial analysis for capital acquisitions, business plans, and feasibility studies. Skilled in developing budgets and measuring performance for multi-million dollar contracts. Experienced in performing strategic outsourcing analyses. • Credit Analysis: • Responsible for performing financial reviews and making credit recommendations on potential customers. Other Project Experience: • Financial Analyst, Enova Energy. • Financial Analyst, SDG&E. • Financial Specialist, General Dynamics. Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation RosemeadRedeve/opmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises LEONARD G. PETTIS, C.E.M. Sr. Project Manager Education: • Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineer- Maine Maritime Castine, Maine Qualifications and Experience: Twenty years' experience in the engineering, plant operations fields with a consistent record of growth advancement in facilities management, energy management, organizational development and employee training programs. Excellent writing, verbal and interpersonal communication skills. Proven project management strategic planning and financial administration skills. Astute motivator,team builder with the ability to identify, maximize employee talent working at all levels to diagnose and solve problems effecting the bottom line. Professional Experience: UC IRVLNE Energy Manager Irvine, CA • Developed and implemented Campus Energy Efficiency Program that reduced utility consumption 15% • Negotiated a Natural Gas Purchasing Agreement that saved the campus over$70,000. • Designed system architecture for the campus EMCS, improving operations and analysis capabilities. • Identified $270 thousand savings in controls system design, commissioning a new facility. • Revised technical specifications for mechanical, electrical sections of contract documents for variable frequency drives, electric metering, high efficiency motors and DDC controls. TRW Senior Environmental Engineer Redondo Beach, CA • Reduced energy consumption by $3.2 million in one year, at Space Park, a 5.2 million S/F Campus. • Identified Energy Conservation Opportunities saving$1.2 million annually. • Administrated the Natural Gas Procurement Contract. • Organized and tracked company participation in utility rebate programs. • Supervised participation in CEC (California Energy Coalition)Load Shed Program. • Audited utility bills saving$75 thousand annually. MAGUIRE THOMAS PARTNERS Operations Manager Santa Monica, CA • Reduced energy consumption 15% • Managed daily operations supervising personal contracts for engineering,janitorial, parking, landscape, waste hauling and security personnel. • Developed recycling program saving 25% in waste hauling expenses. • Assisted in the implementation of the Employee Incentive Program Energy Pacific A Joint venture ofEnova Corporation RosemealRedevelopmeigAgency and Pacific Enterprises THE KOLL COMPANY Operations Manager Newport Beach,CA • Directed operation of Koll Center Irvin, 1.2 million square foot high-rise office park. • Reduced energy consumption by 15% improving the operation of the Thermal Energy Storage System. • Administered service contracts for engineering, security, parking,janitorial and landscape services. • • Supervised tenant improvement work. • Coordinated operation functions of new project through development to asset management. CUSHMAN AND WAKEFIELD Chief Engineer Los Angeles, CA • Developed an aggressive$3.0 million annual utility budget based on a 20% reduction. • Hired, trained and supervised 22 engineering personnel operating a 4000 ton HVAC plant. • Introduced thermal storage feasibility study and managed TES design contract. • Supervised engineering design contract for Los Angeles City Fire sprinkler retro-fit. • Introduced a computerized energy management system to enhance and streamline operations. • Developed an operations manual for the mechanical systems in the facility. TEXACO INC. Marine Engineer Port Arthur,TX • Operated 12 of 16 vessel in Texaco's U.S. fleet, advancing to Chief Engineer. • Directed operations of engine room power plants and related support systems. • Supervised, managed licensed and unlicensed personnel. • Established relationships with shipyard superintendents, representatives and marine inspectors. • Planned and directed scheduled inspections and emergency repair functions in an efficient and economical manner. CERTIFICATION: • Association of Energy Engineers- C.E.M. Certified Energy Manager • United States Coast Guard License- Chief Engineer Training and Continuing Education • MS Word 6.0 CATAPULT • Access 2.0 Excel 5.0 Advanced LOGICAL OPERATIONS • Institute Facilities Management Training APPA • Performance Contracting AEE • Professional Time Management TRW • Professional Effectiveness TRW Achievements • STAR(Special Talent Achievement Reward)TRW • XV Annual Energy Technology Conference, Washington, D.C. Speaker, Manuscript Energy Management Systems For Commercial High-Rise • Los Angeles Department of Water& Power Award of Excellent for Energy Management Organizations • APPA Association of Physical Plant Administrators • ASHRAE American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers • AEE Association of Energy Engineers • IDEA International District Energy Association Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation RosemeaiHedeve/apmemdgency and Pacific Enterprises Joe Shiau, P.E., C.E.M. Energy Engineer Project Responsibility: Mr. Shiau will be the Lead Energy Engineer for the Simi Valley Unified School District Performance Contract. Mr. Shiau will be responsible for energy audits, conceptual and preliminary design, feasibility studies, engineering analyses, energy modeling, utility bill analyses, HVAC construction support, system balancing and commissioning, and results monitoring and verification. He will be a hands-on lead engineer for the project to ensure the integrity of all technical information are delivered to the District. Education: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering,University of California, Berkeley,CA Bachelor of Science,National Central University,Taiwan Professional Registration: Registered Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering, State of California and Nevada Certified Energy Manager,Association of Energy Engineers Qualifications & Experience: Mr. Shiau is the Energy Engineer of Engineering and Auditing for Energy Pacific's Commercial Sales and Marketing Groups. He is responsible for energy studies, auditing, cost estimating, and conservation results verification. Prior to this assignment, he was the energy simulation specialist and project manager at the Energy Resource Center of the Gas Company at Downey, CA. He also worked for the Southern California Edison Company for 12 years, with various capacities in project management, project development using energy efficient innovations, HVAC system troubleshooting, Title 24 compliance, and lead mechanical design engineer in a multiple discipline environment, regulated by various governmental agencies. In addition, he managed several energy retrofit projects for local universities in the Southern California. Before that, Mr. Shiau worked for Fluor Corp. and KVB, Inc. at Irvine, CA. His responsibilities included project engineering, field testing, modeling, design, analysis, and construction support. Relevant Project Experience: • City of LA Performance Contracting Ener Pacific,Energy Pf Energy Engineer Performed a preliminary energy audit using outside contractors. Identified several conservation measures and 40%of savings for a public library, a police station, and an animal shelter. Redondo Beach Unified School District Energy Pacific, Energy Engineer Preliminary audits for a FEMA funded lighting and ceiling retrofit. Los Angeles Unified School District Energy Pacific, Energy Engineer For the Bond BB air conditioning addition program, developed a statistical estimating algorithm and standard mechanical costs; working with equipment suppliers to obtain the best value and quotes below the market prices. Conducted job walks with contractors to validate the estimate. Pomona Unified School District Energy Pacific, Energy Engineer Preliminary audits for a FEMA funded lighting retrofit. UC Irvine So Cal Edison, Project Manger Energy Pacific A Joint Venture or Enova corporation BpsemeahfedeveJnpmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises Design assistance for the new construction of Neuroscience Building. Collaborated with the university architect to identify and implement several energy efficient measures. Cal State Fullerton So Cal Edison, Project Manager Managed a show case central plant retrofit project, co-funded by several organizations. Rebuild-LA So Cal Edison, Mechanical Engineer Design-built in a fast track building renovation project in 3 months. Converted an abandoned service center to a Regional Job Training Center at the City of Compton. Solicited and obtained donations exceeding$10,000 from HVAC and fire alarm equipment suppliers. Navy Trenton Air Base and Marine Camp Pendleton KVB, Inc., Test Engineer • Performed a series of HVAC and central boiler plant optimization projects; conducted hands-on boiler tuneup and efficiency testing. Relevant Project Experience: Park LaBrea Heating Study So Cal Gas Co., Energy Analyst Performed a detailed energy audit for a 4.000 unit high rise and gated commercial apartment complex, reconciled all end use consumption; identified 20% savings opportunities and a significant billing error in the past. Sea World,San Ontonio Energy Audit Energy Pacific, Energy Engineer Performed a preliminary energy audit for all mechanical systems in the amusement park. Large scale conservation opportunities, including fuel switching and motor upgrade, are identified. San Fernando Juvenile Hall Energy Pacific, Energy Engineer Performed a post commissioning verification of savings resulted from a major energy retrofit. Community of the Future Preliminary Study So Cal Edison Co., Engineer Performed a conceptual design and detailed cost estimate, evaluated two competing consultants' designs and developed a third design alternative. The design configuration included a small co- generation and large heat pumps for a centrally heated and cooled community with 200 houses. The recommendations are being implemented in a military housing project at Fort Irvin currently. Professional Affiliations: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers(ASHRAE) Association of Energy Engineers(AEE) National Fire Protection Association (NEPA, 1995) Illuminating Engineering Society(IES, 1995) Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation ROsemeadRe//evetppmentpgency and Pacific Enterprises James L. Reese,P.E. Energy Systems Engineer Project Responsibility: Mr. Reese will be responsible for the identification and evaluation of energy savings opportunities for the Simi Valley Unified School District Performance Contract. Mr.Reese will analyze the results of energy audits and perform feasibility assessments of possible energy conservation measures to determine the optimum approach to energy utilization for the School District. This will include developing preliminary designs for operational and equipment modifications, analyzing energy and cost impacts, and determining the cost effectiveness and return on investment of the most attractive energy conservation measures. Education: • Bachelor of Science- Mechanical Engineering, Duke University School of Engineering Professional Registration: Registered Professional Engineer, Mechanical Engineering, State of California Qualifications and Experience: Mr. Reese has over twenty years engineering and project management experience in the design, application, and evaluation of energy systems and energy conservation measures in commercial and industrial facilities. This experience includes the design, installation,and evaluation of commercial HVAC systems, industrial combustion equipment, and utility generating systems. Prior to joining Energy Pacific, Mr. Reese was a Mechanical Engineer with San Diego Gas & Electric. He provided engineering services to commercial and industrial clients in the areas of demand side management,cogeneration,energy monitoring, and evaluation of advanced energy technologies. These services included the identification of energy conservation opportunities, performing engineering feasibility assessments,equipment design and installation, and project management. Examples of energy conservation technologies installed at customer facilities include adjustable speed drives applied to air L handler fans, cooling towers,and water pumps; primary/secondary chilled water pumping; high efficiency boilers, and the optimization of hot water/steam systems and compressed air systems. As a consulting engineer, Mr. Reese served as Project Manager on projects that included the design and evaluation of high efficiency heat pump systems for commercial and residential applications, the -- installation of the first catalyst air heater applied to a utility steam boiler, the design and retrofit of low NOx burners at industrial facilities, and the retrofit of emissions controls for gas turbines. Relevant Project Experience: HVAC Upgrade Project SDG&E Project Manager City of Chub Vista Project involved the upgrade of HVAC systems on four municipal buildings. These systems included replacing a 120 Ton central chiller, installing high efficiency air-source and water-source heat pumps, and replacing package gas/electric units with high efficiency units. Retrofit of ASDs on Air Handlers and Cooling Towers SDG&E Project Engineer Energy Pacific A mint venture or Enova Corporation Rosemead ReleuempmentAgency and Pacinc Enterprises San Diego Convention Center Project involved the retrofit of adjustable speed drives to several air handlers and the cooling towers for energy conservation. The retrofit of the air handlers included the use of CO2 monitors to optimize ventilation rates. Installation of High Efficiency Cooling Towers SDG&E Project Engineer Commercial Buildings in San Diego Projects involved the modification or retrofit of cooling towers at several commercial buildings in to reduce energy consumption while not impacting quality of air conditioning supplied to the buildings. Other Project Experience: Feasibility Assessment of Municipal Water Pumping Options Project Manager Evaluated I.C. engines and electric motors for water pumping at 14 municipal water pumping districts. Installation of Catalyst Air Heater Project Manager SCE Mandalay Generating Station Development of System-Wide RECLAIM Compliance Strategy Project Manager City of Burbank Public Service Department Demonstration of Innovative VOC Emission Control Technologies Project Manager Selected Industries in Greater Los Angeles area Evaluation of Alternatives to Electrifying Ships in Port Project Manager Subcontractor to Bechtel Corporation for Port of Long Beach Evaluation of Ground Source Heat Pump for Water Heating Project Manager Southern California Edison Demonstration of Furnace Injection of Lime for SO2 Control Project Manager U.S. Department of Energy Demonstration of Methanol and Liquified Coal as Utility Boiler Fuels Project Manager Electric Power Research Institute Professional Affiliations: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation Hosemeadfedeuelopmenhloncy and Pacific Enterprises SECTION D. MANUFACTURERS & SUBCONTRACTORS Energy Pacific's approach in the selection of products and system manufactures for the City of Rosemead will depend upon a number of factors. Such as: price vs. quality, which equals long term savings; manufacturers ability to service products and equipment, as well as manufacturer trained secondary support technicians; manufacturer's history of reliability in delivering products and services along with warranties and secondary support. Please see manufactures listed below: Air Conditioning and Chillers Carrier Sun Trane York Marvair Bard Lennox Lighting Philips Lithonia Pumps PACO Bell & Gossett Motors General Electric Westinghouse Control Systems Andover Teletrol Johnson Honeywell Variable Frequency Drives Robicon General Electric ABB Toshiba MECHANICAL SUBCONTRACTOR ACCO the current Rosemead City Hall building operations contractor will be the mechanical subcontractor on this project. ACCO provides all HVAC contracting services for commercial, retail, and critical process facilities. With 925 qualified employees ACCO has demonstrated superior performance with projects ranging in size from $1,000 to $50 million. ACCO is licensed in California (#120696) as well as: Alabama; Arizona; Colorado; Hawaii; Illinois; Maryland; Nevada; New Mexico; Oregon; Texas and Washington. ACCO maintains appropriate insurance's and is bonded by Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland. 12 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enona Corporation RosemeadIedeve/opmenlApency and Pacific Enterprises LIGHTING SUBCONTRACTOR Energy Pacific has relationships and alliances with a number of lighting retrofit contractors. For the City of Rosemead project Energy Pacific will evaluate the scope of the lighting project, present a performance criteria to our lighting allies and select the contractor with the best and most cost effective solutions iL • 13 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific p p A Join'Venture of Enova Corporation ROsemeadRedeve%pmenlAgencf and Pacific Enterprises SECTION E. VERIFICATION OF ENERGY SAVINGS Our overall approach to M&V is consistent and in compliance with the FEMP M&V Guidelines. Measurement and verification approaches for determining ECM results are focused upon a multi- stepped technical approach using engineering calculations and documentation review, on-site inspections, and project-specific impact assessments (each with increasing levels of metering and instrumentation). 1. The Technical Measurement and Verification Processes The purpose of the overall M&V effort, is to provide a known and agreed-upon measurement of the ECM results at the least cost method that is appropriate for the ECM investment and savings risk. The methods rely on pre- and post-installation observations, inspections, and measurements, to ascertain the actual implementation and operation of the ECMs. This includes specialized approaches using various levels of on-site measurements, metering and the establishment of reasonable and realistic baselines. The M&V process has two components: (I) verification that the ECMs have the potential to perform to the estimated savings, and (2) verification of the ECMs performance (i.e., that the savings are actually being achieved). As such, the majority of M&V applications deal with determining the impact of specific ECMs and their technical performance. While the M&V guidelines note broad-scale approaches such as utility billing analyses which may be used, these are typically applied to a lesser degree in actual applications in larger facilities and more complex ECMs. Correspondingly, the focus of our approach centers on providing M&V protocols for specific end-uses and ECMs. The FEMP guidelines clearly identify specific M&V protocols at the ECM level. These begin, as does our approach, with the utilization of the initial survey and engineering work to establish reasonable and accurate baseline conditions. Frequently, relatively short-term or simple measurement and monitoring can be put in place at the initial on-site investigations, to support baseline detemtination. Another critical implementation step for the ECM, which can significantly support good M&V practice, resides in the commissioning activities. At the same time that an ECM is commissioned, several M&V objectives, observations, and data gathering functions can be achieved. Often, this is the first opportunity for the post-installation.conditions to be accurately observed and measured. Within this context, the technical process of M&V is applied to the on-going ECM development. In this sense, M&V is viewed to be an integral part of the overall process of the ESPC. Multiple steps are undertaken for the M&V which are analogous to the ECM estimation and development processes. Detailed engineering parameters are reviewed to improve the technical estimates of the ECMs, particularly those used on the original estimation. This may be especially important for complex technologies or applications where engineering factors tend to be uncertain. Major steps in the Technical M&V process are: 14 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint%amnre of Enna Corporation BosemeadRedemetopmentAgency and Pacific Enterprises a. Engineering Review: Engineering calculations and documentation are reviewed as the first level of technical verification. Critical engineering parameters and facilities/systems characteristics to be assessed are identified. For larger projects, this step results in a Project- Specific M&V Plan. b. On-Site Inspections: The second level of verification is the performance of on-site inspections. This focuses on measuring and verifying energy conservation measure data which are readily quantified in a few hours of on-site effort, (e.g., equipment rating, quantities, and applications). Diagnostic measurement, such as spot wattage, amperage, etc., are also collected. Short-term interval data may be monitored in this approach. Both pre- and post-installation inspections are used. c. Project-Specific Impact Assessments: Site-specific evaluations are performed using metering and instrumentation. Monitoring of critical engineering parameters which vary over time are most critical. The methods focus on quantifying factors of variance which are of importance to the larger and perhaps more complex technologies. The exact measurements taken are dependent on the particular technology. Also, the monitoring time period varies depending on the characteristics of the technology and its use. 2. Technology Classification Technology classification is performed aggregating similar technologies by their energy performance and end-use characteristics. The technology classification is used to determine the application of different levels of technical measurement and verification. Specific metering and instrumentation is needed for different technology classifications. The FEMP M&V Guidelines present three levels of M&V (Options A, B, and C) and Energy Pacific's M&V Protocol defines three levels of complexity for ECMs to which M&V must respond. Our generalized approach further desegregates these aspects into four technology classifications, providing greater detail to define the technology type and its application to enhance the M&V techniques, and to remain fully consistent with the guidelines. The performance and application of an energy and demand impacting technology can be characterized by: (1) the type of ECM technology, (2) the performance of the technology, and (3) the application and use of the technology. Furthermore, Technology Type can be either an efficiency improvement or a control improvement. Technology Performance can be either constant or variable performance. Other key factors which affect the application and use of the ECM technologies include: loading sequence, usage schedules, and multiple systems interactions. The benefit of this approach is that while compliance to all guidelines is achieved, more detailed characteristics of the technology are considered in the M&V development. 15 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project • Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation Bosemeadledevelopmen/Agency and Pacific Enterprises Technology Classification Examples .Technology ;..- _ Technology Performance - ._1:YPe •- :7 Cotmlmt . - ':. Variable: Efficiency Improvement Efficient motor for constant speed fan • Efficient motor on • Efficient ballasts and lamps for switched variable volume fan or • lighting pump • Efficient air conditioning Control Improvement • Time control on end-use equipment • Daylight dimming control • Duty cycling of constant volume pump for lighting or fan • Chilled water reset Occupancy sensors on lighting Levels of M&V The table below presents a summary of "checks and measurements" generally included within each level of technical verification. The Engineering Review checks many critical parameters for the engineering estimates of the ECM technology. However, the verification of these is limited because it does not incorporate independent on-site data. The on-site inspections, for example, provide expanded measurement and verification capability through independent measurements. However, the on-site inspections are also limited since they do not fully measure more complex energy relationships and engineering parameters which can vary over time. On-site measurements are used to extend beyond the limitations of the on-site inspections. This third-level measurement and verification method includes the measurement, and/or monitoring, of critical engineering parameters over a time period. Ultimately, the most technically appropriate and cost effective M&V approach is determined by the characteristics and applications of the technologies. The approach must apply site-specific and ECM- specific designs to develop and implement the M&V plans. Engineering Review(Used for Project-Specific Evaluation Plans) • General Characteristic Data(e.g.,size.age,billing data.etc.) • Technology Application Description,Schematics • Energy and Demand Algorithm • Equipment Type • Equipment Quantities • Equipment Input Ratings • Equipment Operation Schedules.Peak and Off-Peak • Sequence of Operations • Equipment Part-Load Performance Ratings • Equipment Load Profiles • Process/End-Use Efficiencies(e.g.,widgets/kWh) • Interactions with Other Systems On-Site Inspections(Used for On-Site Verification) • On-Site Observations of Above Items On-Site Measurements(Used for Project-Specific Impact Assessments) • Above Items • On-Site Measurements of Critical Engineering Parameters 16 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A,oin,Venture of Enoca Corporation ROsemeadRedevetepmentAgency and Pacific Enterpnses SECTION F. MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS Per the instructions in the Request for Qualifications, this section lists the operations and maintenance services Energy Pacific provides. Given the scope of the City's project, it is unlikely such a wide range of Energy Pacific's services will be required. Energy Pacific will tailor our services to fit the specific needs of the City of Rosemead. Energy Pacific's preventive maintenance is a scheduled maintenance program that prevents breakdowns. Our plan is designed to ensure that worn out components are replaced before they malfunction. A short, scheduled shutdown on a shift when the equipment can be released results in high reliability when it is scheduled to be in use. Customer satisfaction is priority one. If critical equipment fails unexpectedly, the repair time might have a negative impact on the customer's product. The predictive maintenance plan used by the O&M Team includes the measurement of equipment, under operating conditions, to detect symptoms that are "out of line with physical parameters and classify the causes. It includes planning and scheduling the right repairs at the right time and results in improved system reliability and extended useful life of assets at the most reasonable cost. The main focus of predictive maintenance is to identify specific repair needs soon enough so that required materials and trade skills can be planned and scheduled for a time when the equipment is not needed. It also includes the identification of critical spare pans with an associated procurement plan. For example, if critical parts are not readily available locally, they will be procured and held in stock by the O&M Team. The predictive maintenance plan is customized for each ECM based on manufacturer's recommendations and Energy Pacific project experience. To support the plan, maintenance team members are provided with log books for recording daily events and a preventive maintenance program for regular daily, weekly, monthly, semiannual, and annual maintenance procedures. Procedures developed from the manufacturers' manuals, best industry practices, and any relevant customer directives or regulations include repairs, replacements, inspections, tests, calibrations, cleanings, lubrications and testing that are required to be accomplished periodically. These actually are scheduled on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual basis. In addition, this information is recorded in a database for tracking maintenance events, both planned and performed, to assist the technicians assigned in keeping the maintenance on- schedule and up-to-date, and to demonstrate to the customer the level of work performed. Boiler Improvements: Energy Pacific intends to provide complete O&M on all projects where major renovation/replacement of the boilers are proposed. In those projects where existing systems will be modified to a lesser degree, each component will be evaluated on its own merits. Operation of boilers will be monitored by a computer control and monitoring system (CCMS). Proper boiler operation will be verified by measuring stack temperature, particulate matter in the exhaust, fluid levels, chemical balance and steam pressure. CCMS operation will be continuously monitored with built-in quality assurance routines. Any deviation from normal operation of the 17 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation RosemeadRodevetopmentAgency and Pacific Enterpnscs boilers or CCMS will cause notification of on-site users. We will use our remote maintenance and monitoring equipment to periodically verify proper control system operation. Boilers will be visually inspected checking for soot, dust, discoloring, water leaks and flame color monthly. Boiler water will be chemically tested quarterly against developed standards for pH, mineral content, rust and other particulate matter. Energy Pacific utilizes a maintenance and inspections schedule to include the monitoring of stack emissions, temperature at exhaust, burners (flame, pilot, ignite), gauges, steam pressure, leaks, water level, relief valve (safety items) to assist in the early detection of potential problems. Chiller Improvements: Energy Pacific intends to provide complete O&M on all projects where major renovation/replacement of the chiller is proposed. In those projects where existing systems will be modified to a lesser degree, each component will be evaluated on its own merits. Operation of chillers will be monitored by a CCMS. Proper chiller operation will be verified by measuring all essential parameters of the chillers including water temperature (in and out), refrigerant pressure (high and low), flow rates, and automatic control actions. CCMS operation will be continuously monitored with built-in quality assurance routines. Any deviation from normal operation of the chillers or CCMS will cause notification of on-site users. In those facilities where operation is retained by government forces, we will use our remote maintenance and monitoring equipment to verify proper control system operation. Chillers will be inspected quarterly for oil leaks, water leaks, general cleanliness, bearing noise or other abnormal sounds. Chiller water will be chemically tested semi-annually against developed standards for pH, mineral content, rust and other particulate matter. Where installed, hot gas bypass or chilled water bypass systems will be tested semiannually. A cooling tower retrofit will be inspected quarterly, checking the water circulation system, any fans and controls, all motors and drive systems, ceramic elements and water chemistry. Energy Pacific utilizes a scheduled maintenance inspection approach with clearly defined monitor points developed from their extensive field experience and manufacturer's recommendations. This approach includes such items as cleaning and inspection, lubrication, charging units (with the use of a recovery unit), minor repairs, (i.e., tighten helts/screws), and scheduled major repairs. Energy Management Control System (EMCS)Building Automation System (HAS): Energy Pacific intends to provide complete O&M on all projects where major installation/renovation/replacement of the system is proposed. In those projects where components are added to an existing system, the impacts to the system and the operation will be evaluated on their own merits. Energy Pacific will provide monitoring and control services at a level appropriate to the facility. For example, one facility might require monitoring and control 24 hours a day, 7 days a week where as another might only require an alarm in the housing facility and a phone number to request service. Where appropriate, remote control and monitoring will be used to ensure the required response level for the facility. 18 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation RosemeadRedeVe/opmenhAgencf and Pacific Enterprises Any control and monitoring system (computer or manual) used will be tested semiannually for correct calibration and operation of each control and monitoring point. Monitoring points will be measured with control test equipment and results will be compared with results from the control equipment. Each control point will be activated (in a manner that will not endanger the integrity of the system) and proper control function verified. Any point or control out of calibration or operating performance specification will be recalibrated. The BAS/EMCS will be inspected and checked for control and measurement of inside/outside air temperature and the associated equipment controls. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning: Energy Pacific intends to provide complete O&M on all projects where renovation/replacement of the unit is proposed. In those projects where existing systems will be modified to a lesser degree, each component will be evaluated on its own merits. Energy Pacific will provide operations procedures appropriate to the size and complexity of the ECM. For example, a window air conditioner may only require a small operations manual and our phone number for call-back, while a cooling tower and control retrofit would require sophisticated control and monitoring of the system, weather conditions and conditions within the cooled space. Energy Pacific will also provide maintenance appropriate to the ECM. Window air conditioners will be inspected, cleaned and repaired, if necessary, at the beginning of each cooling season and inspected and protected with dust covers, etc., at the end of each cooling season. Energy Pacific utilizes a scheduled maintenance inspection approach with clearly defined monitor points developed from their extensive field experience and manufacturer's recommendations. This approach includes checking and adjusting controls, cooling towers, water systems, air handler controls and economizers. Lighting Improvements: Operation of lighting ECMs would depend on the use of the lighting system. A system used for security or protection of life and property will require sophisticated monitoring and control. In this case Energy Pacific will monitor the light levels in the area and operation of individual fixtures. Energy Pacific intends to utilize group relamping (which includes a complete fixture cleaning) at 80% of lamp life. The lamps that fail between group relamping (premature failure) will be replaced upon failure. The replacement of those lamps at small projects (where full time personnel are not justifiable) would be best handled by the organization itself. In that circumstance, Energy Pacific will provide replacement lamps on-site for premature failures at no expense to the organization. Premature ballast failures can usually be corrected by Energy Pacific within 24 hours of notification. Calibration of occupancy sensors and daylighting controls will be accomplished by Energy Pacific. Energy Pacific utilizes a defined quick response approach to lighting improvements which includes a local telephone contact for building tenants to report equipment failures. A scheduled group 19 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Eno.a Corporation ROsemeadRedeve/epmenhARencY and Pacific Enterprises revamping approach to lighting improvements is also utilized to maintain satisfactory lighting levels and service. Calibration of occupancy sensors and daylighting controls is validated semiannually. Building Envelope Modifications: The operation and maintenance of these items will typically be minimal. Insulation will be visually inspected where possible and checked with infrared sensors for proper insulating properties. All seams and building penetrations will be checked to ensure they are sealed by inspecting caulking, rubber seals, etc. Windows will be inspected and tested for integrity of the seals, checked for leaks, discoloration, fogging, cracking or breakage. Reflective material will be visually inspected for loss of bonding or cracking. Any discrepancies found will be corrected. Energy Pacific develops a site-specific plan customized to the unique charateristics of the measure. For example, insulation will be visually inspected where possible and checked with infrared sensors for proper insulating properties. All seams and building penetrations will be checked to ensure they arc sealed by inspecting caulking, rubber seals, etc. Windows will be inspected and tested for integrity of the seals, checked for leaks, discoloration, fogging, cracking or breakage. Reflective material will be visually inspected for loss of bonding or cracking. Chilled Water and Chilled Water Piping Systems, Hot Water and Steam Distribution Systems: Energy Pacific will operate the hot water distribution systems according to the size and complexity of the installed ECM. Large centralized steam distribution systems will be controlled and monitored locally and at a central control point. Small hot water heater installations will be operated by the customer with training from Energy Pacific on safe and proper operation. Energy Pacific will provide a local telephone help line for support and service. Energy Pacific will provide maintenance for all installed ECMs. Large steam systems will be visually inspected semiannually according to developed standard procedures. Smaller hot water systems will be inspected at the beginning of each fall season. All tanks will be drained and cleaned, anodes inspected and replaced, traps inspected and cleaned and dielectric couplings will be inspected annually. Preventative maintenance schedules arc utilized by Energy Pacific that include monitoring the pH, electrical conductivity and chemical levels for water balance, testing the function of the system (i.e., heating elements, steam traps, pumps and pump motors). Electric Motors and Drives: Electric motors will be operated by motor control centers within the facility ranging from simple circuit breaker panels to sophisticated variable speed controls with backup and remote monitoring and control. Operational decisions will be made based on the needs of the facility involved. All motors and control systems will be inspected annually. Visual inspections will be performed looking for dust, moisture, oil or grease leaks, discoloring of the housing or any windings, arcing, abnormal noises or odors. Wiring, connections and circuit breakers will be visually inspected and functionally tested annually. Sealed bearings will be replaced at 80% of the expected life. Non-sealed bearings will be lubricated according to the manufacturer's schedule. 20 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Copui tion Rosemeadfedeve/opmenlAgency and Pacific Enterprises Energy Pacific utilizes a scheduled maintenance inspection approach with clearly defined monitor points developed from their extensive field experience and manufacturer's recommendations. This approach includes inspection of motors and motor drive equipment for excessive bearing noise and wear and unrestricted cooling air flow. Refrigeration: Refrigeration systems will be operated by the customers with telephone and/or on-site support by Energy Pacific. Training will be provided and copies of manufacturers instruction manuals will be made available on-site. Refrigeration units will be inspected quarterly by Energy Pacific. Filters, drip pans, drains and coils will be visually inspected and cleaned. System tests (compressor and refrigerant) will be performed according to the manufacturer's recommendations or modified per conditions in the installation. Examples would be heavy use in a dormitory or barracks arrangement or light use in a housing unit. Energy Pacific utilizes a scheduled maintenance inspection approach with clearly defined monitor points developed from their extensive field experience and manufacturer's recommendations. Electrical or Cogeneration Systems: Energy Pacific intends to provide complete O&M on all projects that include electrical or cogeneration systems.. The cogeneration system will be operated by Energy Pacific on-site personnel. The facility will be monitored using the CCMS and results made available to the local facility. Generators and controls will be inspected quarterly. Visual inspections will be performed looking for oil or fuel leaks, coolant leaks or steam leaks. Inspections will be performed on bearings drive systems and controls. All inspections and maintenance will be set up according to the manufacturers recommendations as modified by the facilities needs. Energy Pacific utilizes a scheduled maintenance inspection approach with clearly defined monitor points developed from manufacturer's recommendations. Renewable Energy Systems: Energy Pacific intends to provide complete O&M on all projects that include renewable energy systems. Operation of these ECMs will depend on the system installed and can arrange from sophisticated controls and monitoring for wind generation systems, to simple temperature monitors and vane controls on small passive solar installations, and hybrid power equipment on photovoltaic installation. Energy Pacific utilizes a schedule maintenance inspection approach with clearly defined monitor points developed from their extensive field experience and manufacturer's recommendations. This approach includes inspection of the solar array for defects, loose connections, or soiling; inspection of the power conditioning system, for associated equipment controls, (e.g., battery charge regulation, solar array peak power tracking, etc.); and inspection of all auxiliary power systems including batteries for equalization and engine generators for run-time maintenance as required. 21 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation BusemeadfedevelopmentAgencv and Pacific Enterprises Maintenance will be based on manufacturer's recommendations and conditions of use in specific installations. Electric Distribution Systems: Energy Pacific intends to provide complete O&M on all projects that include modification to the electric distribution system. Operation of electric distribution systems will be performed using local monitoring panels for small systems, to full remote monitoring and control for large power conditioning systems. On small systems, where government operation is desired, facility personnel will receive training and telephone, or on-site, support as needed. Larger systems will be provided with local alarms along with the remote monitoring and control. If the work load exceeds an employee year, on-site support centers will be used to support the ECM. Distribution systems will be visually inspected annually looking for heating of connections or wiring, moisture and cleanliness. All connections will be inspected using an IR detector and tightened if any heating is detected. Phase balance, power factors and ground currents will be tested and load corrections made to correct unbalanced conditions. Energy Pacific utilizes a scheduled maintenance inspection approach with clearly defined monitor points developed from manufacturer's recommendations. Water and Sewer Conservation Systems: Energy Pacific intends to provide complete O&M on all projects that include water and sewer conservation systems. The specific operation of water & sewer systems will be will be predicated on the type and use of the system, from complete operation on a potable water system with major upgrades to maintenance only on low flow toilets and showers. On small systems where government operation is desired, facility personnel will receive training and telephone, or on-site, support as needed. If the work load exceeds an employee year, on-site support centers will be used to support the ECM. Energy Pacific maintenance personnel will make periodic inspections of piping and valves to identify any potential problems. Gate valves and intermediate valving points will be exercised on a periodic basis to ensure workability and seal integrity. Pressure regulators will be monitored to ensure that flow pressures remain within the capacities of the valving and piping. 22 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Eno.a Corporation RosemeadRedere/ppmentAgency and Pacific Enmrprives SECTION H. EXPERIENCE Los Angeles County Montebello Unified School District Energy Retrofit of District Schools Montebello, California Contact: Donald Yamagata 500 North Hendricks Montebello, Ca 90640 213 887 3044 Energy Pacific Responsibility: Project Development, Project Management, Sub-Contracts, and Construction Management Type of Contact: Guaranteed Performance Contract Amount: $12,000,000 Start Date: November 1996 Current Status: Installation of Lighting and Ceilings 50% complete Completion Date: Lighting and Ceiling will be complete March of 1998. HVAC and Mechanical is scheduled for June of 1998 Project Scope.: Lighting Retrofit, Ceiling Upgrade, HVAC Controls, Chiller Replacements, Roof top Package Unit Replacements, Pool Covers, Energy Controls, and Thermal Energy Storage Upgrades Energy Conservation Opportunities Implemented: • Energy Efficient Light Replacement (T-8 bulbs and Electronic Ballasts) • High Efficiency Chiller (EER= 12.7) • Energy Controls • High Efficiency Roof Top Package Units (EER=12) Savings Estimated per Year/Savings Realized per Year: $475,000/NA FEMA Funding for Project: Lighting and Ceilings $5,000,000 23 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation Rosemeadfledeve/opmen/Agenci and Pacific Enterprises Redondo Beach Unified School District FEMA Lighting Retrofit Project Redondo Beach, California Contact: Mr. Thomas Cox 1401 Inglewood Avenue Redondo Beach, California Phone: (310) 379-5449 Ext. 246 • . Energy Pacific Responsibility: Lighting Design and Specification, Project Management, Sub-Contracts, and Construction Management Type of Contact: Guaranteed Performance Contract Amount: $330,000 Start Date: June 24, 1997 Current Status: 100% Complete Completion Date: January, 1998 Project Scope: Lighting Retrofit at Six(6) Elementary Schools Energy Conservation Opportunities Implemented: • Energy Efficient Light Replacement (T-8 bulbs and Electronic Ballasts) Savings Estimated per Year/Savings Realized per Year: $21,755 FEMA Funding for Project: $262,000 )4 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project • Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation BOsemeadRedefle/OpmenM9ency and Pacific Enterprises Riverside County Riverside Unified School District Energy Retrofit of District Schools Riverside, California Contact: Mr. Wes Smylie 3070 Washington Street Riverside, California 92504 Phone: (909) 788-7102 Energy Pacific Responsibility: Project Development, Project Management, Sub-Contracts, and Construction Management Type of Contact: Guaranteed Performance Contract Amount: $4,000,000 Start Date: August 14, 1995 Current Status: 100% complete Completion Date:, October, 1997 Project Scope: Interior and Exterior Lighting Retrofit, HVAC Controls, Chiller Replacements, Cooling Tower Replacements, Roof top Package Unit Replacements, and Boiler Replacements, and Addition of Pony Pumps and Pool Covers to Swimming Pools Energy Conservation Opportunities Implemented: • Energy Efficient Light Replacement (T-8 bulbs and Electronic Ballasts) • Lighting Controls • High Efficiency Chiller • Energy Controls • High Efficiency Roof Top Package Units • High Efficiency Boilers Savings Estimated per Year/Savings Realized per Year: $504,470/not verified by District FEMA Funding for Project: None 25 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project • Energy Pacific p A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation ROSemeadRedevetepmen jjgflcy and Pacific Enerpnses Santa Barbara County Santa Barbara School Districts Energy Retrofit of District Schools Santa Barbara, California Contact: Mr. Gary Grim 723 E. Cota Street Santa Barbara, California 93103 Phone: (805) 963-4331 Energy Pacific Responsibility: Project Development, Project Management, Sub-Contracts, and Construction Management Type of Contact: Guaranteed Performance Contract Amount: $1,400,000 Start Date: June 27, 1997 Current Status: Lighting Design 100% Complete, Performance Specification for Fire Alarm System 100% Complete, Lighting Construction awarded and forecast to start December 15, 1997 Completion Date: Estimated Completion October 29, 1998 Project Scope: Interior and Exterior Lighting Retrofit, Addition of Pony Pumps and Pool Covers to Swimming Pools, and Design and Installation of Fire Alarm System at Santa Barbara High School Energy Conservation Opportunities Implemented: • Energy Efficient Light Replacement (T-8 bulbs and Electronic Ballasts) Savings Estimated per Year/Savings Realized per Year: $263,377/NA. FEMA Funding for Project: None 26 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation ROsemeadRedeVe/epmen1jgencf and Pacific Enterprises Orange County Newport-Mesa Unified School District Energy Retrofit of District Schools Costa Mesa, California Contact: Mr. Eric Jetta 2985-A Bear Street Costa Mesa, California 92626 Phone: (714) 424-7545 Energy Pacific Responsibility: Project Development, Project Management, Sub-Contracts, and Construction Management Type of Contact: Guaranteed Performance Contract Amount: $2,500,000 Start Date: June 20, 1996 Current Status: 100% Complete Completion Date: October 17, 1997 Project Scope: Lighting Retrofit, HVAC Controls, Chiller Replacements, Roof top Multi-Zone Unit Replacements, Boiler Replacements, Hot Water Heating Circulation Pump with VFD Replacement, Replacement of Swimming Pool Heating System with Heat Generator and Back-Up Boilers Energy Conservation Opportunities Implemented: • Energy Efficient Light Replacement (T-8 bulbs and Electronic Ballasts) • Lighting Controls • High Efficiency Chiller • Energy Controls • High Efficiency Roof Top Package Units • High Efficiency Boilers • VFD for Hot Water Heating Circulation Pump • Swimming Pool Heat Generator Savings Estimated per Year/Savings Realized per Year: $270,000/not verified by District FEMA Funding for Project: None 27 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project Energy Pacific A Joint Venture of Enova Corporation RosemeadRedeve/opmengggency and Pacific Enterprises SECTION I. PROJECT BILLING AND INVOICE Energy Pacific bills monthly for progress to date as agreed to by the appropriate personnel for Energy Pacific and the City of Rosemead Please see invoice on the following page. 28 Request for Qualifications Energy Retrofit Project