CC - Item 6B - Minutes of 03-27-18 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND CITY COUNCIL, THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, AND THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGULAR JOINT MEETING MARCH 27,2018 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Polly Low at 6:07 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Ly, Council Members Armenta and Clark ABSENT: Council Member Alarcon STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, City Attorney Richman, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Community Development Kim, Director of Public Works Ramirez, and Acting City Clerk Hemandez 1. WORKSHOP A. Zoning Code Updates Community Development Director Ben Kim stated one of the goals for the Community Development Department this year is to update the Zoning Code to be more efficient and business friendly for the community. He presented the first area of the Zoning Code Update, the Residential Short-Term Rental Ordinance, and discussed the following items: • Problems such as excessive noise, glare, high traffic volumes in residential areas, street parking, and trash and debris; • flow homes are rented and the types of rental listings; • Current Zoning Code does not regulate rental of homes; • Proposed options— I) Prohibit any short-term rentals; 2)Require licensing; or 3)Room-only rental requirements. • How other cities are addressing short-term rentals. At Council Member Clark's request, Community Development Director Kim provided clarification on the 3 or more separate rental agreements/leases in the City of Monterey Park's zoning code for short-term rentals and the absence of transient occupancy taxes (IO'fs). This is a way to control how many leases or rentals agreements are rented to the individual renters within the house. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the[lousing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting ITEM NO. 6.13 Minutes of March 27. 2018 Page 1 of 17 Council Member Armenta commended Community Development Director Kim for his due diligence researching how this issue is addressed by other cities. She noted she spoke to Monterey Park Council Member Peter Chan regarding this issue and he stated the City's ordinance helped reduce the nuisance issues it was experiencing. Council Member Ly arrived at 6:15 p.m. In response to Mayor Low 's question regarding other cities that collect transient occupancy taxes, Community Development Director Kim responded there are a number of larger cities that collect transient occupancy taxes for Airbnb such as Pasadena, San Francisco, and New York. Council Member Armenta noted it is typically the renter of a house that turns it into a boarding house and suggested this be considered when adopting the ordinance to prohibit renters from doing so. In response to Mayor Low's question regarding the number of boarding houses within the City.Community Development Director Kim stated the City is aware of two cases. The City has spoken to one of the property owners due to the number of complaints received. The property owner responded there is no ordinance prohibiting this type of rental. Mayor Low stated staff is seeking direction from the City Council on this issue and the potential options presented as it pertains to the short-term rental of single-family homes. She asked for the council members input, including whether to consider the boarding house/bunk bed type of rental separate from an Airbnb/whole house type of rental. Council Member Armenta suggested considering these types of rentals together as Airbnb also rents rooms/bunk beds resulting in multiple occupants. She expressed safety concerns related to the proximity of these house to schools and churches as well as a significant number of vehicles parked on the city streets due to the potential number of occupants. She suggested differentiating between room/bunk bed rentals and whole house rentals. Mayor Low expressed she would prefer to not allow the bunk bed type of rental, and allow room rentals at good properties. understanding the need of tourists that prefer a more homelike place to stay. Council Member Clark concurred with the City of San Gabriel's ordinance to not permit such rentals. She believes it is unfair to the hotels and motels that have invested in property beautification and providing convenience. Council Member Armenta expressed concern that news will spread if these types of rentals are not addressed or permitted and more will be established. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Paget ofl7 In response to Mayor Pro Tern Ly's question regarding how any short-term rental regulations will be enforced, Community Development Director Kim stated it would require significant staff work to regularly monitor rental web sites. Mayor Pro Tem Ly then asked about licensing, transient occupancy taxes, spot checks, and asked City Attorney Richman about the city's administrative/judicial rights to impose fines. City Attorney Richman stated enforcement would be handled similar to property maintenance issues by issuing citations or through the misdemeanor process. Mayor Pro Tern Ly stated he believes short-term rentals should be allowed; however, they must comply with the conditional use permitting process, more stringent regulations. upkeep requirements, with minimal to no impact on the neighborhood. Parking constraints, noise issues, and occupancy also need to be considered. The City needs to figure out a way to allow these types of rentals while protecting its residents and collecting a transient occupancy tax. Mayor Low stated after further consideration, she would support not allowing any type of short-term rental to protect the residents. Council Member Armenta concurred with Mayor Low and Council Member Clark to not allow any type of short-term rental, noting the City Council's first priority is to protect its residents and businesses. At Mayor Low's request, Community Development Director Kim explained staff will draft an ordinance based on the City Council's direction,the ordinance will be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval,and then submitted to the City Council for final approval. Associate Planner Cory Hanh presented the next area of the Zoning Code Update, the accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and discussed the following items: • SB 1069 and AB 2299; • Owner-Occupancy—advantages and disadvantages; • Off-street parking requirements for accessory dwelling units; o Option A: Require one parking space per accessory dwelling unit; o Option B: Require one parking space per bedroom in accessory dwelling unit; or o Option C: Do not impose parking standards for accessory dwelling unit; and • Consistency with Zoning Code—Accessory Structure section and Second Dwelling Unit section. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 3 of 17 In response to Council Member Clark's question as to how owner-occupancy reduces the owner's flexibility to gain rental income, Community Development Director Kim stated the owner can only rent one unit instead of two units. The owner-occupancy requirement would apply to R-1, R-2, and R-3 residential zones. Council Member Clark stated she favors requiring owner-occupancy as she believes the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. At Mayor Low's request, Community Development Director Kim clarified owner- occupancy would prevent the sale of the home to an investor as the owner of the property would be required to live in one of the units. At Mayor Pro Tem Ly's request, Associate Planner Hanh clarified as part of the off-street one half mile parking requirements public transit, is defined broadly which includes bus stops. Additionally, he clarified the difference between the accessory structure and second dwelling unit scenarios. Mayor Pro Tern Ly then expressed his support for owner-occupancy of R-1 units; however, he believes owner-occupancy should not apply to R-2 and R-3 units as investment properties encourage housing stock renewal and upkeep. At Council Member Armenta's request for clarification on the 5 feet setbacks, Associate Planner Hahn clarified the difference between a property setback is 5 feet and it would still be at least 6 feet from any other structure on the property. City Planner Lily Valenzuela added the property line setback requirement is 10 percent of the lot width. At Council Members Clark's request for clarification regarding owner-occupancy as it relates to R-2 and R-3 units, Associate Planner Hanh explained the new laws for accessory dwelling units provide the owners of R-2 and R-3 units the flexibility to add an accessory dwelling unit to the property where previous lot size requirements prevented such structures. Council Member Clark expressed concern that if owner-occupancy is not required for R-2 and R-3 units, it would promote absentee landlordism and upkeep issues. Therefore, she supports the owner-occupancy requirement for R-1, R-2, and R-3 residential zones. Mayor Low expressed she believes the owner-occupancy requirement should apply to property owners that add an accessory dwelling unit to the property; however, property owners that purchase a property with an existing accessory dwelling unit and reside at the property for a specific length of time, such as 5-10 years, should be allowed to keep the property as a rental unit and not be forced to sell if they decide to move. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 20/8 Page 4 of 17 Mayor Pro Tern Ly concurred with Mayor Low's idea to establish a time period that owner-occupancy will be required. Council Member Armenta asked staff to look into a grandfather clause to address this idea. City Attorney Richman stated it needs to be determined how to record this requirement on title so it can be communicated to the property owner at a future time. Community Development Director Kim suggested an approach similar to an affordable covenant. Mayor Pro"rem Ly asked how a property in a trust would be addressed. Community Development Director Kim explained the covenant could address any requirements, including properties that are held in a trust. City Attorney Richman stated she will determine how to effectuate the City Council's desire to apply a time period to the owner-occupancy requirement as discussed. Council Member Clark reiterated her concern that if the owner-occupancy requirement is not imposed,there will be upkeep issues. She asked staff to research how other cities are addressing this issue. Associate Planner Hanh stated the Cities of Arcadia, El Monte, Monrovia, Montebello, Monterey Park, and Temple City all require the recording of a covenant to be owner-occupied indefinitely. Mayor Pro Tem Ly expressed his support for setting a length of ownership requirement as he believes it protects the investment of the property owner. In response to Council Member Armenia's question regarding this type of requirement resetting upon the sale of the property, City Attorney Richman discussed the challenges of monitoring what is being recorded on title and explained the covenant would state owner-occupancy except if owner opts to rent out the property after a predetermined length of ownership. At staff's request for direction. Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated the council members are in agreement the property must be owner-occupied,the debate is for how long. He asked staff to forward the City Council's direction to the Planning Commission to be vet and return with a recommendation. Associate Planner Hanh then noted there are two additional topics related to the accessory dwelling units; off-street parking requirements and how to regulate setbacks and development standards. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 5 of 17 Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated he believes Option B, to require one parking space per bedroom in the accessory dwelling unit, is the best option as it is the most parking spaces that can be required. Mayor Low and Council Members Armenia and Clark concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Ly's recommendation. Mayor Pro Tern Ly then stated based on the City Council's earlier discussions regarding flexibility for property owners,consistency with the Accessory Structure section of the Zoning Code is appropriate. Community Development Director Kim then presented the current code for vacant lots and the proposed options for a vacant lot ordinance. Council Member Armenta expressed her support for requiring white vinyl fencing as it provides a better aesthetic. Mayor Pro Tem Ly concurred with Council Member Armenta's comments and or proposed using the open space for public use and added the property owner must keep the property clean and maintained or allow the city to go in and clean. Council Member Clark expressed her support for requiring white vinyl fencing. Mayor Low expressed her dislike for vacant lots and desire to implement the strictest standards possible. She then expressed her support for requiring fencing, perimeter landscaping, and registering vacant properties. Community Development Director Kim stated staff will focus on the commercial corridor first, then work inward. Council Member Armenta briefed the City Council on the concerns discussed at the Beautification Committee regarding community gardens and asked how to address participants if the garden is sold before the plants mature. Mayor Pro Tern Ly stated the garden would be modular,allowing the planters to be moved if the property was sold without losing the plantings. At the request of Council Member Clark, Mayor Low deferred the balance of the workshop until the City Council's next meeting and called for the public comments. Brian Lewin, Rosemead resident, thanked the City Council for its current position on short-term rentals as he believes in order to beautify the City, the property owners need to have a stake in it. He then stated while he supports an owner- occupancy requirement, he believes when looking at which standards to apply, the City Council needs to consider that accessory dwelling units were not designed to be lived in and why the setback requirement is only 5 feet. In contrast, a secondary Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 6 of 17 dwelling unit is designed to be lived in, with a setback requirement of 25 feet from the rear property line. Therefore, he suggested the City Council consider adopting the accessory dwelling unit rear setback requirement to be consistent with the requirement for a second dwelling unit to allow a reasonable distance from the rear property line in consideration of surrounding neighbors. Lastly, he expressed support for the City Council's direction on vacant lots, noting enforcement is critical. City Manager Molleda announced the second portion of the presentation will be back at the next meeting in April. Mayor Low adjourned the workshop at 7:05 p.m. RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The regular joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council. the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation was called to order by Mayor Polly Low at 7:14 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor/Chair Low, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Ly, Council Members/Board Members Armenia and Clark ABSENT: Council Member/Board Member Alarcon PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Clark. INVOCATION was led by Mayor Pro Tem Ly. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, City Attorney Richman, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Community Development Kim, Director of Public Works Ramirez, and Acting City Clerk Hernandez 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Gary Gurrola, Rosemead resident, expressed his concerns regarding the deliveries to Walmart Supercenter at 1827 Walnut Grove Avenue prior to 6 a.m. He stated he has been inquiring about monitoring these delivery activities for the past couple of years and not received a response. He also asked if the City has had any issues with this problem or if any other residents have complained. City Manager Molleda stated Community Development Director Kim would assist Mr. Gurrola with his questions and concerns after the meeting. Daniel Leuvanos, representing the OneLegacy, stated April is Donor Awareness month and briefed the City Council on the donor statistic for 2017. He announced the 16th Annual Run/Walk event to be held at California State University Fullerton Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular.Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 7 of 17 on Saturday, April 28. OneLegacy is asking all cities to declare April as DMV/Donate Life California month, noting the proclamation deadline is April 20. He also thanked the City Council for its proclamation last year. Brenda Terriquez, representing the residents of the intersection of Pine Street and Newmark Avenue, expressed strong concern regarding the loitering,lewd acts, and criminal activities occurring at this intersection. She submitted a detailed letter to the City Clerk for the record. She asked for the City Council's assistance to address this issue. In response to Mayor Low's question regarding the frequency of this issue, Ms. Terriquez responded the laborers arc there from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 days a week. She added the police have been called on a number of times, and at times have not responded to the scene. Mayor Low then asked the Chief of Police Hahnlein to address this issue immediately. Council Member Armenta stated it is unacceptable that this activity has been occurring for a few years and this is the first time the City Council is being made aware of it. She called for better documentation and notification to the City Council for these types of matters. Mayor Low asked Ms. Terriquez to follow up with City Manager Molleda if there are no noticeable improvements at this intersection. Aung Zyn, Rosemead resident, discussed his concerns regarding the safety of his neighborhood due to two robberies within four months at his home. He stated he has never seen a police patrol in his neighborhood. He filed a police report for both robberies and knows the perpetrator is a neighbor as he has a video recording. Mayor Low referred him to speak to the Chief of Police Hahnlein after the meeting. She also asked for a report to be brought back to the City Council. City Manager Molleda stated it will be included in the weekly update. Brian Lewin discussed his concerns regarding the drive by shooting that occurred on his street 48 hours prior. He stated he understands this was not an isolated incident and requested the City look into addressing the issue before there is a fatality. Mayor Pro Tem Ly noted he previously requested a workshop on the City's Public Safety program and where the crime is in the City with quarterly reports thereafter. He asked for a public safety workshop to be agendized for the next available City Council meeting and to invite participants of the neighborhood block program and public safety program. The workshop should include an update on where these public safety issues are arising,potential ways to resolve these issues at a local level Rosemead City Council. the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission. and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27. 2018 Page 8 of 17 as well as engaging the State as it is a statewide issue that needs comprehensive legislative reform. Council Member Clark stated it is believed this increase in crime is a result of Assembly Bill 109, Proposition 47, and Proposition 57. There is a movement to make changes that could be voted on so she asked everyone to pay attention for new developments. 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Russell Rigg— 100th Birthday Commendation Mayor Low congratulated Mr. Rigg's and presented him with a certificate commemorating his 100'h Birthday. The City Council, staff and meeting attendees sang Happy Birthday to Mr. Rigg. Mr. Rigg thanked everyone for honoring his birthday and credited the Lord for his longevity as he has walked in faith since he was 9 years old. B. Gangs of Roses Dance Group Presentation Mayor Low then commended the group for their hard work and dedication and presented each member with a certificate of recognition; and earning 1" Place at the Santiago High School and El Monte High School dance competitions, as well as earning the title of Division Champions. Council Member Annenta commended the group for their hard work and dedication, congratulated them on their achievements, and thanked them for representing the City of Rosemead. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Garvey Del Mar Mixed-Use Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to adopt Resolution No. 2018-21,approving Modification 17-09. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD.COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MODIFICATION 17-09 FOR TILE RE-DESIGN OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT AT 7801-7825 GARVEY AVENUE, 3012 DEL MAR AVENUE, AND 3017 BRIGHTON STREET (APNS: 5287-039-001, -002, -003, -004, -005, AND -011), IN THE MEDIUM COMMERCIAL WITH RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL MIXED-USE Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission. and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 9 of 17 DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN OVERLAYS (C-3/RC-MUDO/D-O) ZONE Community Development Director Kim reported Del Mar Property, LLC has submitted a Modification application, requesting an exterior facade design modification to modernize the design of a previously approved mixed use project from a contemporary to modern design. Council Member Armenta thanked the applicant for modifying the look of the project to be more congruent with the surrounding neighborhood. At this time. Mayor Low opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. and called on Michael Lewis. representing the applicant for this project. Michael Lewis provided an overview of the project and the requested modification, noting the new design is architecturally appealing and more aligned with the recently approved Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. No further comments were received. Therefore, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:53 p.m. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Ly and seconded by Council Member Clark to adopt Resolution No. 2018-21, approving Modification 17-09. Motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly and ABSENT: Alarcon 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Low pulled Item 5.1 in response to a request to speak from the public on this item. A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2018-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,554,604.28 NUMBERED 99081 THROUGH NUMBER 99229 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-17 Resolution No. 2018-22 Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2078 Page 10 of!? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $775,786.53 NUMBERED 99230 THROUGH NUMBER 99423 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-22 • Resolution No. 2018-06 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $528,806.76 NUMBERED 10237 THROUGH 10237 INCLUSIVLEY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-06 SA • Resolution No.2018-04 RHDC A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $204,800.00 NUMBERED 1596 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-04 RHDC • Resolution No. 2018-05 RHDC A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,300.00 NUMBERED 1597 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-05 RHDC B. City Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on February 13, 2018, the regular meeting on February 27, 2018, and the special meeting on March 9,2018 C. City Wide Striping Project—Project No. 25001 Contract Award Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to take the following actions: 1. Approve the plans and specifications for the City Wide Striping Project; and Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 11 of 17 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with J & S Striping Co, Inc. for the City Wide Striping Project in the amount of $50,108.50 and authorize a contingency in the amount of$5,000 (approximately 10%) to cover the cost of any unforeseen constructions expenses. D. Sidewalk Installation Project—Klingerman Street from La Presa Avenue to Paljay Avenue (Project No. 21006)—Contract Award Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to take the following actions: 1. Approve the plans and specifications for the Sidewalk Installation Project (Klingerman Street from La Presa Avenue to Paljay Avenue) —Project No. 24006; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with CEM Construction for the Sidewalk Installation Project - Klingerman Street from La Presa Avenue to Paljay Avenue (Project No. 24006) in the amount of$49,905, and authorize a contingency in the amount of$5,000 (approximately 10%) to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses. E. Approval of Human Resources Consultant Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to approve Contract, entitled, "Employment Agreement for the Position of Interim Human Resources Manager" and appoint Andrea Cutler to the temporary position of Interim Human Resources Manager effective April 2, 2018, in accordance with Government Code 21221(h) and the terms of the Agreement. F. Measure H Homeless Services—Planning Grant Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to take the following actions: I. Reject the$30,000 Homeless Planning Grant received by the County of Los Angeles; and 2. Direct the City Manager to terminate the executed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the SGVCOG for the preparation of the Homeless Plan. G. Approval of Tract Map No. 74095 and Undertaking Agreement— 1 151 San Gabriel Boulevard Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to take the following actions: 1. Approve I Tact Map No. 74095 along with the Undertaking Agreement; and 2. Direct the City Clerk to record Tract Map No. 74095. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 12 of 17 H. Resolution No. 2018-18—Approving the Walnut Grove Avenue Colored Concrete Cross Walk Installation Project by the Road Repair and Accountability Act Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to adopt Resolution No. 2018-18, approving the use of RMRA funds for the following two projects: 1. Walnut Grove Avenue Resurfacing Project in the amount of$1,100,000; and 2. Walnut Grove Avenue Colored Concrete Crosswalk Installation Project from Marshall Avenue to Northerly City Limit in the amount of$126,600. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE LIST OF PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED BY SENATE BILL 1, THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Ly and seconded by Council Member Armenia to approve Consent Calendar items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. Motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly and ABSENT: Alarcon Resolution No. 2018-19—Providing Permission to Council Member Alarcon to be Absent from Council Meetings Pursuant to Government Code Section 36513 Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to adopt Resolution No. 2018-19, providing permission for Council Member Alarcon to be absent from Council meetings until June 19, 2018, pursuant to Government Code Section 36513. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING PERMISSION TO COUNCIL MEMBER ALARCON TO BE ABSENT FROM COUNCIL MEETINGS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE 36513 Brian Lewin strongly emphasized his best wishes for Council Member Alarcon's recovery;however,he believes the City Council needs to schedule a special election to till the vacant seat in order for the citizens of Rosemead to have full representation. Mayor Pro Tern Ly stated that while he understands Mr. Lewin's concern, he believes Council Member Alarcon should focus on his health and not worry about returning to his City Council scat. He added that he finds the idea of removing him at this time disconcerting. Council Member Armenta stated this is a very cohesive City Council and does not experience split vote situations that necessitate the seat to be filled at this time. Rosemead City Council. the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission. and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 13 of l7 ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Ly and seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve Resolution No. 2018-19. Motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly and ABSENT: Alarcon 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER& STAFF A. Fiscal Year 2018-19 Annual Action Plan for Federally-Funded Programs Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to review and finalize the CDBG and HOME funding recommendations under the City's FY 2018-19 Annual Action Plan. Director of Public Works Ramirez briefed the City Council on the public hearing for the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership(HOME)funds in the development of the City's Fiscal Year 2018-19 Annual Action Plan. estimated amounts for funding, and the list of staff- endorsed projects based on funding requests and ongoing CDBG and HOME funded activities. Mayor Pro Tern Ly noted that according to the City's lobbyist, legislative-directed spending or earmarks will return. Therefore, despite reductions in the CDBG and HOME programs, there will be opportunities for other programs that will be beneficial to the community. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Clark and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ly to finalize the CDBG and HOME funding recommendations under the City's FY 2018-19 Annual Action Plan. Motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta,Clark,Low, Ly and ABSENT: Alarcon B. Janitorial Services For Various City Facilities Award of Contract Recommendation: This item is for the City Council to authorize the City Manager to enter into a three (3) year contract with Jan Point with an option to extend the contract for two (2) additional one-year periods, to provide Janitorial Services for various City facilities at a cost not to exceed $198,612 in Year 1, $205,535 in Year 2. and $212,707 in Year 3. The new contract would take effect on April 1,2018. Director of Public Works Ramirez stated the current contract with United Maintenance Systems for janitorial services expired on February 28, 2018, and is continuing through a month-to-month agreement. A request for proposals (RFP) was issued and two proposals were received. After reviewing both proposals,while United Maintenance Systems, Inc. was the lowest proposer, staff is recommending Jan Point as the City's new janitorial service provider. Unfortunately,over the last three years there were a number of concerns with the services provided by United Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 14 of 17 Maintenance Systems. After reviewing Jan Point's background and current contracts, staff has found that they are capable and experienced in handling the janitorial services for the City. Upon approval, the Jan Point will begin providing services on April 1, 2018. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Ly's questions and concerns regarding insurance and bonding,Director of Public Works Ramirez responded the insurance certificate is submitted after the award of the contract. Additionally, the insurance requirements are part of the request for proposals and when a bidder responds, it includes certification that those requirement will be met. City Attorney Richman clarified that a bond is not required for a professional services agreement. The purpose of a bond is to provide security on public works projects. In response to Council Member Armenta's statement that she recalled Mayor Pro 'fcm Ly requesting all contracts be handled as closed bids, Mayor Pro Tern Ly asked City Attorney Richman to explain the bid opening process. City Attorney Richman explained the Public Works Code mandates the award to the lowest responsive and responsible and the bid is required to be closed, and therefore opened at one time after the bidding deadline is closed. This is not required for professional services or any other non-public works contracts. Mayor Pro Tem Ly then discussed his support for closed bids for all contracts in an effort to ensure the integrity and transparency of the process and requested this be applied to all bids moving forward. Council Member Armenta concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Ly's direction. City Manager Molleda stated staff will review the bid/request for proposals policy and update accordingly. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Ly's question regarding the term of the contract, Director of Public Works Ramirez stated the contract term is April 1,2018,through March 31, 2020, and any extensions to the contract term would return to the City Council for approval. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Ly and seconded by Council Member Clark to authorize the City Manager to enter into a three (3) year contract with Jan Point with an option to extend the contract for two (2) additional one-year periods, to provide Janitorial Services for various City facilities at a cost not to exceed $198,612 in Year 1, $205,535 in Year 2, and $212,707 in Year 3. Motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly and ABSENT: Alarcon Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission. and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27,2018 Page 15 of 17 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR&CITY COUNCIL A. Appointment of Mayor—City Clerk Presiding Acting City Clerk Hernandez opened nominations to the appointment of Mayor. Council Member Armenta nominated Mayor Pro Tern Ly as Mayor. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Mayor Low to appoint Steven Ly as the new Mayor. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly and ABSENT: Alarcon B. Appointment of Mayor Pro Tern—Mayor-Elect Presiding Council Member Armenta nominated Council Member Clark as Mayor Pro Tem. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to appoint Council Member Margaret Clark as the new Mayor Pro Tern. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low,Ly and ABSENT: Alarcon C. City Council Comments Mayor Pro Tem Clark thanked her fellow Council Members for appointing her as Mayor Pro Tern. She then briefed them on the profitable meetings with various Congressional Members and department heads at the National League of Cities conference in Washington, DC, which she attended with Mayor l.y. Mayor Elect Ly also briefed the City Council on the National League of Cities conference,noting discussions for more funding for broadband. He suggested as a City, we need to further encourage the community to use the City's computer lab to help all residents adults have internet access. In response to Council Member Low's question regarding the feasibility of Wi-Fi access throughout the City, Mayor Ly expressed he believes it is an excellent idea, which he has also been talking about for the last few years, and encouraged further discussion. City Manager Molleda stated staff is currently conducting an analysis to determine the feasibility and will return to the City Council with a report. Council Member Armenta briefed the City Council on the WELL Annual Conference in Sacramento, noting her discussion with Los Angeles County staff regarding unfunded mandates and fines that are imposed on cities to their detriment. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 16 of 17 8. CLOSED SESSION A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT Government Code Section: 54957 Title: City Clerk Mayor Elect Ly recessed the meeting to closed session at 8:26 p.m. and reconvened back to open session at 8:41 p.m. City Attorney Richman reported the City Council, moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Clark, approved the appointment of Ericka Hernandez as City Clerk with a contract returning to the City Council at its next meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly and ABSENT: Alarcon 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on April 10. 2018,at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: Steven Ly, Mayor Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission, and the Housing Development Corporation Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 Page 17 of 17