CC - Item 6F - Professional Services Agreement for Storm Water Management Services for Fiscal Year 2018-19 i s E M F O I� y k• ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL Lav PRIDESTAFF REPORT 4114,-.,:-7-- of /HCORPORATED 0y9 ...............") TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL • FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER i ,0 • DATE: MAY 8, 2018 SUBJECT: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-19 SUMMARY On November 8, 2012, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (Regional Board) adopted the new County Wide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for the County, the County Flood Control District, and 84 of the 88 incorporated cities within Los Angeles County. This permit became effective on December 28, 2012, and gave the permittees options for complying with the permit. Of the options offered, on July 27, 2013, the City of Rosemead selected to join the City of Los Angeles along with 17 other agencies to form the Upper Los Angeles River (ULAR), an Enhanced Watershed Management Plan(EWMP) group. As related to the NPDES program, compliance with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit is required. The MS4 Permit is both complex and expensive due to unrealistic requirements. Some of the requirements include storm runoff quality testing, strict compliance with numerical limits set by Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), and collaboration among permittees. The City has used a number of consultants over the last few years to manage the 1 City's MS4 Permit program in order to keep the City in compliance, as well as in compliance with state and federal Laws. i BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead is one of 19 cities that is part of the ULAR EWMP. The EWMP includes a battery of control measures, which includes Best Management Practices (BMPs), Low Impact Development (LID) strategies, and a number of regional projects all aimed at achieving compliance with existing TMDLs and the NPDES permit. Included in the EWMP is an engineer's cost estimate for the implementation of this plan from the time of adoption through the year 2037. The cost estimates include all measures necessary to achieve full compliance with the current NPDES Permit as well as the existing TMDLs for metals and bacteria. The cost for the implementation of the ULAR EWMP, from the period of implementation through final compliance with the Bacteria TMDL in 2037, is approximate $6 billion. The estimate for ITEM NO. 6.F City Council Meeting May 8,2018 Page 2 of 3 Rosemead's portion is $110,110,000, which is extremely high. Therefore, staff is looking for alternatives that will be more cost beneficial to the City and in compliance with the Regional Board. One of these alternatives is to hire a consultant that will look into either staying in the ULAR group, creating our own EWMP/WMP, or joining another group. Staff feels this is the best option and most beneficial to the City. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a Professional Service Agreement with CWE for Stormwater Management Services in a not-to-exceed amount of$179,979. ANALYSIS In an effort to homogenize requirements, minimize costs, and see alternatives to create a new EWMP/WMP or join another group, the Public Works Department posted Request for Proposals (RFP 2018-01) on the City's website for professional services associated with the administration of the City's NPDES and MS4 Permit. Proposals were received from four firms with the following results: RANK CONSULTANT LOCATION BID AMOUNT 1 CWE Fullerton, CA $179,979 2 John L. Hunter&Associates Buena Park, CA $103,950 3 CASC Glendora, CA $140,360 4 Infrastructure Engineers Brea, CA No fee submitted City staff reviewed each proposal for technical merit and responsiveness to the RFP. The reviews were done independently and cost was not considered during the rating process. After ranking the consultants and considering their understanding of the scope of work, qualifications, and the ability to successfully complete the task, staff recommends awarding the Professional Service Agreement to CWE. CWE is currently one of several consultants that have helped the City to manage the MS4 permit. CWE is willing to work with staff on new alternative to minimize cost for the MS4 implementation, as well as assist in obtaining federal/state grants and explore the City's options to create its own EWMP/WMP or joining another group. FINANCIAL IMPACT The Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget contains a total of $300,000 in General funds for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)program compliance. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT—None City Council Meeting May 8,2018 Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Submitted by: 1411 41A14nii, Rafael M. Fajardo,P.E. City Engineer Michelle Ramirez, irect Ail Public Works Attachment A: Request for Proposal Attachment B: Proposals from Consultants Attachment C: Professional Service Agreement Attachment D: CWE Insurance Certificate CI E MECIVICPRIDEibliPli I ifila •aM Attachment A Request for Proposal No. 2018-01 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFP No. 2018-01 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) TO PROVIDE MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES The City of Rosemead's Public Works Department is requesting proposals to provide a Phase I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit professional compliance and support services as required by California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (LARWQCB) Order No. R4-2012- 0175-AO1, the amended Coastal Los Angeles County MS4 NPDES Permit. BACKGROUND The Public Works Department administers the City of Rosemead's MS4 Permit Program and local implementation of the City of Los Angeles led Upper Los Angeles River (ULAR) Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP) and Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) Plans. Permit enforcement is primarily though Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 13.16 and Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) response services are provided by the Los Angeles County Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District (CSMD). Requested services will be provided annually from July 1st to June 30th and summarized within individual and watershed annual reports to be submitted to the LARWQCB by December 15th Professional Services Agreement (PSA) and Notice to Proceed (NTP) issuance after July 1St may result in reprioritization of task scheduling and budgets, so that necessary work can be completed in a satisfactory and timely manner. REQUESTED SERVICES 1. Meetings: Attend kickoff meeting with City staff, six (6) regional meetings (such as LAPG, ULAR, or MS4 Permit related workshops), and four(4) informal City staff or management meetings or additional external meetings. Agenda and summaries will be prepared for each City meeting; however formal presentations will not be prepared. 2. Staff Training: State registered Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP), Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Developer (QSD), or Practitioner (QSP). Consultant staff shall provide annual training to designated City staff: a. Construction/Erosion Plan Review and Permitting (Permit Part VI.D.8.I.ii.(1)) b. Erosion/Sediment Control Plan Inspection (Permit Part VI.D.8.I.ii.(2)) c. Stormwater Targeted Public Employee and Contractor (Permit Part VI.D.9.k) d. Staff Illicit Connection/Illicit Discharge Response (Permit Part VI.D.10.a.iii.(5)) Page 1 of 6 3. Public Information and Participation Program: Develop activity specific public education content, regarding source control BMPs, use and disposal of MS4 Permit Part VI.D.5.d.i.(2) pollutants relevant to Rio Hondo Reach 3 and downstream receiving water impairments, for incorporation by the City Webmaster or distribution by the City. 4. Industrial/Commercial (I/C) Facilities Program: The City of Rosemead's Business License database consists of approximately 200 food service, 100 automotive repair, 20 Retail Gasoline Outlets (RGO), and 6 nursery facilities, while the state Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) includes five (5) active traditional and one (1) No Exposure Certification (NEC) Industrial General Permit (IGP) holder. Each must be inspected twice, at least six months apart, between December 28, 2012 and the effective date of the next MS4 Permit tentative assumed to be July 1, 2019. For half of these facilities annually, Consultant would send a City reviewed pre-inspection notification letter on City letterhead, conduct inspections using a City reviewed form, and develop an I/C facility program tracking database with the attributes identified in Permit Part VI.D.6.b.ii. By July first, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs, significant business specific communications, I/C Program tracking database, and Geographic Information System (GIS) shape files would be submitted to the City's Project Manager. Consultant will review the City of Rosemead's Business License Fee Schedule and provide corresponding Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes for future use by City staff, during the licensing process. Consultant will review Primary Business Activities (PBAs) in the Business License database and identify corresponding SIC and NAICs codes. Consultant will provide per inspection category rates, for newly identified facilities, follow up, and enforcement inspections. Consultant will provide the identified number, type and associated I/C Facility inspections services, identifying additional per inspection rates for each I/C identified category. At the conclusion of the permit service period in June, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs, significant business specific communications, the tracking database, and associated GIS shape file would be submitted to the City Project Manager. The actual number and categories of inspections completed will be subject to adjustment based on prioritization and funding. a. Two (2) traditional (NOI) IGP facility inspections with pre-inspection notification letter and development of a City approved IGP inspection form. b. One (1) IGP facility NEC verification inspection with pre-inspection notification letter. c. One (1) IGP Non-filer (businesses with SIC codes identified in Attachment A to the IGP) inspection with pre-inspection notification letter. d. One (1) IGP facility inspection, with pre-inspection notification letter, leading to Consultant drafting, or issuing on City Letterhead, an NOV letter. e. One hundred (100) Commercial Food Service (FS) inspections with pre-inspection notification letter and development of a City approved FS inspection form. f. Fifty (50) Commercial Auto Repair or RGO inspections with pre-inspection notification letter and development of a City approved RGO inspection form. g. Twenty (20) Other inspections or visits, with pre-inspection notification letter, including nurseries, validation of facility closure, denial of access, assessment of Page 2 of 6 tentative SIC/IGP Attachment A applicability. 5. Redevelopment Planning: RMC Chapter 13.16.180 incorporates Los Angeles County Code Chapter 12.84 Low Impact Development (LID) Standards in their entirety. Consultant will provide two (2) LID storm water project reviews, for each of four (4) projects of less than five acres, based on MS4 Permit Part VI.D.7 criteria. Larger projects would be reviewed on a negotiated time and materials basis. Developer provided Project and Best Management Practice (BMP) tracking data will be input into the Watershed Reporting Adaptive Management & Planning System (WRAMPs), other suitable City software, or database, using City provided identification and passwords. 6. Redevelopment Construction Inspections: Once per month, for up to 12 days per year, Consultant will provide up to four (4) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), Construction General Permit (CGP), or City Project Inspections as prioritized by City staff. Consultant will draft inspection forms for City review prior to first inspection. Correction and Enforcement (NOVs) actions will be a result of these inspections where appropriate and forwarded to the City for signature and delivery. Permit required construction inspection tracking data will be provided to the City Project Manager within one week following the inspection. 7. Post-Construction BMP Inspections: City has eight (8) terminated and five (5) active CGP projects identified in SMARTS, for which LID and BMP criteria were unavailable during ULAR Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA) and EWMP development. City will assemble, for onsite review, SUSMP, SWPPP, BMP design, and maintenance covenants for the projects. Over three (3) days, Consultant will use Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) and City reviewed forms, to inspect and assess, the effectiveness of visible post-construction BMPs, not inspected during the prior two years. Consultant will record Post-Construction BMP inspection, and tracking data, as identified in MS4 Permit Parts VI.D.7.d, VI.D.7.d.iv.(1)(a), and VI.D.9.h.x, and provide the City with GIS shape and data files with collected observations. 8. Public Facility Inventory: Consultant will develop an electronic inventory of public facilities based on the criteria identified in Permit Part VI.D.9.c.i, with facility specific information as identified in Part VI.D.9.c.ii. 9. Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities: The LARWQCB approved ULAR EWMP Plan reported that City of Rosemead's pollution source control needs were equivalent to 106 acre-feet of runoff capture at a planning level cost of$110 million. Consultant will overlay the City of Rosemead's sub-watersheds identified in the ULAR EWMP Plan Table 7A-33 onto a suitable aerial map provided by the City. Private and public parcels, potentially suitable for retrofitting with BMPs as pollution source controls, will then be identified based on criteria identified in Permit Part VI.D.9.iii. These parcels will be identified for the City's Project Manager to be used by the City of Rosemead's Planning Division, along with Permit recommended retrofitting concept identified in Permit Part VI.D.9.d.v. These recommendations ("smaller retrofit projects") could then be included during Conditional Use Permit (CUP) developer negotiations and as part of the background information provided at the City's Planning Commission Hearings. Page 3 of 6 Consultant will identify multiple regional BMP projects for strategic and cost-effective analysis, and based on the findings, propose at least one retrofit opportunity suitable for implementation as a regional BMP, complimentary in volume to the 80 to 106 acre-feet of captured volume identified in the ULAR EWMP Plan for the City of Rosemead, at an estimated planning level cost of significantly less than $110 million. The proposed regional BMP should be the most cost-effective, practical, sensible, and politically sensitive; and must include an implementation schedule as well as financial strategies (e.g. grants, private-public partnership, bonds, etc.), strive to comply with the on-going regulatory compliance requirements. Consultant will undertake a concept analysis of the regional BMP, as well as smaller retrofit projects (particularly those requiring private/public partnership), and identify a short list of competitive projects for purpose of grant application, for review by the City's Project Manager. Based on City's input, Consultant shall prepare a feasibility study (for the suite of project[s]) suitable for submission as a Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant, Groundwater (if projects can demonstrate recharge benefit), and/or other future grants. The feasibility study should also include project phasing (e.g. Phase 1 --smaller projects, Phase 2— Regional BMP, etc.) for use in multiple grant application submittals, if deemed necessary and advantages, depending on various projects' readiness. Since second round grant applications are anticipated for submission during the summer of 2018, the Consultant should provide an estimate for preparing and supporting such a grant application as an additional service task. 10. Public Activity Management: Consultant will allot one person for a day per month, for twelve (12) months, to observe public activities or facilities and provide written suggestions regarding how those activities or facilities could be modified to improve pollutant source control efforts, similar to Permit Part VI.D.9.i.iii for road reconstruction. Normally a half day each, would be spent on making observation and preparing cost-effective suggestions. City supervisory staff would be encouraged to suggest service needs during the first three weeks of each month; however, failing such suggestions, the Consultant would provide the City's Project Manager with a suggested facility or activity to observe for concurrence. 11. Trash TMDL Compliance: Trash full capture device connector pipe screens are to be installed within City of Rosemead's catch basins prior to Consultant selection. Consultant will conceptualize an alternative compliance trash capture study focusing on areas tributary to unprotected catch basins, seek LARWQCB staff input on study objectives and methods, then undertake a spring pre-DGR study to improve the DGR study outcome. DGR studies must be conducted over two summers and will be included in future PSAs or separately contracted. 12. IC/ID Investigation and Elimination: Consultant shall provide a time and materials rate sheet, with point of contact, to be utilized if 24-hour, 365 day a year environmental engineering triage and assessment services, are needed. Whenever possible, routine IC/ID investigation and elimination services shall be undertaken within 20 hours of Consultant notification, or 72 hours of the City having become aware of the discharge. Actions and measures undertaken in conformance with this paragraph will conform, as closely as possible, to Permit Part VI.D.10 requirements and objectives, including post-event documentation and enforcement assistance. The Consultant cost estimate shall include the first 16 person hours of routine investigation and elimination services. Page 4 of 6 13. Annual Report: Following each July to June service period, the Consultant will assist City staff in preparing draft and final Individual MS4 Permit Annul Report submittals to the ULAR EWMP Group Lead Agency. Consultant will follow submission directions to assure that a complete and acceptable annual report is submitted in a timely fashion. PROPOSAL INFORMATION Contents are limited to 25 pages and must include: A. A Cover Letter summarizing the proposal. B. Credentials and Experience: • A brief history of the consulting firm and summary of clients for which these services have been supplied within the last five years. • Provide proof of any applicable certifications and/or licenses held by staff. C. Sub-contracted services: • Provide a list of sub-contracted services to be used for work that your company is unable to provide (if any), along with their qualifications and proof of any applicable certifications and/or licenses held by staff. D. Fees: • Outline a proposed fee schedule for services anticipated and identify the rate of compensation for the professionals involved. In addition, identify the rate of compensation for the professionals involved, by position/title held within your organization. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Request for Proposals release date: Monday, January 8th, 2018 Proposal due date Thursday, February 8th, 2018 Staff reviews proposal to determine finalist Week of February 22, 2018 Recommendation to award contract with selected Consultant Tuesday, March 13, 2018 DIRECTIONS FOR DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL Three (3) copies of the project proposal shall be delivered in a "sealed fashion" no later than Noon. Thursday. February 8th. 2018, to: City of Rosemead - City Clerk's Office 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Rafael M. Fajardo, City Engineer Public Works Department/Engineering Division Page 5 of 6 SELECTION CRITERIA The City will consider only those proposals received by the indicated deadline. Selection will be made on the following criteria: • Professional qualifications and experience. • Satisfaction of current/former clients. • Ability to meet insurance requirements. • Ability to be available in emergency situations. CONTRACT PERIOD The Contract period shall be from the date of execution through June 30th of the following year. This contract has the possibility of annual extensions based on performance and pending City Council approval. DISCRETION AND LIABILITY WAIVER The City reserves the right to reject all proposals or to request and obtain, from one or more of the environmental consultants submitting proposals, supplementary information that may be necessary for City staff to analyze the environmental consultants' proposals, pursuant to the selection criteria contained herein. The City is not liable for the costs incurred by the environmental consultants for the preparation of this proposal. The City may require environmental consultants to participate in additional rounds of more refined submittal before the ultimate selection of an environmental consultants made. These rounds could encompass revision of the submittal criteria in response to the nature and scope in the initial proposals. The environmental consultant, by submitting a response to this RFP, waives all rights to protest or seek any legal remedies whatsoever regarding any aspect of this RFP. All proposals shall be binding for a period of sixty (60) days after the delivery date and may be retained by the City for examination and comparison. DRAFT AGREEMENT Attached is a draft copy of the City's standard Professional Services Agreement. This draft is subject to change and pursuant to review by the City Attorney. Page 6 of 6 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The proposer shall provide Certificate of Insurance evidencing minimum coverage of$1,000,000 in Professional Liability, General Liability, Automobile Liability Coverage and Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating no less than A: VII, licensed to do business in California and satisfactory to the City. All certificates and endorsements must be received and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. BUSINESS LICENSE The successful Consultant shall obtain a City of Rosemead Business License prior to commencing work. Page 7 of 6 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD BID PROPOSAL FORM BID PROPOSAL: I, the undersigned, hereby propose to furnish in accordance with the specifications. SEE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL FEES AND RATE SCHEDULE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM. IT IS MANDATORY FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. List exceptions to Bid: ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET. Estimated delivery date: ARO. BID BY: Company name Address City, State, Zip Authorized Signature (Name printed) Title Telephone Number Fax Number Date Ownership: Sole ; Partnership ; Corporation ; _(State of Inc.) C-1 I giS E M F ks, 41 O C:vIC PRIDE -4441 :r•--::07 so Attachment B Proposals from Consultants Proposal to Provide osE EA, MS4 NPDES Permit Professional (u.4s'.Sia iJ 7innnraai a Compliance and Support Services February 8, 2018 SUBMITTED TO: Creating a better tomorrow, today.TM • Mr. Rafael M. Fajardo City Engineer City of Rosemead Public Works Department/Engineering Division 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 IS 1 • • a ( CWE ( 1561 E.ORANGETHORPE AVENUE SUITE 240 CA, OEM ( FULLERTON,CA 92831-5202 ( (714)526-7500 PHONE ( (714)526-7004 FAX ( www.cwecorp.com ( February 8, 2018 ( ( ( Mr. Rafael M. Fajardo, City Engineer City of Rosemead ( Public Works Department/Engineering Division ( 8838 E. Valley Boulevard ( Rosemead, California 91770 ( A. Cover Letter ( Proposal to Provide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant ( Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( Dear Mr. Fajardo, ( ( CWE is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional Phase I MS4 NPDES Permit compliance and engineering design support services for the City of Rosemead (City). We are the exceptional choice ( to undertake and complete your requested services based on our extensive experience with Southern ( California Permittees, especially those within Los Angeles County. Our municipal clients are diverse in ( characteristics and objectives; however, they share an interest in being both compliant with Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) regulations and identifying cost-effective water quality ( protection implementation strategies. These MS4 Permit Service clients include the Cities of Azusa, ( Burbank, Covina, Downey, Glendora, Huntington Park, Los Angeles, Monrovia, Montebello, San Gabriel, Santa Clarita, and Santa Monica. We are also currently providing Coordinated Integrated Monitoring ( Program (CIMP) Plan implementation and reporting services for the Cities of Arcadia, Azusa, Bell, ( Bell Gardens, Bradbury, Commerce, Cudahy, Duarte, Huntington Park, Maywood, Monrovia, Sierra Madre, ( and Vernon, along with the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works (LACDPW) and Flood Control District (LACFCD). ( ( CWE is proud to have developed, or contributed to, seven Watershed Management Programs (WMPs) ( and Enhanced Watershed Management Programs (EWMPs); including preparing initial analyses and feasibility assessments of over 50 regional Best Management Practice (BMP) and Watershed Control ( Measure (WCM) concept projects. Recognizing the industrial characteristic of the Los Angeles River ( Upper Reach 2 Watershed Management Area (LAR UR2 WMA), our analysis successfully advocated ( exclusion of the Statewide Industrial General Permit (IGP) and other Non-MS4 Permittees from the Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA), significantly reducing the estimated WMP implementation costs. ( Then we newly identified and referred dozens of IGP non-filers which, when included in the 2020 RAA, is ( expected to save tens of millions more in potential WMP implementation costs. The LAR UR2 WMA CIMP ( invoked the use of fixed and rotating stormwater monitoring sites, significantly reducing water quality monitoring costs, while satisfying RWQCB reviewers. The August 2017, City of Rosemead EWMP ( Planning Technical Memorandum conclusively demonstrates CWE's understanding of the RWQCB ( approved Upper Los Angeles River (ULAR) RAA, EWMP, and CIMP Plans; along with the potential ( ( - i (_ ( ( Mr. Rafael M. Fajardo February 8, 2017 Page 2 ( ( repercussions of its strengths, weaknesses, assumptions, and many limitations. After having conducted thousands of MS4 Permit Industrial/Commercial (I/C); Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG); Erosion; ( Construction; IGP; Construction General Permit(CGP); and Illicit Connection/Illicit Discharge (IC/ID) ( Response inspections, along with making agency staff and contractor training presentations, for dozens of agency and utility clients, CWE inspectors are certified, qualified, and prepared to ask the questions ( that others fear. Our inspectors can select, or recommend, from among exemplar notification or ( enforcement letters and Public Information and Participation Program (PIPP) educational materials. After ( receiving a RWQCB letter regarding upcoming audits, a client asked CWE to confidentially verify inspections performed by another firm. We found that less than half of the required inspections had ( been performed, the client charged for unnecessary inspections, and the most important IGP category ( left essentially undone. Within two months, CWE had a contract, a commitment from RWQCB staff to ( prioritize other communities, and within six weeks returned the client to compliance by conducting nearly 300 inspections. While not every client requires this immediate service, CWE knows how to most ( cost-effectively provide your desired level of service. The City of Rosemead can rest easy knowing MS4 ( NPDES regulatory requirements and professional services will be thoroughly completed by some of the most efficient, knowledgeable professionals in the industry. ( ( While CWE considers the ever growing number of repeat agency clients to be our greatest honor, it is ( also gratifying to share with them 35 prestigious industry awards. These include multiple California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), United States ( Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Storm Water Solutions magazine, and American Academy of ( Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES) awards. While others cut and paste cookie cutter ( solutions, leaving their clients with unaffordable implementation plans, CWE looks for innovative cost-effective compliance solutions that meet our own standards for what we would expect from ( stormwater experts. With second-round Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant applications ( due next year, CWE hopes to assist the City of Rosemead in conceptualizing and assessing the feasibility ( of a regional BMP that might qualify for 90% state support with only a 10% Disadvantaged Community (DAC) match. After selecting CWE to develop two applications, for a discounted $10,000, the LAR UR2 ( WMA City of Bell Gardens is currently seeking project management proposals to construct an $11 million ( dollar regional BMP requiring only a 1.5% agency match. Talk about return on investment! ( CWE is fully committed to providing timely and responsive stormwater compliance services, identifying ( potential BMP development opportunities, and delivering a comprehensive range of inspections, planning, ( training, and other regulatory services to help the City of Rosemead maintain compliance with the MS4 NPDES Permit. This proposal will be binding for a period of 60 days after the above date. We look ( forward to further expanding our relationship with the City and welcome the opportunity to further ( discuss this exciting project and our qualifications. If you have any questions or require additional ( information, please contact me at (714) 526-7500 Ext. 211 or jpereira@cwecorp.com. ( Respectfully submitted, ( CWE i ( Jason Pereira, PE, PSWQ, QSD/P, QISP, CGP/IGP-ToR ( Principal ( ( - ii W... ( • City of Rosemead Og...yky. MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Table of Contents A. COVER LETTER ( TABLE OF CONTENTS iii ( B. CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE 1 ( B.1 FIRM PROFILE 1 ( B.2 SUMMARY OF CLIENTS 3 ( B.3 PERSONNEL 6 ( B.3.1 Meet Your Staff 6 ( B.3.2 Organizational Chart 8 ( B.3.3 Staff Certifications and Licenses 9 ( C. SUBCONTRACTED SERVICES 11 D. FEES 11 ( A ( D.1 RATE SHEET 12 c� D.2 FEE SCHEDULE 13 ( Appendices Appendix A Bid Proposal Form ( Appendix B Letters of Recommendation ( Appendix C Insurance Certificate ( 111111 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( — Ili Cw _ ( I ( ( ( �,{; City of Rosemead ROSEME'AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services (( ( B. Credentials and Experience ( ( CWE is a leader in implementing state-of-the-art, dynamic, award-winning stormwater compliance programs and projects that improve the quality of ( life in the communities we serve. CWE provides stormwater and ( construction management, environmental, water resources, and civil ( engineering services to clients throughout the Western United States. CWE makes personalized connections with each client to serve their goals and ( objectives, instill trust, and fulfill our commitment to Creating a better tomorrow, today.TM ( ( B.1 Firm Profile CWE's Principals are former managing civil engineers for the Los Angeles County , ( Department of Public Works (LACDPW) and Flood Control District (LACFCD), who FORTUNE 2017 INNER CITY ( noticed a gap in the professional market to provide innovative, cost-effective v � 7 A�f ( solutions for public agencies facing complex stormwater management challenges u 100 4..e. A related to Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant ( Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit compliance and training. Our ,•• *.• ` C ( Principals founded CWE to fill this service gap and are dedicated to helping public :'[[Mgt 1 *, ( agencies meet these regulatory requirements while improving local communities. AFlrms izz- co I. To Wort For I r-,. 1. A / M. ( In 2017, CWE ranked 34th on the Fortune magazine Inner City 100 list, which o ( recognizes the fastest-growing urban businesses in the nation. The Zweig Groupo T similarly recognized CWE as both 2017 a Hot Firm and Best Firms to Work For. While N I!" ( these Architect-Engineer (A/E) industry-specific awards reflect our steadily increasing 1— i. o ( staff resources and commitment to maintaining a positive and supportive employee °FIRM c:, ( work environment, our clients benefit from the broadening repertoire of high-quality ZWEIG GROUP A professional services we can provide, continuing proactive communication, and timely ( delivery of cost-effective useful work products and services. Key differentiators, beneficial to the City of 3 ( Rosemead (City), are further outlined below. ( ( Leaders in MS4 NPDES Permit Compliance ( For many firms runoff management is a sideline niche; however, CWE was founded specifically to provide specialized stormwater support ( services to public agencies. It is the foundation upon which our civil, .c''-. :4:_:.r!I .,,.. ,_.;i ,) • ( environmental, and water resource practices were built. CWE has I ( developed and implemented comprehensive stormwater management programs for over 50 Southern California municipalities and these ( clients trust us to initiate and complete complex stormwater planning • ( assessments, even when no precedent exists. CWE developed, or substantially contributed to, one Watershed Management Program ( (WMP) and six Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP) Plans for Permittee groups ( throughout Los Angeles County. These multi-decadal roadmap plans are intended as implementation ( guides, subject to ongoing agency adaptation, to allow the achievement of regional stormwater quality ( objectives through use of the most cost-effective methods available. CWE contributed its experience in ( CWE ( — 1 ( irmosimmummummoommimmommimmoompr City of Rosemead O EMEAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services providing comprehensive stormwater management solutions including both engineered designs and innovative regulatory concept proposals. Versatility Includes Regional BMP Design Although CWE was founded to provide municipal stormwater • management services, we increasingly provide a broad range of other professional services, including civil design. CWE continues ' to design award-winning regional Best Management Practice •• (BMP) projects including the City of Los Angeles Garvanza Park Rainwater Capture and Use, City of Los Angeles Laurel Canyon Boulevard Green Street Design-Build, City of Santa Monica Los Amigos Park Stormwater Harvesting and Direct Use Demonstration, and City of Torrance Stormwater Basin and Treatment Oil. MIN Wetlands Enhancement Projects. These all received Outstanding BMP Implementation Project Awards from the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) and have collectively captured hundreds of acre-feet "" of runoff for infiltration. CWE is uniquely qualified to provide all of the � o redevelopment planning and specialized inventory of regional BMP development opportunities services outlined in the Request for Proposals (RFP), without utilizing subconsultants that cost the City markup fees and impede direct effective communication between City and CWE staff. co Available in Emergency Situations CWE is already accustomed to providing immediate spill response and illegal discharges services at a moment's notice. We are currently the emergency response consultant for the City of Huntington Park, and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with primary and secondary points of contact. Our clients trust CWE to exceed their expectations during unexpected or unique opportunities and emergency o situations. Based on forecasts of record rainfall, the City of Los Angeles directed us to mobilize water quality monitoring teams to collect hundreds of stormwater samples at 11 locations on 48 hours' notice. We are fully committed to going above and beyond in our professional services to exceed our clients' expectations, regardless of what needs to be done to achieve their goals. "I knew you would come through to creatively figure out a way to address our needs. My hat is off to you. This is the definition of client service!" —Wing Tam, PE, Assistant Division Manager LA Sanitation —City of Los Angeles CwE o V ( ( ( �,t , City of Rosemead OSEJNE'AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services (( ( Committed to Our Esteemed Clients "We received the$475,000 Proposition I CWE understands the challenges faced by cities and Planning Grant Funding, to prepare a ( regulated public agencies when it comes to stormwater Stormwater Resource Plan. Great job!" ( compliance, and our many repeat clients trust us to -Harold Zamora 1 ( help them navigate the complex world of stormwater Chief of Environmental Management Division regulations. We have developed and implemented County of San Bernardino ( comprehensive stormwater management programs for ( numerous municipalities, including the Cities of "Thank you for Including language ( Burbank, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Monrovia, throughout the Annual Report to show Montclair's compliance with the Middle Santa ( Montclair, Covina, Carson, Glendora, Moreno Valley, Ana River Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL). and Visalia, among many others. CWE also This will be very important for when the ( understands the importance of operating within a strict Regional Water Quality Control Board ( budget and securing additional funds where available, (RWQCB)/Environmental Protection Agency ( and we have strategically prepared successful grant (EPA)decides to conduct an audit on us." applications for clients, resulting in over $13 million in -Joe Rosales ( funding for the Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 NPDES Coordinator n ( Watershed Management Area (LAR UR2 WMA), City of Montclair A ( San Bernardino County Flood Control District (SBCFCD), , and Cities of Carson, Claremont, and Agoura Hills. Additional letters of recommendation are provided in ( Appendix B, and we invite the City to contact the clients listed in Section B.2 to attest to our track A record ofprofessional services and satisfactoryCr, ( performance. co ( B.2 Summary of Clients ( Relevant projects for clients whom services were provided for in the last five years is provided below. o ( F- • __' j San Bernardino County Flood Control District o ( !p tiiill,il �;�'�I� �II s On-Call Professional Engineering and ( „ Regulatory Compliance Services for NPDES 3 III,I'- ,-- ( it II N. ; . , Phase I MS4 Permit Implementation Assistance ( `-i' �. ' CWE is providing as-needed NPDES Phase I MS4 Permit `( • , Implementation Assistance to the County of San Bernardino I 441' • and SBCFCD. Services include: collecting Report of Waste ( - •, ' ' - } ` Discharge (ROWD) data, attending Regional Water Quality ( Control Board (RWQCB) meetings on the County's behalf, providing staff augmentation, preparing a Proposition 1 ( Client:San Bernardino County planning grant workplan and application for a Stormwater ( Dates:Jan. 2008-Present Resource Plan, Local Implementation Plan (LIP) preparation ( for Arlene Chun for both the County and SBCFCD, assisting with regulatory Telephone: (909) 387-8109 support for a Santa Ana RWQCB audit of the New ( Development and Redevelopment Program, preparing unified Annual Reports (fiscal years 2010-11 ( through 2016-17), updating the Municipal Stormwater Management Plan (MSWMP), performing a ( constituent comparison, preparing a justification for delisting copper and lead, reviewing data sets for a ( two-year nitrogen and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) study, reviewing and compiling Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) infiltration reports, performing a monitoring data land use comparison, developing and ( ( 0( - 3 - W ( J f , City of Rosemead OSE - EAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services performing Qualified Stormwater Pollution Preventio Plan (SWPPP) Developer and Practitioner (QSD/P) 9 and Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) training for County staff, and performing a Site 5 ( monitoring program investigation. CWE also provided post-construction inspections to ensure proper ( BMP installation per the approved plans and functioned as intended. These post-construction BMP inspections assisted the County of San Bernardino with the MS4 Permit's New Development and ( Redevelopment Program compliance. k Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 Watershed ( Management Area Watershed Management 1 Plan, Coordinated Integrated Monitoring ,,f� Y 'i 1r kJ Program, and Proposition 1 Stormwater t t�'i.1I;l1�l��ill1�,`�i��,`,Il����`A' Implementation Grant Application CWE developed ( � p pp p r-..* a WMP, Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) ( plan, and Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA) for the LAR ( UR2 WMA, which includes the Cities of Bell, Bell Gardens, - Commerce, Cudahy, Huntington Park, Maywood, Vernon, and --t' t the LACFCD. Tasks included developing a WMP that assesses co, Client: City of Commerce Dates:Jul. 2013—Jun. 2015 water quality improvements to ensure compliance with the ( Contact: Gina Nila MS4 Permit and allows the LAR UR2 WMA Permittees to develop a plan that comprehensively evaluates opportunities Q, Telephone: (323) 722-4805 cru ( to implement multi-benefit projects, research and r,. ( development of the CIMP and RAA; preparing a successful grant application that resulted in the award of -t a $10 million grant to implement one of the projects identified in the WMP; and preparing a CIMP o ( detailing provisions to assess whether inflows are in compliance with MS4 Permit Water Quality Based o ( Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) and demonstrating that, following the implementation of the WMP o ( practices and projects, discharges originating from within the LAR UR2 WMA will be in compliance with .F- the the NPDES MS4 Permit WQBELs and Receiving Water Limitations (RWLs). CWE also developed an RAA o ( that characterizes the water bodies in order to meet the RWL and WQBEL requirements. A ( ( i� �,VI,-• iy ,,,�, Iu City of Huntington Park MS4 NPDES Permit �.�Ill�l ( 11 \ , �, ' 0.111 +�_. Inspection Services CWE is providing MS4 Permit -' 1 ' �" ' j.- ='--- industrial and commercial facility and a variety of other Y t• - inspection services to the City of Huntington Park. To alleviate an inspection backlog using funds that would otherwise be . lost, CWE developed a business outreach program and then � ' 1 successfully utilized eight staff members to complete ��- •;,`'y 549 facility inspections and visits in only six weeks. Tasks ;�"' _ include: updating the City Business License Database to Afr ' ot` conform with Permit requirements; establishing business Client: City of Huntington Park inspection criteria and priorities; developing effective Dates: Mar. 2016 Present industry-specific outreach letters; preparing inspection Contact: Christina Dixon checklists and forms; conducting comprehensive field Telephone: (323)584-6323 inspections of the facilities, including drainage characteristics reviews, pollutant source identification, and illicit discharge control; documenting observed conditions for education or enforcement; and developing geographic references to facilitate future integration into a Geographic Information System (GIS) tracking system. - 4 - CwE \ N (( ( �,, City of Rosemead O EIv�E'AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services (( ( City of Glendora NPDES and Water Quality ( , Administration CWE provided NPDES Permit and Water Quality Administration services to assist the City of Glendora ( with the Los Angeles County MS4 NPDES Permit, Construction ( . '/ 71 • .. _ General Permit (CGP), Industrial General Permit (IGP), and ( General Permit for Drinking Water System Discharges. Overall services included providing support for the Development ( Planning and Construction, Industrial/Commercial (I/C) 7 Facilities Control, Public Agency Activities, Illicit ( Connection/Illicit Discharge (IC/ID) Elimination, and Public ( Client: City of Glendora Information and Participation Programs. Tasks included ( Dates: Dec. 2010— Present program management and regulatory support, ( Contact: Alison Sweet Permittee-owned facility SWPPP preparation, SWPPP and Telephone: (626)914 8246 Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) review, ( Enforcement Response Plan development, training, ( construction and industrial/commercial facility stormwater inspections, representation at Permittee c`, meetings, and TMDL implementation assistance. CWE performed over 350 I/C facility inspections at over o ( 300 locations. Inspection information was entered into a Microsoft Access database, and an ArcGIS layer ( was developed using an attribute table with each industrial/commercial facility's coordinates. CWE also ( provided City staff and food handling facility owners/operators with hands-on training to understand the ( roles and responsibilities of maintaining a citywide compliant Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Control m' Program. CWE performed onsite FOG inspections of permitted food handling facilities to ensure o ( compliance with the City's FOG ordinance and minimize potential Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs). o ( Between 2013 and 2017, CWE performed over 500 FOG inspections at over 100 restaurant facilities. ( CWE also provided owner/operator personnel with targeted educational materials. CWE completed a Program Effectiveness Assessment of the City's implementation of the Stormwater Management Plan and o ( assessed the FOG Control Program to determine SSO requirement compliance. . - City of Los Angeles Upper Los Angeles River ( Enhanced Watershed Management Program 3 ( CWE developed an EWMP for the County of Los Angeles, ( -�^ _ LACFCD, and Cities of Rosemead, Alhambra, Burbank, .. : ( •i . _ , Calabasas, Glendale, Hidden Hills, La Canada Flintridge, Los Angeles, Montebello, Monterey Park, Pasadena, ( _ San Fernando, San Gabriel, San Marino, South Pasadena, and ( " `"' ` Temple City. Tasks included developing 10 regional BMP ( / project concepts, enhancing water quality measures, assessing discharges from the MS4 on receiving waters, monitoring ( compliance with the Los Angeles County Phase I MS4 Permit, Client: City of Los Angeles ( Dates: Jul. 2013—Jun. 2015 identifying existing control measures, summarizing BMP ( Contact: Shahram Kharaghani performance data, developing an effectiveness tracking Telephone: (213)485 0587 template for new developments and redevelopments, and ( assessing RWL and WQBEL compliance. WSPG was used to ( determine impacts on channel hydraulics related to installation ( of the monitoring weirs. ( ( 5 CW ( ( ( `+, City of Rosemead OSE EAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services (( ( City of Santa Clarita NPDES Permit Compliance '`�: Services CWE provided City of Santa Clarita staff with ( i . program-specific training to assist with Municipal NPDES ( ;,.=` `zig Permit, CGP, and IGP compliance. Tasks included preparing ( rf:: comprehensive training materials to conduct a Stormwater ( Academy focused on: QSD/P training; anticipated Low Impact Development (LID) requirements likely to be incorporated into ( the Development Planning Program of the upcoming NPDES ( Permit; LID site planning, design, applications, and operations and maintenance; SUSMP and post-construction BMP ( Client: City of Santa Clarita compliance; construction site inspections; industrial/ ( Dates: Jan. 2013 - Nov. 2014 commercial facilities control inspections; and public agency ( Contact: Heather Merenda activities and IC/ID detection and elimination programs. ( Telephone: (661) 284-1413 ( n ( B.3 Personnel m ( . This section outlines introductions to our key personnel, as well as the chain of command between CWE ( and City staff. Full resumes for all personnel can be furnished upon request. rr co ( rf r• ( 13.3.1 Meet Your Staff rt. 0 ( Dr. Gerald "Gerry"Greene, DEnv, PE, QEP, QSD is our Project Manager. He will o ( oversee project staff and ensure tasks are completed on schedule. Gerry has 30 years of o ( i diverse experience assisting agencies with stormwater compliance and MS4 NPDES ,- permitting. His expansive knowledge of local, societal, and physical conditions adds a o ( valuable dimension to the assistance he provides to Los Angeles County clients, such as the A ( Cities of Rosemead, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Huntington Park, Carson, and Downey. His • ( additional experience includes performing feasibility studies, designing regional BMP stormwater projects, s designing landmark urban runoff treatment facilities, developing monitoring plans, providing water quality ( monitoring plan review, and conducting water quality sampling. Gerry played an integral role ( implementing the Upper Los Angeles River EWMP and CIMP plans, as well as on six other WMPs and ( EWMPs for various watershed groups in Los Angeles County. In 2015, Storm Water Solutions magazine labeled him a stormwater"Industry Icon." ( "I was looking at CWE's inspection numbers in Project Experience: ( i- LAR UR2 WMA WMP, CIMP, and Proposition 1 the annual report, and I am reminded that you are amazing! You did some fast dancing ( Stormwater Implementation Grant Application and really helped us come into compliance, ( )i- City of Huntington Park MS4 NPDES Permit You made it so easy that I'm certain nobody I/C Inspection Services else can truly understand the feat you and ( )%. City of Downey Discovery Park Retention/ your team accomplished! Thanks, Gerry!" ( Detention Cistern Design and Operation -Christina Dixon, Analyst ( > City of Carson Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL City of Huntington Park Implementation, LID, Monitoring and ( Reporting Program (MRP), and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Plans ( ( ( CWE ( ( �,`t, City of Rosemead ROSE1ytE'AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( ( 1 Jason Pereira, PE, CPSWQ, QSD, QISP, CGP/IGP-ToR is our Quality Assurance and ( ft, Quality Control (QA/QC) Manager. He will perform quality control checks and manage ( the independent peer review process of completed deliverables that meet City and CWE ( standards. Jason has 22 years of experience providing QA/QC services to public and private w sector clients in the areas of MS4 NPDES permitting and compliance, regulatory approval, ( 14 stormwater compliance training, and annual reporting. He has managed and overseen more ( than $40 million in stormwater, environmental, and watershed management projects for public works ( clients in the Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino. In 2015, Jason was recognized as an "Industry Icon" in Storm Water Solutions magazine. ( Project Experience: ( > San Bernardino County Flood Control District On-Call Professional Engineering and Regulatory ( Compliance Services for NPDES Phase I MS4 Permit Implementation Assistance ( ➢ City of Glendora NPDES and Water Quality Administration ➢ City of Santa Clarita NPDES Permit Compliance Services ( ➢ City of Los Angeles Upper Los Angeles River EWMP ( ➢ City of Carson Stormwater Management and Civil Engineering Services n cm. ( Allen Xie, PE, QSD, QISP is our Staff Training Lead. He will provide annual training to ( designated City staff. Allen is a state-registered Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practioner ( { (QISP) and QSD with 9 years of experience performing a wide range of duties, including ( providing training to municipal personnel, developing SWPPPs, conducting environmental o' monitoring for I/C facilities, conducting site assessments, analyzing laboratory and field data r ( • for regulatory permit compliance, and developing and submitting compliance reports. o ( Project Experience: g ( ➢ City of Glendora NPDES and Water Quality Administration o ( ➢ Confidential Southern California Utility Provider Stormwater Permitting and Training .F- D. - ➢ Confidential Southern California Utility Provider Construction Compliance o ( D. Confidential Southern California Utility Provider Substation Rebuild Compliance Training A ( ➢ City of Glendora MS4 Permit Inspection Services ( .i Michelle Galvez is our Inspections Lead. She will lead the coordination of all I/C ( - facility, redevelopment construction, and post-construction BMP inspections. Michelle has ( 9 years of experience, and specialized in stormwater and watershed management, industrial ( waste, and FOG control programs. She has conducted over 2,000 inspections for I/C and ' construction sites for stormwater compliance and implemented NPDES municipal permit ( provisions for municipal clients in the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties. ( Michelle has assisted in developing several program elements, as required by the MS4 NPDES Permit, and ( has represented clients in interactions with regulatory agencies. ( Project Experience: ➢ Cities of Azusa and Glendora I/C Facility MS4 Permit Inspection Services ( > City of Stanton MS4 Permit Inspection Services ( > City of Burbank Landfill IGP Services ➢ City of Monterey Park Los Angeles River Trash TMDL Daily Generation Rate Study ( ➢ City of Visalia Development of Citywide Stormwater Management Plan ( ( ( INIMII ( - 7 - Cw City of Rosemead IkpjE EAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Katie Thomas, PE, ENV SP, QSD is our Redevelopment Planning and BMP Development Opportunities Lead. She will provide stormwater project reviews meeting is MS4 Permit requirements, and will identify and provide analyses of regional BMP projects for • `144r strategy and cost-effectiveness. Katie has 6 years of experience providing LID project reviews, inputting data into clients' preferred database system, preparing feasibility studies, and preparing Proposition 1 and other stormwater grant applications. She assisted in the development of WMP, EWMP, and CIMP plans for several groups within Los Angeles. In 2015, she was honored by the Orange County Engineering Council (OCEC) for accomplishments achieved so early in her career, and was recognized as a "Rising Star"by Storm Water Solutions magazine. Project Experience: ➢ City of Los Angeles Upper Los Angeles River EWMP ➢ LAR UR2 WMA WMP, CIMP, and Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant Application ➢ City of Los Angeles Santa Monica Bay Jurisdictions 2, 3, and 7 CIMP and EWMP ➢ City of Culver City Washington Boulevard P3 Urban Runoff Diversion Feasibility Study ➢ City of Beverly Hills Burton Way Median Green Street EWMP and TMDL Compliance B.3.2 Organizational Chart The organizational chart below illustrates the chain of command between the City, CWE's Project Manager, task leads, and support staff. co OSjEE MEA . o City of Rosemead Project Manager Gerald Greene, DEnv, PE, QEP, QSD* QA/QC Manager * Key Personnel Jason Pereira, PE, CPSWQ, QSD, QISP,CGP/IGP-ToR* Technical Resources Training Inspections Allen Xie, PE, QSD, QISP* Michelle Galvez* Wataru Kumagai liana Ton Redevelopment Planning BMP Development Opportunities Katie Thomas, PE, ENV SP, QSD* Katie Thomas, PE, ENV SP, QSD* Tammy Takigawa, EIT, ENV SP Andrea Mosqueda - 8 - W i t 4 1 ` , City of Rosemead OSE EAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( B.3.3 Staff Certifications and Licenses ( Copies of our key personnel's licenses and certifications applicable to their role are provided below. ( ( 11f11E REGENTS OF 111E • f ` tilitli U itlli of talitavnio 9,,:._.• SPATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION s ( °`Y lh FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS a J ON n6 NOMINALKAN OF nu AND LAND SURVEYORS COUNCIL OE nit(;Raoh,ATC DIVISION.10%A.NGIJA kHAVE(:ON/1JINED DPON TO DU C-tlll 141 Ivwl To 14 en+la.m M C•m•No N DAN..1N T4 eJ-.AM MI. -.t'.L aGERALD EDWIN GREFNE: b iEa %gratwin Greene ( TILL DOME OF DOCTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIF.IY:C AND INIANIL IIND N MILT II LOOMEO AS • WIIII ALL DIC ROAMS AND PDJVIIJON<1IITOTJ PENTAININT. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER DEVON AT ILK ANDMIN II 111151 'LXIY.IfTI DAY OF MAMA IN TIL[YEAR CIVIL,ENGINEERING ■\ NINETEEN IIUNnPII)ANT)NINE-MINA la N COO..,W46m1N To AD n.Rip,.••• NOON.Cualon4 la UM CoIa !-�` ` / // O,1f S.r.V °!TRIO 01.11111•111:1•ND MO .....-...lr....n • __,.......+(vcVT•/l�lxs^.• [,/y,nO" i C..uM.I.Re C MID Y• V)/��.'iut ON I.tit 4I N/.I.1ME,oWwemaw,COI...- �7! �a. •gp{til I WIROOFN[O.E/RaDON 1 \Y,ya�: RD{jaRu wRratuRs � l ( \)COQ• (7 e idenl/rLA�� ' �� R...D„«M.. JKJcrr ...... M f A " ° ° ° A " ' ° ' ' RV ' ' ' Oa SI . ' " ' CERTIFICATE OF 7RAINIP1Ci ( CALIFORNIA CONEIRUt LION PERMIT II m InslitulenfPlnfissional I?nvilnunulnlal Ihahtilr (ZIALIFIf ) SWI'I'P DCVGLOI'ER(Q,SD) rd. AND tJ """"" QUALIFIED SWI'!1I1 I'RACFITIONIiI'(Q P) o Gerald E. Greene ( Gerald Greene o `` QIlalililvl Envilnnmenlal Profeseioual 1 Dec 20,2016-Afar 19,2019 .o...hl.o...nt lr.s-N.m....o..e... .w req..moo. C•r fifirait.If 001'6 A l Calit«nla Slotmwater Quality Assoc teflon and 1...r..a P. L................., I` . ASQA California Construction GrntmlPamll Training Team No. 11900237 ( l -- _. - —' fie 5 l ' 'E ]: ( (AV:.,.• BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAl. Fa'' ,cv The CPSWQ'Application Review Committee (aTnT` ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS V b, certifies that ----'. ( — tEI.LT.t'a•4IITN.Mn.n Masson Toiebo Pereira T. ;flagon Jaleba PereiraN—t... Subscribes to the Code of Ethics and has met the requirements established by the CPSWQ Council as a N PROFESSIONAL ESENGINEER Certified Professional in Storm r>v 1... CIVIL ENGINEERINGWater Quality`' AR rn.n.�.c,.i�y1u.a TOutn•uLM...1 NORMS OUR NANO 050 MIL M r.,s.c.n Iv..wrvl4c IRyrvn Ste` t<• uwl Certification Number:0527 Certification Date:Match 21.2009 Y).......,: n.r.u4�u.,.,..pl,rwl.«4.,.......uu,..... U 9. � 60.11111 FOR FOR PROT MORAL E AND t arm menden. ! x.«.u..«w.. n.ra.r W----- �'t 4' t _ H`. fr/.><aLL'. ( - 9 - II ( ( ( , , City of Rosemead ( OSE EAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION CAIIIOnNIACONSIPUCItON GIMIlA111111411 ( QUALIFII 1 SWPPP DEVELOPER(CLD) �1 RAINER OF RECORD AND I()R QSI'TRAINING COURSE ' ( QUALIFIED SWPPP PRACTITIONER(QP) ( Jason Pereira Jason Pereira ( Nov 03,2016-Jan 18,2019 July 1,2017-June 30,2019 ( colifiem.•sow/ QISP 00090 ( �- CalilMnla Situmwatrr Quality Association and California Stormwalcr Quality Association and ( .1'"(1.\ Cal Construction General Permit Training Train ASQA Californialndo,trial General Pe Training Team ( ( -. __i I -.-_.r._.._..._._—_____--......___.•—..__.__ 1=i= 'MOARI)FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, ( CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION I AND SURVEYORS,ANI)GEOLOGIST . (rp C A1110PMhA e011312OC TION 4[N[11Al 2101411 ( IW L I.t.em11411,....11411,..... MI w M.w.<..r l,y...1,U..N n l i1 W Rw.....J 1nM.•rn,...4 i;ZI TRAINER OF RECORD Allen Xie • ( FOR QD AND QSI'TRAINING COURSE R, R„, A ( PNOFFSSIONAL P.N0INFElt IM Civil Engineering r."-P', Jason Pereira 4 ( .AIN„UOR RAW MOStAl 1,.WA+1.N.. July 1,2017—June 30,2019 „ ; di lA...a,.,n,a.,.n..w1:...., o ( ,j�! �^•• • .n;4M1SL\ IWARn Ion mo,,.su V.Ituaranfl •�R i7� INa1SVRe1 was.M:1141U1IJ4bls (4.1 ''''',.....-• CAlilornie Slormvrote10,1ality Association and j[I1., �I • IIE� -�G.ln(.- -.•� Q CASQA California Con,Iotion Genv al Permit Training Team Te ' -2/ weLi erW.O is' e.1.nA swl..r6 Irinskr ( .... ',toll its ( ( { ( . — YIRIrY for ( c RTIFIc6Tg QF cQMPLgTIQN ENVISION SUSTAINABILITY PROFESSIONAL ( This Certificate is Oword.'d to NIS teinl 11111 I RI Mlill n 10 ( ALLEN XIE (Certificate#C85112) Katie Thomas ( In recognition of completion of the 1' ° 01)0112018 ( State Water Board-Sponsored CBPELSG Licensee QSD Training 4ps SSV ( John It Writ. •c-.-:::, :1"6 a* n..avl SMUO Water Boards ?1 ( IMMO - 10 - Cw / ( 1 I) ` , City of Rosemead 3 1E jE �AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services f t d_ a BOARD FMR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS. � ._._._... LAND SURVEYORS,AND GEOLOGISTS ! . Kathryn Louise-H Thomas ( 1113011k/NsIDASA 144OIESSIONAI.EN(;INFER 1. ( Cis it Engincnu.p ,..Sc Report Tradanig Syrh•ul ( ssi nswr,a , ..nS Kn�v.sst uw1. You an l.00.d.Yl as:Katie Thomas.C YIE. ( 1'mte.r c... ...... It tAs atooun dMT not bionp 10 yvu,Pease by ow TM•.Y•LyUq.?.14ASara.WlJLou CBPELSG-OSDAtknOwledpement J� Ml.w.wkllpeufl4.'AL L...L'llls Your COPELS OSD regsuaton it con'Pv:e Sour COPELS license ruot*l rs nax ywr OSD Celt,:an nvnber ( �� ? ., i WTa.xn llntc,nan.a.t..c:nif Fust Wow Kate /I 1 last Wm* Tbanus ( _ �'/•/ �, ��/!•-- —n� Cerottate no'.05752 1,,-1. ...Ali?�I S 1....en,INNPM...VSw1kaPF ...N11t.&M Ukase Date Ju.24.2017 ktbsu so Wi.Mems I ( C. Subcontracted Services ( CWE does not anticipate any subconsultants to be utilized for the services outlined in the City's RFP. co ( . ( D. Fees co ( While we cannot put a price on environmental sustainability, CWE understands first and foremost o ( financial resources are at the front of many clients' minds, and are a strong priority. We don't perpetually ( speculate about spurious regulatory interpretations that leave you worrying about potential risk exposure o and changing regulatory priorities. While each Permittee has different competing internal priorities, CWE ( has the experience to cost-effectively apply your limited dollars where they will provide the greatest r ( compliance benefit, and make the added effort to secure public agency grant funding. For example, Project Manager Dr. Gerry Greene recently procured over $10 million in Proposition 1 StormwaterI�A.s ( Implementation Grant support for permitting, design, and construction of the John Anson Ford Park, 3 ( regional BMP Cistern, with a 10% Watershed Management Area (WMA) match that required only a ( 1.5% project match from the City of Bell Gardens. Our fees reflect a commitment to providing the City ( with top-notch services, using streamlined communication, and taking necessary actions within consequential scheduling deadlines. ( ( A proposed fee schedule for services anticipated, and hourly rates for professional staff members by title are provided on the following pages. The most significant task in the budget is associated with the ( Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities and CWE would gladly suggest clarifications to ( that scope of work that might allow the City to more cost-effectively achieve its objectives. In brief, we ( recommend the City focus on one project and develop documentation sufficient to support grant applications, rather than tie compliance to the procurement of private parcels. ( Our City of Rosemead Bid Proposal Form is provided in Appendix A. CWE takes no exceptions from the ( City's contract requirements. ( ( ( /. ( - 11 - c„,,_ ( ( ( --4 �`t, City of Rosemead OSE1v�E'AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services (( ( D.1 Rate Sheet ( Engineer/Scientist Rate/Hour ( Principal $240 Senior Project Manager $236 ( Project Manager $206 ( Technical Manager $203 Task Leader $180 ( Principal Engineer $175 ( Senior Engineer $166 Project Engineer $145 ( Staff Engineer $121 ( Assistant Engineer $98 Senior Environmental Scientist $148 ( Environmental Scientist $123 ( Environmental Analyst $91 ( Construction Services n Construction Manager $169 0 ( Senior Construction Inspector $129 ( Construction Inspector $114 ( A Field Survey Q, ( Licensed Surveyor $157 ( 3-Person Survey Crew $221 co 2-Person Survey Crew $178 0 ( Support Services oGIS Specialist $118 g. ( Senior Engineering Technician $96 ( Engineering Technician $84to CADD Designer $98 ( Project Coordinator $87 ( Administrative Assistant $79 3 ( General ( Direct Expenses Cost + 10% Subcontract Services Cost + 10% ( Specialized Computer Applications (per hour) $15 ( Mileage Current IRS Rate Field Vehicle — Hourly $12/hour ( Field Vehicle — Daily $80/day ( Field Vehicle — Monthly $1,500/month B&W Photocopies (per page) $0.10 ( Color Photocopies (per page) $0.50 Rates will be adjusted annually based on the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,Consumer Price Index for All ( Urban Consumers. Rates for field equipment, health and safety equipment,and graphical supplies presented upon request. Based on CWE maintaining ( General Liability Insurance for bodily injury and property damage with an aggregate limit of$2,000,000 per occurrence. ( In the event the client desires additional coverage,CWE will, upon the client's written request, obtain additional insurance and f adjust the above billing rates accordingly. i - 12 - CWE • a pop N ,t' 1 ' 7g $$8$ P$$FIR§q$§ C E K .tea 8 ~ 9 $ ' a To Wb N c P ANN l aR R 4'4 W W W N V Z o co N 0/ V M .4O� .1 co W (.Nj a ii4 N WWW WV WN.Ni4aW SSSSCCCC W W W g �g N M MNEPIC 1— F E8,6 G C 198 pptt b 0 111 .o- w it 1Vag g o hi :: 0N � 5 Q Q i • /r•,, City of Rosemead DE EAb MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services • • • • 0 • • 0 •• • Appendix A • • Bid Proposal Form •• • • • A • _ • • • • • • • • • • • V1l • 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD BID PROPOSAL FORM { BID PROPOSAL: I, the undersigned, hereby propose to furnish in ( accordance with the specifications. SEE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL FEES AND RATE SCHEDULE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM. IT IS MANDATORY FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. List exceptions to Bid: ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET. Estimated delivery date: February 8, 2018 ARO. BID BY: CWE Company name 1561 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Suite 240 Address Fullerton, California 92831 C y, Sta .• _ Jason Pereira Principal uthorized Signa .re (Name printed) Title (714) 526-7500 Ext. 211 (714) 526-7004 February 8, 2018 Telephone Number Fax Number Date Ownership: Sole ; Partnership ; Corporation ✓ ; _(State of Inc.) CA ( ( ( ( a I c-1 • • ` , City of Rosemead OSAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support II . ��,_.,.... P Services • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix B Letters of R . • • Recommendation • • to co n- • _ •• • • • { • • • • • • • • • • • • W= • r. ash. -ems CITY OF CARSON February 14,2013 To Future CWE Clients, As the Storm Water Quality Programs Manager for the City of Carson, it has been my pleasure to rely on CWE as a valuable "go to" consultant for drainage and regulatory services for four consecutive fiscal years. No matter the need or deadline, CWE promptly and efficiently responds with valuable work products that address the question at hand and also provides the ( City with useful recommendations to address those solutions that may take longer to implement. Most recently, CWE has assisted the City in developing and presenting grant proposals for ( consideration through the Greater Los Angeles County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan process. After three selection rounds with CWE at our side, the City is planning for the implementation of a $2M grant to install trash exclusion devices which, when combined with other best management practices, will negate any regulatory incentive for developing a trash Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL)for Dominguez Channel. With CWE's assistance,the City also just submitted a Runoff Reuse Project for the next round of Prop 84 funding. CWE is currently working on a more detailed study for that project. ( With respect to water quality monitoring, CWE completed a unique and extensive City catchment study for Machado Lake resulting in identifying a single sampling point which best ( represented the drainage characteristics. Subsequently, CWE also developed two TMDL Monitoring and Reporting Program and Quality Assurance Project Plans for Machado Lake. The first has been approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) for implementation and we anticipate a similar approval of the second plan. CWE has also provided valuable detailed research and documentation affecting the City's t participation in all Los Angeles River TMDLs. The City was erroneously identified by the Regional Board as discharging to Jurisdictional Groups 1 and 2 of the Los Angeles River. CWE prepared an extensive Hydrologic Area Delineation which compiled sufficient data to convince the Regional Board that the City discharged to Jurisdictional Group 1 only. The City depends on CWE for professional and proficient assistance. With adoption of the 2012 Los Angeles County Coastal Watersheds Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit, our l dependence on CWE is only likely to grow. We highly recommend CWE. If you would like a l direct referral,please contact me at(310) 847-3529 or by e-mail at pelkins@carson.ca.us. ( Sincerely, ( Patricia Elkins ( Storm Water Quality Programs Manager ( CITY HALL • 701 E. CARSON STREET • P.O. BOX 6234 • CARSON, CA 90749 • (310) 830-7600 WEBSITE: ci.carson.ca.us ,moo .L. . ��. �C ; . �Yrh O 0A t \%' "= ` CITY OF GLENDORA .;' ;R ORA CITY HALL (626) 914-8200 of}ACti�f' 116 East Foothill Blvd.,Glendora, California 91741 Ivww.ci.glendora.ca.us ( April 9, 2015 ( Reference Letter for Jason Pereira ( California Industrial General Permit ( Implementation,Training, and Storm Water Management ( To whom this may concern, ( It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Jason Pereira to become qualified as a California Industrial ( General Permit (IGP) Trainer of Record. Jason has provided exceptional water quality administration services to assist the City of Glendora with IGP and Municipal Separate Storm ( Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit ( compliance. Through my direct experience working with Jason, I can testify to his expertise in ( the areas of IGP implementation, training, and storm water management. ( Jason was responsible for preparing three IGP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans ( (SWPPPs) for the City's Park Division Yard, Street Division Yard, and Water Division Yard. ( Prior to the development of each SWPPP, Jason completed an in-depth site walk with City staff, during which he evaluated existing Best Management Practices (BMPs), communicated ( implementation opportunities and requirements, and thoroughly demonstrated his knowledge of ( IGP guidelines and industrial storm water management practices. Jason has provided multiple ( IGP implementation trainings to City staff regarding BMP implementation and maintenenace, water quality sampling, public agency activities, and reporting requirements associated with the t IGP. All services have consistently been thorough, on time, and met the City's needs. ( ( Jason has also assisted with annual report preparation for the City, as well as managed more than 275 storm water compliance facility inspections, some of which were IGP-permitted facilities. ( Jason has done an outstanding job coordinating with local businesses, providing owner/operator ( personnel with targeted educational materials, and supporting the City's Development Planning ( and Construction, Industrial/Commercial Facilities Control, Public Agency Activities, Illicit ( Connection/Illicit Discharge Elimination, and Public Information and Participation Programs. ( We have been very pleased with the quality of work and responsiveness that Jason has shown ( throughout our time working with him and the CWE Team. I recommend Jason without ( hesitation. ( incerelip, 1"." ( e L. Burke, P.E., QSD ( Assistant Director of Public Works/City Engineer ( City of Glendora ( ( PRIDE OF THE FOOTHILLS •� City of Rosemead ROSE EAb MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services • • . 1 • • 1 • • • • i • Appendix C • •• Insurance Certificate . • • • f" i i. • . • • • • • • • _. • • • ' • 0 • • ! 0 0 • . • I • W— • ----'- CWE0000-01 ILAINE Ai 4C CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE IM/201YYY) i 1123/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED ‘I REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. f.I If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). License#0757776 FaTAcr . 1^.UB International Insurance Services Inc. PHONE (r FAX p (714) I(ac,Nos;i714)739-3188 Centerpolnte Drive (AIC,No,Ext): 739-3177 (. :50 - ikss: La Palma,CA 90623 _ INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAOF NAICS I - INSURER A:Crum&Forster Specialty Insurance Company 44520 t) .SURED INSURER B:American Fire and Casualty Company 24066 f. C WE INSURER C:State Compensation Insurance Fund of California 35076 1561 E.Orangethorpe Avenue I Suite 240 -INSURERD: —..-_-- tl FuFullerton,CA 92831 INSURER E;,_ INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: ( THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD xi INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, I EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. 3R ADDL SUBRI POLICY EFF POLICY EXP IR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER 1Mfd/DD/YYYYI IMMIDOmYY) LIMITS j A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $.. 2,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE [X I OCCUR EPK-114949 12/08/2016 12/08/2017 pR MSE;(Es ,rfence) $ _ 100,000 FI t. MED EXP(Any one person) ._.. 10,000 g. PERSONAL d ADV INJURY $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 4,000,000 X POLICY I _I IZef LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO $ 4,000,000 .I OTHER: B COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ( A( U LIABILITY {Ea accident/ 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BAA57609336 12/08/2016 12/08/2017 BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ I OWNED SCHEDULED �� pp AUTOS���� ONLY _ AUTOS BODILY INJURY-( er accident) $ ;I AIM ONLY _ Vara I.POer cId nt)pAMAOE $ .— fi( $ 4 UMBRELLA LIAR _ OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ el e DED RETENTION$ I C WORKERS COMPENSATION X PER OO $ AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY STATUTE _-.I ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERIEXECUTNE YIN 9170147-2016 12/01/2016 12/01/2017 { 1,000,000 �pFICEWMEM BER EXCLUDED? L I N I A E.L.EACH ACCIDENT (Mandetory,n N ) 1,000,000 ,1 If yes,describe under E.L.DISEASE_EA EMPLOYEE,$ ^, _DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE.POLICY LIMIT J 1,000,000 `1 A Professional LIabIIi EPK-114949 12/08/2016 12/08/2017 Each Occurrence 2,000,000 ( ) Claims-Made EPK-114949 12/08/2016: 12/08/2017 Aggregate 4,000,000 I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space Is required/ I ( al I ( .ERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ,I fI SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 41 For Information Only THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. .. I AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ( 042eMeegii—___ .1 a -- ACORD 25(2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD er John ,. unt ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. February 8, 2018 City of Rosemead—City Clerk's Office 8838 E.Valley Blvd. I Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Rafael M. Fajardo, City Engineer Public Works Dept/Engineering Division SUBJECT: City of Rosemead MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal John L. Hunter & Associates, Inc. (JLHA) is pleased to submit our proposal to provide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) professional compliance and support services,prepared in response to the City of Rosemead's Request for Proposal (RFP). JLHA is an environmental consulting firm that focuses on municipal (NPDES) surface water quality programs, currently providing these services to over thirty cities within the Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Specific qualifications and experience are detailed in the enclosed package.This proposal is considered valid for ninety(90) days following the submission of the proposal. We welcome the opportunity to provide services to the City. If you have any questions can reach the primary contact for this proposal: Cameron McCullough, Project Manager John L. Hunter and Associates 6131 Orangethorpe Ave, Suite 300 Buena Park,CA 90620 (562)802-7880 ext. 233 cmccullough@jlha.net Sincerely, John L. Hunter, PE President 6131 ORANGETHORPE AVE SUITE 300 I BUENA PARK, CA 90620 I (562) 802-7880 I wwwjlha.net GENERAL ENGINEERING LICENSE A-582340 I HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE REMEDIATION LIC.3382 CITY OF ROSEMEAD BID PROPOSAL FORM • BID PROPOSAL: I, the undersigned, hereby propose to furnish in accordance with the specifications. SEE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL FEES AND RATE SCHEDULE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM. IT IS MANDATORY FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. List exceptions to Bid: ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET. Estimated delivery date: o ���'' ARO. BID BY: Company name L f� A-S5 o ctie-S Address 0 131 0 2/-4MGL t FfbRPe RVQ Sri 30 City, State, Z.p / -j- Authorize Signature (Name printed) Title 562 F02 70'D -2-/ 761 ' Telephone Number Fax Number ate Ownership: Sole ; Partnership ; Corporation ; _(State of Inc.) G =r c-I February 8, 2018 r Proposal to Provide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services \ \\,... ir''' 1 Temple City San Gabriel Alhambra - I 7 _I J onte os mead ,1 "--1}^'--"cf .I _ Unlncorporat•• - i I Monterey Park i il'-L--,- South El Monte L , Montebello = _L �� f Prepared By: Prepared For: Cameron McCullough City of Rosemead — City Clerk's Office John L. Hunter and Associates 8838 E. Valley Boulevard 6131 Orangethorpe Ave., Ste. 300 I Buena Park, CA 90620 Rosemead, CA 91770 Office: (562) 802-7880 ext. 233 I Fax: (562) 802-2297 Attn: Rafael M. Fajardo, City Engineer Email: cmccullough@jlha.net Public Works Dept/Engineering Division I( �j• John Lilunter AND AOOOCIIATC.^.. lNR. MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Table of Contents Credentials and Experience 1 A. Relevant Firm Experience 1 1. Municipal NPDES Permit Compliance 1 B. Track Record 3 C. Staffing Capability and Current Work Load 3 D. Applicable Certifications 3 E. Proposed Team 4 F. References 5 II. Scope of Work 6 A. Meetings 7 B. Staff Training 7 C. Public Information and Participation Program 7 D. Industrial/Commercial(I/C)Facilities Program 8 E. Redevelopment Planning 9 F. Redevelopment Construction Inspections 10 G. Post-Construction BMP Inspections 10 H. Public Facility Inventory 11 I. Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities 11 4 1. Grant Support 11 J. Public Activity Management 12 K. Trash TMDL Compliance 12 L. IC/ID Investigation and Elimination 13 M. Annual Report 13 N. Project Administration 13 Ill. Rate Schedule and Estimated Costs 14 A. Rate Schedule 14 B. Estimated Not-to-Exceed Fee Proposal 15 Appendix A: Resumes&Certification Al Page i 4 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 I. Credentials and Experience John L. Hunter and Associates, Inc. (JLHA)is an environmental consulting corporation established in 1985 that specializes in serving municipal clients. JLHA's mission is to provide its clients with the expertise necessary to comply with mandated environmental programs,such as NPDES,stormwater and watershed management, industrial waste and fats,oils and grease(FOG) control,water conservation, and recycling. Services provided under these programs include program management, engineering, inspections, monitoring, grant administration, and public education. A. Relevant Firm Experience Table 1 lists NPDES services currently or recently provided by JLHA.The following are summaries of JLHA's experience related to NPDES Permit compliance. 1. Municipal NPDES Permit Compliance JLHA has considerable experience in Municipal NPDES Permit compliance programs, beginning with the inception of the Phase I MS4 Permits in the 1990s.Currently JLHA implements elements of such programs for 44 cities in the Southland.Services include the following: • 25 cities and 4 watershed groups: Program administration and/or technical support, • 32 cities: Field services such as BMP compliance inspections, • 22 cities: Plan review and approval (e.g.,SUSMP/LID Plans, WQMPs, and SWPPPs), • 32 cities and 3 watershed groups: Reporting(e.g., annual,TMDL, and/or watershed reports),and • 32 cities and 3 watershed groups:Staff training. Relevant and recent activities include: • Representing cities in MS4 NPDES audits conducted by Regional Water Board staff: Seal Beach, 2015 (and 2010, 2006) I Stanton, 2014(and 2010) • Obtaining and administering a Prop 84 grant for multi-watershed/multi-jurisdictional LID projects. • Managing BMP inspection programs that cover in total approximately 10,000 sites. • Developing 4 Watershed Management Programs under the area-wide LA MS4 NPDES Permit. JLHA also served as the lead consultant for the development of the Watershed Management Programs (WMPs) for the Lower Los Angeles River(LLAR), Lower San Gabriel River(LSGR), City of Long Beach, and Peninsula Cities Watershed Groups, and served as a sub-consultant for the development of the WMP for the Los Cerritos Channel (LCC) Watershed Group. As part of WMP development, JLHA also oversaw the development of Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Programs (CIMPs)for the LLAR, LSGR, and Peninsula Cities Watershed Groups. All plans were approved by the Regional Board in 2015 and 2016.Together the member agencies of these Watershed Groups represent 20 MS4 NPDES Permittees. JLHA serves as the consultant team lead for the LLAR, LSGR, and Peninsula Cities Watershed Groups. Services include administering monitoring activities, watershed annual reporting, technical committee meetings, and certain WMP implementation efforts such as feasibility studies. In this capacity JLHA also regularly interfaces with city councils and Regional Board staff and members.JLHA also represents twelve municipal clients in watershed management groups for the Upper Los Angeles River, Upper San Gabriel River, Dominguez Channel and Los Cerritos Channel. Pagel MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Table 1:Summary of Munidpal NPDES Services Recently or Currently Provided °� MS4 Permit Control Measures Watershed General Services w iEP `o mo �' cu L c c ro n a�° t o v o �`e �o u La tw c m Eo m al ..- n a a� n m v •�> j� v • � �v �Q o 0 to m ro o Client LL o u 2¢ �coi _o n'o 30 3 a o 41 Arcadia 1995 23 -- x x x x x -- -• .. x x x .. •• Artesia 2014 4 x x x x x x x x x Big Bear Lake 2004 14 x x x 1 Carlsbad 2016 x Cerritos 2015 3 x Covina 2008 10 x x -- x -• •• -- •• -- .• -- x •• -- Diamond Bar 2007 11 x x x x x x •• x •• -• x x •• x Downey 2011 7 x x x x x x -- x •- -• x x -• x Fullerton 2017 1 x x x Glendale 2013 5 x x x x x 1 3atewayWaterlVlgmtAuthority 2012 6 x Hawaiian Gardens 2012 6 x x x x x x •• x -- -- x x -- x Hawthorne 2000 18 •- x x x x x -- -- •• -- x x -• x Inglewood 2015 3 x x x x x La Habra 2011 7 x x x x x x -• -- •• -- x .. -- x Lakewood 2014 4 x Lomita Long Beach 2015 3 x x x x x X x X x 2014 4 x x x x LCC Watershed Group 2013 5 x x x x x LIAR Watershed Group 2013 5 x x x x x x LSGR Watershed Group 2013 5 •• -- •- •- -- -- x x x -- x x -- x Lynwood 2014 4 x x x x x x -- x -• -- x x •• x Manhattan Beach 2010 8 -• •• x x •• •- -- -- •- -- •• .. •• •- Monterey Park 2005 13 x x x x x x -- x -- x x x x x Norwalk 2010 8 x x x x x x -- x -- -- x x -- x Paramount 2014 4 x x x x x x -- x -- •• x x -- x Pasadena 2015 3 x -- -- x -- -- •- x -- -• x x -- x Peninsula Watershed Group 2013 5 x x x x x Placentia 2013 5 x x x x x •• -• •• -- -• x x -- x Rancho Palos Verdes 1994 24 x x x x x x •• x -- •- x x •• x Rolling Hills 2009 Santa Fe Springs 2016 2 x x -- •• •• •• -- San Gabriel 2017 1 x x x x x Seal Beach 2005 13 x x x x x x -• -- -- •• x x x x Signal Hill 1985 33 x x x x x x •- x -• x x x •• x South El Monte 2017 1 x x x x x -• x -- x x x -. x South Gate 1991 27 x x x x x x •- x •• x x x x x South Pasadena 2005 13 •- x x x -- x •• x -• x x x -- x Stanton 2007 11 x x x x x x •• •• -- •• x x x x Temple City 2003 15 x x x x x x -- x •- x x x •• x Villa Park 2013 5 x x x x x x •- •• -• •• x x •• x West Covina 2015 3 x x x x x x -- x •• -- x x -- x West Hollywood 1995 23 x x x x x •• -- •• •• x -- x -- -- Whittier 2014 4 -• x x x x x -- x -- -- x x -- x TOTALS out of 44 agendas I I 22 27 28 I 32 25 25 5 22 4 10 35 35 5 32 Paget MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 B. Track Record JLHA has aided municipalities in compliance with NPDES MS4 Permit provisions since their first issuance in the 1990s. Since that time JLHA has maintained a track record of meeting project schedules and providing project deliverables on-time, on-budget, and to clients' satisfaction. This may be verified by contacting JLHA's existing and past clients, including those listed in the References Section of this proposal.Another metric for JLHA's ability to meet project schedules is through its success in representing clients in Regional Water Board NPDES Program audits.These audits included detailed reviews of records for NPDES sub-programs managed and implemented by JLHA Project Teams. Of the many Regional Water Board NPDES Program audits that JLHA personnel participated in, none resulted in enforcement actions. JLHA's success in meeting project schedules is also evident in its existing clients' previous NPDES annual reports, which tabulate program deliverables such as inspections, plan checks, and TMDL reporting. C. Staffing Capability and Current Work Load JLHA staffing is at 25, consisting of 20 full-time staff and 5 part-time staff. This includes 1 principal, 2 directors,5 project managers,5 engineers,7 field inspectors,2 project analysts,and 3 administrative staff. All staff operate out of JLHA's office at 6131 Orangethorpe Ave, Suite 300, in Buena Park,California.JLHA subcontracts additional services as-needed such as water quality monitoring and laboratory analysis, .l outfall screening,construction management,and computational analysis.Sub-contracted services will not be required for this project. The Project Team listed in the following section will be available to provide the requested services throughout the term listed in the RFP. D. Applicable Certifications Applicable certifications include certified professionals in engineering, stormwater quality, BMP (Best Management Practice) inspection, erosion control, SWPPP development and implementation, and environmental assessment. Table 2 lists specialized certifications that are held by JLHA staff. The experience, education,and proof of certification of the key staff members are included in Appendix A. Table 2:Specialized Certifications held byJLHA Staff Certification Certification Description CPSWQ Certified Professional in Stormwater Quality CPESC Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control CESSWI Certified Erosion,Sediment and Stormwater Inspector QSD Qualified SWPPP Developer(Construction) QSP Qualified SWPPP Practitioner(Construction) QISP Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner CGP ToR Trainer of Record for the NPDES Construction General Permit IGP ToR Trainer of Record for the NPDES Industrial General Permit Page3 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 E. Proposed Team Table 3 lists the roles of the Program Team. Detailed qualifications of the Project Team are included in the Resume section. Table 3.Program Team Roles Program Title Team Member Information Name Cameron McCullough,MS,CPSWQ,QSD/P,IGP ToR Project Manager Roles Project delivery for watershed services,point-of-contact Name Jillian Brickey,MS,CPSWQ,QSD/P,IGP ToR Project Manager Roles Project delivery for development services,point-of-contact Name Michelle Kim, MSE,CPSWQ,QSD E Project Engineer v Roles Plan review and approval �' Name Hugo Garcia,CESSWI,QSP u Project Analyst Roles Project development,field inspection support Name Wilson Duong,ECI I Compliance Specialist Roles Field compliance inspector Name Chris Smith,CESSWI,QSP Compliance Specialist Roles Field compliance inspector Name John Hunter,PE, REA -D Principal-in-charge v Roles As-needed project oversight and support c Name Rosalinda Tandoc,PE W Senior Engineer Roles Plan review and approval • Page4 • MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 F. References Table 4 lists six ofJLHA's clients that receive Municipal NPDES services.The table includes client and client contact. Additional references are available at the request of the City. Table 4:Prior Project Experience Client Data Field Project Information Downey Contact/Title Mohammad Mostahkami, Director of Public Works 11 Address 11111 Brookshire Ave,Downey,CA 90241 Phone/email (562)904-7102, mmostahkami@downeyca.org Norwalk Contact/Title Adriana Figueroa,Administrative Services Manager Address 12700 Norwalk Blvd,Norwalk,CA 90650 Phone/email (562)929-5760,afigueroa@norwalkca.gov Signal Hill Contact/Title Grissel Chavez,Deputy Director of Public Works Address 2175 Cherry Avenue,Signal Hill,CA 90775 Phone/email (562)989-7251,gchavez@cityofsignalhill.org South Gate Contact/Title Arturo Cervantes,Public Works Director Address 8650 California Ave,South Gate,CA 90280 Phone/email (323)563-9512,acervantes@sogate.org Stanton Contact/Title Allan Rigg, Director of Public Works Address 7800 Katella Ave,Stanton,CA 90680 Phone/email (714)890-4204,arigg@ci.stanton.ca.us Temple City Contact/Title Andrew Coyne,Management Analyst Address 9701 Las Tunas Dr.,Temple City,CA 91780 Phone/email (626)285-2171 ext.4344 • Pages �. ._.._. MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 II. Scope of Work JLHA welcomes the opportunity to provide professional Municipal NPDES services to the City of Rosemead. This section details the work plan for completing the scope of work provided in the City's Request for Proposals (RFP)for MS4 NPDES Permit Compliance and Support Services. The timeframe for the proposed services is for a period of one year from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.The services provided may be extended for additional years pending City Council approval.This proposal is valid for 90 days. -- — --� —� — Page6 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 A. Meetings Table 5 lists the scope of work for Meetings as part of the MS4 NPDES services. Table 5.Scope of work for Meetings Permit§ Task 4 Task Name VI.0/D A.1 Meetings A.1.a Attend kickoff meeting with City staff A.1.b Attend six(6)regional meetings(such as LAPH,ULAR,or MS4 Permit related workshops) A.1.c Attend six(4)informal City staff or management meetings A.1.e Prepare MS4 NPDES agenda and summaries for each City meeting B. Staff Training Table 6 lists the scope of work for Staff Training as part of the MS4 NPDES services. Annual training will be provided to designated City staff by State registered QISP,SWPPP, QSD,or QSP JLHA personnel. Table 6.Scope of work for Staff Training Permit§ Task N Task Name VI.D.8-10 B.1 Staff Training Prepare materials and hold annual training sessions for designated City staff in: 8.I.ii.(1) B.1.a Construction/Erosion Plan Review and Permitting 8.I.ii.(2) B.1.b Erosion/Sediment Control Plan 9.k B.1.c Stormwater Targeted Public Employee and Contractor 10.a.iii.(5) B.1.d Staff Illicit Connection/Illicit Discharge Response B.1.e Other MS4 NPDES training topics as requested by the City C. Public Information and Participation Program Table 7 lists the scope of work for the Public Information and Participation Program. JLHA will develop activity specific public education content, regarding source control BMPs, use and disposal relevant to Rio Hondo Reach 3, and downstream receiving water impairments. Table 7.Scope of work for the Public Information and Participation Program Permit§ Task tt Task Name VI.D.5.d C.1 Residential Outreach Program d.i.(2) C.1.a Update materials to address vehicle,house,yard,pesticide,animal,construction wastes Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section Page7 NIL 4■111111111111•1111111111111‘.—01111..M1111111111111... " MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 D. Industrial/Commercial (I/C) Facilities Program Table 8 lists the scope of work for the Industrial/Commercial (I/C) Facilities Program. JLHA understands that the actual number and categories of inspections completed will be subject to adjustment based on prioritization and funding. Table 8:Tasks for the Industrial/Commercial Facilities Program Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.6 D.1 Track Critical Industrial/Commercial Facilities h.i,ii,iii D.1.a Review City's Business License Fee Schedule records and provide correspond SIC/NAICS codes D.1.b Prepare pre-inspection notification letter b.i,ii,iii Update and maintain database of program records(see Reporting Scope of Work section) VI.D.6 D.2 Educate Industrial/Commercial Facility Operators c:.i D.2.a Notify facility operators of program requirements c.ii D.2.b Develop and print educational materials to distribute to facilities VI.D.6 D.3 Inspect Critical Industrial/Commercial Facilities d,e,f D.3.a Inspect industrial/commercial facilities for proper BMP implementation d,e,f D.3.b Correspond with facility operators h.2.D.i D.3.c Conduct follow-up inspections at non-compliant facilities within 4 weeks VI.D.2 D.4 Enforce at Noncompliant Facilities 2.D.ii D.4.a Prepare enforcement notices for non-compliant facilities following city ordinances 2.D.ii D.4.b Provide other as-needed enforcement assistance Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section JLHA proposes the following estimates for one round of industrial/commercial inspections. Scope of Work Estimates Track 331 facilities Inspect 175 facilities Educate 175 facilities Conduct 18 follow-ups Prepare 9 enforcement actions JLHA will send a City reviewed pre-inspection notification letter on City letterhead, conduct inspections using a City reviewed form, and develop an I/C facility program tracking database with the attributes identified in Permit Part VI.D.6.b.ii. By July 1, 2019, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs,significant business specific communications, I/C Program tracking database,and Geographic Information System (GIS)shape files will be submitted to the City's Project Manager. JLHA will review the City of Rosemead's Business License Fee Schedule and provide corresponding Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes Page8 1mo. -ram- MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 for future use by City staff,during the licensing process.JLHA will review Primary Business Activities(PBAs) in the Business License database and identify corresponding SIC and NAICs codes. JLHA will also provide per inspection category rates,for newly identified facilities,follow up, and enforcement inspections. JLHA will provide the identified number, type and associated I/C Facility inspections services, identifying additional per inspection rates for each I/C identified category. At the conclusion of the permit service period in June, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs, significant business specific communications, the tracking database, and associated GIS shape file would be submitted to the City Project Manager. E. Redevelopment Planning Table 9 lists the scope of work for the Redevelopment Planning Program.Turn-around for LID plan review is two weeks. Table 9:Tasks for the Redevelopment Planning Program Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.7.d E.I. LID Plan Review E.1.a Prepare and adopt LID ordinance(complete) Ir E.1.b Review LID plans following the criteria of VI.D.7 Update and maintain database of program records(see Reporting Scope of Work section) Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section JLHA will provide two (2) LID storm water project reviews, for each of four (4) projects of less than five acres, based on MS4 Permit Part VI.D.7 criteria.JLHA understands that larger projects will be reviewed on a negotiated time and materials basis. Developer provided Project and Best Management Practice (BMP) tracking data will be input into the Watershed Reporting Adaptive Management & Planning System (WRAMPs), other suitable City software, or database, using City provided identification and passwords. Page9 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 82018 F. Redevelopment Construction Inspections Table 10 lists the scope of work for the Redevelopment Construction Inspections Program. Table 10:Tasks for the Redevelopment Construction Inspections Program Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.8.g F.1 Inventory ESCP,CGP,or City Project sites g.i F.1.a Update monthly the inventory of construction sites j.ii F.1.b Update and maintain database of program records(see Reporting Scope of Work section) VI.D.B.j F.2 Inspect ESCP,CGP,or City Project sites F.2.a Inspect sites for proper BMP implementation F.2.b Correspond with site operators F.2.c Conduct follow-up inspections at non-compliant sites VI.D.2 F.3 Enforce at non-compliant sites 2.a.i F.3.a Prepare enforcement notices for non-compliant facilities following city ordinances 2.a.ii F.3.b Provide other as-needed enforcement actions Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section JLHA will provide inspections once per month, for up to 12 days per year, up to four (4) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), Construction General Permit (CGP), or City Projects as prioritized by City staff.JLHA will draft inspection forms for City review prior to first inspection.JLHA will forward Correction and Enforcement (NOVs) actions where appropriate to the City Project Manager within one week following the inspection. Follow-ups are conducted within the timeframe provided in the enforcement action. G. Post-Construction BMP Inspections Table 11 lists the scope of work for the Post-Construction BMP Inspections Program. Table 11:Tasks for the Post-Construction BMP Inspections Program Permit§:: Task# Task name VLD.7.d G.1 LID BMP Inspections iv.(1).(b) G.1.a Conduct BMP verification inspections iv.(1).(c) G.1.b Notify existing LID Plan sites of maintenance requirements iv.(1).(d) G.1.c Conduct BMP maintenance inspections iv.(1).(e) G.1.d Conduct follow-up activities at non-compliant projects Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section JLHA will use Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) and City reviewed forms, to inspect and assess, the effectiveness of visible post-construction BMPs, not inspected during the prior two years that LID and BMP criteria were unavailable during ULAR Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA) and EWMP --- ----. — — ---- ---- Page 10 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 development.JLHA will record Post-Construction BMP inspection,and tracking data,as identified in MS4 Permit Parts VI.D.7.d,VI.D.7.d.iv.(1)(a),and VI.D.9.h.x, and provide the City with GIS shape and data files with collected observations H. Public Facility Inventory Table 12 lists the scope of work to develop a Public Facility Inventory following MS4 Permit Part VI.D.9.c.i. Table 12:Tasks for the Public Facility Inventory Permit§. Task# Task name ; VI.D.9.c H.1. Inventory Public Facilities H.1.a Develop electronic inventory of public facilities I. Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities Table 13 lists the scope of work to develop an Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities. Table 13:Tasks for the Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.9.ill 1.1. Inventory Existing Development Retrofit Opportunities 1.1.a Included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section 1.2 Feasibility Study I.2.a Prepare feasibility study I.2.b Prepare and support second round grant applications JLHA will identify private and public parcels, potentially suitable for retrofitting with BMPs as pollution source controls. Multiple regional BMP projects will be identified and based on the findings, propose at least one retrofit opportunity suitable for implementation as a regional BMP following the City's recommendations on the RFP. Such tasks include undertaking a concept analysis of the regional BMP,as well as smaller retrofit projects(particularly those requiring private/public partnership), and identifying a short list of competitive projects for purpose of grant application,for review by the City's Project Manager, preparing a feasibility study (for the suite of project[s]) suitable for submission as a Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant, Groundwater(if projects can demonstrate recharge benefit), and/or other future grants. 1. Grant Support JLHA will assist with preparing and supporting grant applications. JLHA has successfully assisted clients with Prop 1 and Prop 84 grant applications. A separate cost estimate is included in the Fee Proposal section. Page 11 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 J. Public Activity Management Table 14 lists the scope of work for the Public Activity Management Program. Table 14:Tasks for the Public Activity Management Program Permit§ Task tt Task name VI.D.9.b Public Construction Activities(addressed by Development Construction Program) VI.D.9 J.1 Public Agency Facility and Activity Management vi 1.1.a Update BMP fact sheets for activities listed in Table 18 of the MS4 Permit e.iv J.1.b Update language to require contractors to implement BMPs from VI.D.9.e.iii g.ii J.1.c Update Integrated Pest Management procedures h 1.1.a.d Storm Drain Operation and maintenance(supplanted by Trash TMDL requirements) Provide one person for a day per month,for twelve(12)months,to observe activities&facilities Prepare written suggestions regarding modifications and improvements to activities&facilities Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section 1LHA will allot one person for a day per month, for twelve (12) months, to observe public activities or facilities and provide written suggestions regarding how the activities or facilities can be modified to improve pollutant source control efforts. K. Trash TMDL Compliance Table 15 lists the scope of work for the Trash TMDL Compliance Program. Table 15:Tasks for the Trash TMDL Compliance Program Permit§ Task tt Task name VI.D.9 K.1 TMDL Program Assistance K.1.a Conduct Trash TMDL DGR Study and prepare Compliance Report K.1.b Assist with compliance planning and reporting for the trash TMDLs Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section -- _ Page 12 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 L. IC/ID Investigation and Elimination Table 16 lists the scope of work for the IC/ID Investigation and Elimination Program. Complaints received will be investigated within the timeframes provided in the MS4 Permit's Progressive Enforcement procedures (MS4 Permit VI.D.2.a). Enforcement actions will be undertaken following these procedures. JLHA understands that these services are provided on an as-needed basis. Table 16:Tasks for the IC/ID Investigation and Elimination Program Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.10 L.1 Investigate Illicit Discharges b.ii L.1.a Investigate illicit discharge complaints and prepare investigation report b.iv.(1) L.1.b Conduct follow-up investigations to verify elimination of detected illicit discharges d.v Update and maintain database of program records(see Reporting Scope of Work section) VI.D.2 L.2 Enforce cases of noncompliance L.2.a Prepare enforcement notices for non-compliant facilities following city ordinance L.2.b Provide other as-needed enforcement assistance Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section M. Annual Report Table 17 lists the scope of work for the Annual Report Program. The elements of the Annual Report prepared by JLHA will include a first draft to meet the mid-September watershed-wide deadline as well as a final draft for City review one month prior to submittal on December 15`h. Table 17:Tasks for the Annual Report Program Permit§ Task# Task name MRP CVIII,XIX M.1 Reporting M.1.a Prepare Individual MS4 NPDES Annual Report M.1.b Assist in preparation of Watershed MS4 NPDES Annual Report(preparation led by WMG) V].D M.2 Record Keeping 6.b.i-iii,7.d.iv, M 2 a Update and maintain programs database(s)of project/facility/site/BMP inventory,inspection, 8.g.i.ii,10.d.v investigation,and enforcement records for all programs provided under the scope of work N. Project Administration Table 18 lists the scope of work for the administration of this project. Table 18:Tasks for the Project Administration Permit§ Task it Task name N.1 Administer Program N.1.a Prepare project update reports and provide project updates to City staff N.1.b Assure quality on services provided — — Page 13 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 III. Rate Schedule and Estimated Costs A. Rate Schedule $185/hr Principal $165/hr Director $165/hr Staff Engineer Project Manager $155/hr Assistant Project Manager $145/hr $145/hr Project Engineer Environmental Compliance Specialist II $115/hr Project Analyst II $115/hr Environmental Compliance Specialist I $95/hr Project Analyst I $95/hr Administrative Assistant, Laborer (OSHA 40hr certified) $65/hr State Certified Laboratory Analysis Cost+5% Legal Consultation, Court Appearances/Document review, etc. $250/hr Cost+S% Subcontracted equipment Fee Schedule effective as of January 1, 2018 JLHA does not add charges for overhead items such as administrative copying or mileage in and around the city. — — Page 14 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 B. Estimated Not-to-Exceed Fee Proposal The annual not-to-exceed cost for this project is included in Table 19.Additional information on the tasks listed are provided under the Scope of Work section of this proposal. Page 15 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal ' February 8,2018 _ _ Table 19:Estimated Costs for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Task name .•. • • . I Teams I' Rate I Hours I' Cost • 'Totals. $4,565 A.Meetings Program A.1 Meetings(1 kickoff meeting,6 regional meetings,and 4 informal City PM $155 11 $1,705 staff or management meetings PA2 $115 11 $1,265 PE $145 11 $1,595 $2,160 B.Staff Training Program B.1 Staff Training PM $155 8 $1,240 l PA2 1 $115 I 8 I $920 $950 C.Public Information and Participation Program C.1 Residential Outreach Program I CS1 I $95 I 10 I $950 $24,755 D.Industrial/Commerdal(I/C}Facilities Program PA2 $115 6 $690 D.1 Track facilities D.2 Educate facility operators PA1 $95 10 $950 D.3 Inspect facilities(175 routine,18 follow-ups) CS2 $115 193 $22,195 0.4 Enforce at on-compliant facilities CS2 $115 8 $920 $5,510 E.Redevelopment Planning E.1 LID Plan Review I PE I $145 I 38 I $5,510 $11,730 F.Redevelopment Construction Inspections CS2 $115 6 $690 F.1 Inventory ESCP,CGP,or city Project sites F.2 Inspect ESCP,CGP,City Projects(4 sites,48 inspections,12 follow-ups) CS2 $115 88 $10,120 F.3 Enforce at non-compliant sites C52 $115 8 $920 $1,885 G.Post-Construction BMP Inspections G.1 LID BMP Inspections(13 sites) I PE I $145 I 13 I $1,885 $285 H.Public Facility Inventory H.1 Inventory Public Facilities I PA I $95 I 3 I $285 $4,990 I.Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities 1.1 Inventory Existing Development Retrofit Opportunities PM $155 8 $1,240 PA1 $115 20 $2,300 PE $145 10 $1,450 $3,380 J.Public Activity Management 11.1 I l Public Agency 1 $115 24 $2,760 Agency Facility and Activity Management II 1 PM $155 4 $620 $10,730 K.Trash TMDL Compliance K.1.TMDL Program Assistance AA $65 80 $5,200 C51 $95 20 S1,900 ! PM $155 16 $2,480 PA2 $115 10 $1,150 $1,520 1.tC/ID Investigation and Elimination L.1 Investigate Illicit Discharges(as-needed) I C51 I $951121 $1,140 1.2 Enforce cases of non-compliance(as-needed) CS1 $95 4 $380 $5,630 M.Annual Report M.1 Reporting PA1 $95 20 $1,900 PM $155 10 $1,550 M.2.Record Keeping AA $65 24 $1,560 PM $155 4 $620 $1,860 N.Project Administration N.1 Administer Program I PM I $155 I 12 I $1,860 $79,950 •AA-Administrative Assistant,CS1-Compliance Specialist I,CS2-Compliance Specialist II,PA1-Project Analyst I,PA2-Project Analyst II,PE-Project Engineer,PM-Project Manager - P a g e 16 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Table 20:Estimated Costs for Grant Application Preparation and Support Task name I Team* I Rate I Hours I Cost Totals $24,000 O.Grant Support-Additional Service Task 0.1 Prepare and support grant application PA? $115 80 $9,200 PE $145 70 $10,150 PM $155 30 $4,650 $24,000 Total PA?—Project Analyst il,PE-Project Engineer,PM—Project Manager Page 17 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal _ February 8,2018 Appendix A: Resumes & Certification The following section includes the resumes and certifications of key personnel. PageA1 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 John L. Hunter, PE Principal EducationMr. Hunter serves as the Principal of JLHD. He has 31 years B.S.B Chemical Engineering,CSULB of experience in municipal environmental programs and B.S. Biological Sciences,UCI currently oversees: (1) elements of over 40 separate NPDES programs encompassing three counties that covers Certifications and Licenses programs such as: watershed and stormwater management, CA Professional Chemical Engineer,4724 TMDL implementation, plan reviews, industrial and CA Registered Environmental Assessor,0900 construction inspections, public agency activities, public CA Hazardous Substance Removal,A3382 CA General Engineering License,A-582340 outreach, and monitoring/reporting; (2) eleven municipal FOG programs encompassing permitting, inspections and enforcement; (3) seven municipal Used Oil Recycling programs; (4) three municipal Beverage Container Recycling programs; and (5) two water conservation programs. As of May 2016 Mr. Hunter serves as the chair for the LA Permit Group, which provides area-wide MS4 Permit updates to all affected parties under the LA Region MS4 Permit. Related Experience Watershed Management Lead consultant for the Lower Los Angeles River Watershed Group, the Lower San Gabriel River Watershed Group, the Peninsula Cities Watershed Group, and the Long Beach Near-shore watersheds. Oversaw preparation and oversees continued development of the Watershed Management Programs for these groups. Also participates in the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Group, the Dominguez Channel Watershed Group, and the Los Cerritos Channel Watershed Group. Total Maximum Daily Loads Los Angeles River Metals TMDL: Developed the Reach 1 Metals TMDL Implementation Plan on behalf of nine local agencies.The Plan was used as a source document for the Compliance Schedule in the Lower LA River WMP. Los Angeles River Trash TMDL:Administered Trash DGR studies and associated compliance reports for multiple cities since 2004. Negotiated client interests with Regional Board staff. Obtained grant funding for and prepared the Hamilton Bowl BMP Study.The study evaluated different end-of-pipe trash capture systems for the Cities of Signal Hill and Long Beach. MS4 Permit Minimum Control Measures(MCMs) Oversees MCM elements of MS4 Permits for 37 cities. MCM programs include business and construction site inspections, LID Plan and SWPPP reviews, BMP implementation for public agency activities, illicit discharge investigations,and public outreach. Representation and advocacy Represents client interests in meetings with Regional Board staff/members regarding(E)WMPs,TMDLs,and other Permit mandates.Has chaired the Los Angeles River Watershed Management Committee,Santa Monica Bay Bacterial TMDL J7 Subcommittee,and the LA Permit Group.Currently serves as technical lead for the Lower San Gabriel,Lower Los Angeles,and Peninsula Cities Watershed Management Groups. PageA2 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018— Jillian Brickey, MS,CPSWQ, QSD/P,CGP ToR Director 11 Years of Experience in Water Quality Jillian Brickey has eleven years of experience in environmental management, specializing in stormwater and watershed Education management and water conservation.Her relevant experiences M.S., Environmental Science,CSUF include implementing and managing NPDES municipal Permit B.S.,Zoology,Cal State Poly Pomona programs for Low Impact Development, Development Certifications Construction,and TMDL/watershed management.Tasks include CPSWQ,Envirocert(#0845) includes plan review and approval,reporting,training municipal QSD/QSP,CASQA(#22731) staff in program implementation, and representing client CGP Trainer of Record,CASCL4 interests in interactions with regulators and other stakeholders. Recent Experience and Project Qualifications Municipal NPDES Permit Management: Ms.Brickey serves as a Programs Manager of municipal NPDES Permit programs for multiple cities throughout the Southland. NPDES Permits managed include all elements of the MS4 and CGP Permits,including erosion/sediment control and Low Impact Development(LID)for construction projects,and TMDL implementation for water bodies impaired by trash, metals,toxics,and bacteria.Through these management activities,she has: • Represented cities in MS4 NPDES Permit New Development compliance audits from the Regional Water Quality Control Board. (Seal Beach:2010,2015,Stanton:2010). • Developed TMDL compliance plans for Metals, Toxics, Bacteria, and Trash. (Lower Los Angeles River, Lower San Gabriel River, Long Beach Nearshore Watersheds:2013-2016.) • Served as primary contact with clients and represented their interests when interacting with regulators. (Covina,La Habra,Seal Beach,South Pasadena,Stanton,Pasadena,West Hollywood). • Developed Stormwater Quality Management Programs (Seal Beach: 2011), LID compliance guideline documents(Gateway cities,2014),and LID ordinances(2014). • Held CGP QSD/QSP training as a CGP ToR(Pasadena,2016)and led over one hundred municipal training sessions in MS4 and CGP Permits.(Over 20 municipal clients:2008-2016). • Reviewed on behalf of municipal clients hundreds of LID Plans,WQMPs,and SWPPPs and verified proper installation and maintenance of hundreds of LID BMPs. • Supervised JLHA plan checking staff. Watershed Management: Ms. Brickey served as a Project Manager for the development of the Watershed Management Programs (WMPs) for the Lower Los Angeles River and Lower San Gabriel River Watershed Groups(2013-2016).The WMPs were developed by MS4 Permittees with shared watershed boundaries,with the objective of achieving surface water quality standards.Tasks included evaluating existing control measures and developing new control measures and compliance schedules to achieve water quality standards. She also oversaw the development and implementation of LID ordinances as required by the WMP development process.This included preparing a LID Ordinance Equivalency Demonstration for the City of Long Beach. She has also lead multi-jurisdictional workshops and technical committees on watershed management program implementation,and engaged with Regional Water Quality Control Board members,staff and non- governmental organizations in support of contested issues regarding the watershed management compliance approach.Through representation of municipal clients'stakeholder interests,Ms. Brickey has also participated in the development of watershed management programs and monitoring programs for the Upper Los Angeles River,Upper San Gabriel River,and Peninsula Cities Watershed Groups(2013-present). PageA3 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Education Cameron McCullough, MS, CPSWQ, QSD/P, IGP,ToR M.S.,Applied Mathematics,CSULB B.S., Physics,CSULB Cameron McCullough has fourteen years of experience in the Certifications environmental compliance field, specializing in surface water quality CPSWQ, Envirocert(#0842) regulation. His experiences include managing the development and QSD/QSP,CASQA(#22706) implementation of municipal NPDES,TMDL, and FOG Control programs, IGP Trainer of Record,CASQA(#079) assisting and training municipal staff in their in-house NPDES programs, Affiliations and representing client interests in interactions with regulators and Phi Beta Kappa Society other stakeholders. Society for Industrial&Applied Math Recent Experience and Project Qualifications Municipal NPDES Permit Management: Mr. McCullough serves as a Programs Manager of municipal NPDES Permit programs for multiple cities throughout the Southland. Permits managed include the NPDES stormwater permits— MS4, IGP, CGP—as well as non-stormwater permits and related orders such as those for drinking water system releases and sanitary sewer overflows. Permit programs address(1)stormwater quality for construction,industrial, and municipal activities and post-construction BMPs for development activities, (2) non-stormwater discharges to and from the MS4,(3)TMDLs for water bodies impaired by trash,metals,toxics,and bacteria,and(4)surface water quality monitoring.Through his program management activities, he has developed qualifications that meet those required to serve as the Project Manager for this project.Specific examples of these qualifications include: ■ Serving as a Project Manager for contracted MS4 NPDES Program assistance for local cities.(Lomita,Glendale, Hawthorne, Monterey Park, Placentia, Stanton,Temple City, Villa Park,West Covina, and West Hollywood.) Responsibilities include serving as project point-of-contact,overseeing the Project Team, ensuring successful completion of the project,and representing the client in interactions with regulators and watershed groups. ■ Through these projects Mr. McCullough has served as Project Lead to all subordinate members of the team for this project.As such the team has developed a track record of working together effectively. • Representing cities in MS4 NPDES Permit compliance audits from the Regional Water Quality Control Board. (Seal Beach 2006,2010,Stanton 2010,2014, Big Bear Lake 2007.) • Developing 1)watershed-based compliance plans for wet and dry weather TMDLs for Metals,Toxics,Bacteria, and Trash (Lower Los Angeles River, Lower San Gabriel River, and Long Beach Nearshore Watersheds: 2013- 2016), 2) municipal Stormwater Quality Management Programs (Stanton 2011, Villa Park 2015) and 3) SWPPPs(Downey, Norwalk, Lynwood, Pico Rivera,West Covina:2011-2016). • Leading hundreds of municipal training sessions in MS4,IGP,CGP,and Drinking Water System NPDES Permits, as well as SSO spill response and FOG control. (26 municipal clients from 2004-2016, covering 3 State Water Board Regions and 5 Phase I MS4 Permits.) Watershed Management: Mr. McCullough served as a Project Manager for the development of the Watershed Management Programs(WMPs)for the Lower Los Angeles River,Lower San Gabriel River,and Long Beach Nearshore Watershed Groups(2013-2016).The WMPs were developed by MS4 Permittees with shared watershed boundaries, with the objective of achieving surface water quality standards.Tasks included identifying water quality priorities, evaluating existing control measures, developing new control measures and compliance schedules, and providing quantitive reasonable assurance to attain water quality standards. He has also lead multi-jurisdictional workshops and technical committees on watershed management program implementation,and engaged with Regional Water Quality Control Board members,staff and non-governmental organizations in support of contested issues regarding the watershed management compliance approach. Through representation of municipal clients' stakeholder interests, Mr. McCullough has also participated in the development of watershed management programs and monitoring programs for the Los Cerritos Channel, Dominguez Channel,Upper Los Angeles River,and Upper San Gabriel River(2013-present). Pa geA4 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Michelle Kim, MSE, CPSWQ, QSD, EIT Project Manager/Project Engineer Michelle Kim has eleven years of experience in the 11 Years of Experience in Water Quality water quality industry, which includes potable Education water,wastewater,and storm water. Her relevant M.S., Civil Engineering, Loyola Marymount experiences and tasks include implementing and B.S., Environmental Science, UC Berkeley managing NPDES municipal permit provisions such B.A., Public Health, UC Berkeley as watershed management, planning and land Certifications development, and TMDL compliance. She is EIT, NCEES(#141554) involved in the development and review of Water CPSWQ, Envirocert (#1134) Quality Management Plans (WQMPS), Low Impact QSD, CASQA(#26504) Development (LID) Plans, and Standard Urban Grade 3 Laboratory Analyst,CWEA(#130133001) Stormwater Mitigation Plans (SUSMPs). Michelle's past experience includes work with the Orange County Sanitation District involving treatment processes, laboratory analyses, and monitoring of wastewater and source control. Her current responsibilities include providing municipal NPDES plan checking services, conducting BMP verification and maintenance inspections, representing clients in meetings, and assisting in the implementation of Watershed Management Programs. Michelle's client-specific responsibilities at JLHA include: • Reviewing LID Plans following the standards of the Los Angeles County area-wide MS4 Permit for the cities of Diamond Bar, Downey, Monterey Park, Norwalk, Pasadena, Santa Fe Springs, Signal Hill, and South Gate, and West Hollywood. • Reviewing WQMPS following the standards of the North Orange County area-wide MS4 Permit for the cities of Buena Park, La Habra,Seal Beach, and Stanton. (WQMPS are the Orange County- equivalent of Los Angeles County's LID Plans.) • Serving as point-of-contact with project engineers for the LID Plan and WQMP review process. • Conducting post-construction BMP inspections for the City of West Hollywood. • Assisting in municipal TMDL compliance activities, including review of Bacteria TMDL monitoring data for Jurisdiction 7 of the Santa Monica Bay, reconsideration of the Machado Lake nutrients TMDL,and preparation of the final compliance report for the Machado Lake Trash TMDL. • Assisting in MS4 Permit Project Management for the Cities of Hawthorne, Lomita,and Rancho Palos Verdes.Tasks include serving as a point-of-contact with City staff, representing city interests at watershed meetings and other NPDES-related meetings and hearings, and preparing the Individual Annual Report. Assisting in Project Management of Watershed Management efforts under the LA County area-wide MS4 Permit. (Palos Verdes Peninsula Watershed Management Group.)Tasks include administering meetings, managing subcontractors, and preparing the Watershed Annual Report. PageAS MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Hugo Garcia, CESSWI, QSP Environmental Compliance Specialist II Education B.S., Environmental Science, UCR Hugo Garcia has six years of experience with John L. Hunter & Certifications and Training Associates, specializing in NPDES and Industrial Waste/FOG CESSWI, Envirocert(#4769) Control regulations. His experiences include MS4 compliance of QSP,CASQA(1126091) the Public Information and Participation, Industrial/Commercial, Professional Certificate in GIS Construction, Public Agency, and Illicit Connections & Illicit 24 Hour HAZWOPER Discharge Elimination Programs. In addition, Hugo provides Basic Inspector Academy, Cal EPA assistance with TMDL implementation and serves as the lead GIS Specialist providing spatial analysis to clients in the Los Angeles Spanish fluency and Orange counties. Recent Experience and Project Qualifications Mr. Garcia currently serves as an Environmental Compliance Specialist II whose responsibilities include field compliance inspections for local cities (Inglewood, La Habra, Pasadena, South Gate, and Whittier), and providing assistance with the implementation of the several Watershed Management Programs in the Los Angeles County.Specific examples of these and past qualifications include: • Conducting over 2,000 NPDES compliance inspections at Industrial, Commercial (i.e.auto,restaurant, nursery),and Construction sites • Assisting with the implementation and reporting of the LA River's Trash TMDL DGR Study • Assisting with the development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)for both Signal Hill and West Covina facilities, as required by the Statewide Industrial NPDES General Permit(IGP). • Developing and maintaining GIS databases of 1) MS4 outfall locations with and without Non- Stormwater Discharges,2)retrofitted catch basin storm drain systems,and 3)potential sites for multi- agency,multi-watershed low impact development(LID) regional projects throughout the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds • Reviewing preliminary plumbing plans for new development and tenant improvement projects at Industrial Waste/FOG facilities in the cities of Arcadia, Signal Hill, South El Monte, South Gate, and Stanton • Preparing a Spill, Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan for the City of South Gate's Corporation Yard and providing training PageA6 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal _ February 8,2018 Rosalinda Tandoc,PE Staff Civil Engineer Overview Ms. Tandoc has over 30 years of experience reviewing and approving structural and architectural plans. Her specialty lies in reviewing and approving such plans for compliance with Permits (including MS4), City ordinances (including LID and Green Streets/Fats, Oils, and Grease/Industrial Waste/Erosion Control), Building Codes, and other State Laws. At JLHA, she has been instrumental in expediting plan review and approval for issuance of permits, interacting with clients to troubleshoot project development problems, and expediently facilitating completion of client projects. She has done this for all of JLHA's past and current clients,which now includes 23 cities. Education Certifications and Licenses Master of Science in Civil Engineering CA Registered Civil Engineer California State University, Long Beach Related Experience With JLHA • Reviews structural and architectural plans and residential and large and (Starting 2006) complicated buildings for compliance with the MS4 Permit,City Ordinances and State Law. • Interacts with developers to facilitate completion of their projects • Worked with the Principal in investigating problems presented to them. • Code Consultant Prior Experience: • Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Building and Safety Division (1979—2.006) • Coordinated with local agencies in expediting the issuance of permits • Assisted Permit Technician in solving problems that he or she may have incurred in the processing of permits and other related problems that need to be resolved at the counter. • Assisted the City in developing ways and methods of expediting the processing of plans for issuance of permits. • Assisted the City in developing plans and methods for effective office organization in the City Building Department in working with the City Planning Department. Personal Advancement Courses Achievements/Volunteer Works Engineering Management Outstanding Woman of 1998, City of Cerritos Communication Greater Long Beach Girl Scout Council • Diversity Training Cerritos Senior Center,City of Cerritos Business and English Writings St. Linus Parish, Norwalk,CA Supervisory Management Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles -- - Page y • e-, 5„, t ,.44,, 4, , - t.,k MI r\<-j --" 71\. 'n,"�y C ,(< v.Y N r C VN h ` 4:1) N i E imbit Cr W _ 5 E cuE ,--# .4-. ;-,1 0 ,. 1 O °' O :p = I U E 2 _ • ' 11) rf) CI) 6.1) Pt 9 .. . 1 Hiii P. U a r-1-1 .4 0 1.1 -1—) 44 w , O cry v, • rig U (i) Cy ,?, E CU o 0-4 W *d ed A 10 �-+ U IIIA wI t, 4 y� 0,,,_,0 ai, E.0 ,i, Cn cn \V E a 1 ,,, ,.. ,.,,,, cd •,, .0 -4-1 .4m1 4 � U CU a) U a U E a) Ui cu et o z ,� 1 V � J \ • • 0,..:,_, e cls U r j �Urr r Letc(2-Itt r :,-,A ' ass-Y , (/.f21�1 t r;'s )j A. �.`'�Je°din'T� V�' Y N e y, C_ , to - CD v W Q) • N . EQz .: ,. . _ . . 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J s /, 2, CA -, .._ C Proposal for: Engineering and Cons ilting RFP No. 2018-01 • MUNICIPAL SERPARTE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Submitted To: ti ROSEMEAD fuil.,.',mail To% nAnx•rica .ifY OF ROSEMEAD City Clerks Office Attn: Mr. Rafael M. Fajardo, City Engineer Public Works Department/Engineering Division 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Submittal Date: February 8, 2018 Submitted By: CASC ENGINEERING AND �%..>N4ioa.1:.. v, ,,vi... Ernie Mansfield, QISP, CPESC, QSP/D 633 West Route 66, Suite A Glendora, CA 91740 (855) 383-0101 Ext: 3450 www.cascinc.com West Route 66,Suite A C Glendora,CA 91740 Office:855.383.0101 I.:n0inc4oriug and Consul in:; Fax:909.783.0108 February 8,2018 City of Rosemead 633 W City Clerk's Office 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead,CA 91770 Attn: Rafael M.Fajardo,City Engineer Public Works Department/Engineering Division PROPOSAL TO: MUNICIPA SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM(MS4)NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NPDES)PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Dear Mr.Fajardo, CASC Engineering and Consulting (CASC) is pleased to have the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services for the City of Rosemead. CASC, a California S-corporation, was established in 1993 and has been providing professional consulting services to government agency clients for nearly 26 years. CASC is regarded as one of the leading NPDES consulting firms in the state of California.Our work with government agencies spans a multitude of programs, from multi-million dollar on-call contracts with Caltrans to small and medium-sized municipal support contracts.We bring to the City of Rosemead an extensive experience in all aspects of the LA and Ventura County MS4 permit. From our office located in the City of Glendora, we have supported(or are currently supporting) numerous Stormwater Programs in Los Angeles and Ventura County, including programs for the cities of El Monte,Irwindale,Lawndale,and Industry,as well as for the County of Los Angeles(DPW),Caltrans, UCLA and LAUSD.The quality of our services is exemplified by our repeat work for many prominent clients,including: Years Utilizing CASC for Agency/Client Prominence NPDES Compliance Support Caltrans Largest Transportation Department in the USA 20 LAUSD Largest School District in California 15 UCLA Largest University in California 11 Southern California Edison Largest Privately Held Utility Company in 9 Los Angeles County DPW Largest County(Population)in the USA 8 We appreciate the opportunity to provide our proposal and qualifications and look forward to working with the City of Rosemead. If you have any questions regarding our proposal, please feel free to contact Ernie Mansfield at(855) 383-0101 Ext:3450. This proposal is valid for 90 days. Sincerely, Sincerely, Sincerely, CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC. CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC. CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC. .G%17. Ernie Mansfield,QISP,QSP/D,CPESC Environmental Project Manager Michael Kolbenschlag,RLA,QSP/D,CPESC Rick Sidor,PE,QSD,CPESC 633 West Route 66,Suite A Director of Environmental Services Principal/CFO Glendora,CA 91740 633 West Route 66,Suite A 1470 E.Cooley Drive Phone(855)383-0101 Ext:3450 Glendora,CA 91740 Colton,CA 92324 emansfield@cascinc.com Phone(855)383-0101 Ext:5720 Phone(909)783-0101 mkolbenschlag@cascinc.com rsidor@cascinc.com 2018-0007 em/ss www.cascinc.com C� � CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ N0.2018-01 h:n�iI1 I I•ing and Con!.iltin, MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES FIRM INFORMATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CASC Engineering and Consulting (CASC), a California S corporation, was established in 1993 to provide professional consulting services to government agencies,utility districts,and the building industry.CASC is a mid -sized consulting firm that combines the personal touch of a small firm with the stability of the large, publicly- traded consulting conglomerates. CASC is a recognized leader in California's Storm Water National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance industry, having guided government agencies, utility companies, school districts, developers, and contractors through the regulatory requirements of the NPDES permits for over 20 years. Our ' reputation is one of technical knowledge and field understanding melded together to provide cost-effective approaches that meet 1. the regulatory requirements in a reasonable manner.We take pride in delivering solutions to water quality challenges that are sensible, practical,and performed by experienced professionals. CASC's extensive and relevant experience encompasses all aspects of NPDES regulatory compliance, including Municipal Program Development, Program Management,coastal and inland TMDLs,and Post-Construction BMP design,operations,and maintenance. We are comprehensively familiar with Federal, State, and local NPDES permits. We have worked with the SWRCB and eight of the Regional Boards—including extensive work with the LARWQCB. HISTORY OF COMPARABLE WORK SERVICES TO CITIES AND COUNTIES 110-00 CASC provides a wide array of storm water services to municipal storm water programs in Southern California. Our municipal NPDES services range from comprehensive MS4 program management to simply supporting a City or County agency with a component of their Stormwater Program. " • Our services cover program development, program management, compliance review and assessments, training, SWPPP and USMP reviews, BMP inspections, Storm Drain BMP retrofits, annual reports, commercial/industrial inspections, public information and outreach, construction inspections,and Agency representation at co-permittee meetings. Our municipal NPDES services have been provided to over SO governmental agencies in California, including the LA County Co-Permittee cities of Industry,San Dimas, Irwindale, Lawndale,and Covina,as well as the LA County Department of Public Works, LAUSD, UCLA, and the Burbank-Pasadena-Glendale Airport. CASC and it's staff have supported County Storm water programs in Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside, and San Diego Counties. For the cities of Covina, San Dimas, Ontario, Rialto, Colton, Moreno Valley, Temecula, Anaheim, and Industry, the firm has provided comprehensive storm water program inspection services. Storm water inspection services have included commercial,industrial,restaurant,construction,and post-construction BMP inspections.We have provided varying levels of advisory and staff training services to each and every one of our municipal clients. For the cities of Montclair,Santa Clarita, Colton,San Bernardino, Redlands, Highland, Moreno Valley,Temecula, and Perris, the firm provides comprehensive USMP/WQMP review and plan check services. This role provides the firm with a close-up view of the challenges that cities, developers, and consultants face in their efforts to C A \v'/ , CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and Cornolliing MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES comply with the post-construction requirements contained in municipal storm water permits and the general construction storm water permit. SERVICES TO MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL STORM WATER PROGRAMS CASC and our staff have collectively provided consulting services to multi-jurisdictional public agency storm water programs throughout California. Our clients have included the Ventura Countywide Stormwater Program, Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program, Riverside County Storm Water-Clean Water Protection Program, San Bernardino County Stormwater Program, the Mojave River Watershed Group, San Mateo Countywide Pollution Prevention Program, Coachella Valley Association of Governments (Desert Area Storm Water Program), and the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association. These services have included training,program development,permit negotiations,and compliance reporting,to name a few.We were honored to be selected by both the Riverside County Storm Water-Clean Water Program and the San Bernardino County Storm Water Program to train member agency staff on the new requirements for Water Quality Management Plans(WQMPs). SERVICES TO STATE AGENCIES CASC continues to assist the California Department of Transportation with the development and implementation of their NPDES storm water program. The firm's services to Caltrans have included key roles in the development of the first Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks, Storm Drain BMP PS&E and retrofits, inspection of construction sites, on-going training, and storm sampling. CASC's services to Caltrans have also included the design and construction of specialized BMP pilot study sites — a unique capability for a consulting firm. As a General Contractor licensed in California, the firm has constructed new BMP pilot monitoring sites in rural areas and refurbished existing BMP pilot monitoring sites in ultra urban areas. CASC has provided over $20 million in Storm Water Consulting Services to Caltrans over the past 10+years. LEADERSHIP IN THE WATER QUALITY FIELD CASC is a leader in the storm water profession. Our staff continues to serve in prominent positions for leading storm water professional organizations. Our staff has been directly involved in developing standard-setting guidance for storm water BMPs including CASQA's Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbooks, the first edition of Caltrans' Storm Water Quality Handbooks, and BASMAA's Using Site Design Techniques to Meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality—A Companion to Start at the Source. CASC contributes to the storm water management industry through technical presentations at conferences. Highlights of recent technical presentations include: • Beyond Design by Rules of Thumb, A Simple Hydrograph Approach to Designing Bioretention and Filtration BMPS • Project Pollutants and Pollutants of Concern—Knowing the Difference Makes a Difference • BMP Selection with a Water Quality Objective • Using LID Techniques to Meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality Control • LID Techniques and Water Quality Management Plans for New Development and Redevelopment • Source and Treatment Control for New Development and Redevelopment CASC has also been invited to make presentations about Stormwater quality by the following organizations: • American Public Works Association(APWA) • American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE) • Association of Environmental Planners(AEP) • American Council of Engineering Companies(ACEC,formerly CELSOC) • Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors Council (CELSOC) • California Stormwater Quality Association(CASA,) • Building Industry Association(BIA) 2 C.A C CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engini'ering and Can-ilting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES SUMMARY OF NPDES SERVICES STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLANS (SWPPP)PREPARATION/REVIEW Watershed analysis Construction Preliminary&final plan development -> Commercial/Industrial = Complete hydrological calculations Municipal and institutional facilities = Post-construction BMP design Post-construction BMP field inspection NPDES INSPECTION PROGRAMS = WQMP/SUSMP preparation Construction sites = Plan review Industrial and Commercial facilities Development of LID Ordinance City maintenance facilities Development of Green Streets Policy Food service establishments Development of WMP and IMP Fats,Oils,and Grease(FOG) = Participation in EWMP and CIMP development -> New and Redevelopment sites = Coordination of shared monitoring for IMPs/CIMPs --> Illicit connection/illegal discharge TMDL Compliance Report preparation Post-Construction BMPs = Pollutant modeling and load reduction analysis Inlet inspections = BMP selection for TMDL milestone achievement MUNICIPAL NPDES PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES(BMPS) IMPLEMENTATION Inspection Stormwater Quality Management Program(SQMP) = Design/PS&E Permit implementation and compliance Evaluation Intra-department/agency coordination = Application Public Agency Activities Program Development planning WATER QUALITY TRAINING • = Construction/Commercial/Industrial facility => Storm Water Basics for Field Managers inspection programs => Storm Water Short Course I Facility prioritization24 hour Caltrans Certified Public Information and Education Outreach > SWPPP/WPCP Preparation SQMP BMP Field Demonstration Sampling and Analysis Construction Site Inspections program implementation = Co-permittee representation at mandated meetings Plan review GIS/GPS mapping -> Industrial/Commercial Certifications Water Quality training WQMP/SUSMP and Post Construction BMP5 Illicit connection/illegal discharge investigations —> Dewatering Operations Review of SWPPPs and SUSMP submittals QSD/QSP training LID/Green Streets Bilingual training ISTORM WATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Construction site - Municipal .- t• i '_ - — i.'`I. .. r • Commercial/Industrial -7 V10, "'' r Pilot studies Report preparation r r 1 *` 4_ .. TMDLs � ' > ASBS sites -„ r SW Characterization ` •i -se..•t` -..' ;'-r .s. I 3 C CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and Con. thing MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES INSURANCE COVERAGE CASC has read and accepts all terms of the Insurance coverage listed in RFP No.2018-01. EMERGENCY SERVICES CASC is available for Emergency Service. CASC has provided Emergency Services to the cities of Yorba Linda,San Diego,and for the Fallows Camp Site(City of Industry).Below is an example of Emergency Services CASC provided to the City of Yorba Linda. EMERGENCY STORMWATER SUPPORT SERVICES, CITY OF YORBA LINDA, CA CASC provided vital construction management to the City of Yorba Linda's Emergency Services team following the devastating hillside wild fires in 2008 and the ensuing dangers from the heavy winter storms. CASC worked through an on-call emergency contract with the City of Yorba Linda to assist the City in mitigating mudflow and fire debris to the City's storm drain facilities in order to protect residences and businesses from further damage. CASC provided the field management staff to manage labor forces provided by Caltrans and the California Con- servation Corps(CCC). CASC construction management staff was responsible for the following services:working with the city to develop mitigation strategies; procuring equipment and emergency k-rail supplies; prioritizing labor-force deployments; supervising and directing large labor crews and directing the work that included clearing of storm drain inlets, clearing upstream debris sources, and placement of k-rail and sand bags to protect the facilities from debris lad- en mud flows. CASC staff worked on weekends and through the nights to accommodate the city.The projects were completed efficiently and in a manner that avoided storm related damage to city residences and businesses. 4 CA C CITY OF ROSEMEAD A. RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and Cons%Icing MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROACH TO PROJECT CASC is familiar with the various methods available to comply with the Los Angeles MS4 Permit and is aware that the City of Rosemead has selected to participate in the Group Watershed Management Program (WMP) method. We are currently assisting several cities in the Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP). We believe that we are the only consultant that is assisting cities in each one of the available compliance programs. CASC has conducted numerous commercial/industrial inspections on behalf of our municipal clients in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange counties. Since 2003, CASC have assisted numerous cities in Los Angeles County with the LA County MS4 permit and are currently supporting a number of LA County cities with the new requirements prompted by the current Los Angeles MS4 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. The experienced and credentialed CASC team is prepared to assist the City of Rosemead with the implementation of all baseline permit requirements. The following sections illustrate our understanding of the potential Scope of Services based upon the information provided in the RFP and has prepared the following project approach to meet the inspection needs for the City of Rosemead. KICKOFF MEETING CASC will assign a dedicated and experienced Project Manager to this project that will be the main point of contact for City staff. Ed Suher will serve as the Project Manager for this contract. All work produced will undergo QA/QC review by the Project Manager prior to being submitted to the City or any regulatory agency. The Project Manager or a qualified designee under his supervision will perform the following tasks as outlined in the RFP: CASC will schedule an inspection kickoff meeting between the Project Manager and the City's staff within one week of a Notice to Proceed to discuss the following items: • List of industrial,commercial,and restaurant facilities and their priorities from the City's Front Database. • City of Rosemead's Stormwater Ordinance and Enforcement Procedures. • Contact List and Coordination Procedures between City staff and CASC. • Educational Materials(provided by the City). • Pre-inspection notification letter from the City to be provided to facilities. • Development of a city map displaying facilities in zones for efficient inspections. • Confirmation of project schedule including start date for inspections. • Dates for all deliverables to the City: j -Prioritization of Industrial/Commercial Facility Stormwater Inspections -Completion of all stormwater inspections,including follow-up inspections -Population/Data Entry of City's MS4Front Database I -Regularly scheduled update meetings with City's Public Works Manager to keep the City apprised of the progress of the tasks. CASC will also schedule six(6)regional meetings(such as LAPG, ULAR,or MS4 Permit related workshops)and,four I (4)informal City staff or management meetings or additional external meetings. Only agenda and summaries will be prepared for each City meeting(formal presentations will not be prepared). I INSPECTION SCHEDULE CASC will prepare a schedule of inspections based on the City's database. • The Project Manager will obtain an electronic copy of the facilities list from the City, review the facilities list, and set up a schedule based on the MS4 Permit frequency of targeted commercial facility inspections and targeted industrial facility compliance inspections, accounting for facilities that have already had their first inspection. (During routine inspections the inspector will field verify if the businesses are still operating and report observations to the project manager.) I I 5 C1-\.. S C CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and('‘,n-411, MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES • Develop a city map displaying facilities in zones for efficient inspections. • Food preparation facilities that have not been inspected at least once during the current permit term will be scheduled for inspection. • Hazardous waste/hazardous materials facilities that have not been inspected at least twice during the current permit term will be scheduled for inspections. STAFF TRAINING CASC's qualified staff will provide annual training to designated City staff. One session will be provided to office staff covering overall permit compliance issues, construction/erosion plan review and permitting, erosion/ sediment control plan inspection, stormwater targeted public employee and contractor, staff illicit connection/ illicit discharge response. CASC will customize our already developed MS4 permit training to reflect the water quality issues in the City of Rosemead and the activities of the staff participating in the training.We will integrate photographs from the City's facilities into a training Power-Point presentation to better convey local water quali- ty issues. PUBLIC INFORMATION AND PARTICIPATION PROGRAM CASC will assist the City to develop and implement public outreach/education pro-gram for residents and local businesses.Assistance may include providing the City with a qualified staff member for a storm water booth at a City outreach event, developing and printing educational materials to address such things as vehicle, house, yard, animal and construction wastes. CASC can also provide electronic materials suitable for posting on the City's stormwater web page. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL(I/C) FACILITIES PROGRAM CASC will conduct inspections at restaurant, commercial and industrial facilities in accordance with the City of Rosemead MS4 Permit requirements and complete the inspections at the Permit required frequencies. Our in- spectors are familiar with the MS4 Permit and all requirements regarding the inspections of targeted industrial/ commercial sources. Our Project Manager,will be available at any time to discuss issues that may arise, and will confer with the City NPDES Coordinator periodically to provide an update on the inspections progress and to provide copies of all documentation relating to the facility inspections. • Inspections will be scheduled to avoid peak business hour disruptions. • The inspector will perform a pre-inspection file review to become current on facility history, with special focus on previous and current compliance issues. • The Inspector will wear a City-approved photo ID badge identifying them as an inspector contracted by the City and dress professionally and in a manner appropriate for the conduct of industrial, commercial and restaurant facility inspections. • All communications during the inspections will be done in a business friendly and non-threatening manner to assist the business with facilitating compliance. • The inspector will meet with the facility representative,conduct a walk-through of the facility and identify practices that may result in an illicit discharge to the storm drain system. { • All violations of compliance areas will be noted on the survey form, and if a follow up inspection is re- quired,it will be recorded on the survey form. > The inspector will obtain photos off all instances of non-compliance. The inspector will then coordinate with the facility representative to coordinate a follow up inspection. Suggestions will be made to the facility representative for alternate methods for bringing the facility into compliance. • The inspection report will be signed by the inspector and the facility representative and a copy of the form will be provided to the facility representative. 111 • Industrial facilities subject to coverage under the General Industrial Stormwater Permit coverage will be identified and the inspector will verify the facility operator has a current Waste Discharge Identification Number(WDID)or a current No Exposure Certification(NEC). ( 6 C A. C CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering;end('ons ilting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES If the industrial facility has not obtained coverage the inspector will notify the owner or owner's repre- sentative and provide information on obtaining coverage. • As needed to assist the facility owner's representative,the CASC inspector will distribute business-specific educational materials to the business as part of the facility inspection. PUBLIC ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT CASC will provide two (2) LID stormwater project reviews, for each of four(4) projects of less than five(5) acres, based on MS4 Permit Part VI.D.7 criteria. Developer will provide Project and Best Management Practice (BMP) tracking data which will be included into the Watershed Reporting Adaptive Management & Planning System (WRAMPs),other suitable City software,or database,using City provided identification and passwords. REDEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS Once a month CASC will provide up to four(4) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), Construction General Permit (CGP), or City Project Inspections as prioritized by City staff. CASC will draft inspection forms for city re- view prior to initial inspection. Any correction and/or enforcement actions as a result of these inspections will be forwarded to the City for signature and delivery. Permit required construction inspection tracking data will be provided to the City Project Manager within one(1)week following the inspection. POST-CONSIRUC[ION BIVII'INSPECTIONS CASC will use our Best Professional Judgement (BMJ) and City reviewed forms, to inspect and assess, the effec- tiveness of visible post-construction BMPs,that were not inspected during the prior two years. CASC will record Post-Construction BMP inspection, and tracking data, as identified in MS4 Permit Parts VI.D.7.d.iv.(1)(a), and VI.0.9.h.x.,and will provide the City with GIS shape and data files with collected observations. TRASH TMDL COMPLIANCE CASC will identify the high trash-generation areas within the City of Rosemead and develop control strategies. This will assist the City in addressing the regulatory requirements and reducing the amount of trash found throughout the City's watersheds.The study will include conducting street litter collection and analysis for: 1.Commercial DGR 2. High/Low Density Residential DGR 3. Industrial DGR 4. Public Facilities and Educational DGR 5.Open space and Recreation DGR CASC will Prepare a report in format specified by Regional Board. IC/ID INVESTIGATION AND ELIMINATION As required, CASC will assist the City in con-ducting IC/ID site inspections and follow up.CASC is also prepared to perform the following services as requested: • CASC can assist the City with the administration of a program for the detection and elimination of actual or potential illicit connections and illicit discharges throughout the City, based on the County-wide model pro- gram and will be in compliance with the requirements of the LAMS4 permit. • CASC can conduct field inspections and prepare reports for illicit discharge complaints received. • CASC can perform follow-up inspections at facilities with significant deficiencies and prepare enforcement letters for facilities found to be in violation of city storm water ordinances • CASC can assist the City to develop and annually update a log of Illicit Connections and Illicit Dis-charges to the City's storm drain system. ANNUAL REPORT Having prepared numerous MS4 Permit Annual reports over the past 10 years, and as a member of the LAMS4 Permit Technical Advisory Committee(TAC)subcommittee developing a template for the preparation of the 2016 Annual Report, CASC will work with City staff to prepare and submit an annual report to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board by December 15th in a format acceptable to the Board.A draft of the Annual report 7 C A / , CITY OF ROSEMEAF) !`�J, RFQ N0.2018-01 En};ineuring and Consult lug MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES will be completed for re-view by City staff prior to submission to the RWQCB. CASC will also prepare any neces- sary TMDL re-ports prior to the approval and implementation of the CIMP. RE-INSPECTION • Notification letters will be sent approximately a month from the date of initial inspection to facilities that require follow-up inspections. Additional educational materials will also be included with the letter. • Facilities that need to be re-inspected will be visited per the schedule agreed to during the initial inspec- tion. During reinspection, implementation of corrective actions will be verified and documented on the inspection form. • CASC will forward any Notice of Violation(NOV)to the City's Public Works Manager for approval and signa- ture for any facilities found to be in significant violation of Stormwater BMPs. Re-inspections will then be conducted within the time frame listed in the City approved NOV. Should the facility remain in non- compliance, a third and final approved NOV will be sent. All communication records of efforts to bring them into compliance will be kept and maintained. If any of these actions do not result in satisfactory compliance by the business, the Public Works Manager will refer the facility to the City's Code Enforce- ment Division. CASC will be available to assist in any such actions. • 8 i CAC CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and Con,ili lug MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM TEAM AND MANAGEMENT ;TAFF AND TEAM Our proposed team brings to the City of Rosemead an in-depth understanding of the Los Angeles County MS4 regulations, extensive experience with the LARWQCB,the MS4 Permit,TMDLs,Commercial/Industrial Inspections, Annual Reports,and GIS. PROGRAM MANAGER Ernie Mansfield, Project Manager,will be the key point of contact responsible for managing the project. He will oversee the work through the life of the contract, and he will assign staff in a manner that will meet the city's needs using experienced technical experts and cost effective supporting staff. _---4t1; kO) E EA QUALITY CONTROL/ PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE PROJECT MANAGER TECHNICAL OVERSIGHT RICK SIDOR, PE;QSD/P,CPESC ERNIE MANSFIELD MICHAEL KOLBENSCHLAG QISP,QSP/D,CPESC,ToR RLA,OSP/D, CPESC,ToR TECHNICAL MANAGER/ REPORTING ED SUHER PG, QSP/D,CESSWI I I DATABASE SENIQRINSPECTORI SENIOR INSPECTOR/OFFICE INSPECTOR! SENIOR FIELD MANAGEMENT, TRAINER. SUPPORT OFFICE SUPPORT SUPPORT i FIELD SUPPORT DAN SECRIST,CPESC, CHRIS OGAZ,PE,CPESC, SITZ SABARI•SHAY, ALAN BATDORF, TRENT MARDEROSIAN CESSWI,QSP/D,ToR CESSWI,OSP/D CPESC,CESSWI,QSD/P CPESC,QSP/D KEY STAFF I adisiiiiiiiii : ,r ISP TOR Rick Sidor ✓ ✓ " ✓ Ernie Mansfield / / V f Michael Kolbenschlag ✓ V ✓ V V ! Ed Suher V V V 7 Dan Secrist V V 7 V V V IChris Ogaz V V V V Alan Batdorf ✓ V V ISiti Sabari V V V Trent Marderosian V I 9 I C AS CI 1Y OF ROSLIVI I 1.) ■v RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and('en Ilting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES • /TEEAAM�CERTIFICATES j ///''' ' 9YFmt -_ t�T �� E nY ilia al II Kali.!!('Ommillcr • .• Rit'hrlril./..Sirlor Rfirilarb cisepll $ihor 1 pRflIl:v\IU\AI. k\(,I'FFR LM1Eogineertoe 1 1 . 42.C6 4 I l® li t114:44. ..— 111751'•'. r 7�`,e.7.�,'s(Tit,,'.. - &Report T'rackiu Sweets • LOW von are 1.03..10 a,Richard Sldor•AG CASC Enoinorine Inc. Naeeats Tel J ,1 D..e xcchnl doo.nna Le'arg qua,.'eat,lV or. CBPELSG-OSD ieA!e tier niar rata,tek"n to hearth Plias.WIN MIOniullion __ 131.3 Name: SWte First Name Rienald _ Scalch her Fiislrq R0000115 I Creole Nero no!red PRO Kw. _--. Last Mars Address COPES EO lawns..Na QCOCaetlesr Rowel &Joe 1470 Cooky Dnre COto„Ca 92124 421(5 C421(0 rleer Petrel carni/tart.. Iroeonthe receipt r cert ion and carspi m' fR...... oo IRAIMIon It with You at all t1,e,. Cwula.wn Romeo Chow+•.. ..+w.....w.«a.w«w«rN« • orturso 1Mt �.,;,.,..� !-Ritlii 11! "Kalbrii t41•1.. tiiututul a flrnivit% in1O I)i -.� a •••~I�•r .. •....,_0-,.•.... _>n ,.,•r,.,4. L_ I ah;Aurnn 15511'1T 1'r.tl Iii n+Nln 1105r/ Michael L.KnM'ceschles o,,,w,u 1.000,a,..,.'1 Certified Professional in Erodoa In n.p17.Ins le.Y,lo i ttit LD CIS.ROL9 cieittAG and Sedbnent Control ...w,....,, 1931.. 11C 75703Y CIRIIC MAR it 73`703 't G0101,31-,4 arc' :.r 1:i t l t‘trw.(/`I(jLls-a'!r{t(_..- I lY.!d N,1%rater w,;ln, III i ad..r.r..r4+r•r...r.• ..... .. • ,n 11f KATE 0/111 .-• CERTIFKATI OF QUAUFICATION CRRTIIKATE OF QIMUFICATION t Mi.iIilla Sq'I'1'r IIIS'EIlNIR 1{.5 i)l Ir•;,NIR•1f RIauRO LIVAl 1111U INIIIATRIM 'tin l)IMT Tt(.11NINl:COMM )TURAIWAtlR PR AT:n IIO (R iQJ51h 1-,1 3111111.SIV01 1`1:RA5'11110Ni R It 3,,51'1 Lune Mansfield Ernie Mansfield L'mae Mansfield •' An II.2.117•NN 17 2010 IA.I.fin: Ioro.aai le MT.5113.3er31.5019 _I I 'r•• C414,1F.:x3•. CTRIIFKA/E Of IARINNH IMI-1'Kt\'II''.\I•yMavlw.R..rIM'Crw.metea 401,40 104/RonflroaAL ta0lnttaf t, t ,.w.r......a.........w...aru ........!A,leantTeet.MD eHNUn1411, ' ••a[MS nn roa GCa a:,on 4,1 , a. dot 'tDniuiII) 1 -+ober ttIAulpnsl%'iIPIRs•lu111 ((5<H , ret •t tarp i\ x •..e.srec.a.rrs...1.,,..11 a.....0..a..,a..;.r....' (PI1lUl 1W\'at•IP 1.1:,55.I I I ft INtft 1Q)1'1 PROPFSSIOYAL GEOLOGIST ...A,l I,n...v.rar....v o. 3..1,0.4.VI •nun Crniried Fwdon,Sediment and Ed Sohar EDNOND G. SURER I v ^^..^'tilolm tV..tcr ln.yect,.. _ 300•Aaa. 5984 PALENCIA OR Aft 03 WI7•Ala h.:019 /S'IDE1CA 92509 �e"aww• •w•w Li,. l�..e.„......44,...1.+ 1t.Illrnso I . • I I 10 II • C CI tY OF S....c RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and consulting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES TEAM CERTIFICATES I1 ; .,#4•1,p Ail.rl tK...:nl... i CEf1711I(Att all.IUALIr ICn7;JN .C, Ih,[VK\YI^APplkri.rn Review Committer................n..,•....,,..,• '' cosillesdut gnat iia I\..WI'I'I'111 Vi it MIK it oil) 1RAIN i n''t Rta OKI, Daniel motet art Oerrigt It K l2,N).1NI1(lir IK\IM11Jti l(AtKH ICI nitit\XVrIT I'IE\U I I K)NCR 10.i'i ..r.. ,.d.Caawns.,«.as•.r..,..,:e..••••••••. N.M&aiI MC.<q,1 n. .,nos n, Daniel Se riA Certified Erosion,Sediment and DAniel Sn'ri.t Noe N 201.•Do if TIF Storm Water Inspector'" a.•r.:.ru July I,2017-June 30,2019 .....,......._n'.__•.__•a......,n.. II �r..rm..•••......11•••.••••.,.. <.e..w� �•s+w..• d Yom— .i., I Th.6. I= .‘, uuaNUl UK rx,M),.NI\at IS.L LL1l Cottdv anon ee>Wx Crwremee cerLAra(hCERTIFICATE OF OUAIJFICATIOM I‘NO A'R\C)ox).\vntAlNlxnSIS .t oa .. _ .` ... .......,. ?arum ;Ii'recrigl MAINE* RtctAln C'lsrisru' IrrLteOgti: RMQI51'TaAlrmnt.txwltsl W Daniel Sectist Certified Professional in Erosion and Lar'.0a`l( . , and Sediment Control Cvi'�rud 't`''+tl ....._.. .IOF ten... , Ihr CI'I SC'•:\r..OdlMn Kca\e\\'CmmnlM (Ea rlrl["AT......AININO .rantr,d..a �,,. EnviroCert barrnatiDndl,Inc." • _ comm u n Christopher ler DUaJ t)`,lnri i,',t'rrr livIItm It ii) it ; iii h.).s'+abari�Iagns — sa.....oe..:a.aave....d te.,r..ti,r..u...,.u....a. ..t+-.(.n d.anv(.•.,...1.•• 1i11,U 111111\\\'rl'r mu.III tom.ll IIZI .a..n,...r.a'w:,de...la.n.Fvde ra nU-..x.•„.r.�.,,.•e-. I'1 aei•.,Nd,reear.,c r..s.^•,. Certified Professional In Erosion Ccniaed Professional in Gosion and and Sediment Control"' Sill Sr\Il:\RI-SHAY Sediment Contra!'" .. .., Der II.300-no 14ir1 ...6.—a.-.6,..., t, r.. . ra..w.... (oi_ , ',lidoa , _._.- ,...._. I '4,.. u) CF%\\1^'Application Ito toy c'..mato ..,••:: I .V.4* .' •'' .ada..s... ' ( la-1111K,MA Ili Ip.,t,,iOail 12ut(s Trenton Christopher Jtlarbtrouau warwn.r�. emitted l Valet•spe maul told Certified E.wion,Sediment amt I ,.."r "'"Seen,tmio ImrMor� o..,. ,.µ.a.�.. Sturm lY,.Irr trnpcclur I I I • 1 11 CAS C CITY OF IiOSEMV.;is> RFQ NO.2018-01 ISn in •run,: nd 1',u uli in•.: MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES RICK SIUUIt, PI:, CPESC, QSD/P EDUCATION: PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE • BS/Civil Engineering/ University of Southern Mr. Richard Sidor is one of CASC's founding partners and has been with the firm California since its inception in 1993. He brings over three decades of civil engineering design, PROFESSIONAL management and oversight experience. REGISTRATIONS/ AFFILIATIONS: Mr.Sidor holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the Univer- • Professional Engineer/ sity of Southern California and is a registered professional Engineer in California, California/42966 Nevada and Utah. He is responsible for the financial management and professional • Professional Engineer/ development of the firm as well as the technical oversight of its operations. Mr. Nevada/10400 Sidor's consulting experience has spanned a broad spectrum of private and public • Professional Engineer/ works projects ranging from municipal plan checking to civil engineering design; Utah/337323-2202 from solar and geothermal energy sites to master-planned residential communities; • Certified Professional in from park sites to school sites. Erosion and Sediment Control(CPESC#2090) Mr.Sidor combines his management and people skills with a strong technical histo- • American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE) ry to produce sound engineering business decisions. He has managed the Compa- • International Erosion ny's largest contracts for clients including Boeing, Southern California Edison, and Control Association Caltrans, and is responsible for building the Company's Water Quality division into (IECA) a recognized leader that competes at the same level as the giant multi-national, • American Public Works publicly-held firms. Association(APWA) • Coalition for Adequate Mr. Sidor oversees the company's work as a whole. He is an accomplished speaker School Housing Member having provided technical training to various agencies, contractors and consulting Storm Water firms throughout the State. Subcommittee(CASH) • California Storm Water, Prior to entering the consulting services field, Mr.Sidor was employed by the Cali- Quality Association fornia Department of Transportation (Caltrans) where his duties included field in- (CASQA)Construction spection and highway design. His experience at Caltrans added to his understand- Phase II Subcommittee ing of the public sector intricacies and politics. Mr. Sidor left Caltrans in 1984 to Past Chairman work for a large highway and infrastructure contractor where he acted as a project engineer and project manager on several large projects in the western United States. This construction management experience has proved invaluable in relating civil engineering design issues ( to complex field applications. Since 1987, Mr.Sidor has worked in the area of private sector civil engineering and consulting. '1Xf P!r'isir. • Principal-In-Charge of Company's Municipal Services including Plan Checking work for Redlands,San Bernar- dino, Moreno Valley,and Montclair. • Principal-In-Charge of the company's government agency clients in LA County including LA County DPW,the ( City of Industry,the City of El Monte,and the City of Irwindale. • Principal-In-Charge of Company's work with school districts and other educational institutions including LAUSD, UCLA,San Bernardino Community College District,UC Berkeley, Elk Grove USD,Tustin USD,Santa Ana USD,and Corona-Norco USD. • Principal-In-Charge of Company's work for Southern California Edison totaling over$10M in civil and envi- ronmental permitting services since 2008. • Project Manager for the company's work with the California Department of Transportation comprising of on-call contracts totaling over$SOM since 2007. 12 C CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and Con 'king MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES EDUCATION: ERNIF MANSFIELD, QSP/D, CPESC, QISP • BS/Plant&Soil Science Majoi Emphasis:Chemistry/ PROJECT MANAGER California state Polytechnic Mr. Mansfield has over 23 years of professional experience. For the past 10 University,Pomona,California • California State Polytechnic years he has been a key member of our Water Quality team located in our University, Pomona,CA,Cum Burbank,California office. He has experience in a numerous projects involving Laude,Senator,School of municipal storm water management. Agriculture • MS/Environmental Soil He possesses key skills in developing and implementing NPDES and other envi- Science/California State ronmental programs that meet strict compliance rules and operate with maxi- Polytechnic University, mum cost efficiency. He has experience in Regulatory Compliance , Waste Pomona,CA Treatment regulations, Environmental Policy Writing, CAA, CWA, NEPA, NPDES, Soil Chemistry / Ecology, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS/ (SWPPP), Best Management Practices (BMP), CERCLA, RCRA, CEQA, govern- AFFILIATIONS: ment reporting&permitting procedures,and Environmental and Safety Train- • Certified Professional in ing. He is an Industrial General Permit QISP Trainer of Record. He has experi- Erosion and Sediment Control ence designing, building, and managing wastewater treatment facilities for (CPESC) manufacturing, industrial, and food processing plants throughout western • California Stormwater Quality Association Qualified SWPPP United States. He has designed bio-remediation systems for groundwater con- Developer and Qualified tamination,diagnosed technical problems in existing waste treatment systems SWPPP Practitioner(QSD/P) that are not in compliance, and functioned as a liaison between clients and Certification No.01222 regulatory agencies. • Qualified Industrial Storni Water Practitioner(QISP) RELEVANI tXei:RItNCL ToR NPDES Compliance,County of Los Angeles,Department of Public Works:Mr. • American Water Technologists Mansfield was CASC's Project Manager tasked with providing the County with (AWT) expert services in NPDES and environmental permit compliance. He estab- • American Society of Agronomy lished and maintained effective working relationships with the LADPW staff as well as with local, State, and Federal regulatory agencies. He assisted in the implementation and enforcement of various NPDES permit requirements such as SWPPPs, BMPs,waste discharge requirements, and associated monitoring and reporting requirements. Mr. Mansfield managed a team to evalu- ate the Standard Contract Special Provisions for conformance with the LA-RWQCB MS4 permit. He subsequently re-wrote Sections pertaining to projects requiring Storm Water pollution Prevention Plans and for projects less than one acre. He was also head of a group that updated the LACDPW SWPPP preparation and BMP manuals for 2015. He also developed and delivered annual training courses to over one hundred field inspectors to properly administer the storm water section of contracts for linear and vertical construction projects. In addition he devel- oped and presented an annual 7 hour training course to over seventy Project Managers and Office Engineers on how to administer projects on the Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System(SMARTS). City of Industry Municipal NPDES Program Management, City of Industry, California: Mr. Mansfield served as the Project Manager for the City of Industry and was instrumental in developing and implementing the City's NPDES program. He was the Point of Contact and City representative in all matters related to NPDES compliance. Mr. Mansfield was responsible for implementing, and managing the City's NPDES program. Responsibilities in- cluded implementing all requirements pertaining to the inspection of over 700 industrial/commercial facilities as described and mandated by the Los Angeles County MS4 NPDES Permit No. CAS004001, facility prioritization, database research, scheduling, educational material development, industrial inspections, and GIS/ photo map- ping of illicit connection/ illegal discharge locations. The Project also involves the development of Water Pollu- tion Control Plans and specifications for all City and Urban Development Agency projects, review of SWPPPs and SUSMP submittals and construction site inspection of all public and private construction projects in the City. All IC/ID response and follow-up, Notice of Violation, Notice of Compliance writing,and referrals to the RWQCB for those not complying with the General Industrial Activities Storm water Permit are additional tasks performed. Mr. Mansfield continues the training of City staff, attending meetings on behalf of the City, administering NPDES Public Outreach and Education,and preparing the annual report for the City. Caltrans NPDES Compliance Program: Mr.Mansfield was the Lead inspector for this$10M"on-call"Caltrans con- tract to assist with NPDES compliance on Caltrans construction and maintenance sites in Southern and Central California.Sites include construction,permit arid encroachment projects. 13 C AS / CITY OF ROSEMEAD \�/� RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and Consulting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES EDUCATION: MICHAEL KOLBENSCHLAG, RIA, CPESC, QSD/P,TOR • Utah State University/Logan, QUALITY/CONTROL—TECHNICAL OVERSIGHT Utah/Bachelor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Mr. Kolbenschlag has been the Director of Environmental Services for CASC's Planning Burbank,California Office for over ten (10)years. Mr. Kolbenschlag is respon- • New Mexico State University/ sible for contract and project management of Water Quality and Storm Water Major:Physics and Engineering Pollution Prevention programs for government and private clients in Los An- (PSL Physics Scholarship geles County. recipient) PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS/ Serving as the program manager and designated NPDES Coordinator for the AFFILIATIONS: City of Industry,he has managed all aspects of compliance with the Los Ange- • Registered Landscape Architect les Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) NPDES Permit. He manag- State of California, License No. es numerous task orders on various California Department of Transportation 2130 statewide consultant contracts, including leading in the preparation of the • Certified Professional in Erosion 'Caltrans Construction Site Storm Water Enforcement Manual'. and Sediment Control(CPESC) No.2890 Mr. Kolbenschlag is currently serving as Project Manager for our NPDES com- • California Stormwater Quality pliance contracts with the City of Camarillo, LA County Department of Public Association Qualified SWPPP Works, UCLA's Capital Development Program, Caltrans Permit Required Developer and Qualified SWPPP Practitioner(QSD/P) TMDL and Pilot Study Monitoring for Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, Los Certification No.00025 Angeles World Airports and LAUSD. • California Stormwater Quality Association-Trainer of Record REt_FVANT EXPFRIENCti Municipal NPDES Program Management, City of Industry, CA: Mr. Kolben- schlag served as the MS4 program manager and designated NPDES Coordina- tor for the City of Industry. He Managed the program under the direction of the City Engineer and in conjunction with city planning and engineering staff to insure that the City is in compliance with the LA County MS4 NPDES Permit.Mr. Kolbenschlag has managed all aspects of the Permit including representing the City at Executive Advi- sory Committee(EAC) meetings and San Gabriel River Watershed Management Committee meetings. Under Mr. Kolbenschlag's supervision, CASC staff prepare Water Pollution Control Special Provision and Water Pollution/ Sediment Control plans for Municipal projects, reviews USMP and SWPPPs submitted by contractors and devel- opers, and inspect construction project sites for compliance with the Construction General Permit, USMP struc- tural BMP requirements,and the City Stormwater Code. Caltrans Trash TMDL—Trash exclusion device effectiveness study, Los Angeles County:This project in District 7 (Los Angeles and Ventura County) included field survey/siting studies, PS&E preparation, construction permit processing and as-builts.The work also included site installations for Caltrans trash and debris removal devices, monitoring, field sampling, lab analysis, and report preparation. CASC developed four preliminary design draw- ings, one for each type of Trash Removal Device known by Caltrans as GSRDs (Gross Solid Removal Devices). CASC performed full capture trash measurements(weight and volume)and speciation of the total trash load over several seasons. Information was used to determine Daily trash generation rates and to determine the effective- ness of the various trash removal devices. County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works: Mr. Kolbenschlag served as Program Manager for CASC's contract with LACDPW.This work is in support of the County's CIP program for road, bridge, traffic signal, flood control,sewer, and water construction projects. CASC provides various on-call support services including SWPPP development,construction site WQ inspection,contract administration,and project and program scheduling ser- vices. Mr. Kolbenschlag has led LACDPW in the transition to the new General Construction Permit Coverage by re -certifying over 20 ongoing projects. He has also been a key editor of the County's SWPPP preparation manual, BMP Manual, Stormwater Construction Special Provisions and Staff Guide. He has developed and delivered Stormwater training to County Inspectors,Engineers and Contractors. 14 C / '`v' CITY OF ROSEMEAI RFQ NO.2018-01 Engiowrring and('onsulting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES EDUCATION: ED SUHER,PG, CESSWI, QSD/P B.S./Geological Engineering, NPDES PROJECT MANAGER Colorado School of Mines,Golden, CO Mr.Suher has over 25 years of professional experience including 10 years of PROFESSIONAL experience in MS4 NPDES program management and support, compliance REGISTRATIONS/AFFILIATIONS: inspections, report preparation, training, and document development and • Professional Geologist#7280 reviews. Mr. Suher is a Licensed Professional Geologist, a QSD and a CESSWI • Qualified SWPPP Developer/ who maintains a solid reputation for diagnosing regulatory issues and devel- Practitioner 1100466 oping/administering practical solutions. His background also includes envi- • Certified Erosion Control and ronmental consulting, MS4 Permit negotiations, regulatory compliance, wa- Sediment Stormwater tershed water quality characterization, monitoring program development Inspector (CESSWI)#1074 and implementation, and environmental/geotechnical drilling and sampling related to site remediation. RELEVANT EXPI'''..NCE Municipal NPDES Program Management, City of Industry: Mr.Suher provides program management support on the company's NPDES contract to the City of Industry. Mr.Suher is responsible for the daily implementation and administration of implementing the City's NPDES program. His responsibilities include attendance and participa- tion at the LA Permit Group meetings on behalf of the City, training of City staff regarding new permit require- ments, and the inspection of LID source control and treatment control BMPs at over 700 industrial/commercial facilities. His work also involves the review of SUSMP/LID documents and specifications for City and Successor Agency projects, review of new development and redevelopment submittals, and oversight of construction site inspections on public and private construction projects. Mr. Suher also prepares the MS4 Annual Report for the City. Mr. Suher is also the on-call inspector responsible for responding to all Illicit Connections/Illicit Discharges (IC/ID) within the City. These duties include coordinating with City and County agencies responding to the dis- charge as well as making sure the discharge is abated and cleaned up. Mr. Suher documents all elements of dis- charge including type and volume of discharge, owner/facility name and location, responding agencies, contrac- tor/company in charge of clean up and also reports the discharge to the City Engineer. Mr.Suher also drafts the Notice of Violation Letter for signature and distribution by the City Engineer. NPDES Compliance and MS4 Permit Program Administration,City of El Monte: Mr.Suher is the Project Manager for the City's Watershed Management Program(WMP). In addition to developing a Watershed Management Pro- gram and an Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) for the City, Mr.Suher is also involved with the development of the City's Low Impact Development(LID) Ordinance and Green Streets Policy. Mr. Suher also provides NPDES related support to the City and attends Technical Advisory Committee(TAC) Meetings and watershed meetings on behalf of the City. Mr.Suher also prepares the MS4 Annual Report and the Los Angeles River Trash TMDL Compli- ance Report for the City. Municipal NPDES Program Assistance,City of Irwindale: Mr.Suher assists the City Engineer regarding compliance with the City's MS4 Permit and also the implementation of the City's Integrated Monitoring Program which in- cludes outfall and TMDL monitoring. Mr.Suher also provides assistance regarding the City's IC/ID Program includ- ing development of procedures for conducting source investigations associated with IC/IDs,development of forms and procedures for documenting and eliminating IC/IDs, and development of a spill response plan for the City. Duties also include attending watershed meetings and providing NPDES training to City staff and contractors. Municipal NPDES Program Assistance, City of Lawndale: Mr. Suher assists the City Public Works staff regarding compliance with the City's MS4 Permit and also the implementation of the City's Enhanced Watershed Manage- ment Program and Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program which includes Receiving Water monitoring, TMDL monitoring, and Outfall monitoring. Duties also include attending watershed meetings and providing NPDES training to City staff and contractors. Mr.Suher also prepares the MS4 Annual Report for the City. 15 C AS.C CI fY OF ROSEMEA RFQ NO.2018-01 Enginti ringand col;akin MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES EDUCATION: DAN SECRISI, CPESC, CESSWI,QSP/D, QISP, TO1 • B.S./Engineering Technology SENIOR INSPECTOR/TRAINER Construction/California State Polytechnic University, Mr.Secrist has over 17 years of professional experience in NPDES compliance Pomona programs. He has been actively involved in NPDES related project manage- PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS/ ment, inspections, reporting, and training. As a member of CASC's Water AFFILIATIONS: Quality Team, Mr. Secrist has provided leadership to numerous private and • Certified Professional in public sector clients such as the City of La Quinta, City of Covina, City of El Erosion and Sediment Control . Monte, and Caltrans. Mr.Secrist is an approved Trainer for the Certified Ero- (CPESC)No.2719 sion and Sediment Storm Water Inspector (CESSWI) program by Envirocert • Certified Erosion,Sediment, ' International, a California Construction General Permit Trainer of Record and Storm Water Inspector (ToR), a California Industrial General Permit Trainer of Record (ToR), and a (CESSWI)No.173 Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner(QISP). Mr.Secrist's credentials • Qualified SWPPP Developer and education,along with his professional experience,ensure expert services and Qualified SWPPP in all areas of NPDES compliance. Practitioner(QSD/P) Certification No.00183 • California Construction RcLL'v;�ivi wX-'ERIENCF General Permit Approved Industrial/Commercial Facilities Inspections, City of Covina: Mr.Secrist was Trainer of Record(ToR) the project lead for performing inspections of the Critical Commercial and • California Industrial General Industrial Sources in the City of Covina. Facilities include restaurants, auto- Permit Trainer of Record(IGP motive service facilities, retail gasoline outlets, nurseries and nursery garden ToR) centers, United States Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA) Phase I Fa- • Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner(QISP)ToR cilities,other federally mandated facilities,and all other commercial or indus- No.110 trial facilities the City determined may contribute a substantial pollutant load to the MS4. Mr. Secrist responsibilities include confirmation of the status of stormwater pollution control Best Management Practices (BMPs), document program compliance, verify the operator is implementing effective source control BMP for each corresponding activity, distribution of stormwater pollution prevention public education materials, and maintaining the data- base of facilities requiring inspections. Certification Trainer: Mr. Secrist is Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner(QISP) and an authorized CASQA Trainer-of-Record and is authorized to provide the training mandated by the California Industrial General Permit for individuals seeking to become a QISP. Mr. Secrist is also a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) and Qualified SWPPP Practitioner(QSP) and a CASQA Trainer-of-Record and is authorized to provide the training mandated by the California Construction General Permit for individuals seeking to become a QSD or QSP. Dan Secrist is a ap- proved Certified Erosion, Sediment, and Storm Water Inspector(CESSWI) by EnviroCert International and is au- thorized to instruct the CESSWI Exam Review course. This course is taken by individuals seeking to earn their CESSWI credential. City of La Quinta, Hazardous Material and Food Facility Inspections, Riverside County MS4 Permit for the Whitewater River Basin: Mr.Secrist was the project manager for performing water quality inspections of target- ed facilities in the City of La Quinta at frequencies established by the Riverside County MS4 Permit for the White- water River Basin. Mr. Secrist's responsibilities included reviewing the facility list from the Riverside County De- partment of Health (DEH), prioritizing the facilities to be inspected, preparing an inspection schedule, providing weekly assignments to the inspectors and bi-weekly progress report to the City. Mr. Secrist was also responsible for developing an inspectors procedures manual, developing coordination procedures with the City's Code En- forcement Division, and training the inspectors on the specific requirements of the MS4 Permit inspection pro- gram. NPDES Training for Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District: Mr. Secrist has provided NPDES Construction, NPDES Industrial/Commercial and NPDES Municipal training classes for the Permittees in the three permitted watersheds in Riverside County for over five years. Mr.Secrist trained Riverside County and City inspectors, waste management staff, City facility superintendents/foremen, corporate yard staff, streets/ road staff, parks/landscape staff, code enforcement staff, and storm water program staff in areas related to per- mit requirements, regulations, municipal requirements, industrial and commercial inspection procedures and parameters, frequency of inspection, illicit connections, illegal discharges, SIC Codes, ordinances, enforcement, SWPPPs, and BMPs. For the last three years of the Compliance Assistance Program (CAP) program, Mr. Secrist provided CAP inspection training(restaurants and hazar.us materials)to county and municipal inspectors. CAS ■ ' isiYOF O.2018AD \v/ RFQ NO.2018-01 I•;n::im rrin;;:,,.,ic:,,,,:,,i,;,,,: MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES EDUCATION: CHRIS OGAZ, PE, CPESC,QSD/1' • BS/Civil Engineering, SENIOR INSPECTOR/OFFICE SUPPORT Geospatial Option/California State Polytechnic University, Mr. Ogaz has been a part of the CASC's Water Quality Department for nearly Pomona ten years. He has performed a variety of duties including industrial/ PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS/ commercial environmental inspections, preparation and plan checking of wa- AFFILIATIONS: ter quality management plans, post construction BMP Inspection services, QSP • PE 685473 California inspection services,water quality monitoring,and stormwater sampling,storm • Certified Professional in water pollution prevention plans as a QSD, and water quality assessment re- Erosion and Sediment Control ports. He has also assisted in Civil Design on grading, street, utility, and storm (CPESC) No.6693 drain plans. • California Stormwater Quality 1 Association Qualified SWPPP RELEVAN1 t:XPLRiENCE Developer and Qualified NPDES Services for Southern California Edison,Southern California: Mr.Ogaz SWPPP Practitioner(QSD/P) currently serves as one CASC's Water Quality QSDs for Southern California Edi- Certification No.22295 son's construction projects. Mr. Ogaz has been responsible for the oversight and implementation of QSD services for over 20 projects dealing with a variety of construction projects, which include both traditional and linear utility type projects. Services provided by Mr. Ogaz include the preparation of WQMPs, SUSMPs, traditional and linear SWPPPs, NOls, COls, Risk Assessment determinations, linear utility project's photo uploads, and SMARTS data entry. Water Quality Management Plans: Mr. Ogaz currently performs plan checking services for all WQMPs for the Cities of Montclair, Banning, and Riverside County Whitewater River Region. He has also actively assisted in the preparation of Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) for private development projects in the Cities of Moreno Valley,Redlands,Yucaipa, Rancho Cucamonga and Rialto. He is also proficient in the creation of WQMP Site Plans which identify the flow patterns as well as impervious areas and areas in need of treatment and source control BMPs and which BMPs will be used. City of Carlsbad Treatment Control BMP Inspections: Mr.Ogaz has inspected over 100 high priority sites Treat- ment Control BMP installations for the City of Carlsbad. Mr. Ogaz scheduled and conducted the field inspections and made field observations of Treatment Control BMPs identified in the WQMP of the project site Mr. Ogaz I assessed the Treatment Control BMPs for signs of recent maintenance,the need for future maintenance or dam- age to the BMP.Mr.Ogaz wrote up an inspection report and took photos of each Treatment Control BMP. NPDES Commercial/Industrial Inspections,Colton,CA: For the City of Colton, Mr.Ogaz supported the completion of NPDES MS4 Permit-required inspections of industrial/commercial facilities in the city. Over the course of the I contract, Mr.Ogaz participated in the inspection and reporting of approximately 70 high priority business inspec- tions. INPDES Commercial/Industrial Inspections, Ontario, CA: For the City of Ontario, Mr. Ogaz managed the entry of results for over 400 industrial/commercial inspections conducted by the firm into the regional stormwater pro- gram database.Chris also managed the mailing and distribution of the summary of corrections to the respective Ibusinesses as part of the contract with the City of Ontario. San Bernardino County Post Construction BMP Inspections: Mr.Ogaz has inspected several sites Post Construc- tion BMP installations for the County of San Bernardino including AVH Industrial Site located at 1012 Slover Ave- nue in Bloomington and Magellan Industrial Site located at 1400 E Victoria Avenue in San Bernardino. Mr. Ogaz scheduled and conducted the field inspections and made field observations of Post Construction BMPs identified in the WQMP and being installed at the project site. Mr. Ogaz then performed field inspections for the major in- I stallation checkpoints of all the Post Construction BMP installations and ensured that all Post Construction BMPs and WQMP features had been constructed in substantial conformance with the approved WQMP and the WQMP guidance. I I 17 i C.Pi CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and Con. dting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES EDUCATION: ALAN BA I DORF, QSD/QSP, CPESC • BS/Engineering Technology/ SENIOR FIELD SUPPORT California State University of Long Beach Mr. Batdorf has over 35 years of experience in environmental related studies • Health and Safety Training and projects. He currently works on CASCs Storm Water Quality Team where for Hazardous Waste Ops. he performs a variety of duties including NPDES Compliance Inspections,storm (OSHA) Water consulting and sampling, training, SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution PROFESSIONAL Prevention Plans) preparation and program management. He has experience in REGISTRATIONS/AFFILIATIONS: a variety of projects involving stormwater management, municipal wastewater • Certificate,EPA/OSHA 40 discharge,groundwater monitoring,air quality monitoring, and ocean monitor- hour Hazardous Waste ing. He has participated in several large field sampling efforts,data analysis and Health and Safety, report preparations, and he has conducted wastewater treatment facility and 4 Certificate receiving water monitoring programs for National Pollutant Discharge Elimina- • Certified Professional in tion System(NPDES) permits. Erosion and Sediment 4 I Control(CPESC) No. 5823 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Qualified SWPPP Developer CALTRANS- GSRD Monitoring Program: Mr. Batdorf served as Field Manager and Qualified SWPPP I Practitioner(QSD/P) on the Gross Solids Removal Devices (GSRD) project for the California Depart- ment of Transportation (Caltrans) Headquarters. The purpose of the project was to monitor the influent and effluent to determine the efficacy of the GSRDs in the removal of conventional constituents, nutrients and metals that may be subject to TMDLs(water chemis- I try) and the potential water quality benefits. The study involved instrumenting the GSRD stations for: rain and flow measurement, flow-weighted water sampling (runoff capture), and data telemetry. In addition to storm- water monitoring, the litter was collected, the wet/dry weight and wet/dry volume recorded, and speciat- ed.Conducted(soil chemistry)analysis of the sediment captured to determine removal rates for metals and oth- [ er TMDL pollutants. t Mr. Batdorf wrote the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP)and the Health and Safety Plan (HSP). He worked exten- t sively on each post-storm Technical Memoranda. He contributed to the End-of-Season (EOS) Report as well as the EOS Technical Memoranda for this study.Weather monitoring and deployment coordination was also part of his responsibilities. I Southern California Edison—NPDES Construction Site Monitoring: Mr. Batdorf was responsible for NPDES com- pliance inspections, SWPPP preparation and weather tracking at numerous SCE projects throughout Southern California as a part of SCE's$20 billion infrastructure improvement program. The inspection program comprised of reviewing site SWPPPs, inspecting sites for CGP compliance, documenting and coordinating any deficiencies Iwith SCE and the contractor. Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner(QSD/QSP)Training: Mr. Batdorf provides specific modules for CASC's QSD/QSP training sessions for private and public sector staff who must meet the Construction General Permit (CGP)requirements. Mr. Batdorf conducts the 4-hour training module that covers the State's Storm Water Moni- toring module. IConstruction Training Course Delivery,California Department of Transportation Headquarters: Mr. Batdorf has been delivering Caltrans Stormwater training classes to Caltrans Senior Engineers, Resident Engineers, Assistant Resident Engineers, Structures Representatives, Water Pollution Control Inspectors, Construction Division new 1 hires,local agencies,and others. Area of Special Biological Significance Monitoring, California Department of Transportation Headquarters: Mr. I Batdorf served as Task Manager on a project for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Head- quarters. The purpose of the project is to monitor storm water runoff from two locations that are tributary to Areas of Special Biological Significance(ASBS). 1 18 } C CITY OF RUSEMEA RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and Colwell ing MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES SITI SABARI-SHAY, CPESC, CESSWI,QSD/P EDUCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST • A.A./Advent Link-SAUC, Singapore-Edith Cowan Ms. Siti Sabari-Shay has over 10 years of professional environmental experi- University,Perth,Australia ence with CASC.As a member of CASC's Water Quality Services Team provid- ing on-call support to several agencies and municipalities, Ms. Sabari-Shay PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS/ assists in the preparation of various construction and post-construction storm AFFILIATIONS: water documents, such as Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), • Certified Erosion Sediment Water Quality Management Plans(WQMPs), and Standard Urban Stormwater and Storm Water Inspector (CESSWI)#2699 Mitigation Plans(SUSMPs). • Certified Professional in Ms. Sabari-Shay is also responsible for assisting in the completion and sub- Erosion and Sediment Control mittal of State Permit Registration Documents (PRDs)via the SMARTS system. (CPESC)#8114 Further, Ms.Sabari-Shay is responsible for the coordination of field inspection • Qualified SWPPP Developer/ staff and billings. Ms.Sabari-Shay has excellent organizational skills and has a Practitioner (QSD/P)#22594 track record for successfully completing project goals and objectives on a timely basis and within budget constraints. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City of Irwindale,Los Angeles County,CA: Ms.Sabari-Shay assisted in the inspection and assessment of commer- cial and industrial facilities during each permit term as a part of the LA County MS4 NPDES Permit requirement for compliance with the provisions of the MS4 Permit. Ms. Sabari-Shay inspects and assesses all the Best Man- agement Practices(BMPs)that are in place,their business operations, maintenance of parking, storage and work areas, storm drains (if any), and review the Notice of Intent (NOI), WDID and the Facility SWPPP for permitted facilities. She also distributed educational materials and update the City's database, as well as performed follow- up inspections. City of El Monte,Los Angeles County,CA: Ms.Sabari-Shay assisted in the inspection and assessment of over 500 commercial and industrial facilities during each permit term as a part of the LA County MS4 Permit requirement. Ms.Sabari-Shay inspects and assesses all the Best Management Practices(BMPs)that are in place,their business operations, maintenance of parking, storage and work areas, storm drains (if any), and review the Notice of In- tent (N01), WDID and the Facility SWPPP for permitted facilities. She also distributed educational materials and update the City's database,including follow-up inspections for approximately 10%of facilities inspected. Caltrans 43A0290, Area of Special Biological Significance Special Protections Monitoring (ASBS 24), District 7, Los Angeles County, CA: Ms.Sabari-Shay is the field team lead for sampling on this project for the ASBS Study 24 from Laguna Point to Latigo Point based on a list of identified outfall sites. Each team is to monitor and track ap- proaching storm events. Each team is responsible for documenting detailed event data of inspections before the event, collection of samples during the event, and inspections after the storm event. Ms. Sabari-Shay is also the department's primary resource for clerical support for the contract. Her duties include invoice processing, proof- reading and editing documents, and monitoring adherence to contract terms, creating job work folders and cost files,initiating project set up, managing contract correspondence to and from Principals,staff and subcontractors, facilitating travel needs, and tracking/reporting DVBE/SBE Utilization. Ms. Sabari-Shay also prepares a variety of metrics per Caltrans requirements. As the Project demands, she coordinates the issuing of purchase orders for equipment and material,locates/tracks shipments pertaining to projects and prepares packages/correspondence to be shipped via courier or mail. Caltrans 43A0210,Technical and Professional Storm Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting Services,CA: Ms. Sabari-Shay was an active participant in the storm water sampling team. Monitoring was conducted during the rainy season, samples collected were analyzed, and data reported were performed in accordance with the Cal- trans Comprehensive Protocols Guidance Manual. Ms. Sabari-Shay lead and conducted site inspections, routine maintenance, pre-storm and post-storm maintenance activities, weather data downloads, and stormwater and sediment sampling. 19 C CITY OE ROSEMF.AD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and e'on5IlhIn;; MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES EDUCATION: TRENT MARDEROSIAN,CESSWI BS/Environmental Studies/ INSPECTOR/DATABASE MANAGEMENT Arizona State University 2014 Mr. Marderosian has been a part of the CASC's Water Quality Department for PROFESSIONAL approximately 3 years. He has performed a variety of duties including indus- REGISTRATIONS/AFFILIATIONS: • Certified Erosion,Sediment, trial/commercial inspection database management, water quality monitoring and Storm Water Inspector including preparing and setting up the sites for the storm season,calibrating all (CESSWI)No.5011 equipment, and stocking the sites with the appropriate sample bottles. He has also assisted with BMP inspection and repair at construction sites. nrl V.AllT F;{n r! !r•! Industrial/Commercial Facility Inspections,Irwindale,CA: Mr. Marderosian has created a GIS database based on the MS4 Industrial/Commercial inspections. The map he has created shows all the inspected facilities. In addi- tion,he has also designed the map to have a feature which links the inspection forms to each facility. California Department of Transportation—Tier-1 TMDL Monitoring Program,Los Angeles County: Mr. Mardero- sian was part of the field sampling team for this permit monitoring Task Order to conduct monitoring at three sites within District 7 pursuant to Provision E.2.c of the Caltrans NPDES permit, requiring monitoring in TMDL wa- tersheds discharging to the LA River and Malibu Creek. Mr. Marderosian serves as a team member for the storm- water monitoring and reporting portion of the Task Order. His duties include collecting field measurements,grab El samples, and recording automated equipment readings. Mr. Marderosian assisted in the preparation of Post Storm Technical Memoranda by creating graphs using rain data, and writing up the event description. Also, he's assisted with the End of Season Technical Memorandum that summarized the findings of each storm event and the season's events, respectively. MS4 NPDES Program Management and Implementation Follows Camp Remediation and Restoration project, City of Industry, CA: Mr. Marderosian provides field and office support for the City of Industry's Follows Camp Remediation and Restoration project.The work includes the preparation of plans, permit applications and reports required by the RWQCB, US Forest Service, Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Fish & Wildlife, including SWPPPs, Clear Water Diversion Plans, Erosion and Sediment Control Plans, and Monitoring and Reporting Plans (M&RP). California Department of Transportation—LID Pilot Monitoring Program,Los Angeles County: Mr. Marderosian is the field team leader for the LID Pilot Monitoring Program. His duties are, prepping and setting up the site for [ the storm season, calibrating all equipment, and stocking the site with the appropriate sample bottles from the lab. Furthermore, he is in charge of delegating field duties to team members, and the overseeing the monitoring plan.Mr. Marderosian also prepares Post Storm Technical Memorandums summarizing the findings of each storm event. ( 20 C A. C CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and('on tilt hip, MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES PROJECT EXPERIENCE NPDES PROGRAM MANAGEMENT, PERMIT ASSESSMENT, REPORTING CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA CASC has provided the City of Industry with NPDES compliance program management and related services since 2003. As an " "`""""" extension of the city's staff, working with their planning, engineering, CITY OF INDUSTRY CALIFORNIA and other functional units, we are responsible for developing, implementing, and administrating the City's MS4 NPDES permit ,,, , ,,,,,, ��� p,,,r.,_,, ,"...� program. MS4 Program Knowledge INDIVIDUAL FISCAL YEAR ANNUAL 10PORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 20104011 CASC's comprehensive duties at the city necessitate a complete understanding of the MS4 NPDES permit regulations. Our duties • include program management, inspections, reporting, document Il preparation and SUSMP reviews. CASC represents the City in the LA Permit Group(LAPG)and participates in several committees including: y , Low Impact Development, TMDL Incorporation, Permit Design I j - . Options,Monitoring,and Reporting. 1 .A em BMPs for Green Streets Development and LID ,�„�,.�,,(�,,��, ,�,, " •. CASC is reviewing and providing recommendations to the CityW.0M1 AN regarding the BMPs for the Draft Green Street Policies & LID .--- Ordinance prepared by LWA for the LA Permit Group and will work with city staff to develop ordinances, policies, and development documents to meet this unique city's specific needs. We prepare any necessary documents, inspection forms, education materials,and training to city staff. City Ordinances,Policies,Forms,and Manuals I CASC has been responsible for reviewing, analyzing, and developing language for Ordinances including the Storm Water and Urban Runoff Pollution Control Ordinance and Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan Implementation Ordinance. As a part of our services,CASC completed a comprehensive review of the previous Los Angeles County MS4 Permit for the City of Industry.A report was prepared that included recommendations for the implementation of the Minimum Control Measures, including the review and updating of the Development and Construction Programs, implementation and tracking of the Industrial/Commercial Inspections, and development of the Illicit Connections/Illicit Discharge Program and response procedures.The I report identified the roles and responsibilities of the City,the Consultant,and the County. Commercial/Industrial Inspections Responsibilities included tracking and inspecting over 700 industrial/commercial facilities, facility prioritization, I database research, scheduling, educational material development, industrial inspections, and GIS/photomapping of illicit connection/illegal discharge locations. Training and Public Outreach I CASC has also prepared Public Outreach and Education materials as well as annual and targeted Stormwater compliance training to City staff. CASC annually trains City design,construction management, and public works inspection staff. I Annual Reports Each year since 2003, CASC has prepared the annual reports and submitted them—formerly to the County,and now directly to the LARWQCB. I SWPPP,SUSPM Preparation and Review CASC has been responsible for reviewing all SWPPPs and SUSMP submittals, as well as for developing Construction Water Pollution Control Drawings (WPCDs), SWPPPs, SUSMPs, and contract specifications for all IPublic Works and Industry Urban Development Agency(IUDA)projects. I 21 CASCEngineering and Con.ilting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES TECHNICAL CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO NPDES COMPLIANCE CITY or Fl. MONTF, CA CASC has provided the City of El Monte with NPDES compli- rn,of Etltantr G..ra•;..,✓n C.,tky ance assistance in response to the last two permit renewals r..... :G(✓..0 Make,(n•ammo. a #Y.3,IIM.Names•bia mak G. providing a variety of services including Program Development lams Br .-� L,. - ,a.m,,(4 atas.t,aa.a Jan ,.-«.,?.+1..law✓x...s l.s...s-wC.-•.kg..-r.ur,..,.(r., and Policy reviews, Field Inspections, Plan Checking, Training, G..,,.,o.p>,.. ..t..✓ct-..,.,a t�...ram, ,....✓... GIS database development, and preparation of a Watershed � ^a� �y��"m'°^°'�„�”°ad'^• —„.rt a+—t....„.....,'Y.,o=..SW,•:.:.,.rra-.Yas Management Program and a Coordinated Integrated Monitor- "a"'"'"`' bia ing Plan(CIMP). A At 0,2,.. 01-VG. ..c,,..ZOn,,...,.'—'ma,—.4e—es, meow .r, at plc,.1(D p.c.t •J.t to P.,- V e- ' rsmn.gse. urn.p.l..a 7.1 a,�sOM R. v -e ac-c . Green Streets Development and LID -..h b..... y.,.., "^"'.....b.a..'=W.,' Pis—e, t(trtn.w bC•,.•"'Sm...., CASC performed a technical review of the City's draft LID Ordi- .v°-"„'""t""•""" ., •,+it...m . 1 nance and Green Streets Policy, prepared the 2013 and 2014 .,.>,.,.,.d--•-� rrttx- iMMIL �,.4=mss=� m.�n......Ko.roma...s B tttl Irk MS4 Permit Annual Reports, and is attending numerous tt.°s':a f ��� , Stormwater meetings on behalf of the City of El Monte. j_�m `� r0,40i i` . WMP and CIMP Development �E..4�i p E 1i .� CASC prepared a draft WMP that includes customized strategies,control measures, o., \... ,_.. t and Best Management Practices necessary to implement the requirements of the ^0'�� "iitT7` ^� a.` MS4 Permit. Sections in the WMP cover Receiving Water Limitations, Total Maxi- "- \ ; _ mum Daily Loads (TMDLs), Non-Stormwater Discharges, and customization of the ,-.--- II six Minimum Control Measures (MCMs). The WMP addresses requirements for . both the Los Angeles River and Upper San Gabriel River Watersheds within the City ; • . s ,' . . ; -- of El Monte. -- 1 WQ Plan reviews,Training,Inspections CASC is also under contract to review SUSMP and SWPPP submittals, provide NPDES-related training to City Staff, Iperform construction compliance inspections,and develop a stormwater enforcement program. GIS Database Using ArcGIS and ArcMap 10.2.1, CASC created an inventory of MS4 outfall locations with attributes such as I outfall number, latitude/longitude, structure size, nearest cross street, etc. and attached a Word or PDF file with additional information to the GIS map via hyperlink. CASC uses the GIS program for Mapping (compiling geo- graphic data and performing spatial analysis), Analysis (combining information from independent layers), and I Geographic Data Management (building, managing, and sharing geographic information and features). Our staff created a GIS map showing surface water bodies within Permittee's jurisdiction, HUC 12 boundaries,Watershed Management Area sub-watershed boundaries, land use, location of existing structural controls, and dry weather diversions.We also created an inventory to track critical Industrial/Commercial sources with specific facility infor- I mation as well as a Watershed Management Modeling System (WMMS—a model that simulates hydrologic and pollutant generation), and we use ArcGIS to delineate Hydrologic Response Units (HRU=land use) per sub- watershed within a given area to establish baseline loadings and required pollutant reductions to achieve applica- I ble receiving water limitations. Inspection Prioritization,Commercial/Industrial Inspections,Public Outreach CASC provided the City of El Monte with expert services in NPDES compliance and was responsible for I implementing all requirements pertaining to the inspection of commercial/industrial facilities as described and mandated by the MS4 Permit. Duties included facility prioritization, database development and maintenance, research, scheduling, public information/educational material development and distribution, SWPPP review, as Iwell as conducting over 500 commercial/industrial facility inspections. I I 22 CASC CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 I•:ncut,,rinn and Consilting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES MS4 NPDES PERMIT COMPLIANCE PROGRAM LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - CASC provided Storm Water Quality compliance services and other per- mit assistance to the County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works lO....V.illT(M.T 44 (LADPW). These services are in support of LADPW's road, bridge, traffic 141,111,11,1 „LLl NOp, signal, flood control, sewer, and water construction projects located throughout the county.CASC provided various support services including Stonnwater PoUutionPrevention Plan construction inspection, contract administration, training, SWPPP re- Preparationl SWPP Manual view,and project and program scheduling. Our staff interacted with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies (including the LARWQCB) and assisted in the implementation and en- forcement of various NPDES permit requirements. Reports,Policies and Procedures,Reviews and Recommendations CASC prepared a variety of reports for the department and advises the --,...2.,,4-= M- department regarding new or changed regulatory requirements, and "�r.-....— " _ �-” 1 has been a major contributor in developing and editing the county's stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual, SWPPP Preparation Manual,SWPPP template, Inspection Reporting form, BMP/SWPPP Staff Guide, "•;, and Stormwater Contract Special Provisions. ' 1 •"'( ' 7.-1 T LADPW Staff Training = • .. -.. ' )^ : 1 • CASC assisted in the development and delivery of LADPW employee and con- tractor environmental-related training programs. '''011111•1111111"' SWPPP reviews Our field staff assisted in the implementation and enforcement of various NPDES permit requirements including storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) h� reviews. r �` Field Compliance Inspections —' ° ' , Our field inspectors reviewed construction sites, . County facilities, and maintenance operations. ' j . •1 CASC has also been assigned to monitor environ- ' , .. I mentally related operations such as dewatering, ��'►' _, 0/001100 excavation, and disposal of contaminated soil. F .":-.;-"''*-:-.0111;,, • �, We reviewed implementation of Best Manage 4 ! �J°" 1 ment Practices, monitor waste discharge re Ott + t quirements, and complete monitoring and re- porting requirements. Field inspectors provided f: _ It' porting I electronic copies of all correspondence and re- ., 4110gr _ ,' _ ports and included them in the project files and _ database. Our field management team interact- ` I ed with local,state,and federal regulatory agen- ciesCASC prepared the SWPPP for,and provided stormwater as necessary. and Environmental Compliance Inspections at the$120 Mil- lion Big Tujunga Dam Seismic Rehabilitation and Spillway Modification project. I I I 23 C A S CITY OF ROSEMEAD EngineeringandCo 'lying MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES NPDES CONSTRUCTION SITE COMPLIANCE CONSULTING UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES (UCLA) CASC was initially retained in 2004 to assist the Universi- ty of California, Los Angeles in responding to a LARWQCB Notice of Violation (NOV) at their 1,000 Unit r Southwest Campus Student Housing Project. Since then, II CASC has provided ongoing storm water services to Cali- h,, ) .._.... fornia's largest university for their ambitious ten-year, j) $15.9 billion capital program. i t M Coordination with LARWQCB is • '114 -0 For the initial work, CASC coordinated the response to 2.:,- i__;1 – 11 `0 - . ' the Board's enforcement action,which included prepay t%mit % �;�r 3[,•. ;1;; ing a new Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan , �, ' (SWPPP), providing storm water pollution prevention wf� : _ . training for management as well as field personnel, rec- ommending appropriate BMPs and BMP maintenance .'.. for the project, and providing routine storm water corn- II111k . 4 pliance inspections. Preparation of Guidance Documents,Policies,and Procedures In subsequent years, CASC has assisted with the preparation of Contract Special Provisions for storm water com- pliance, prepared Conceptual Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans(CSWPPPs), and prepared Water Pollution Control Drawings(WPCDs)and Storm Water Sampling and Analysis plans(SAPs). I / SWPPP Reviews We now review contractor-submitted Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans and perform construction site ! storm water and non-storm water sampling and analysis. CASC performs routine, pre-rain, post-rain, and non- storm water construction storm water inspections as required by the Construction General Permit (CGP). CASC prepared the required Project Registration Documents (PRDs) to transition on-going projects to coverage under the current CGP and submitted required documentation to the SWRCB Storm Water Multi-Application Reporting I and Tracking System(SMARTS). NPDES Field Compliance Inspections—Current field inspection activities include: IUCLA Hitch Suites,Saxon Suites, Luskin Conference Center,and TLC for Health Sciences: Performing SWPPP re- views for each Risk Level 2 project sites;conducting quarterly site inspections as a third party; performing inspec- tions to review the SWPPP and verify current site conditions; reviewing all inspection reports; conducting site I walks to inspect BMP maintenance; preparing written Reports-of-Findings for the Owner's Representative, and responding to requests for information from the LARWQCB. I UCLA Santa Monica Orthopedic Hospital: Performing weekly storm water inspections for this Risk Level 2 pro- ject; conducting meetings with site's Construction Manager; reviewing SWPPP documentation; walking the con- struction site to observe the implementation of BMPs;preparing Reports-of-Findings;preparing Rain Event Action Plans(REAPs)for the site whenever there is a chance of rain that meets the criteria. 1 UCLA Sproul Complex and Sproul West Residence Hall: Conducting bi-monthly audits to verify that UCLA is com- pliant with the Construction General Permit's (CGP's) monitoring requirements for Risk Level 2 projects; con- I ducting meetings with site's Construction Manager; reviewing SWPPP documentation; walking the construction site to observe the implementation of BMPs; and preparing Reports-of-Findings and presenting Reports to the Owner's Representative. I I 24 CITY OF ROSEMEAD ci RFQ NO.201801 Engineering and Consulting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES MS4 PERMIT REVIEW, GUIDANCE DOCUMENT DEVELOPMENT, TRAINING LOS ANGELES IJNIFIFD SCI OOl DISTRICT, CA LAUSD is one of the largest school districts in the United States, serving over 671,000 students who attend 873 schools. LAUSD P.,I vv.R.•:..11�,<..•. P.at.u.u..w.Hum n,u•B?Ih n recognized the potential implications of a storm water permit being (•„L,.,,•,,�, developed by the SWRCB and retained CASC to prepare an analysis of mod 5.r,adada..;;a;%;ncm-� °y , e, �:...r.•xaaw�r.e�._mw,a...n�ne•...,.n=.,..•,aa the permit and its potential impacts on LAUSD. Review ro,re..n4Mt ...(li.•a.rs,as •Li4+\'t!' la�a•ao�Nm.y�fine.N.:Rw...waee.maR e<.v • •e,•�.r e.w+ati r.r v,r Review Programs,Policies,and Ordinances `W..t�rle.Ntx.fs.MM1P'11Mr.va+v�,�.rfair y/s.... CASC assisted LAUSD by providing comments to LAUSD and the -f+(�.-�RR��(—•ti• ..y,.a.ntp:•,gaNKff,p}lcrpm,(1...1.faN+a Md•aJ SWRCB on the revised draft Small MS4 Permit.The work included . to :D """"`� Up. RaN_Rnwotrr•.sr G.. <4 rase • , we.of S4lA.t}R,xfl.Yie S..r reviewing comments submitted by LAUSD and other school districts, s.•;�. reviewing the SWRCB staff's responses, and providing a qualitative assessment of the impacts to LAUSD's budget and programs. CASC worked as an extension of LAUSD's staff, providing draft responses to LAUSD prior to submittal, incorporating LAUSD comments, and submitting formal responses to the SWRCB during the comment ,.. Baa g..F.zcire�.pea.,.....%um nwL......1....s...aaar period. lax C.esbato.*sow am.Ml,�m. ,e we� el.1 mem N>R•ral.ty LY anal. MJ.Y �f....414V.M.•e.••• • lwNl.Yn•I.waM./hY BMP Performance Review � r•.( CASC examined the performance of BMPs at LAUSD facilities and incorporated lessons learned into the LAUSD's programs. We visited schools selected by LAUSD staff and reviewed implemented BMPs. We prepared a report of findings and lessons learned for each of the school sites. The analysis included preparation of ten sets of example calculations for BMPs that were implemented. LID Standards Review and Recommendations ( CASC reviewed LA County Low Impact Development Standards Manual (January 2009) and the Green Building Code for provisions related to improvement of urban runoff relative to new development and significant redevelopment. We reviewed the existing Technical Guide and White Paper for consistency between document and with local requirements. Based on the documents reviewed and meetings with internal and external stakeholders, we prepared "redline" style updates to the following documents: Storm Water Technical Manual (LAUSD, Oct 2009), Post Construction Storm Water Management Plan, Minimum Control Measures (LAUSD, October 2, 2007); LAUSD Standard Details; LAUSD Standard Specifications for BMPs such as pervious pavers, pervious concrete, pervious asphalt, and pervious base. We then prepared a Technical Manual Amendment to incorporate provisions related to the General Industrial Permit. Training CASC prepared and delivered presentations to three target audiences at LAUSD: • Management — This session provided a program overview, including coverage of new laws and permits, penalties,management strategies,and LAUSD program components. • Maintenance and Operations — This session provided a program overview of requirements relative to school and facility operation and maintenance. • Design and Construction—This session provided a program overview of requirements relative to design and construction of new and significantly redeveloped schools, including Low Impact Development and Post Construction BMPs. I 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD BID PROPOSAL FORM BID PROPOSAL: I, the undersigned, hereby propose to furnish in accordance with the specifications. SEE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL FEES AND RATE SCHEDULE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM. IT IS MANDATORY FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. List exceptions to Bid: ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET. Estimated delivery date: February 8, 2018 ARO. BID BY: 12:00 noon Company name CASC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Address 1470 East Cooley Drive, Colton, CA 92324 City. State. Zip (.2 Michelle Furlong Secretary/Treasurer Authorized Signature (Name printed) Title (909) 783-0101 (909) 783-0108 2/7/2018 Telephone Number Fax Number Date Ownership: Sole ; Partnership ; Corporation X ; _(State of California Inc.) X I I c-1 EI C As,sc,. CITY OF ROSEMEAD RFQ NO.2018-01 Engineering and Consulting MS4 NPDES PERMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES RATES Director $165 Project Manager $145 Senior Environmental Analyst/Scientist II $125 Senior Environmental Analyst/Scientist I $110 Staff Assistant $65 1 .-w �p �p 22 = N . m 1 N N N V n N O W 0 0 b r S N o a m N N 8 N .22 Z LL %* w. o 2";', w y a S 9 EtM .nrvrv8wR4 m m * e 3 - r 14 2 r 8000 . m " R m M . ai T t N b N N cc w O C Q S o S O B S O`S$S 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 0 S S S S S$O O Q o $ 8 S O G SO O'g$G 8 12 ----- -s.. g e4 .-Nn m .ry foA ry bq u , CO w « «w«ww«wwwwww««w«« « w«w« « « w«« «win c w wN c O u 3 c., q O °g wa :: N .02„:,:.. B ' o d oI �v '.-__r_ .- LLLLS • d “� Z = NEZ- E ii 4o d n'---82 isNao0 g°-; <: OU LL i r10 O E k 1 6 c — - rg. V g c O` € .e o § i rc i5 Z m`�$ cE et-. v -a-zi vi. . «U' o a ° §n o � Nuo :tet ;W O . it SQ', cp ' 3 s E. d` s eggs y +€ i E W a o b1 g`oS y ,o ysgigg a & l ttli o ff ; a i0 a7 tLeT E d bS�p9" +5 p Dd" oo- I, _ " caos.2 oV.�u � a.a'g.EE; .'i 'Lc2 0 Z oa "E s 6�j _ma _ _ �u4 k c}usg� � $ � 3'cl ; 211 = E l a�d.e u i i E E E i i l 4 c y m e? a " 7 2+ A - %8 •51',7i.8 h .nnta ?r.'7???RgitaKtIgg151;itiVSWitf, IN 0 8 -..8-8.c y _. 6 a� Ziou_`Og s.,Q 8 N N N N N fl A y v m v 8 a v v:Y vl V Jv«g M b 1 w N m,g A m a 8 o`4 8QQ. o = 0 0 0y 0 i F c Y Q Q< y g K U U U U U V O — - i Proposal to Provide I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer II System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) I Permit Professional Compliance and I Support Services • -..A ," , ...y.... i'%' •- Ff ri,,aut '''s.-=',• •4c.; it'^' ;;,. �•R�.w. `:,i" y"(,• ); ctliwit.. Woo.rqd, •• { !� t Kr t-\ ; • • • ee+-;•1!°:344°!'t'• 4�4,1°�! y y j w� d • +rtl late,. t. K�}'del s''!7\rtt,, es .. :1y•iy`3 , (Xi .% v tti 1 7i. lhT' 1 ., i.i 1w I :� i , \ . ... . n j .1.1,i.' ,1,,1:§ .tivi A. t • �%. • !��g� �ik'rV4,r.It.'%, (yy '•i 4.,€)111"* }x!4 t' .FI:1111. `, . ,i.,t ? r �t ,< , ti`s • ', ��yy • `� i February 8, 2018 V4 ' A it- • • ear r r 3 Prepared for /O I tis 9 4 r t� �., �. _a �r_K }�jf �lS4 i^ .'�-c t,` . • - CIVIC MI OF , ' [ T \ r• 4 f .. S..._oiF.. City fRosemead The C ty o vJ INFRI),`I- ,-.'[ ri LIRA_ 43060 Saturn Street, Suite 250 S94 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS Brea,CA 92821 Tel.:(714)940.0100 Fax:(714)940-0700 www.infrastructure-engineers.com February 8, 2018 Rafael M. Fajardo, City Engineer Public Works Department/Engineering Division City of Rosemead 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Proposal to Provide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Dear Mr. Fajardo: The City of Rosemead has been a valued client for almost 10 years.You have entrusted us to assist the City with a broad range of engineering disciplines—from plan checking to traffic safety to the Sanitary Sewer Master Plan audit.We are particularly thankful for the opportunity to assist the City with NPDES MS4 compliance and support. We have proposed staff for this project who are particularly passionate about the work they do - helping our clients stay in compliance and helping the environment by preventing or reducing pollution to our waterways. Our staff is dedicated to providing timely, comprehensive, cost-effective stormwater pollution control programs to meet the MS4 permit. Infrastructure Engineers has been assisting clients with compliance programs for more than 10 years. As part of our services in these areas, we act as city representatives at meetings held by the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Group as well as the Los Angeles River Watershed Management Committee, Los Angeles Permit Group/EAC, Upper Rio Hondo Watershed MS4 Implementation,and Lower Los Angeles River Watershed Management. We provide summaries of these meetings, including the important information disseminated at them, to our clients to keep them, and ourselves,abreast of the latest directives.We know the City of Rosemead also belongs to the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Group, so we can help maintain integration and fulfillment with this group as well. We have several city contracts in which we act as an extension of city staff to provide plan checks and construction inspections.As such, we are often asked to perform compliance inspections for NPDES MS4 because our clients know of our expertise in this area, as we have done for the Cities of Bell Gardens, Baldwin Park, Montebello, and South El Monte. Infrastructure Engineers conducts stormwater monitoring and inspections during construction of residential, commercial and industrial areas to confirm compliance with the applicable BMPs and SWPPPs. We typically provide clients with a compliance summary and highlight out-of-compliance areas and construction sites. In addition, we have developed the SWPPP, WQMP, and erosion control plans for the facilities and identified BMPs and sampling locations, as appropriate,to assure regulatory compliance. We facilitate final compliance by producing Annual Reports. Additional services we provide for NPDES MS4 compliance includes training city staff and contractors. We have done this for the City of Bell Gardens,where we helped staff to understand the principles of storm water quality management, NPDES, MS4 permit, essential knowledge for operation and maintenance, definition of storm water and non-storm water, IC/ID, pollutants of concern, WMP, LID, Green Street policy, spill prevention cleanup and drainage system maintenance. Rafael M.Fajardo February 8,2018 Page 2 Another service the Infrastructure Engineers team can provide is community outreach to help educate public employees, businesses, and the general public about what constitutes pollutants of concern, the hazards associated with illegal discharges, improper disposal of waste, and the use of BMPs to properly handle these issues. We thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal to the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time by phone at (714) 940-0100, ext. 5120, or by email at • sforster@infengr.com. Sincerely, Infrastructure Engineers Steve Forster Sr.Vice President/Principal-in-Charge • 3060 Saturn Street,Suite 250 I Brea,CA 92821 1 Tel.:(714)940-0100 I www.infrastructure•engineers.com MEW S F AI f ° yt 'o Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services CIVIC TRIO& Contents Credentials and Experience 1 Project Approach 9 Sub-contracted Services 14 Fees 15 6,161Rigg CIPage I I ENGINEERS rli= S t M e ° y= A '° Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services CIY1C P1101 ' Credentials and Experience Infrastructure Engineers is a leader in providing multi-disciplinary municipal engineering and related services to cities throughout Southern California—we have been doing this since 1994. Infrastructure Engineers was founded on the premise of serving cities, and we have earned a reputation for solutions-oriented, outstanding quality work products and client service. As part of our turn-key municipal services, we are often called upon to provide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4) compliance and permitting assistance—either as a comprehensive program or as part of our typical plan check and construction inspection services. We currently have a half-dozen programs in progress for our existing clients. We have the experience and capabilities to provide complete water resources engineering services for the City of Rosemead, including NPDES compliance and permitting, MS4 compliance,Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plans (SUSMP), Low Impact Development (LID), Green Street Policy,training of staff and full-service staff augmentation services in support of cities'water resource capital improvement projects. The client cities we have provided NPDES and MS4 compliance and permitting assistance to include, but are not limited to the following: • Baldwin Park • Los Angeles County • Montebello • Bell Gardens • Lynwood • Pico Rivera • Calexico • Manhattan Beach • South El Monte • Central Basin • Maywood • South Gate • Irvine Firm Experience City NPDES Storm Water Program -Commercial and Industrial Illegal Connection/Illegal Discharge -2nd Inspections City of Baldwin Park Sam Gutierrez, Interim Director of Public Works Phone: (626) 813-5255, Ext. 460 14403 Pacific Avenue Email: sgutierrez@baldwinpark.com Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Infrastructure Engineers staff prepared an inspection checklist and forms and developed an inventory database for commercial and industrial businesses. Inspections were conducted to monitor and report discharges to the MS4 system from industrial and commercial businesses. Inspection staff performed field research and visits to document and verify existing conditions. Staff documented drainage characteristics, surface best management practice (BMP) features, general descriptions of sites and other visual pollutants within the area of inspection. Recommendations were provided to improve water quality. Inspection staff worked to inform or remind facility owners or managers about storm water regulations and how to prevent discharges to the storm drain system. Infrastructure Engineers inspectors determined priority areas and identified hot spots and used visual screening for priority areas where potential illegal connection or illegal discharges occurred. Inspection staff documented observed conditions of relevant infrastructure and created an inspection report for facilities and the City. .� INFRASTRIJGTIJRC Page I 1 1 4 ENGINEERS S t AI f A ', Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services 1/4"GIYIG I�Df" NPDES Program —Catch Basin Inventory and Inspection City of Bell Gardens Chau Vu, Director of Public Works Phone: (562) 806-7770 8327 Garfield Avenue Email: CVu@bellgardens.org Bell Gardens, CA 90201 The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region has developed a total maximum daily load (TMDL) designed to attain the water quality standards for trash in the Los Angeles River.The TMDL required cities to reduce trash loading to the Los Angeles River by 100% by 2016. Catch basins are inlet structures without a sump below the level of the outlet pipe to capture solids and trash washed down by stormwater.These inlets also collect trash, grass clippings and animal wastes during dry weather. Infrastructure Engineers will update the City's Citywide Catch basin inventory database and perform an evaluation of existing catch basins to install connector pipe screens for conforming to trash TMDL compliance. The Catch Basin update will be accomplished through collection of new information obtained through field observation and through other readily available database. Urban Storm Water Program —Commercial and Industrial IC/ID -2nd Inspections City of Bell Gardens Chau Vu, Director of Public Works Phone: (562) 806-7770 8327 Garfield Avenue Email: CVu@bellgardens.org Bell Gardens, CA 90201 The MS4 permit requires implementation of industrial and commercial facility controls and inspection programs, as specified in the Order No. R42012-0175. Per the requirement, all commercial facilities identified in Part VI.D.6b must be inspected twice during the 5-year term of the order, provided that the first mandatory compliance inspection occurred no later than 2 years after the effective date of the Order.The first inspection was performed in 2015 and this project is for performing the second inspection prior to the end of 5-year term. Infrastructure Engineers prepared a worksheet database and drainage mapping for the IC/ID field detection. In addition, a routine urban storm water inspection is being conducted of the businesses that are categorized per the Provision VID.6b of the Order R4-2012-0175. Commercial facilities to be reviewed include restaurants, automotive services (including those located at automotive dealerships, retail gasoline outlets, and nurseries and nursery centers (e.g., merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods and retail trade). NPDES Services City of Montebello Danilo Batson, Director of Public Works Phone: (323) 887-1460 1600 W. Beverly Blvd. Email: dbatson@cityofmontebello.com Montebello, CA 90640 The MS4 permit requires implementation of industrial and commercial facility controls and inspection programs, as specified in the Order No. R42012-0175. Per the requirement, all commercial facilities identified in Part VI.D.6b must be inspected twice during the 5-year term of the order, provided that the first mandatory compliance inspection occurred no later than 2 years after the effective date of the Order.The first inspection was performed in 2015 and this project is for performing the second inspection prior to the end of 5-year term. This Inspection program is one component of the City's overall IC/ID review, including city's storm drain map, ordinances, reporting, and recordkeeping. Infrastructure Engineers prepared a worksheet database and drainage mapping for the IC/ID field detection. In addition, a routine urban storm water inspection is being conducted of the businesses that are categorized per the Provision VID.6b of the Order R4-2012-0175, and 2), �r A,.,��T�ae Page 12 ENGINEERS S E AI F ° � Proposal for M54 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services tr G `I.I`'lI°l, • p�� and inspections will be conducted for post-construction BMPs and to address post-construction rl stormwater management from a new private development and redevelopment projects. Urban Storm Water Program-Catch Basin Inventory and Inspection City of Montebello Danilo Batson, Director of Public Works Phone: (323) 887-1460 1600 W. Beverly Blvd. Email: dbatson@cityofmontebello.com Montebello, CA 90640 Infrastructure Engineers will update the citywide catch basin inventory database and conduct an evaluation of existing catch basins to install CPS for conforming to trash TMDL"allocation" or"standard".The catch basin update will be accomplished through collection of new information obtained through field observations and through other readily available databases. City Staff and Contractors NPDES Training City of Bell Gardens Chau Vu, Director of Public Works Phone: (562) 806-7770 8327 Garfield Avenue Email: CVu@bellgardens.org Bell Gardens, CA 90201 Municipal employee and contractor training has been required by the MS4 permit in the past and a new MS4 permit administered by NPDES regulations required the same training.The City of Bell Gardens enlisted Infrastructure Engineers to train all of their employees in targeted positions (whose interactions,jobs, and activities affected storm water quality) on the requirements of the overall storm water management program and ensure contractors performing privatized/contracted municipal services were also appropriately trained. The purpose of the training was to promote a clear understanding of the potential for activities to pollute storm water and to help them identify opportunities to require, implement, and maintain appropriate BMPs in their line of work. The training was performed with a PowerPoint presentation, programed by Infrastructure Engineers and covered the principles of storm water quality management, NPDES,the new MS4 permit, essential knowledge for operation and maintenance activities, definition of storm water and non-storm water, pollutants of concern, WMPs, LID, Green Street policy, spill prevention and cleanup, and drainage system maintenance. Staff Experience Infrastructure Engineers has a staff that is highly experienced and well-versed in the steps to NPDES MS4 compliance; we have been providing these services for more than 20 years to cities throughout Southern California. The project organization chart on the following page presents our proposed team and the lines of communication for management of the projects. Resumes of our staff's experience follow the organization chart. • INFRASTRUCTURE Page I 3 ENGINEERS ti c , f ° %nk 'o Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ,� "V""I"�� Project Organization gai ItkilliV City of Rosemead Principal-in-Charge Steve Forster Program Manager Ray Abassi,PETE,QSP/QSD IC/ID&Industrial/ Commercial Facilities Inspections& Development/ Inventories Redevelopment Program Gabriel Gutierrez,EIT Thomas Martin Aidan Mousavi,EIT Annual Reports& MS4 Compliance GIS Public Information& Gabriel Gutierrez,EIT Kevin Roque,EIT Outreach Aidan Mousavi,EIT Avant-Garde,Inc. Ray Abassi, PE, TE, QSD/QSP - Program Manager Education Ray Abassi is a principal of Infrastructure Engineers and has more than 30 years of MS,Transportation BS,Civil Engineering professional experience in civil and traffic engineering design, as well as project management. He has professional certifications in the field of storm water Registrations/Certifications management, as well as being a licensed civil and traffic engineer. Because Ray is Registered Civil Engineer,CA,No. 48091 a principal of Infrastructure Engineers, he has the authority to marshal any Registered Traffic Engineer,CA, resources needed to meet project schedules. Ray has worked on hundreds of 1759 QSD/QSP Certificate No.41797 project designs involving investigations, studies, design plans and specifications, QS Years of Experience:32 construction documents, and quality assurance, as well as taking the project through the bid process and construction management. He has provided construction oversight associated with infrastructure improvements, such as pavement, drainage, utilities, and onsite water and wastewater systems. He has provided construction oversight associated with infrastructure improvements, such as pavement, drainage, utilities,and onsite water and wastewater systems. Project Manager,Storm Drain Design for 2nd Street Realignment, City of Calexico.The municipal storm drain included approximately 2,000 linear feet of proposed storm drain system fronting the Gran Plaza Outlet Mall between the All American Canal and west of the New River. Another segment consisted of approximately 4,000 linear feet of proposed storm drain main fronting the Power Center development.The storm drain system consists of 18-inch through 36-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipelines, catch basins, manholes, and junction structures accepting the flows from the Gran Plaza and Power Center developments.The proposed storm drain system has two points of connections downstream that includes a direct connection to the New River and another connection to a proposed storm drain system designed for the Calexico International Airport expansion. The Calexico Airport, located on the north side of 2nd Street, previously conducted a hydrology study to manage stormwater runoff in airport watershed to improve conveyance systems within airport areas and 2nd Street roadway flows. Construction SWPPPs were developed for both development projects. Project Manager, Drainage Design for Onsite Land Development Projects,City of Calexico. Infrastructure Engineers staff conducted drainage analyses for development projects at the Gran Plaza and Power Center, �j INFRASTRUGTURC Page I 4 ENGINEERS 1 E /.1 o-° , ' Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services `J ' .a C1Y1C�t1D� which consist of buildings, parking lots, and landscape areas accompanying four underground � infiltration storage basins and one above ground detention basin.The storm drain system consists of 8-inch through 36-inch diameter HDPE pipelines, curb openings, and grate catch basins, manholes, and junction structures. Underground infiltration storage basins are HDPE arch type of storm drain chambers. A construction SWPPP was developed for the site. QSD and QSP Search Results QSD Certificate Expire Underlying None Address orNumber Date Certificate Status QSP Abassi. RAYMOND ABASSI OSD and 21831 Nov 27. Californiaregistered Ac live Raymond 3060 SATURN QSP 2019 professional engineer STREET 48091 SUITE 250 BREA CA 92821 faba sslj IP re ng r.coin LpA Steve Forster- Principal-in-Charge Education Steve Forster has more than 25 years' experience in design, administration, Civil Engineering Coursework- finance, and management of municipal capital projects. He was the Public Works Construction Management Director for the City of La Mirada for 23 years and he has more than 5 years' BS,Business,University of experience in private engineering and construction management services. Steve Phoenix has been (CIP)l ibl res onse for capital improvement programprojects totaling p p p Years of Experience:25 more than $50 million per year as Public Works Director. He has relevant experience in all aspects of municipal public projects, including buildings, public and private infrastructure, capital improvement planning and financing,grant management, labor compliance, project reporting, engineering, and maintenance. Various Streetscape Improvements. Developed and implemented median improvements on Beach Boulevard, Imperial Highway,Valley View Street, and various side panels. Projects included the design and construction of drought-tolerant landscaping, inverted median design for storm water runoff, and low-volume irrigation. Projects ranged in size from two miles to 500 feet in length. Projects had various grant funds for design and construction and ranged in size from $50,000 to$2.5 million. Behringer Sports Park. Development and oversight of the Behringer Athletic Facility.The project included contaminated soils cleanup, building construction, irrigation and landscaping, sports fields, and storm drains. Ten-Year CIP Plan. Developed a ten-year plan to rehabilitate every infrastructure element within the City of La Mirada.The plan called for more than$55 million of work to be performed.The plan was utilized to develop a funding mechanism to cover the costs of the project.The plan won voter approval with more than a two thirds majority for a 1-cent sales tax initiative. Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center.The project was a ten-acre development in the City of La Mirada. The project consisted of the oversight of 22 prime contractors, 30,000 square feet of building space, three pools, water play structures, a 500-foot lazy river, passive and recreational exterior space, themed architecture, mechanical systems,and landscaping.The completed project was in excess of$35 million. Community Center and Senior Center. Oversight of a prime contractor and construction of more than 50,000 square feet of facility space. Project budget was in excess of$10 million. 9. INVRASTR UCTURC Page I 5 ENGINEERS S E M ° st A ', Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services CIVIC PIM 4 Gabriel Gutierrez, EIT—IC/ID & Industrial/Commercial Facilities Program; Annual Reports & MS4 Compliance Education Gabriel's experience spans a broad range of civil and municipal engineering, MS,Environmental Studies including two years with the City of Calexico as an Engineering Technician. During BS,Civil Engineering his tenure with the City, Gabriel wrote the conditions for the City's MS4 Registrations/Certifications compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, including a Engineer-in-Training,CA, No.160972 minor storm water management plan, several public outreach documents, storm Years of Experience:7 water intake form for developers, and best management practices. Gabriel has been the project manager for the NPDES Watershed Management Plan and Integrated Monitoring Program Coordination for the cities of Bell Gardens and Montebello. He has also been involved in the Urban Storm Water Program Commercial & Industrial IC/ID 2nd Inspection project for the Cities of Bell Gardens and Montebello and the NPDES Program Catch Basin Inventory and Inspection for Bell Gardens. Project Manager, NPDES Watershed Management Plan and Integrated Monitoring Program Coordination, Cities of Bell Gardens and Montebello. Worked with a variety of agencies to customize the Cities' storm water programs by using BMPs to achieve compliance. Assisted with training and presentation of the requirements of the MS4 Permit to all maintenance staff and inspectors, coordinated with the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and seven other cities in Los Angeles County and worked on developing the strategy, design, and implementation of a Watershed Management Program and a Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program. Attended all regular watershed meetings, representing the City of Bell Gardens and Montebello, as requested by the Cities. Provided commercial and industrial permit inspections for all eligible businesses in the Cities; provided businesses with educational material and advised them on how to comply with the MS4 permit. Conducted audits and provided the reports, as required by the permit. With the collaboration of engineering, code enforcement, building, street maintenance, planning, and relevant contracted services, developed the annual report for the Cities, identifying methods used to meet compliance as well as providing calculations for scientific justification. Associate Engineer, NPDES Services,City of Montebello.This Inspection program is one component of the City's overall IC/ID review, including the City's storm drain map, ordinances, reporting, and recordkeeping. Responsible for preparing a worksheet database and drainage mapping for the IC/ID field detection and conducting routine urban storm water inspections of the businesses that are categorized per the Provision VID.6b of the Order R4-2012-0175, and 2). Inspections will be conducted for post-construction BMPs and to address post-construction stormwater management from a new private development and redevelopment projects. Associate Engineer, Urban Storm Water Program-Catch Basin Inventory and Inspection,City of Montebello. Assisting in updating the citywide catch basin inventory database and conducting an evaluation of existing catch basins to install CPS for conforming to trash TMDL compliance.The catch basin update will be accomplished through collection of new information obtained through field observations and through other readily available databases. Associate Engineer, NPDES Program—Catch Basin Inventory and Inspection, City of Bell Gardens.Assisting with updating the City's Citywide Catch basin inventory database and performing an evaluation of existing catch basins to install connector pipe screens for conforming to trash TMDL compliance.The Catch Basin update will be accomplished through collection of new information obtained through field observation and through other readily database available. Associate Engineer, Urban Storm Water Program—Commercial and Industrial IC/ID-2nd Inspections, City of Bell Gardens. Responsible for preparation of a worksheet database and drainage mapping for the IC/ID field detection. In addition, a routine urban storm water inspection is being conducted of the businesses that are I INFRASTRUCTURC Page I 6 ENGINEERS i° Ey( 'o Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services � CIVIC,,'o� categorized per the Provision VID.6b of the Order R4-2012-0175. Commercial facilities to be �7 !� reviewed include restaurants, automotive services (including those located at automotive dealerships, retail gasoline outlets, and nurseries and nursery centers(e.g., merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods and retail trade). Aidan Mousavi, EIT- Development/Redevelopment; Annual Reports & MS4 Compliance Education Aidan Mousavi's professional focus is primarily in the field of environmental MBA,General infrastructure,where he works closely with cities to ensure compliance with BS,Civil Engineering NPDES. He has developed strategies for the efficient use of BMPs,thus gaining a REngineer-in-Training, rainingCA, set of skills that not only assists municipalities with compliance but helps keep Engineer-in-Training, No.153480 them under budget as well. Aidan is familiar with municipal protocols and works Years of Experience:5 within these structures to conduct field inspections and develop annual compliance reports. He works with a variety of agencies to customize storm water programs by using BMP5 to achieve compliance. He has coordinated with the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and other cities within watershed program groups and worked on developing the strategy,design, and implementation of Watershed Management Programs and Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Programs. Engineering Assistant, City of South El Monte. Assists with NPDES compliance requirements by providing annual training to field staff and by preparing the City for audits from the county or state Water Boards. Manages the City's goal in attaining Climate Registered status. Project Manager, NPDES Watershed Management Plan and Integrated Monitoring Program Coordination, Cities of Bell Gardens and Montebello. Attends various meetings and coordinates with 30+cities in the same watersheds to reach pollution reduction milestones. Fields and responds to all requests made from the Water Board to our client cities. Assists with training and presentation of the requirements of the MS4 Permit to all • maintenance staff and inspectors, coordinates with the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and seven other cities in Los Angeles County and worked on developing the strategy, design, and implementation of a Watershed Management Program and a Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program.Aidan conducted all necessary inspections (1S`and 2nd rounds) for the Cities of Bell Gardens and Montebello, and also provided the appropriate reports. Inspector, NPDES Storm Water Program Inspection, City of Baldwin Park.As required under the state's Regional Water Quality Control Board regulations and city ordinances permitting inspection programs,the City El of Baldwin Park has enlisted Infrastructure Engineers to conduct a routine visual inspection for point-source pollution control.The goal of this inspection is to prevent the discharge of pollutants associated with business activities from entering the City's storm drain system. Aidan conducted all necessary inspections (1"and 2"d rounds) for the City of Baldwin Park and provided the appropriate reports. r Thomas Martin- Inspection & Inventories Education Thomas Martin is a well-rounded engineer who has managed a broad range of MBA,General municipal assets. He has worked on water quality issues and has prepared B5,Civil Engineering reports, handled public relations,worked on public outreach and set up outreach Registrations/Certifications Engineer-in-Training,CA, events. No.153480 Years of Experience:20 Associate Engineer, Urban Storm Water Program-Commercial & Industrial IC/ID 2nd Inspection, City of Montebello. Conducting inspections of the City's overall IC/ID review, including city's storm drain map, ordinances, reporting, and recordkeeping.Assisting with preparation of a worksheet database and drainage mapping for the IC/ID field detection. Associate Engineer, Urban Storm Water Program-Catch Basin Inventory and Inspection, City of Montebello. Assisting with updating the citywide catch basin inventory database and conducting an evaluation of existing catch basins to install CPS for conforming to trash TMDL compliance. 4 iNfRASTHUGfURE Page 17 Itj ENGINEERS ° ', A 'o _ Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ipl Associate Engineer, Urban Storm Water Program—Commercial and Industrial IC/ID 2nd ,ae.,,,,, Inspection,City of Bell Gardens. Assisting with preparation of a worksheet database and drainage mapping for the IC/ID field detection. Conducting urban storm water inspections of businesses that are categorized per the Provision VID.6b of the Order R4-2012-0175. Commercial facilities to be reviewed include restaurants, automotive services (including those located at automotive dealerships, retail gasoline outlets, and nurseries and nursery centers (e.g., merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods and retail trade). Kevin Roque, EIT—GIS Education Kevin Roque is an Assistant Civil Engineer with more than 7 years of extensive BS,Civil Engineering training in civil engineering, public works and construction projects. His Registrations/Certifications experience includes engineering design, creating GIS data and maps and creating Engineer-in-Training,CA conceptual imagery for exhibits. He prepares legal descriptions for street Years of Experience:7 dedications,generates utility notices and coordination with utility companies, street reconstruction design, curb extension design, street overlay design, plan checking, surveying, construction staking, generating topographic maps, drafting, construction cost estimates, sewer rehabilitation projects, storm drains, assisting in project management of CIP projects. Inspector, NPDES Storm Water—Commercial and Industrial Inspections, Baldwin Park. Completed various routine inspections related to requirements for MS4 permits.Tasks involved documenting illicit discharges as well as other applicable violations. Design Engineer,Arroyo Drive Improvements from Astra Drive to Rose Glen Avenue, City of Montebello. Responsible for researching an existing damaged storm drain inlet, as well as proposing a solution to its reconstruction and relocation. Assistant Engineer, Recycled Water Pipeline in the City of Bell Gardens,Central Basin MWD. Assisted with the development of the AutoCAD Civil 3D surface and profile for a new 6,000-foot recycled water pipeline in the City of Bell Gardens. Crossings with existing utilities were checked to avoid interference with the new pipeline. Field Inspector, Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Replacement Project,City of Rosemead. Inspected and determined locations for replacement of sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, as well as generated quantities and cost estimates. Assistant Engineer, Garvey Avenue Sewer Relief Line Project, City of Rosemead. Responsible for assisting the designer during creation of the plans.The project including a new sewer line along Garvey Ave, as well as replacing damaged curb and gutter, driveways, and resurfacing the roadway. Work included analyzing utility crossings and checking the design per LA County design standards. • 64614gi'-RE Page 8 ENGINEERS S [ M y4Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services A G 1. CIVIC rno1'• : • Project Approach One way to control pollutants from entering our waterways is to require Los Angeles County, and all 84 incorporated cities within Los Angeles County (Permittees), responsible for ensuring and enforcing compliance with storm water quality standards.The Permit requires all Permittees to control and reduce pollutants entering the storm drain system from residents and businesses by means of a comprehensive Storm Water Quality Management Program (SQMP)that addresses specific storm water quality issues. It is our intention to provide the City with a detailed work plan based on the required elements of the NPDES permit and the steps it will take to comply with the permit. Our work plan will be comprised of the tasks provided herein. Program Management The Infrastructure Engineers team will attend monthly meetings, including, but not limited to, Executive Action Committee (EAC) meetings, applicable Watershed Management Committee meetings, Regional Water Board meetings or hearings and applicable storm water quality workshops and seminars to keep current of any changes to storm water requirements, recent innovative compliance techniques and practices for potential modifications to the City's SQMP. Infrastructure Engineers will prepare periodic bulletins containing current issues and any new information items that are of interest to the City including the new documentation and highlights from meetings and workshops. Review various compliance-related documents and issues (e.g.Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), basin plan amendments, etc.) Prepare inspections and individual annual reports for submittal to the respective watershed lead. The Infrastructure Engineers staff will assist in public outreach programs, at the City's request.The Infrastructure Engineers team will also provide annual training on all procedures and practices for each of the program components.The training will cover a wide spectrum of issues including procedures that will cover all aspects of the permitting process, procedures and BMPs for discharge avoidance,such as landscaping techniques, proper pesticide usage and infiltration options. Specific tasks will include: • Attending various monthly meetings (EAC, watershed,TMDL, regional board,workshops, etc.) • Providing the City with various documents, written information and updates of all meetings and workshops • Reviewing various compliance-related documents and issues (e.g.,TMDLs, basin plan amendments, etc.) • Preparing annual reports for submittal to the watershed lead. • Conducting a good housekeeping assessment of the City yard and maintenance facilities, and providing information, guidance, and proper documentation for annual reporting. Staff Training As part of our resource program for NPDES training, Infrastructure Engineers compiles information and sources from materials available at the State Regional Water Quality Control Board website and workshops. We develop training materials to provide guidance annually to City staff, as well as contractors. Training modules have been prepared with PowerPoint presentation programed by Infrastructure Engineers and covers the principles of storm water quality management, NPDES, the MS4 permit, essential knowledge for operation and maintenance, definition of storm water and non-storm water, IC/ID, pollutants of concern, Water Management Plans, LIDs, BMPs, Green Street policy, spill prevention, cleanup and drainage system maintenance. <4 11 ` PRASTRUCTURC Page 19 ENGINEERS S ,1),„_,---„, •° ' o Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services CIVIC urn Public Information and Participation Program Infrastructure Engineers staff regularly meets with the Los Angeles County public information staff and attends public information meetings sponsored by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District. We will prepare any pertinent informational items in the City's monthly NPDES report.The City then can use these items for posting in the City's newsletter or on the website to promote awareness of watershed-specific pollutants (e.g.,trash, pet waste, nutrients, indicator organisms, metals, pesticide, FOG, and sediments) and general storm water pollution information.The City should have public information outreach materials available for distribution to industrial and commercial facilities that are subject to inspection requirements as well as for developers that anticipate having projects in the City.These materials should also be readily available for developers at the Public Works desk at City Hall. Specific tasks include: • Attending all quarterly Public Information and Participation Program meetings held by the City • Providing the City with various documents, written information and updates of all meetings and workshops • Assisting the City with the development of informational items that can be used for public information purposes. Industrial/Commercial Facilities Program According to the MS4 Permit, all Cities will require implementation of pollutant reduction and control measures at industrial and commercial sites within the City's jurisdiction, with the objective of reducing pollutants in storm water runoff.These control measures can include structural and source-control BMPs and operations and maintenance procedures.The City would need the authority to track, inspect and ensure compliance at industrial and commercial facilities that are critical sources of pollutants in storm water. Examples of industrial and commercial facilities that can be considered critical sources for pollutants include restaurants, automotive service facilities, retail gasoline outlets and plant nurseries. Specific tasks for developing this program include the following: • Infrastructure Engineers will examine the current City requirements for industrial and commercial facilities within its jurisdiction to ensure compliance with all current NPDES requirements. • Upon request of the City, Infrastructure Engineers can perform inspections of the industrial and commercial facilities. • We will work with the City to develop and distribute outreach materials to facilities that may be critical sources of pollutants to keep them informed about current storm water regulations and the latest BMPs specific to the pollutants they produce. • Infrastructure Engineers will implement a non-filer identification program and report our findings to the City and Regional Board. Applicable industrial facilities identified as not having either a current WDID or Non- Exposure Certification, will be notified that they must obtain coverage under the Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISWGP) and will be referred to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB). Redevelopment Planning The City should use the County's Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) manual as a reference when checking SUSMPs for proper BMP selection and siting. We recommend that a comprehensive evaluation process should be employed when performing plan checking for both new development and redevelopment plans in accordance with the current state and regional regulations. We will work with the City to develop and implement a guide for treatment control or structural BMP selection, encouraging the use of source controls, storm water abatement and infiltration wherever possible to effectively minimize the negative impacts of a project's construction activities on storm water quality during all phases of construction and post construction. The City should keep accurate and current records of all permits issued to developers, including the types, �j IN iASTRUGT NE Page 110 ENGINEERS S f AI F 0 IV( ,° Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services number, siting and size information of all construction and post-construction BMPs for reporting ,, purposes. Specific tasks include: • Assisting the City in preparing written guidelines and other materials for inclusion into development planning program element as needed • Providing training to City staff on specific requirements associated with development planning requirements, including SUSMPs • Assisting the City in developing at-the-counter developer and contractor information materials • Tracking documented projects for record-keeping and annual reporting to Regional and State Water Quality Boards. Redevelopment Construction Inspections We will review the current SWPPPs development methods that the City uses for its own construction projects as well as the criteria the engineers use for inspections of construction sites. Infrastructure Engineers staff will verify the level of compliance with the new General Construction Activities Storm Water Permit (GCASP) requirements and recommend any modifications or enhancements that are needed. Infrastructure Engineers staff will examine existing conditions at the City's public facilities to assess any needed improvements to the operation and maintenance of existing controls or recommend additional controls. Infrastructure Engineers staff will review the City's public agency BMPs and determine where improvements can be made, including encouraging use of infiltration and treatment controls at both construction and post-construction stages of development. Infrastructure Engineers staff will work with the City to come up with ways in which to tailor the SWPPP to the City's storm water goals. We will assist with implementing requirements for developers to adhere to when developing their SWPPPs, which will include the rationale for the selecting or rejecting construction site BMPs and will include comprehensive maintenance schedules. Specific tasks will include: • Performing an audit of the City's existing environmental requirements and regulations related to development construction activities • Assisting the City in preparing written guidelines and other materials for inclusion into the development construction program element of the SQMP • Providing information and training to City staff on specific requirements i • Assisting the City in developing at-the-counter educational materials explaining development construction requirements • Tracking documented projects for record-keeping and annual reporting to Regional and State Water Quality Boards. Post-construction BMP Inspections In general, BMPs and stormwater management facilities include constructed infiltration systems, detention facilities, specific landscaping elements such as bio-retention systems, and various manufactured systems.All types of BMPs are designed to mitigate the effects of development and redevelopment by reducing runoff volume and rates while promoting the removal of pollutants and improving runoff quality. Even though BMP and stormwater management facilities may be installed and constructed, unless they are properly maintained,these stormwater control facilities will not function correctly and will allow impacts to water quality. Depending on post-construction BMP maintenance and operation agreements with the City, it is the responsibility of the owner(s) to maintain the facilities in good working order. In turn,the City's role and responsibility is to assess such facilities every two years to ensure proper maintenance is being performed in • N.RASTRUGTURC Page 111 ENGINEERS E M11 ° ' . Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services 01$C,IIDI accordance with the suggested maintenance schedule for each facility.The maintenance M<,� agreement provides the City with authority to conduct inspections of post-construction BMPs and stormwater management facilities. Public Facility Inventory Upon request by the City, Infrastructure Engineers staff will create an electronic database of all publically owned facilities that may represent a source of substantial pollutant load.The database will incorporate all general information of the facilities, including facility name,facility manager and contact information,facility address, description of activities performed at the facility and applicable BMPs and GIS mapping. Furthermore, Infrastructure Engineers staff will identify opportunities for new BMPs and better practices at these facilities. Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities Managing drainage information has become crucial both for permitting compliance as well as sound planning projects.To have a full picture of what the City has accomplished and what needs to be done,the initial phase should be the development of a NPDES GIS system that involves collecting and organizing the existing data.The City may need assistance to locate and manage their drainage infrastructure and we can provide support by developing applications that incorporate the power and flexibility of GIS to meet your needs. GIS will play a key role in developing, managing and analyzing the overwhelming amount of NPDES storm water data; your municipality can rely on our staff to achieve the benefits provided by GIS in a cost-effective manner. Infrastructure Engineers will assist the City in developing a GIS database with a complete storm water structures layer, including channels, curbs and gutters,v-gutters, boxes, pipes, culverts, curb inlets, manholes, catch basins, debris basins, detention basins and retention ponds. Infrastructure Engineers can also develop a GIS layer that contains attributes on the location of the most feasible parcels for projects, differentiating between volume capture versus treatment projects, green streets, infiltration, or diverting to sewers, etc.This mapping of viable projects with crucial information, such as estimates, feasibility for grants, run off capture, etc. can be used by local authorities to determine which projects to pursue. Infrastructure Engineers will develop an inventory of retrofitting opportunities that meets the requirements of Part VI.D.9.iii. Cooperation with private landowners is key when encouraging site-specific retrofitting projects. Some practices for consideration when cooperating with private land owners to retrofit existing developments include 1) demonstration of retrofit projects; 2) retrofits on public land and easements that treat runoff from private developments; 3) education and outreach; 4) subsidies for retrofit projects; 5) requiring retrofit projects as enforcement, mitigation or ordinance compliance; 6) public and private partnerships; 7) fees for existing discharges to the MS4 and reduction of fees for retrofit implementation. Trash TMDL Compliance The TMDL is a number that represents the assimilative capacity of a receiving water to absorb a pollutant.The TMDL is the sum of the individual wasteload allocations (WLA)for point sources, load allocations for nonpoint sources plus an allotment for natural background loading, and a margin of safety.A TMDL is implemented by reallocating the total allowable pollution among the different pollutant sources (through the permitting process or other regulatory means)to ensure that the water quality objectives are achieved. In the case of the MS4 NPDES permit, all cities within that wastershed are responsible for achieving the waste load allocations as stated in the TMDL. The Infrastructure Engineers team will make an assessment of the percentage of compliance on trash TMDLs using information available from the City. Once the tributary areas to unprotected catch basins are defined, a strategy will be developed, including objectives and methods, and in consultation to the LARWQCB. As outlined INiRASTRU CTURE Page 112 ENGINEERS S t r., ° yti Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services iY` CLIC P1101 � in the request for proposals,the Infrastructure Engineers staff will perform a pre-Daily Generation Rate (DGR) study to ensure that the outcome in the DGR is favorable to the City. The Los Angeles River Watershed Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (Bacteria TMDL) presents the Load Reduction Strategy(LRS) as an optional dry-weather compliance approach. As described in the Basin Plan Amendment for the Bacteria TMDL(Resolution No. R10-007), an LRS is designed to quantitatively demonstrate that actions contained within the LRS are sufficient to result in attainment of TMDL WLA. By implementing the optional LRS approach,the City of Rosemead qualifies for a second phase of dry-weather Bacteria TMDL implementation. IC/ID Investigation and Elimination Infrastructure Engineers staff will complete an assessment of sites that have an illegal discharge or illegal connection potential, implement a uniform illegal connection/discharge detection and elimination program for the City, updated with the current regulations, and develop program goals and implementation strategies for inspection and continual long-term compliance for inclusion in the City's SQMP. Infrastructure Engineers staff will map all illegal connections and discharges on the City's baseline maps, and we will transmit this information to the watershed lead for reporting purposes. Infrastructure Engineers staff will use this information as well as results of illegal connections screening to start an annual evaluation of patterns and trends of illegal connections and illegal discharges,with the objectives of identifying priority areas for elimination of illegal connections and illegal discharges. Specific tasks include: • Completing an assessment of sites that have the potential to have an illegal discharge or illegal connection to the City's storm drain system • Assisting the City in preparing written guidelines for tracking and responding to reports of illegal connections and discharges for SQMP inclusion • Providing information and training to City staff • Tracking documented projects for record-keeping and annual report to the Regional Water Board • Assisting City staff with site visits, inspections and developing an IC/ID tracking system, if needed, including maps plotting IC/ID locations for annual reporting Annual Report The City of Rosemead is required to file an individual annual report as part of the ULAR EWMP's annual report with the LARWQCB in its effort to meet the requirements of the MS4 permit. Infrastructure Engineers develops annual reports for many city clients during the fiscal year. The goals of the report are to 1) concisely document implementation of the Stormwater Quality Management Program (SQMP) during the past fiscal year; 2) evaluate program results for continuous improvement; 3) to determine compliance with the latest NPDES permits; and 4) to share this information with other permittees, municipal decision-makers and the public. I The annual report should include sections on inspections and maintenance data inventories from all commercial and industrial facilities, post-construction BMPs and catch basins.The various visual inspection and maintenance protocols to be used by the City would be described in detail. The report methods and results would be presented in a final report,as described in sections of the order. The City of Rosemead has adopted the Watershed Reporting Adaptive Management Planning System (WRAMPS)to compile and share GIS files, reports, spreadsheets and databases. Infrastructure Engineers is familiar with WRAMPS and has used it in the past to compile the permittee's individual report and to share information with the watershed lead. • INPRASTHOCTUftG Page 113 ENGINEERS ry ( FI , ° ,,, ', Proposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services I CIVIC Pulp 1{1.1Sub-contracted Services .6......-os, Through our subconsultant, Avant-Garde,the Infrastructure Engineers team can provide community outreach services to the City for any NPDES MS4 project. Avant-Garde has a successful track record working with many Southland cities to provide community outreach services that include branding for projects, development of point-of-contact materials, including project brochures, project folders, handouts, design and development of websites, and community outreach efforts inclusive of presentations to garner support for projects. Avant-Garde promotes"green" strategies and work concepts.The help clients craft the right program implementation strategies while also providing a compelling environmental message. Avant-Garde also provides innovative suggestions to decrease the amount of paper and chemicals being used in outreach and program materials. Technology has played a very important role in providing ethically responsible, ecofriendly alternatives to program implementation and outreach. 4IN�RASTR CTl1RE Page 114 Cb ENGINEERS WNW y t M f (--- \ roposal for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Al:^ A 0 ew..v. w Fees As requested in the City of Rosemead's RFP, our fee schedule for services anticipated and rates of compensation for the professionals involved are provided below. Hourly Rates All NPDES services will be provided on an as-needed basis at the following rates,which correspond to our hourly rate schedule on the following page. Program Manager $175/hour Senior Engineer $168/hour GIS Analyst $136/hour Engineering Associate $125/hour Engineering Assistant $105/hour Engineering Technician $89/hour Grant Application Support We will provide support for the second-round grant application during the summer of 2018, using the first- round grant application as a template. We propose to provide this support for$9,704. �j RA9TRUCTUBE Page 115 4 ENGINEERS CITY OF ROSEMEAD BID PROPOSAL FORM BID PROPOSAL: I, the undersigned, hereby propose to furnish in accordance with the specifications. SEE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL FEES AND RATE SCHEDULE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM. IT IS MANDATORY FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. List exceptions to Bid: ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET. Estimated delivery date: ARO. BID BY: Infrastructure Engineers Company name 3060 Saturn, Suite 250 Address Brea,CA 92821 City, State, Zip a rye Farzad Dorrani, MS Chief Executive Officer Authorized Signature (Name printed) Title (714) 940-0100, ext. 5032 (714) 940-0700 February 8, 2018 Telephone Number Fax Number Date Ownership: Sole Partnership Corporation X ; _(State of Inc.)California c-I 4 INFRASTRUCTURE 2017 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE ENGINEERS As of July 1, 2017 Principal in Charge $205 Municipal Engineering Support Civil Engineering Interim City Manager $194 Assistant/Deputy City Manager $173 Project Manager $168 City Engineer $157 Senior Engineer $147 Senior Plan Check Engineer $157 City Traffic Engineer $147 PlanDeputy City Engineer $147 Check Engineer $147 Deputy City Traffic Engineer $142 Engineering Associate $125 Plan Check Engineer $157 Engineering Assistant $105 GISPlan Checker $136 Analyst $136 CIP Manager $168 CAD Manager $136 CAD Marator $100 Engineering Technician $89 Traffic Engineering Building & Safety Building Official $157 Principal Engineer $168 Plan Check Engineer $147 Senior Traffic Engineer $142 Plan Examiner $136 Traffic Engineer $136 Senior Building Inspector $115 Plan Checker $136 Building Inspector $98 Engineering Associate $125 Counter Technician $89 Engineering Assistant $105 Engineering Technician $89 Water/Wastewater/NPDES Surveying Water Engineer $158 Program Manager(NPDES) $175 Project Manager $168 Senior Water Engineer $168 Survey Analyst $136 Engineering Associate $125 Plan Checker(subdivision&Survey Document) $147 Engineering Assistant $105 Construction Management Architectural Services Construction Manager $168 Principal Architect $180 Resident Engineer $157 Development Manager $180 Scheduler/Controller $136 Senior Architect $168 Senior P.W. Observer $105 Architect $157 Public Works Observer $89 Technician $145 Technician $85 Utilities Coordinator $115 Administrative & Clerical Services Program Management Organizer/Supervisor $100 Administrative Assistant $85 Project Director $175 Clerk Typist $74 Sr. Program Coordinator $125 Program Assistant $105 Other Charges Labor Compliance Coordinator $95 Delivery $100 Fund Administrator $125 Mileage (Current federal guideline rate @ time of billing)/Mile Community Development & Planning Travel Cost+ 15% Reimbursements Cost+ 15% Director $180 Planning Manager $155 Principal Planner $150 Project Manager $160 Senior Planner $137 Associate Planner $125 Planning Technician $80 Additional billing classifications may be added to the above list throughout the year as new positions are created. The above schedule is for straight time. Overtime will be charged at 1.5 times. Sundays and Holidays are charged at 2.0 times the standard time. 3060 Saturn,Suite 250. Brea,CA 92821 . Tel: (714)940-0100. Fax: (714)940-0700. vNAv.infrastructure-engineers.com .._. S E M F c G civic PRIDE MI..... .1,111N7 Attachment C Professional Services Agreement E M P � � o CIVIC PRIDE .07 *°00AATEO Oqb PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT PUBLIC WORKS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR FY 2018-19 (CONSULTANT) 1. PARTIES AND DATE. This Agreement is made and entered into this 1st day of July, 2018 by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal organization organized under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business at 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 ("City") and CWE, with its principal place of business at 1561 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Suite 240, Fullerton, CA 92831 ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." 2. RECITALS. 2.1 Consultant. Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of certain professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing Stormwater management services to public clients, is licensed in the State of California and is familiar with the plans of the City. 2.2 Project. City desires to engage Consultant to render Public Works Stormwater Management Services for the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Program and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ("Project") as set forth in this Agreement. 3. TERMS. 3.1 Scope of Services and Term. 3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional consulting services necessary for the Project ("Services"). The Services are more particularly described in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. CWE — Stormwater Management Services for FY 2018-19 Page 2 of 11 3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2018 to June • 31, 2019, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within the term of this Agreement, and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines. The Parties may, by mutual, written consent, extend the term of this agreement if necessary to complete the Services. 3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant. 3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The Services shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will determine the means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required by law. Consultant shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. 3.2.2 Schedule of Services. Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously, within the term of this Agreement, and in accordance with the Scope of Services set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Consultant's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services. 3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by Consultant shall be subject to the approval of City. 3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel. Consultant has represented to City that certain key personnel will perform and coordinate the Services under this Agreement. Should one or more of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal competence upon written approval of City. In the event that City and Consultant cannot agree as to the substitution of key personnel, City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As discussed below, any personnel who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, or who are determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. The key personnel for performance of this Agreement are as follows: Dr. Gerald "Gerry Greene, Jason Pereira, Allen Xie, Michelle Galvez, and Katie Thomas. CWE — Stormwater Management Services for FY 2018-19 Page 3 of 11 3.2.5 City's Representative. The City hereby designates the Director of Public Works, or his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ( City's Representative"). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Contract. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the City's Representative or his or her designee. 3.2.6 Consultant's Representative. Consultant hereby designates Dr. Gerald "Gerry Greene, or his designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("Consultant's Representative"). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of the Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his/her best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 3.2.7 Coordination of Services. Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, consultants and other staff at all reasonable times. 3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees. Consultant shall perform all Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent • with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services. Consultant warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City Business License, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Consultant's failure to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. Any employee of the Consultant or its sub-consultants who is determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project, a threat to the safety of persons or property, or any employee who fails or refuses to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant and shall not be re-employed to perform any of the Services or to work on the Project. 3.2.9 Laws and Regulations. Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Consultant performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely responsible for all costs CWE — Stormwater Management Services for FY 2018-19 Page 4 of 11 arising therefrom. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its officials, directors, officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. 3.2.10 Insurance. Time for Compliance. Consultant shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the direction of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit C attached to and part of this agreement. 3.2.11 Safety. Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services, the Contractor shall at all times be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and shall exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include, but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and lifesaving equipment and procedures; (B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways, scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) • adequate facilities for the proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures. 3.3 Fees and Payments. 3.3.1 Compensation. Consultant shall receive compensation, including authorized reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement at the rates set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The total compensation shall not exceed one hundred seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine ($179,979). Extra Work may be authorized, as described below, and if authorized, will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement. 3.3.2 Payment of Compensation. Consultant shall submit to City a monthly itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Consultant. The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provide since the initial commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods, ass appropriate, through the date of the statement. City shall, within 45 days of receiving such statement, review the statement and pay all approved charges thereon. 3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City. 3.3.4 Extra Work. At any time during the term of this Agreement, City may request that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work which is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work CWE — Stormwater Management Services for FY 2018-19 Page 5 of 11 without written authorization from City's Representative. 3.3.5 Prevailing Wages. Consultant is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code Section 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1600, et seq., ("Prevailing Wage Laws"), which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on "public works" and "maintenance" projects. If the Services are being performed as part of an applicable "public works" or "maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws. City shall provide Consultant with a copy of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement. Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request, and shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business and at the project site. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. 3.4 Accounting Records. 3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this • Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 3.5 General Provisions. 3.5.1 Termination of Agreement. Grounds for Termination. City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination. Upon termination, Consultant shall be compensated for all direct service hours on work- in-progress for those services which have been adequately rendered to City; however, in no event shall the City be obligated to pay more than the total amount of the Contract. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as provided herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished Documents and Data and other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to provide such document and other information within fifteen (15) days of the request. CWE -- Stormwater Management Services for FY 2018-19 Page 6 of 11 3,5.1.3 Additional Services. In the event this Agreement is terminated in whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. 3.5.2 Delivery of Notices. All notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose: CONSULTANT: CWE 1561 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Suite 240 Fullerton, CA 92831 Attn: Dr. Gerald "Gerry Greene, Project Manager Phone: (714) 526-7500 CITY: City of Rosemead P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Director of Public Works Phone: (626) 569-2158 Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty-eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice occurred, regardless of the method of service. 3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentiality. Documents & Data; Licensing of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings or data magnetically or otherwise recorded on computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement (''Documents & Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents & Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents & Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents & Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City's sole risk. CWE — Stormwater Management Services for FY 2018-19 Page 7 of 11 Confidentiality. All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data, written information, and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not, without the prior written consent of City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the performance of the Services. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant which is otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known, or has become known, to the related industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or insignia, photographs of the Project, or any publicity pertaining to the Services or the Project in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper, television or radio production or other similar medium without the prior written consent of City. 3.5.4 Cooperation; Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another, and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement. 3.5.5 Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party, either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all other costs of such action. 3.5.6 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or incident to any alleged acts, omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials, officers, employees, agents, consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services, the Project or this Agreement, including without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorney's fees and other related costs and expenses. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's own cost, expense and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers. Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, in any such suit, action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, official officers, employees, agents or volunteers 3.5.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. • CWE — Stormwater Management Services for FY 2018-19 Page 8 of 11 3.5.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County. 3.5.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves right to employ other consultants in connection with this Project. 3.5.11 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. 3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer. Consultant shall not assign, hypothecate, or transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. 3.5.13 Construction; References; Captions. Since the Parties or their agents have participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and riot work days. All references to Consultant include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of Consultant, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this Agreement. 3.5.14 Amendment; Modification. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties. 3.5.15 Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights by custom, estoppel, or otherwise. 3.5.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. 3.5.17 Invalidity; Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. I • CWE — Stormwater Management Services for FY 2018-19 Page 9 of 11 3.5.18 Prohibited Interests. Consultant maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Consultant further agrees to file, or shall cause its employees or sub-consultants to file, a Statement of Economic Interest with the City's Filing Officer as required under state law in the performance of the Services. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For the term of this Agreement, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this Agreement, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom. 3.5.19 Equal Opportunity Employment. Consultant represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. Consultant shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or hereinafter enacted. 3.5.20 Labor Certification. By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Services. 3.5.21 Authority to Enter Agreement. Consultant has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party. 3.5.22 Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. 3.6 Subcontracting. 3.6.1 Prior Approval Required. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. (SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE) CWE — Stormwater Management Services for FY 2018-19 Page 10 of 11 CITY OF ROSEMEAD CWE By: By: Gloria Molleda City Manager Name: Attest: Title: Ericka Hernandez City Clerk (If Corporation, TWO SIGNATURES, President or Vice President AND Secretary, AND CORPORATE SEAL OF CONSULTANT REQUIRED) Approved as to Form: By: Name: Rachel Richman Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP City Attorney Title: EXHIBIT A CITY SCOPE OF SERVICES and CONSULTANT'S PROPOSAL A-1 . CITY SCOPE OF SERVICES 1 Meetings: Attend kickoff meeting with City staff, six (6) regional meetings (such as LAPG, ULAR, or MS4 Permit related workshops), and four (4) informal City staff or management meetings or additional external meetings. Agenda and summaries will be prepared for each City meeting; however formal presentations will not be prepared. 2. Staff Training: State registered Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner(QISP), Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Developer (QSD), or Practitioner(QSP). Consultant staff shall provide annual training to designated City staff: a. Construction/Erosion Plan Review and Permitting (Permit Part VI.D.8.I.ii.(1)) b. Erosion/Sediment Control Plan Inspection (Permit Part VI.D.8.I.ii.(2)) c. Stormwater Targeted Public Employee and Contractor (Permit Part VI.D.9.k) d. Staff Illicit Connection/Illicit Discharge Response (Permit Part VI.D.10.a.iii.(5)) 3. Public Information and Participation Program: Develop activity specific public education content, regarding source control BMPs, use and disposal of MS4 Permit Part VI.D.5.d.i.(2) pollutants relevant to Rio Hondo Reach 3 and downstream receiving water impairments, for incorporation by the City Webmaster or distribution by the City. 4. Industrial/Commercial (I/C) Facilities Program: The City of Rosemead's Business License database consists of approximately 200 food service, 100 automotive repair, 20 Retail Gasoline Outlets (RGO), and 6 nursery facilities, while the state Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) includes five (5) active traditional and one (1) No Exposure Certification (NEC) Industrial General Permit (IGP) holder. Each must be inspected twice, at least six months apart, between December 28, 2012 and the effective date of the next MS4 Permit tentative assumed to be July 1, 2019. For half of these facilities annually, Consultant would send a City reviewed pre-inspection notification letter on City letterhead, conduct inspections using a City reviewed form, and develop an I/C facility program tracking database with the attributes identified in Permit Part VI.D.6.b.ii. By July first, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs, significant business specific communications, I/C Program tracking database, and Geographic Information System (GIS) shape files would be submitted to the City's Project Manager. Consultant will review the City of Rosemead's Business License Fee Schedule and provide corresponding Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes for future use by City staff, during the licensing process. Consultant will review Primary Business Activities (FBAs) in the Business License database and identify corresponding SIC and NAICs codes. Consultant will provide per inspection category rates, for newly identified facilities, follow up, and enforcement inspections. A-2 Consultant will provide the identified number, type and associated 1/C Facility inspections services, identifying additional per inspection rates for each 1/C identified category. At the conclusion of the permit service period in June, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs, significant business specific communications, the tracking database, and associated GIS shape file would be submitted to the City Project Manager. The actual number and categories of inspections completed will be subject to adjustment based on prioritization and funding. a. Two (2) traditional (NOI) IGP facility inspections with pre-inspection notification letter and development of a City approved lGP inspection form. b. One (1) IGP facility NEC verification inspection with pre-inspection notification letter. c. One (1) IGP Non-filer (businesses with SIC codes identified in Attachment A to the IGP) inspection with pre-inspection notification letter. d. One (1) IGP facility inspection, with pre-inspection notification letter, leading to Consultant drafting, or issuing on City Letterhead, an NOV letter. e. One hundred (100) Commercial Food Service (FS) inspections with pre- inspection notification letter and development of a City approved FS inspection form. f. Fifty (50) Commercial Auto Repair or RGO inspections with pre-inspection notification letter and development of a City approved RGO inspection form. g. Twenty (20) Other inspections or visits, with pre-inspection notification letter, including nurseries, validation of facility closure, denial of access, assessment of tentative SIC/IGP Attachment A applicability. 5. Redevelopment Planning: RMC Chapter 13.16.180 incorporates Los Angeles County Code Chapter 12.84 Low Impact Development (LID) Standards in their entirety. Consultant will provide two (2) LID storm water project reviews, for each of four(4) projects of less than five acres, based on MS4 Permit Part VI.D.7 criteria. Larger projects would be reviewed on a negotiated time and materials basis. Developer provided Project and Best Management Practice (BMP) tracking data will be input into the Watershed Reporting Adaptive Management & Planning System (WRAMPs), other suitable City software, or database, using City provided identification and passwords. 6. Redevelopment Construction Inspections: Once per month, for up to 12 days per year, Consultant will provide up to four (4) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), Construction General Permit (CGP), or City Project Inspections as prioritized by City staff. Consultant will draft inspection forms for City review prior to first inspection. Correction and Enforcement(NOVs) actions will be a result of these inspections where appropriate and forwarded to the City for signature and delivery. Permit required construction inspection tracking data will be provided to the City Project Manager within one week following the inspection. A-3 7. Post-Construction BMP Inspections: City has eight(8) terminated and five (5) active CGP projects identified in SMARTS, for which LID and BMP criteria were unavailable during ULAR Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA) and EWMP development. City will assemble, for onsite review, SUSMP, SWPPP, BMP design, and maintenance covenants for the projects. Over three (3) days, Consultant will use Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) and City reviewed forms, to inspect and assess, the effectiveness of visible post-construction BMPs, not inspected during the prior two years. Consultant will record Post-Construction BMP inspection, and tracking data, as identified in MS4 Permit Parts VI.D.7.d, VI.D.7.d.iv.(1)(a), and VI.D.9.h.x, and provide the City with GIS shape and data files with collected observations. 8. Public Facility Inventory: Consultant will develop an electronic inventory of public facilities based on the criteria identified in Permit Part VI.D.9.c.i, with facility specific information as identified in Part Vl.D.9.c.ii. 9. Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities: The LARWQCB approved ULAR EWMP Plan reported that City of Rosemead's pollution source control needs were equivalent to 106 acre-feet of runoff capture at a planning level cost of $110 million. Consultant will overlay the City of Rosemead's sub-watersheds identified in the ULAR EWMP Plan Table 7A-33 onto a suitable aerial map provided by the City. Private and public parcels, potentially suitable for retrofitting with BMPs as pollution source controls, will then be identified based on criteria identified in Permit Part VI.D.9.iii. These parcels will be identified for the City's Project Manager to be used by the City of Rosemead's Planning Division, along with Permit recommended retrofitting concept identified in Permit Part VI.D.9.d.v. These recommendations ("smaller retrofit projects") could then be included during Conditional Use Permit (CUP) developer negotiations and as part of the background information provided at the City's Planning Commission Hearings. Consultant will identify multiple regional BMP projects for strategic and cost- effective analysis, and based on the findings, propose at least one retrofit opportunity suitable for implementation as a regional BMP, complimentary in volume to the 80 to 106 acre-feet of captured volume identified in the ULAR EWMP Plan for the City of Rosemead, at an estimated planning level cost of significantly less than $110 million. The proposed regional BMP should be the most cost- effective, practical, sensible, and politically sensitive; and must include an implementation schedule as well as financial strategies (e.g. grants, private-public partnership, bonds, etc.), strive to comply with the on-going regulatory compliance requirements. Consultant will undertake a concept analysis of the regional BMP, as well as smaller retrofit projects (particularly those requiring private/public partnership), and identify a short list of competitive projects for purpose of grant application, for review by the City's Project Manager. Based on City's input, Consultant shall prepare a feasibility study (for the suite of project[s]) suitable for submission as a Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant, Groundwater (if projects can demonstrate recharge benefit), and/or other future grants. The feasibility study should also A-4 include project phasing (e.g. Phase 1 -- smaller projects, Phase 2 — Regional BMP, etc.) for use in multiple grant application submittals, if deemed necessary and advantages, depending on various projects' readiness. Since second round grant applications are anticipated for submission during the summer of 2018, the Consultant should provide an estimate for preparing and supporting such a grant application as an additional service task. 10. Public Activity Management: Consultant will allot one person for a day per month, for twelve (12) months, to observe public activities or facilities and provide written suggestions regarding how those activities or facilities could be modified to improve pollutant source control efforts, similar to Permit Part VI.D.9.i.iii for road reconstruction. Normally a half day each, would be spent on making observation and preparing cost-effective suggestions. City supervisory staff would be encouraged to suggest service needs during the first three weeks of each month: however, failing such suggestions, the Consultant would provide the City's Project Manager with a suggested facility or activity to observe for concurrence. 1. Trash TMDL Compliance: Trash full capture device connector pipe screens are to be installed within City of Rosemead's catch basins prior to Consultant selection. Consultant will conceptualize an alternative compliance trash capture study focusing on areas tributary to unprotected catch basins, seek LARWQCB staff input on study objectives and methods, then undertake a spring pre-DGR study to improve the DGR study outcome. DGR studies must be conducted over two summers and will be included in future PSAs or separately contracted. 12. C/ID Investigation and Elimination: Consultant shall provide a time and materials rate sheet, with point of contact, to be utilized if 24-hour, 365 day a year environmental engineering triage and assessment services, are needed. Whenever possible, routine IC/ID investigation and elimination services shall be undertaken within 20 hours of Consultant notification, or 72 hours of the City having become aware of the discharge. Actions and measures undertaken in conformance with this paragraph will conform, as closely as possible, to Permit PartVI.D.10 requirements and objectives, including post-event documentation and enforcement assistance. The Consultant cost estimate shall include the first 16 person hours of routine investigation and elimination services. 13. Annual Report: Following each July to June service period, the Consultant will assist City staff in preparing draft and final Individual MS4 Permit Annul Report submittals to the ULAR EWMP Group Lead Agency. Consultant will follow submission directions to assure that a complete and acceptable annual report is submitted in a timely fashion. A-5 o ` Proposal to Provide OSE EAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Tn,Iti:Snli!Tuwf.una if a Compliance and Support Services February 8, 2018 B SUBMITTED TO: Creating a better tomorrow, today.TM Mr. Rafael M. Fajardo City Engineer City of Rosemead Public Works Department/Engineering Division 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 ` i 1., z:• ,riWip N" ( CWE ( 1561 E.ORANGETHORPE AVENUE ( SUITE 240 4=0FULLERTON,CA 92831-5202 - (714)526 7500 PHONE \( (714)526.7004 FAX 1 www.cwecorp.com ( February 8, 2018 ( ( ( Mr. Rafael M. Fajardo, City Engineer City of Rosemead ( Public Works Department/Engineering Division ( 8838 E. Valley Boulevard ( Rosemead, California 91770 ( A. Cover Letter Proposal to Provide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant ( Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( Dear Mr. Fajardo, ( CWE is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional Phase I MS4 NPDES Permit compliance ( and engineering design support services for the City of Rosemead (City). We are the exceptional choice ( to undertake and complete your requested services based on our extensive experience with Southern ( California Permittees, especially those within Los Angeles County. Our municipal clients are diverse in ( characteristics and objectives; however, they share an interest in being both compliant with Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) regulations and identifying cost-effective water quality ( protection implementation strategies. These MS4 Permit Service clients include the Cities of Azusa, ( Burbank, Covina, Downey, Glendora, Huntington Park, Los Angeles, Monrovia, Montebello, San Gabriel, Santa Clarita, and Santa Monica. We are also currently providing Coordinated Integrated Monitoring ( Program (CIMP) Plan implementation and reporting services for the Cities of Arcadia, Azusa, Bell, ( Bell Gardens, Bradbury, Commerce, Cudahy, Duarte, Huntington Park, Maywood, Monrovia, Sierra Madre, ( and Vernon, along with the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works (LACDPW) and Flood Control District (LACFCD). ( ( CWE is proud to have developed, or contributed to, seven Watershed Management Programs (WMPs) ( and Enhanced Watershed Management Programs (EWMPs); including preparing initial analyses and feasibility assessments of over 50 regional Best Management Practice (BMP) and Watershed Control ( Measure (WCM) concept projects. Recognizing the industrial characteristic of the Los Angeles River ( Upper Reach 2 Watershed Management Area (LAR UR2 WMA), our analysis successfully advocated ( exclusion of the Statewide Industrial General Permit (IGP) and other Non-MS4 Permittees from the Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA), significantly reducing the estimated WMP implementation costs. ( Then we newly identified and referred dozens of IGP non-filers which, when included in the 2020 RAA, is ( expected to save tens of millions more in potential WMP implementation costs. The LAR UR2 WMA CIMP invoked the use of fixed and rotating stormwater monitoring sites, significantly reducing water quality monitoring costs, while satisfying RWQCB reviewers. The August 2017, City of Rosemead EWMP ( Planning Technical Memorandum conclusively demonstrates CWE's understanding of the RWQCB ( approved Upper Los Angeles River (ULAR) RAA, EWMP, and CIMP Plans; along with the potential ( ( Mr. Rafael M. Fajardo ( February 8, 2017 ( Page 2 ( ( repercussions of its strengths, weaknesses, assumptions, and many limitations. After having conducted ( thousands of MS4 Permit Industrial/Commercial (I/C); Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG); Erosion; ( Construction; IGP; Construction General Permit (CGP); and Illicit Connection/Illicit Discharge (IC/ID) ( Response inspections, along with making agency staff and contractor training presentations, for dozens of agency and utility clients, CWE inspectors are certified, qualified, and prepared to ask the questions ( that others fear. Our inspectors can select, or recommend, from among exemplar notification or ( enforcement letters and Public Information and Participation Program (PIPP) educational materials. After ( receiving a RWQCB letter regarding upcoming audits, a client asked CWE to confidentially verify inspections performed by another firm. We found that less than half of the required inspections had ( been performed, the client charged for unnecessary inspections, and the most important IGP category ( left essentially undone. Within two months, CWE had a contract, a commitment from RWQCB staff to ( prioritize other communities, and within six weeks returned the client to compliance by conducting nearly 300 inspections. While not every client requires this immediate service, CWE knows how to most ( cost-effectively provide your desired level of service. The City of Rosemead can rest easy knowing MS4 ( NPDES regulatory requirements and professional services will be thoroughly completed by some of the most efficient, knowledgeable professionals in the industry. ( ( While CWE considers the ever growing number of repeat agency clients to be our greatest honor, it is ( also gratifying to share with them 35 prestigious industry awards. These include multiple California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), United States ( Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Storm Water Solutions magazine, and American Academy of ( Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES) awards. While others cut and paste cookie cutter ( solutions, leaving their clients with unaffordable implementation plans, CWE looks for innovative cost-effective compliance solutions that meet our own standards for what we would expect from ( stormwater experts. With second-round Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant applications ( due next year, CWE hopes to assist the City of Rosemead in conceptualizing and assessing the feasibility ( of a regional BMP that might qualify for 90% state support with only a 10% Disadvantaged Community (DAC) match. After selecting CWE to develop two applications, for a discounted $10,000, the LAR UR2 ( WMA City of Bell Gardens is currently seeking project management proposals to construct an $11 million ( dollar regional BMP requiring only a 1.5% agency match. Talk about return on investment! ( CWE is fully committed to providing timely and responsive stormwater compliance services, identifying ( potential BMP development opportunities, and delivering a comprehensive range of inspections, planning, ( training, and other regulatory services to help the City of Rosemead maintain compliance with the MS4 NPDES Permit. This proposal will be binding for a period of 60 days after the above date. We look ( forward to further expanding our relationship with the City and welcome the opportunity to further ( discuss this exciting project and our qualifications. If you have any questions or require additional ( information, please contact me at (714) 526-7500 Ext. 211 or ipereira@cwecorp.com. ( Respectfully submitted, ( CWE ( .i ( ( Jason Pereira, PE, PSWQ, QSD/P, QISP, CGP/IGP-ToR ( Principal ( CwE ( r ( ( 40 City of Rosemead OSEX4E'AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( c Table of Contents ( A. COVER LETTER ( TABLE OF CONTENTS iii ( B. CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE 1 ( B.1 FIRM PROFILE 1 ( B.2 SUMMARY OF CLIENTS 3 ( B.3 PERSONNEL 6 ( B.3.1 Meet Your Staff 6 ( B.3.2 Organizational Chart 8 ( B,3.3 Staff Certifications and Licenses 9 ( C. SUBCONTRACTED SERVICES 11 A ( D. FEES 11 ( D.1 RATE SHEET 12 D.2 FEE SCHEDULE 13 -t ( O ( O ( Appendices ( Appendix A Bid Proposal Form ( Appendix B Letters of Recommendation • ( Appendix C Insurance Certificate 3 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( I - iii - 1111 ( ( ( �` City of Rosemead ROSEINEAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services (( ( B. Credentials and Experience ( ( CWE is a leader in implementing state-of-the-art, dynamic, award-winning stormwater compliance programs and projects that improve the quality of ( life in the communities we serve. CWE provides stormwater and MIMI ( IMMIIIII construction management, environmental, water resources, and civil ( engineering services to clients throughout the Western United States. CWE makes personalized connections with each client to serve their goals and ( objectives, instill trust, and fulfill our commitment to Creating a better tomorrow, today,TM ( ( B.1 Firm Profile ( CWE's Principals are former managing civil engineers for the Los Angeles County ( Department of Public Works (LACDPW) and Flood Control District (LACFCD), who FORTUNE 201 INNER ( noticed a gap in the professional market to provide innovative, cost-effective t� CITYn ( solutions for public agencies facing complex stormwater management challenges u O 0 � A related to Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Z.. ( Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit compliance and training. Our ,' * • 4 C ( Principals founded CWE to fill this service gap and are dedicated to helping public Beit '; agencies meet these regulatory requirements while improving local communities. Firms ; o' ( mn«r►« , N ( In 2017, CWE ranked 34th on the Fortune magazine Inner City 100 list, which o recognizes the fastest-growing urban businesses in the nation. The Zweig Group o ( similarly recognized CWE as both 2017 a Hot Firm and Best Firms to Work For. While N ( '—N o these Architect-Engineer (A/E) industry-specific awards reflect our steadily increasing O � ( staff resources and commitment to maintaining a positive and supportive employee °FIRM ` ( work environment, our clients benefit from the broadening repertoire of high-quality ZWEIG GROUP A ( professional services we can provide, continuing proactive communication, and timely delivery of cost-effective useful work products and services. Key differentiators, beneficial to the City of 3 ( Rosemead (City), are further outlined below. ( Leaders in MS4 NPDES Permit Compliance ( For many firms runoff management is a sideline niche; however, CWE was founded specifically to provide specialized stormwater support ( services to public agencies. It is the foundation upon which our civil, :*:. ,4111:irL.. ' 'a') ( environmental, and water resource practices were built. CWE has i ( developed and implemented comprehensive stormwater management programs for over 50 Southern California municipalities and these • ( clients trust us to initiate and complete complex stormwater planning ( assessments, even when no precedent exists. CWE developed, or ( substantially contributed to, one Watershed Management Program (WMP) and six Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP) Plans for Permittee groups ( throughout Los Angeles County. These multi-decadal roadmap plans are intended as implementation ( guides, subject to ongoing agency adaptation, to allow the achievement of regional stormwater quality ( objectives through use of the most cost-effective methods available. CWE contributed its experience in ( - 1 &MD - ( ( ( ` , City of Rosemead ROSE EAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( ( providing comprehensive stormwater management solutions including both engineered designs and ( innovative regulatory concept proposals. ( ( Versatility Includes Regional BMP Design ( Although CWE was founded to provide municipal stormwater . liIP. ( management services, we increasingly provide a broad range of other professional services, including civil design. CWE continues , ( to design award-winning regional Best Management Practice ,----;—•,-- . ( (BMP) projects including the City of Los Angeles Garvanza Park —� ` ( Rainwater Capture and Use, City of Los Angeles Laurel Canyon Boulevard Green Street Design-Build, City of Santa Monica ( Los Amigos Park Stormwater Harvesting and Direct Use ( Demonstration, and City of Torrance Stormwater Basin and Treatment MEI NMI ( Wetlands Enhancement Projects. These all received Outstanding BMP Implementation Project Awards from the California Stormwater Quality ( Association (CASQA) and have collectively captured hundreds of acre-feet ""� ^^ n - - - ( of runoff for infiltration. CWE is uniquely qualified to provide all of the A redevelopment planning and specialized inventory of regional BMP , j . ( development opportunities services outlined in the Request for Proposals _J ( (RFP), without utilizing subconsultants that cost the City markup fees and - ( impede direct effective communication between City and CWE staff. co ( Available in Emergency Situations o ( CWE is already accustomed to providing immediate spill response and illegal discharges services at a o ( moment's notice. We are currently the emergency response consultant for the City of Huntington Park, o ( and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with primary and secondary points of contact. Our clients ( trust CWE to exceed their expectations during unexpected or unique opportunities and emergency .F- ,-+. situations. Based on forecasts of record rainfall, the City of Los Angeles directed us to mobilize water ( quality monitoring teams to collect hundreds of stormwater samples at 11 locations on 48 hours' notice. z ( We are fully committed to going above and beyond in our professional services to exceed our clients' ( expectations, regardless of what needs to be done to achieve their goals. ( "I knew you would come through to creatively figure out a way to address our needs. ( My hat is off to you. This is the definition of client service!" ( -Wing Tam, PE, Assistant Division Manager ( LA Sanitation-City of Los Angeles ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( - 2 - ( 1/( ( �. City of Rosemead ( ROSEINE'AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services �J ( Committed to Our Esteemed Clients "We received the$475,000 Proposition 1 ( CWE understands the challenges faced by cities and Planning Grant Funding, to prepare a ( regulated public agencies when it comes to stormwater stormwater Resource Plan. Great Job!" ( compliance, and our many repeat clients trust us to -Harold Zamora ( help them navigate the complex world of stormwater Chief of Environmental Management Division regulations. We have developed and implemented County of San Bernardino ( comprehensive stormwater management programs for "Thank you for including language '( numerous municipalities, including the Cities of throughout the Annual Report to show ( Burbank, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Monrovia, Montclair's compliance with the Middle Santa ( Ana Covina, Carson, Glendora, Moreno Valley, Ana River Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL). and Visalia, among many others. CWE also This will be very important for when the ( understands the importance of operating within a strict Regional Water Quality Control Board ( budget and securing additional funds where available, (RWQCB)/Environmental Protection Agency and we have strategically prepared successful grant (EPA)decides to conduct an audit on us." ( applications for clients, resulting in over $13 million in -Joe Rosales ( funding for the Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 NPDES Coordinator ( Watershed Management Area (LAR UR2 WMA), City of Montclair A San Bernardino County Flood Control District (SBCFCD), ( and Cities of Carson, Claremont, and Agoura Hills. Additional letters of recommendation are provided in ( Appendix B, and we invite the City to contact the clients listed in Section B.2 to attest to our track ( record of professional services and satisfactory performance. c ( r* B.2 Summary of Clientsiz ( ( Relevant projects for clients whom services were provided for in the last five years is provided below. ( • • Y';.__ I San Bernardino County Flood Control District o ( �i 'iiii� i� ,�=_=n On-Call Professional Engineering and ( „III�IuUi��l` " Regulatory Compliance Services for NPDES w, ( �� Milt ._= .N\• r Phase I MS4 Permit Implementation Assistance ( -..4.-- '_ 4;#. ..44, , CWE is providing as-needed NPDES Phase I MS4 Permit f. A. — Al Implementation Assistance to the County of San Bernardino ;�. ,.,,• �`� )' • and SBCFCD. Services include: collecting Report of Waste ( ; ;', -.r '-. _ . m Discharge (ROWD) data, attending Regional Water Quality `Dv(S ,,, ( - _ �'�.: `. ' Control Board (RWQCB) meetings on the County's behalf, providing staff augmentation, preparing a Proposition 1 ( Client: San Bernardino County planning grant workplan and application for a Stormwater ( Dates: Jan. 2008-Present Resource Plan, Local Implementation Plan (LIP) preparation Contact: Arlene Chun ( for both the County and SBCFCD, assisting with regulatory Telephone: (909)387-8109 support for a Santa Ana RWQCB audit of the New ( Development and Redevelopment Program, preparing unified Annual Reports (fiscal years 2010-11 ( through 2016-17), updating the Municipal Stormwater Management Plan (MSWMP), performing a ( constituent comparison, preparing a justification for delisting copper and lead, reviewing data sets for a ( two-year nitrogen and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) study, reviewing and compiling Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) infiltration reports, performing a monitoring data land use comparison, developing and ( ( CA/..... ( - r ( City of Rosemead i) �c. OSEME�AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( ( performing Qualified Stormwater Pollution Preventio Plan (SWPPP) Developer and Practitioner (QSD/P) ( and Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) training for County staff, and performing a Site 5 ( monitoring program investigation. CWE also provided post-construction inspections to ensure proper ( BMP installation per the approved plans and functioned as intended. These post-construction BMP inspections assisted the County of San Bernardino with the MS4 Permit's New Development and ( Redevelopment Program compliance. ( Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 Watershed f Management Area Watershed Management ,'i•� Plan, Coordinated Integrated Monitoring ( i ,, �� 1Y/`l c`1 ��1 Program, and Proposition 1 Stormwater ( + ,,•„ �i.p1tt,��1��l�l�;�,llill,�s ,SII Implementation Grant Application CWE developed a WMP, Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (cIMP) ( plan, and Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA) for the LAR ( UR2 WMA, which includes the Cities of Bell, Bell Gardens, Commerce, Cudahy, Huntington Park, Maywood, Vernon, and ( the LACFCD. Tasks included developing a WMP that assesses co A Client: City of Commerce �. ( Dates: Jul. 2013-Jun. 2015 water quality improvements to ensure compliance with the ( Contact: Gina Nila MS4 Permit and allows the LAR UR2 WMA Permittees to Telephone: (323) 72.2 4805 develop a plan that comprehensively evaluates opportunities co , ( to implement multi-benefit projects, research and o ( development of the CIMP and RAA; preparing a successful grant application that resulted in the award of a $10 million grant to implement one of the projects identified in the WMP; and preparing a CIMP o ( detailing provisions to assess whether inflows are in compliance with MS4 Permit Water Quality-Based { Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) and demonstrating that, following the implementation of the WMP o ( practices and projects, discharges originating from within the LAR UR2 WMA will be in compliance with the NPDES MS4 Permit WQBELs and Receiving Water Limitations (RWLs). CWE also developed an RAA o ( that characterizes the water bodies in order to meet the RWL and WQBEL requirements. A 3 r-• y- �s, .: .1►i City of Huntington Park MS4 NPDES Permit ( I i Inspection Services CWE is providing MS4 Permit ( ' . itilli, '7,04• -'t( industrial and commercial facility and a variety of other ( ;_” _ - , --`" inspection services to the City of Huntington Park. To alleviate ( . , . - _ ._ , an inspection backlog using funds that would otherwise be 'lb .-. T lost, CWE developed a business outreach program and then ' ( • successfully utilized eight staff members to complete ( 549 facility inspections and visits in only six weeks. Tasks ( - include: updating the City Business License Database to conform with Permit requirements; establishing business ( Client: City of Huntington Park inspection criteria and priorities; developing effective ( Dates: Mar. 2016 Present industry-specific outreach letters; preparing inspection ( Contact: Christina Dixon checklists and forms; conducting comprehensive field ( Telephone: (323)584-6323 inspections of the facilities, including drainage characteristics reviews, pollutant source identification, and illicit discharge ( control; documenting observed conditions for education or enforcement; and developing geographic ( references to facilitate future integration into a Geographic Information System (GIS) tracking system. ( GI IIII ( - 4 - ( ( ( ( �` , City of Rosemead RO ( )EIy�EAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( ( City of Glendora NPDES and Water Quality Administration CWE provided NPDES Permit and Water ( , Quality Administration services to assist the City of Glendora ( with the Los Angeles County MS4 NPDES Permit, Construction ( •_`� ; a -yam General Permit (CGP), Industrial General Permit (IGP), and ( T General Permit for Drinking Water System Discharges. Overall services included providing support for the Development ( Planning and Construction, Industrial/Commercial (I/C) ( Facilities Control, Public Agency Activities, Illicit Connection/Illicit Discharge (IC/ID) Elimination, and Public ( Client: City of Glendora Information and Participation Programs. Tasks included ( Dates: Dec. 2010—Present program management and regulatory support, ( Contact: Alison Sweet Permittee-owned facility SWPPP preparation, SWPPP and Telephone: (626)914 8246 Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) review, ( Enforcement Response Plan development, training, ( construction and industrial/commercial facility stormwater inspections, representation at Permittee n ( meetings, and TMDL implementation assistance. CWE performed over 350 I/C facility inspections at over o za 300 locations. Inspection information was entered into a Microsoft Access database, and an ArcGIS layer ( was developed using an attribute table with each industrial/commercial facility's coordinates. CWE also ( provided City staff and food handling facility owners/operators with hands-on training to understand the A ( roles and responsibilities of maintaining a citywide compliant Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Control o Program. CWE fdFOG inspections of permitted food handling facilities to ensure performed onsite y ( compliance with the City's FOG ordinance and minimize potential Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs). o ( Between 2013 and 2017, CWE performed over 500 FOG inspections at over 100 restaurant facilities. CWE also provided owner/operator personnel with targeted educational materials. CWE completed a ( Program Effectiveness Assessment of the City's implementation of the Stormwater Management Plan and oo ( assessed the FOG Control Program to determine SSO requirement compliance. 0 City of Los Angeles Upper Los Angeles River Enhanced Watershed Management Program z ( CWE developed an EWMP for the County of Los Angeles, ( ____,. _ '' LACFCD, and Cities of Rosemead, Alhambra, Burbank, (- -,. - Calabasas, Glendale, Hidden Hills, La Canada Flintridge, Los Angeles, Montebello, Monterey Park, Pasadena, ( - " San Fernando, San Gabriel, San Marino, South Pasadena, and ( s* • . -••` Temple City. Tasks included developing 10 regional BMP ( project concepts, enhancing water quality measures, assessing discharges from the MS4 on receiving waters, monitoring ( compliance with the Los Angeles County Phase I MS4 Permit, Client: City of Los Angeles ( Dates:Jul. 2013—Jun. 2015 identifying existing control measures, summarizing BMP ( Contact: Shahram Kharaghani performance data, developing an effectiveness tracking Telephone: (2.13)485-0587 template for new developments and redevelopments, and ( assessing RWL and WQBEL compliance. WSPG was used to ( determine impacts on channel hydraulics related to installation ( of the monitoring weirs. ( ( CWE ( 5 ( ar I , ( ( ,1 deCity of Rosemead kOSS E M EAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( City of Santa Clarita NPDES Permit Compliance Services CWE provided City of Santa Clarita staff with ( program-specific training to assist with Municipal NPDES ( live -- " Permit, CGP, and IGP compliance. Tasks included preparing ( ,� w. I comprehensive training materials to conduct a Stormwater _-, Academy focused on: QSD/P training; anticipated Low Impact ( - Development (LID) requirements likely to be incorporated into ( the Development Planning Program of the upcoming NPDES ( ^; fit' Permit; LID site planning, design, applications, and operations and maintenance; SUSMP and post-construction BMP ( compliance; construction site inspections; industrial/ Client: City of Santa Clarita ( Dates: Jan. 2013-Nov. 2014 commercial facilities control inspections; and public agency ( Contact: Heather Merenda activities and IC/ID detection and elimination programs. • ( Telephone: (661) 284-1413 ( B.3 Personnel A ( This section outlines introductions to our key personnel, as well as the chain of command between CWE ( and City staff. Full resumes for all personnel can be furnished upon request. co ( B.3.1 Meet Your Staff o ( Dr. Gerald "Gerry"Greene, DEnv, PE, QEP, QSD is our Project Manager. He will g ( oversee project staff and ensure tasks are completed on schedule. Gerry has 30 years of o ( ' diverse experience assisting agencies with stormwater compliance and MS4 NPDES .. •permitting. His expansive knowledge of local, societal, and physical • conditions adds a o ( valuable dimension to the assistance he provides to Los Angeles County clients, such as the A ( Cities of Rosemead, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Huntington Park, Carson, and Downey. His ( additional experience includes performing feasibility studies, designing regional BMP stormwater projects, designing landmark urban runoff treatment facilities, developing monitoring plans, providing water quality ( monitoring plan review, and conducting water quality sampling. Gerry played an integral role ( implementing the Upper Los Angeles River EWMP and CIMP plans, as well as on six other WMPs and ( EWMPs for various watershed groups in Los Angeles County. In 2015, Storm Water Solutions magazine labeled him a stormwater"Industry Icon." ( "I was looking at CWE's inspection numbers in Project Experience: the annual report, and 1 am reminded that ( r LAR UR2 WMA WMP, CIMP, and Proposition 1 you are amazing! You did some fast dancing ( Stormwater Implementation Grant Application and really helped us come into compliance. ( > City of Huntington Park MS4 NPDES Permit You made it so easy that I'm certain nobody I/C Inspection Services else can truly understand the feat you and ( ),. City of Downey Discovery Park Retention/ your team accomplished! Thanks, Gerry!" ( Detention Cistern Design and Operation -Christina Dixon, Analyst ( > City of Carson Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL City of Huntington Park Implementation, LID, Monitoring and ( Reporting Program (MRP), and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Plans ( ( CIN IIIMIB ( ( ( S City of Rosemead OSE v E�`AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( ( 1 Jason Pereira, PE, CPSWQ, QSD, QISP, CGP/IGP-ToR is our Quality Assurance and ( -1 Quality Control (QA/QC) Manager. He will perform quality control checks and manage ( ! the independent peer review process of completed deliverables that meet City and CWE ( .,,-`l 14, . standards. Jason has 22 years of experience providing QA/QC services to public and private sector clients in the areas of MS4 NPDES permitting and compliance, regulatory approval, ( r. stormwater compliance training, and annual reporting. He has managed and overseen more ( than $40 million in stormwater, environmental, and watershed management projects for public works ( clients in the Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino. In 2015, Jason was recognized as an "Industry Icon" in Storm Water Solutions magazine. ( Project Experience: ( ➢ San Bernardino County Flood Control District On-Call Professional Engineering and Regulatory ( Compliance Services for NPDES Phase I MS4 Permit Implementation Assistance ( D. City of Glendora NPDES and Water Quality Administration > City of Santa Clarita NPDES Permit Compliance Services ( ➢ City of Los Angeles Upper Los Angeles River EWMP ( ➢ City of Carson Stormwater Management and Civil Engineering Services n ( A Allen Xie, PE, QSD, QISP is our Staff Training Lead. He will provide annual training to ( , designated City staff. Allen is a state-registered Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practioner ( .1 (QISP) and QSD with 9 years of experience performing a wide range of duties, including ( • 1 providing training to municipal personnel, developing SWPPPs, conducting environmental m monitoring for I/C facilities, conducting site assessments, analyzing laboratory and field data co ( for regulatory permit compliance, and developing and submitting compliance reports. o ( Project Experience: o ( ). City of Glendora NPDES and Water Quality Administration o ( D Confidential Southern California Utility Provider Stormwater Permitting and Training g- • Confidential Southern California Utility Provider Construction Compliance o ( ➢ Confidential Southern California Utility Provider Substation Rebuild Compliance Training A ( ➢ City of Glendora MS4 Permit Inspection Services z ( Michelle Galvez is our Inspections Lead. She will lead the coordination of all I/C ( facility, redevelopment construction, and post-construction BMP inspections. Michelle has ( 9 years of experience, and specialized in stormwater and watershed management, industrial waste, and FOG control programs. She has conducted over 2,000 inspections for I/C and ( construction sites for stormwater compliance and implemented NPDES municipal permit ( provisions for municipal clients in the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties. ( Michelle has assisted in developing several program elements, as required by the MS4 NPDES Permit, and ( has represented clients in interactions with regulatory agencies. ( Project Experience: ➢ Cities of Azusa and Glendora I/C Facility MS4 Permit Inspection Services ( ➢ City of Stanton MS4 Permit Inspection Services ( D. City of Burbank Landfill IGP Services ➢ City of Monterey Park Los Angeles River Trash TMDL Daily Generation Rate Study ( ➢ City of Visalia Development of Citywide Stormwater Management Plan ( ( ( CWE � ( 7 - ( ( ( ( City of Rosemead OSEIviEAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( ( Katie Thomas, PE, ENV SP, QSD is our Redevelopment Planning and BMP ( Development Opportunities Lead. She will provide stormwater project reviews meeting ( MS4 Permit requirements, and will identify and provide analyses of regional BMP projects for ( strategy and cost-effectiveness. Katie has 6 years of experience providing LID project reviews, inputting data into clients' preferred database system, preparing feasibility studies, ( and preparing Proposition 1 and other stormwater grant applications. She assisted in the ( development of WMP, EWMP, and CIMP plans for several groups within Los Angeles. In 2015, she was ( honored by the Orange County Engineering Council (OCEC) for accomplishments achieved so early in her career, and was recognized as a "Rising Star" by Storm Water Solutions magazine. ( Project Experience: ( D City of Los Angeles Upper Los Angeles River EWMP ( > LAR UR2 WMA WMP, CIMP, and Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant Application ( > City of Los Angeles Santa Monica Bay Jurisdictions 2, 3, and 7 CIMP and EWMP ➢ City of Culver City Washington Boulevard P3 Urban Runoff Diversion Feasibility Study ( > City of Beverly Hills Burton Way Median Green Street EWMP and TMDL Compliance ( r ( B.3.2 Organizational Chartizi ( The organizational chart below illustrates the chain of command between the City, CWE's Project ( Manager, task leads, and support staff. co o ;+, o (ORAD o City of Rosemead ( c9 Project Manager r ( Gerald Greene, DEnv, PE, QEP, QSD* ( L. ( QA/QC Manager ( * Key Personnel Jason Pereira, PE, CPSWQ, QSD, QISP,CGP/IGP-ToR* ( ( Technical Resources ( Training Inspections ( Allen Xie, PE, QSD, QISP* Michelle Galvez* Wataru Kumagai ( Ilana Ton ( Redevelopment Planning BMP Development Opportunities ( Katie Thomas, PE, ENV SP, QSD* Katie Thomas, PE, ENV SP, QSD* ( Tammy Takigawa, EIT, ENV SP Andrea Mosqueda ( ( ( ( CAI 1==I ( - 8 ( f / f r kAe, City of Rosemead r OSD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( B.3.3 Staff Certifications and Licenses ( Copies of our key personnel's licenses and certifications applicable to their role are provided below. ( III F,,.I,I♦,U ,iii. 2 ` `i p�q STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION ' `il!�:�I'r� �' •'. �:.,tt�se�y`��� t'F' V.' FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS V ( ON RID 90005AIIONDYIIIE AND LAND SURVEYORS CYXLNCIL OP nit GR.SDItAll DIVISION,105.CI:(:E113 CHAVE CONI IMOD 1 WON VIOL T.r.ol('TM.Pm..LI P.m r.r•1rem a CAW.I.0.100.I a M1■.a...W 1..1...v C.A. ( GERALD EDWIN GREFNE (Strati)Ebwia Oreene THE DEGREE OE IXXTM Or ENVIRONMENTAL SAON(.E AND r\Y.nflIRING D SUI T at ttlaa LO.l ( Roll All lllE NIl.SI,S ANIS IIUV'I111:13 nlIREIO YINTAINI.\'(: 1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 1:/VIN AT 1115 AN01133 I IL ` 111DTWINIY.1l}n1DAY orMARCH INTHE TEAR CIVIL ENGINEERINGf\ NINETEEN mIMNIIIF AND NINErI'-1(NIM •Y TM N...a Caton..W L emoted TeMI Fa.LW..me DOW..r..(....4 Y SORCN. ( !'') (I .LAIEll.. MIMI Ora NAND:NO 10. CmIllleat•ID e MD ( .�.....,..r.. - L \VV! V Ef RV TW OM 41.1 tan IME.O WrW CAI..., r-f i] 7„. L o RO Or RtO0OAl10N (O 1L..4.aftL✓dl✓w. f KMMI Et10ORALRR(a1W1 �'+ •••• u..nn ktti,,y��; ARD ARO MOTTO. q( -- -4..1.. k.. ` ( to A ( ( 1 ” ' • " • ° ' " ° ' ' ' ' ' OP ` ' ' CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING izr., A CALIIONNIA CONSTRUCTION GEMLRAL PERMIT (0 ( Institute of Professional l?uviltinunrnlal Iha('li( ' • CLUnLIFIED SWPPP DEVELOPER(QSD) AND I ( —,,,„.--° cVnl.lrlEDswl'l'l' I'RACfI'fICIN[li(QSP) Gerald E. Greene ( "' Gerald cireene o ( Qualified Environnirnlal l wfe&ional Mc 20.2016-filar 19,2019 .r^"""^ .r."MMI.•4.1••.'Ro'",."Drams'.'..".• Certificate NWl's RN ooTomo Own •r�MF.✓r•w.1 A ^` .' Cafil«nln Stolmwme(prlalily AFs«Intton and S l..."•te"`"• °i CASQA Calil«nla Conrborilon General Pet mit Training Tram t No. 11960237 ( A I ; rhr�. . k • • BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL, F `� ,, The CPSWQ'Application Review Committee „ ( ° ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS `.c� ' certifies that ( 31AcSon Malebo Pereira Te M I,eJJe•�•1 CA.H•.I,1RJJ..)of IM 0.J..✓W rn1r.Y.0 C.W Juiun Ordebu Pereira Subscribes to the Code of Ethics and has met the requirements ( n DULY O01cTsO n1 A established by the CPSWQ Council as a PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Certified Professional in Storm ( M CIVIL ENGINEERING Water Quality"' >.Imo of COMA..,AML LMO.a To MI D•Rye,...l PA a••Ceylon.M EVE CoM ti\ VIVRESS OUR 110x11 MIO MAL 1 A- b>< ('.•n1.n.X.c alar Certification Number:0527 Certification Date:March 21,2009 ( �r\ .../r6'a ro•un T 0....,r.loll..,w..n.e,•,c.nln.. ofi'l'' COARD FOR rR OrtSSWR4 ( Y Lrt(Jlf [ "S ARD raR03URYRYORt , -' ( .,- -- --- •«m-aur.= ---1Y.�•wo= te ` - f �rc�t[arcx09rr*7tasic:x.r;Ix3r.T ntossw..••••.•.. ( - 9 - e. ( ( ( 0 `j', City of Rosemead OS4AD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( _______ CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION CAL1T0NNIA CONtINUCIION GM MAI,PIUMII F ( QUALIFIED SWPPP DEVELOPER(QSD) TRAI NER OF RECORD AND Folk 01SP TRAINING COURSE ( QUALIFIED SWPPP PRACTITIONER(QS.P) ( Jason Pereira Jason Pereira • ( Nov 03,2016-Jan 18,2019 July I,2017-June 30,2019 `\( ('Milian'Mow/ QISP 00090 _`/ Caidanie Slounwatrr Qrtold ty Asuxianon and L-- Calllanla Stolmwale,Quality Atstxiallon and CASQA California Construction Gena al Pruni'Training Team ( ,\'+(1,\ CaliforniaIndustrial General Permit Training Tram , C11=a BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, tANI)SURVEYORS,ANDGEOLOGISTS jL54 ( CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION • f f 4,140111114 CONIINUCTION 4l Nl NAI 111114111 ( Int k Ionia,114111.4114111.4114111.4.4. M r.u,.J.,•r,,.na .•.rkw.,..k 1J TRAINER OF RECORD Allen Xie • ( FOR QSD AND QP TRAINING COURSE IS INN Y 111,11040 A A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER v Gail Engineering rZr1 ( Is 14 MAN Mra,O, .,J k1.w,di..O11414,MW Foote n,t',.1w24',Jr.41, r% Jason Pereira o 11iaf O llNlVN 14,11 Mn 51,41. July 1,2017-June 30,2019i( . oNM...., lM1NNIIM. -..,..,..,..s.Anon annum T.i f\ RP....„_____ �///� " � California Stormwa ter Quality Atsociation and 414 �� a�.w - --� "`r-' O 1 "i l_!:\ California Colon uction General Pet mll Trelning Te aro 11ildNMwr.NJS-t"d"ONr. WSA.f.+1rrR-Nwh.ukw l ( u1.4NA.Ia - . Ail1 rr,ra4ue I ( [ LTIrIc6TL QF c9MPI4TIQ11 ENVISION SUSTAINABILITY PROFESSIONAL ( This certificate Is awarded to INIS GMOtillIAt eftS(NII010 ALLENXIE (Certificate#C85112) Katie Thomas (( In recognition ofcompletionofthe 11,.,x'„I n., O1101i2018 State Water Board-Sponsored CBPELSG Licensee QSD Training 4_ }A $--(,,...E.• GGc rr 4„14!4'6 Yin,tl+rr Chile` Water Boards ”' ( ( ( ( ( ( CWE ( 10 - ( ( I ,____La City of Rosemead 1 OSEMFAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services f dE BOARD R PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS. El - ---__-q 1.0LAND SURVEYORS.AND GEOLOGISTS ,,`1 tw1FM.,.....•/(Torr r.l.•w.w 1 W J.F.•.r••..•1 n.rr..••••.-..t i Kathryn Louise-H Thomas ( ISM VIIII.VlA.A PROFESSIONAL INliINLEK t Cull hnyiaccung Flr+trN WtJ�w.uJFk.rlN 1.Ae lr.•aY4.xa eJ nn:vlr.s..r•,•.a F.wl..e C h tem \ %Mt..tOI I IIMI ANIMAL You an logpsb4 as:KW.Thomas•CWE. C..tifrxr�•.. II eW::"4 nd bik"b 1b11.PMiN'4.'1 --",:c,;-iv, n..,�e J.,.ul.,,'IF ns..rn.x..C.N�.m CBPELSG•OSD Acknowledgement ',' Your CBPELSOSD.YpuVa!on(s wn'P'e:e Your CEPELStltense nou l*,s NH owm OSDCenIWton num5er I :11,,11,Iltult-U.RYM.I..1.1 At ( i -...,_•� I.l.n t1'M\I t.il\A.n.LL.ar.:nl, $;.. IL int Name Kala di tr 'tall Mow Thoma Coclikal•No:(45/52 c'Irs'• ' AIUJl fMr.PLS.-teea.'�n,rnr Ogee ..wnA n. Pt. wwri.•.sm Eestew O.do124.201T •h crit_.' Ruhr.q Wb Wog1 ( C. Subcontracted Services ( CWE does not anticipate any subconsultants to be utilized for the services outlined in the City's RFP. m ( D. Fees ( ti ( While we cannot put a price on environmental sustainability, CWE understands first and foremost o ( financial resources are at the front of many clients' minds, and are a strong priority. We don't perpetually speculate about spurious regulatory interpretations that leave you worrying about potential risk exposure and changing regulatory priorities. While each Permittee has different competing internal priorities, CWE ( has the experience to cost-effectively apply your limited dollars where they will provide the greatest g• ( compliance benefit, and make the added effort to secure public agency grant funding. For example, o (Project Manager Dr. Gerry Greene recently procured over $10 million in Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant support for permitting, design, and construction of the John Anson Ford Park, 3 ( regional BMP Cistern, with a 10% Watershed Management Area (WMA) match that required only a I 1.5% project match from the City of Bell Gardens. Our fees reflect a commitment to providing the City with top-notch services, using streamlined communication, and taking necessary actions within ( consequential scheduling deadlines. ( ( A proposed fee schedule for services anticipated, and hourly rates for professional staff members by title are provided on the following pages. The most significant task in the budget is associated with the ( Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities and CWE would gladly suggest clarifications to ( that scope of work that might allow the City to more cost-effectively achieve its objectives. In brief, we ( recommend the City focus on one project and develop documentation sufficient to support grant applications, rather than tie compliance to the procurement of private parcels. ( ( Our City of Rosemead Bid Proposal Form is provided in Appendix A. CWE takes no exceptions from the ( City's contract requirements. ( ( ( W- ( - 11 - , l ( ( ` City of Rosemead OSEMEAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ( ( ( 1)_1 Rate Sheet ( Engineer/Scientist Rate/Hour ( Principal $240 Senior Project Manager $236 ( Project Manager $206 Technical Manager $203 ( Task Leader $180 ( Principal Engineer $175 Senior Engineer $166 ( Project Engineer $145 ( Staff Engineer $121 Assistant Engineer $98 ( Senior Environmental Scientist $148 ( Environmental Scientist $123 ( Environmental Analyst $91 ( Construction Services t" Construction Manager $169 m A ( Senior Construction Inspector $129 �. ( Construction Inspector $114 A ( Field Survey 1:2-c ' ( Licensed Surveyor $157 m 3-Person Survey Crew $221 m, ( 2-Person Survey Crew $178 0 ( g ( Support Services o GIS Specialist $118 ( Senior Engineering Technician $96 ;� ( Engineering Technician $84o CADD Designer $98 ' ( Project Coordinator $87 ( Administrative Assistant $79 ( General ( Direct Expenses Cost + 10% Subcontract Services Cost + 10% ( Specialized Computer Applications (per hour) $15 ( Mileage Current IRS Rate Field Vehicle — Hourly $12/hour ( Field Vehicle — Daily $80/day ( Field Vehicle — Monthly $1,500/month B&W Photocopies (per page) $0.10 ( Color Photocopies (per page) $0.50 ( Rates will be adjusted annually based on the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,Consumer Price Index for All ( Urban Consumers. ( Rates for field equipment, health and safety equipment,and graphical supplies presented upon request. Based on ME maintaining General Liability Insurance for bodily injury and property damage with an aggregate limit of$2,000,000 per occurrence. ( In the event the client desires additional coverage,CWE will, upon the client's written request, obtain additional insurance and ( adjust the above billing rates accordingly. ( CWE ( i R§.1 s o p 0 . VF Q N RP i Q o ry N c.0 ' 'EK N� w r QN 81 $ $ 10 e w . n pp1 O b )m. N 03 pNwN k .18 4 W N M NN tl M m ,5 N 0 �p C _ �pW GO M 4 W2 N V, www w P ..' G0 N H.moi V C0 SSC . 2 e a N N ilEEB8 NRE pp F 1!!OZP 0 CN Mp:audN"Nt15:q""°F Nt : F g 401. 2 q yr.E u° 2 YI eE U WI 3 t• g E E v.. $ $ Ii '0Ion i. a ' ��, vig 0. Ol F •F t. d^. .. Q# ill Dry _.,.4. 0 T C C E C C v KC q_ ojE .CCCu BaB N - 6 .,z2 B^ N `N O g, E g Zga %6 {;p g W oT L' " 9ii " IL Ltgl yN O N 0 P 'R V NNNm P Y P 1 00N�i��m 0 s I - • City of Rosemead ROSEmEAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix A •• Bid Proposal Form • _ y • yO • v • O k • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WIMP • • F CITY OF ROSEMEAD BID PROPOSAL FORM • BID PROPOSAL: I, the undersigned, hereby propose to furnish in accordance with the specifications. SEE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL FEES AND RATE SCHEDULE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM. IT IS MANDATORY FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. List exceptions to Bid: ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET. ri Estimated delivery date: February 8, 2018 ARO. BID BY: CWE Company name ( 1561 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Suite 240 Address Fullerton, California 92831 ! C' y, Stat-4372-iii Jason Pereira Principal uthorized Signa •re (Name printed) Title (714) 526-7500 Ext. 211 (714) 526-7004 February 8, 2018 Telephone Number Fax Number Date Ownership: Sole ; Partnership ; Corporation I ; _(State of Inc.) CA [( t (.-1 t • • /,r,. City of Rosemead • ROSEINkAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services • • • • • • ` • • • • • • Appendix B • • Letters of Recommendation • • • o � • • • oKw • 2 N • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • Kik a 6-4 f. �4gsorr o CITY OF CARSON £ "g UNIA February 14,2013 To Future CWE Clients, As the Storm Water Quality Programs Manager for the City of Carson, it has been my pleasure ( to rely on CWE as a valuable "go to" consultant for drainage and regulatory services for four consecutive fiscal years. No matter the need or deadline, CWE promptly and efficiently ( responds with valuable work products that address the question at hand and also provides the City with useful recommendations to address those solutions that may take longer to implement. 1 Most recently, CWE has assisted the City in developing and presenting grant proposals for consideration through the Greater Los Angeles County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan process. After three selection rounds with CWE at our side, the City is planning for the implementation of a $2M grant to install trash exclusion devices which, when combined with other best management practices, will negate any regulatory incentive for developing a trash ( Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL)for Dominguez Channel. With CWE's assistance,the City also just submitted a Runoff Reuse Project for the next round of Prop 84 funding. CWE is currently working on a more detailed study for that project. With respect to water quality monitoring, CWE completed a unique and extensive City catchment study for Machado Lake resulting in identifying a single sampling point which best represented the drainage characteristics. Subsequently, CWE also developed two TMDL Monitoring and Reporting Program and Quality Assurance Project Plans for Machado Lake. The first has been approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) for implementation and we anticipate a similar approval of the second plan. CWE has also provided valuable detailed research and documentation affecting the City's participation in all Los Angeles River TMDLs. The City was erroneously identified by the Regional Board as discharging to Jurisdictional Groups 1 and 2 of the Los Angeles River. CWE prepared an extensive Hydrologic Area Delineation which compiled sufficient data to convince the Regional Board that the City discharged to Jurisdictional Group 1 only. The City depends on CWE for professional and proficient assistance. With adoption of the 2012 Los Angeles County Coastal Watersheds Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit, our dependence on CWE is only likely to grow. We highly recommend CWE. If you would like a direct referral,please contact me at(310) 847-3529 or by e-mail at pelkins@carson.ca.us. Sincerely, Patricia Elkins Storm Water Quality Programs Manager CITY HALL • 701 E. CARSON STREET • P.O. BOX 6234 • CARSON, CA 90749 • (310) 830-7600 WEBSITE: ci.carson.ca.us -41. 1111.111.1.11111111110.111111 .1011 ( 4.4*:. amu; er 4, ,y'= CITY OF GLENDORA CITY HALL (626) 914-8200 y �O tip. �') `�(' -- --- - - ( ~'',r�'URA�V�,(, 116 East Foothill Blvd.,Glendora, California 91741 ( '•_,'r.sl www.cl.glendora.ca.us ( April 9, 2015 ( Reference Letter for Jason Pereira ( California Industrial General Permit ( Implementation,Training, and Storm Water Management ( To whom this may concern, ( ( It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Jason Pereira to become qualified as a California Industrial General Permit (IGP) Trainer of Record. Jason has provided exceptional water quality ( administration services to assist the City of Glendora with IGP and Municipal Separate Storm ( Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit ( compliance. Through my direct experience working with Jason, I can testify to his expertise in ( the areas of IGP implementation, training, and storm water management. ( Jason was responsible for preparing three IGP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans ( (SWPPPs) for the City's Park Division Yard, Street Division Yard, and Water Division Yard. ( Prior to the development of each SWPPP, Jason completed an in-depth site walk with City staff, during which he evaluated existing Best Management Practices (BMPs), communicated ( implementation opportunities and requirements, and thoroughly demonstrated his knowledge of ( IGP guidelines and industrial storm water management practices. Jason has provided multiple ( IGP implementation trainings to City staff regarding BMP implementation and maintenenace, water quality sampling, public agency activities, and reporting requirements associated with the ( IGP. All services have consistently been thorough, on time, and met the City's needs. ( Jason has also assisted with annual report preparation for the City, as well as managed more than ( 275 storm water compliance facility inspections, some of which were IGP-permitted facilities. ( Jason has done an outstanding job coordinating with local businesses, providing owner/operator ( personnel with targeted educational materials, and supporting the City's Development Planning ( and Construction, Industrial/Commercial Facilities Control, Public Agency Activities, Illicit ( Connection/Illicit Discharge Elimination, and Public Information and Participation Programs. ( We have been very pleased with the quality of work and responsiveness that Jason has shown throughout our time working with him and the CWE Team. I recommend Jason without \( hesitation. ( ncere t ( i1 ( e1 L. Burke,P.E., QSD ( Assistant Director of Public Works/City Engineer ( City of Glendora ( ( PRIDE OF THE FOOTHILLS ( • k • • 41 City of Rosemead OAD MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services • • a • • - . • • • • • • • -- . Appendix C pp • n • Insurance Certificate . i • a, • O,-, ia • • • . • i . • i • • • • • O 4 IIVAHie • t l` _— ur CWE0000.01 ILAINE ; A Rte- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DA1/23120TE 17 n fl THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS tl CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. ( IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. I If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). )I QODucER License#0757776 CneCT % tin International Insurance Services Inc. �� („ jiA/C,x,Ext):.(714)739-3177 J FAX No):(714)738-3186 Centerpointe Drive E L — �— fila Palma,CA 90623 A o'es5;__.,____._._--- INSURERISLAFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC X tI _ INSURER A:Crum&Forster Specialty Insurance Company_44520 LURED INSURER B:AmericanFire and Casualty Company 24066_.—._ CWE INSURER C:State Compensation Insurance Fund of California 35076 (I 1561 E.Orangethorpe Avenue Suite 240 INSURER D: --_,_- ( Fullerton,CA 92831 INSURERE: ( INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: t THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD el INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS t CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, I EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY_PAID CLAIMS. TR ADDL SUER _ POLICY EFF POLICY EXP !R TYPE OF INSURANCE !NSD WVD POLICY NUMBER (MMIDDNYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS -IR X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 3.I 1 CLAIMS MADE l^1 OCCUR EPK-114949 12108/2016 12/08/2017 pMGTREoNceEence) 100,000 MED EXP(Myon person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL BADV INJURY2,000,000 1 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER' GENERAL AGGREGATE f 4,000,000 (I POLICY Fl Dei, LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 4,000,000 OTHER: $ COMBIN1 6 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY (Mum:cidEASINGLE LIMIT $ _1,000,000 ( X ANY AUTO BAA57609336 12/08/2016 12/08/2017 BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ I OWNED ----‘SCHEDULED t _ AUTOS ONLY ;AUTOS BODILY RRINJURY(Per accident) .1_ _ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY (Per ardent)DAMAGE .1_____ i'I _ UMBRELLA LIAB _ OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE I EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE.-_--- $ -- — DED RETENTION$ $ I C WORKERS COMPENSATION X.1_$TATUTE J I 0TH AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN 9170147-2016 12/01/2016 12/01/2017 1,000,000 I ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERIEXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ �FFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A ' {Mandatory I�NH) E.t-DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE$ 1,000,000 I If yes,describe under 1,000,000 ( DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ ') A Professional Liabili EPK-114949 12108/2016 12/08/2017 Each Occurrence 2,000,000 % Claims-Made EPK-114949 12/08/2016 12/08/2017 Aggregate 4,000,000 iI -- — DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONSI VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) { t (I .I ( .ERTIFICATE HOLDER _ CANCELLATION _I SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Il THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN s For Information Only ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 4 'I AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (.I Ogetee•Xefa-1-- G - ( -- -- -_-- ACORD 25(2016103) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. .. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD (No JohnL, Hunter INC. ANOASSOCIATES, February 8, 2018 City of Rosemead—City Clerk's Office 8838 E.Valley Blvd. I Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Rafael M. Fajardo,City Engineer Public Works Dept/Engineering Division SUBJECT: City of Rosemead MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal John L. Hunter & Associates, Inc. (JLHA) is pleased to submit our proposal to provide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) professional compliance and support services,prepared in response to the City of Rosemead's Request for Proposal (RFP). JLHA is an environmental consulting firm that focuses on municipal (NPDES) surface water quality programs, currently providing these services to over thirty cities within the Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Specific qualifications and experience are detailed in the enclosed package.This proposal is considered valid for ninety(90)days following the submission of the proposal. We welcome the opportunity to provide services to the City. If you have any questions can reach the primary contact for this proposal: Cameron McCullough, Project Manager John L. Hunter and Associates 6131 Orangethorpe Ave,Suite 300 Buena Park, CA 90620 (562)802-7880 ext. 233 cmccullough@jlha.net Sincerely, John L. Hunter, PE President 6131 ORANGETHORPE AVE SUITE 300 I BUENA PARK, CA 90620 I (562) 802-7880 I www jlha.net GENERAL ENGINEERING LICENSE A-582340 I HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE REMEDIATION LIC.3382 • CITY OF ROSEMEAD BID PROPOSAL FORM BID PROPOSAL: I, the undersigned, hereby propose to furnish in accordance with the specifications. SEE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL FEES AND RATE SCHEDULE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM. IT IS MANDATORY FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. List exceptions to Bid: ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET. Estimated delivery date: 0 t) -e- y e_a_� ARO. BID BY: i Company name bit l& L I-Icc1,-f-e_L__ ft A-s5 o ct,Te-s T14 c Address C 131 0 2A-MGL- 1-- l4-6) 2pt 14- 11i✓ SrE 30 D City, State, Zp /%_ f ,, r ° r°1 L . 1�ww l�tres1 .-t.�'' Authorize Signature (Name printed) Title sG a Fo 2 7e§)--& x a2- i 2- 7/ S' Telephone Number Fax Number Date Ownership: Sole ; Partnership ; Corporation 1,-' ; _(State of Inc.) CA- C-1 V February 8, 2018 z o Proposal to Provide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System , (NPDES) Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services \ I Temple City 0 San Gabriel Alhambra /1 `� 7 \ - I i �--J 1 onte 11 1-os mead 1' ' 4 Unincorporat•. - I r Monterey Park 'II South El Monte c , Montebello i .1:I'�' Prepared By: Prepared For: Cameron McCullough City of Rosemead— City Clerk's Office John L. Hunter and Associates 8838 E. Valley Boulevard 6131 Orangethorpe Ave., Ste. 300 I Buena Park, CA 90620 Rosemead, CA 91770 Office: (562) 802-7880 ext. 233 I Fax: (562) 802-2297 Attn: Rafael M. Fajardo, City Engineer Email: cmccullough@ilha.net Public Works Dept/Engineering Division i il 0/ _I hon Ljiunter \� AND A06OQIATC/!. INO. T MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Table of Contents Credentials and Experience 1 A. Relevant Firm Experience 1 1. Municipal NPDES Permit Compliance 1 B. Track Record 3 C. Staffing Capability and Current Work Load 3 D. Applicable Certifications 3 E. Proposed Team 4 F. References 5 II. Scope of Work 6 A. Meetings 7 B. Staff Training 7 C. Public Information and Participation Program 7 4 D. Industrial/Commercial(I/C)Facilities Program 8 E. Redevelopment Planning 9 F. Redevelopment Construction Inspections 10 G. Post-Construction BMP Inspections 10 H. Public Facility Inventory 11 I. Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities 11 1. Grant Support 11 J. Public Activity Management 12 K. Trash TM DL Compliance 12 L. IC/ID Investigation and Elimination 13 M. Annual Report 13 N. Project Administration 13 III. Rate Schedule and Estimated Costs 14 A. Rate Schedule 14 B. Estimated Not-to-Exceed Fee Proposal 15 Appendix A: Resumes&Certification Al Page i MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 I. Credentials and Experience John L. Hunter and Associates, Inc. (JLHA) is an environmental consulting corporation established in 1985 that specializes in serving municipal clients. JLHA's mission is to provide its clients with the expertise necessary to comply with mandated environmental programs,such as NPDES,stormwater and watershed management, industrial waste and fats, oils and grease (FOG) control, water conservation, and recycling. Services provided under these programs include program management, engineering, inspections, monitoring, grant administration, and public education. A. Relevant Firm Experience Table 1 lists NPDES services currently or recently provided by JLHA.The following are summaries of JLHA's experience related to NPDES Permit compliance. 1. Municipal NPDES Permit Compliance JLHA has considerable experience in Municipal NPDES Permit compliance programs, beginning with the inception of the Phase I MS4 Permits in the 1990s.Currently JLHA implements elements of such programs for 44 cities in the Southland. Services include the following: • 25 cities and 4 watershed groups: Program administration and/or technical support, • 32 cities: Field services such as BMP compliance inspections, • 22 cities: Plan review and approval (e.g.,SUSMP/LID Plans,WQMPs, and SWPPPs), • 32 cities and 3 watershed groups: Reporting(e.g., annual,TMDL, and/or watershed reports), and • 32 cities and 3 watershed groups:Staff training. Relevant and recent activities include: • Representing cities in MS4 NPDES audits conducted by Regional Water Board staff: Seal Beach, 2015 (and 2010, 2006) I Stanton, 2014(and 2010) • Obtaining and administering a Prop 84 grant for multi-watershed/multi-jurisdictional LID projects. • Managing BMP inspection programs that cover in total approximately 10,000 sites. • Developing 4 Watershed Management Programs under the area-wide LA MS4 NPDES Permit. JLHA also served as the lead consultant for the development of the Watershed Management Programs (WMPs) for the Lower Los Angeles River(LLAR), Lower San Gabriel River (LSGR), City of Long Beach, and Peninsula Cities Watershed Groups, and served as a sub-consultant for the development of the WMP for the Los Cerritos Channel (LCC) Watershed Group. As part of WMP development, JLHA also oversaw the development of Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Programs (CIMPs)for the LLAR, LSGR, and Peninsula Cities Watershed Groups.All plans were approved by the Regional Board in 2015 and 2016.Together the member agencies of these Watershed Groups represent 20 MS4 NPDES Permittees. JLHA serves as the consultant team lead for the LLAR, LSGR, and Peninsula Cities Watershed Groups. Services include administering monitoring activities, watershed annual reporting, technical committee meetings, and certain WMP implementation efforts such as feasibility studies. In this capacity JLHA also regularly interfaces with city councils and Regional Board staff and members.JLHA also represents twelve municipal clients in watershed management groups for the Upper Los Angeles River, Upper San Gabriel River, Dominguez Channel and Los Cerritos Channel. Pagel MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Table 1:Summary of Municipal NPDES Services Recently or Currently Provided -_ u MS4 Permit Control Measures Watershed General Services aZi u w m o Z c ac ac m 15 2t' v, E o2 uc vE yc CO m o E mw D_0 u .ca s� c m Ea > o oa Y o: �E o� C. roo a`�o 11,•,±" `.EEE °j o c_ c to�m N W CO 3t -Oo UN 73 M W Ma o y a E m °N Client LL r c u 2a Eu -o 2 30 3 E 2 61 °C I- 6 a o Arcadia 1995 23 -- x x x x x •• •• -• x x x -- •• Artesia _ 2014 4 -- x x x x x -• x -• •• x x -- x Big Bear Lake 2004 14 - x x .. .. "" .. -- x •• .. -- Carlsbad 2016 x Cerritos 2015 3 x " - -- •- •• -- Covina 2008 10 x x -- x -- -- •• .. .. -- .. x '" -- Diamond Bar 2007 11 x x x x x x -- x - -• x x .. x Downey 2011 7 x x x x x x •• x -- •• x x -- x Fullerton 2017 1 x x x Glendale 2013 S x x x x x Gateway Water Mgmt.Authority 2012 Hawaiian Gardens 2012 6 x x x x x x •- x -- •• x x -- x Hawthorne 2000 18 -- x x x x x -• •• •• •• x x -- x Inglewood 2015 3 x x x x x La Habra 2011 7 x x x x x x •• -• •• •• x -- -- x Lakewood 2014 4 x Lomita 2015 3 -- x x x x x •• x -• •• x x -• x Long Beach 2014 4 x x x x LCC Watershed Group 2013 5 x x x x x LLAR Watershed Group 2013 5 -• -• •• -- .. •• x x x -• x x -- x LSGR Watershed Group 2013 5 -- -- •• •- -• •• x x x •• x x •• x Lynwood 2014 4 x x x x x x -• x .. -- x x -- x Manhattan Beach 2010 8 x x Monterey Park 2005 13 x x x x x x - x •• x x x x x Norwalk 2010 8 x x x x x x -- x •- •• x x -• x Paramount 2014 4 x x x x x x •• x •• •- x x -• x Pasadena 2015 3 x -- •• x •- •• •• x •• -- x x •• x Peninsula Watershed Group 2013 5 x x x x x Placentia 2013 5 x x x x x "- -- •- •• •• x x •• x Rancho Palos Verdes 1994 24 x x x x x x •" x •• -• x x -- x Rolling Hills 2009 Santa Fe Springs 2016 2 x x San Gabriel 2017 1 x x x x x Seal Beach 2005 13 x x x x x x •• -- •• -- x x x x Signal Hill 1985 33 x x x x x x •- x •• x x x •• x South El Monte 2017 1 x x x x x -- x •• x x x -• x South Gate 1991 27 x x x x x x •- x •• x x x x x South Pasadena 2005 13 -- x x x •• x -- x -- x x x •• x Stanton 2007 11 x x x x x x -- "• -- "" x x x x Temple City 2003 15 x x x x x x •- x -• x x x -- x Villa Park 2013 5 x x x x x x West Covina 2015 3 x x x x x x -- x -- •• x x -- x West Hollywood 1995 I 23 x XIX I x x .. I .. I - I -- I 1I x I •- I x -- I •. 1 Whittier 2014 4 I x x x x x x x xx TOTALS out of 44 agencies I I 122 127 128 132 25 25 I 5 122 I 4 110 135 135 I 5 132 P a g e 2 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 B. Track Record JLHA has aided municipalities in compliance with NPDES MS4 Permit provisions since their first issuance in the 1990s. Since that time JLHA has maintained a track record of meeting project schedules and providing project deliverables on-time, on-budget, and to clients' satisfaction. This may be verified by contacting JLHA's existing and past clients, including those listed in the References Section of this proposal.Another metric for JLHA's ability to meet project schedules is through its success in representing clients in Regional Water Board NPDES Program audits.These audits included detailed reviews of records for NPDES sub-programs managed and implemented by JLHA Project Teams. Of the many Regional Water Board NPDES Program audits that JLHA personnel participated in, none resulted in enforcement actions. JLHA's success in meeting project schedules is also evident in its existing clients' previous NPDES annual reports,which tabulate program deliverables such as inspections, plan checks, and TMDL reporting. C. Staffing Capability and Current Work Load JLFIA staffing is at 25, consisting of 20 full-time staff and 5 part-time staff. This includes 1 principal, 2 directors,5 project managers,5 engineers,7 field inspectors,2 project analysts,and 3 administrative staff. All staff operate out of JLHA's office at 6131 Orangethorpe Ave, Suite 300, in Buena Park, California.JLHA subcontracts additional services as-needed such as water quality monitoring and laboratory analysis, outfall screening,construction management,and computational analysis.Sub-contracted services will not be required for this project. The Project Team listed in the following section will be available to provide the requested services throughout the term listed in the RFP. D. Applicable Certifications Applicable certifications include certified professionals in engineering, stormwater quality, BMP (Best Management Practice) inspection, erosion control, SWPPP development and implementation, and environmental assessment. Table 2 lists specialized certifications that are held by JLHA staff. The experience,education,and proof of certification of the key staff members are included in Appendix A. Table 2:Specialized Certifications held by JLHA Staff Certification Certification Description CPSWQ Certified Professional in Stormwater Quality CPESC Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control CESSWI Certified Erosion,Sediment and Stormwater Inspector QSD Qualified SWPPP Developer(Construction) • QSP Qualified SWPPP Practitioner(Construction) QISP Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner CGP ToR Trainer of Record for the NPDES Construction General Permit IGP ToR Trainer of Record for the NPDES Industrial General Permit Page3 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 E. Proposed Team Table 3 lists the roles of the Program Team. Detailed qualifications of the Project Team are included in the Resume section. Table 3. Program Team Roles Program Title Team Member Information Name Cameron McCullough,MS,CPSWQ,QSD/P,IGP ToR Project Manager Roles Project delivery for watershed services,point-of-contact Name Jillian Brickey,MS,CPSWQ,QSD/P, IGP ToR Project Manager Roles Project delivery for development services,point-of-contact Name Michelle Kim,MSE,CPSWQ,QSD E Project Engineer coRoles Plan review and approval Name Hugo Garcia,CESSWI,QSP u Project Analyst Roles Project development,field inspection support Name Wilson Duong,ECI I Compliance Specialist Roles Field compliance inspector Name Chris Smith,CESSWI,QSP Compliance Specialist Roles Field compliance inspector Name John Hunter,PE,REA -D Principal-in-charge D Roles As-needed project oversight and support Name Rosalinda Tandoc,PE LJ' Senior Engineer Roles Plan review and approval - – -- __— Page4 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 F. References Table 4 lists six of JLHA's clients that receive Municipal NPDES services.The table includes client and client contact. Additional references are available at the request of the City. Table 4:Prior Project Experience Client Data Field Project Information _ Downey Contact/Title Mohammad Mostahkami, Director of Public Works Address 11111 Brookshire Ave, Downey,CA 90241 Phone/email (562)904-7102,mmostahkami@downeyca.org Norwalk Contact/Title Adriana Figueroa,Administrative Services Manager Address 12700 Norwalk Blvd,Norwalk,CA 90650 Phone/email (562)929-5760,afigueroa@norwalkca.gov Signal Hill Contact/Title Grissel Chavez,Deputy Director of Public Works Address 2175 Cherry Avenue,Signal Hill,CA 90775 Phone/email (562)989-7251,gchavez@cityofsignalhill,org South Gate Contact/Title Arturo Cervantes,Public Works Director Address 8650 California Ave,South Gate,CA 90280 Phone/email (323)563-9512,acervantes@sogate.org Stanton Contact/Title Allan Rigg,Director of Public Works Address 7800 Katella Ave,Stanton,CA 90680 Phone/email (714)890-4204,arigg@ci.stanton.ca.us Temple City Contact/Title Andrew Coyne,Management Analyst Address 9701 Las Tunas Dr.,Temple City,CA 91780 Phone/email (626)285-2171 ext.4344 Pages MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 II. Scope of Work JLHA welcomes the opportunity to provide professional Municipal NPDES services to the City of Rosemead. This section details the work plan for completing the scope of work provided in the City's Request for Proposals (RFP) for MS4 NPDES Permit Compliance and Support Services.The timeframe for the proposed services is for a period of one year from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. The services provided may be extended for additional years pending City Council approval.This proposal is valid for 90 days. Page6 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 A. Meetings Table 5 lists the scope of work for Meetings as part of the MS4 NPDES services. Table 5.Scope of work for Meetings Permit§ Task 4 Task Name VI.0/D A.1 Meetings A.l.a Attend kickoff meeting with City staff Alb Attend six(6)regional meetings(such as LAPH,ULAR,or MS4 Permit related workshops) A.1.c Attend six(4)informal City staff or management meetings A.i.e Prepare MS4 NPDES agenda and summaries for each City meeting B. Staff Training Table 6 lists the scope of work for Staff Training as part of the MS4 NPDES services. Annual training will be provided to designated City staff by State registered QISP,SWPPP, QSD, or QSP JLHA personnel. Table 6.Scope of work for Staff Training Permit§ Task 4 Task Name VI.D.8-10 3.1 Staff Training Prepare materials and hold annual training sessions for designated City staff in: 8.I.ii.(1) B.1.a Construction/Erosion Plan Review and Permitting 8.1.11.(2) B.1.b Erosion/Sediment Control Plan 9.k B.l.c Stormwater Targeted Public Employee and Contractor 10.a.iii.(5) B.1.d Staff Illicit Connection/Illicit Discharge Response B.l.e Other MS4 NPDES training topics as requested by the City C. Public Information and Participation Program Table 7 lists the scope of work for the Public Information and Participation Program. JLHA will develop activity specific public education content,regarding source control BMPs, use and disposal relevant to Rio Hondo Reach 3, and downstream receiving water impairments. Table 7.Scope of work for the Public Information and Participation Program Permit§ Task 4 Task Name VI.D.5.d C.1 Residential Outreach Program d.i.(2) C.1.a Update materials to address vehicle,house,yard,pesticide,animal,construction wastes Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section Page7 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 D. Industrial/Commercial (I/C) Facilities Program Table 8 lists the scope of work for the Industrial/Commercial (I/C) Facilities Program. JLHA understands that the actual number and categories of inspections completed will be subject to adjustment based on prioritization and funding. Table 8:Tasks for the Industrial/Commercial Facilities Program Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.6 D.1 Track Critical Industrial/Commercial Facilities b.i,ii,iii D.1.a Review City's Business License Fee Schedule records and provide correspond SIC/NAICS codes D.1.b Prepare pre-inspection notification letter b.i,ii,iii Update and maintain database of program records(see Reporting Scope of Work section) VI.D.6 D.2 Educate Industrial/Commercial Facility Operators c.i D.2.a Notify facility operators of program requirements D.2.b Develop and print educational materials to distribute to facilities VI.D.6 D.3 Inspect Critical Industrial/Commercial Facilities d,e,f D.3.a Inspect industrial/commercial facilities for proper BMP implementation d,e,f D.3.b Correspond with facility operators h.2.D.i D.3.c Conduct follow-up inspections at non-compliant facilities within 4 weeks VI.D.2 D.4 Enforce at Noncompliant Facilities 2.D.ii D.4.a Prepare enforcement notices for non-compliant facilities following city ordinances 2.D.ii D.4.b Provide other as-needed enforcement assistance Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section JLHA proposes the following estimates for one round of industrial/commercial inspections. Scope of Work Estimates Track 331 facilities Inspect 175 facilities Educate 175 facilities Conduct 18 follow-ups Prepare 9 enforcement actions JLHA will send a City reviewed pre-inspection notification letter on City letterhead, conduct inspections using a City reviewed form, and develop an I/C facility program tracking database with the attributes identified in Permit Part VI.D.6.b.ii. By July 1, 2019, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs,significant business specific communications, I/C Program tracking database,and Geographic Information System (GIS)shape files will be submitted to the City's Project Manager. JLHA will review the City of Rosemead's Business License Fee Schedule and provide corresponding Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes Page8 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 for future use by City staff,during the licensing process.JLHA will review Primary Business Activities(PBAs) in the Business License database and identify corresponding SIC and NAICs codes. JLHA will also provide per inspection category rates,for newly identified facilities,follow up, and enforcement inspections. JLHA will provide the identified number, type and associated I/C Facility inspections services, identifying additional per inspection rates for each I/C identified category. At the conclusion of the permit service period in June, electronic scans of the completed inspection forms, inspection photographs, significant business specific communications, the tracking database, and associated GIS shape file would be submitted to the City Project Manager. E. Redevelopment Planning Table 9 lists the scope of work for the Redevelopment Planning Program.Turn-around for LID plan review is two weeks. Table 9:Tasks for the Redevelopment Planning Program Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.7.d E.1 LID Plan Review E.1.a Prepare and adopt LID ordinance(complete) E.1.b Review LID plans following the criteria of VI.D.7 Update and maintain database of program records(see Reporting Scope of Work section) Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section JLHA will provide two (2) LID storm water project reviews, for each of four (4) projects of less than five acres, based on MS4 Permit Part VI.D.7 criteria.JLHA understands that larger projects will be reviewed on a negotiated time and materials basis. Developer provided Project and Best Management Practice (BMP) tracking data will be input into the Watershed Reporting Adaptive Management & Planning System (WRAMPs), other suitable City software, or database, using City provided identification and passwords. f - --- - page9 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 F. Redevelopment Construction Inspections Table 10 lists the scope of work for the Redevelopment Construction Inspections Program. Table 10:Tasks for the Redevelopment Construction Inspections Program Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.8.g F.1 Inventory ESCP,CGP,or City Project sites g.i F.1.a Update monthly the inventory of construction sites g.ii,j.ii F.1.b Update and maintain database of program records(see Reporting Scope of Work section) VI.D.B.) F.2 inspect ESCP,CGP,or City Project sites F.2.a Inspect sites for proper BMP implementation F.2.b Correspond with site operators F.2.c Conduct follow-up inspections at non-compliant sites VI.D.2 F.3 Enforce at non-compliant sites 2.a.i F.3.a Prepare enforcement notices for non-compliant facilities following city ordinances 2.a.ii F.3.b Provide other as-needed enforcement actions Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section JLHA will provide inspections once per month, for up to 12 days per year, up to four (4) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), Construction General Permit (CGP), or City Projects as prioritized by City staff.JLHA will draft inspection forms for City review prior to first inspection.JLHA will forward Correction and Enforcement (NOVs) actions where appropriate to the City Project Manager within one week following the inspection. Follow-ups are conducted within the timeframe provided in the enforcement action. G. Post-Construction BMP Inspections Table 11 lists the scope of work for the Post-Construction BMP Inspections Program. Table 11:Tasks for the Post-Construction BMP Inspections Program Permit§ Task# Task name • VI.D.7.d G.1 LID BMP Inspections iv.(1).(b) G.1.a Conduct BMP verification inspections iv.(1).(c) G.1.b Notify existing LID Plan sites of maintenance requirements iv.(1).(d) G.1.c Conduct BMP maintenance inspections iv.(1).(e) G.1.d Conduct follow-up activities at non-compliant projects Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section JLHA will use Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) and City reviewed forms, to inspect and assess, the effectiveness of visible post-construction BMPs, not inspected during the prior two years that LID and BMP criteria were unavailable during ULAR Reasonable Assurance Analysis (RAA) and EWMP —. _.^---- --------- Page 10 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 development.JLHA will record Post-Construction BMP inspection,and tracking data, as identified in MS4 Permit Parts VI.D.7.d,VI.D.7.d.iv.(1)(a), and VI.D.9.h.x,and provide the City with GIS shape and data files with collected observations H. Public Facility Inventory Table 12 lists the scope of work to develop a Public Facility Inventory following MS4 Permit Part VI.D.9.c.i. Table 12:Tasks for the Public Facility Inventory Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.9.c H.1. Inventory Public Facilities H.1.a Develop electronic inventory of public facilities I. Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities Table 13 lists the scope of work to develop an Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities. Table 13:Tasks for the Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities Permit§ Task# Task name Vi.D.9.iii 1.1. Inventory Existing Development Retrofit Opportunities I.1.a Included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section 1.2 Feasibility Study I.2.a Prepare feasibility study I.2.b Prepare and support second round grant applications JLHA will identify private and public parcels, potentially suitable for retrofitting with BMPs as pollution source controls. Multiple regional BMP projects will be identified and based on the findings, propose at least one retrofit opportunity suitable for implementation as a regional BMP following the City's recommendations on the RFP.Such tasks include undertaking a concept analysis of the regional BMP,as well as smaller retrofit projects(particularly those requiring private/public partnership), and identifying a short list of competitive projects for purpose of grant application,for review by the City's Project Manager, preparing a feasibility study (for the suite of project[s]) suitable for submission as a Proposition 1 Stormwater Implementation Grant,Groundwater(if projects can demonstrate recharge benefit),and/or other future grants. 1. Grant Support JLHA will assist with preparing and supporting grant applications. JLHA has successfully assisted clients with Prop 1 and Prop 84 grant applications. A separate cost estimate is included in the Fee Proposal section. ��^ Page 11 016 40/11111irsorgIONININIess. MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 J. Public Activity Management Table 14 lists the scope of work for the Public Activity Management Program. Table 14:Tasks for the Public Activity Management Program Permit§ Task N Task name VI.D.9.b Public Construction Activities(addressed by Development Construction Program) VI.D.9 1.1 Public Agency Facility and Activity Management vi J.1.a Update BMP fact sheets for activities listed in Table 18 of the MS4 Permit e.iv J.1.b Update language to require contractors to implement BMPs from VI.D.9.e.iii g.ii 1.1.c Update Integrated Pest Management procedures y h I.1.a.d Storm Drain Operation and maintenance(supplanted by Trash TMDL requirements) Provide one person for a day per month,for twelve(12)months,to observe activities&facilities Prepare written suggestions regarding modifications and improvements to activities&facilities Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section JLHA will allot one person for a day per month, for twelve (12) months, to observe public activities or facilities and provide written suggestions regarding how the activities or facilities can be modified to improve pollutant source control efforts. K. Trash TMDL Compliance Table 15 lists the scope of work for the Trash TMDL Compliance Program. Table 15:Tasks for the Trash TMDL Compliance Program Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.9 K.1 TMDL Program Assistance K.1.a Conduct Trash TMDL DGR Study and prepare Compliance Report K.1.b Assist with compliance planning and reporting for the trash TMDLS Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section Page 12 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 L. IC/ID Investigation and Elimination Table 16 lists the scope of work for the IC/ID Investigation and Elimination Program. Complaints received will be investigated within the timeframes provided in the MS4 Permit's Progressive Enforcement procedures (MS4 Permit VI.D.2.a). Enforcement actions will be undertaken following these procedures. JLHA understands that these services are provided on an as-needed basis. Table 16:Tasks for the IC/ID Investigation and Elimination Program Permit§ Task# Task name VI.D.10 L.1 Investigate Illicit Discharges b.ii L.1.a Investigate illicit discharge complaints and prepare investigation report b.iv.(1) L.1.b Conduct follow-up investigations to verify elimination of detected illicit discharges d.v Update and maintain database of program records(see Reporting Scope of Work section) VI.D.2 L.2 Enforce cases of noncompliance L.2.a Prepare enforcement notices for non-compliant facilities following city ordinance L.2.b Provide other as-needed enforcement assistance Program Management is included in the Watershed Management Program Scope of Work section M. Annual Report Table 17 lists the scope of work for the Annual Report Program. The elements of the Annual Report prepared by JLHA will include a first draft to meet the mid-September watershed-wide deadline as well as a final draft for City review one month prior to submittal on December 15`". Table 17:Tasks for the Annual Report Program Permit§ Task# Task name MRP CVIII,XIX M.1 Reporting M.1.a Prepare Individual MS4 NPDES Annual Report M.1.b Assist in preparation of Watershed MS4 NPDES Annual Report(preparation led by WMG) VI.D M.2 Record Keeping 6.b.i-iii,7.d.iv, M 2 a Update and maintain programs database(s)of project/facility/site/BMP inventory,inspection., 8.g.i.ii,10.d.v investigation,and enforcement records for all programs provided under the scope of work N. Project Administration Table 18 lists the scope of work for the administration of this project. Table 18:Tasks for the Project Administration Permit§ Task# Task name N.1 Administer Program N.1.a Prepare project update reports and provide project updates to City staff N.1.b Assure quality on services provided Page13 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 III. Rate Schedule and Estimated Costs A. Rate Schedule Principal $185/hr Director $165/hr Staff Engineer $165/hr Project Manager $155/hr Assistant Project Manager $145/hr Project Engineer $145/hr Environmental Compliance Specialist II $115/hr Project Analyst II $115/hr Environmental Compliance Specialist I $95/hr Project Analyst I $95/hr Administrative Assistant, Laborer(OSHA 40hr certified) $65/hr State Certified Laboratory Analysis Cost+5% Legal Consultation, Court Appearances/Document review,etc. $250/hr Subcontracted equipment Cost+5% Fee Schedule effective as of January 1, 2018 JLHA does not add charges for overhead items such as administrative copying or mileage in and around the city. - — Page 14 1 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 B. Estimated Not-to-Exceed Fee Proposal The annual not-to-exceed cost for this project is included in Table 19.Additional information on the tasks listed are provided under the Scope of Work section of this proposal. II • Page15 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal �___ _ February 8,2018 Table 19:Estimated Costs for MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Task name . I .Team'. '`I ` Rate .� Hours `;`Cost Totals $4,565 A.Meetings Program A.1 Meetings(1 kickoff meeting,6 regional meetings,and 4 informal City PM $155 11 $1,705 staff or management meetings PA2 $115 11 $1,265 PE $145 11 $1,595 $2,160 B.Staff Training Program B.1 Staff Training l PM I $155 8 $1,240 PA2 $115 I 8 $920 C.Public Information and Participation Program $950 C.1 Residential Outreach Program I C51 I $95 I 10 I $950 D.IndustriaVCommerclal(VC)Facilities Program $24,755 0.1 Track facilities PA2 $115 6 $690 D.2 Educate facility operators PA1 $95 10 $950 D.3 Inspect facilities(175 routine,18 follow-ups) CS2 $115 193 $22,195 D.4 Enforce at on-compliant facilities CS2 $115 8 $920 E.Redevelopment Planning $5,510 El LID Plan Review I PE I $145 I 38 I $5,510 F.Redevelopment Construction Inspections $11,730 F.1 Inventory ESCP,CGP,or City Project sites CS2 $115 6 $690 F.2 Inspect ESCP,CGP,City Projects(4 sites,48 inspections,12 follow-ups) CS2 $115 88 $10,120 F.3 Enforce at non-compliant sites CS2 $115 8 $920 G.Post-Construction BMP Inspections $1,885 G.1 LID BMP Inspections(13 sites) i PE I $145 I 13 I $1,885 H.Public Facility Inventory $285 H.1 Inventory Public Facilities I PA1 i $95 I 3 i $285 I.Inventory of Regional BMP Development Opportunities $4,990 I.1 Inventory Existing Development Retrofit Opportunities PM 1 $155 1 8 $1,240 PA1 $115 20 $2,300 PE $145 10 $1,450 1.Public Activity Management $3,380 1.1 Public Agency Facility and Activity Management I PA2 $115 24 $2,760 PM l $155 1._ 4 $620 K.Trash TMDL Compliance $10,730 K.1.TMDL Program Assistance AA $65 80 $5,200 C51 $95 20 $1,900 PM $155 16 $2,480 PA2 $115 10 $1,150 L ICJID Investigation and Elimination $1,520 1.1 Investigate Illicit Discharges(as-needed) CSi $95 12 $1,140 _ L.2 Enforce cases of non-compliance(as-needed) I CS1 I $95 I 4 $380 $5,630 M.Annual Report M.1 Reporting PA1 $95 20 $1,900 PM $155 10 $1,550 M.2.Record Keeping AA $65 24 $1,560 PM $155 4 $620 N.Project Administration $1,860 N.1 Administer Program I PM I $155 I 12 I $1,860 •Total $79,950 'AA-Administrative Assistant,CS1-Compliance Specialist I,CS2-Compliance Specialist II,PA1-Project Analyst I,PA2-Project Analyst II,PE-Project Engineer,PM-Project Manager Page 16 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Table 20:Estimated Costs for Grant Application Preparation and Support Task name Team* Rate Hours Cost Totals 0.Grant Support-Additional Service Task $24,000 0.1 Prepare and support grant application PA2 $115 80 $9,200 PE $145 70 $10,150 PM $155 30 $4,650 Total $24,000 •PA2—Project Analyst II,PE-Project Engineer,PM—Project Manager Page 17 MS4 NPOES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Appendix A: Resumes & Certification The following section includes the resumes and certifications of key personnel. PageA1 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 John L. Hunter, PE Principal Education Mr. Hunter serves as the Principal of JLHD. He has 31 years B.S.Chemical Engineering, CSULB of experience in municipal environmental programs and B.S. Biological Sciences,UCI currently oversees: (1) elements of over 40 separate NPDES programs encompassing three counties that covers Certifications and Licenses CA Professional Chemical Engineer,4724 programs such as: watershed and stormwater management, CA Registered Environmental Assessor,0900 TMDL implementation, plan reviews, industrial and CA Hazardous Substance Removal,A3382 construction inspections, public agency activities, public CA General Engineering License,A-582340 outreach, and monitoring/reporting; (2) eleven municipal FOG programs encompassing permitting, inspections and enforcement; (3) seven municipal Used Oil Recycling programs; (4)three municipal Beverage Container Recycling programs; and (5)two water conservation programs. As of May 2016 Mr. Hunter serves as the chair for the LA Permit Group, which provides area-wide MS4 Permit updates to all affected parties under the LA Region MS4 Permit. Related Experience Watershed Management Lead consultant for the Lower Los Angeles River Watershed Group,the Lower San Gabriel River Watershed Group, the Peninsula Cities Watershed Group, and the Long Beach Near-shore watersheds. Oversaw preparation and oversees continued development of the Watershed Management Programs for these groups. Also participates in the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Group, the Dominguez Channel Watershed Group, and the Los Cerritos Channel Watershed Group. Total Maximum Daily Loads Los Angeles River Metals TMDL: Developed the Reach 1 Metals TMDL Implementation Plan on behalf of nine local agencies.The Plan was used as a source document for the Compliance Schedule in the Lower LA River WMP. Los Angeles River Trash TMDL:Administered Trash DGR studies and associated compliance reports for multiple cities since 2004. Negotiated client interests with Regional Board staff. Obtained grant funding for and prepared the Hamilton Bowl BMP Study.The study evaluated different end-of-pipe trash capture systems for the Cities of Signal Hill and Long Beach. MS4 Permit Minimum Control Measures(MCMs) Oversees MCM elements of MS4 Permits for 37 cities. MCM programs include business and construction site inspections, LID Plan and SWPPP reviews, BMP implementation for public agency activities, illicit discharge investigations,and public outreach. Representation and advocacy Represents client interests in meetings with Regional Board staff/members regarding(E)WMPs,TMDLs,and other Permit mandates. Has chaired the Los Angeles River Watershed Management Committee,Santa Monica Bay Bacterial TMDL 17 Subcommittee,and the LA Permit Group.Currently serves as technical lead for the Lower San Gabriel, Lower Los Angeles,and Peninsula Cities Watershed Management Groups. PageA a MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Jillian Brickey, MS, CPSWQ, QSD/P, CGP ToR Director 11 Years of Experience in Water Quality Jillian Brickey has eleven years of experience in environmental management, specializing in stormwater and watershed Education management and water conservation. Her relevant experiences M.S., Environmental Science, CSUF include implementing and managing NPDES municipal Permit B.S.,Zoology,Cal State Poly Pomona programs for Low Impact Development, Development Certifications Construction,and TMDL/watershed management.Tasks include CPSWQ, Envirocert(#0845) includes plan review and approval, reporting,training municipal QSD/QSP,CASQA(#22731) staff in program implementation, and representing client CGP Trainer of Record,CASQA interests in interactions with regulators and other stakeholders. Recent Experience and Project Qualifications Municpal NPDES Permit Management: Ms. Brickey serves as a Programs Manager of municipal NPDES Permit programs for multiple cities throughout the Southland. NPDES Permits managed include all elements of the MS4 and CGP Permits,including erosion/sediment control and Low Impact Development(LID)for construction projects, and TMDL implementation for water bodies impaired by trash, metals,toxics, and bacteria.Through these management activities,she has: • Represented cities in MS4 NPDES Permit New Development compliance audits from the Regional Water Quality Control Board.(Seal Beach: 2010,2015,Stanton:2010). • Developed TMDL compliance plans for Metals, Toxics, Bacteria, and Trash. (Lower Los Angeles River, Lower San Gabriel River, Long Beach Nearshore Watersheds:2013-2016.) • Served as primary contact with clients and represented their interests when interacting with regulators. (Covina,La Habra,Seal Beach,South Pasadena,Stanton, Pasadena,West Hollywood). • Developed Stormwater Quality Management Programs (Seal Beach: 2011), LID compliance guideline documents(Gateway cities,2014), and LID ordinances(2014). • Held CGP QSD/QSP training as a CGP ToR(Pasadena, 2016)and led over one hundred municipal training sessions in MS4 and CGP Permits. (Over 20 municipal clients: 2008-2016). • Reviewed on behalf of municipal clients hundreds of LID Plans,WQMPs, and SWPPPs and verified proper installation and maintenance of hundreds of LID BMPs. • Supervised JLHA plan checking staff. Watershed Management: Ms. Brickey served as a Project Manager for the development of the Watershed Management Programs (WMPs) for the Lower Los Angeles River and Lower San Gabriel River Watershed Groups (2013-2016).The WMPs were developed by MS4 Permittees with shared watershed boundaries,with the objective of achieving surface water quality standards.Tasks included evaluating existing control measures and developing new control measures and compliance schedules to achieve water quality standards. She also oversaw the development and implementation of LID ordinances as required by the WMP development process.This included preparing a LID Ordinance Equivalency Demonstration for the City of Long Beach. She has also lead multi-jurisdictional workshops and technical committees on watershed management program implementation,and engaged with Regional Water Quality Control Board members,staff and non- governmental organizations in support of contested issues regarding the watershed management compliance approach.Through representation of municipal clients'stakeholder interests, Ms. Brickey has also participated in the development of watershed management programs and monitoring programs for the Upper Los Angeles River, Upper San Gabriel River,and Peninsula Cities Watershed Groups (2013-present). PageA3 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Education Cameron McCullough, MS, CPSWQ, QSD/P, IGP ToR M.S.,Applied Mathematics,CSULB Director B.S., Physics,CSULB Cameron McCullough has fourteen years of experience in the Certifications environmental compliance field, specializing in surface water quality CPSWQ, Envirocert(#0842) regulation. His experiences include managing the development and QSD/QSP,CASQA(#22706) implementation of municipal NPDES,TMDL, and FOG Control programs, IGP Trainer of Record,CASQA(#079) assisting and training municipal staff in their in-house NPDES programs, Affiliations and representing client interests in interactions with regulators and Phi Beta Kappa Society other stakeholders. Society for Industrial&Applied Math Recent Experience and Project Qualifications Municipal NPDES Permit Management: Mr. McCullough serves as a Programs Manager of municipal NPDES Permit programs for multiple cities throughout the Southland. Permits managed include the NPDES stormwater permits— MS4, IGP, CGP—as well as non-stormwater permits and related orders such as those for drinking water system releases and sanitary sewer overflows. Permit programs address(1)stormwater quality for construction,industrial, and municipal activities and post-construction BMPs for development activities, (2) non-stormwater discharges to and from the MS4,(3)TMDLs for water bodies impaired by trash,metals,toxics,and bacteria,and(4)surface water quality monitoring. Through his program management activities, he has developed qualifications that meet those required to serve as the Project Manager for this project.Specific examples of these qualifications include: • Serving as a Project Manager for contracted MS4 NPDES Program assistance for local cities.(Lomita,Glendale, Hawthorne, Monterey Park, Placentia, Stanton, Temple City,Villa Park, West Covina, and West Hollywood.) Responsibilities include serving as project point-of-contact, overseeing the Project Team, ensuring successful completion of the project,and representing the client in interactions with regulators and watershed groups. ■ Through these projects Mr. McCullough has served as Project Lead to all subordinate members of the team for this project.As such the team has developed a track record of working together effectively. • Representing cities in MS4 NPDES Permit compliance audits from the Regional Water Quality Control Board. (Seal Beach 2006, 2010,Stanton 2010,2014, Big Bear Lake 2007.) • Developing 1)watershed-based compliance plans for wet and dry weather TMDLs for Metals,Toxics,Bacteria, and Trash(Lower Los Angeles River, Lower San Gabriel River,and Long Beach Nearshore Watersheds: 2013- 2016), 2) municipal Stormwater Quality Management Programs (Stanton 2011, Villa Park 2015) and 3) SWPPPs(Downey, Norwalk, Lynwood, Pico Rivera,West Covina:2011-2016). • Leading hundreds of municipal training sessions in MS4,IGP,CGP,and Drinking Water System NPDES Permits, as well as SSO spill response and FOG control. (26 municipal clients from 2004-2016, covering 3 State Water Board Regions and 5 Phase I MS4 Permits.) Watershed Management: Mr. McCullough served as a Project Manager for the development of the Watershed Management Programs(WMPs)for the Lower Los Angeles River,Lower San Gabriel River,and Long Beach Nearshore Watershed Groups(2013-2016).The WMPs were developed by MS4 Permittees with shared watershed boundaries, with the objective of achieving surface water quality standards. Tasks included identifying water quality priorities, evaluating existing control measures, developing new control measures and compliance schedules, and providing quantitive reasonable assurance to attain water quality standards. He has also lead multi-jurisdictional workshops and technical committees on watershed management program implementation,and engaged with Regional Water Quality Control Board members,staff and non-governmental organizations in support of contested issues regarding the watershed management compliance approach. Through representation of municipal clients' stakeholder interests, Mr. McCullough has also participated in the development of watershed management programs and monitoring programs for the Los Cerritos Channel, Dominguez Channel,Upper Los Angeles River,and Upper San Gabriel River(2013-present). — - PageA4 MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal 11 Years of Experience in Water Quality Education February 8,2018 Michelle Kim, MSE, CPSWQ, QSD, EIT Project Manager/Project Engineer Michelle Kim has eleven years of experience in the water quality industry, which includes potable water,wastewater,and storm water. Her relevant M.S.,Civil Engineering, Loyola Marymount experiences and tasks include implementing and B.S., Environmental Science, UC Berkeley B.A., Public Health, UC Berkeley Certifications EIT, NCEES(#141554) managing NPDES municipal permit provisions such as watershed management, planning and land development, and TMDL compliance. She is involved in the development and review of Water CPSWQ, Envirocert (#1134) Quality Management Plans (WQMPs), Low Impact QSD, CASQA(426504) Development (LID) Plans, and Standard Urban Grade 3 Laboratory Analyst,CWEA(#130133001) Stormwater Mitigation Plans (SUSMPs). Michelle's past experience includes work with the Orange County Sanitation District involving treatment processes, laboratory analyses, and monitoring of wastewater and source control. Her current responsibilities include providing municipal NPDES plan checking services, conducting BMP verification and maintenance inspections, representing clients in meetings, and assisting in the implementation of Watershed Management Programs. Michelle's client-specific responsibilities at JLHA include: • Reviewing LID Plans following the standards of the Los Angeles County area-wide MS4 Permit for the cities of Diamond Bar, Downey, Monterey Park, Norwalk, Pasadena, Santa Fe Springs, Signal Hill, and South Gate, and West Hollywood. • Reviewing WQMPs following the standards of the North Orange County area-wide MS4 Permit for the cities of Buena Park, La Habra,Seal Beach, and Stanton. (WQMPs are the Orange County- equivalent of Los Angeles County's LID Plans.) • Serving as point-of-contact with project engineers for the LID Plan and WQMP review process. • Conducting post-construction BMP inspections for the City of West Hollywood. • Assisting in municipal TMDL compliance activities, including review of Bacteria TMDL monitoring data for Jurisdiction 7 of the Santa Monica Bay, reconsideration of the Machado Lake nutrients TMDL,and preparation of the final compliance report for the Machado Lake Trash TMDL. • Assisting in MS4 Permit Project Management for the Cities of Hawthorne, Lomita,and Rancho Palos Verdes.Tasks include serving as a point-of-contact with City staff, representing city interests at watershed meetings and other NPDES-related meetings and hearings,and preparing the Individual Annual Report. Assisting in Project Management of Watershed Management efforts under the LA County area-wide MS4 Permit. (Palos Verdes Peninsula Watershed Management Group.)Tasks include administering meetings, managing subcontractors, and preparing the Watershed Annual Report. PageA5 . • MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services ProposalFebruary 8,2018 Hugo Garcia, CESSWI, QSP Education Environmental Compliance Specialist ll B.S., Environmental Science, UCR Hugo Garcia has six years of experience with John L. Hunter & Certifications and Training Associates, specializing in NPDES and Industrial Waste/FOG CESSWI, Envirocert(#4769) Control regulations. His experiences include MS4 compliance of QSP, CASQA(#26091) the Public Information and Participation, Industrial/Commercial, Professional Certificate in GIS Construction, Public Agency, and Illicit Connections & Illicit 24 Hour HAZWOPER Discharge Elimination Programs. In addition, Hugo provides Basic Inspector Academy, Cal EPA assistance with TMDL implementation and serves as the lead GIS Spanish fluency Specialist providing spatial analysis to clients in the Los Angeles and Orange counties. Recent Experience and Project Qualifications Mr. Garcia currently serves as an Environmental Compliance Specialist II whose responsibilities include field compliance inspections for local cities (Inglewood, La Habra, Pasadena, South Gate, and Whittier), and providing assistance with the implementation of the several Watershed Management Programs in the Los Angeles County.Specific examples of these and past qualifications include: • Conducting over 2,000 NPDES compliance inspections at Industrial, Commercial (i.e.auto, restaurant, nursery),and Construction sites • Assisting with the implementation and reporting of the LA River's Trash TMDL DGR Study I • Assisting with the development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)for both Signal Bill and West Covina facilities, as required by the Statewide Industrial NPDES General Permit(IGP). • Developing and maintaining GIS databases of 1) MS4 outfall locations with and without Non- Stormwater Discharges,2)retrofitted catch basin storm drain systems,and 3)potential sites for multi- agency, multi-watershed low impact development(LID) regional projects throughout the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds • Reviewing preliminary plumbing plans for new development and tenant improvement projects at Industrial Waste/FOG facilities in the cities of Arcadia, Signal Hill, South El Monte, South Gate, and Stanton • Preparing a Spill, Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan for the City of South Gate's Corporation Yard and providing training PageA6 S MS4 NPDES Permit Professional Compliance and Support Services Proposal February 8,2018 Rosalinda Tandoc, PE Staff Civil Engineer Overview Ms. Tandoc has over 30 years of experience reviewing and approving structural and architectural plans. Her specialty lies in reviewing and approving such plans for compliance with Permits (including MS4), City ordinances (including LID and Green Streets/Fats, Oils, and Grease/Industrial Waste/Erosion Control), Building Codes, and other State Laws. At JLHA, she has been instrumental in expediting plan review and NI approval for issuance of permits, interacting with clients to troubleshoot project development problems, and expediently facilitating completion of client projects. She has done this for all of JLHA's past and current clients,which now includes 23 cities. Education Certifications and Licenses Master of Science in Civil Engineering CA Registered Civil Engineer California State University, Long Beach Related Experience With JLHA • Reviews structural and architectural plans and residential and large and (Starting 2006) complicated buildings for compliance with the MS4 Permit,City Ordinances and State Law. • Interacts with developers to facilitate completion of their projects • Worked with the Principal in investigating problems presented to them. • Code Consultant Prior Experience: • Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Building and Safety Division (1979—2006) • Coordinated with local agencies in expediting the issuance of permits • Assisted Permit Technician in solving problems that he or she may have incurred in the processing of permits and other related problems that need to be resolved at the counter. • Assisted the City in developing ways and methods of expediting the processing of plans for issuance of permits. • Assisted the City in developing plans and methods for effective office organization in the City Building Department in working with the City Planning Department. Personal Advancement Courses Achievements/Volunteer Works Engineering Management Outstanding Woman of 1998, City of Cerritos Communication Greater Long Beach Girl Scout Council • Diversity Training Cerritos Senior Center, City of Cerritos Business and English Writings St. Linus Parish, Norwalk,CA Supervisory Management Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles PageA7 1. 1. 1. f #.1c.:_,,e,s-I Vcctr'' I) - PV Q111p 4 74-. E c4 CU E CU \ :1 E5 , , _ .._., ,,_:,. „ _,-,- , . , , . _ . __ �." I 0 — °' c •• 0 ' •`;� -- 1 U u �, . - '_ i=r./ cn • \ - i, `�,s'Gi�`✓/ \ ` ' •� W •, - o U u; o H o U ,- \ 1 g ^Y °CZ cu d 4 ` -,) 41a. 0 O /�^�, ( N 0 Cr) timi U rW N U (1) tt ° z 1 CD H 421 ct U u 4 -, „0_, U 4',,% 1 ) T '-':Wg''' 1 ,2, J vii1� y 1 it cit `, CU N E i CU `��'• S `:r=fi-7---max -- ° ;_.4 cu e li% — 5 t ; _. _, , 1 * E • ph.) 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L ,t n w^{/� j y� n T u t�G 5 F ^5 €� _$ v o ° E € ac8 $_ eu .-t Eoo. VE2 ix`o L O o �9a L'a E gib m v£�u7 a £Z. O o n� ,,"K o Nrv=oa s c :a Siz' Q u cE. z Y�.2g2 zoA 2zs0 . O N L- Ei N N NiN N N M PIC P P N b N W 01^.I-II^m EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Consultant will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy form CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less than $1,000,000 per accident. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary) if used to meet limit requirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverages. Any such coverage provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include a drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self-insured retention for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a"pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain a provision obligating insurer at the time insured's liability is determined, not requiring actual payment by the insured first. There shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of Consultants, sub consultants or others involved in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. C--1 Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of" the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the state of California and with an A.M. Best's rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size VII. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Consultant also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. C--2 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days' notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to City. 10.Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11.Consultant agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City. If Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self- insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12.The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. C--3 13.For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14.Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15.Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16.Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17.The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18.Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all- inclusive. 19.These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 20.The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21.Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not C--4 the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. • • C-5 Arrirte S E MAt 1 � O CC PDE 4tbruMEO, Attachment D CWE Insurance Certificate ANIININImmil7 /.14‘ CWE0000-01 ILAINE ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD!YYYY) 411.—i 12/11/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER License#0757776 mem' HUB International Insurance Services Inc. (NHCC,No,Ext):(714)7394177 I jNic,Noi:(714)7393188 6 Centerpointe Drive #350 : La Palma,CA 90623 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE _ NAIC p _ INSURER A:Crum&Forster Specialty Insurance Company 44520 INSURED INSURER B:American Fire and Casualty Company 24066 CWE INSURER C:State Compensation Insurance Fund of California 35076 1561 E.Orangethorpe Avenue Suite 240 INSURER 0: Fullerton,CA 92831 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. NSRR ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD 1NVD POLICY NUMBER IMMIDDIYYYYt IMMIDDIYYYYt UMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL UABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR EPK-120302 12/08/2017 12/08/2018 pREMIEEs(EaE"oaut°ence1 $ 100,000 MED EXP(Anv one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY 3 2,000,000 GE '1.AGGRE TE UMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 4,000,000 X POLICY II jra LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG S 4,000,000 OTHER: $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY (EOMNdentSINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BAA57609336 12/08/2017 12/08/2018 BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOSREpONLY _ AUUT�OSSyyN BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY 'Stria ritOPERde DAMAGE J_— $ _ UMBRELLA UAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE S — EXCESS UAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE S .— DED RETENTIONS 5 C WORKERS COMPENSATION X SU UTE ETH AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY 9170147-17 12/01/2017 12/01/2018 1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y/N E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ FFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE S 1,000,000 It yes,describe under 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT S A Professional Liab 'EPK-120302 12/08/2017 12108/2018 Each Wrongful Act , 2,000,000 A Professional Liab EPK-120302 12108/2017 12/08/2018 Aggregate 4,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS 1 VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached H more space is required) City of Rosemead is additional insured as respects General Liability per endorsement#EN0147-1111. Genera Liability is primary and non-contributory per endorsement#EN0147-1111. General Liability waiver of subrogation applies per endorsement#EN0147-1111. Workers Compensation waiver of subrogation applies per endorsement#2572. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Cityof Rosemead THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Department of Public Works 8838 E.Valley Blvd. Rosemead,CA 91770 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE �.G1sZL_ ACORD 25(2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY ADDITIONAL INSURED WITH WAIVER OF SUBROGATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART CONTRACTORS POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE PART ERRORS AND OMISSIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Additional Insured Person(s)or Organization(s) ,l Where Required by Written Contract A. SECTION III — WHO IS AN INSURED within the Common Provisions is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) indicated in the Schedule shown above, but only with respect to liability arising out of "your work" for that person or organization performed by you, or by those acting on your behalf. B. As respects additional insureds as defined above, this insurance also applies to "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of your negligence when the following written contract requirements are applicable: 1. Coverage available under this coverage part shall apply as primary insurance. Any other insurance available to these additional insureds shall apply as excess and not contribute as primary to the insurance afforded by this endorsement. 2. We waive any right of recovery we may have against the person(s) or organization(s) indicated in the Schedule shown above because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of "your work" performed under a written contract with that person(s) or organization(s). 3. The term "additional insured" is used separately and not collectively, but the inclusion of more than one "additional insured"shall not increase the limits or coverage provided by this insurance. This Endorsement does not reinstate or increase the Limits of Insurance applicable to any "claim" to which the coverage afforded by this Endorsement applies. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY REMAIN UNCHANGED. EN0147-1111 Page 1 of 1 STATE ENDORSEMENT AGREEMENT BROKER COPY WAIVER OF SUBROGATION ND BLANKET BASIS 9170147-17 FU RENEWAL SP HOME OFFICE 7-84-15-94 SAN FRANCISCO EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2017 AT 12.01 A.M. PAGE 1 OF 1 ALL EFFECTIVE DATES ARE AND EXPIRING DECEMBER 1, 2018 AT 12.01 A.M. 1 AT 12:01 AM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME OR THE TIME INDICATED AT PACIFIC STANDARD TIME CWE 1561 E ORANGETHORPE AVE STE 240 FULLERTON, CA 92831 WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO RECOVER OUR PAYMENTS FROM ANYONE LIABLE FOR AN INJURY COVERED BY THIS POLICY. WE WILL NOT ENFORCE OUR RIGHT AGAINST THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION NAMED IN THE SCHEDULE. THIS AGREEMENT APPLIES ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT YOU PERFORM WORK UNDER A WRITTEN CONTRACT THAT REQUIRES YOU TO OBTAIN THIS AGREEMENT FROM US. THE ADDITIONAL PREMIUM FOR THIS ENDORSEMENT SHALL BE 2.00% OF THE TOTAL POLICY PREMIUM. SCHEDULE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION JOB DESCRIPTION ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION BLANKET WAIVER OF FOR WHOM THE NAMED INSURED SUBROGATION HAS AGREED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT TO FURNISH THIS WAIVER NOTHING IN THIS ENDORSEMENT CONTAINED SHALL BE HELD TO VARY, ALTER, WAIVE OR EXTEND ANY OF THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, AGREEMENTS, OR LIMITATIONS OF THIS POLICY OTHER THAN AS STATED. NOTHING ELSEWHERE IN THIS POLICY SHALL BE HELD TO VARY, ALTER, WAIVE OR LIMIT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, AGREEMENTS OR LIMITATIONS OF THIS ENDORSEMENT. COUNTERSIGNED AND ISSUED AT SAN FRANCISCO: NOVEMBER 2, 2017 [/4 d."7.0.r`i 2572 AUTHORIZED REPRESENT IVE PRESIDENT AND CEO SCIF FORM 10217 CREV.7-2014) OLD DP 217