TC - Minutes - 05-03-18 Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING May 3,2018 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m.in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Berry INVOCATION: Commissioner Quintanilla PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Quintanilla ABSENT: Commissioner Sevilla STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Michelle Ramirez,City Engineer Rafael Fajardo,Senior Management Analyst Pat Piatt,and Administrative Assistant Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Nancy Eng, 3146 Jackson Avenue, has concerns with delivery trucks turning onto Jackson Avenue from Garvey Avenue heading north,then back onto Whitmore Street to make a U-Tum. Ms. Eng also mentioned that her major concern is that the corner they are using to turn is near Emerson School's Head Start Program, which raises concerns for the preschool kids and requested for some type of enforcement on that street. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Berry motioned,seconded by Vice Chair Ornelas to approve Item A(April 5, 2018 Minutes)from the Consent Calendar as presented. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry,Ornelas and Masuda No:None Abstain:Quintanilla Absent:Sevilla Commissioner Berry motioned,seconded by Commissioner Ornelas to approve Item B(Installation of Red Curb— 7848-7850 Whitmore Street)from the Consent Calendar as presented. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry,Quintanilla, Ornelas and Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent:Sevilla Item C (Installation of Red Curb — 2704 Kelburn Avenue) was pulled from the Consent Calendar for further discussion. Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with a brief description of the item, along with recommending that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council that 5-feet of red curb be painted to the north of the driveway apron at 2704 Kelbum Avenue. Commissioner Berry asked for the width of the driveway. Staff responded that the driveway is in between 16 to 20 feet wide. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of May 3,2018 Page 1 of 4 Lorena Roberson. 2716 Kelbum Avenue, and Mario Suarez, 2714 Kelburn Avenue, are both opposed to the red curb in front of 2704 Kelburn Avenue and disagree with it. Chair Masuda asked if there was a particular reason why they disagree on having 5-feet of red curb installed at the location. Mr.Suarez and Ms. Roberson informed the Commissioners that they currently have limited parking and don't think its fair to accommodate just one person. Commissioner Berry asked staff if they receive request for red curbs often. Staff asked Commissioner Berry for clarification, Commissioner Berry clarified and asked if there has been other red curbs installed throughout the City, due to similar type of request. Staff informed the Commissioners that they currently have several red curbs throughout the City,due to these type of request. Vice Chair Ornelas asked if the request would eliminate a parking spot. Staff responded that it will not eliminate a parking spot. Commissioner Berry has concerns that if they approve this request it may create problems for the other neighbors. Commissioner Quintanilla asked for clarification on how staff determined to approve a red curb request. Staff informed the Commissioners that they investigate the request before proposing to install the red curb. Lorena Roberson mentioned that there is a handicap parking on Kelburn Avenue and before having the City approve the blue curb they had to get signatures by multiple residents to agree to it, but a request can grant a red curb. Commissioner Berry clarified that anyone can submit a request,but aren't always granted what they request. Vice Chair Ornelas asked Ms. Roberson if the residents currently move the trash cans on trash day. Ms. Roberson replied"yes". Meiching Chu, 2621 Kelburn Avenue, is also opposed to approving the installation of the red curb due to limited parking. Nancy Correa,2715 Falling Leaf Avenue, is opposed to the request due to having limited parking and only being allowed to park on one side of the street. Ms. Correa also spoke on behalf of her relatives who live at 2727 and 2735 Falling Leaf Avenue, and are in favor of the installation of the red curb because there is no place to put the trash cans on trash day. Commissioner Berry doesn't think its a good idea to approve the request. Commissioner Quintanilla asked for clarification on the type of standards used to determine the conditions for getting a red curb. Staff informed the Commissioners that they need to meet the parking standards that have been set by the State of California Cal Trans. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of May 3,2018 Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Quintanilla asked if they can change staff's recommendation. Staff informed the Commissioners that they can change staffs recommendation. Commissioner Quintanilla asked who is responsible for parking enforcement. Staff informed the Commissioners that Parking Control is currently under the Community Development Department. Chair Masuda mentioned that in the past red curb request were more for safety concerns. Commissioner Quintanilla asked staff how it was determined on how many feet of red curb is needed. Staff explained the process to the Commissioners. Commissioner Berry motioned,seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla to deny Item C(Installation of Red Curb— 2704 Kelburn Avenue)from the Consent Calendar. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Quintanilla, Ornelas and Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent:Sevilla Item D(Installation of Red Curb—3652 Eade Avenue)was pulled from the Consent Calendarforfurther discussion. Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with a brief description of the item, along with recommending that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council that the wings of the driveway apron, along with an additional 1- foot on each side of the curb be painted red at 3652 Earle Avenue. Commissioner Berry asked for the width of the driveway. Staff replied approximately 12 feet. Chair Masuda mentioned that there shouldn't be any parking spaces lost. Staff confirmed that no parking spaces will be lost. Chair Ornelas asked for clarification on the width for the driveways along that area. Staff informed the Commissioners that the estimated width for the driveways along that area are usually between 10 to 15 feet wide. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if staff had a count on how many red curbs are in the City. Staff responded'no'. Chair Masuda mentioned that the previous request received are usually because cars path too close to their driveways and its difficult to enter and exit their driveways. Mr.Masuda also recommended tabling the item to next month's meeting to allow the Commissioners time to visit the site, look at the width of the street, the width of the driveway,the amount of traffic,and amount of parked cars in order to make a better determination. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if staff spoke to the residents. Staff informed the Commissioners that they went out to the site and spoke to the resident. Commissioner Quintanilla asked staff what was the biggest concerns the resident had for making the request. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of May 3,2018 Page 3 of 4 Staff clarified that they didn't meet with the resident and instead communicated by email with the resident. Staff also informed the Commissioners that the biggest concern the resident had was that vehicles park too close to their driveway and they have a difficult time pulling in and out of it. Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Ornelas to table Item D (Installation of Red Curb- 3652 Earle Avenue)from the Consent Calendar to next month's meeting. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Ornelas, Masuda and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: Sevilla 3. STAFF REPORT Staff provide the Traffic Commissioners with an update on current and upcoming City events. 4. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Quintanilla thanked staff for the Safe Route to School project. He also asked if staff had an update on closing off the Temple City west bound freeway on ramp. Vice Chair Ornelas asked when the next Safe Route to School grant was due and which school would be next. Mr. Ornelas also requested if a dip signs can be installed on Marshall Street,west of Walnut Grove Avenue to inform drivers that a dip is ahead. Commissioner Berry informed staff that some of the in-street flashing crosswalk lights are out on Mission Drive and Earle Avenue. Mr. Berry also mention that some of the freeway overpass lights are out. Commissioner Berry also commended staff on the Earle Street Sidewalk Replacement Project and asked if the chain link fences would be replaced along that area. Commissioner Beny also informed staff that someone continues to post their business cards on the polls on Muscatel Avenue and Valley Boulevard and asked if anything can be done to stop them from doing it. Chair Masuda commended and thanked staff for putting together the curb marking policy and procedures. He also thanked the resident for coming out and letting them know their feeling and thoughts about the red curbing. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for June 7,2018, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Michelle Ramirez Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of May 3,2018 Page4of4