PKC - Minutes 1-16-18 MINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 16,2018 The regular joint meeting of the Rosemead Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Ly INVOCATION was led by Commissioner Tocki ROLL CALL: Commissioners Lin, Ly, Ruvalcaba, and Tocki ABSENT: Chair Chavira 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes—October 3, 2017 Commissioner Ly inquired as to why it says `Regular Joint Meeting". Director Chacon stated that it was a typo. Commissioner Ly also stated that in these minutes under Matters from Commissioner and Staff, it was he that recommended that we host a Meet and Greet, not Commissioner Lin. Commissioner Ly also reiterated that he would still like to see the Meet and Greet take place in the near future. 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF A. L.A. County Needs Assessment Review Director Jason Chacon presented the staff report to the Parks Commission. Commissioner Tocki asked where they were getting the base line data from, besides just the County. Director Chacon stated that there is a software program that the County had everybody log into and be trained on, and that was the on-going inventory of all the data that was being collected. Commissioner Ly stated that the assessment is great,but where does the County go from here? Director Chacon stated that Council would like to increase our footprint in parks and open space by 25% in two years. The Parks Commission's drive is to help find those areas, ask questions and look for locations and bring them back to the Commission for staff to research along with Community Development. Commissioner Ly asked if there is a systematic way to identify park and open space. He was also wondering about the old car auction lot on Garvey Avenue. Director Chacon stated that he can get with the Community Development Department and get a report of all the open space that we currently have for sale or that the City owns. Commissioner Ruvalcaba stated that one thing that attracts her to a park is the cleanliness of the restrooms, the playground, and the overall facility for our children. In addition to more afierschool activities at the park sites. Commissioner Lin asked if partnering with neighboring cities might be an option in identify properties that might be abut or straddled our property lines. Director Chacon stated that this could be an option when running the report of park and open spaces, as well as using some schools that are currently closed down. Commissioner Ly asked if there was a minimum square footage to be considered a park or open space. Director Chacon indicated that there is not a minimum square footage. Commissioner Ly stated that he feels larger properties might be more expensive and perhaps we can develop several pocket parks. He also stated that SCE has a large green open space and perhaps they might he willing to install some exercise equipment or some benches for local residents. Commissioner Ruvalcaba stated she was not aware of Klingerman Park, and was wondering if there were signs indicating the park was there. Director Chacon stated that there are ways signs on Walnut Grove that say Klingerman Park. This park was given to the City by SCE to use as a park. Commissioner Lin asked if the Rosemead Explorer stops at every park. Director Chacon stated that they don't be one can call and ask to be taken to the park, as long as it's in the City limits. Commissioner Ly asked if the Rosemead Civic Center Plaza counts as a park. Director Chacon stated that the Rosemead Community Center park at one time was open as a community park, but it still counts. Commissioner Tocki asked if any grass area in the City considered a park and what is the definition. Director Chacon stated that a pocket park is anything under an acre, a neighborhood park is between 1 — 2 acres, a community park is usually between 3 —8 acres and a regional park is usually 8-12 acres, but the City can technically name anything a park. Commissioner Ly stated that he would like to see a list of all parks in the City and a brief profile of each. Director Chacon stated that one can go on-line to see a list of all the parks,the acreage and their amenities. 4. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION—None 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for Tuesday, February 6, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. Parks Commission Secretary APPROVED: Chen Lin, Vice-Chair