PKC - Minutes 2-6-18 MINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 2018 The regular joint meeting of the Rosemead Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Rubalcaba INVOCATION was led by Commissioner Lin ROLL CALL: Commissioners Lin, Ly, Ruvalcaba, and Tocki ABSENT: Chair Chavira 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes—November 7,2017 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF A. Vacant Property Review Director Jason Charon presented potential open parks and space addressing addresses on the southwest side of Rosemead: • 3035 San Gabriel Blvd.;2.0lacres; assessed $1.3 million; not currently for sale. • 8077 Garvey Ave.; 4.9 acres; assessed $600,000; not currently for sale. • 5739 Garvey Ave.; 0.7 acres; assessed $1.7 million not currently for sale. He addressed how they would look into speaking current owners if interested in selling for passive parks and include certain amenities. He explained the process of getting properties for the city to use. In addition, he explained in summary how the Parks Commission would be involved in the parks. Commissioner Tocki asked if the addresses 3035 San Gabriel Blvd. and 8077 Garvey Ave. are accurate based on the aerial view on the documents presented? Director Chacon stated the information comes from our Community Development, which comes from the last sales report. Commissioner Ly stated that he noticed the same and asked to double check that address 3035 San Gabriel Blvd. is owned by the same owner. Director Charon is encouraging Parks Commissioners to drive and look at the area in question which looks different in person than on the map. In addition, he answered Commissioner Ly's question that the parcel is owned by the same company, 8077 Garvey and 3035 San Gabriel Blvd. Map also states who owns the parcels. Commissioner Ly asked if the map shows 2 acres then 2 property's combined? Director Chacon stated that in the program show parcels and each has separate parcel numbers. Commissioner Ly stated that does it matter that these parcels are close to Zapopan Park. Director Chacon stated that they are close in proximity but the city will not turn away available property. Commissioner Lin asked that the properties presented are examples to consider. What steps are needed to take with council and or city? Director Chacon stated Garvey Ave specific plan is a blue print for the future how things can be built along Garvey. This would be rules for the businesses to follow. It does not limit the city for parks space but it will limit us from developers selling to the city. Commissioner Lin asked that if pursuing these properties does the Parks Commission request to City Council? Director Chacon restated that discussion would be started with property owners. Commissioner Ruvalcaba stated that Zapopan Park being close to the addressed lots. Lot 5739 Garvey Ave. would be ideal for the school nearby 4. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION—None 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for Tuesday, March 6, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. Parks Commission Secretary APPROVED: Chen Lin, Vice-Chair