CC - Item 5B - Minutes of April 24, 2018MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING APRIL 24, 2018 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Steven Ly at 6:03 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Ly, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Council Members Armenta and Low ABSENT: Council Member Alarcon STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, City A Director of Community Development Kim, Director of Parks and Recreation Yugar, and City Clerk Herm 1. WORKSHOP A. Zoning Code Updates Community Devel continuation from meeting workshop. Signage Ordinance. Lao Director of Finance Lieu, Ramirez, Interim Director stated the presentation is a i the March 27" City Council for Exception Application and with the following items • Proposed new process will give the Community Development Director authority to allow an exception to certain development standards; • Key topics include streamlined process to be business friendly; and allow for conforming enlargements and/or new structures to proceed without a Minor Exception; • Current extensive process involves enlargement to a non -conforming structure; and the new proposed streamlining process includes creating a new application which would allow the director of Community Development and/or designee to approve Minor Exceptions request. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Clark's questions regarding how often consent is not obtained from the abutting property owners; and if the proposed streamlining process provides the abutting property owners the ability to give consent or express their concerns, City Planner Lily Valenzuela explained it is rare for consent not to be given. City Planner Valenzuela continued with the presentation with the following items related to the Sign Ordinance: Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2018 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.11 Page 1 of 12 • Existing code adopted in 1971 has had a few minor revisions and no comprehensive update; • Goals of the sign code is to create clarity and flexibility; and • Types of controversial signs currently include freestanding, digital display, and electronic messages. Council Member Armenta thanked staff for bringing this issue forward, as she has received a number of concerns from residents regarding signs. In response to Mayor Ly's question regarding the controversy surrounding freestanding signs, City Planner Valenzuela stated height is the primary issue as sign owners want the signs as high as possible, where the surrounding residents view this as a visual blight. Resident Brian Lewin suggested the City Council consider handling Minor Exceptions by noticing residents and conducting a 30 -day comment period to allow the abutting property owners to comment. If opposition is received, a hearing would be held depending on the scale of the project. If no opposition is received, the Director of Community Development would review and have the authority to make a determination. In regard to the Sign Ordinance, Mr. Lewin suggested the City Council consider a removal requirement for new businesses to remove or properly incorporate any old signage; as Well as establishing a time limit for any new business to operate with banner signage. Additionally, he expressed his opposition to pole signs due to the height, brightness, and unattractiveness; as well as electronic billboards and the proximity, to residential areas. For digital and electronic message signs, he asked ---the City Council to consider incorporating restrictions on size, brightness, and location. Mayor, Pro Tem Clark agreed with Mr. Lewin's suggestion regarding the Minor Exception process for the notification of the abutting property owners so they could voice their concerns to an interim body that could oversee an appeal process. -mentaconcurred with Mayor Pro Tem Clark and added the be more defined to minimize its interpretation and provide Council Member Low expressed support for Mr. Lewin's suggestion to provide the abutting property owners a means of input for a specific period of time. Mayor Ly also agreed with Mr. Lewin's comments regarding the Minor Exception process. He asked staff to look at a way to avoid using the Planning Commission in order to expedite the process for property owners and help them avoid costly delays. He suggested creating an internal design review corarnittee comprised of the Community Development Director, the City Planner, and another staff member to adjudicate the matter. Lastly, he added the applicant of the Minor Exception should be responsible for the cost of notifying the abutting property owners. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minuses ofApril24, 2018 Page 2 of 12 Council Member Low noted in looking at the Minor Exception streamlined process, it does not appear to go to the Planning Commission. Suggested if the addition is not a separate unit and is more than the 20 percent deviation, it should not go before the Planning Commission because it's part of the existing home. Assistant Planner Lao explained it depends on the type of Minor Exception being requested. Planning Commission review is not required for a 20 percent deviation from current development standards or a conforming addition, only review by the Community Development Director. However, to add a new structure with an existing non -conforming structure, resulting in two units on the property, requires consent from all abutting property owners and Planning Commission review. Council Member Armenia stressed not deviation to go before the Planning Commi& percent deviation to go before the Planning home on Walnut Grove Avenue that did an than the primary home. It's going to complicate thing that the City Council have to answer to the residents. Assistance Planner Lao explained that the property was under the 2,500 square feet so it did not need to The 20 percent deviation is for setbacks, for example 1.0 plus and we round down, sothey are able to bui setbacks were met, so no minor exception was requin projects under 20 percent require projects with over 20 sion. For example, there is a to the back, which is bigger us in a predicament Mrs. Armenta is referencing go through a design review. 5 feet, 20 percent of that is J 4 feet. But in that case all Assistant Planner Lao affirmed the Council's direction to continue notifying the abutting i neighbors for, projects requesting Minor Exceptions. The noticing period will give the public 10 business days to review and provide comments of the project. However, any objections to the project will go through a hearing before the Community Development Director. Lastly, if a new structure is being built, the project will go to the Planning Commission for review. In response to Council Member Low's question for clarification of the 20 percent deviation, Assistant Planner Lao explained if an existing home has five feet of setback and continue to add, they can do so by requesting a 20 percent deviation. If they want a three feet setback, staff would consider a variance and that will have to go before the Planning Commission for review. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked if there are enlargements and non -conforming structures with or without 20 percent deviation, right now the process is cumbersome. You will notify abutting neighbors and the new structure with an existing non -conforming structure on the subject site would be the same process. City Planner Valenzuela reiterated from hearing council's comments tonight, staff will keep the current process. Mayor Ly explained Mr. Lewin's suggestion gives a 10 business day notice to neighbors' to respond, rather than having the property owner collect signatures. The Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2018 Page 3 of 12 Community Development Director will conduct a hearing to adjudicate the project if needed. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked if there is an appeal process to the Planning Commission if somebody wants to appeal a project. Community Development Director Kim replied any decision made by staff or the Director is appealable to the Planning Commission and the Commission's decision is appealable to the City Council. Council Member Armenta noted that all four Lewin's comments. She reiterated that she electrical signs that are a distraction such as ch Council Member Low expressed usage, as well as, digital signs th, were okay. icilmembers agreed with Mr. ,es complaints of unpleasant lights. signs, depending on their strical signs that are small Mayor Ly recommended that staff work on a set of design guidelines and perhaps asking the Beautification Committee'to assist on the visual aspect of signs. Council Member Armenia inquired how the city is going to address banners with businesses. She explained there are businesses getting cited because they did not know the required permits. City Planner Valenzuela assured the City Council that staff would work on incorporating the banner process into the sign code. In the meanwhile, new business owners obtaining business licenses will be notified about banner rules as part of the on include the complete removal of old signs Planner Valenzuela explained staff is working with the city attorney's office corporate standards of old signs. In the meantime, staff requires business ,rs to repaint and fix or remove old signs. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked for the closed session items moved to the special workshop meeting. City Attorney Richman explained the closed session item is scheduled for the regular City Council meeting and due to the Brown Act guidelines, she did not recommend moving closed session to the special workshop meeting. Mayor Ly requested that all closed session items be placed at the six o'clock special meetings. Mayor Ly recessed the workshop at 6:43 p.m. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes ofApril24, 2018 Page 4 of 12 RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Steven Ly at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Ly, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Council Members Armenta and Low ABSENT: Council Member Alarcon PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council INVOCATION was led by Mayor Pro Tem Clark. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Richman, Finance Director Lieu, Community, Ramirez, Interim Parks and Recreation Directs 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Resident Velia Navarro e Garvey Avenue and San report the issue and later Navarro alerted the City City I City Manager Tsujiuehi, City Attorney hent Director Kim;,Public Works Director and City Clerk Hernandez ith illegal dumping on the corner of She called Public Safety Center to mping was still not addressed. Mrs. was addressed promptly. illegal dumping was in public right-of-way Mrs. Navarro also spoke about a raccoon loose in her property and asked the city for assistance on addressing the wild animal issue. Chief of Police Lt. Hanhlem replied Sheriff Deputies do not handle animal control unless an animal is attacking somebody, City Manager Molleda stated animal control staff will contact Mrs. Navarro and speak to the Humane Society to try and help with the wild animal issue. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Clark's question on how other cities address storing homeless belongings, City Attorney Richman explained when personal belongings are from the homeless the City must notify them where their items will be temporarily stored. Council Member Armenta stated the City has a container to store personal belongings for up to 90 days. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2018 Page 5 of 12 3. 4. 5. PRESENTATIONS A. Introduction of Assistant City Manager Greg Tsujiuchi City Manager Molleda introduced and welcomed Greg Tsujiuchi as Rosemead's new Assistant City Manager. Greg Tsujiuchi thanked the City Council, staff, and the community for giving him the opportunity to serve the City. City Council welcomed Mr. Tsujiuchi to the City of Rosemead. B. Recognition of the Rosemead High School Academic Decathlon Mayor Ly along with the City Councilrecognized Decathlon Coach and English teacher Eric Burgess and the Rosemead High School Academic Decathlon. He commended the decathlon team for their first -place finish in.Division III and 9' place overall in Los Angeles County to become the highest scoring team in the history of the five schools of the El Monte Union High School District. The City Council thanked the coach, parents, teachers, and presented certificates of recognition to the students for their hard work., Coach the stu and No. 2018-25 cognition and commended hard work. :cathlonteam has put Rosemead on the map commitment to the community and the kids. items 6A and 6E are tabled to the A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $568,317.41 NUMBERED 99557 THROUGH NUMBER 99678 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-25 B. City Council Meeting Minutes Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2018 Page 6 of 12 Recommendation: Approve the minutes from the regular meeting on April 10, 2018. C. Protected Left Turn Installation on Ivar Avenue at Valley Boulevard Recommendation: Approve the installation of a protected northbound left turn signal and a protected southbound left turn signal from Ivar Avenue onto Valley Boulevard. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Clark and seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve Consent Calendar items SA, 5B, and 5C. Motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, and Ly; ABSENT: Alarcon 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER &`STAFF A. Annual Comprehensive Fee Resolution Update Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-24, Annual Comprehensive Fee Schedule. Item 6A was tabled to another meeting. B. License -Agreement — 8828 Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a License Agreement with Hartford Hotel Investment Inc. for a community garden use of a property, located at 8828 Glendon Way, Rosemead CA 91770. Director of Community Development Kim reported staff has looked at the concept of leasing a vacant lot near the Hartford Hotel on a short-term lease that can be utilized to create a community garden for seasonal produce. He noted that a "park- like" structure would take city resources and staff to manage and operate as opposed to a community garden, once built, can be maintained by the seasonal producers. The location is considered by the City due to the land being vacant, relatively flat, the land is half an anchor in size, month to month lease, and the project is supported by the Parks Commission: In conclusion Director of Community Development Kim suggested developing a programming guide and citing improvement concepts if Council decides to authorize the agreement. Parks Commissioner Chen Lin thanked the City Council and staff on their consideration for the community garden. He highlighted the garden's ability to address the eye sore and blight of vacant property and provides an interesting recreational opportunity for Rosemead residents, which has support from the Parks Commission. Commissioner Lin cited that while the community garden is Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2018 Page 7 of 12 temporary, it can also be seen as an investment opportunity for the health and safety of Rosemead residents. Lastly, Commissioner Lin asked Council to attach a learning agenda to the proposition which will help gather data and scale the project to other properties that would hopefully develop into something more permanent. Mayor Ly contended the learning agenda is a great idea and opened the Council to comments or questions. Council Member Armenta referenced a discussion with the Beautification Committee about the restraints of community gardens. She questioned the mobility of the garden and raised concerns that residents may lose out on their personal investments of the garden to redevelopment. Mayor Ly responded the stations will needed. City Manager Molleda menti( Beautification Committee for Mayor Pro Tem 1 to homelessness. Community properly sec City to which staff and at 8828 vote: A you could take your garden if Council that a design review will go to the in relation nent Director Kim reassured the community garden will be ferencing to other community;, gardens visited by staff, the have a door and lock system that is exclusively accessible to Pro Tem Clark that the Interim Director and application for the process. ut the inclusion of school districts within the plan, responded that once a plan is established between ;s can be made. Moved by Council Member Low and seconded by Council Member to authorize the City Manager to execute a license agreement with 3otel Investment Inca for a community garden use of a property located tendon Way, Rosemead CA 91770. Motion was carried by the following :S: Armenta, Clark, Low, and Ly; and ABSENT: Alarcon C. Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs Recommendation: That the City Council review and approve the Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs. Director of Public Works Ramirez reported staff has prepared a Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs document to Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2018 Page 8 of 12 identify the procedures and approval criteria associated with installing curb markings within Rosemead. On April 5, 2018, the Traffic Commission reviewed the policy and procedures. Confused on staff's recommendation to strikethrough fees associated with curb marking requests, Mayor Low asked Director of Public Works Ramirez whether fees are typical for these procedures. Director of Public Works Ramirez explained that fees associated with curb markings are used to pay for conducting studies. While fees can be applicable; funding exists for this type of service each year in the Public Works budget and the applicant does not have to pay for requesting a color curb marking. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Clark and seconded by Council Member Low to approve the Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs. Motion was carriedby the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, and Ly; and ABSENT: Alarcon D. California Natural Resource Agency's Urban Greening Grant — Duff Park Recommendation: That the City Council appropriate $805,033 from the unassigned general fund balance for the Duff Park Project. Out of this amount, $520,533 will be reimbursed through the _California Natural Resource Agency's Urban Greening Grant and $284,500 will be the City's required match contribution. Director of Public Works Ramirez reported the City applied for funding under the California Natural Resources Agency's Urban Greening Grant (Urban Greening Grant) for the amount of $987,000 for the Duff Park Improvement Project. This new park development will be located in the open space area of Duff School, `adjacent to Garvey Park, and will consist of the installation of a walking trail, volleyball court, basketball/badminton court, landscaping, irrigation, and other miscellaneous improvements. The City has been informed that this project has been selected for funding under the Urban Greening Grant in the amount of ;$520,533. As part of the grant requirements, the City will be required to provide a $284,500 match for a total project cost of $805,033. Mayor Ly commended staff for securing the Urban Greening Grant and the city's commitment to green project initiatives. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to appropriate $805,033 from the unassigned general fund balance for the Duff Park Project. Out of this amount, $520,533 will be reimbursed through the California Natural Resource Agency's Urban Greening Grant and $284,500 will be the City's required match contribution. Motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, and Ly; ABSENT: Alarcon E. Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Public Works Inspection Services Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2018. Page 9 of 12 Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a three (3) year PSA with SCB Inspection, with an option to extend the PSA for two (2) additional one-year periods, to provide public works inspection services at an annual cost not to exceed $150,000. Item 6E was tabled for a future meeting. 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Mayor's Appointments for 2018-19 Mayor Ly announced the City ( appointments to the City Clerk prior to Lewin if he was interested to be the sec Roundtable. Mr. Lewin affirmed he could serve as the second with the Beautification Committee meetings. Mayor Ly al Joint Powers Mayor Ly appointed Mayor Pro Tem Clark as mitted their preferences for In addition, he asked Mr. Brian to the LAX Community Noise it does not interfere as the alternate to the California Public Safety Connections the contact for the SR -60 Coalition Joseph [ember in South El Monte. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to approve the Mayor's appointments for the 2018-19 fiscal year. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, and Ly; ABSENT: Alarcon B. City Council Comments Council Member Armenta thanked City Manager Molleda for her responsiveness regarding Mrs. Navarro's concerns and welcomed Assistant City Manager Greg Tsujiuchi to the City of Rosemead. Mayor Pro Tem Clark brought forth the issue of weathered curb home addresses and asked Public Works Ramirez Director if the city has a repaint and replace policy. Director of Public Works Ramirez responded that there is funding allocated within next year's budget to paint half of required homes one year and the remaining half the following year with a potential beginning date in the summer. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2018 Page 10 of 12 Mayor Ly cited Brown Act restrictions preventing further discussion of the issue, and instead proposed issuing a memo and or agenizing the item. In light of recent tragedies involving the terrorist use of trucks, Mayor Pro Tem Clark suggested the placement of preventive measures, such as barriers, to protect public dining areas when approving major projects in the Garvey Specific Plan. Mayor Ly acknowledged Mayor Pro Tem Clark's concerns as legitimate, affirming there are substantial preventive measures within the Garvey Specific Plan. Community Development Director Kim reaffirmed there are security measures for outdoor dining area that will be put into place along with fencing and landscaping modifications. Councilmember Armenta comma effectiveness of the in -ground Elementary School. However, s regards to Fern Avenue, when Member Armenta requested a st support the implementation of r the Public Works staff for the beautiful and ;walk lighting implemented at Savannah and vehicle speed concerns were raised in ly Elementary School is located. Council ,at analvzes the street for measures that can Rosemead accessible and safe passage Safe Route to School grants and stress g. CLOSED SESSION -r goal is to give every school in s. She questioned the order of the on Bitely Elementary School. A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - POTENTIAL LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) Number of Cases: 1 B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION 5 Pursuant to Government Code Section 4a No. B Case Name: People v. Saman, Inc. (City of Rosemead) LA SC Case No. BC 698690 Mayor Ly recessed the meeting at 7:55 p.m. to closed session and reconvened back to opensession atl813 p.m. City Attorney Richman reported there was no reportable action taken in closed session Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2018 Page 11 of 12 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to be held on May 8, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: Steven Ly, Mayor