CC - Item 4D - Appointment to Parks Commission Vacant SeatROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER J.0, DATE: AUGUST 28, 2018 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO PARKS COMMISSION VACANT SEAT �YIL/lil/\.7.1 The City Clerk's Office advertised a vacant seat in the Parks Commission for the month of July 2018. The deadline for members of the public to submit applications to the Parks Commission was on August 6, 2018. The City Clerk's Office received one application to the Parks Commission from resident Beverly Mabb-Morten. On July 2, 2018, the City Council conducted Commission interviews for vacancies in the Planning Commission, Parks Commission, Traffic Commission, and Beautification Committee. The Parks Commission had two open seats for a two-year term starting on July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020. The City Council appointed one qualifying applicant to the Parks Commission leaving one seat still vacant. The City Clerk was directed to continue the Parks Commission recruitment until August 6, 2018. Recruitment efforts included flyers at various City events, postings in City, facilities, publication in the City's website and newspaper. In addition, staff also used social media outlets in an effort to spread awareness of the Commission vacancy. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council appoint Beverly Mabb-Morten to a two-year term to the Parks Commission vacant seat ending June 30, 2020. FISCAL IMPACT Commission funding is included in the City's Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.1) City Council Meeting August 28, 2018 Page 2 of 2 Submitted by: fI- Ericka -Ct, Hernandez, City Clerk Attachment A: Parks Commission - Application Attachment A Parks Commission Application Parks Commission Application The Parks Commission meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Name _. � `� wU, N • l i `,A Ur 0 — .Iye y RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUG 062018 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ®y: Residence Address _ ' 1 "oae�,ctiGt. E CR- q1-7-70 Email Phone: Home:. _ Cell _. Years living in Rosemead: ,S S Are you a Registered Voter: Have you ever been a commissioner before? Yes ❑ No'P If yes, name of Commission: Occupation: t\PCI,t�Jlzbii��d1U Name and Type of Business: ��0.,1 ie,5" Community Service Experience tt /3� Organization Years Degree or Certificate Obtained I ol,� Ce� t7� 05 L eA Yl U e w !s -Z61-2— 6q4KC, , :Eoi . Education Background: ti The City of Rosemead Parks Commission consists of five members who shall not be officials or employees of the City and shall legally reside within the City limits of the City (RMC Section 2.33.020). Members are appointed to two year terms, by the City Council I hereby certify that all statements in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that this document is a public record subject to disclosure under the Public Information Act. Date: i ii(l1 U Signatur _ - Major Degree or Certificate Obtained � ,�pSp�chool/Coylllege R5 , � i v �(� y�� -b i` �'1T vo o L4 -Z61-2— 6q4KC, , :Eoi . (: q '7 I The City of Rosemead Parks Commission consists of five members who shall not be officials or employees of the City and shall legally reside within the City limits of the City (RMC Section 2.33.020). Members are appointed to two year terms, by the City Council I hereby certify that all statements in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that this document is a public record subject to disclosure under the Public Information Act. Date: i ii(l1 U Signatur _ -