CC - Item 4E - Request to Install Sign "Caution Cars Backing Out No Passing" 4516 Muscatel AvenueROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER M DATE: AUGUST 28, 2018 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO INSTALL SIGN "CAUTION CARS BACKING OUT NO PASSING" — 4516 MUSCATEL AVENUE SUMMARY The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident who lives at 4516 Muscatel Avenue for assistance regarding difficulty when exiting her driveway. The resident stated that drivers traveling on Muscatel Avenue, north of Mission Drive, are unable to see their vehicles when they are exiting their driveway and that vehicles continue to pass them as their car merges onto Muscatel Avenue, creating an unsafe environment for members of their household and vehicular traffic. The resident requested that a sign be placed south of the driveway that would read "Caution Cars Backing Out No Passing". Members of the Traffic Commission visited the site and determined that there was not a need for additional signage as there was sufficient visibility due to the red curbing that was already in place along Muscatel Avenue south of the resident's driveway and that the additional signage would not deter vehicles from yielding to the resident backing out of the driveway. However, the Commission did request to direct staff to re -paint the edge line striping further north of the resident's address in order to assist in slowing down vehicles due to the striping creating the perception of a narrower drive lane. TRAFFIC COMMISSION DISCUSSION 4516 Muscatel Avenue is located in a residential neighborhood and is next to a commercial retail property located at the corner of Muscatel Avenue and Mission Drive. Both streets are well traveled. Mission Drive serves as an arterial mode of transportation heading east and west, and Muscatel Avenue serves north and south traffic. Traffic volume is increased in the immediate area of the subject site in comparison to other residential areas due to the adjacent commercial property (7 -eleven). The resident at 4615 Muscatel Avenue expressed a concern that vehicles traveling on Muscatel Avenue north of Mission Drive do not stop or yield for vehicles that ae exiting her property onto the street, and do not allow vehicles to join traffic from their driveway onto the street. Often, even when a driver does notice that a vehicle is merging from the property onto the street the driver neither stops nor yields, and often swerves into the lane of oncoming traffic to avoid hitting her family member's cars. The applicant feels I:T"►i17:��1►[�� �I City Council Meeting August 28, 2018 Page 2 of 2 that this behavior makes an unsafe environment for her family and vehicles traveling on Muscatel Avenue, north of Mission Drive. The resident noted in her written request that a sign exists at 3939 Muscatel Avenue that reads "Caution Cars Backing Out No Passing", and is requesting that a similar sign be placed approximately 24 feet to the south of the subject property. The resident is referring to two signs in the vicinity of 3939 Muscatel Avenue. The existing signs at the referenced location are adjacent to a well visited Civic Center Plaza and "bracket" an area that consists of ten (10) on -street 45 degree angled parking spaces. TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Traffic Commission's recommendation to deny the installation of a "Caution Cars Backing Out No Passing" sign to the south of the property located at 4516 Muscatel Avenue, and approve the Traffic Commission's request to have staff re -paint the edge line striping north of the subject site. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT - None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E. Greg S. Tsujiuchi City Engineer Assistant City Manager/Interim Public Works Director Attachments: 1. August 2, 2018, TC Staff Report 2. August 2, 2018, Draft Minutes rw. Attachment A Traffic Commission Staff Report August 2, 2018 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: GREG S. TSUJIUCHI, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PREPARED BY: RAFAEL M. FAJARDO, P.E., CITY ENGINEER DATE: AUGUST 2, 2018 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO INSTALL SIGN "CAUTION CARS BACKING OUT NO PASSING" — 4516 MUSCATEL AVENUE SUMMARY The Traffic Commission has received a request from a resident who lives at 4516 Muscatel Avenue for assistance regarding difficulty when exiting her driveway. The resident's complaint describes that drivers traveling on Muscatel Avenue, north of Mission Avenue, are unable to see their vehicles when they are exiting their driveway. Additionally, the petitioner has stated that vehicles continue to pass them as their car merges onto Muscatel Avenue, creating an unsafe environment for members of their household and vehicular traffic on both the north and southbound traffic in this area of Muscatel Avenue. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Conunission: 1. Discuss the item; 2. Receive and consider public comment, both written and oral; and 3. Provide direction regarding the possible installation of a caution sign reading "CAUTION CARS BACKING OUT NO PASSING" to the south of 4516 Muscatel Avenue. ANALYSIS 4516 Muscatel Avenue is located in a residential neighborhood and is next to a commercial retail property located at the corner of Muscatel Avenue and Mission Avenue. Both avenues are well travelled. Mission Avenue serves as an arterial mode of transportation heading east and west, and Muscatel Avenue serves north and south traffic. Traffic volume is increased in the immediate area of the subject site in comparison to other residential areas due to the adjacent commercial property (7 -eleven). Traffic Commission Meeting August 2, 2018 Page 2 of 7 The resident at 4615 Muscatel Avenue has expressed a concern that vehicles traveling on Muscatel Avenue north of Mission Avenue do not stop or yield for vehicles that are existing her property onto the street, and do not allow vehicles to join traffic from their driveway onto the street. Often, even when a driver does notice that a vehicle is merging from the property onto the street the driver neither stops nor yields, and often swerves into the lane of oncoming traffic to avoid hitting her family member's cars. The applicant feels that this behavior makes an unsafe environment for her family and vehicles travelling on Muscatel Avenue, north of Mission Avenue. The resident noted in her written request that a sign exists at 3939 Muscatel Avenue that reads "CAUTION CARS BACKING OUT NO PASSING", and is requesting that a similar sign be placed approximately 24 feet to the south of the subject property. The resident is referring to two signs in the vicinity of 3939 Muscatel Avenue. The existing signs at the reference location are adjacent to a well visited Civic Center Plaza and "bracket" an area that consists of ten (10) on -street 45 degree angled parking spaces. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, as well as courtesy notifications to property owners located within a 300 -foot radius of the subject property. Prepared By: Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E. City Engineer Attachments: 1. Resident's Request 2. Vicinity Map 3. Possible Location of Sign 4. Courtesy Notification 5. Opposed to Request Letter Submitted By: Greg S. Tsujiuchi Assistant City Manager/Acting Director of Public Works Traffic Commission Meeting August 2, 2018 Paee 3 of 7 Attachment 1 Resident's Request .tune 14 2018 Rosemead CityHall Traffic Commision- Pat Platt From RudyTrujillo and Patricia Trujillo Address 4516 Muscatel Ave, Rosemead CA 91770 I Patricia, am sending you this request for our safety. While exiting our driveway at this busy intersection Mission Dr & Muscatel Ave, behind 7-11 Store we are in danger of having an accident due to the fact that my husband Rudy is a Boardmember of the American Legion and Honor Guard and has to attend many meetings and funerals for Veterans. When he is backing out of the driveway and is halfway in the street, no body stops or yields for him to safely finish backing out, the traffic never stops! We would greatly appreciate it if you could approve a Safety Sign like the one at 3939 and 3937 Muscatel Ave. that is Diamond Shape Yellow and Black that reads, CAUTION CARS BACKING OUT NO PASSING My husband has a perfect driving record And we don't want to jeopardize his record. Please do not hesitate to call us at, or In response to this urgent request. Respectfully yours, r „ µ�ftell nve w.vrm,lr==n nweJ lnuRAA aay a -'Q 1-W PA uIV 4119ln WA _ _ a s u '�Iql nve rJ, 9c L O _ nnk to urwyJp inq prvvprrJ r mnr ul arf=ul-ltl Y ® 4 F m 3 b A O � ® _ yntl r4lA�e+! +nV a"INru.rJ 'V�qq uy uvall3 0�+16 ebJ ` uyV ,wV •Atrenl e pi ^ £ aativMl and avnl Jna uenl _o 6 n _ Mentlq ly �0 s w ri -d h7 0 U4 N O n P• C� pp F-1 M. .�y� ° e ao R b p do�-y N NP' O an d o �• e� m v. to O FC7 O C n d no, 0 C Cn' ���' N E• V�G•'"'S m n. � � O 0�4 Q• R �"' p. G 1 8 y < p 09 w a�a yb a' PF g d p C m rn rn�n OM pwc'� 5' oa p m ac d 5 N V]O m �y �/- .+• 5. p c w td �o� w o m w o 00 < O < Oaa GQ .�� aq Rap n m :j m 0 oaP.n�n 0 tj p:m ad Ga yh7d ,FDc z a - N vu, R r coo w o a~ o 42 o CL I O4 Traffic Commission Meeting August 2, 2018 Page 7 of 7 Attachment 5 Opposed to Request Letter From: robert tran Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 4:11 PM To: Greg Tsujiuchi <GTsuiiuchi@citVofrosemead.org> Subject: Concerned comments regarding sign for 4516 Muscatel Ave To whom it may concern: I would like to provide some comments regarding the backing out sign for 4516 Muscatel Ave As a neighboring resident, I do not support this sign. There is no reason for this sign to exist, otherwise, you should put this sign for other condos/apartments on busy streets such as Mission Dr, where cars also do not necessarily yield for other cars backing out of their residential driveways. This will cost the city unnecessary time and expense, as if you create this sign for this one property then you will have to put these signs up for numerous other properties across the city just to be fair. In addition, what if cars do not yield to the car backing out of property at 4516 Muscatel Ave and an accident occurs? Who is in fault? What if the car is unfamiliar with the area and does not necessarily see the sign and the car backing out 4516 Muscatel Ave is reckless, assuming they have the right of way. In this case, there are further complications. Instead we should just follow the rules of the road that we've learned from the dmv and the car that has the right of way should still have the right of way. Regards, Concerned Rosemead Resident Attachment B Traffic Commission Draft Minutes of August 2, 2018 Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING August 2, 2018 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:03 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Masuda INVOCATION: Chair Masuda PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Berry and:Qommissioner Quintanilla ABSENT: Commissioner Sevilla REORGANIZATION: Vice Chair Ornelas made a motion to nominate CheitWasuda as Chair, seconded by Commissioner Berry. Votes resulted in: Yes: Ornelas, BE No: None Abstain: None Commissioner Berry made a motion to nol Commissioner Quintanilla. Votes resulted Berry, : None Sevilla COMMENTS 2. CONSENT and Masuda Vice Chair, seconded by Public Works Greg Tsujiuchi, City Engineer Commissioner Berry mdttoned; seconded by Vice Chair Masuda to approve Item A (June 7, 2018 Minutes) from the Consent Calendar -presented. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Masuda, Quintanilla and Ornelas No: None Abstain: None Absent: Sevilla 3. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO INSTALL SIGN "CAUTION CARS BACKING OUT NO PASSING" — 4516 MUSCATELAVENUE Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of August 2, 2018 Page 1 of 3 Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description on the item, along with recommending that the Traffic Commission discuss this item, receive and consider public comment, both written and oral; and provide direction regarding the possible installation of a caution sign reading "CAUTION CARS BACKING OUT NO PASSING" to the south of 4516 Muscatel Avenue. Chair Masuda commented that they received one letter that is opposed to the sign installation. Commissioner Berry visited the site and mentioned that the cross street is far from the requestor's driveway and they have clear visibility to see oncoming traffic. Commissioner Quintanilla informed the Commissioners that the curb before the requestor's driveway is painted red and doesn't think the sign would be effective. Chair Masuda mentioned that the line of sight is clear for the resident vahhen exiting their driveway and doesn't think there's much they can do to slow down traffic when commg.areurdahe corner. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if staff can repaint Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Corr "CAUTION CARS BACKING OUT NO PASSING" si the edge line striping along Muscatel Avenue. Votes 4. STAFF Staff provided the throughout the City Commissiaper Berry ask its placemerl`t that warns left lane. Mr. Berry also i Olney Street haven't bee Vice Chair Ornelas front of the schools. Yes: Berry, Quintanilla, Ornelas No: None Abstain: None'` Absent: Sevilla along Muscatel Avenue. :r Quintanilla to dehy the Installation of the 16 Muscatel Avenue and=difect staff to repaint with an update on current and upcoming projects and events 1 if staff can reevaluate the Temple City Boulevard and Olney Street signage and rivers there's a freeway entrance ahead and freeway traffic must merge onto the antiodad that the sig hs and traffic improvements that were approved to be done on done and' asked if they can be done. Schools District determined where the drop off spots are placed in Staff informed the Commissioners that the School District determine where the drop off spots are placed. Commissioner Quintanilla asked for an update on the street closure for eastbound traffic on Olney Street. Staff informed the Commissioners that converting a thru street into a dead-end is a long process. Staff also recommended bringing a new layout showing new signage and street marking that can improve the safety issues in the area. Staff also recommended putting the item on the agenda for further discussion. 6. ADJOURNMENT Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of August 2, 2018 Page 2 of 3 The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for September 6, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Rafael M. Fajardo City Engineer Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of August 2, 2018 Page 3 of 3