CC - Item 5B - Minutes of August 28, 2018 SpecialMINUTES OFTHE ROSEMEAD CITX'COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Atf('-V'IJST 21, 2018 'he p.m., regular meeting of Rosemead (.1tV("OUncil was called to order b Mayor Ly at 7:03) e y in the Rosemead City Council Chatnber located at 8838 [.`.ast Valley 1.13oulevard, Rosemead, California, PRESENT: Mayor 1,y, Mayor Pro 'fens Clark, Council Members Armenta and Low ABSENT:NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Ly INVOCATION was led by Mayor I roTern Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, City Attorney Richman, Assistant City Manager/Interlin Public Works Director'I'sqjiuchi, Chief ofl?olice I lahnicin, Director off'inance Lieu, Director ofCornmunity Developinent Kim, Interim Director of larks and Recreation Yugar, and City Clerk Hernandez 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Wilson 1'rpong, representative of Energy Upgrade California, a Statewide sponsor initiative'aitned at Calilbrnians to save'and meet energy goals. Mr. 'Fruong invited the City Council and the public to an event on August 29, 2018, at tile Rosemead Community Recreation Center to help residents and businesses, learn how to reduce their energy bills. 2. PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by Rio Hondo College President Dreyfuss -- State of the College President Teresa Dreyf"LLs. presented the Rio I londo State of the College and highlio-ited the college as the top college oftransfers to Universities ofCalifor-nia; awarded the Awards in 2018;sand elected as one of seven community colleges to participate in the Los Angeles C I ounty Promises, an initiative offering free tuition and priority, registration to recent high school graduates. In addition, Ms. Dreyfuss spoke about Rio Rondo College's ollege's highly regarded Public Safety Division which includes, the Police Academy and l'ire Academies. Rio Flondo Community College District Board ot'Trustees Clerk, Mary Ann Pacheco spoke about building stronger relationships ensuring Rosernead students have success in Rio I londo College programs. 13, 2018 Beautification Committee Awards Rosemead Cit , v Council Regular Mee iing AGEND�A ITEM NO. 5.13 Minietes qfAugidst 28r 201 8 Page I qt 7 Senior Management Analyst Piatt announced the Nvinners of the 2018 Beautification Awards for their efTorts in beautiFying their properties in three categories. Ms. Andrea Lagdamen wvas awarded the Xcriscape Award; Christel l"airbanks was awarded the Grarden Award, and Jim and Rose-Lcc Harmon were awarded the Beautifying Rosemead Award. C. Recognition of'Outgoing Beautification Connnittee Members Scnior Managernent Analyst Piatt introduced OLItgOing Beautification Committee Members James Berry and Katrina Padilla-Sornoso and presented a certificate recognizing their volunteer eflorts. Mrs. Padilla-Sornoso was not in attendance to receive her certificate of recognition. 'Che City, Council congratulated the Beautification Award recipients and commended Mr. Berry and Mrs, Radilla-Sornoso for their contribution to the Beautification Cointnittee. D, Recognition of L,os Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Jeffrey Johnson Chief of Police Lieutenant Halinlein Intr()dUccd 1.1 ffir�q....Jqlinson, who responded to a call of as drowning child and conducted cardiopulmonary I-CSLISCitation (CPR) that saved leer life. Mayor Ly thanked Deputy Jeffrey Johnson for his heroic actio 11 in saving the child f'rorn drowning and for his commitment to public safety. The City Council Presented Deputy Jeffi-ey Johnson with a certificate of TeCOgultiOn, Mayor Pro Tern Clark statcd Deputy'Jeff'rey Johnson's actions were very moving and thanked him for saving the child's lite. Council Member Low thanked Deputy Jeftrey Johnson for his heroic actions. Council Member Armenta thanked Deputy Jeffi-ey, Johnson and stated he was put in the right place at the right time, E. Los Angeles County Temple Sheriffs Station Quarterly Report Sergeant Stevin Fiedler presented the update of the Teniple SheritI's Station Quarterly Report. I le updated the City Councl I on the current crinis trends, arrest statistics, probation and parole, and talked about the community oriented police plan. C(:)Ljncil Member Low requested that the Temple Sheriff' Station provide updates on stings after the -fact, so the residents know what is happening in the con-imunity. In addition, requested the Ternple Sheriff Station to share new ideas from other Rosemead ('4y Council Regular Meeting Minutes (,PlAugnst 28, 2018 Page 2 of'7 agencies with the City, Lastly, stated that residents are being enCOUraged to install carneras in theirtion-jes and asked for data reSL1 I IS ofcrinies being caught on camera. City Manager Molleda replied that staff` spoke to the Chief` of" Police Lieutenant Ilalinfein to find ways to provide that type of'crinie data to the City Council in the future. F Recognition ofRosernead Ltriployee Gerardo -.lerry" Mota for 25 Years ofService Interim Parks and Recreation Director Yugar stated that after 25 years of public service, longtime employee Jerry Mata has decided to retire froni the City of Rosemead, Mrs. Yugar shared comments of appreciation by the Parks and Recreation Tearn and presented a comillemorative City street sign to Mr, Mora. Mw-tha = ,,uilar, representative of Angel Softball Tearn prescrited a Certificate of' Appreciation to Jerry Pelota for alNvays S Lipp() rti rig their prograrris and service to the Coin I'll Lin i ty. Mayor Ly on behall, of the City Coutricil thanked Jerry MOW fOr his service to the City and the coninn.inity through the Parks and Recreation Department. City Council presented Mr. Motawith a plaque of appreciation fear his 25 years of public service. lGerardo "Jerry" Mof thanked the City Council and staff for their support and expressed appreciation for tile recognition. Ile thanked his t'arnily fbr being involved in the Parks and Recrotion during his career in the City. Mayor, Pro Tem Clark, thanked Mr. Mota for his service to tile City, and wished hien. well. Council Member Low thanked Mr. Mora Im his years of` service and Commended him for his work in Che larks and Recreation Department, Council Member Annerita talked about the early years in the Parks and Recreation Department when she worked with Mr. Mota and commended mini for his 25 years ot'service and the: inipact he has with the kids. 1 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS There are no public hearings at this tune. 4. CONSENTCALENDAR Mayor Pro "fens Clark requested to Pull Item 4.F. titled, "Request to Install Sign I "Catition Cars Backing Out No Passing"` at 4516 Muscatel Avenue- for separate discussion. A. Claims and Demands Rosemead CitY Council Regular Meeting Allinutes qfAugust 28, 2018 Page 3 qf7 0 Resolution No. 2018-50 A RESOLUTION 01" THE CITY COUNCIL, CIT" THL' CITY OF R.OSF.MEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DFI'MANDS IN "I SL)M OF $62,176.12 NUMBERED 100838 THROUGH NUMBU'R, 100839. AND, NUMBERED 1000 857 'I-l-IR,01JGlI NUMBER 100858, AND NlJMBI`.RED 100959 TIIROLJG1J NUMBER 100905 INCLUSIVELY Reconimendation: Adopt lZesolution No. 2018-50. 0, Resolution No. 2018-51 A RESOLLJ"HON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSFMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOIXING CERTAIN (. LAIMS AND DEMANDS IN'T"HE SUM OF $693,364.88 NUMBFRED 100840THROUGH NUMBER 100856, AND N'L,.JMBERl-,.'I) 100906 rlIROLJGlI NUMBER 101000 INCLLISIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-51 13. City Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the minutes from the regular meeting of June 12.E 20118. C. Ordinance NO. 981 — Second Reading and Adoption: F'stablishnient of a Beautification Commission Recommendation: That the City Council take the l'ollowing actions: I Approved the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 981 by title only, entitle& AN ORDINANCf," OF rHE CITY UNCIL Q. 'rin,', CI`I'Y OF ROSIHMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPJT'R 2.34 TO TITI.A., 2 OF ROSEMFIAD MUNICIPAL, COIX'1,' AND PROVIDING FOR. F'STABL,ISIJML,NT OF A 131.11ALFFIFICATION COMMISSION FOR °I CITY OF R" OS EMEAD 2, Approve the diSS0JUti011 of the Beautification Connnittee by voiding City Council policy No. 50-08. D. Appointment to Parks ( ,I ommission Vacant Seat Rosemead C'ilY Coidned Regular AA?eling Alinutes ugust 28, 2018' Page 4 q/'7 Recommendation: That the City Council appoint Beverly Mabb-Morten to a two- year term to the Parks Commission vacant seat ending June 30, 2020. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to approve Consent Calendar Items A, B, ( I , and D. Motion was carried Out by the following vote AYES: Artnenta, Clark, Low, and Ly Agenda Item, 41 was removed frorn the Consent Calendar tbr separate discussion E. Request to Install Sign "Caution Cars Backing Out No Passing" at 4516 Muscatel Avenue Recornmendation: That the City Council accept the Traffic Commission's reconiniendation to deny the installation ofa ­CaUtion Cars Backing Out No Passing" sign to the south ofthe property located at 451t' Muscatel Avenue and approve the "I"raffic Commission's request to have staff re -paint the edge line striping north ot'the subject site, In response to Mayor Pro Tena Clarks question, (lid staff speak to the resident about other mitigation, Senior Managernent.Analyst Pialt, replied, lie spoke to the resident about the option to apply for a blue Curb. Mayor Pro Tern Clark announced she would abstain From voting on the item. Council Member Armenta stated the public should'be aware that a blue curb painted in front of a residence does not preclude others tiorn parking on the blue curb, which is public parking; explained anyone with a handicap plaque can park at the blue curb. ACTION: Moved by Counefl, Member LoNN, and seconded by Council Member Annenta to accept the Trafflic Commission's recommendation to deny the installation of "Caution Cars Backirig Out No Passing" sign to the south of the property located at 4516 Muscatel Avenue and approve the Traffic Commission's request to have staffre -paint the edge line striping north ofthe subject site. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Low, Ly ABSTAIN: Clark 5. MATTERS FROMWCITYMAr' AGER & STAFF A. Electrical Vehicle (2harging Station I,ocations and Restrictions at City Owned Parking facilities Recommendation: That the City Council adopt and approve Resolution No. 2018- 49 entitled: Rosen,iead Ci(�) (Oun,cil RegulUr Weling Alin utes qf'A ugust 2 8, 20/8 P(jgC,,, .5 (y'17 A RESOLUTION OF, .rl-IE (.1TY COtJNClL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMI"AD, CALIFORNIA, F'STABLISHING PARKING SPACF1 1,0CATIONS AND IZF'STRICTIONS TATIONS AT FOR t"LECTRIIC V11111CLIC " HARGING S "HIE C'T1-V0\VNtJ) PARKING FACILITIFS I.-OCATED AT8838 F.ASTVALLF'Y BOU11"VARD, 3936 NORTH MUSCA'"IT'll., AVFNUI1,'1 AND 9,108 GARVL'Y AVI"INUL' INTLIF'CITY 0FROSI"IMIAl.) Assistant City Manager/Interim Public Works Director Tsujiuclii reported Resolution No, 2018-49 was bef'ore the City Council to allow for proper signage installation at two City Owned charging stations at the parking lots at Rosemead Community Recreation Center and Garvey Community Center. The signage will allow local authority to cite and remove a ve�hiele from all electric charging station, if the local authority has posted signage stating that certain spaces are designated for electric vehicles charging,, P1.11-POSe.5 only, Council Member Armenta indicated support and stated she receives complaints about note -electric vehicles parked at City, owned chargingstations. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Amenta and seconded byMayor Pro Tern (,',lark to adopt and approve Resolution No. 2018-49. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Sane btu Clark, Low, and Ly B. Los Angeles, County Slier] ff s Department "STAR" Program Recornmendatimy: That the City Council take the following actions� I . Approve the Agreement that falls under the Urnbrella Of tile municipal Lawf,',nforcernent Services Agreement with Los Angeles County; and Authori7e the City Manager to execute tile Agreement. At the request of Mayor Ly, this itern was tabled to the next City Council meeting. 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. City Council Comments Mayor Ly requested to adjourn the mecting in memory of' Senator John McCain and resident Tek Nag, who migrated from Vietnam to the United States, Mrs, Nag lived in Rosemead for many years, survived by eight children and was 100 years old. Rosemead CV0, ('0111701 RePilar Alleelin,if Minutes ()J'A ugust 28, 2018 Page 6 q/7 7. AMOURNMENT Mayor Ly adjourned the meeting in memory of Senator John McCain and Rosemead resident Tek Nag at 8,:26 p.rn. The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled to, take place on September 11, 2018, at 7:00 pmi. it) the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka I-lernandez, City Clerk Approved: . . . . . . . ...................... . .. . ..... Steven Ly, Mayor M)semeud Cit it" w, Council &,�gulur Mee inn Minutes f,#',,4 ugust 28, 2018 Pag e 7 cif;. f 7