2400 - Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority - Proposition A Discretionary Incentive Grant Program MOU for Collecting and Reporting National Transit Database Year 2015MOUPAIROSE17000 PROPOSITION A DISCRETIONARY INCENTIVE GRANT PROGRAM MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR COLLECTING AND REPORTING DATA FOR THE NATIONAL TRANSIT DATABASE FOR REPORT YEAR 2015 This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into as of July 31, 2017 by and between Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority ("LACMTA") and the City of Rosemead (the "City"). WHEREAS, on November 14, 1980, the voters of the County of Los Angeles approved by majority vote Proposition A, an ordinance establishing a one-half percent sales tax for public transit purposes; and WHEREAS, at its September 26, 2001 meeting, the LACMTA authorized payment of Proposition A Discretionary Incentive funds to each participating agency in an amount equal to the Federal funds generated for the region by each agency's reported data; and WHEREAS, at its June 15, 2016 meeting, LACMTA approved the Fiscal Year FY 2016- 17 transit fund allocations, which included funds to make payments to all cities that voluntarily reported NTD data for FY 2014-15; and WHEREAS, the City has been a participant in LACMTA's Consolidated National Transit Database (NTD) Reporters Random Sampling Program for FY 2014.15 and has voluntarily submitted NTD data to the LACMTA for FY 2014-15 which successfully passed independent audit without findings; and WHEREAS, the City has requested funds under the Proposition A Discretionary Incentive Program for collecting and reporting data for the NTD from the FY 2014-15 Report Year (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, on July 11, 2017, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) published in the Federal Register the FY 2016-17 Apportionments, Allocations, and Program Information including unit values for the data reported to the NTD; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to agree on the terms and conditions for payment for the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, LACMTA and the City hereby agree to the following terms and procedures: ARTICLE 1. TERM 1.0 This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") will be in effect from July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2019 at which time all unused funds shall lapse. MOU 15 Agreement NTD Prop A MOUPAIROSE17000 ARTICLE 2. STANDARDS 2.0 To receive payment for the submittal of the FY 2014-15 NTD statistics, the City warrants that it: A. Adhered to the Federal Guidelines for collecting and Reporting NTD statistics; B. Prepared and submitted the FY 2014-15 ANNUAL NTD REPORT of the City's fixed -route and/or demand response transit service to the LACMTA on or before September 30, 2015; C. Allowed the LACMTA to assign an independent auditor to review the submitted FY 2014-15 NTD statistics for conformity in all material respects with the accounting requirements of the FTA as set forth in its applicable Uniform System of Accounts. ARTICLE 3. PAYMENT OF FUNDS TO CITY 3.0 LACMTA shall pay the City for collecting and reporting FY 2014-15 NTD statistics. LACMTA shall pay the City for submitting the FY 2014-15 AN NUAL NTD REPORT for the applicable transit services as follows: MOTOR BUS SERVICE For City's motor bus service, LACMTA shall pay an amount equal to the 128,542 revenue vehicle miles reported by the City multiplied by the FTA unit value of $.4219075 per revenue vehicle mile, plus the 286,309 passenger miles reported by the City squared, divided by the $683,474 operating cost reported by the City, multiplied by the FTA unit value of $.0115687 less the cost of the $2,188 in audits paid by LACMTA. See Attachment A for detail. DIAL -A -RIDE SERVICE For City's dial -a -ride service, LACMTA shall pay an amount equal to the 55,722 revenue vehicle miles reported by the City multiplied by the FTA unit value of $.4219075 per revenue vehicle mile, plus the 50,905 passenger miles reported by the City squared, divided by the $361,781 operating cost reported by the City, multiplied by the FTA unit value of $.0115687 less the cost of the $928 in audits paid by LACMTA. See Attachment A for detail. 3.1 The City shall submit one invoice to LACMTA prior to December 31, 2018, in the amount of $76,095 in order to receive its payment described above. MOU 15 Agreement NTD Prop A MOUPAIROSE17000 3.2 INVOICE BY CITY: Send invoice with supporting documentation to: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Accounts Payable P. O. Box 512296 Los Angeles, CA 90051-0296 accountspayable@metro.net Re: LACMTA MOU# MOUPAIROSE17000 M.S. Susan Richan (99-4.4) ARTICLE 4. CONDITIONS 4.0 The City agrees to comply with all requirements specified by the FTA guidelines for reporting NTD statistics. 4.1 The City understands and agrees that LACMTA shall have no liability in connection with the City's use of the funds. The City shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless LACMTA and its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all liability and expenses including defense costs and legal fees and claims for damages of any nature whatsoever, arising out of any act or omission of the City, its officers, agents, employees, and subcontractors in performing the services under this MOU. 4.2 The City is not a contractor, agent or employee of LACMTA. The City shall not represent itself as a contractor, agent or employee of LACMTA and shall have no power to bind LACMTA in contract or otherwise. 4.3 The City agrees that expenditure of the Proposition A Discretionary Incentive funds will he used for projects that meet the eligibility, administrative, audit and lapsing requirements of the Proposition A and Proposition C Local Return guidelines most recently adopted by the LACMTA Board. 4.4 These expenditures will be subject to AUDIT as part of LACMTA's annual Consolidated Audit. ARTICLE 5. REMEDIES 5.0 LACMTA reserves the right to terminate this MOU and withhold or recoup funds if it determines that the City has not met the requirements specified by the FTA for collecting and submitting NTD statistics through LACMTA. ARTICLE 6. MISCELLANEOUS MOU 15 Agreement NTD Prop A MOUPAIROSE17000 6.0 This MOU constitutes the entire understanding between the parties, with respect to the subject matter herein. 6.1 The MOU shall not be amended, nor any provisions or breach hereof waived, except in writing signed by the parties who agreed to the original MOU or the same level of authority. ARTICLE 7. CONTACT INFORMATION 7.0 LACMTA's Address: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority One Gateway Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90012 Attention: Susan Richan (99-4-4) 7.1 City's Address: Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead,CA 91770 Attn: Silvia Llamas sllarnas@cityofrosemead.org MOU 15 Agreement NTD Prop A MOUPAIROSE17000 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and LACMTA have caused this MOU to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the date noted below: CITY: City of Rosemead Mayor/City Manager Date: fnmk If APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Legal Counsel Date: 3126 ` Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bv: PHILLIP A. WASHINGTON Chief Executive Officer Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARY C. WICILHAM County Counsel By: eputy Date: 3bl,53 MOU 15 Agreement NTD Prop A `ATFACHMENTA LACMTA Voluntary NTD Reporting Program for FY'14. Using FY'16 FTA Formula Programs Apportionment Data Unit Values FY17 Revenue Mlle Rate 0.4219075 FY17 Passenger Mile Rate 0.0115687 Voluntary NTD Reporting-FY15, RY2013 "a, - r ,�..�,:� _ � ,� Total Vehicle '�oql Passenger. Total OpereBng � -�- a Oyelataf Total (�JDue to .- Jdrisd�cFoiJuridicdonc..�;.:'-I Alhambra MB 166,716 1,427,655 931,972 $ 3,764 91,875 Alhambra DR 124,913 106,994 1,047,834 $ 2,079 50,749 Artesia DR 16,717 15,986 142,891 $ 278 6,795 Azusa DR 106,012 149,555 925,262 $ 1,771 43,236 Baldwin Park MB 254,572 479,167 996,081 $ 4,332 105,741 Baldwin Park DR 45,774 58,077 231,439 $ 767 16,714 Bell MB 32,496 172,458 169,392 620 15,122 Bell DT 13,180 26,273 60,368 $ 224 5,469 Bellflower MB 72,066 210,787 317,991 $ 1,260 30,761 BeIl0ower DR 38,526 34,985 243,698 $ 642 15,671 Bell Gardens MB 96,562 421,915 573,070 $ 1,745 42,589 Bell Gardens DR 52,928 88,558 514,917 $ 886 21,621 Burbank MB 258,232 579,195 1,498,546 $ 4,390 (17,010) 90,140 Carson MB 373,591 1,131,354 2,193,992 $ 6,469 157,901 Carson DT 90,021 142,136 585,929 $ 1,510 36,869 Cerritos MB 172,617 352,917 1,175,952 $ 2,914 71,139 Compton MB 135,726 241,985 987,077 $ 2,281 55,670 Covina DR 67,734 65,001 398,608 $ 1,129 27,571 Cudahy MB 33,954 383,301 181,399 $ 933 22,763 Cudahy DT 8,230 13,966 44,808 $ 139 3,384 Downey MB 141,042 509,308 1,522,914 $ 2,419 59,058 Downey DR 84,150 113,837 1,057,459 $ 1,403 34,242 Duarte MB 81,111 513,665 782,464 $ 1,500 36,622 EI Monte MB 254,315 1,560,323 1,486,117 $ 4,969 121,281 El Monte DR 101,807 112,751 1,358,484 $ 1,695 41,367 Glendale MB 698,822 4,523,048 7,054,041 $ 12,924 (49,346) 266,120 Glendora MB 34,697 17,646 119,239 $ 577 14,092 Glendora DR 107,704 86,548 521,285 $ 1,795 43,813 Huntington Park MB 105,301 339,010 442,515 $ 1,867 45,565 Huntington Park DT 209,289 398,803 839,102 $ 3,561 86,932 LACDPWAvocado MB 36,448 140,817 245,873 $ 642 15,669 LACDPWELA MB 248,456 3,366,906 1,314,475 $ 8,052 196,542 LACDPWELA DR 9,498 18,428 59,172 $ 160 3,913 LACDPWEast Vallnda MB 54,878 214,870 273,455 $ 988 24,119 LACDPWKing Medical MB 19,188 135,632 174,659 $ 367 8,947 LACDPWWiIlowbrook Shuttle MB 87,902 223,124 364,291 $ 1,522 37,146 LACDPWS.Whittier MB 146,966 708,848 646,407 '$ 2,794 68,205 Lawndale MB 83,149 214,579 421,158 $ 1,430 34,916 Lynwood MB 142,831 732,257 718,907 $ 2,711 66,179 Malibu DT 52,755 64,668 186,641 $ 886 21,631 ManhattanBeach DR 44,067 84,144 676,907 $ 736 17,977 Maywood MB 18,636 96,689 155,815 $ 337 8,220 Maywood DR 10,676 12,748 190,166 $ 178 4,337 MonlereyPark MB 221,288 839,560 1,107,184 $ 3,964 96,764 MonlereyPark DR 32,061 18,591 493,125 $ 533 13,002 Pasadena MB 627,324 3,799,955 4,170,063 $ 11,993 (45,538) 247,201 Pico Rivera DR 54,216 62,715 332,993 $ 906 22,105 Rosemead MB 128,542 286,309 683,474 $ 2,189 53,431 Rosemead DR 55,722 50,905 361,781 $ 928 22,664 Santa Fe Springs DR 12,288 27,063 199,337 $ 206 5,021 South Gate MB 174,523 656,411 932,399 $ 3,108 75,870 South Gate DT 163,358 306,000 801,803 $ 2,766 67,507 SouthPasadena DR 32,155 23,911 371,053 $ 535 13,050 WestCovina MB 169,033 155,312 625,960 $ 2,824 68,938 WestCovina DR 85,305 71,749 399,643 $ 1,422 34,718 West Hollywood MB 81,940 162,037 1,056,445 $ 1,372 33,467 Total 8,917,699 29,997,030 58,177,044 $ 161,700 111,894 3,835,203 FY14 Data LADOT COMMUNITY DASH MB 3,337,412 19,580,751 31,967,646 $71,876 (229,117) 1,245,836 LADOT DEPARTMENT OF AGING DR 492,673 603,495 4,147,674 $9,706 199,172 a o5i'I:1:AD0.Y. .: .. :....,,,•..-x ;'.s.,830,085-,.20;18y3$6,,;�„'�-36,115320 xy,,87;582,,$ 229,117 ;s`^1;445',008:x; Total NTD 9166 Funds 12,747,764 50,181,275 94,292,364 243,282 341,011 5,280,211 FY17 Revenue Mlle Rate 0.4219075 FY17 Passenger Mile Rate 0.0115687 Voluntary NTD Reporting-FY15, RY2013