CC - Item 6B - Garvey Park Restroom Renovations and Agreement Amendment to Project No. 31017ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER _!I.�- DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 2018 SUBJECT: GARVEY PARK RESTROOM RENOVATIONS AND AGREEMENT AMENDMENT TO PROJECT NO. 31017 SUMMARY As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a project to improve the Garvey Park restrooms. The project consists of renovations to the existing restrooms that include new toilets, urinals, sinks, privacy partitions, flooring and paint (anti-graffiti). The existing restrooms are outdated and unable to meet the needs of our current and future park and event patrons. This project is currently funded with General Funds in the amount of $600,000. However, pending the City Council's approval of the Substantial Amendment to the 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan, it is proposed that $390,000 in CDBG funds be allocated toward the project and replace the equivalent General Funds. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: I.Approve the proposed revised layout. 2.Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the professional consultantservice contract with CEJ Engineers, Inc. for an additional amount of $7,780, increasingthe original contract amount of $28,500 to a not to exceed amount of $36,280. DISCUSSION The existing Garvey Park Restrooms are outdated, deteriorated and in need of repair. Additionally, the restrooms lack the capacity to host the many community events that are held at the park such as concerts in the park, Easter Eggstravaganza, and ongoing programs such as the Splash Zone, tennis courts and the upcoming completion of the proposed Duff Park and the Dog Park. On January 25, 2018, City staff received proposals for the preparation of construction plans for the Garvey Park Restrooms. CEJ Engineers, Inc. was awarded a professional service agreement in the amount of $28,500 on February 27, 2018. CEJ Engineers proceeded to develop the proposed design under the direction of the administration at the time. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.B City Council Meeting November 13, 2018 Page 2 of2 Since then, staff reviewed the original proposed restroom design and brought several concerns to the attention of the City Manager. The concerns included the safety of women, families and children; the potential increase of unwanted or criminal activity; and the suitability of the construction materials specified. For example, the length of the restroom corridor was too long and narrow thus creating a remote, out of view space that could be used for unwanted activity. Also, the original design did not provide adequate safety measures such as a back entrance or an open ceiling so that restroom users could be heard in the event of an emergency. Therefore, City staff made changes to the original design and requested CEJ Engineers to prepare a change order for all the design changes. CEJ Engineers submitted a change order in the amount of $7,780 for the additional design work, which increased the contract to over $30,000; therefore, a contract amendment is required. Staff redesigned the restroom project to provide a more welcoming and safe restroom experience for our residents and park visitors. The new design continues to offer a Parks & Recreation storage/office space that can be used by Park Staff and our Public Safety Officers or Community Service Officers. We believe a continued presence in this area of the park is critical to keeping the area safe. The new design also has a new walking path, new toilets and sinks, new lighting, graffiti proof walls, and an open ceiling so that people can be heard in the event of an emergency. FINANCIAL REVIEW This project was included in the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Capital Improvement Program as a carryover project from Fiscal Year 2016-2017. The budget for this project is currently $600,000 from General Funds. However, pending the City Council's approval of the Substantial Amendment to the 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan, it is proposed that $390,000 in CDBG funds be allocated toward the project and replace the equivalent General Funds. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: //'r--/ Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E. Submitted By: Rey Alfonso City Engineer Director of Public Works Attachments: A.First Amendment to the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project -Design ServicesB.Change Order July 31, 2018 Mr. Rafael Fajardo, P.E. City Engineer City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Change Order Proposal for the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project Dear Mr. Fajardo CEJ Engineers, Inc. is providing this change order proposal based on a meeting on July 24, 2018. The following is our understanding of the revised scope of work. MEN'S ROOM 3 toilets 2 Urinals WOMENS ROOM 5 toilets REVISIONS-REDESIGN: 1.Include the storage again (increase/make larger) 2.ADD double doors with the storage room so that it makes storing tables and chairs easier. 3.ADD back the office space. Redesign so it's spacious and we can put in cubicles for Public Safety and Recreation staff 4.REMOVE the family room restroom 5.SINKS-get rid of the vanity counter and have two free standing sinks in each restroom 6.FLOOR DRAINS-make sure there are plenty so that when PW needs to wash the floors with the hose it doesn't back up and clog 7.WATER SPICKETS-Make sure we add these and have them placed safely where they can be easily accessed and locked. 8.SIGNAGE-Need specific signage in different languages explaining restroom rules 9.WOMENS FEMININE PRODUCT DISPOSAL-Please add in the stainless steel containers in each women's stall 10.NO PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS 11.INSTALL HANDBLOWER -so no paper towels needed 12.Switch Women's room to the other side of the building and Men's room closer to the Splash Pool side CEJ Engineers, Inc. 18800 Amar Rd., Suite B13, Walnut CA., 91789 / 626-667-8675 I 626.893.9266 13.Talk to B & S about the amount of Men's urinals required- 14.Need nice walking path leading up to the restrooms 15.LIGHTING-need a ton of security lights for night safety 16.SURVEILLENCE CAMERAS-needed 17.CEILING-Leave 9 inches open at the top of the roof area for safety. So we can hear noise in case of an emergency 18.HANDICAP STALLS-add in the baby fold out diaper thing (men's & women's) 19.Use stainless steel products and disregard the original spec'd items-they don't work. 20.Only use graffiti proof products 21.SEWER LINE-PW asked you check to see if this has been gutted ... and if not, have it looked at. PROPOSED FEE Our proposed fee is based on the proposal required format and is not to exceed lump sum fee amount of $7,780. CLIENT: PROJ: JOB NO: DATE: City of Rosmead Garvey park restroom 07/28/18 LABOR Task I CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS Class ARCHITECTURAL PLANS A Senior En ineer C GADD Desi ner / Technician LABOR: Class STRUCTURAL PLANS A Senior En ineer C GADD Desi ner / Technician : • Class Position/Name D Plumbin Plans D Mechanical Plans D Electrical Plans ••••• PROPOSED FEE: Pro osal B / Pro·ect Mana er CEJ Engineers, Inc. ngineers nc SUMMARY PROPOSAL FEE Hours Rate Subtotal 8 $150 $1 200 16 $90 $1 440 $2,640 Hours Rate Subtotal 6 $150 $900 16 $90 $1 440 $2,340 Hours Rate LS LS LS $7,780 18800 Amar Rd., Suite B13, Walnut CA., 91789 / 626-667-8675 I 626.893.9266 Respectfully Submitted, CEJ Engineers, Inc. Joaquin Cervantes, P.E. President rPTE.NG!NEERS, JNC.��-·--n ....... 18800"AmarRd., Suite 813, Walnut CA (626) 667-8675 Direct(626) 960-9002 -Fax(626)893-9266-Mobile CEJ Engineers, Inc. 18800 Amar Rd., Suite 813, Walnut CA., 91789 / 626-667-8675 I 626.893.9266