BC - Item 2A - Minutes of January 9, 2019MINUTES OF THE BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 9, 2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Beautification Commission was called to order by Chair Brian Lewin at 7:02 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Commissioners Duran, C. Liu, L. Liu; Vice -Chair Oceguera; and Chair Lewin ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Clerk Hernandez and Deputy City Clerk/Staff Liaison Natalie Haworth PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner C. Liu INVOCATION was led by Vice -Chair Oceguera 1. PUBLIC COMMENT There being no comments, Chair Lewin opened and closed the Public Comment period. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Vice -Chair Oceguera and seconded by Commissioner Larry Liu to approve Consent Calendar Item A as amended. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Duran, Lewin, C. Liu, L. Liu, Oceguera ABSENT: None A. Beautification Commission Meeting Minutes Recommendation: That the Beautification Commission approve the minutes of November 14, 2018 Regular Meeting and December 19, 2018 Special Meeting. 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF A. Overview of Beautification Commission Calendar Recommendation: That the Beautification Commission review and provide feedback. City Clerk Hernandez presented two sample calendars for the Commission to select from. The first was a one-page snapshot schedule planner of 2019 Commission events; the second was an updated version of Chair Lewin's previous Committee master calendar that includes City and Commission events and is color coordinated. Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of Ianuary 9, 2019 Page 1 of 4 The Commission reviewed and discussed the sample calendars. Chair Lewin opined keeping tabs on the school year calendar is beneficial in trying to secure volunteers for events. Vice -Chair Oceguera concurred, noting it was difficult securing volunteers from high school for last year's Civic Pride as it occurred around the same time as Prom. City Clerk Hernandez stated it could be as simple as calling the School District to obtain important school dates of relevance. By consensus the Commission requested staff to finalize the master calendar for the Commission to utilize. 4. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION A. Review of the 6t' Annual Holiday Decoration Awards Recommendation: That the Beautification Commission discuss and provide feedback. The Beautification Commission discussed the outcome of the 6 t Annual Holiday Decoration Awards. By consensus, the Commission agreed the event was well organized; recommended securing a larger room in the Community Center for the Awards Ceremony; requested staff ensure that Mr. Spadaro is invited to the Awards Ceremony since the Grand Prize is named in memory of his wife; proposed Commissioners rotate the areas assigned based off of the Area Watch map utilized to locate potential nominees; suggested adding an option on the application to share their address so that the community can also participate by touring the nominees' homes. City Clerk Hernandez stated she would have to inquire about releasing residents' addresses regarding privacy purposes. The Commission determined for the purpose of tonight's meeting, it was best to only recap this year and address changes to policy and practice as it gets closer to planning for the 2019 Holiday Decoration Awards. B. Civic Pride Day 2019 Recommendation: That the Beautification Commission provide direction to staff on proposed projects. City Clerk Hernandez stated there is a Turf Reduction Drought Resistant Landscape Replacement project at Garvey Park by the Splash Zone area, which consists of Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of Ianuary 9, 2019 Page 2 of 4 landscaping, planting and irrigation; noted this could also be made an educational event as Public Works staff will be there to assist; provided an overview of Arbor Day; indicated Public Works Superintendent John Scott can present further details at the February Commission meeting. The Commission suggested the following ideas for a community "clean-up" service: holding quarterly basis events on a Saturday each month to complete various projects; "plogging" which is a combination of jogging or walking while picking up litter in the area; and supplying a receptacle with trash bags at the Park like there are for dog waste bags, so residents can pick up trash at their convenience. C. Little Free Libraries Project Recommendation: That the Beautification Commission will discuss the Little Free Libraries Project. City Clerk Hernandez provided a brief overview of the potential of Little Free Libraries Project, which fosters neighborhood book exchanges and deepening community connectedness. The Commission suggested the following options in regard to securing the box for the Libraries Project: involving students, possibly asking the carpentry class at Rosemead High School to build the box; searching at the upcoming Annual Community Yard Sale for unique box like structures that can be donated to this project; Commissioner Can Liu building it as he works in construction. Commissioner Duran suggested if the Commission does build the box on their own, to make it a blank canvas so a member(s) of the community can decorate it. Commissioner Larry Liu suggested surveying the community for their input on the location(s) of the Little Free Libraries. Chair Lewin noted a resident already has a Little Free Library on their property. City Clerk Hernandez stated that she contacted resident who holds two annual book sales and is willing to donate old and new books to the project. By consensus, the Commission acknowledged they would be open to partnering with a nonprofit such as the Kiwanis Club. D. Discussion of the Utility Box Art Project Recommendation: That the Beautification Commission discuss and provide direction. Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of Ianuary 9, 2019 Page 3 of 4 City Clerk Hernandez noted the City owns about 43 traffic signal controller cabinets located near each intersection; indicated the Public Works Department urged the Commission to stay away from the utility company boxes (Southern California Edison, AT&T, Charter Communications, etc.). Commissioner Larry Liu inquired if there is an option to have the designs on the utility boxes changed seasonally, particularly around the holidays. City Clerk Hernandez indicated staff would have to research to determine if temporary designs would be an option. The Commission proposed the following ideas: 1) Having a student art contest amongst the local schools to amplify creativity of youth; 2) Providing an opportunity to local artists to submit their design to showcase the local talent; 3) Having a hybrid of the two aforementioned ideas by designating some boxes for the art contest of local schools and other boxes for local artists. Chair Lewin inquired about anti -graffiti coating for the utility boxes. City Clerk Hernandez noted we will connect with appropriate staff to collect further information, and bring this item back to a future Commission meeting. 5. ADJOURNMENT Chair Lewin adjourned the regular meeting at 8:01 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on February 13, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber. Natalie Haworth, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED: Brian Lewin, Chair Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of Ianuary 9, 2019 Page 4 of 4