CC - Item 5B - Minutes of October 9, 2018MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2018 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Steven Ly at 6:32 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at; 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor/Chair Ly, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Members/Board Members Armenta and Low ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant,,,,( Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director of F Development Kim, City Engineer Fajardo; ,and City Clerk 1. PRESENTATIONS 6:36 p.m.), Council nager Tsujiuchi, City Attorney Lieu, Director of Community A. Introductionpf,Newly Hired Hum44Resourees_,Manager Elizabeth Popescu ntroduced newly hired Human Resources Manager Ly welcomed Ms. Popescu to the Rosemead family. B. < TritrodPction of NewlySpecialist Annie Wong Mayor Ly reordered the Presentation items so that Mayor Pro Tem Clark could be present fox those items. E. Presentation by Republic Services of Organics Overview Update Tania -.Ragland; Recycling Representative, Republic Services, presented a PowerPoint entitled "Organics Update'; asserted that Republic Services' three goals to fpeus on are liability, simple solutions and environmental responsibility. Ms. Ragland provided an overview of mandates such as Assembly Bill (AB) 1826, which requires businesses to separate their food waste from trash and recycle the food waste; shared the food waste processing; discussed the city-wide waste assessments conducted to determine the largest food waste generators. Ms. Ragland recommended the City develop an AB 1826 compliance letter so that businesses can be enforced to recycle organics and help reduce air pollution; commended the 16 Rosemead businesses for their outstanding sustainability commitments. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 Page I of AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.B Mayor Pro Tem Clark indicated support for Republic Services' efforts in fighting against food waste and ending hunger by collectively rescuing surplus food that otherwise would have gone to waste. In response to Council inquiry, Ms. Ragland affirmed energy produced from the anaerobic digestion is considered renewable energy; explained anaerobic digestion is the process by which organic matter such as animal or food waste is broken down to produce biogas and biofertilizer; ascertained 100% of Rosemead's organics is going towards anaerobic digestion, which allows restaurants to put more in without having to separate items out. Ms. Ragland noted Republic Services is working with several school districts to review the Food Recovery>Programs; stated there is new legislation that now allows schools to not only reduce, but also recover and recycle food waste on their premises; opined Republic Service' goal is to ensure whichever businesses, such as available to them. D. 2018 Fitness and Health Fair Art Contest—,Winn Mayor Ly presented Certificates of Recognitiq Mayor Award, 2018 Fitness and Health Fair Ar Mayor Ly recessed the special meeting at 6:55 p.m. and joint meeting at 7:02 p.m. PLEDGE City Chris was led by Mayor Ly need to have, a program has it Award to the winners of the Rosemead the special and regular Clark of Police Lieutenant Chris Kusayanagi Moreno and Ramon Chavez rduced newly appointed Chief of Police Lieutenant of Police Kusayanagi emphasized the Sheriff's to increase community outreach. deutenant Kusayanagi and Captain Flores introduced newly Monique Moreno and Ramon Chavez. Mayor Ly and Council expressed appreciation to the Sheriff's Department for their heroism and effort in ensuring the community's safety. F. Presentation of Chamber of Commerce Update Ray Jan, CEO, Chamber of Commerce, provided an overview of the Chamber's current membership status and goals to increase membership such as a monthly business visit by the Board and Ambassadors Team, multi -languages citywide Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 Page 2 of 8 outreach, Bring a Buddy Program, and securing 10 new accounts per month in 2018-2019 year. Ms. Jan noted the traditional visitor's center has been rebranded to a modern day WEWORK space for members. Council Member Low requested the prior year's stats be included in future Chamber updates, along with the goals so that Council can see what has been accomplished in the past year. In response to Council Member Low, Ms. Jan asserted that she would provide the requested information to the City Manager to forward to Council. Council Member Armenta commended Ms. Jan, on behalf of the Chamber, for her efforts in community outreach, especially in the Backpaek'Drive. In response to Mayor Ly, Director the City does not currently offer at license; noted the license issuance the city and for tax purposes. Mayor Ly suggested 'i Department and the Ch; annual meeting to advise City Ma monthlyi, Council": business 2. PUBLIC COM concurred efforts. Developmexq,Kim ascertained new businessesthat are issued a less to be able to operate within the Community Development coordinate a quarterly or semi - he services the City has to offer. has been receiving a Ly; indicated support to provide new a follow up meeting with the City Manager Sue Yamamoto, Manager, Los Angeles County Public Library, extended an invitation to the followingevents of the Library: 1) Vote -By -Mail Drop Off Center for the November Election from,` October 9th through November 6th, 2) Friends of the Library Book Sale on October 27th through November Yd, and 3) Flu Shot Clinic on November 7th; informed Council the Library is now called the Los Angeles County Library rather than the County of Los Angeles Library. Lanny Aplanalp, Resident, expressed frustration as Union Pacific Railroad, located in the unincorporated area of Rosemead, has not made any effort to clean up the illegal dumping; read out loud for the record a letter he wrote and provided to the Union Pacific Railroad requesting a cleanup; implored the Council to not just investigate, but solve this issue. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 Page 3 of 8 Mayor Ly directed staff to look in to how much of the trash is on the right-of-way, unincorporated side and on Rosemead's side; stated that staff will engage with Ms. Lupe Valdez, Director of Public Affairs, Union Pacific Railroad and Supervisor Barger's Office to resolve this issue. City Manager Molleda noted that within the last year City staff completed a cleanup at the property that falls under the incorporated area of Rosemead; noted City Engineer Fajardo will contact Ms. Valdez tomorrow morning to determine a remedy. Helen Romero Shaw, Public Affairs Manager, Southern California Gas Company, thanked the Council and residents that live on Walnut Grove Avenue,,for their patience during the construction; noted the Gas Company is working on;.renewable natural gas at company owned refuel station. Dolores Weidermann, Resident, opined sheis not happy that the City has yet to take any action to address her concerns regarding.Southern California Edison's property on Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue. Mayor Ly stated that the City engages with end of the day it is their property. City Manager Molleda asserted that.this is Enforcement matter; noted Public Works address this issue, Ms. Weidermann expressed, frustration of.1 vehicle in the driveway of the property loca from the public right-of-way; noted Code Etimes3-however the issue, still remains. these issues; however, at the of a Public Works, rather than a Code is, working directly with Edison to excessive trash, furniture and inoperable at 4542 Halkett Avenue, which is visible cement has gone out for inspection a few Attorney Richman provided a brief overview of the City's administrative citation ;ss utilized to address propertiesahat are not compliant with the Municipal Code; noted pity also has the option to fake criminal action, however that is not preferable; iasized this information isnot particular to Ms. Weidermann's situation. Council encouraged residents to contact any member of the City Council with any concerns as they are hereto represent the residents and the City with their due diligence. 3. PUBLIC There are no Public Hearings at this time. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 Page 4 of 8 ® Resolution No. 2018-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,411,449.79 NUMBERED 101225 THROUGH NUMBER 101237, AND NUMBERED 101346 THROUGH NUMBER 101494 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE APART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 20 a Resolution No. 2018-14 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA, AS THE SUCCESSOR�AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY, OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND„DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF ' '$5,440.00 NUMBERED 10250 THROUGH 10250 INCLUSIVELY, WIIIC41 IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART.HEREOF B. Citv Council Meeting Minutes Section hat Zhe. City Council approve the special and regular meeting 41 2018,"arid special meeting minutes of October 1, 2018. and First Reading of Ordinance Amending Municipal Code Relating to the City's Ora September 25, 2018, the City Council introduced Ordinance No. 984 by title, amending Section 2.48.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code relating to the City's personnel system. Upon further review it was found that the current code's reference.: Section 2.08.080 (B) in the Municipal Code is incorrect. Ordinance No. 984 is being reintroduced to make the additional change to amend the correct code reference to Section 2.08.070 (B) which would be more consistent with the power and duties of the City Manager in the Municipal Code. Recommendation: That the City Council reintroduce Ordinance No. 984 for first reading by title only, entitled: Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 Page 5 of 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 2.48.040 OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE CITY'S PERSONNEL SYSTEM D. Approval of the State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006-0003 Sanitary Sewer System Management Plan In accordance with State Water Resources ControLBoard"'(SWRCB) Order No. 2006-0003, public agencies are required to develop and implement a Sanitary Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP). Th'e mandateincludes the requirement to properly manage, operate, and maintain all parts of the`'City's local sanitary sewer system, including the mitigation of any potential sewer overflows. The mandate also consists of general waste discharge requirements (WDRs) which prohibit the discharge of untreated wastewater that may reach waters of the United States or cause a public nuisance. The WDRs require that, the SSMP address.lhseparate categories involved with managing and operating the sewer system. 'These issues are identified in the attached draft SSMP. In order to certify the City's-SSMP, the City Council must review the document and ensure that it meets all of the WDR;requirements.,In addition, the SSMP must be reviewed by the City Council and recertified every five years to maintain compliance with state programs: Recomrnendation:, That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2018-61 approving the City's.Supplememal Sanitary Sewer System Management Plan as required by the State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006 -0003 -Statewide General Waste Discharge.Regiiirerapms for Sanitary Sewer Systems. Los Angeles County. ;Sheriffs Department "STAR" Program New Updated At the City Council Meeting held September 11, 2018, the Council approved an Agreement with the Los County Sheriffs Department to implement a Success Through Awareness & Resistance (STAR) program with the Rosemead and Garvey School ;District's. STAR representatives had further discussions with Rosemead School District and have determined that the District would like to change their program, which would require replacing the previously approved agreement with a new agreement, and results in a reduced cost estimate for the current school year. Recommendation: That the City Council take the follow actions: 1. Approve the attached new Agreement that falls under the umbrella of the Municipal Law Enforcement Services Agreement with Los Angeles Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 Page 6 of 8 5. 6. County, with the understanding that it will supersede and replace the previous Agreement approved on September 11, 2018; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to approve Consent Calendar Items A-E. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly ABSENT: None MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. City Manager Comments City Manager Molleda invited the held Saturday, November 10, 2011 MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY A. City Council Mayor Pro Tem Clark Educational Summit held 1 with Mitchell Englander, conversion technology to here inthe United States i 1mr0 ine it ily;to"attend the Fall Fiesta event being 4:00 to 9:00 p.m., at Rosemead Park. attended the Contract Cities Association's „2018; indicated she had a great conversation s City Councilmember, regarding a push for n energy and, products from our recyclables [enjber Aimenta stated' she also attended the Contract Cities 's Educational Summit and was happy with the topics covered in the ted the only -downside is the small timeframe to hear all of the important Mayor Ly indicated he also attended the Contract Cities Association's Educational Summit, opined the most touching moment was Council Member Jorge Morales, City of South Gate, talking about his brother who was previously homeless due to drug use: enmhasized the importance of being empathetic by putting an actual face to the problem as homelessness affects all of us. Council Member Armenta asserted Council Member Morales shares his brother's story to highlight that although his brother suffered from drug use, he overcame his adversities through counseling and found his way to a successful life. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 Page 7 of 8 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ly adjourned the regular meeting at 8:11 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to be held on October 23, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, APPROVED: Steven Ly, Mayor Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 Page 8 of8