CC - Item 7A - Garvey Park Restroom Renovation - Authorization to Advertise or RedesignROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER, DATE: MAY 14, 2019 SUBJECT: GARVEY PARK RESTROOM RENOVATION — AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE OR REDESIGN SUMMARY Following a number of revisions to the layout of the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, staff is finalizing the design drawings, bid specifications, and construction cost estimate, and is requesting the City Council's authorization to advertise the project for construction bids or consider a redesign. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council consider two options: Option 1: 1. Approve the revised layout for the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project; 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-22, authorizing staff to advertise the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project for bids; 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CEJ Engineers, Inc., increasing the contract amount by $7,780, from $28,500 to $36,280, to compensate CEJ for the additional design services already rendered; and 4. Take such additional, related action that may be desirable. Option 2: 1. Reject the previous design layout; 2. Authorize staff to pursue the design of a brand new restroom building; 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CEJ Engineers, Inc., increasing the contract amount by $20,220.00, from $28,500 to $48,720, to design a new restroom building; 4. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Professional Service Agreement with CEJ Engineers, Inc., increasing the contract amount by an additional AGENDA ITEM NO. 7.A City Council Meeting May 14, 2019 Page 2 or 3 $7,780.00, from $48,720 to $56,500, to compensate CEJ for design services already rendered; and 5. Take such additional, related action that may be desirable. DISCUSSION The existing restroom building at Garvey Park is outdated, deteriorated, and in need of renovation. The men's and women's restrooms lack the capacity to host the many community events and activities that take place at Garvey Park including the Concerts at the Park, Easter Eggstravaganza, Splash Zone, Summer Youth Day Camp, tennis, softball, and the increased usage the proposed Duff Park and Dog Park improvements will bring. On February 27, 2018, the City Manager approved a Professional Services Agreement with CEJ Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $28,500 to design the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project. At the direction of the Parks and Recreation Director at the time, CEJ designed an expanded restroom facility that eliminated three existing office/storage spaces and included a new family restroom, several new toilets, urinals, lavatories, privacy partitions, flooring and wall panels. CEJ also prepared the required structural, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing detail plans. Upon reviewing the initial design, an Interim Parks and Recreation Director raised various safety concerns, particularly for women and children. The family restroom and longer narrow corridors created remote, out -of -view spaces that could be used for unwanted or criminal activity. Therefore, CEJ was directed to revise the plans. The revised plans included switching the sides of the men's and women's restrooms, eliminating the family restroom, adding back in a small office space, and adjusting the number of restroom fixtures accordingly. In order to receive compensation for this additional design work, CEJ submitted a proposal in the amount of $7,780. On November 13, 2018, staff presented the revised layout to the City Council and requested authorization to amend the professional services agreement with CEJ. However, the Council raised additional concerns about the overall design, and directed staff to consider other design options. Since then, the revised layout has been updated by CEJ to include an additional exit door from the women's restroom, and wall mounted diaper changing tables were added to both the men's and women's restrooms. At the November 13 meeting, staff was also directed to consider a side by side "square" configuration where the entrance and exit to both the men's and women's restrooms faced the soccer field immediately west of the building. Upon reviewing this concept, staff determined that such a design would negatively impact the structural integrity of the existing building; and could only be accomplished by demolishing the old restroom and constructing a brand new restroom. At staffs request, CEJ provided a separate proposal in the amount of $20,220 to design an all new restroom building. At this time, staff is recommending two options: City Council Meeting May 14, 2019 Page 3 of 3 (1) Move forward with the revised restroom renovation design. CEJ Engineers can finalize the construction drawings and bid specifications within a month; the project can be advertised for bids, and a construction contract awarded this Summer; and construction can be completed this Fall 2019. (2) Design and construct a brand new restroom building. For an additional fee of $20,220, CEJ Engineers can prepare a new set of construction drawings and update the bid specifications, and construction would be anticipated to be completed in the Spring 2020. FINANCIAL REVIEW This project was included in the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Capital Improvement Program as a carryover project from Fiscal Year 2016-2017. The budget for this project is $600,000, which consists of $210,000 in General funds and $390,000 in CDBG funds. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Since the proposed work involves the rehabilitation of an existing public facility, the project is Class 1 Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Rey Alfonso, P.E. Director of Public Works Attachment A: Option 1- Revised Design Update Attachment B: Option 2 --- New Restroom Design Attachment C; Resolution No. 2019-22 Attachment A. Option i Revised Design Update .::....::.:. f1 i i w MIND '� o Attachment B Option 2 New Restroom Design n n � w LU L •pq ��" z x p N ® 4b Poo .� 4J � Attachment C Resolution No. 2019-22 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-22 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DESIGN AND PLANS FOR THE GARVEY PARK RESTROOM RENOVATION PROJECT PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE § 830.6 AND ESTABLISHING A PROJECT PAYMENT ACCOUNT. The City Council of the City of Rosemead does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. City staff has prepared bid specifications for the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project ("Project"); B. The City Engineer reviewed the completed design and plans for the Project and agrees with staff that the plans are complete and the Project may be constructed; C. The City Council wishes to obtain the immunities set forth in Government Code § 830.6 with regard to the plans and construction of the Project. SECTION 2: Environmental Assessment. The proposed project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities). The project results in rehabilitation. to existing public facilities involving no significant expansion of the existing use. The project is not anticipated to have any significant impacts with regard to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. There are adequate utilities and public services to serve the project. SECTION 3: Design Immunity; Authorization. A. The design and plans for the Project are determined to be consistent with the City's standards and are approved. B. The design approval set forth in this Resolution occurred before actual work on the Project construction commenced. C. The approval granted by this Resolution conforms to the City's General Plan. D. The City Engineer, or designee, is authorized to act on the City's behalf in approving any alterations or modifications of the design and.plans approved by this Resolution. E. The approval and authorization granted by this Resolution is intended to avail the City of the immunities set forth in Government Code § 830.6. F. The City Manager, or designee, may solicit bids for the Project in accordance with applicable law. SECTION 4: Project Payment Account. For purposes of the Contract Documents administering the Project, the City Council directs the City Manager, or designee, to establish an account allocating General Funds and CDBG Funds from the current fiscal year budget to pay for the Project ("Project Payment Account"). The Project Payment Account is the sole source of funds available for the Contract Sum, as defined in the Contract Document administering the Project. SECTION 5: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution. SECTION 6: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1411 day of May 2019. Margaret Clark, Mayor ATTEST: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachel Richman, City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) § CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) 1, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution; No. 2019-22, was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a special meeting thereof held on the 14"' day of May, 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk