CC/PC - Item 1A - Olson Company Presentation on Proposed 29-Unit Residential Planned Development M 9 a ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL/ ®� PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIC PRIDE * * � MEMORANDUM /NCDRPORAT ‘ce-4 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER !✓1 DATE: MAY 28, 2019 SUBJECT: OLSON COMPANY PRESENTATION ON PROPOSED 29-UNIT RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY The Olson Company has submitted a Pre-Application (Pre-Application 19-01), proposing to develop a new 29-unit residential planned development. The size of each single-family dwelling varies from 1,150 square feet to 1,800 square feet with an attached two-car garage. To develop the site as a residential planned development, the applicant proposes to change the zone from Light Multiple Residential (R-2)to Planned Development(P-D). The applicant is also proposing to change the General Plan land use designation from Medium Density (0-12 units/acre) to High Density(0-30 units/acre). The subject site is located at 3133-3141 Willard Avenue. at ;4110 Willard $hoot • Project Site • a _ >: AGENDA ITEM NO. l.A City Council/Planning Commission Memorandum May 28,2019 Page 2 of 2 DISCUSSION On May 14, 2019, the Planning Division issued a comment letter (Attachment"A") based on the conceptual and preliminary plans (Attachment "B") that were submitted in the Pre-Application package. The applicant is aware that the comments are preliminary in nature and is currently reviewing the comment letter. As part of the Pre-Application process, the Olson Company would like to present their proposed project in a workshop to the City Council and Planning Commission to receive feedback and input, and to provide information on potential site development challenges that may need to be addressed as part of the due diligence process. Prepared by: 4 .6 pi Lily alenzuela, Planning&Economic Development Manager Submitted by: Ben Kim, Director of Community Development Attachment A: Pre-Application 19-01 Comment Letter Attachment B: Site Plan S E M F PR,DE -MM./ 1101 Attachment A Pre-Application 19-01 Comment Letter MAYOR: City of Qosemeati MARGARET CLARK s E M MAYOR PRO TEM: SANDRA ARMENTA (T�\ 8838 E.VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 vG OYiDF COUNCIL MEMBERS: ROSEMEAD,CALIFORNIA 91770 SEAN DANG /IMO TELEPHONE(626)569-2100 POLLY Low M`D�Dnw*Eo„• FAX(626)307-9218 STEVEN LY May 14, 2019 Steve Armanino, Director of Development Olson Urban Housing, LLC 3010 Old Ranch Parkway, Suite 100 Seal Beach, CA 90740 SUBJECT: Pre-Application 19-01 3133-3145 Willard Avenue Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in the City of Rosemead. On April 17, 2019, the Planning Division received your Pre-Application submittal for a new residential planned development project. The following comments are based on the preliminary plans that you submitted. Staff understands the plans are preliminary for the purpose of the pre- application review. However, in order for City staff to complete a thorough review of the project the architectural plans require more detailed information. Please also be aware that additional issues could arise as more information is received. Application Requirements The following entitlement applications and fees for the project will be required. Additional entitlements may be required once complete sets of plans have been submitted. 1. Tentative Tract Map - $1 ,385.00 + $100/lot 2. Zone Change - $1 ,700 3. Planned Development Review - $1,200.00 4. General Plan Amendment - $2,000.00 5. Environmental Review — Cost plus 10% The applicant will be required to submit any applicable California Environmental Quality Act fees. Please note that a deposit will be required for the City to contract with an environmental consulting firm to prepare the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act analysis and related technical reports. The 1 scope of work will be prepared by the City and the deposit amount will be requested of you prior to initiating the environmental review of the project. 6. Geologic/Geotechnical review — Cost plus 10% This site is located within a known liquefaction area, a soils report will be required for review and approval prior to this item going forward to the Planning Commission. 7. Publication - $1000 ($500 for Planning Commission and $500 for City Council) 8. LA County Recording Fee - $75.00 (unless covered by CEQA contract) 9. Development Impact Fees — On June 9, 2015, the City Council adopted Ordinance 949, to establish Development Impact Fees. The fee for each dwelling unit is $5,197. 10.Development Schedule — an application for approval of a development plan in the P-D zone shall be accompanied by a development schedule indicating the approximate date on which construction of the project can be expected to begin, the anticipated rate of development and completion date. Such development schedule, if approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, shall become a part of the development plan and shall be adhered to by the owner of the site and any successor in interest. 11.Per Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) Section 17.24.040(D)(3), all residential planned development (P-D) projects shall include in the required covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) or other similar recorded instrument the following statement. This statement is intended to notify all prospective property owners of certain limitations on construction to residential dwellings contained in planned development projects. a. "All residential dwellings within this project were designed and approved under a precise plan, planned development (P-D) concept. As a result, some of the project lots and yard areas are smaller than would ordinarily be allowed under the development standards contained in the Rosemead Zoning Code." b. "Purchasers of project dwellings are hereby notified that they should not assume that they will be able to gain City of Rosemead approval for any further building on any smaller-than-standard lot. Applications for room additions, patio enclosures, etc., will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Further information is available from the City of Rosemead Planning Division during regular business hours." 2 Project Summary Data The project data summary table should also provide the following information: 12.Name, address, and telephone number of property owner(s), applicant and plan preparer. 13.List all addresses 14.Name, address, and telephone number of all service providers, including water sewer, school(s), utility companies, etc. a. Southern California Edison b. The Gas Company c. San Gabriel Valley Water Company d. Garvey School District 15. Indicate the type of building construction and occupancy (per Uniform Building Code). 16.Detail the net square footage of all landscaped areas, within public right of way, and the percentage of the total net areas of the site. 17.Indicate the number of parking spaces required and the amount provided on-site (specify guest parking). Phasing 18. If the project is to be phased, indicate the proposed phases and their sequence of development and timing. 19.Per Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) Section 17.24.040(G), If development is to be accomplished in stages, the development plan shall coordinate improvement of the open space, the construction of buildings, structures and improvements in such open space, and the construction of dwelling units, in order that each development stage achieves a proportionate share of the total open space environmental quality of the total planned development. Also, the development plan for the proper shall include conditions related to the phasing of development. Precise Development Plan 20.Per RMC Section 17.24.040(C), a precise development plan shall include the following details: 3 a. Location of each existing and location and dimensions of each proposed structure in the site, the use or uses to be contained therein, the number of stories, gross building and floor area, location of entrances and loading points thereof. b. Location of proposed parks, playgrounds, school sites, public buildings and other such uses within the zone. c. All streets, points of access, curb cuts, garage door locations, driving lanes, parking areas, and in commercial developments, the ratio of off- street parking to building floor area, loading area, public transportation points, and illumination facilities for same. d. All pedestrian walks, malls and open areas for the use of occupants and members of the public. e. Location, height and material of all walls and fences. Location and height of all screen planting in front, side and rear yards. f. Types of surfacing, such as paving, turf or gravel, to be used at the various locations. g. Landscaping and tree planting plan including type and location of plant materials to be used and an irrigation plan, in accordance with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. h. Plans and elevations of structures indicating architectural, building materials and construction standards. i. The gross land area of the site and of the footprints of the structures, and land use of the area within three hundred (300) feet of the perimeter of the site, including the location of structures and other improvements. j. Such other information as may be required by the Community Development Department to assist in the consideration of the development plan. k. A map or grading plan showing the proposed grading and topography of the site. I. Such application shall be processed and heard in accordance with the provisions of Article 5, Chapter 17.120 (Applications and Processing). The Planning Commission and City Council may impose reasonable conditions to the approval of the development plan. 4 Site Plan 21.Property lines and dimensions - Show all property lines and dimensions. Staff prefers that you use one of the following scales on the site plan: 1" = 20', 30', 40' or 1/8", 1/4". 22.Surrounding Improvements - Show all existing improvements (i.e. land uses, buildings, structures, etc.) within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject site. 23.Fully dimension the width and depth of all guest parking. 24.Indicate the vehicle circulation pattern. 25.0ff-site Improvements and Utilities - Indicate all abutting streets, including names, distance to centerline, ultimate right-of-way width and proposed and existing improvements (curbs, sidewalks, utility poles, etc.). 26.Walls and Fencing - Indicate the location, height, and type of construction materials of all walls and fences. The proposed walls shall be decorative and architecturally compatible with the proposed building's exterior. Vines shall be planted six (6) feet apart along the walls to soften the appearance. 27.Trash Enclosures — Illustrate the location and provide dimensions of the trash enclosure. Per RMC Section 17.32.050, solid waste and recyclable materials storage areas are subject to the following criteria: a. Architectural Design - Enclosed solid waste collection areas shall be conveniently located and shall be an integral part of the architectural development of properties with three or more residential units and all properties with nonresidential development. The enclosure areas shall be of the same architectural style of the development by the use of colors, materials, and design. b. Minimum Dimensions - Enclosure dimensions shall be a minimum of six feet six inches in depth by ten (10) feet eight inches in width for single bin enclosures, and a minimum of six feet six inches in depth by eighteen (18) feet eight inches in width for double bin enclosures. Trash enclosures shall be constructed with reinforced masonry block walls not less than six feet in height and shall be equipped with self-closing, solid, doors and a solid roof. The roof should provide adequate clearance to allow complete access of waste bins. The enclosure shall be designed to accommodate individual bins or containers that protect contents from adverse environmental conditions that might render recyclable materials unmarketable. c. Location. No trash enclosure shall be located in any required parking stall, vehicle back-up aisle, or required landscaped area. 5 d. Adequate vehicular access to and from the solid waste collection area shall be provided. e. Solid waste collection areas shall be maintained in a closed manner at all times to prohibit the visibility from public right-of-way or adjacent property. Doors shall be properly secured to prevent access by unauthorized persons and minimize scavenging, while allowing authorized persons' access for disposal and collection of materials. 28.Fire Hydrants — Label the location of proposed and existing fire hydrants (on-site and within 150 feet of the property). 29. Identify all mechanical equipment on the site plan. All ground level and roof top appurtenances and equipment shall be adequately screened such that they are not visible from adjacent properties or public right-of-way. a. Wall mounted equipment shall be flush with the exterior of the building and painted to match the exterior of the building. b. Ground and pad mounted mechanical equipment and other such equipment shall be screened from all public rights of way and adjacent properties by architectural building features, fencing or landscaping. c. Provide a cross section of roof parapets which indicates the height of the parapet wall in relation to the proposed solar panels and any new mechanical equipment. 30.The driveway shall be designed to complement and ideally accentuate the development and neighborhood. Please incorporate interlocking pavers, decomposed granite or other decorative hardscape materials for walkways and driveways. 31. Indicate location of mailbox. The design of the mailbox shall be architecturally compatible with the development. Floor Plan 32.To ensure the plans are consistent, please coordinate the site and floor plans. Elevation Plans 33.Please submit elevation plans of each type of single-family home proposed. Label all colors and materials. A colored elevation will be required at the time of entitlement submittal. 6 Landscaping 34.Landscaping and tree planting plan including type and location of plant materials to be used and an irrigation plan, in accordance with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (RMC Chapter 13.08). a. All setback areas fronting on or visible from an adjacent public street, and all leisure, open space, and recreation areas shall be landscaped in an attractive manner and provided with a method for the maintenance of the areas. b. Decorative design elements (e.g. benches, exterior recreational facilities, fountains, planters, pools, sculptures, and similar elements) may be allowed, provided the elements are incorporated as a part of the landscaping plans, except where otherwise prohibited. 35.All usable open space (i.e., pedestrian walkways, separations between buildings, yard areas, and common recreation areas) shall be landscaped and provided with permanent, moisture sensing devices and automatic underground irrigations systems, developed in accordance with an approved landscape plan and maintenance plan. 36.A landscape and irrigation plan, prepared by a professional landscape architect, shall be submitted for review. The site plan shall illustrate the location of all existing trees with a diameter of 10" or larger and the tree specimen/type. 37. Except as provided in RMC Chapter 13.08, Water Efficient Landscapes, all plants and shrubs shall be living evergreen vines, shrubs, or ground cover, mow-able grass, or a combination thereof. All trees shall be living, a minimum of fifty (50) percent which shall be an evergreen type. The following minimum sizes shall apply: a. Trees, fifteen (15) gallons; b. Shrubs, five gallons; and c. Ground cover and vines from pots or rooted cuttings from flats spaced twelve (12) inches on center. 38.All landscape designs must incorporate energy and water conservation measures. 39.The developer and subsequent owners shall be responsible for maintaining the landscaping as shown on the approved plan. Maintenance shall include regular irrigation, weeding, fertilizing, and pruning of dead materials. 40.Landscaping shall not be permitted to limit or restrict the line of sight on any public right-of-way. 7 Lighting 41 . Include a lighting plan for this project. 42.Lighting fixtures shall be designed and located to illuminate only the interior of the site and not project glare onto adjacent properties. A photometric survey will be required to demonstrate this requirement. Light cut sheets shall be submitted to the Planning Division indicating these specifications. 43.Light fixtures shall be compatible with the architectural style of the development. 44.Lighting shall be integrated into the landscaping wherever possible. Development Guidelines 45.Staff recommends that the project incorporate some development standards listed in RMC Section 17.36.060 (attached). This includes decorative design elements, open space, storage and utility space, etc. Engineering Division 46.Please contact the City Engineer for Engineering comments. Comments from Reviewing Agencies 47.Enclosed with this letter are copies of the comment letters from the following agencies: a. City of Rosemead Public Works Department b. City of Rosemead Building and Safety Division (received via email) c. AT&T d. Charter Communications (received via email) e. County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County f. County of Los Angeles Fire Department (received via email) Please review the attached comments and respond accordingly as such comments may affect the proposed project. 8 Presentation 48.The presentation is scheduled for Tuesday, May 28th. Please let staff know if you will require any electronic devices by Monday, May 27th Please feel free to contact me at (626) 569-2142 or Itrinh©cityofrosemead.org if you have any questions regarding this matter. Rosemead City Hall is open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Fridays. Sincerely, it &- Lily T. Valenzuela Planning & Economic Development Manager Cc: Case File: Pre-App 19-01 Enclosures 9 5/14/2019 Rosemead,CA Code of Ordinances 17.36.060-Development standards. The following regulations shall apply to condominium projects unless otherwise provided in this Zoning Code. A. Minimum Lot Area. 1. Minimum Lot Area for Commercial/Industrial Condominium and Stock Cooperatives.The minimum lot or parcel area for a commercial or industrial condominium project shall be forty thousand(40,000)square feet,and shall have a minimum street frontage of one hundred(100)feet,and a minimum lot depth of one hundred(100)feet as measured from the center line of the property. 2. Minimum Lot Area for Residential Projects.The minimum lot or parcel area for a residential condominium project shall be twenty thousand(20,000)square feet,and shall have a minimum street frontage of one hundred(100)feet,and a minimum depth one hundred(100)feet as measured from the center line of the property. B. Density,Lot Coverage,and Floor Area Ratio.Density,lot coverage,and floor area ratio shall conform to the requirements of the General Plan and Zoning Code requirements for the district in which the condominium project is proposed. C. Dwelling Unit Size(Residential Projects Only). 1. Each dwelling unit shall have a minimum floor area as shown in Table Condominium Floor Area Requirements). Table RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS Unit Type Minimum Floor Area Studio Unit 600 square feet One Bedroom Unit 650 square feet Two Bedroom Unit 800 square feet For Each Additional Bedroom An additional 200 square feet D. Minimum Building Setbacks.Condominium projects shall be subject to the setback requirements of the specific zones in which they are located. E. Maximum Building Height.The maximum building height shall conform to the requirements of the General Plan and Zoning Code for the district in which the condominium project is proposed. F. Fences,Masonry Walls and Height Requirements.Each development shall be improved with fencing,walls,and landscape screening in accordance with Chapter 17.68(Fences,Walls,and Landscape Screening). G. Landscaping.In addition to any landscape provisions required within the zone in which a condominium project is proposed, the following additional landscape criteria shall be followed: 1. All setback areas fronting on or visible from an adjacent public street,and all leisure,open space,and recreation areas shall be landscaped in an attractive manner and provided with a method for the maintenance of the areas. 2. Decorative design elements(e.g.,benches,exterior recreational facilities,fountains,planters,pools,sculptures,and similar elements)may be allowed,provided the elements are incorporated as a part of the landscaping plans,except where otherwise prohibited. 3. Permanent and automatic irrigation facilities shall be provided in all planted landscaped areas. H. Lighting.In addition to the requirements set forth in Chapter 17.88(Lighting),condominium projects shall conform to the following additional regulations: 1. The subdivider shall install an on-site lighting system on all vehicular access ways and along major walkways. 2. The lighting shall be directed onto the driveways and walkways within the development and away from the adjacent 5/14/2019 Rosemead,CA Code of Ordinances properties. 3. Appropriate lighting shall also be installed within all covered and/or enclosed parking areas. I. Open Space(Residential Projects Only).There shall be provided a minimum of four hundred(400)square feet of private and/or common open space per unit,or any combination thereof exclusive of front yard setback,side yard setback,vehicular access ways,and off-street parking areas.Open space shall be devoted to landscaping and outdoor recreational facilities incidental to the residential development which may include,but are not limited to:swimming pools,tennis courts,children's play areas,barbecue and picnic areas.Open space within the condominium project should be oriented so as to provide separation of vehicular traffic from the open space. J. Storage and Utility Space(Residential Projects).A single area having a minimum of two hundred and forty(240)cubic feet of private and secure storage space shall be provided for each unit exclusive of closets and cupboards within the living space of the dwelling unit.Such storage may be located within the garage,provided it does not interfere with automobile parking. Each residential condominium unit shall also have utility space for a washer and dryer and,adjacent to the conventional hot water heater,a floor area of two and one-half feet by two and one-half feet and eight feet high for a solar hot water storage tank. K. Trash Collection Facilities.Adequate refuse and solid waste collection containers shall be provided and conveniently located near the dwelling units they serve.The refuse location(s)shall provide for large refuse collection vehicle circulation and access from a public street or alley.See Chapter 17.32(Accessory Structures)for additional development standards. L. Parking. 1. Residential Parking. a. Number of parking spaces required.Residential condominium projects shall be provided with the following minimum number of parking spaces,each no smaller than ten(10)feet by twenty(20)feet. (1) Two fully enclosed parking spaces per dwelling unit. (2) One guest parking space per every two dwelling units. (3) One-half guest parking space shall be provided for each additional bedroom in dwelling units containing more than three bedrooms. b. No garage or guest parking space shall be located more than one hundred(100)feet from the unit it serves. c. Tandem parking is prohibited. d. Enclosed garage areas shall be provided with automatic fire extinguishing systems. e. The Planning Commission may approve a plan that groups all or part of the required parking if the Commission finds the following. (1) Such parking is useful and accessible to the proposed dwelling units. (2) Such parking provides more contiguous or usable open space. (3) Garage door entry and exit is oriented away from open space. (4) Where subterranean parking is utilized,the requirements of Chapter 17.112(Off-Street Parking and Loading) shall also apply. 2. Residential Driveway Requirements.Minimum driveway standards shall be as follows:twenty-six(26)feet of unobstructed width,and thirteen and one-half(13.5)feet of unobstructed vertical clearance.The unobstructed vertical clearance standard shall not be applicable to subterranean parking.Second story projections,such as balconies and landings may project no more than three feet into the driveway width for minimum clearance of twenty(20)feet.All driveways shall comply with the County of Los Angeles Fire Department Access Standards.All points of vehicular access to and from driveways onto public rights-of-way shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer.Driveways shall be situated so as not to be adjacent to any common open space.All interior private driveway paving shall be a minimum of the following: a. Subsoil compacted to ninety(90)percent density for adequate load bearing conditions. b. Four-inch AC over six-inch base material crushed aggregate,or six inches of concrete. 3. Commercial and Industrial Parking,Loading,and Driveway Requirements.Commercial and industrial condominium parking requirements shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 17.112(Off-Street Parking and Loading). (Ord.No.931,§5(Exh.A),10-22-13) GENERAL 1. A Topographic survey indicating the proposed tentative tract map should be submitted for approval. This should indicate right of way dimensions, existing sidewalk dimensions, street dimensions, utilities, etc. 2. A Topographic survey of Willard Avenue including right of way dimensions, existing street dimensions, utilities, etc. shall be submitted including proposed street improvements. A separate map shall be submitted with street improvements. 3. Details shown on the tentative map are not necessarily approved. Any details which are inconsistent with requirements of ordinances, general conditions of approval, or City Engineer's policies must be specifically approved in the final map or improvement plan approvals. 4. A final tract map prepared by, or under the direction of a Registered Civil Engineer authorized to practice land surveying, or a Licensed Land Surveyor, must be processed through the City Engineer's office prior to being filed with the County Recorder. 5. A preliminary subdivision guarantee is required showing all fee interest holders and encumbrances. An updated title report shall be provided before the final tract map is released for filing with the County Recorder. 6. The final tract map shall be based on a field survey, and monuments shall be set to permanently mark parcel map boundaries, street center lines and lot boundaries to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The basis of bearing used for the field survey required for the final map shall include two survey well monuments found or set. The City Engineer may waive this requirement upon petition should this be impractical. Well monuments shall be set in accordance with standard plan No. S08-001, if required. 7. Final tract map shall be filed with the County Recorder and one (1) Mylar copy of filed map shall be submitted to the City Engineer's office. Prior to the release of the final map by the City, a refundable deposit in the amount of $1,000 shall be submitted by the developer to the City, which will be refunded upon receipt of the Mylar copy of the filed map. 8. Comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. 9. Approval for filling of this land division is contingent upon approval of plans and specifications mentioned below. If the improvements are not installed prior to the filing of this division, the developer must submit an Undertaking Agreement and a Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond in the amount estimated by the City Engineer guaranteeing the installation of the improvements. 10. The City reserves the right to impose any new plan check and/or permit fees approved by City Council subsequent to tentative approval of this map. 11. All new on-site storm drainage systems shall be designed to retain the first 3/4 inches of storm water runoff and to prevent cross lot drainage and comply with all storm water regulations. 12. Prior to performing any grading, obtain a permit from the Engineering Department. Submit grading and drainage plans per the City's grading guidelines and the latest edition of the Los Angeles County Building Code. The plans shall be stamped and signed by a California State Registered Civil Engineer. 13. Prior to the recordation of the final map, grading and drainage plans must be approved to provide for contributory drainage from adjoining properties as approved by the City Engineer, including dedication of the necessary easements. 14. A grading and drainage plan must provide for each lot having an independent drainage system to the public street, to a public drainage facility, or by means of an approved drainage easement. No cross lot drainage to be allowed. 15. Historical or existing storm water flow from adjacent lots must be received and directed by gravity to the public street, to a public drainage facility, or an approved drainage easement. 16. Prepare and submit hydrology and hydraulic calculations for sizing of all proposed drainage devices. The analysis shall also determine if changes in the post development versus pre development conditions have occurred. The analysis shall be stamped by a California State Registered Civil Engineer and prepared per the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Hydrology Method. 17. Prepare and submit storm water plans prepared by a California State Registered Civil Engineer. 18. All grading projects require an Erosion Control Plan as part of the grading plans. Grading permit will not be issued until and Erosion Control Plan is approved by the Engineering Department. 19. The project is greater than one acre; therefore, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is required. A Notice of Intent (NOI) shall be filed with the State Water Resources Control Board. When submitting the SWPPP for the City's review, please include the NOI and the Waste Discharger Identification (WDID) number. 20. Applicant should contact Public Works Department at 626-569-2151 for plan checking fees. ROAD 21. New drive approaches shall be constructed at least 3' from any above-ground obstructions in the public right-of-way to the top of "x" or the obstruction shall be relocated. New drive approaches shall be limited to the frontage of the parcel. The drive approach is intended to serve, and is designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 22. All work proposed within the public right-of-way shall require permits from the Public Works Department. 23. Remove and replace existing broken and off grade sidewalk along the length of the property frontage in accordance with SPPWC Standard Plan 113-2, and as directed by the Director or his/her designee. 24. Remove and replace broken and off grade curb and gutter in accordance with SPPWC Standard Plan 129-2, and as directed by the Director or his/her designee. 25. The approved building addresses shall be painted on the curb as required by the Public Works Inspector prior to final inspection. 26. Rehabilitate existing AC street pavement along the length of the property frontage to the centerline of the street by grinding existing pavement to a depth of 2" and overlay new AC. 27. Close existing driveway aprons and install necessary improvements as directed by the Public Works Inspector. 28. Relocate existing water meter from the parkway area 29. Underground all utility services to the property.. 30. Prepare and submit offsite improvements plans prepare by California State Registered Civil Engineer. SEWER 31. Approval of this land division is contingent upon providing a separate house sewer lateral to serve each lot of the land division. 32. Prepare and submit a sewer calculations analysis for sizing of proposed laterals including capacity conditions of existing sewer trunk line. The analysis shall be stamped by a California State Registered Civil Engineer and prepared per the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Guidelines. 33. All existing laterals to be abandoned shall be capped at the public right of way to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Building Official of the City of Rosemead. 34. Prepare and submit sewer construction plans prepared by California State Registered Civil Engineer. UTILITIES 35. All power, telephone and cable television shall be underground. 36. Any utilities that are in conflict with the development shall be relocated at the developer's expense. WATER 37. Prior to the filing of the final map, there shall also be filed with the City Engineer, a statement from the water purveyor indicating subdivider compliance with the Fire Chief's fire flow requirements. 38. Fire Department approval letter shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior final approval. TRAFFIC 39. Traffic Study Report that discusses ingress and egress from the site and takes into consideration the existing traffic pattern generated by Willard Elementary School across the street. Lily T. Valenzuela From: Brad Fliehmann Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 12:01 PM To: Lily T.Valenzuela Subject: PA-19-01 Hi Lily, I have no Building Code concerns with the project documents submitted.Thanks. Brad Fliehmann Contract Building Official City of Rosemead- Building Division EAU 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Office: (626) 569-2221 bfliehmann@cityofrosemead.org www.cityofrosemead.org 1 AT&T California AT&T 600 E. Green Street Room 300 Pasadena, CA 91101 May 1, 2019 Rosemead City Hall 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention: Lily T. Valenzuela, Planning & Economic Development Manager Regarding: PRE APPLICATION 19-01 -- 3133-3141 Willard Avenue. Dear Lily: This is in reference to your letter dated April 22, 2019 regarding the above-referenced pending project. Pacific Bell Telephone Company doing business as AT&T California does not object to the proposed project, it being understood that AT&T reserves all rights conveyed by any easement or dedication, recorded or unrecorded affecting said property. This letter should not be construed as a subordination of AT&T's right, title, and interest in and to said easements, or dedication, if any. Nor should this letter be construed as a waiver of any of the provisions contained therein. Currently there are no existing facilities to serve this development. We recommend that the developer or property owner contact our Engineer Tammy Dila at (626) 817-4288 or by email at ty9517(a@att.com for customer requirements and to arrange a field visit to discuss new facilities: copper-fiber. Thank you for notifying us. Respectfully, Sliannan Scant-on Manager, Right of Way AT&T California Phone: 626.817.4284 shannan.scanlon@att.com Lily T. Valenzuela From: Graf, Rodney E <Rodney.Graf@charter.com> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 8:04 AM To: Planning Intern3 Cc: Lily T. Valenzuela; Garcia, Jose; Martinez, Henry S Subject: RE: Rosemead - Pre-Application 19-01 (Willard &Garvey) Attachments: Site Plan Rosemead (Willard &Garvey).pdf Derrick, thank you for sending Charter this information regarding a proposed new development, I wish all the cities would do this. I am including my supervisor Jose and manager Henry in this reply. Charter Communication has existing aerial facilities on Willard Ave and would like to work with the Olson company in providing our services to their new development. You may contact Jose Garcia or myself if you have any further questions or needs. Thank you. From: Planning Intern3 <planningintern3@cityofrosemead.org> Sent:Thursday, May 9, 2019 6:08 PM To: Graf, Rodney E<Rodney.Graf@charter.com> Cc: Lily T. Valenzuela <Itrinh@cityofrosemead.org> Subject: Rosemead - Pre-Application 19-01 (Willard & Garvey) Hello Rodney, Please see attached for Pre-App 19-01 (Willard & Garvey). Best Regards, Derrick Ho Planning Division ()SE1NE'AD 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Office: (626) 569-2147 www.cityofrosemead.org grie ci z The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender 1 WATER RECLAMATION COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1955 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601-1400 GRACE ROBINSON HYDE Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4998, Whittier, CA 90607-4998 Telephone: (562) 699-7411, FAX: (562) 699-5422 Chief Engineer and General Manager www.lacsd.org May 2,2019 Ref. DOC: 5073428 Ms.Lily T. Valenzuela Planning&Economic • Development Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Ms. Valenzuela: Comment Letter for Pre-Application No. 19-01 The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (Districts) received the letter and plans for the subject project forwarded by your office on April 25, 2019. The proposed project is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of District No. 15. We offer the following comments regarding sewerage service: 1. The wastewater flow originating from the proposed project will discharge to a local sewer line, which is not maintained by the Districts, for conveyance to the Districts' Santa Anita Outfall Trunk Sewer, located in Willard Avenue just north of Garvey Avenue. The Districts' 21-inch diameter trunk sewer has a capacity of 2.6 million gallons per day (mgd) and conveyed a peak flow of 2.1 mgd when last measured in 2013. 2. The wastewater generated by the proposed project will be treated at the Whittier Narrows Water Reclamation Plant(WRP) located near the City of South El Monte, which has a capacity of 15 mgd and currently processes an average flow of 9.1 mgd, or at the Los Coyotes WRP located in the City of Cerritos,which has a capacity of 37.5 mgd and currently processes an average flow of 21.7 mgd. 3. The expected increase in average wastewater flow from the project, described in the plan as 29 townhome units, is 5,135 gallons per day, after all structures on the project site are demolished. For a copy of the Districts' average wastewater generation factors, go to www.lacsd.org, Wastewater & Sewer Systems, click on Will Serve Program, and click on the Table 1,Loadings for Each Class of Land Use link. 4. The Districts are empowered by the California Health and Safety Code to charge a fee for the privilege of connecting (directly or indirectly) to the Districts' Sewerage System for increasing the strength or quantity of wastewater discharged from connected facilities. This connection fee is a capital facilities fee that is imposed in an amount sufficient to construct an incremental expansion of the Sewerage System to accommodate the proposed project. Payment of a connection fee will be required before this project is permitted to discharge to the Districts' DOC 5082162.D15 Ms. Lily T. Valenzuela -2- May 2, 2019 Sewerage System. For more information and a copy of the Connection Fee Information Sheet, go to www.lacsd.org, Wastewater & Sewer Systems, and click on Connection Fee, Service Charge and More. In determining the impact to the Sewerage System and applicable connection fees, the Districts will determine the user category (e.g. Condominium, Single Family home, etc.)that best represents the actual or anticipated use of the parcel(s) or facilities on the parcel(s) in the development. For more specific information regarding the connection fee application procedure and fees, the developer should contact the Districts' Wastewater Fee Public Counter at (562) 908-4288, extension 2727. 5. In order for the Districts to conform to the requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act(CAA), the capacities of the Districts' wastewater treatment facilities are based on the regional growth forecast adopted by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). Specific policies included in the development of the SCAG regional growth forecast are incorporated into clean air plans, which are prepared by the South Coast and Antelope Valley Air Quality Management Districts in order to improve air quality in the South Coast and Mojave Desert Air Basins as mandated by the CCA. All expansions of Districts' facilities must be sized and service phased in a manner that will be consistent with the SCAG regional growth forecast for the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, and Imperial. The available capacity of the Districts' treatment facilities will, therefore, be limited to levels associated with the approved growth identified by SCAG. As such, this letter does not constitute a guarantee of wastewater service, but is to advise the developer that the Districts intend to provide this service up to the levels that are legally permitted and to inform the developer of the currently existing capacity and any proposed expansion of the Districts' facilities. If you have any questions,please contact the undersigned ats5b-2)908-4288, ex nsion 2717. V, truly yours, 40000.._ _ Adriana ',-,000111111. Customer Service Specialist Facilities Planning Department AR:ar cc: A. Schmidt A. Howard DOC 5082162.D15 Lily T. Valenzuela From: Soiza, Claudia <Claudia.Soiza@fire.lacounty.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 10:34 AM To: Lily T.Valenzuela Cc: Steven Armanino Subject: FW: Rosemead (Willard &Garvey) - Olson Company - Revised Site Plan Attachments: FORM 196.pdf Hello Lily, Per our conversation, please see the email below. Please submit the Tentative Tract Map prior to the Public Hearing for review, comments and clearance. Please send 3 sets of the Tentative Map, 1 Site Plan and 1 set of Elevations. Additionally have the applicant complete the Fire Flow Availability Form, Form 196. Every application shall be accompanied by evidence indicating that the proposed structure is provided with a reliable water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow as required by Fire Code 507.1.1 Complete and return the "Fire Flow Availability" Form 196, with fire flow information provided by the water purveyor from the closest fire hydrant along the lot frontage. Let me know if I can further assist you. Thank you, Claudia Soiza County of Los Angeles Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Land Development Unit 323.890.4243 From: Soiza, Claudia Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 9:27 AM To: 'Steven Armanino' Subject: RE: Rosemead (Willard &Garvey) - Olson Company - Revised Site Plan Good Morning Steve, The proposed design would meet the Exception on V7-C1-S27 (Page 3) which is "One and two family residential dwellings (R3) adjacent to high voltage line utility easement". The Land Development Unit will accept the proposed design. Let me know if I can further assist you. Regards, Claudia Soiza County of Los Angeles Fire Department Fire Prevention Division 1 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT ' �. FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Fire Prevention Engineering FORM 196 Rev.04/03 5823 Rickenbacker Road Commerce, CA 90040 Telephone (323) 890-4125 Fax (323) 890-4129 Information on Fire Flow Availability for Building Permit For All Buildings Other Than Single Family Dwellings (R-3) INSTRUCTIONS: Complete parts I, II (A) when: Verifying fire flow, fire hydrant location and fire hydrant size. Complete parts I, II (A), & II (B) when: For buildings equipped with fire sprinkler systems, and/or private on-site fire hydrants. PROJECT INFORMATION (To Be Completed By Applicant) PART I Building Address: City or Area: Nearest Cross Street: Distance of Nearest Cross Street: Applicant: Telephone: ( ) Address: City: Occupancy (Use of Building): Sprinklered: Yes No Type of Construction: Square Footage: Number of Stories: Present Zoning: Applicant's Signature Date PART II-A INFORMATION ON FIRE FLOW AVAILABILITY (To be completed by Water Purveyor) Location Hydrant Number Distance from Size of Nearest Property Line Size of Hydrant Water main Static PSI Residual PSI Orifice size Pitot Fire Flow at 20 PSI Duration Flow Test Date /Time Location Hydrant Number Distance from Size of Nearest Property Line Size of Hydrant Water main Static PSI Residual PSI Orifice size Pitot Fire Flow at 20 PSI Duration Flow Test Date/Time Location Hydrant Number Distance from Size of Nearest Property Line Size of Hydrant Water main Static PSI Residual PSI Orifice size Pitot Fire Flow at 20 PSI Duration Flow Test Date/Time PART II-B SPRINKLERED BUILDINGS/PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS ONLY Detector Location (check one) Above Grade Below Grade Either Backflow Protection Required (Fire Sprinklers/Private Hydrant) (check one) Yes No Minimum Type of Protection Required (check one) Single Check Detector Assembly Double Check Detector Assembly Reduced Pressure Principle Detector Assembly Water Purveyor Signature Date Title This Information is Considered Valid for Twelve Months Fire Department approval of building plans shall be required prior to the issuance of a Building Permit by the jurisdictional Building Department.Any deficiencies in water systems will need to be resolved by the Fire Prevention Division only prior to this department's approval of building plans. S E M E l1114 CIVIC PRIDE Attachment B Site Plan • - - j . r - �' SITE INFORMATION ` 11 Address:Willard Ave <, 1r City:Rosemead i ,v,y APNs:5288-003-057;5288-004-054 County:Los Angeles r - `�.�1t" Zoning:Light Multiple Residential(R-2) 3' i C y� Proposed Zone Change:Planned Development(PD) " /' �• General Plan Designation:Medium Density -4 i GP Amendment:to High Density .ip1� . Density:0-12 du/ac •0'•al r! ,, *, Proposed Density:0-30 du/ac `i DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS t -- , Front Yard Setback:20 '+ , Side Yard Setback:8' f e%' 4�\\s��� Y 4" 1it Rear Yard Setback:20' Common /�/\ • • m Open Space jj���� ..- -a' ,uy'- _, 4- �� Building Separation.6' /7j1 1, t1,500af ��� \� Building Height 35'and 3-story *. O•t01111111,111 I % / \ C. Parking:2.5 sp/unit `a .k —1�IIIII`14,1lii'i �n• m I Min.8'Side Setback Required SITE PLAN SUMMARY II�II�1 4111 ,„......„,,P,,...-•-..,, Site Area:±1.2 ac. rr 1` = -' %i%� C '' s •11,1141111'11"0,, ,I i11111, / ���% _ . .,4 Units: n ,111IIIII;i j \ � • P1,. 3 units-Carriage Tandem 1150sf-2 bed/2.5ba II II .IP \ \%i �' P2 3 units-Carriage Tandem 1250sf-2 bed/2.5ba IIIIIII�III it �������✓/✓%��// f 9 II < - P3 12 units-Carriage 1350sf-2 bed/2.5ba —{ Yp_ Common A • A r Pa 3 Open Space P5 - 3> P6 —�_5 29 1 To a Density:t24.2du/ac 100'Setback from �IIL t = I� =!,1� IlI1' III' ��I(\ t , _. High Voltage =__ �-.,---,-,-1111,(III �_ _ f Parking Provided: Power Lines/ II Com..,. - - cv - 66 spaces-Garages Ope .•re O•-•S.ace D ; 7 spaces-Guest On-Site > t3,� +:n ''�' 'I1\- _ I1, m73 spaces ::.:u::Ufllf) -_- - a a o 0 0 � IIIj � m FE Open Space: Min.20'Rear ADA Accessible Path 18 r^�'� • o O O IA ("7 y/ O 20' I. ¢ Setback , / Min.20'Front Setback ' 414,4 Required 01' Required 'to, Min.8'Side Setback Required Ip a 1 r—. _...... ,. ! Architecturef...a.. i 1."" ...'1". Ill 911Planning OPTION 1 17911 Von Kerman Ave, 6ui1 The Olson Company ROSEMEAD-WILLARD&GARVEY CONCEPTUAL DENSITY STUDY ' i 1 1 i IMne,CA 92616 3010 OIG Cilnch Parkway,Stele 100 ROSEMEAD.GA *2018-1210 APRIL 17,2018 e - - A 919 851 2133 Seal Beech.CA 90]Oa '��' kW corn