CC - Item 6A - Little Free Library Pilot Program E M id ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CIVIC PRIDE STAFF REPORT on9,,.one TT, pr /NCCRPCRATED Ae TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER .0 DATE: MAY 28, 2019 SUBJECT: LITTLE FREE LIBRARY PILOT PROGRAM SUMMARY The City of Rosemead's Beautification Commission is a citizen-based community group appointed by the Rosemead City Council, that organizes community service projects designed to clean and beautify the community. With different projects in the works, the Beautification Commission is taking it a step further by giving back to the community in proposing a concept to adopt a "Little Free Library Program", which promotes literacy in the community and inspires children to read,while beautifying an area. The book exchange program is a good way for people to share their love for reading, inspire others to read and bring unity in the area. The Beautification Commission is partnering with Boy Scout Troop No. 1726, as part of their Eagle Scout project, in a joint effort to build five (5) Little Free Library boxes to serve the Rosemead community. The Rosemead Girl Scout Troop No. 1521 is also participating by collecting and donating books to the program. City staff received support from the Garvey School District, two of their schools have committed to adopting a Little Free Library for their students. Beautification Commissioners will continue to reach out to other local Rosemead Schools to keep promoting the Little Free Library Program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council provide feedback on the implementation of a Little Free Library Pilot Program. DISCUSSION The Beautification Commission would like to pilot the adopt a "Little Free Library Program" first to local Rosemead schools. Once a Little Free Library box is adopted by a school, they will be the designated "Stewards" of their Little Free Library box and responsible for general maintenance and assure books are supplied. The school may keep the Little Free Library box with no time restriction, free to relocate it, and/or return to the City at any time, if it no longer serves its purpose. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.A City Council Meeting May 28,2019 Page 2 of 3 The Beautification Commission, along with City staff, will coordinate the funding of the project with donations from the community and fundraising efforts. The cost to start the Little Free Library box project is estimated at $2,000 to produce five book exchanges, which includes the cost of construction materials, paint and paint materials, and cost of Charter registration. The Beautification Commission will be partnering with the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters to provide the carpentry expertise, tools, and skilled staff to construct the Little Free Library boxes. Library boxes measure approximately 3' ft. x 2' ft. and are mounted on a 4" x 4" post that is 5' ft. long. Participating schools will not bare any cost in the construction, installation of library boxes or first set of books when adopting a Little Free Library. The following chart is a tentative project timeline: TASK SCHEDULE MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Task 1: Assess potential locations X X with local schools Task 2: Present program to City X Council for consideration Task 3: Set-up book donation drives& X X X funding efforts at City events Task 4: Construction of five(5) X X Little Free Library boxes Task 5: Start installing Library boxes at X predesignated locations BACKGROUND The Little Free Library is a "take a book, return a book" free book exchange popularized by the nonprofit organization Little Free Library. Little Free Libraries typically take the form of a small wooden box of books mounted on a post in front of a property where a passerby can easily access the books. The Beautification Commission expressed interest in increasing access to books by inviting local schools to take part in the Little Free Library program to assure that children could benefit from accessing free books. According to the Littlefreelibrary.org website, there are currently more than 80,000 registered Little Free Library book-sharing boxes in 88 countries worldwide. Little Free Library boxes have been installed in neighboring San Gabriel Valley Cities such as Temple City, Alhambra, South El Monte, Pasadena, and South Pasadena. Studies have consistently shown that young children who have access to books in the home achieve markedly higher literacy levels later in life. According to the Children's Literacy Foundation, 61% of low-income families do not have age-appropriate books in their homes. City Council Meeting May 28,2019 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT No City General Funds will be used for the project. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT -None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: �Hs. Pi Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Attachment A: Program Information and Application B: Littlefreelibrary.org Information e m'--- \\ o * 1 '6 a] CIVIC PRIDE 'HcORPORATEO.196 Attachment A Program Information and Application Rosemead Beautification Commission LITTLE FREE LIBRARY PILOT PROGRAM INFORMATION Program The Little Free Library is a "take a book, return a book" free book exchange popularized by the nonprofit organization Little Free Library. Little Free Libraries typically take the form of a small wooden box of books mounted on a post in front of a property where a passerby can easily access the books. The City of Rosemead's Beautification Commission invites local schools to take part in the Little Free Library Program to assure that children could benefit from accessing free books. In exchange, participating schools, also known as"Stewards",will be required to sign a written pledge to keep the Little Free Library on their property, curate its collection of books and keep it in good condition. All complete boxes ready for adoption will be fully painted, unless prior arrangements are made with City staff wh-Aktt .applying. Library boxes measure approximately 3' x 2' and are mounted o .-.4" x 4" post that is 5' long. Boxes may vary by design and size during the preliminary construction .h s0 Application Process • • Applications must be completed by the author. ed signer of the schoo` uesting to adopt a Little Free Library box. Applications may be submitt-® d ring C . all's regula®usiness hours Monday through Thursday, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wire • Applications will be reviewed by theCat' Cl- #k's Office. ot:• Applicants will be notified of the result o eir requees within 2= 613 business days. • Please print, sign a.,mti-t rn a complete®'°hard*.e y a®.ication to the City Clerk's Office, located at 8838 E 14.-y-y Boulev ® Roseme® A 91770:` Program Acceptance of Requirements • The c.x eol adopting-4;:ittle re;:`xLibrary box4l be the designated "Stewards" of their Little Free Libra so IOC ^vEN •• Stewards w' `'-ccept the re ®® sibilitye;or general maintenance of their Little Free Library box and curate its cog:: `o of books. • After a Little Free b ary bo;ii. installed, the authorized personnel entering into this agreement indemnifies and holds -a:a" =se the City of Rosemead in the event of any damage, loss, or injury related to the Little Free L ary. • The Stewards will keep the Little Free Library box with no time restriction, free to relocate it, and or remove it at their discretion. In addition, the Little Free Library may be returned to the City, if it no longer serves its purpose, releasing the Stewards of their obligation to the Little Free Library box. Waitlist If more requests are received than there are Little Free Library boxes available during the pilot phase of the Program, applicants may request to be placed on a waitlist. Applicants on the waitlist will receive first consideration, if additional Little Free Library boxes become available in the future. LITTLE FREE LIBRARY PILOT PROGRAM APPLICATION Contact information Name of Requestor: Date: School: School District: Primary Phone: Email: School Address: City: State: Zip: Application Checklist 1. Are you the authorized person to request a Little Free Library box for your school? Yes No (If no, please provide the primary contact name) Name Phone: 2. The school is located within the City of Rosemead? Yes No 3. The School District is informed of my request to adopt a Little Free Library box. Yes No 4. I have read, understand and accept the Program requirements. Yes No Acknowledgement and agreement As the Authorized Representative of my school to participate in the Little Free Library Program, I will enter into a legally binding agreement with the City of Rosemead, in which I will accept responsibility for all general maintenance, minor repairs and curation of the Little Free Library. After it is installed, I will indemnify and hold harmless the City of Rosemead in the event of any damage, loss, or injury related to the Little Free Library on school property. - Print Name and Title Authorized School Representative Signature Date (handwritten signature required) Please print,sign and return your completed hardcopy application to: Little Free Library Pilot Program, do City Clerk's Office, located at 8838 E.Valley Boulevard, Rosemead,CA 91770. For Office Use Date received: Reviewer: Approval Date: Waitlist: r �. y o � c� CD o � �. 0 N CD G CD v 3 0 m v CD - CD m C N 3 N 7 CL 0 m 0 N O v a 2 N CD CD 3 0 0 N N 7 d CD 7 O_ N 0 G (D CL 0 O S N Q C 3 N 0 0 0 CL CL 0o 0 0 2 C 0_ 0 O _7 CAC 0 7 s c D) 3 O O_ (D O N O 7 CD 0 O 3 0 O 0 O O 3 O C w CD (D w CD CIQ 11- r✓ 7 r7 m = = 7 & ± I � = = i f A � CD � ] 2 i & 0 CD § — CD \ I ) . « \ }_ 2 CD \ = \ � / / \ \ ( \ cr Q Fn-_ : _ G \ \ \ 0 \ \ ( — \ j \ 2 2 _ K z [ ) { : \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / CD [ \ \ / § / ) / \ CD \ — § _ ; m 2 0 ( \ / ° ( ( / 7 ) / CD CD \ \ \ 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ ) — \ ] \ 0 ® ® _ ° k e a 0 a- \ \ CD \ \ § m CD _ \ ƒ & & -aa \ CD M D \ \ CD 0 \ \ _= C > > \ --1 [ 0 \ (\ CD CL § \ w \ °l< CD ° ) f CL 0 CD Cr CD \ _ \ \ \ 5 } \ CD & \ \ $ cr CD — £ f \ \ =0 Na \ j ( \ \ ICD \ \ } CL \ = \ ) CD ca _ / n 7 \ ! 0 !CD cn _ Ln. } CD ( _CD — — \ / C k CO } [ \ Co —CD 0 CD \ \ 0 } \ CD _Q ro \ so2 0 CD CD \ \ > � \/ ED CD ® / \ 0 \ W \ CD\ / / / \ \ ::r \ m 5 K rA § Co N CD m Q r O' v N 7 O CD s v 7 0 0 O C N O Q a m 1 (D N M CD Q V Cn 0 0 O CD co Fn CD Q r m T N CD r N CD N w 7 Q 7 N O co m rn C fU N Q co O 0 0 O (D PD (D O a m n N m O _ p N a W N CD 3 n k N v a N r o`�° O_ O' O � T N a ¢7 o 7 N Q m W o ? 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