PKC - Agenda - 06-04-19MINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 2, 2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Parks Commission was called to order by Chair Tocki at 7:02 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Chair Tocki, Vice-Chair Ruvalcaba, Commissioners Lin and Morten ABSENT: Commissioner Ly PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Vice-Chair Ruvalcaba INVOCATION was led by Commissioner Morten 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes – September 4, 2018, October 2, 2018 and March 5, 2019 Chair Tocki motioned the approval of the meeting notes at 7:04 p.m. ACTION: Moved by Commissioner Morten and seconded by Commissioner Lin to approve the Parks Commission Minutes of September 4, 2018, October 2, 2018 and March 5, 2019: Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Lin, Morten, Ruvalcaba and Tocki 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF A. Dog Park Update Recreation Supervisor Tam Chu provided an update on the dog park project. At the direction of city council and the strategic plan for 2016-2018, the staff was asked to evaluate the development of a dog park. The staff identified a portion on the westside of Garvey Park as the project location and submitted a grant application to the California State Parks Department. City staff attended a mandatory workshop on January 11, 2019 held in Fullerton. During the workshop, staff was given additional information along with the opportunity to ask questions with the Office of Grants and Local Services. Due to the government shutdown in early January, the process was delayed. As of March 14th, city staff will be working closely with the Office of grants and Local Services to submit the final steps to the National Parks Service for their approval. Staff recommendation would be to continue receiving updates from city staff. Chair Tocki inquired whether everyone applying was invited to participate in the final steps or if this was the process towards an award. Recreation Supervisor Chu mentioned all applicants were asked for the additional information, which was submitted, to move along with the process. Commissioner Lin asked whether there was a tentative date of when the grants would be awarded. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking responded with a no and hopes that as the grant process moves forward, then a date will be provided. There is no definite that the project will be funded. Commissioner Morten asked what the grant covered. Recreation Supervisor Chu mentioned that 50 percent would be covered by the grant and the city would be responsible for a portion of the project. Chair Tocki asked if the portion the city would provide would be in cash or in another cost share. Recreation Supervisor Chu stated he did not have that information but could review the grant and provide an update. B. Park Space Update Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking mentioned he was providing the commission with an update on the potential Edison projects as requested in the previous meeting. In early February, staff met with a new representative from Edison to go over the applications. With the change in staffing with Edison as well as the city, things have been delayed. The city is continuing with the applications, which have been submitted and are being reviewed by Edison. The city is waiting to see if the applications will be accepted in the next couple of months. The parcels that are being looked at are located on Marshall and Walnut Grove, one on the northeast corner as well as one on the southwest corner. The second temporary community garden will be going to council in May and will go to them for final approval. Once approved, the staff will begin the design and will draw out a plan, which will be completed in the next fiscal year. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking mentioned he was unsuccessful with obtaining information regarding the potential joint agreement with Garvey School District regarding Bitely Elementary. Unfortunately, the files from the previous interim director could not be found and the level of communication that had been established is unknow. A report will be provided in the future for the joint agreement request. Chair Tocki offered to provide the information he has on the joint agreement usage as well as a diagram from a previous meeting. C. Monthly Parks & Recreation Department Review Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking provided an update on programs, services and special events. The Farmer’s Market opened on April 1st and will run every Monday evening in the City Hall Plaza until September 9th. The market will be evaluated this season and staff will work with the market manager to identify new possible locations for next season. Unfortunately, due to the timing of having someone new come in, the location of the market could not be moved. The market manager puts in a lot work to prep and select the market nights. The attendance was small to start, but people were buying produce and it has a potential to grow. Commissioner Morten asked if more fruits and vegetables would be available. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking stated there are more produce vendors. The market manager will be bringing 3 more farmers next week and adding more the weeks after that. The market manager will be bringing more food and rotating food vendors. Commissioner Morten mentioned it has been disappointing as the market has grown smaller and smaller over the years with not enough produce being offered. This year marks the 60th anniversary of Rosemead. The City was incorporated on August 4, 1959 and a party will be planned to celebrate. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking announced council was presented with a concept and ideas for the event which were approved. The celebration will take place on August 24, 2019 on Valley Boulevard between Ivar and Muscatel. The event will consist of carnival games, rides, food, entertainment, a car show, sidewalk art contest and a ceremony featuring a time capsule to be opened on the 100th birthday. Staff will be highlighting the 60th Anniversary at the normal annual events with boards displaying the history as well as a special logo which is almost completed. Saturday, April 20th is the Easter Eggstavaganza which will take place at Garvey Park. The hunts for all age categories will begin ant 10:00 am. Areas will be marked off for each age category and thereafter, youth can participate in games and activities after the hunt. The event will end at 1:00 pm. Vice-Chair Ruvalcaba asked whether the Rosemead Anniversary would feature musical entertainment. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking mentioned there would be live bands throughout the duration of the event while also incorporating community groups. There will be performances from youth programs or dance groups. Vice-Chair Ruvalcaba asked if high school bands would be considered. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking replied with a yes. Especially with it being during the beginning of school, which could highlight the partnerships with the schools. Vice-Chair Ruvalcaba mentioned she would be informing one of the high school bands to save the date. Commissioner Morten asked for the timeframe of the event. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking stated that a time has not been set, but a possible time could be 12:00 to 9:00 pm. The timeframe will depend on what will be happening during the event to determine how late or how early it will begin. Vice-Chair Ruvalcaba asked if there were any games or booths she can help with for the Eggstravaganza. Recreation Supervisor Chu replied that there is always a need for volunteers. Volunteers will be needed for the egg hunts, games and arts and crafts area. 4. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION A. Commission Comments Commissioner Morten mentioned that the community garden needs an update. She went to garden and another gardener threw out the trash as it has not been picked up since January. The people from the garden should not have to take the trash home. There is also an open area towards the back of the garden with large weeds, which is not good for the plots. A few gardeners were watering other plots that looked dry even though it is against the rules. Commissioner Morten stated there needs to be a revision to the rules as gardeners need to water there plots more than three times per week. Since there are many new gardeners, it was suggested to send out emails to the gardeners with recommendations on planting especially with seeds. Vice-Chair Ruvalcaba inquired about the garden hours and when the summer hours would begin. Recreation Supervisor Chu mentioned the garden is open until sundown. The hours were extended and posted. Chair Tocki recalled that the previous director talked about having an educational component to gardening. Commissioner Morten recommended reaching out to master gardeners within the San Gabriel Valley to come out and provide the educational component. The classes would draw more attention to the garden especially in thinking of the second garden to come. Commissioner Lin mentioned that one of the residents that has a plot is a master gardener. It was suggested to reach out to current gardeners for resources. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m. The next Parks Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. __________________________________ Jennifer Pineda, Administrative Specialist APPROVED: _________________________ William Tocki, Chair CITY OF ROSEMEAD Administrative Policy Manual SUBJECT: MEMORIAL BENCH AND TREE PROGRAM POLICY PURPOSE: To establish guidelines for the establishment of a Memorial Bench and Tree Program Policy. Policy Number: __________________ Date: __________________________ City Manager Approval: ___________ 50-08 The City of Rosemead supports allowing memorial benches and trees in parks and green space areas, with the mindset that these facilities have many uses and are enjoyed by the public. The program is reserved for memorial purposes only for individuals who resided in Rosemead at some time in their life, or who provided public service to the community of Rosemead. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines with respect to the memorial bench and tree program. The policy will ensure that appropriate oversight is provided in preserving our City parks, to protect park resources, and enhance the park visitor experience. Responsibilities with the City for services provided by this program will be assigned as follows: 1. The Director of Parks and Recreation or his/her designee (Hereinafter referred to as Director) shall work with other Departments within the City such as the Public Works Department to ensure compliance with this policy. 2. The Parks Commission shall have the authority to accept or deny memorial bench or tree applications and ensures all guidelines are met. The City Council will ratify all approvals or denials the first year and will revisit therefore after. DEDICATION GUIDELINES: 1. The proposed policy establishes and limits eligibility for a memorial bench or tree for individuals who resided in Rosemead at some time in their life, or who provided public service to the community of Rosemead. 2. The dedication of a bench or a tree will be acknowledged by an accompanying custom plaque. The plaque is symbolic of the dedication and does not entitle the donor to ownership of the particular donated item. 3. Memorials cannot have a commercial appearance or corporate label. The City of Rosemead will provide a plaque template and will have final approval of commemorative plaque, style, and wording. The donor will cover 100% cost of the bench/tree and associated plaque. 4. The type and material of the bench, type and size of tree, and locations will be consistent with the City of Rosemead landscape plans, standards and policies. The donor, with the approval and guidance of the Director, will select the park and location for the memorial. Page 2 of 4 Memorial Bench and Tree Program Policy Policy 50-08 5. A ceremony or gathering at the time of dedication is permitted but must be arranged in advance with the City of Rosemead and must be done in accordance with City of Rosemead ordinances and policies. To ensure public use and safety; memorial wreaths, flowers and any other items placed for a private gathering or ceremony must be removed immediately following the dedication by the donor. PROCEDURES: 1. The potential donor will meet with the Parks and Recreation Department staff to share ideas and ask questions regarding the City’s Memorial Application and Agreement Form. 2. The potential donor will submit a completed Memorial Application and Agreement Form to the Parks and Recreation Department. As part of the application process the donor will also submit the potential wording of plaque to the Parks and Recreation Department who will work with donor and internal staff to approve. 3. Department staff will work with the donor to get internal approval with appropriate staff on final park choice and location of the bench/tree. 4. The Director will review and determine the appropriateness of the proposal. 5. Department staff will notify the donor in writing of results of City evaluation of proposal identifying any final conditions of approval. 6. With a positive review decision, department staff will finalize the Memorial Application and Agreement Form between the City and donor and submit to the Director for final approval. 7. The Director’s approval must be received before ordering and installing the memorial. 8. Once location is agreed upon, donor will submit payment in full to: City of Rosemead Parks and Recreation Department Memorial Program 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA. 91770 9. The complete fee payment must be received before the materials are ordered or construction is initiated. LOCATION: 1. While the potential donor is free to suggest the proposed location, certain location requirements shall apply. The appropriate members of Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments shall make the final precise determination of location. 2. Benches or trees under this program shall be located in accordance with the following criteria: a. The location does not interfere with any active park facility; Page 3 of 4 Memorial Bench and Tree Program Policy Policy 50-08 b. The location does not interfere with any components or displays; c. Sufficient space is provided for the proposed bench or tree and accompanying plaque; d. The bench will meet the facility accessible design standards; e. The tree will meet the current City guidelines for tree species and size that has been recommended by the City arborist and approved by the City. This will ensure the tree has the best chance at a successful lifespan within our climate and meets the City’s overall design guidelines; and f. The location is appropriate for a bench or tree installation. 3. The following are possible locations within the City for memorial installations: a. Garvey Park b. Guess Park c. Klingerman Park d. Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex e. Rosemead Park f. Rosemead Plaza g. Sally Tanner Park h. Zapopan Park INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 1. Installation a. Once the bench or tree and plaque are received from the suppliers, the City will contact the donor. The timing of the installation will be determined by a variety of factors including the availability of City staff, weather, time of the year etc. b. The donor shall pay full cost for the purchase, supply, delivery, and installation of the bench or tree and plaque. The costs shall be established by the City, based upon the City’s normal providers, and shall be updated from time to time. c. The complete fee payment must be received before the process is initiated. d. The City will oversee the installation. 2. Relocation of Benches/Trees a. When the useful life of the bench or tree has expired, a new bench or tree may be installed but the existing plaque will not be replaced. b. The City reserves the right to relocate a bench or tree. In the eventuality that such a move is necessary the City will attempt to contact the donor for consultation prior to relocation to discuss alternative locations. The City of Rosemead will make the final determination. 3. Maintenance a. The routine cleaning and general maintenance of the memorial bench or tree and plaques are the responsibility of the City of Rosemead. If any benches, trees or Page 4 of 4 Memorial Bench and Tree Program Policy Policy 50-08 plaques are damaged, the City will attempt to make minor repairs with City forces. If this cannot be done, the bench, tree or plaque will be removed and not replaced. b. There is a ten-year (10) guarantee of bench maintenance and plaque replacement. The furniture will be kept in place as long as it is serviceable beyond the 10 year period. When a bench is no longer serviceable, applicants will be advised and given the opportunity to purchase a new bench under the terms and conditions then in effect. c. The City will not be responsible for acts of nature, survivability of trees, damage or vandalism to benches or trees. At the City's sole and absolute discretion, the City may replace memorial trees and make repairs or replacement of memorial benches. ROSEMEAD PARKS COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND PARKS COMMISSION FROM: TOM BOECKING, DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION DATE: JUNE 4, 2019 SUBJECT: MONTHLY DEPARTMENT UPDATE AQUATICS The high schools ended their swim season and will start using the Rosemead Aquatic Center again in August. Swim lessons registration for all summer sessions will open on June 8th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Rosemead Aquatic Center. Classes are set to start June 17. In-service for new and returning aquatic staff will be held on June 1-2 and June 8 in preparation for this summer. This year, the pool is set to open for summer programs on June 15th. Our mighty Rapids Swim Team is at 101 participants and going strong. Go Rapids! FACILITIES/PARKS Garvey Community Center- The CalFresh Program was introduced to the staff at Garvey Center. CalFresh is a new program that will provide low income senior citizens access to food and nutrition, cash assistance, and health services. Cities and community organizations are becoming CalFresh Assisters to help eradicate or minimize food insecurity. CalFresh Assisters will help to raise awareness of the CalFresh program and assist in helping the community with the application process. At this time, Monday Regan and Janette Vicario will be trained as assisters for the program. The program will be available June 1st. CalFresh representatives were also onsite at the Garvey Center on Thursday, May 23 for outreach to center participants. The Annual Salute to Seniors was held on May 23rd and includes recognition of the seniors that contribute and volunteer at the center. Honorees will receive acknowledgement for their work and a small gift. The beautifully decorated event featured a special lunch which included turkey, mash potatoes, salad, roll, tea, coffee, punch, and a cherry tart, as well as raffles and dancing to the sound of Bobby Z. May’s monthly arts and crafts class was held on Monday, May 13. This month’s class was sponsored by V & V Insurance Services. Laura and Edgar Villafuerte provided all materials at no cost to the city or the participants and led the class in a beautiful painting event. Parks Commission Meeting June 4, 2019 Page 2 of 3 Rosemead Community Center- The family movie night was held on May 24th with over 80 participants enjoying the movie Incredibles 2. The fun evening began at 7:00 pm with popcorn and snacks available for purchase. Coming soon is the 5th Annual Family Game Night to be held June 14th at the Rosemead Community Center. Game night is a great way to enjoy family time and build long lasting memories. A snack bar will be available. SPECIAL EVENTS Easter Egg-stravaganza - The Easter event was a success with children and families enjoying a day of hunts, games, activities and raffles. The event featured prizes inside an Easter basket for the children that found the golden egg. Prizes and candy for the game booths were kindly donated by Panda Express, Republic Services and Target. Many families had the opportunity to part take in a photo session with the Easter Bunny. Family Literacy Night - Reading is Fundamental, in partnership with Panda Express, hosted a family literacy night to celebrate reading on May 3, 2019 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center. The evening included books for kids, food (provided by Panda Express) and fun activities for the whole family. Each child went home with their choice of three free books! The event was a success with approximately 300 people in attendance. 4th of July Carnival and Parade - A full day event which is not to be missed, the 4th of July event will include a parade, carnival, live entertainment and end with a fireworks display. Food trucks and vendors will have an array of food for all palates. Currently applications for the parade and vendor booths are being accepted. This year’s theme is Cheers to 60 Years! Rosemead’s 60th Anniversary Celebration – Rosemead is celebrating its 60th Birthday on August 24th. The event is not to be missed and will include a ceremony with a time capsule, carnival games and rides, live entertainment, food vendors and a sidewalk art contest. YOUTH PROGRAMS Youth Spring Futsal League - The Youth Futsal League kicked off their games on Saturday, April 6th with 8 teams and 64 participants. Games are held on Saturday mornings and will conclude June 8th at Garvey Intermediate School. Youth Spring Basketball Clinic – The clinic began on Saturday, April 27th at Garvey Intermediate School. We currently have 25 participants in the program. Boys and girls ages 6-14 yrs. old will be taught the fundamentals of basketball, teamwork and sportsmanship. This is a 6- week program that will conclude June 8th. Parks Commission Meeting June 4, 2019 Page 3 of 3 Youth Summer Basketball League – The Youth Summer Basketball League registration is now open! Boys and girls ages 6-14 yrs. old will learn the fundamentals of basketball, teamwork and sportsmanship. Registration opened on April 29 and currently has 116 participants enrolled. Practices will begin June 17th and last day of games will be August 24th. Camp Rosemead- Camp Rosemead was held on April 8-12 and April 22-26 with a total of 26 participants. At the Spring Break Camp Rosemead, participants enjoyed the Space Adventure themed week that includes various activities, games, arts & crafts, sports and a field trip to the Columbia Memorial Space Center. Camp was held from 7am-6pm Monday through Friday for kids in 1st through 8th grade. Summer Day Camp registration opened on April 29 and has 63 participants enrolled. The program will begin on June 17 and will feature weekly themed activities such as mad science, wacky world of sports, space adventure and much more. Each week participants will have the opportunity to enjoy an excursion, which corresponds to the theme of the week. Playschool- Both playschools located at Rosemead Park and Garvey Community Center are open for enrollment for the summer. The 6-week session begins on June 24th and currently has 16 participants enrolled.