BC - Item 2A - Minutes of February 13, 2019 MINUTES OF THE BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Beautification Commission was called to order by Chair Brian Lewin at 7:03 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Commissioners Duran, C. Liu, L. Liu; Vice-Chair Oceguera; and Chair Lewin ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Clerk Hernandez and Deputy City Clerk/Staff Liaison Natalie Haworth PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner L. Liu INVOCATION was led by Commissioner C. Liu 1.PUBLIC COMMENT There being no comments, Chair Lewin opened and closed the Public Comment period. 2.CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Commissioner C. Liu and seconded by Commissioner Duran to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion was carried out by the following voteAYES: Duran, Lewin, C. Liu, L. Liu, Oceguera ABSENT: None A. Beautification Commission Meeting Minutes Recommendation: That the Beautification Commission approve the minutes of the January 9, 2019 Regular Meeting. 3.MATTERS FROM STAFF 4.MATTERS FROM COMMISSION A. Civic Pride Day 2019 Recommendation: That the Beautification Commission discuss and provide feedback to staff. City Clerk Hernandez urf Reduction Drought Resistant LandscapeReplacement project at Garvey Park; introduced Public Works Superintendent John Scott and Director of Parks and Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of February 13, 2019 Page 1of 3 Recreation Tom Boecking who will be assisting in different areas of the project; bjective is to confirm the date to host Civic Pride Day and the project specifications. Ms. Hernandez indicated Civic Pride Day is typically held the last Saturday of April, however, the Parks and Recreation Department is already hosting an event that day; therefore, staff is proposing the following th Saturday, May 4. Vice-Chair Oceguera echoed her previous concern that was held the same day as prom night, as a result not many students volunteered. City Clerk Hernandez reassured the Commission that once the date is set, the event will be promoted heavily to previous volunteers, non-profits, youth organizations, churches, etc. Chair Lewin asked the Commission which of the following dates would work best thththth to host Civic Pride Day: April 20, 27, May 4 or 11. Commission that if the event is pushed to early April, Public Works Services Division will be busy working the Easter Egg-Stravaganza event; also noted the th weekend of May 11 is , and the following week that staff would be preoccupied preparing for the Contract Cities Association Conference as the City is hosting this year. th By consensus, the Commission directed staff to proceed with Saturday, May 4, for Civic Pride Day 2019. Public Works Superintendent Scott provided a brief overview of the proposed landscape project at Garvey Park, which consists of the following: Renovate rundown entry planters to drought tolerant; Replant dead, declined, and missing plant material, which will reduce the maintenance and improve aesthetics; Add cobble rock to a (pre-excavated) bio swale; Add bark mulch to tree wells, planters; Add plant name markers so visitors can easily identify the type of plants; Replace missing l entrance); and Repaint faded red curbs along Kelburn and Dorothy Vice-Chair Oceguera thanked Public Works Superintendent Scott for his presentation; suggested making Civic Pride Day an education event so residents can learn how to properly landscape their own yard while conserving water. Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of February 13, 2019 Page 2of 3 In response to Vice-Chair Oceguera, Public Works Superintendent Scott asserted that educational event is typically completed in conjunction with Arbor Day or Public Works Day; noted Public Works week is May 19-25, 2019. Chair Lewin inquired if Athens could provide free mulch at a different part of Garvey Park on Civic Pride Day, to spotlight the event further. Public Works Superintendent Scott indicated staff would have to explore logistics to determine if this was feasible; however, participants are more than welcome to take home mulch from the event if desired. City Clerk Hernandez indicated that staff will prepare the flyer for Commissioners to hand out at various City events such as the Community Yard Sale and Egg- Stravaganza, in effort to promote Civic Pride Day. 5.ADJOURNMENT Chair Lewin adjourned the regular meeting at 7:38 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on March 13, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead Council Chamber. ________________________________ Natalie Haworth, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED: ______________________________ Brian Lewin, Chair Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of February 13, 2019 Page 3of 3