CC - Agenda - 07-08-2019 SpecialCITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA City Hall Conference Room 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 wwwwit vofrosemead.org Mond ay, July 8, 2019, at 6:00 P.M. Clity Council Mai-garet Clark,Mayoi- Swidra Amienta, Mayor PmTeai Sean Dang, Council Menibei- Polly Low, Council Membc�t- Steven 1.1y, Council Member RO��S VEAi) 11ohlic Comment froylo the Audience • If you svis'h to t1ffdress 1he City Conalcil, please c(miplete at S'peakei Request (7ardl as it inim be handed w the City Clerk, beft ie the stml vifihe titeeting. • The 01), Council will hear public coonments (.)it niatiers n'o..t lisled on the agenda fhoing the Nblic (:"ommentsfiront. the Audicvice perioeL • OppollunifY to addrcss the: Cit'V CONOCit (Oil "Oil fients) iv limited to ..� minuies per speaker. 0 The Ciiv Council will heor pedalo' t eprnments on itents listed ooi Me agenda (dierbig discussion of the matter utul prior to) a vole. Brown Act Purs-itimi to provisions of the Brovtfi /V1, no actioll lnellv be taken )it as inafter tinless it is listed em the fqelldil' Or unless certain emergency or specied cirvidnisiakices The 0t1 Conlpicil met.), direct stqff to investigare finillor vchedute cerlain lriportersftw coptsidemtion fit afiflure 01,Y Council Pneeting. Rules of Decorum Pe'rsons allerldin'g, die Ince ting shall opbserve rules qfpropi ielv, decondni, good conduct, and rejo-ainfrom impertinent or slaylderoms renzarks. Violotion oj'ihis rule shall resuh in sta-h personbehig barredfi-om fin -thee atedience beli.ire the governing body. Purveam to (;of,. C"ede Sect. 549543(c), an) person ftho engages hi tvilawful inteiferellce shall he kvinoredfi-oofi chambers. Americans with Disabilities Act In coinpliance ivith the ADA, i 'vou need special assboance lo participate in this ineethig, please contact the Gif Clerk's of ffict at least 48 hours prior to the Meeting to al/ow the City to njake reasoikible oirrafp,l'enleofts to en sure occe,ssibifitv if) the meeting orservice. AnY or documents prowided w a malioritly (sfthe Rosemead Ciry Council regarding anv ilerpi On this ageoula will he litude available forpublic taspecti . On in the Cir), ( I lel-A 's offic e during nonmalbrobless hours. Otis Coulicil Specu'd Meefing, Ngemh JLIIY 8, 2019 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1. PUBLIC COMMENT 2, MATTERS FROM MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Ainterviews and Appointments to the BeaUtification Commission, Parks C(:miimission, Planning Conn"niSSi011, andTrafficComn-rission Recoirimendation: Conduct interviews and make appointments to the Beautification Coarrivission, Parks Commission, Planning Commission, and Traffic, Commission. 3. ADJOURNMENT 'nic next regular City Council niceting is scheduled to take place on July 9, 2019, 1 at 7:00 p.jm in the Rosemead C'ity Hall Council ( , hatribcr. 1, Ericka [Jernaridez, City Clerk, or my designee, hereby certify that a true and correct, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted twenty-four hours prior to the irieeting, per Government (.,',ode 54954.2, at the following locatimm City Hall, 8838 last Valley Boulevard; Rosemead Comi-nunity Recreation Center,, 3936 N. Muscatel AvellUe; Garvey Community Center, 91018 Glarvey AvenUe; Public Safety (',"enter, 8301 Garvey AVCI'ILW; Unitcd States Post Office, 8845 Valley Boulevard; Rosernead 1-ibrary, 8800 Valley Boulevard; and on the City's website �fA-- 7-111-11111---- f It 1 �32 01 9 1-71ricka Hernandez, City Clerk Date 2 (Ity Cour161 speca'd meeting A�cvda My !K, 2M9