CC - Item 4B - Minutes of February 12, 2019 Special & RegularMINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL AND REGULAR JOINT MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 2019 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Council Member Armenta at 6:23 p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Conference Room located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Ly (arrived at 6:25 p.m.), Council Members.Armenta, Dang and Low ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tern Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant City' Manager Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director of Coznzziunity. City Clerk Hernandez 1. WORKSHOP A. Mobility On Demand Program Presentation by Metro City Attorney nt Kim, and Tito Corona Senior.Communit °Relations Officer ''Metro, provided an overview of the Mobility On Demand Program, in partnership with Via, which offers a lower fare to help increase ridership; indicated there is $1.35 million funding from the FTA Mobility OnDemand Sandbox Grant; stated the pilot program launched on Janttary 28th, will can -out over a 12 month period with a possibility of extending for another year, asserted to further assist.low income riders, Metro removed surge .pricing, meaning unlike Uber or Lyft, the fare will not change, no matter what time of wl ' In Fa lif you add 'a aap card to your account, fare will be $1.75 no matter day, and if you do not have a tap card, it will be $3.70. is Easy( meet cer ged their :shoos in ways Duncil mqq ry, Mr. Corona explained LIFE is Metro's Low -Income FE) program, which offers subsidized lower rates for participants m requirements; stated ridership has decreased as Metro has not iites for over 25 years; noted Metro is in the middle of completing 'fort to increase ridership and provide better services, including security issues. Council'Member Low asked if ridership has decreased as a result of Metro riders being charged to park in certain lots. Mr. Corona replied even with Metro charging at stations, they are still at capacity. Council Member Dang suggested Metro consider adding landmarks such as Rosemead High School to the map. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 1 of 11 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.11 Mayor Ly expressed concern that this program is beneficially very limited to the City, as it is open to less than 16% of Rosemead residents. In response to Council Member Armenta, Mr. Corona assured he would have appropriate staff fix the error on the map, removing Rosemead Adult School and correcting it to El Monte Adult School. Mr. Corona affirmed if an elderly person would like to utilize this program, a smart phone is not needed as they can simply call to arrange pick-up and drop offs; stated that ideas are still being developed and the pilot program will be reevaluated within the next 6 months; confirmed he will inform Metro and Via of Council's concerns and suggestions. Virtual Neighborhood Watch Pro City Manager Molleda stated . the neige prevention and education program to ident neighborhood; explained the virtual neighb to the traditional neighborhood watch prc source platform and c&mmunity policing program brings community member neighborhood, and increase quality of neighbor -to -neighbor communication;: cities regarding. their virtual neighb( and 0 watch program is a crime ,)ort susnicious activities in a watch program is. an added tool using technology through open )tial media; further stated this s=to establish control of the I ktheo crime rate by fostering staff gathered data from other tch ` programs, resulting in the rs and Nextdoor. Director of Community Development Kim presented the proposed Virtual Neighborhood Watch Program and responded to Council inquiry; stated Ring is a Subsidy partnership prograim,.which will give residents $50 off a Ring doorbell or security, camera, and the City will =match the $50 (total of $100 to the resident); noted there is no cost to. use the app itself; emphasized the Ring device is not limited only to the Ripg app, explained the app is customizable where neighbors can set the boundary area and emphasized it is very focused on crime prevention. Chief of Police Kusayanagi opined while it is better to have any security device in plaee,;the problem with doorbell cameras is the videos received are of bad quality or bad ' placement, meaning a very singular and narrow view; stressed the importance of strategically placing a minimum of 4 cameras on each corner of the street so. that law enforcement will have a beneficial resource; noted the Sheriff's Station was able to solve a couple of crimes in surrounding cities based off of the video provided; emphasized this program would serve as an additional tool to bridge the gap, but would not take the place, rather is tied in conjunction with good solid community policing, neighborhood watch program. City Manager Molleda advised Council that staff is proposing a 6 -month pilot program to provide data in effort to assist our Deputies in crime prevention. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 2 of 11 In response to Council Member Low, Chief of Police Kusayanagi answered that while other cities have utilized the Ring app, no other city at this point has tried to combine the Ring app with a social media platform. Council Member Dang inquired if a resident participating in the program is required to provide law enforcement footage captured pertaining to a crime or if they can decline to share due to concerns of personal safety. Chief of Police Kusayanagi indicated that he understands residents are afraid to report a crime, so he will never force that issue, emphasized the Sheriff's Station always makes safety a priority and handles each case with confidentiality. In response to Council Member Armenta's inquiry to help, subsidize the fees for low income residents, Director of Community Development Kim clarified the membership fee for the app is not $V a month, but rather $30 a year. Chief of Police Kusayanagi asserted the pilot program must be - manag therefore it will start with four to five cameras; and no. more than nme to ten. City Manager Molleda 'stated there is no set number of cameras to install at one block as each block's needs will have to be evaluated separately. Council Member Low indicated support for the pilot program. Mayor Ly stated while the pilot program is a good idea, he has major concerns to express; for the record; opined this programcomes across very Big Brother watching oyer you based; emphasized people will have the capacity to look at public streets, parks etc., creating a risk for innocent bystanders to be captured doing something that is 'hot flattering "and possibly resulting in the footage being released;,.encouraged staff to evaluate the residents' rights to privacy. City Manage Molleda noted that staff has taken Mayor Ly's concerns into Mayor Qy asserted that he respects the Public Safety and City staffs' efforts to help reduce crime; clarified he is not worried about the technology being utilized; rather he is worried about the people that implement the technology; opined that it takes one individual to violate the rights of someone by abusing data and trying to capture too much; ensured his opinion is duly noted for the record so that when residents complain about their rights being violated, he will refer to his comments at this rneeting: Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 3 of 11 Council Member Armenta stated the residents participating in the pilot program are aware of the stipulations in place to ensure people's privacy is adhered to.. There being no comments, Mayor Ly opened and closed the Public Comment period. The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Steven Ly at 7:32 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 88318 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Armeita INVOCATION was led by Mayor Ly STAFF PRESENT City Manager Molleda, A: Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director" Public Works Alfonso, Director of Finance Lieu, 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Ly opened the Speaker they are Housing Library;; opposing the C Ordinance. No. students` lose convince hong pleaded with.0 int City Manager Tsujii.khi, City Attorney 'ommunity Development Kiri, Director of 'ublc Comment period. with the ousing Right Center, indicated end Library to provide a free shop on February 20`h, from'6:00-7:30 p.m., at the Rosemead elude repairs and rental increases. rongly urged the City Council to continue their efforts in k1 Monte'. s„marijuana facility; thanked Council for adopting oted as a high school teacher of 17 years; she has witnessed 1ve to learn as they choose to use drugs; asked who will -&i.-that. Rosemead is still a safe place to purchase a home; to protect Rosemead from this threat. Ly emphasized since this is a legal matter under litigation, the Council and veru limited in what can be said. Speaker' Mary Helen _Estrada expressed concern for the City of El Monte's marijuana facility as she works in El Monte as an ESL teacher; implored the City Council to do all that they: can to show El Monte that Rosemead does not stand with them, but against them. Speaker Daniel Luevanos; Ambassador, One Legacy/Donate Life, urged the community to register to donate to save and heal lives; invited all to participate in Donate Life's 17th Annual Run/Walk on April 27h, at Cal State University Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 4 of 11 Fullerton; requested the City issue a Proclamation to declare April as "Donate Life Month." Council Member ATmenta thanked Donate Life for their efforts to ensure the important message to donate is brought to the community. There being no further comments, Mayor Ly closed the Public Comment period. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 5 of 11 C. Annual Street Resurfacing Project — Ellis Lane from Temple City Boulevard to Guess Street - Project No. 21023 Award of Contract As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Bridget, the City Council approved the. Capital Improvement Program that included an Annual Residential Street .Resurfacing project. The City Engineer prepared bid specifications and advertised the project for bids on January 10, 2019..On January 23, 2019, staff received six bids and is recommending the award of contract to Hardy & Harper, .Inc., of Santa Ana, CA, in the amount of $97,022. Recommendation: That the City Council take tl 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a.o in the amount of $97,022 for the Annual-.Sti 2. Authorize the Director of Public Works to a (up to 10% of contract amount) f this prof actions: dy & Harper, Inc., Project; and -ove change orders up to $9,700 and this resurface projectconsists of a rubberized asphalt overlay, which will grind off the current 2; inches of the asphalt and replace with a renewed 2 inches; emphasized this project will,olve the pothole issue on that section of Ellis Lane as it essentially is creating a neW;;street foir the next 15-20 years. comments, Mayor Ly closed the Public Comment period. ACTION Mova.by Council Member Low and seconded by Council Member Dang to approve Consent Calendar Items A, B, and C. Item D was pulled for separate discussion by Council Member Armenta. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: CIark CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS PULLED FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION D. Adoption of Middle Management, Professional and Confidential Unit Salary Benefits Resolution No. 2019-09 Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 6 of 11 The purpose of the annual salary and benefits Resolution is to ensure transparency and to implement modifications to the City's compensation system. Amendments to the Resolution include addition of the Administrative Analyst and Planning and Economic Development Manager classifications and their respective salary range adjustments and removal of the City Planner classification. The amendments to Resolution also include clarifying language that was approved in the 2015-2020 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Rosemead Employee Association. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt the Middle Management, Professional and Confidential Unit Salary and Benefits Resolution No. 2019-09, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING;, ANNUAL SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE MIDDLE MANAGEMENT, PROFESSIONAL., AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Council Member Arriienta indicated she pulled Item. No. D to ensure transparency for the different classifications. of the analystssalary range. City M, anager Molleda responded that staff conducted a survey of surrounding cities for the classification of the Administrative Analyst, Management Analyst, Senior Management Analyst, and Executive Assistant to the City Manager. _ACTION. Moved by; Council Member Low and seconded by Council Member Dang to a ,prove`Consent Calendar Item D Motiodwas carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, X.,ow, Ly ABSENT: Clark 6. MATTERS FROM WY MANAGER & STAFF A. Proposed Agreements for Animal Shelter and Care Services Recomiendation: That the City Council take the following actions:. 1. Execute an agreement with Rosemead Animal Hospital for an 11 -month period covering the period January 31, 2019 to December 31, 2019; and 2. Execute an agreement with Volunteers in Defense. of Animals for an I1 -month period covering the period January 31, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi indicated on December 17, 2018 an RFP for Animal Control, Sheltering, and Care Services was issued to four entities that Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 7 of 11 provide services to the surrounding San Gabriel Valley area; noted the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society (SGVHS) provided the sole response at $210,000 over a 12 -month period; informed Council that staff was able to negotiate and obtain separate agreements from the following entities in order to maintain compliance with State laws and provide equivalent services, and in some instances improve upon existing services: • Rosemead Animal Hospital for temporary/short-term kenneling and veterinary care. • Volunteers in Defense of Animals (VIDA) for long-term kenneling, adoption, and veterinary care. The Rowland Heights facility has over 30 kennels; 19 dog kennels and 8 cat kennels will be dedicated for Rosemead pets; VIDA places priority on adoption. Staff baving`visited the facility was impressed by the large number of volunteers • D& D Disposal Services for deceased animal disposal • Emergency Pei Hospital of Glendora • City of Rosemead Community Sery for off -hour vetei for daily and off -'hour field response services.. • City of Rosemead Public Safety staff for. animal licensing services; residents will be able to renew pet licenses online. In response to Council Member Low, Mr. Tsujiuchi affirmed that the other entities were not presented to Council for consideration as the. 'are eligible for approval at the City Man4ger's level. Council Member Arnenta emphasized these fees not only affect. Rosemead, but widespread across the Los Angeles County; read the following for the record: "The California Contract Cities .Association 'advanced its proud tradition of advocating for cities on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, with the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (LACBOS). Contract Cities' staff and representatives from 13 member cities attended the LACBOS meeting in support of Item No. 7 `Contract Cities Services -:and Billing Practices', which directs the Department of Animal Care and Control (DACC) to suspend its proposed rate increases for animal care. As many of you know, DACC is considering rate increases for sheltering animals across the County, which would double or quadruple the cost to 47 cities over the next. six 'years, The severity of the proposed cost increases would put significant strains on already tight city budgets, and ultimately reduce public services for residents California Contract Cities Association has been working with the County Supervisors to address the significant increase in fees. In response to Council Member Dang's inquiry, Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi affirmed. if staff finds a dog that was hit by a car and it is then transported to the Rosemead Animal Hospital, medical services will be rendered to the injured animal; further stating funding is in place so that the licensed veterinarian will provide an immediate assessment, stabilization and. comfort, in addition to time for staff to find the pet's owner; reiterated the agreement with the.Rosemead Animal Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 8 of 11 Hospital limits the City to not exceed $65,000 during a 12 -month period; explained if additional funding is needed; then this item would have to come back to the City Council for consideration. Mayor Ly opened the Public Comment period. Sneaker Brian Lewin withdrew his request for Public Comment. Speaker Ines Jauregui indicated she spoke to Public Safety Supervisor Wong on February 5th, to inquire why the contract with San Gabriel Valley Humane Society was not renewed when she feels that the SGVHS las gone above and beyond to take care of the Rosemead animals; stated due to concerns for the lack of proper care aftezhours, she and other residents volunteer to pickup stray animals and take them to the Humane Society; opined qty staff is not properly trained topick up injured animals; questioned why Rosemead animals are being taken to the Rowland Heights facility rather than a closet oue such as the El Monte facility; requested a copy of the SGVHS contract, as well as how much revenue was brought in for the dog licenses; asked for a meeting with the SGVHS,"herself and the Council. Mayor Ly responded that. the contract with the SGVHS was not renewed because they offered the City a ceAt number and came back only to change to a higher number; emphasized that the quality of care dropped and -,that residents were being overcharged; acknowledged that no matter what title staff has, training never ends; asserted that the other local facilities (Pasadena and. El Monte) were reached out to during the proposal process, however none of them expressed interest in serving Rosemead; advised Ms. Jauregui Io speak with, City Clerk Hernandez to submit a records request for the contract and any other information she is seeking; welcomed her to schedule a meeting with the City Manager and Assistant City Manager, and to mite whzclaever entitk.she,.:feels necessary. Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi zeiterated that the City has an on-call Community Service Officer to pickup animals during afterhours; emphasized that the SGVHS does not offer 'any alternative service, they too have staff for on-call services; clarified that stray animals are transported to the Rosemead Animal Hospital and in jured animal ai; transported to the Glendora Emergency Hospital. There being no further comments, Mayor Ly closed the Public Comment period. Couneil. Member Armenta apologized to Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi for the fact that his integrity was wrongfully being questioned; attested to Mr. Tsujiuchi's diligence in. ensuring Rosemead's animals receive the utmost proper care; noted the City has been very open, meaning this is not the first time that this. matter has. come. before the City Council. Mayor Ly emphasized 10 years ago, the City Council at that time decided to not renew the contract and withdraw from the SGVHS' care for the same reasons as Rosemead City .Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page .9 of 11 now; thanked staff for their efforts in ensuring the pets of this community are well taken care of. Council Member Dang expressed appreciation to staff and the City Manager for finding ways to improve the animal care and shelter program, especially at no cost to the residents. Council Member Low suggested putting a link to the Volunteers in Defense of Animals (VIDA) website on the City's website to. -,:.share adoption options with the community. Couxlcil Member Armenia echoed. wishes for a prosperous, healthy, and love wishes for a Happy Lunar New Year. Mayor Ly recessed the regular meeting at 8:46 p.m., in memory of Angelina Pinedo, 27 year old, who was a Rosemead resident killed in a hit and run. in the Redondo Beach area. 8. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(d)(1) City of Rosemead and City of Temple City v. City of El Monte; LASC Case Number # 19STCP00254 B. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Government Code Section: 54957 Title: City Manager Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 10 of 11 City Attorney Richman stated the following reportable action was provided. for Closed Session Item B. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Dang to provide a "5 — Substantially Exceeds Expectations" for the City Manager's performance evaluation, warranting a 5% increase (which will come back at a future meeting for a contract amendment). Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: Clark. 9. ADJOURNMENT Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 Page 11 of 11 Clerk