CC - Item 1A - Prop 68 Workshop - PresentationPotential “New” Park Proposition 68 Competitive Grant Workshop Agenda 1.Proposition 68 Grant Information 2.Community Outreach Process 3.Survey Results 4.Conceptual Design Review 5.City Council and Parks Commission Discussion 6. Park “Name” Proposed New Park Location The potential project is a portion of the Southern California Edison (SCE) Corridor located between Mission Drive and Wells Street just west of Walnut Grove. •Approximately 7.4 acres Proposition 68 Grant Information Eligible projects must meet at least one of the following: (1)Critical Lack of Park Space -the community within proximity of the project site has a ratio of less than 3 acres of usable park space per 1,000 residents; (2)(2) Significant Poverty-the median household income of census tracts in proximity to the project is lower than $51,026 based on the "California State Parks Community Fact Finder" report. The City of Rosemead has the opportunity to apply for grant funds through Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program, funded through Proposition 68. This program will award over $650 million in multiple rounds of funding. Grants will be awarded on a completive basis for creation of new parks and new recreation opportunities in proximity to the most critically underserved communities across California. There is approximately $254 million in available funding for this round. The minimum grant request for the Prop 68 grant application is $200,000 and the maximum grant application is $8.5 million. There is no match requirement for the grant. Grant applications for are due August 5, 2019. Community Outreach Date Location Total Attendance Community Surveys Collected June 20 Rosemead Community Recreation Center 17 6 6 June 24 Farmers Market 65 63 40 June 27 Shuey Elementary School 27 21 19 June 29 Guess Park 5 3 2 TOTALS 114 93 67 The Proposition 68 grant requires broad community outreach. Not only is this outreach a vital part of the grant, it also provides a great opportunity to communicate with our residents and stakeholders about the grant and gather their input for the proposed park project. Meeting dates, days, times and locations were varied within the ½ mile radius of the proposed park to provide maximum opportunities for a diverse population to learn about the proposed new park and most importantly, to provide their input. Survey Questions & Results The community survey was administered and collected at four community meetings. The survey was available in English, Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese. A total of 67 responses provided feedback as to what residents and possible park users would like at the proposed park. The information gathered was used to determine the conceptual plan for the park. 1. What types of activities would you be interested in participating? 2. What kinds of amenities would you like this park to include? 3. What reason(s) do you have for recommending these amenities? Discussion & Questions