CC - Item 6A - Coyote Managemetn Plan 2019 E k F A5ArgVf ° 9 ° ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL PRIDE STAFF REPORT X40 •>...";:r.7:".• /NCORPORATEO,e TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ;;, / FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER "t DATE: SETPTEMBER 24, 2019 SUBJECT: COYOTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 2019 SUMMARY The goal of the City of Rosemead's Coyote Management Plan (RCMP) is to discourage the habituation of coyotes in an urban environment by using education, behavior modification, and a human/coyote reporting and responding system. The ultimate goal of coyote behavior modification is to encourage the natural relocation of coyotes to their native environment. The actions in this RCMP are designed to increase the community's knowledge and understanding of how coyotes behave, to make clear how such behavior can be managed or reduced to eliminate human conflicts with coyotes, and to provide a responsible and regional response plan that is consistent across the San Gabriel Valley sub-region. DISCUSSION In 2016, the City Council approved the current Coyote Management Plan founded on plans utilized by various cities throughout California. Within the 2016 plan, it identified a need for a regional plan in order to bring consistency throughout the San Gabriel Valley region. In January of 2019, the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) formed the Coyote Management Task Force. The task force convened in January, March, and May to develop the Regional Coyote Management Framework (RCMF — Attachment A). The SGVCOG Governing Board adopted the RCMF in July 2019 as a comprehensive regional coyote management model for all of San Gabriel Valley cities. The framework serves as a document which an individual city, including Rosemead, can modify and adopt its plan based on the city's needs and interests; however, languages of individual city's Coyote Management Plans should generally be consistent with the framework if possible. The RCMF serves as a "best practices" document that cities may utilize as a resource that includes coyote management strategies, reporting tools, public education recommendations, and other resources to reduce human-coyote conflicts. The RCMF was developed using the following principles: • Human safety is a priority in managing human-coyote interactions. AGENDA ITEM 6.A City Council Meeting September 24,2019 Page 2 of 3 • Coyotes serve an important role in San Gabriel Valley's ecosystems by helping to control rodent populations. • Preventive practices are crucial to minimizing potential interactions and encounters with coyotes. • Solutions for coyote conflicts must address both problematic coyote behaviors and the human behaviors that invite them. • Non-selective coyote removal programs are ineffective for reducing coyote population sizes or preventing human-coyote conflicts in the long run. • Regionwide programs that involve residents can improve coexistence among humans, coyotes, and pets. In addition to the RCMF, SGVCOG Governing Board approved the Coyote Management Implementation Plan(CMIP), as an optional for cities to participate. Under the CMIP, SGVCOP would serve as the umbrella organization that is responsible for providing public outreach services and creating a comprehensive reporting mechanism on behalf of participating cities. Currently, SGVCOG is working with 13 cities (Alhambra, Arcadia, Azusa, Covina, El Monte, Glendora, Irwindale, Montebello, San Dimas, San Gabriel, San Marino, Temple City, and Walnut) to complete Memorandum of Agreements for the said SGVCOG CMIP services. The annual cost to each city is $10,000 and SGVCOG would provide the following services on the city's behalf: • Coyote safety community meetings and trainings. • Information website. • • Mailers and social media outreach. • Online coyote reporting tool. • Regional coyote reporting online. • Youth outreach and education program. The online reporting of coyote citing is currently handled by the Public Safety Division Staff (CSOs and support staff). However, due to the current staffing level and in-house expertise on coyote matters, the safety community meetings, training and public outreach program is currently not in place. Staff recommends that as an interim and trial basis, the City participate in the SGVCOG's CMIP program for two years (minimum term requested by SGVCOG) at the annual cost of$10,000. Adequate funds are available in the adopted FY 2019-2020 budget for the said services. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City approve the updated Coyote Management Plan 2019, which would be consistent with SGVCOG's Regional Coyote Management Framework, and authorize the City Manager to enter into an Agreement with SGVCOG for Coyote Management Implementation Plan(CMIP) at an annual cost of$10,000 for a two-year period. City Council Meeting September 24,2019 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT The City's participation in the SGVCOG's CMIP program is $10,000 annually for a two-year period. Since this is a new program, funding was not budgeted in the adopted FY 2019-2020 budget. Staff is requesting for a budget appropriation of$10,000 from the unassigned General Fund fund balance to cover the City's participation cost. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more secure community by combating crime and preparing for emergencies. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: 1 a-' p Ben Kimisistant City Manager Attachment A: Updated Rosemead Coyote Management Plan B: SGVCOG Regional Coyote Management Framework(RCMF) C: SGVCOG Coyote Management Implementation Plan(CMIP) D: Current Rosemead Coyote Management Plan E: SGVCOG Draft Memorandum of Agreement for CMIP Services 5 , M F O 9 i l'S a CIVIC PRIDE '9CORPORATED 1959 Attachment A Updated Rosemead Coyote Management Plan S E M , F 9 t) :,„" i i C1VIC PRIDE • 'NCORpORATEO 10'1 City of Rosemead Coyote Management Plan 2019 City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The goal of the Rosemead Coyote Management Plan 2019 (RCMP 2019) is to discourage the habituation of coyotes in an urban environment by using education, behavior modification, and a robust human/coyote reporting and responding system. The actions in this RCMP 2019 are designed to increase communities' knowledge and understanding of how coyotes behave and to make clear how such behavior can be managed or reduced to eliminate human conflicts with coyotes.The ultimate goal of coyote behavior modification is to encourage the natural relocation of coyotes to their native environment. The RCMP 2019 is modeled after the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments' (SGVCOG) Regional Coyote Management Framework (RCMF) approved by the SGV Governing Board in July 2019. The SGV formed a Coyote Management Task Force to address the existing and rising coyote issues in the regional San Gabriel Valley area. The SGVCOG collaborated with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife,the County of Los Angeles,the University of California, and other external stakeholders to develop a regional approach in addressing the rising coyote issues. As a result of regional collaboration, SGVCOG prepared and released the RCMF as a framework for individual cities to use as a model in preparing its coyote management plan. The RCMF serves as a "best practices" document that cities can utilize as a resource that includes coyote management strategies, reporting tools, public education recommendations, and other resources to reduce human-coyote conflicts.The RCMF was developed using the following principles: • Human safety is a priority in managing human-coyote interactions. • Coyotes serve an important role in San Gabriel Valley's ecosystems by helping to control rodent populations. • Preventive practices are crucial to minimizing potential interactions and encounters with coyotes. • Solutions for coyote conflicts must address both problematic coyote behaviors and the human behaviors that invite them. • Non-selective coyote removal programs are ineffective for reducing coyote population sizes or preventing human-coyote conflicts in the long run. • Regionwide programs that involve residents can improve coexistence among humans, coyotes, and pets. 2 SECTION 1: COYOTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY The strategy for managing coyotes is based on balancing respect and protection of wildlife without compromising public safety.The main strategy is a multi-focused approach consisting of public education, enforcement, and reporting. PUBLIC EDUCATION Coyote awareness education is critical for residents to make informed decisions regarding their safety, properties, and pets by decreasing attractants, reshaping coyote behavior, and creating reasonable expectations of normal coyote behavior. Dissemination of information to residents, businesses, and schools will be accomplished through the use of the cities' websites, newsletters, social media, press releases,town halls,community meetings, coyote management workshops, and other direct and indirect public outreach campaigns. Learning how to properly and effectively respond to a coyote encounter empowers residents and supports reshaping undesired coyote behavior.The public should understand what normal coyote behavior is when living in close proximity with coyotes. For example,vocalization (coyote calls) is a normal and acceptable behavior that does not indicate aggression. The City will host community educational meetings and provide youth education workshops in areas with high human-coyote interactions.The City would distribute through various outlets information regarding coyotes to educate the residents and households residing in areas with high coyote sightings. Mailers and social media postings would be offered in English and other languages that are widely spoken in the community. ENFORCEMENT The act of feeding wildlife is known to lead to an increase in wildlife activity. Feeding can attract coyotes and their prey to an area leading to an increased likelihood of creating habituated coyotes and resulting in increases in coyote-human interactions.California law prohibits feeding wildlife, including coyotes.The City will strictly enforce the State law pertaining to this activity.As needed,Ordinance that discourage the intentional or unintentional feeding of wildlife would be adopted. REPORTING A five-tier safety response plan has been developed by the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) and is incorporated into this Rosemead Coyote Management Plan 2019 (RCMP 2019) as a regional mechanism for identifying and classifying different levels of human-coyote interactions. This response plan serves as a regional approach to identify different types of coyote behaviors. 3 SECTION 2: COYOTE ATTRACTANTS While attacks on humans are extremely rare,urban landscape development,intentional and unintentional feeding, pet-related incidents, and media attention have led some residents to fear coyotes. It is important to note that attacks on free-roaming and unattended small pets are normal coyote behavior and do not necessarily indicate a danger for humans.Coyotes usually become habituated when they learn and associate people and/or neighborhoods with sources of food. Residents may reinforce this behavior by acting inappropriately when they see a coyote. Steps must be taken to address safety concerns and misconceptions and to ensure appropriate responses to potential threats to human safety. It is important to keep in mind that coyotes have been in and around the San Gabriel Valley and other parts of Southern California since thousands of years ago. Coyotes are drawn to urban and suburban areas for the following reasons: FOOD — Urban areas provide a bounty of natural food choices for coyotes that primarily eat rodents. However,coyotes can be further attracted into suburban neighborhoods by human-associated food,such as pet food, unsecured compost or trash,and fallen fruit in parks and yards. Intentional and unintentional feeding can lead coyotes to associate humans with sources of food, which can result in negative and aggressive interactions among coyotes, people, and pets. To reduce food attractants in urban and suburban area, residents should be educated to: • Never hand-feed or otherwise deliberately feed a coyote. • Avoid feeding pets outside and remove sources of pet food and water in outdoor settings. If feeding pets outside is necessary, remove the feeding bowl and any leftover food promptly. • Never compost any meat or dairy products unless the compost is fully secured. • Maintain good housekeeping, such as regularly raking areas around bird feeders, to help discourage coyote activity near residences. • Remove fallen fruit from the ground. • Keep trash in high-quality containers with tight-fitting lids. • Only place trash bins curbside during the morning of trash collection. If left out overnight, trash bins are more likely to be tipped over and broken into by coyotes. If necessary, purchase secured trash containers. • Seal food waste,such as meat scraps or leftover pet food, before discarding the waste into trash bins. • WATER— Urban areas provide a year-round supply of water in the form of stormwater impoundments and channels, artificial lakes, irrigation, swimming pools, and pet water dishes, which support both coyotes and their prey. In dry conditions, water can be as alluring as food. Residents should remove outdoor water bowls/cans and secure fountains, pools, and jacuzzis. SHELTER—Parks,greenbelts, open spaces, sumps,golf courses, buildings, sheds, decks, and crawl spaces increase the amount and variability of cover for coyotes.They allow coyotes to safely and easily remain close to residents, pets, homes, and businesses without detection. Coyotes may take advantage of available 4 spaces under sheds or decks for use as a den,thereby bringing them into close contact with residents and pets. UNATTENDED PETS—Coyotes primarily eat small mammals,such as mice and rats; however,they will also prey on slightly larger mammals such as rabbits and groundhogs.Animals that are approximately the same size as a groundhog or rabbit, especially unattended outdoor cats and small dogs, may attract coyotes into neighborhoods. • The best way to minimize risk to pets from coyotes(and the other dangers of outdoor life such as cars, disease, and other wildlife) is to keep small pets indoors, only let them outside in a secured enclosure, or when they are accompanied by a person and under the control of a leash and harness that is less than six feet long. 1 • It is important to either keep dogs on a leash that is six feet long or shorter when outdoors or to stay within six feet of them when outside. Coyotes may view a dog on a leash longer than six feet as an unattended pet.Attacks on free-roaming small cats or dogs are normal coyote behavior and do not indicate a danger for humans.A free-roaming pet is considered as an unattended domestic pet outside of its enclosed yard or area. • Although attacks on larger dogs are rare, coyotes may often attack a large dog when they feel that their territory is threatened.This generally occurs during the coyote breeding season,which takes place from January through March. During this time, it is especially important to not leave dogs outside,unattended and to keep them on leashes(six feet long or less)when in public areas. FERAL CATS—While residents who feed feral cats are often concerned that coyotes might prey on the cats, the act of feeding feral cats may cause more harm than good, as coyotes often frequent these locations. Resident should not feed feral cats to avoid attracting coyotes into their neighborhoods. Although it can be difficult for residents to protect feral cats from coyotes, the following tips can be helpful: • Do not feed feral cats. • If feral cats frequent your neighborhood, please contact the animal service agency. • Haze coyotes seen near feral cat locations. Making coyotes feel uncomfortable will encourage them to stay out of the area.See Appendix A for a list of effective hazing strategies. Other domestic animals kept outside,such as rabbits and chickens,may also be viewed as prey by coyotes. Protect outdoor animals from coyotes and other predators with protective fencing and sturdy cages. Residents are encouraged to use the Yard Audit Checklist (Appendix B) as a tool to help recognize and remove attractants in their yards and neighborhoods 5 SECTION 3: HAZING AND BEHAVIOR CHANGE Some coyotes have become too comfortable in the close proximity of residents. To safely coexist, residents must modify their behavior to shape coyote behavior. Habituated coyote behavior needs to be reshaped to encourage coyotes to avoid contact with residents and pets. Hazing,also known as"fear conditioning"or"scaring," is the process that facilitates this change and is, by necessity, a community response to negative encounters with coyotes. The more an individual animal is hazed,the more effective hazing is in changing coyote behavior. Hazing employs immediate use of deterrents to move an animal out of an area or discourage an undesirable behavior or activity. Deterrents include loud noises, spraying water, bright lights, throwing objects, waving arms, and shouting. Hazing can help maintain a coyote's fear of humans and discourage them from neighborhoods,such as backyards and play areas. Hazing is not intended to harm or damage animals, humans or property, but to change the coyote's behavior. A coyote, similar to a dog, will not know that the behavior it is engaging in is unwanted unless some type of message is sent and reinforced repeatedly. Behavioral change also involves human activities such as identifying and removing attractants and protecting pets responsibly. If a human sees a coyote in an urban area and does not respond in any way, a message opposite of hazing is conveyed to the coyote. Please see Appendix A for a list of effective hazing strategies. GOALS OF HAZING It is not economically and ecologically efficient to eradicate coyotes from the urban ecosystem. Hazing is part of a long-term plan to create safe and acceptable living situations, increase understanding of coyote behavior and reduce conflict between coyotes and people. Goals of hazing include: 1. To reshape coyote behavior to avoid human contact in an urban setting. Human behavior can shape animal behavior, in either a negative or positive manner. People living in close proximity to coyotes can remove coyote attractants, identify potentially dangerous situations for their pets and themselves, and respond in a manner designed to change coyote behavior. 2. To provide residents information and tools to actively engage in reshaping coyote behavior and to support feeling safe in their parks and neighborhoods. This can be accomplished by teaching residents effective and appropriate hazing techniques. 3. To model hazing behavior and share accurate information about coyotes among other residents, friends, and family. 4. Monitor hazing to assess its effectiveness and determine if further action or more aggressive hazing is needed. 5. Develop long-term community-based hazing programs. TRAINING PROGRAM The City would as permissible partner with experts from CDFW, local Humane Society and/or Animal Services organizations, the County of Los Angeles, and/or other relevant external stakeholders to empower residents with methods to safely co-exist with wildlife. Specific to human-coyote conflicts,the workshops should include basic training on species-specific ecology and behavior, strategies to reduce/eliminate potential human-coyote conflicts, and appropriate conflict and management techniques(e.g. hazing). 6 Topics may include: • Basic coyote information; • Normal/healthy vs. abnormal/unhealthy coyote behavior; • Seasonal behavior changes; • Appropriate responses when encountering wildlife, especially coyotes; • Human health, public, and pet safety tips and concerns; • Coyote attractants; • Methods to reduce/eliminate access to attractants (e.g. exclusion, deterrence); or, • Effective coyote hazing methods. Additionally, the City would promote CDFW's Wildlife Watch Program. This program is a multi-agency partnership initiative that provides support and training to local governments and community groups to help them design and implement their own nuisance wildlife action plans. More information regarding the Wildlife Watch Program can be found on https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/wildlife-watch. 7 SECTION 4: ENFORCEMENT The act of feeding wildlife can attract coyotes and their prey to an area, leading to an increased likelihood of creating habituated coyotes and increased coyote-human interactions. California law prohibits feeding wildlife and the Sheriffs Department will strictly enforce applicable state statutes pertaining to this activity. The following are some of the applicable regulations that may be utilized as enforcement tools to discourage coyotes from proliferating in urbanized San Gabriel Valley: CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 14. SECTION 251.1. HARASSMENT OF ANIMALS Except as otherwise authorized in these regulations or in the Fish and Game Code, no person shall harass, herd,or drive any game nongame bird or mammal or furbearing mammal.For the purposes of this section, harass is defined as an intentional act which disrupts an animal's normal behavior patterns, which includes, but is not limited to, breeding,feeding, or sheltering. LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE TITLE 10. SECTION 10.84.010. PROVIDING FOOD FOR CERTAIN RODENTS OR PREDATOR ANIMALS PROHIBITED It is unlawful to feed a nondomesticated rodent or nondomesticated mammalian predator as defined in this section, unless: • The person is the owner of the animal and the animal is kept in accordance with the requirements of the State Department of Fish and Wildlife; or • After notifying the responsible agency to pick up the animal, the person provides food to a trapped or injured animal. For purposes of this chapter: 1. "Rodent" includes ground squirrels; 2. "Mammalian predators" include coyotes, raccoons,foxes, and opossums. A violation of this section is a misdemeanor. 8 SECTION 5: SAFETY RESPONSE PLAN A tiered response plan identifies and classifies levels of human and coyote interactions. The City's implementation system is a 5-tier coyote response plan (consistent with SGVCOG recommendation) that is showcased below. COYOTE BEHAVIOR RESPONSE LEVEL RESPONSES Coyote heard or seen moving in 1 Sighting report will be reviewed. and if public area appropriate.a response will be provided by e- mail or phone. The City would direct residents to available resources on normal coyote behavior. Coyote seen resting in public 1 Sighting report will be reviewed. and if area appropriate.a response%%ill be provided by e- mail or phone- The City would direct residents to available resources on normal coyote behavior. Coyote seen resting in public 2 The City provides resources for the resident area with humans present to be educated on hazing techniques and what-to-do tips. Additionally.the City would encourage the respective municipality to work with the local community to eliminate coyote attractants. Coyote entering a yard to a 2 The City provides information for the home with or without pets household to be educated on coyote present f attractants. yard audit implementation. human-coyote conflict mitigation. hazing techniques. and-'or pet safety information (if applicable). Coyote entering a yard and 3 The City gathers information on specific injuring or killing attended or animal involved. report on circumstances, unattended pet and provide information for the household to be educated on coyote attractants, yard and neighborhood audits. and pet safety information- 9 Coyote biting or injuring an 3 The City gathers information on specific unattended pet.pet on a leash animal involved. report on circumstances. and provide information for the household to be educated on coyote attractants. yard and neighborhood audits. and pet safety information. Coyote following or 3 The City provides information for the approaching a person and pet resident to be educated on haling techniques, (stalking) what-to-do tips, yardneighborhood audits, and pet safety information. Additionally, the City will work with the residents to eliminate coyote attractants in the area_ Coyote following or 4 The City provides information for the approaching a person without a resident to be educated on hazing techniques, pet(stalking) what-to-do tips. yard'neighborhood audits, and pet safely information. Additionally. the City will work with residents and local groups to eliminate coyote attractants in the area. Coyote biting or injuring a 5 The City informs the California Department human of Fish and Wildlife. Residents will receive educational materials on coyote attractants, yard or neighborhood audits,hazing_ and pet safety. Additionally. the City would work with the respective Humane Society. the County of Los Angeles, CDFW. elected officials. and its neighboring cities to send out mailers_ partner with external stakeholders to host trainings and workshops, conduct a community meeting./townhall.and encourage the cities in the subregion to work with community groups to eliminate coyote attractants. The above tiered response plan is consistent with SGVCOG's response plan for regional consistency with other communities in the San Gabriel Valley region. If a human is attacked and physically injured by a coyote, the City will work with the CDFW, which will be the lead investigating agency to thoroughly investigate the incident, to identify and remove the responsible coyote. As a last resort, lethal removal will also be considered if there is a public safety issue with a coyote threatening residents—only after a thorough investigation and identification of the offending coyote. 10 If there is an immediate public safety issue,such as a coyote threatening residents in an area frequented by people,the local police department will respond.Since coyotes are considered as"non-game wildlife," any resident or homeowners'association can,at their own expense, initiate action to protect themselves and their private property from coyote attacks within the limits of the law regarding trapping and hunting. 11 SECTION 6: COYOTE REPORTING The City will and its residents are encouraged to report coyote sightings to the University of California Coyote Cacher© at https://ucanr.edu/sites/CoyoteCacher/. This will allow SGVCOG and its member agencies to identify potential trouble areas where coyotes are frequently sighted and allow the member agencies to focus resources where they are needed most.There are several options to choose from and San Gabriel Valley residents are encouraged to use the tool that works best for them. Please keep in mind that these are only coyote reporting tools. Depending on the submission format, residents may receive acknowledgement of their submissions. University of California Coyote Cacher0 This tool is accessible by members of the public from a computer or mobile device. It provides a repository for reported coyote activity, real-time alerts to stay abreast of reported activities,and GIS mapping by zip code. Residents may view coyote encounters in the San Gabriel Valley region by visiting https://ucanr.edu/sites/CoyoteCacher/Story_Map/. Residents can also report a coyote encounter to the UC Coyote Cacher through the link on the website or by submitting a request at https://geod ata.uca n r.ed u/coyoteCache r/form/. State and Local Enforcement Agencies Coyote bites, injured or ill coyotes, or coyotes that pose a threat to the public should be reported to the 9-1-1 emergency line. Coyote bites can be extremely hazardous to human health. If a resident has been bitten by a coyote, please direct the injured resident to seek medical attention immediately. A police report may be taken to document the incident. All animal bites to humans are legally reportable in Los Angeles County except for rodent and rabbit bites. For more information, please visit the County of Los Angeles Public Health Department website at http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/vet/biteintro.htm. 12 APPENDIX A: EFFECTIVE COYOTE HAZING STRATEGIES Human behavior can shape animal behavior, in either a negative or positive manner. Residents living in close proximity to coyotes can remove coyote attractants, identify potentially dangerous situations for their pets and themselves, and respond in a manner designed to change coyote behavior. Successful hazing requires community involvement, understanding,and support. Residents should be equipped with tools and knowledge to respond consistently in their own neighborhoods, parks,and open spaces. Hazing should only take place in open spaces if residents are confirmed with an aggressive coyote. • Hazing is a process whereby individuals make a coyote uncomfortable and choose to leave a situation where their presence is unwanted. • Basic hazing consists of residents standing their ground, never ignoring or turning their backs to a coyote, and yelling and making unpleasant and frightening noises until the animal chooses to leave. • More aggressive hazing consists of approaching an animal quickly and aggressively, waving arms, throwing projectiles in the direction of(but not at)the coyote, and spraying with a hose or water gun,all of which are used for creating fear of humans to encourage the animal to leave the vicinity. • Once the act of hazing began, it must continue until the animal leaves the vicinity. Otherwise,the coyote will,learn to wait until the person gives up. Not following through with hazing will create an animal more resistant to hazing instead of reinforcing the image that humans should be avoided. • Hazing should never injure the animal. An injured animal becomes less predictable versus a normal, healthy one who responds in a consistent and predictable manner to hazing. • Hazing should allow the coyote to return to its normal habitat in a direction that would minimize harm to the animal. Hazing the animal in the direction of other houses and busy streets should be avoided. • Hazing uses a variety of different hazing tools.This is critical as coyotes can become accustomed to individual items and sounds. o Noisemaker:Voice,whistles, air horns, bells, "shaker" cans, pots, pie pans o Projectiles:Sticks, small rocks, cans,tennis balls, rubber balls o Deterrents: Hoses,spray bottles with vinegar, pepper spray, bear repellent,walking sticks A common concern with hazing involves potential danger to the hazer. A coyote's basic nature is very skittish and the nature of the species is what makes this technique successful. A normal, healthy coyote will not escalate a situation with an aggressive person. Hazing is not successful with every species of wild animal because different types of animals have different traits. It is requested that residents submit a report to the Sheriffs Department of Public Safety Center each time they haze a coyote. Reports are most helpful when the following information is included: • Date, location,time of day, number of coyotes • Initial coyote behavior, hazing behavior;coyote response • Effectiveness ratings—i.e.was the method used successful or not • Tools and techniques used • Additional details/comments GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR HAZING COYOTES: 13 1. Levels of hazing need to be appropriately relevant to the coyote activity. a. Coyotes are best left alone. Residents are encouraged to ignore coyotes if the coyotes ignore them. As with any wild animal, maintaining personal safety should be the primary goal. b. Coyotes are often out late at night when few humans are present. This is a normal and acceptable coyote behavior. Hazing may not be necessary in this situation. Exceptions: In early stages of hazing, programs should still engage animals. Coyotes that associate danger in the presence of humans under all circumstances will be reinforced to avoid contact. 2. Hazing must be more exaggerated, aggressive, and consistent when first beginning a program of hazing. As coyotes "learn" appropriate responses to hazing, it will take less effort from hazers. Early in the process, it is extremely common for coyotes not to respond to hazing techniques. Without a history of hazing, they do not have the relevant context to respond in the desired outcome,which is for them to leave the vicinity. 3. Techniques and tools can be used in the same manner for one or multiple coyotes. Usually there is a dominant coyote in a group who will respond - others will follow its lead. Residents should not ignore,turn their backs,or avoid hazing because there are multiple coyotes instead of a single individual coyote. 4. The more often an individual coyote is hazed by a variety of tools and techniques and a variety of residents,the more effective hazing will be in changing that animal's future behavior. 5. Hazing must be directly associated with the person involved in the hazing actions. The coyote must be aware of.where the potential threat is coming from and identifies the person. 6. Coyotes can and do recognize individual residents and animals in their territories.They can learn to avoid or harass specific individuals in response to behavior of the person and/or pet. 7. Coyotes can be routine in their habits. Identifying their normal habits can help target which habits to change. For example, the coyote patrols the same bike path at the same time in the morning three to five days a week. Hazers should concentrate on that time and place to encourage the animal to adapt its routine to decrease contact with residents. 8. Certain levels of hazing must always be maintained so that future generations of coyotes do not learn or return to unacceptable habits related to habituation to residents. 9. Human behavior must change to support hazing and continued identification and, if necessary, remove possible attractants. 10. Education about exclusion techniques including how to identify and remove attractants, personal responsibility in pet safety, and having reasonable expectations are critical parts of a coyote hazing plan. 11. Coyotes are skittish by nature. Habituated behavior is learned and reinforced by human behavior. As a rule, coyotes do not act aggressively towards aggressive people. The one exception is a sick or injured animal. Engaging a sick or injured animal can result in unpredictable behavior. If this is suspected, residents should not engage and instead remove themselves from the situation, then immediately contact the local police department. 12. Individuals involved in hazing need to be trained in explaining hazing to residents who witness the process.They also need to explain the difference between hazing and harassment of wildlife and goals of appropriate behavior for coexistence. 14 APPENDIX B:YARD AUDIT CHECKLIST No Action Adjustments Recommended Action equired Required FOOD Never intentionally feed a coyote_ Pet Food Never feed pets outdoors;store all pet food securely indoors_ Water Sources Remove water attractants,such as pet water bowls_ Bird Feeders Remove bird feeders or clean fallen seed to reduce the presence of small mammals that coyotes prefer to eat Fallen Fruit Clean up fallen fruits around trees_ Compost Do not include meat or daily among compost contents unless the area is fully enclosed_ BBQ Grills Clean up food around BBQ gills after each use_ Trash Secure trash containers with locking lids and place curbside on pickup day_Periodically clean cans to reduce residual odors_ L NDSC AM G Trim vegetation to reduce hiding places for rodents and coyotes and potential denning sites_ STRUCTURES Restrict access under decks and sheds,around wood piles,or any other structure that can provide cover or defining sites for coyotes or their prey FENCINGEnclose property with six-foot fence with additional extension or roller top to deter coyotes_Encure that there are no gaps and that the bottom of the fence extends underground six inches or is fitted with a mesh apron to deter coyotes from digging underneath. *Must comply with Iocal municipal code PETS Never leave pets unattended outside_ Never allow pets to"play"with coyotes_ Fully enclose outdoor pet kennels_ Walk pets on a leash no longer than 6 feet in length. 15 E M O '9 CIVIC PRIDE /TT f 1 NCORPORAT5 09 Attachment B Regional Coyote Management Framework Regional Coyote Management Framework (RCMF) SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS • a+ Vot CONTACT INFORMATION: Alexander Fung, Management Analyst afung@sgvcog.org Navneet I{aur, Management Analyst nkaur@sgvcog.org DISCLAIMER On Thursday, July 18, 2019, the SGVCOG Governing Board adopted the Regional Coyote Management Framework as a comprehensive regional coyote management model for all San Gabriel Valley cities. The strategies listed within this framework are based on balancing respect and protection of wildlife without compromising public safety. This document serves as a framework that individual cities can modify and adopt based on their needs and interests; however, languages of individual San Gabriel Valley cities' Coyote Management Plans should generally be consistent with this document if possible. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments owes a debt of gratitude to the many agencies, entities, experts, and individuals who helped transform this project from an idea to a reality. We appreciate all of the support we have received from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the County of Los Angeles, the Office of Assemblymember Ed Chau, the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources,the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society,the Pasadena Humane Society,and the Inland Valley Humane Society,as well as the generous support from the Cities of Arcadia,Bradbury,Covina,Rosemead, and San Marino. Furthermore, we would like to thank the following municipalities for serving on the SGVCOG Coyote Management Task Force and providing feedback on the development of this document: City of Alhambra City of Arcadia City of Bradbury City of Covina City of Diamond Bar City of Industry City of Irwindale City of La Canada Flintridge City of Monrovia City of Monterey Park City of Rosemead City of San Dimas City of San Gabriel City of San Marino City of South El Monte City of South Pasadena City of Temple City City of Walnut County of Los Angeles State of California SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION The goal of the San Gabriel Valley Regional Coyote Management Framework(RCMF)is to discourage the habituation of coyotes in an urban environment by using education,behavior modification,and a robust human/coyote reporting and responding system. The recommended actions in this RCMF are designed to increase communities' knowledge and understanding of how coyotes behave and to make clear how such behavior can be managed or reduced to eliminate human conflicts with coyotes.The ultimate goal of coyote behavior modification is to encourage the natural relocation of coyotes to their native environment. The overall intent of this framework is to provide guidance for dealing with coyotes in the San Gabriel Valley region. This framework has also been modeled after plans that were successfully utilized by other municipalities in Southern California. This RCMF does not supersede federal, state, county, and city regulations and policies. Additionally, this framework does not apply to San Gabriel Valley residents, businesses, or homeowner associations in pursuit of their legal rights in dealing with coyotes. As recommended by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife(CDFW),the RCMF is guided by the following principles: • Human safety is a priority in managing human-coyote interactions. • Coyotes serve an important role in San Gabriel Valley's ecosystems by helping to control rodent populations. • Preventive practices are crucial to minimizing potential interactions and encounters with coyotes. • Solutions for coyote conflicts must address both problematic coyote behaviors and the human behaviors that invite them. • Non-selective coyote removal programs are ineffective for reducing coyote population sizes or preventing human-coyote conflicts in the long run. • Regionwide programs that involve residents can improve coexistence among humans,coyotes,and pets. SECTION 2: COYOTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY The strategy for managing coyotes is based on balancing respect and protection of wildlife without compromising public safety.The main strategy is a multi-focused approach consisting of public education, enforcement, and reporting. PUBLIC EDUCATION Coyote awareness education is critical for residents to make informed decisions regarding their safety, properties, and pets by decreasing attractants, reshaping coyote behavior, and creating reasonable expectations of normal coyote behavior.Dissemination of information to residents,businesses,and schools will be accomplished through the use of the cities' websites,newsletters,social media,press releases,town halls, community meetings, coyote management workshops, and other direct and indirect public outreach campaigns. Learning how to properly and effectively respond to a coyote encounter empowers residents and supports reshaping undesired coyote behavior. The public should understand what normal coyote behavior is when living in close proximity with coyotes.For example,vocalization(coyote calls)is a normal and acceptable behavior that does not indicate aggression. It is recommended for cities and member agencies to host town hall meetings,trainings,and provide youth education workshops in communities with high human-coyote interactions. Cities are also encouraged to mail information regarding coyotes to educate the residents and households residing in areas with high coyote sightings. Mailers and social media postings should be offered in English and other languages that are widely spoken by local residents. ENFORCEMENT The act of feeding wildlife is known to lead to an increase in wildlife activity. Feeding can attract coyotes and their prey to an area leading to an increased likelihood of creating habituated coyotes and resulting in increases in coyote-human interactions. California law prohibits feeding wildlife, including coyotes. SGVCOG recommends all member agencies to strictly enforce the State law pertaining to this activity. Cities and counties should adopt ordinances that discourage the intentional or unintentional feeding of wildlife. Please see Appendix A for the draft of a sample ordinance from the City of Davis, California. REPORTING A five-tier safety response plan has been developed by the SGVCOG to provide a mechanism for identifying and classifying different levels of human-coyote interactions for member agencies. This response plan serves as a regional approach to identify different types of coyote behaviors. However,cities are encouraged to adapt and adjust SGVCOG's response plan or develop a plan that is more suitable to the individual cities' needs;however,levels of coyote behavior and response actions should be consistent with SGVCOG's response plan. It is also important to note that several SGVCOG member agencies already have their own response plans in place. For the cities' reference, Appendix B showcases a list of SGVCOG's member agencies with adopted coyote management plans. Additionally, Appendix C showcases the SGVCOG's five-tier response system, City of West Covina's adopted four-tier colored response system, and City of San Gabriel's adopted coyote behavior classification system. SECTION 3: COYOTE ATTRACTANTS While attacks on humans are extremely rare, urban landscape development, intentional and unintentional feeding, pet-related incidents, and media attention have led some residents to fear coyotes. It is important to note that attacks on free-roaming and unattended small pets are normal coyote behavior and do not necessarily indicate a danger for humans.Coyotes usually become habituated when they learn and associate people and/or neighborhoods with sources of food. Residents may reinforce this behavior by acting inappropriately when they see a coyote. Steps must be taken to address safety concerns and misconceptions and to ensure appropriate responses to potential threats to human safety.It is important to keep in mind that coyotes have been in and around the San Gabriel Valley and other parts of Southern California since thousands of years ago. Coyotes are drawn to urban and suburban areas for the following reasons: FOOD — Urban areas provide a bounty of natural food choices for coyotes that primarily eat rodents. However,coyotes can be further attracted into suburban neighborhoods by human-associated food,such as pet food, unsecured compost or trash, and fallen fruit in parks and yards. Intentional and unintentional feeding can lead coyotes to associate humans with sources of food, which can result in negative and aggressive interactions among coyotes,people, and pets. To reduce food attractants in urban and suburban area,residents should be educated to: • Never hand-feed or otherwise deliberately feed a coyote. • Avoid feeding pets outside and remove sources of pet food and water in outdoor settings.If feeding pets outside is necessary,remove the feeding bowl and any leftover food promptly. • Never compost any meat or dairy products unless the compost is fully secured. • Maintain good housekeeping,such as regularly raking areas around bird feeders,to help discourage coyote activity near residences. • Remove fallen fruit from the ground. • Keep trash in high-quality containers with tight-fitting lids. • Only place trash bins curbside during the morning of trash collection. If left out overnight, trash bins are more likely to be tipped over and broken into by coyotes. If necessary, purchase secured trash containers. • Seal food waste, such as meat scraps or leftover pet food, before discarding the waste into trash bins. WATER—Urban areas provide a year-round supply of water in the form of stormwater impoundments and channels,artificial lakes,irrigation,swimming pools,and pet water dishes,which support both coyotes and their prey. In dry conditions, water can be as alluring as food. Residents should remove outdoor water bowls/cans and secure fountains,pools,and jacuzzis. SHELTER—Parks,greenbelts,open spaces,sumps,golf courses,buildings,sheds,decks,and crawl spaces increase the amount and variability of cover for coyotes. They allow coyotes to safely and easily remain close to residents,pets,homes, and businesses without detection. Coyotes may take advantage of available spaces under sheds or decks for use as a den,thereby bringing them into close contact with residents and pets. UNATTENDED PETS—Coyotes primarily eat small mammals, such as mice and rats;however,they will also prey on slightly larger mammals such as rabbits and groundhogs. Animals that are approximately the same size as a groundhog or rabbit, especially unattended outdoor cats and small dogs,may attract coyotes into neighborhoods. • The best way to minimize risk to pets from coyotes (and the other dangers of outdoor life such as cars, disease, and other wildlife) is to keep small pets indoors, only let them outside in a secured enclosure, or when they are accompanied by a person and under the control of a leash and harness that is less than six feet long. • It is important to either keep dogs on a leash that is six feet long or shorter when outdoors or to stay within six feet of them when outside. Coyotes may view a dog on a leash longer than six feet as an unattended pet.Attacks on free-roaming small cats or dogs are normal coyote behavior and do not indicate a danger for humans. A free-roaming pet is considered as an unattended domestic pet outside of its enclosed yard or area. • Although attacks on larger dogs are rare, coyotes may often attack a large dog when they feel that their territory is threatened. This generally occurs during the coyote breeding season,which takes place from January through March. During this time, it is especially important to not leave dogs outside unattended and to keep them on leashes(six feet long or less)when in public areas. FERAL CATS—While residents who feed feral cats are often concerned that coyotes might prey on the cats,the act of feeding feral cats may cause more harm than good,as coyotes often frequent these locations. Resident should not feed feral cats to avoid attracting coyotes into their neighborhoods.Although it can be difficult for residents to protect feral cats from coyotes,the following tips can be helpful: • Do not feed feral cats. • If feral cats frequent your neighborhood,please contact your local Animal Services agency. • Haze coyotes seen near feral cat locations.Making coyotes feel uncomfortable will encourage them to stay out of the area. See Appendix D for a list of effective hazing strategies. Other domestic animals kept outside,such as rabbits and chickens,may also be viewed as prey by coyotes. Protect outdoor animals from coyotes and other predators with protective fencing and sturdy cages. Residents are encouraged to use the Yard Audit Checklist (Appendix E) as a tool to help recognize and remove attractants in their yards and neighborhoods SECTION 4: HAZING AND BEHAVIOR CHANGE Some coyotes have become too comfortable in the close proximity of residents.To safely coexist,residents must modify their behavior to shape coyote behavior.Habituated coyote behavior needs to be reshaped to encourage coyotes to avoid contact with residents and pets. Hazing,also known as"fear conditioning"or"scaring,"is the process that facilitates this change and is,by necessity, a community response to negative encounters with coyotes. The more an individual animal is hazed,the more effective hazing is in changing coyote behavior. Hazing employs immediate use of deterrents to move an animal out of an area or discourage an undesirable behavior or activity.Deterrents include loud noises,spraying water,bright lights,throwing objects,waving arms, and shouting. Hazing can help maintain a coyote's fear of humans and discourage them from neighborhoods, such as backyards and play areas. Hazing is not intended to harm or damage animals,humans or property,but to change the coyote's behavior. A coyote, similar to a dog,will not know that the behavior it is engaging in is unwanted unless some type of message is sent and reinforced repeatedly. Behavioral change also involves human activities such as identifying and removing attractants and protecting pets responsibly. If a human sees a coyote in an urban area and does not respond in any way, a message opposite of hazing is conveyed to the coyote. Please see Appendix D for a list of effective hazing strategies. GOALS OF HAZING It is not economically and ecologically efficient to eradicate coyotes from the urban ecosystem.Hazing is part of a long-term plan to create safe and acceptable living situations,increase understanding of coyote behavior and reduce conflict between coyotes and people. Goals of hazing include: 1. To reshape coyote behavior to avoid human contact in an urban setting.Human behavior can shape animal behavior,in either a negative or positive manner.People living in close proximity to coyotes can remove coyote attractants, identify potentially dangerous situations for their pets and themselves, and respond in a manner designed to change coyote behavior. 2. To provide residents information and tools to actively engage in reshaping coyote behavior and to support feeling safe in their parks and neighborhoods. This can be accomplished by teaching residents effective and appropriate hazing techniques. 3. To model hazing behavior and share accurate information about coyotes among other residents, friends, and family. 4. Monitor hazing to assess its effectiveness and determine if further action or more aggressive hazing is needed. 5. Develop long-term community-based hazing programs. TRAINING PROGRAM SGVCOG encourages member agencies to partner with experts from CDFW,local Humane Society and/or Animal Services organizations,the County of Los Angeles, and/or other relevant external stakeholders to empower residents with methods to safely co-exist with wildlife. Specific to human-coyote conflicts, the workshops should include basic training on species-specific ecology and behavior, strategies to reduce/eliminate potential human-coyote conflicts, and appropriate conflict and management techniques (e.g. hazing). Topics may include: • Basic coyote information; • Normal/healthy vs. abnormal/unhealthy coyote behavior; • Seasonal behavior change's; • Appropriate responses when encountering wildlife, especially coyotes; • Human health,public, and pet safety tips and concerns; • Coyote attractants; • Methods to reduce/eliminate access to attractants(e.g. exclusion,deterrence); or, • Effective coyote hazing methods. Additionally, Cities and counties should also promote CDFW's Wildlife Watch Program. This program is a multi-agency partnership initiative that provides support and training to local governments and community groups to help them design and implement their own nuisance wildlife action plans. More information regarding the Wildlife Watch Program can be found on https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/wildlife- watch. Individuals and groups that are interested in participating in a hazing training program can contact their local Humane Society for a list of upcoming sessions: • Pasadena Humane Society: (626)792-7151 • Inland Valley Humane Society: (909)623-9777 • San Gabriel Valley Humane Society: (626)286-1159 SECTION 5: ENFORCEMENT The act of feeding wildlife can attract coyotes and their prey to an area,leading to an increased likelihood of creating habituated coyotes and increased coyote-human interactions. California law prohibits feeding wildlife and local police departments will strictly enforce applicable state statutes pertaining to this activity. Cities and counties are encouraged to adopt ordinances that further discourage residents from feeding wildlife.Please see Appendix A for a sample draft ordinance from the City of Davis,California. The following are some of the applicable regulations that may be utilized as enforcement tools to discourage coyotes from proliferating in urbanized San Gabriel Valley: CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 14. SECTION 251.1. HARASSMENT OF ANIMALS Except as otherwise authorized in these regulations or in the Fish and Game Code,no person shall harass, herd,or drive any game nongame bird or mammal or furbearing mammal.For the purposes of this section, harass is defined as an intentional act which disrupts an animal's normal behavior patterns,which includes, but is not limited to,breeding,feeding,or sheltering. LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE TITLE 10. SECTION 10.84.010. PROVIDING FOOD FOR CERTAIN RODENTS OR PREDATOR ANIMALS PROHIBITED It is unlawful to feed a nondomesticated rodent or nondomesticated mammalian predator as defined in this section,unless: • The person is the owner of the animal and the animal is kept in accordance with the requirements of the State Department of Fish and Wildlife; or • After notifying the responsible agency to pick up the animal,the person provides food to a trapped or injured animal. For purposes of this chapter: 1. "Rodent" includes ground squirrels; 2. "Mammalian predators" include coyotes,raccoons,foxes,and opossums. A violation of this section is a misdemeanor. SECTION 6: SAFETY RESPONSE PLAN A tiered response plan identifies and classifies levels of human and coyote interactions. SGVCOG recommends member agencies to adopt the 5-tier coyote response plan that is showcased below and in Appendix C. COYOTE BEHAVIOR RESPONSE LEVEL RESPONSES Coyote heard or seen moving in 1 Sighting report will be reviewed, and if public area appropriate,a response will be provided by e- mail or phone. The City would direct residents to available resources on normal coyote behavior. Coyote seen resting in public 1 Sighting report will be reviewed, and if area appropriate,a response will be provided by e- mail or phone. The City would direct residents to available resources on normal coyote behavior. Coyote seen resting in public 2 The City provides resources for the resident area with humans present to be educated on hazing techniques and what-to-do tips.Additionally,the City would encourage the respective municipality to work with the local community to eliminate coyote attractants. Coyote entering a yard to a 2 The City provides information for the home with or without pets household to be educated on coyote present attractants, yard audit implementation, human-coyote conflict mitigation, hazing techniques, and/or pet safety information (if applicable). Coyote entering a yard and 3 The City gathers information on specific injuring or killing attended or animal involved, report on circumstances, unattended pet and provide information for the household to be educated on coyote attractants, yard and neighborhood audits, and pet safety information. Coyote biting or injuring an 3 The City gathers information on specific unattended pet/pet on a leash animal involved, report on circumstances, and provide information for the household to be educated on coyote attractants, yard and neighborhood audits, and pet safety information. Coyote following or 3 The City provides information for the approaching a person and pet resident to be educated on hazing techniques, (stalking) what-to-do tips, yard/neighborhood audits, and pet safety information. Additionally,the City will work with the residents to eliminate coyote attractants in the area. Coyote following or 4 The City provides information for the approaching a person without a resident to be educated on hazing techniques, pet(stalking) what-to-do tips, yard/neighborhood audits, and pet safely information. Additionally,the City will work with residents and local groups to eliminate coyote attractants in the area. Coyote biting or injuring a 5 The City informs the California Department human of Fish and Wildlife. Residents will receive educational materials on coyote attractants, yard or neighborhood audits,hazing,and pet safety. Additionally, the City would work with the respective Humane Society, the County of Los Angeles, CDFW, elected officials, and its neighboring cities to send out mailers, partner with external stakeholders to host trainings and workshops, conduct a community meeting/town hall,and encourage the cities in the subregion to work with community groups to eliminate coyote attractants. Cities are encouraged to modify SGVCOG's response plan to cater to the needs of their own communities; however,the levels of coyote behavior and response actions should be consistent with SGVCOG's response plan.Appendix C also showcases two other types of tiered response plans that SGVCOG member agencies utilize in their individual coyote management plans as a reference. If a human is attacked and physically injured by a coyote, cities and counties will work with the CDFW, which will be the lead investigating agency to thoroughly investigate the incident,to identify and remove the responsible coyote. As a last resort, lethal removal will also be considered if there is a public safety issue with a coyote threatening residents—only after a thorough investigation and identification of the offending coyote. If there is an immediate public safety issue,such as a coyote threatening residents in an area frequented by people,the local police department will respond.Since coyotes are considered as"non-game wildlife,"any resident or homeowners' association can, at their own expense, initiate action to protect themselves and their private property from coyote attacks within the limits of the law regarding trapping and hunting. SECTION 7: COYOTE REPORTING SGVCOG encourages residents to report coyote sightings to the University of California Coyote Cacher© at https://ucanr.edu/sites/CoyoteCacher/. This will allow SGVCOG and its member agencies to identify potential trouble areas where coyotes are frequently sighted and allow the member agencies to focus resources where they are needed most. There are several options to choose from and San Gabriel Valley residents are encouraged to use the tool that works best for them. Please keep in mind that these are only coyote reporting tools. Depending on the submission format, residents may receive acknowledgement of their submissions. University of California Coyote Cacher© This tool is accessible by members of the public from a computer or mobile device.It provides a repository for reported coyote activity,real-time alerts to stay abreast of reported activities, and GIS mapping by zip code. Residents may view coyote encounters in the San Gabriel Valley region by visiting https://ucanr.edu/sites/CoyoteCacher/Story Map/. Residents can also report a coyote encounter to the UC Coyote Cacher through the link on the website or by submitting a request at https://geodata.ucanr.edu/covoteCacher/form/. State and Local Enforcement Agencies Coyote bites, injured or ill coyotes, or coyotes that pose a threat to the public should be reported to the 9- 1-1 emergency line. Coyote bites can be extremely hazardous to human health.If a resident has been bitten by a coyote,please direct the injured resident to seek medical attention immediately. A police report may be taken to document the incident.All animal bites to humans are legally reportable in Los Angeles County except for rodent and rabbit bites. For more information, please visit the County of Los Angeles Public Health Department website at http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/vet/biteintro.htm. APPENDIX A: SAMPLE DRAFT ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE FEEDING OF WILDLIFE (City of Davis,California) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DAVIS ADDING ARTICLE 5.05 TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE DAVIS MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT THE FEEDING OF CERTAIN WILDLIFE WHEREAS, the City of Davis ("City") is a city organized under the laws of the State of California, with a duty and interest in protecting the public health, safety and welfare within the City; and WHEREAS, the feeding of wildlife can lead to negative impacts on animals, people and the environment; and WHEREAS, feeding wildlife can lead to aggressive behavior towards humans, which presents health and safety concerns for residents and visitors of the City; and WHEREAS, feeding wildlife can artificially support the growth and carrying capacity of urban wildlife populations, compromising wildlife health and increasing human exposure to and conflict with wildlife; and WHEREAS, feeding wildlife,can cause certain species to localize activity in the vicinity of the food source, thus increasing associated negative impacts on property owners and/ or individuals within those neighborhoods; and WHEREAS;`Section 251.1 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations prohibits the harassment of any game or nongame bird or mammal or furbearing mammal, expressly including intentional acts such as feeding that disrupt the animal's natural foraging behavior; and WHEREAS, an ordinance prohibiting the intentional and negligent feeding of certain types of wildlife, as defined, and further specifying types of permissible and prohibited conduct regarding interaction with wildlife in the City, is consistent With the City's long-standing commitment to protect and conserve biological resources and public safety. NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Davis does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Recitals. The City Council hereby adopts the recitals of this Ordinance as true and correct and such recitals are hereby incorporated by reference as though fully set forth in the text of this Ordinance. SECTION 2.Amendment.Chapter 5 ("Animals and Fowl") of the City of Davis Municipal Code is hereby amended to add Article 5.05, to read in full as set forth in the attached Exhibit "A", incorporated by this reference. SECTION 3. CEQA. The City Council finds that this Ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act("CEQA")pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2)(the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15061(b)(3) (the activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment) of the•CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no • potential for resulting in the physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, subdivision,paragraph, sentence, clause Or phrase added by this Ordinance, or any part thereof, is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the . validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or any part thereof.The City . Council hereby declares that it would have passed each(.section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof irrespective/of,:the fact that any one or more subsections, subdivisions,paragraphs, sentences, clauses,or phrases are declared unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective. '` '`ti SECTION 5.Publishing. The City Clerk shall ce'rtify'to the adoptio?i of this Ordinance and shall cause the same or a summary thereof to be published as required by law SECTION 6.Effective Date.This Ordinance shalltake effect:and be in fullforce and effect thirty (30) days from and after the date ofitsjliinal passage,and,adoption. \ INTRODUCED on the \ `day.,of `s {°„ , 2018 and PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of�the'City`of Davis on the day of , 2018 by the following vote:--.., \ �. ` F,... r ,,,/ ',. \\:\ . )1. ' L \''',„ r .,� a ti, O. �. ` EXHIBIT "A" CHAPTER 5,ANIMALS AND FOWL ARTICLE 5.05,FEEDING OF CERTAIN WILDLIFE 5.05.010 Purpose Feeding of wildlife is both detrimental to wildlife health and causes a public health nuisance and safety hazard that negatively impacts public health and welfare. This article is intended to prohibit,with exceptions,the feeding of certain wildlife within the City of Davis so as to protect public and environmental health, safety and welfare, and to prescribe penalties for failure to comply. 5.05.020 Definitions For purposes of this article, the following definitions,shall apply: , "Feed"means to give, distribute,place, expose, deposit, or scatter any edible material with the intention of feeding, attracting, or enticing wildlife. Feeding does not include baiting in the permitted and legal take or depredation of wildlife in accordance with federal,`state and local law. "Person"means any individual, corporation,company,partnership,firm, association, or political subdivision of this State subject to municipal jurisdiction. "Wildlife" means only coyotes,wild turkeys, foxes, skunks-,-raccoons, opossums, squirrels, ducks, geese, crows,and'gulls. 5.05.030 Feediaig of Wildlife Prohibited (a)No person shall purposely or knowingly feed wildlife in the City of Davis, on lands eitherpublicly or privately owned. (b) No person'shall leave or store anyrefuse, garbage,pet food, seed or bird seed, fruit, meat, dairy, vegetable, grain or other food in a negligent manner likely to feed wildlife. (c) No person shall fail to take remedial action to cease contact or conflict with wildlife, including to secure or remove outdoor refuse, cooking grills,pet food, backyard bird feeders or any other similar food source or attractant, after being advised by a City of Davis code compliance administrator to undertake such remedial action. 5.05.040 Exceptions The prohibitions in Section 5.05.030 do not apply to: (a) Landscaping, gardening, and/or maintaining vegetable gardens, fruit and nut trees or other plants, so long as such activities are not conducted for the purpose of feeding wildlife as defined in this article. (b) Feeding of birds outdoors on private residential properties using bird feeders,to the extent authorized by law and subject to the following requirements: (1) Bird feeders shall be placed at least five (5) feet above the ground and shall be suspended on a cable or otherwise secured so as to prevent the bird feeders from being easily accessible to other wildlife. (2) The feeding shall not substantially interfere with the rights of surrounding property owners or render other persons insecure in the use of their property. (3) No person shall allow,permit or maintain an accumulation of feces on the property or surrounding properties so as to create a public nuisance. (4) The area below the feeders must be kept clean'and free of seed. (5) No person shall knowingly allow-or permit bird feeders to become an attractant for rodents or other wildlife other than birds.Notwithstanding this exception, feeding of wild turkeys is expressly prohibited.- (c) Any State or local employee or agent authorized to'implement a wildlife management program involving baiting, or any other person or business lawfully authorized to bait and trap wildlife pursuant to State'law: • (d) Any person who is the legal owner or guardian.of a wildlife species maintained and confined under a valid,license or permit issued by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and in compliance with all applicable laws. (e) A wildlife rehabilitator, under_a valid license or permit issued by the California Department pf Fish'and Wildlife or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, who is temporarily caring for sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife in compliance with all applicable laws. (f)•Any person who feeds trapped, injured, or orphaned wildlife between the times that a wildlife rehabilitator or agency..charged with animal control is notified and the animal is picked up.Any person that discovers such trapped, injured, or orphaned wildlife must immediately notify an authorized animal control agency, and no person may intentionally keep such wildlife beyond the time reasonably necessary for animal control services to access and transport the wildlife. (g) Baiting, for the purpose of trapping, feral cats as part of a Yolo SPCA approved Trap- Neuter-Release program. (h) Any property owner baiting, for the purpose of trapping, wildlife on their property authorized by and in accordance with State law, including but not limited to trapping gophers, house mice, moles,rats, and voles pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 4005(f); taking of certain mammals found injuring crops or property pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 4152;taking of certain nongame birds and mammals such as weasels, skunks, opossum, moles and rodents pursuant to 14 CCR § 472; or as otherwise permitted and authorized by State law. 5.05.050 Enforcement In addition to all other available remedies at law, this article may be enforceable through the use of the administrative citation procedures set forth in Davis Municipal Code Chapter 1, Article 1.02. APPENDIX B: LIST OF SGVCOG MEMBER AGENCIES' COYOTE MANAGEMENT PLANS • City of Arcadia: Coyote Management Plan o httvs://www.arcadiaca.cov/home/showdocument?id=10024 • City of Montebello: Coyote Coexistence Plan o http://www.vroiectcovote.ora/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Montebello Coexistence Plan lo res.ndf • City of Rosemead: Coyote Management Plan o http://www.citvofrosemead.oru/UserFiles/Servers/Server 10034989/File/Gov/City%20Devartments/Public% 20Safety/Animal%20Contro l/Coyote%20lnformation/Covote.pdf • City of San Gabriel: Coyote Management Plan o http://www.sancabrielcity.com/DocumentCenterNiew/7844/Covote-Management-Plan?bidld= • City of West Covina: Coyote Management Plan o httns://www.westcovina.ory/Home/ShowDocument?id=14526 APPENDIX C: COYOTE SAFETY RESPONSE PLAN TEMPLATES This showcases the SGVCOG's recommended five-tier coyote response plan.As mentioned previously, cities are encouraged to modify SGVCOG's response plan to cater to the needs of their own communities;however,the levels of coyote behavior and response actions should be consistent with SGVCOG's response plan. COYOTE BEHAVIOR RESPONSE LEVEL RESPONSES Coyote heard or seen moving in 1 Sighting report will be reviewed, and if public area appropriate,a response will be provided by e- mail or phone. The City would direct residents to available resources on normal coyote behavior. Coyote seen resting in public 1 Sighting report will be reviewed, and if 1 area appropriate,a response will be provided by e- mail or phone. The City would direct residents to available resources on normal coyote behavior. Coyote seen resting in public 2 The City provides resources for the resident area with humans present to be educated on hazing techniques and what-to-do tips.Additionally,the City would encourage the respective municipality to work with the local community to eliminate coyote attractants. Coyote entering a yard to a 2 The City provides information for the home with or without pets household to be educated on coyote present attractants, yard audit implementation, human-coyote conflict mitigation, hazing techniques, and/or pet safety information (if applicable). Coyote entering a yard and 3 The City gathers information on specific injuring or killing attended or animal involved, report on circumstances, unattended pet and provide information for the household to be educated on coyote attractants, yard and neighborhood audits, and pet safety information. Coyote biting or injuring an 3 The City gathers information on specific unattended pet/pet on a leash animal involved, report on circumstances, and provide information for the household to be educated on coyote attractants, yard and neighborhood audits, and pet safety information. Coyote following or 3 The City provides information for the approaching a person and pet resident to be educated on hazing techniques, (stalking) what-to-do tips, yard/neighborhood audits, and pet safety information. Additionally,the City will work with the residents to eliminate coyote attractants in the area. Coyote following or 4 The City provides information for the approaching a person without a resident to be educated on hazing techniques, pet(stalking) what-to-do tips, yard/neighborhood audits, and pet safely information. Additionally,the City will work with residents and local groups to eliminate coyote attractants in the area. Coyote biting or injuring a 5 The City informs the California Department human of Fish and Wildlife. Residents will receive educational materials on coyote attractants, yard or neighborhood audits,hazing,and pet safety. Additionally, the City would work with the respective Humane Society, the County of Los Angeles, CDFW, elected officials, and its neighboring cities to send out mailers, partner with external stakeholders to host trainings and workshops, conduct a community meeting/town hall,and encourage the cities in the subregion to work with community groups to eliminate coyote attractants. Other tiered coyote response systems that cities can consider are listed on the following pages as a reference. City of West Covina's Four-tier Colored Coyote Response System Coyote Action Classification Response Coyote heard Unobserved Provide educational materials and info on normal coyote Level Green behavior Coyote observed moving in Sighting Provide education materials and info on normal coyote area Level Green behavior Coyote observed resting in Sighting Educate on hazing techniques,what to do tips area Level Green Coyote observed resting in Sighting if area is frequented by people,educate on normal behavior and area with people present Level Yellow haze to encourage animal to leave. Look for and eliminate attractants. Coyote entering a yard Sighting Educate on coyote attractants,yard audit,provide hazing info without pets Level Yellow Coyote entering a yard with Encounter Educate on coyote attractants,yard audit,hazing info,pet pets Level Yellow safety Coyote entering yard and Pet Attack Gather info on specific animals involved, report circumstances, injuring or killing pet w/oLevel Orange educate on coyote attractants, yard/neighborhood audits, people present hazing, pet safety Coyote biting or injuring Pet Attack Gather info on specific animals involved, report circumstances, unattended pet/pet on leashLevel Orange educate on coyote attractants, yard/neighborhood audits, longer than 6' with people hazing, pet safety present yote following or Encounter Educate on hazing techniques and what to do tips. pproaching a person w/o pet Level Red Removal/euthanasia considered if there is no response from the Stalking) coyote to aggressive hazing,and there is evidence of recurrence. Coyote following or Encounter Educate on hazing techniques and what to do tips and pet safety. approaching a person & pet Level Red Removal/euthanasia considered if there is no response from the (Stalking) coyote to aggressive hazing, and there is evidence of recurrence. Coyote entering yard or Encounter Gather info on specific animals involved, document home with people&pets,no Level Red circumstances, educate on coyote attracta nts, injury occurring yard/neighborhood audits, hazing, pet safety. Removal/ euthanasia considered depending on specific circumstances. Coyote biting or injuring Pet Attack Gather info on specific animals involved, document attended pet/pet on leash 6' Level Red circumstances, educate on coyote attractants, yard/ or less neighborhood audits,hazing,pet safety.City staff will inform the Los Angeles County Department of Agricultural Weights and Measures. Removal/euthanasia recommended. Coyote aggressive, showing Threat Level Gather info on specific animals involved, report circumstances, teeth, back fur raised, Red educate on coyote attractants, yard/ neighborhood audits, lunging, nipping w/o aggressive hazing, pet safety. City staff will inform the Los contact Angeles County Department of Agricultural Weights and Measures. Removal/euthanasia recommended. Coyote biting or injuring Attack Level Identify and gather information on specific animal involved, person Red report circumstances, educate on coyote attractants, yard/ neighborhood audits, hazing, and pet safety. City staff will inform the Los Angeles County Department of Agricultural Weights and Measures. Removal/euthanasia recommended. City of San Gabriel's Adopted Coyote Behavior Classification Response System Coyote Action Classification Response Coyote heard Observation Distribute educational materials and information on normal coyote behavior Coyote seen moving Sighting Distribute education materials and information on normal in area coyote behavior Coyote seen resting Sighting If area frequented,educate people on normal behavior, in area haze to encourage animal to leave Coyote following or Sighting Educate on potential hazing techniques,what to do tips and approaching a Encounter pet management person Coyote following or Encounter Educate on potential hazing techniques, what to do tips and approaching a pet management person w/o pet Coyote entering a Sighting Educate on coyote attractants,yard audit,hazing information yard without pets Coyote entering a Encounter Educate on coyote attractants,yard audit,hazing yard with pets information,pet management Coyote entering yard Incident Develop hazing team in area,gather information on specific and injuring or killing animals involved,report on circumstances,educate on pet coyote attractants,yard and neighborhood audits,pet Coyote entering yard Encounter Gather information on specific animals involved, with people&pets, report circumstances,educate on coyote attractants, no injury occurring yard/neighborhood audits, hazing,pet management Coyote biting or Incident Gather information on specific animals involved, injuring pet on leash report circumstances,educate on coyote attractants, yard/ neighborhood audits,hazing, pet Coyote aggressive, Incident Gather information on specific animals involved, showing teeth, back report circumstances,educate on coyote attractants, fur raised, lunging, yard/ neighborhood audits, hazing, pet nipping w/o contact management. Coyote biting or Attack Identify and gather information on specific animal involved, injuring person report circumstances, educate on coyote attractants, yard/ neighborhood audits, hazing, and pet management. If a human is attacked and physically injured by a coyote, City staff will inform the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. APPENDIX D: EFFECTIVE COYOTE HAZING STRATEGIES Human behavior can shape animal behavior, in either a negative or positive manner. Residents living in close proximity to coyotes can remove coyote attractants,identify potentially dangerous situations for their pets and themselves, and respond in a manner designed to change coyote behavior. Successful hazing requires community involvement,understanding,and support.Residents should be equipped with tools and knowledge to respond consistently in their own neighborhoods,parks,and open spaces.Hazing should only take place in open spaces if residents are confirmed with an aggressive coyote. • Hazing is a process whereby individuals make a coyote uncomfortable and choose to leave a situation where their presence is unwanted. • Basic hazing consists of residents standing their ground,never ignoring or turning their backs to a coyote,and yelling and making unpleasant and frightening noises until the animal chooses to leave. • More aggressive hazing consists of approaching an animal quickly and aggressively,waving arms,throwing projectiles in the direction of(but not at)the coyote,and spraying with a hose or water gun,all of which are used for creating fear of humans to encourage the animal to leave the vicinity. • Once the act of hazing began, it must continue until the animal leaves the vicinity.Otherwise,the coyote will learn to wait until the person gives up.Not following through with hazing will create an animal more resistant to hazing instead of reinforcing the image that humans should be avoided. • Hazing should never injure the animal.An injured animal becomes less predictable versus a normal,healthy one who responds in a consistent and predictable manner to hazing. • Hazing should allow the coyote to return to its normal habitat in a direction that would minimize harm to the animal.Hazing the animal in the direction of other houses and busy streets should be avoided. • Hazing uses a variety of different hazing tools. This is critical as coyotes can become accustomed to individual items and sounds. o Noisemaker: Voice,whistles,air horns,bells,"shaker"cans,pots,pie pans o Projectiles: Sticks,small rocks,cans,tennis balls,rubber balls o Deterrents:Hoses,spray bottles with vinegar,pepper spray,bear repellent,walking sticks A common concern with hazing involves potential danger to the hazer.A coyote's basic nature is very skittish and the nature of the species is what makes this technique successful.A normal,healthy coyote will not escalate a situation with an aggressive person.Hazing is not successful with every species of wild animal because different types of animals have different traits. It is requested that residents submit a report to the local police department or city government each time they haze a coyote.Reports are most helpful when the following information is included: • Date,location,time of day,number of coyotes • Initial coyote behavior,hazing behavior,coyote response • Effectiveness ratings—i.e.was the method used successful or not • Tools and techniques used • Additional details/comments GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR HAZING COYOTES: 1. Levels of hazing need to be appropriately relevant to the coyote activity. a. Coyotes are best left alone. Residents are encouraged to ignore coyotes if the coyotes ignore them.As with any wild animal,maintaining personal safety should be the primary goal. b. Coyotes are often out late at night when few humans are present. This is a normal and acceptable coyote behavior.Hazing may not be necessary in this situation. Exceptions:In early stages of hazing,programs should still engage animals.Coyotes that associate danger in the presence of humans under all circumstances will be reinforced to avoid contact. 2. Hazing must be more exaggerated, aggressive, and consistent when first beginning a program of hazing. As coyotes "learn" appropriate responses to hazing, it will take less effort from hazers. Early in the process,it is extremely common for coyotes not to respond to hazing techniques. Without a history of hazing,they do not have the relevant context to respond in the desired outcome, which is for them to leave the vicinity. 3. Techniques and tools can be used in the same manner for one or multiple coyotes.Usually there is a dominant coyote in a group who will respond-others will follow its lead. Residents should not ignore, turn their backs, or avoid hazing because there are multiple coyotes instead of a single individual coyote. 4. The more often an individual coyote is hazed by a variety of tools and techniques and a variety of residents,the more effective hazing will be in changing that animal's future behavior. 5. Hazing must be directly associated with the person involved in the hazing actions.The coyote must be aware of where the potential threat is coming from and identifies the person. 6. Coyotes can and do recognize individual residents and animals in their territories. They can learn to avoid or harass specific individuals in response to behavior of the person and/or pet. 7. Coyotes can be routine in their habits. Identifying their normal habits can help target which habits to change.For example,the coyote patrols the same bike path at the same time in the morning three to five days a week. Hazers should concentrate on that time and place to encourage the animal to adapt its routine to decrease contact with residents. 8. Certain levels of hazing must always be maintained so that future generations of coyotes do not learn or return to unacceptable habits related to habituation to residents. 9. Human behavior must change to support hazing and continued identification and, if necessary, remove possible attractants. 10. Education about exclusion techniques including how to identify and remove attractants, personal responsibility in pet safety,and having reasonable expectations are critical parts of a coyote hazing plan. 11. Coyotes are skittish by nature. Habituated behavior is learned and reinforced by human behavior. As a rule, coyotes do not act aggressively towards aggressive people. The one exception is a sick or injured animal.Engaging a sick or injured animal can result in unpredictable behavior.If this is suspected, residents should not engage and instead remove themselves from the situation, then immediately contact the local police department. 12. Individuals involved in hazing need to be trained in explaining hazing to residents who witness the process. They also need to explain the difference between hazing and harassment of wildlife and goals of appropriate behavior for coexistence. APPENDIX E: YARD AUDIT CHECKLIST No Action Adjustments Recommended Action Required Required FOOD Never intentionally feed a coyote. Pet Food Never feed pets outdoors;store all pet food securely indoors. Water Sources Remove water attractants,such as pet water bowls. Bird Feeders Remove bird feeders or clean fallen seed to reduce the presence of small mammals that coyotes prefer to eat. Fallen Fruit Clean up fallen fruits around trees. Compost Do not include meat or dairy among compost contents unless the area is fully enclosed. BBQ Grills Clean up food around BBQ grills after each use. Trash Secure trash containers with locking lids and place curbside on pickup day. Periodically clean cans to reduce residual odors. LANDSCAPING Trim vegetation to reduce hiding places for rodents and coyotes and potential denning sites. STRUCTURES Restrict access under decks and sheds,around wood piles,or any other structure that can provide cover or denning sites for coyotes or their prey. FENCING* Enclose property with six-foot fence with additional extension or roller top to deter coyotes.Ensure that there are no gaps and that the bottom of the fence extends underground six inches or is fitted with a mesh apron to deter coyotes from digging underneath. *Must comply with local municipal code PETS Never leave pets unattended outside. Never allow pets to"play"with coyotes. Fully enclose outdoor pet kennels. Walk pets on a leash no longer than 6 feet in length. S E M F el 4 '9 C!VIC PRIDE !!!!!!i5$ ORPORATED1941 Attachment C Coyote Management Implementation Plan Coyote Management Implementation Plan SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 130, • • • r `" 1 t� '^..). .'sem rs.., ..aW,,,,,. •� -iiry... QUESTIONS AND INQUIRIES: ALEXANDER FUNG,MANAGEMENT ANALYST afung@sgvcog.org NAVNEET KAUR, MANAGEMENT ANALYST nkaur@sgvcog.org San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Coyote Management Implementation Plan OVERVIEW Under this implementation plan,the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments(SGVCOG)would serve as the umbrella organization that is responsible for providing public outreach and education, promoting effective human-coyote conflict mitigation strategies, and supporting a robust wildlife reporting and response mechanism on behalf of participating cities. In this capacity, the SGVCOG would serve as a regional voice that communicates and partners with relevant stakeholders, such as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures.For the purposes of this implementation plan, SGVCOG's services will focus primarily on coyote management efforts in areas with reported high levels of human-coyote conflicts. This implementation plan includes three (3) types of regional coyote management services that the SGVCOG would provide for participating cities: 1. Public Outreach and Education 2. Non-Urgent Conflict Response 3. Regional Representation and Engagement PUBLIC OUTREACH AND EDUCATION SERVICES The public outreach and education services outlined in this section will serve to assist participating cities in providing technical guidance and support to residents regarding human-coyote conflicts, with reported human-coyote conflicts having priority, around the San Gabriel Valley region. The SGVCOG would disseminate information and resources to participating cities' residents, businesses, local community organizations,and schools through various channels,including the development and distribution of digital and electronic files. The SGVCOG would provide the following public outreach and education services for participating cities under this implementation plan: Town Hall and Community Meetings The SGVCOG would partner with participating cities and external stakeholders,such as CDFW,the County of Los Angeles, elected officials, and/or the communities' respective Humane Society organizations, to host town halls and community meetings.These events provide valuable opportunity for interested residents and stakeholders to learn about regional and community coyote management efforts. These community events serve as public forums for residents to express their concerns and engage with city staff and elected officials. These forums also serve as a space for the public to increase their knowledge, awareness, and understanding of coyote behavior and how to safely co-exist with coyotes. Based on the need and availability,these town hall and community meetings would be held around once a month in different areas of the San Gabriel Valley,especially in communities with high coyote sightings.Depending on the number of participating cities in the implementation plan, SGVCOG will determine the appropriate frequency of these meetings. Coyote Management Workshops and Conflicts Training The SGVCOG would partner with experts from the CDFW,local Humane Society and/or Animal Services organizations,the County of Los Angeles,and/or other relevant external stakeholders to empower residents with methods to safely co-exist with wildlife.Through these partnerships, coyote management workshops would be hosted for local community groups, homeowner associations, chambers of commerce, schools, and other organizations located in the participating cities' boundaries. Specific to human-coyote conflicts, the workshops would include basic training on species-specific ecology and behavior, how to reduce/eliminate potential human-coyote conflicts, and appropriate conflict and management techniques (e.g. hazing).Topics may include: • Basic coyote information; • Normal/healthy vs.abnormal/unhealthy coyote behavior; • Seasonal behavior changes; • Appropriate responses when encountering wildlife,especially coyotes; • Human health,public,and pet safety tips and concerns; • Coyote attractants; • Methods to reduce/eliminate access to attractants(e.g.exclusion,deterrence);or, • Effective coyote hazing methods. Based on the request of participating cities, the SGVCOG may also provide trainings to staff, residents, and local groups in participating communities to learn how to conduct yard and/or neighborhood audits to identify and reduce or eliminate coyote attractants within the area. After an audit, trained individuals may provide recommendations and resources to assist the resident or local group to eliminate the attractants or access to an attractant. A report summary would be provided outlining any recommended actions. Trainings and workshops would be developed based on the data collected and analyzed from reported coyote activity in specific communities. These trainings and/or workshops may also be offered upon request and/or in response to specific coyote incidents. Depending on the number of participating cities in the implementation plan, SGVCOG will determine the appropriate frequency of these workshops and trainings. Youth Outreach and Education Programs The SGVCOG would develop a youth outreach and education program to distribute age-appropriate coyote education and safety information to local schools, youth groups, youth organizations, and family/youth events in participating cities. The outreach and education program would include distribution of coyote education kits and meetings with school officials to identify and discuss necessary human-coyote safety measures. Mailers and Social Media Outreach The SGVCOG would mail educational flyers to residents in communities with high reported incidence of human-coyote incidents. The San Gabriel Valley is home to a large and diverse population of two million residents across more than 30 communities in the region.To accommodate the diverse demographics of the San Gabriel Valley,educational mailers would be offered in the languages of English,traditional Chinese,and Spanish,with the flexibility of adding additional languages. Translation services may be completed in-house or outsourced to a translation service provider.Additionally,SGVCOG would disseminate coyote information through its existing social media platforms,including hosted Twitter chats on important coyote management topics with participating cities and other agencies. Website and Coyote Incident Reporting System The SGVCOG would develop and maintain a website/webpage that includes coyote education, related resources, and a Coyote Incident Reporting System for the residents of participating cities. City staff from participating municipalities would direct their residents to this website to learn more about coyote management resources, how to report coyote sightings and incidents, and to obtain a digital copy of the regional coyote management plan. The Coyote Incident Reporting System would be maintained in- house and reported incidents would be accessed by the public via the reporting map.Similar to mailers,the website would be offered in the languages of English,traditional Chinese,and Spanish. Coyote Reporting Hotline A regional coyote reporting hotline would be established for the residents of participating cities to report coyote incidents and/or encounters in their communities. Residents would be encouraged to include their names, addresses, phone numbers, approximate time/location and description of the coyote incidents and encounters. All reported coyote encounters and sightings would be logged by the SGVCOG and shared with the participating cities and external stakeholders,including CDFW,the County of Los Angeles, local Humane Society/Animal Service organizations, and residents. Additionally, SGVCOG may mail coyote educational materials to the residents that utilize the hotline.Residents who are believed to be in imminent danger,in distress,and/or have been bitten by the coyote would be directed to the 9-1-1 emergency line. NON-URGENT COYOTE RESPONSE SERVICES Based on a five-tier coyote response system, the SGVCOG would be responsible for providing responses to residents that report coyote incidents and encounters.All tiers 1 and 2 reports would be responding with follow-up e-mails or phone calls that direct and provide residents with applicable resources. SGVCOG would be working with residents that report tiers 3 and 4 coyote behaviors to connect with their local Animal Services, CDFW Regional Office, and/or other preferred resources to resolve the immediate issues. For residents that report tier 5 coyote behaviors, SGVCOG would connect them to the 9-1-1 emergency line.The SGVCOG would then provide follow-up responses. All responses would include messages that encourage residents and households to attend the upcoming coyote town halls, trainings, and community meetings. Based on the type of reported coyote behavior, staff would provide the appropriate responses in the accordance to the following table: COYOTE BEHAVIOR RESPONSE LEVEL RESPONSES Coyote heard or seen moving in 1 Report will be reviewed, and if appropriate, a public area response will be provided by e-mail or phone. SGVCOG would direct residents to available resources on normal coyote behavior. Coyote seen resting in public area 1 Report will be reviewed, and if appropriate, a response will be provided by e-mail or phone. SGVCOG would direct residents to available resources on normal coyote behavior. Coyote seen resting in public area 2 SGVCOG provides resources for the resident to with humans present be educated on hazing techniques and what-to-do tips. Additionally, SGVCOG would encourage the respective municipality to work with the local community to eliminate coyote attractants. Coyote entering a yard to a home 2 SGVCOG provides information for the with or without pets present household to be educated on coyote attractants, yard audit implementation, human-coyote conflict mitigation,hazing techniques,and/or pet safety information(if applicable). Coyote entering a yard and 3 SGVCOG gathers information on specific animal injuring or killing attended or involved, report on circumstances, and provide unattended pet information for the household to be educated on coyote attractants,yard and neighborhood audits, _ and pet safety information. Coyote biting or injuring an 3 SGVCOG gathers information on specific animal unattended pet/pet on a leash involved, report on circumstances, and provide information for the household to be educated on coyote attractants,yard and neighborhood audits, and pet safety information. Coyote following or approaching 3 SGVCOG provides information for the resident a person and pet(stalking) to be educated on hazing techniques,what-to-do tips, yard/neighborhood audits, and pet safely information. Additionally, SGVCOG will work with the respective municipality to eliminate coyote attractants in the area. Coyote following or approaching 4 SGVCOG provides information for the resident a person without a pet(stalking) to be educated on hazing techniques,what-to-do tips, yard/neighborhood audits, and pet safely information. Additionally, SGVCOG will work with the respective municipality to eliminate coyote attractants in the area. Coyote biting or injuring a 5 SGVCOG informs the California Department of human Fish and Wildlife. Residents will receive educational materials on coyote attractants,yard or neighborhood audits, hazing, and pet safety. Additionally, SGVCOG would work with the respective city and its neighboring cities to send out mailers,partner with external stakeholders to host trainings and workshops, conduct a community meeting/town hall,and encourage the cities in the subregion to work with community groups to eliminate coyote attractants. REGIONAL REPRESENTATION AND ENGAGEMENT SERVICES The SGVCOG would serve as a regional voice for participating cities to external stakeholders.This includes communicating with the following entities on regional coyote management efforts that are conducted in the San Gabriel Valley region and maintaining a close partnership with these entities: • California Department of Fish and Wildlife; • Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures; • Pasadena Humane Society; • San Gabriel Valley Humane Society; • Inland Valley Humane Society; • University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources; • Local and state elected officials; and, • Other relevant stakeholders. BUDGET AND STAFF Based on the services offered within this implementation plan, it is anticipated that SGVCOG would need to hire at least one additional full-time staff to carry out these services. The newly-hired full-time staff would report to the SGVCOG Senior Management Analyst. Aside from needing to hire additional staff, participating cities would need to anticipate other costs for the SGVCOG to deliver these services,including: • Website development and maintenance; • Coyote reporting hotline maintenance; • Development, coordination,and maintenance of the Coyote Incident Reporting System; • Creating flyers,brochures,mailers,and youth educational kits; • Coordinating the distribution and dissemination of flyers,brochures,mailers,and youth educational kits; • Translation services; and, • Mileage reimbursements for staff. Depending on the number of participating cities, city population size(s), and amount of reported activities or conflicts,the annual costs associated with these services would vary. The tables below and on the next page reflect the estimated amount of time spent and expenses incurred each year based on the number of participating cities. ESTIMATED STAFF TIME SPENT ON DELIVERING EACH SERVICE CTl(;ORI" SUMMARY OF SERVICE S I_ l I TI\1 I Town Halls/ Town halls and community meetings serve as public forums for residents to 15% Community Meetings interact with city staff and elected officials to learn more about coyote management efforts. Coyote Management ' Workshops would be held with experts from external stakeholders for local 15% Workshops/Conflict community groups, homeowner associations, chambers of commerce, Trainings schools,and other organizations that are located in the participating cities' boundaries. Trainings would be offered based on reported activity data and/or at the requests of community groups.Trainings may include how to conduct yard and neighborhood audits to help residents eliminate coyote attractants within the area. I � Non-Urgent Coyote The SGVCOG may provide direct responses to residents that report tiers 1 10% Response and 2 coyote behaviors,as appropriate.Additionally,the SGVCOG would provide follow-up responses to residents that report tiers 3,4,and 5 coyote behaviors. Mailers and Social Coyote educational flyers would be mailed to residents in communities with 20% Media Outreach high levels of reported coyote incidents, encounters, and/or conflicts. Additionally, SGVCOG would publicize and disseminate relevant coyote information through its existing social media platforms and work with cities to spread information via their existing social media channels and websites. Regional The SGVCOG would serve as a regional voice for participating cities to 15% Representation and external stakeholders, agencies, and the public, including communicating Engagement with regional entities on coyote management efforts. Youth Outreach and The SGVCOG would develop and/or distribute age-appropriate coyote 5% Education Program education and safety information to schools in participating cities. Website/Coyote A website would be developed and maintained that includes coyote 15% Incident Reporting education and reporting tools for the residents from participating cities.City f System staff would direct their residents to visit this website to learn more about coyote management resources,report coyote sightings,and obtain a digital copy of the regional coyote management plan. Coyote Reporting A regional coyote reporting hotline would be established for the residents of 5% Hotline participating cities to report coyote sightings in their communities. All reported coyote encounters and sightings would be logged by SGVCOG staff and shared with the participating cities. *Staff time for each category may fluctuate from year 1 to year 2. ANNUAL COSTS FOR VARIOUS NUMBERS OF PARTICIPATING CITIES Category of Expenses 10 or More Cities Additional Comments STAFFING Full-time Management Analyst $80,000 Taxes and benefits included. Mileage Reimbursement $3,000 Expenses incurred from travel.Mileage reimbursement is calculated at$0.58/mile. It is expected that the full-time staff will incur around$200 to$250 of mileage reimbursement expenses every month. Additional Staff Support and Expenses $5.000 This category includes costs of the additional staff time from the SGVCOG to supervise the newly- hired staff.This pool of funds also serves as a discretionary fund. Oversight of the coyote management full-time staff is calculated at$37.04/hour.It is expected that the annual oversight cost of the full-time staff member to be around$4,000/year. EXPENSES Website,Hotline,and Marketing Materials $6,500 Expenses for designing, printing, or ordering flyers, brochures, mailers, and giveaways. This category would also include expenses incurred from creating and maintaining the website and hotline. Translation Services $5,500 Expenses incurred from outsourcing translation services that cannot be completed in-house. Currently, SGVCOG has the capability of translating materials to traditional and simplified Chinese. Translation is calculated at$1/minute for both hotline and marketing material translation services based on existing quotes. Translating a typical two-sided brochure in one language costs about $500.It is expected that the SGVCOG will be outsourcing translation services for the languages of Korean,Spanish,and Vietnamese. TOTAL EXPENSE PER YEAR: $100,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSE PER YEAR PER CITY: $10,000.00* *SGVCOG is proposing a minimum of a 2-year MOU to allow for proper staffing for this implementation plan. S E M F i&,._,, O '9 C. O \\... CIVIC PRIDE ...„..„.„,, 14 . ._ __,.f.....r. 0 'NCCRPORATEO 6959 Attachment D Current Rosemead Coyote Management Plan M 0 t 1 CIVIC PRIDE iiiiii 'NC______OtiPOR _- TV) Pirj5 7 19 9 Coyote Management Plan City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 November 2016 Table of Contents Page Executive Summary 1 Coyote Management Plan Goals and Purpose 2 Coyote Biology 2 Role of Coyotes in Ecosystem 3 Legal Status 4 Coyote Attractants in Urban Environment 4 Human Perception of Coyotes 6 Challenges Managing Wildlife 6 Monitoring and Collection of Data 6 Hazing and Behavioral Change 6 Lethal Control 7 Trapping 8 Animal Pest Management Services 8 Public Education and Outreach 8 State Department 8 Los Angeles County 9 Surrounding Cities 9 Regional Approach 10 Response Plan 10 Appendices A. Definitions of Encounters with Coyotes B. Coyote Behavior and Recommended Response C. Coyote Incident Report Form D. Summary of Trapping Laws and Regulations E. Yard Audit Checklist EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The intent of this plan is to provide guidance for City staff in managing coyotes in Rosemead, as our local guidelines and provisions must fall within the parameters of, and adhere to federal, state and county regulations and policies.Provisions of this plan maintain the legal rights of Rosemead residents, businesses, and/or homeowners' associations in protecting private property relative to coyote management practices. Management Strategy The City's strategy for managing coyotes is based on balancing respect for, and protection of wildlife and their habitats, while prioritizing public safety. This strategy is comprised of a three- pronged approach consisting of the following: 1. Public education designed around co-existence with coyotes; 2. Enforcement of laws and regulations; and 3. Ensuring public safety by implementing appropriate responses to coyote behavior. This plan requires active participation on the part of the entire community including residents, businesses,homeowners' associations,volunteers and City personnel. Education Education is key to residents making appropriate decisions regarding their safety, and that of their property and pets, by decreasing attractants, reshaping coyote behavior through hazing, and creating reasonable expectations of normal coyote behavior. Dissemination of information to residents, businesses and schools will be accomplished through the use of the City website, mailers,handouts, etc. Enforcement The act of feeding wildlife substantially increases the likelihood of coyote activity in an area, thereby creating a habituated coyote(s) presence resulting in increased coyote and human interactions. California law(s) prohibits feeding wildlife, and the City enforce these applicable state statutes. Response Plan A response plan has been developed to provide a mechanism for identifying and classifying different levels of coyote aggression. Appendix A lists the definitions of coyote encounters,while Appendix B charts coyote behavior and recommended responses. 1 COYOTE MANAGEMENT PLAN GOALS AND PURPOSE The goal of the Coyote Management Plan is to provide a program to coexist and reduce human- coyote conflicts while prioritizing human safety. The suggested actions outlined in this plan are designed to increase citizens'knowledge and understanding of how coyotes behave and make clear how such behavior can be managed to reduce conflicts with coyotes. This Coyote Management Plan involves a thorough understanding of coyote ecology and biology in urban settings, and the best known management practices and management tools. This plan is guided by the following basic principles: 1. Human safety is a priority in managing human-coyote interactions. 2. Coyotes serve an important role in ecosystems by helping to control the population of rodents, Canada geese,rabbits and other urban mammals. 3. Preventive practices such as reduction and removal of food attractants,habitat modification and responding appropriately when interacting with wildlife are key to minimizing potential interactions with coyotes. 4. Solutions for coyote conflicts must address both problematic coyote behaviors (such as aggression towards people and attacks on pets) and the problematic human behaviors (intentionally or unintentionally feeding coyotes and letting pets outside unattended) that contribute to conflicts. 5. Non-selective coyote removal programs are ineffective for reducing coyote population sizes or preventing human-coyote conflicts. 6. A community-wide program that involves residents is necessary for achieving coexistence among people, coyotes and pets. COYOTE BIOLOGY Most coyotes weigh approximately 25-35 pounds, although their long legs and thick fur make them appear larger. Coyote fur varies in color from gray-brown to yellow-gray.They have a black- tipped tail which helps to distinguish them from other canids, such as foxes. Coyotes also have yellow/amber eyes (which help to distinguish them from domestic dogs), large ears and narrow, pointed muzzles (which help to distinguish them from wolves). Since coyotes are naturally very skittish and afraid of humans, they are rarely seen. Thus, their signs (including prints, scat and vocalizations)may be a better indicator of their presence. Coyote prints are similar to those of a domestic dog's, but are usually observed in a straight line (as opposed to the meandering path of domestic dog tracks).More commonly,coyote howling or other vocalizations maybe heard. Coyotes produce a variety of sounds (including howls,barks,whines and yips)to communicate with one another and defend their territory. Small groups of coyotes (2- 3) can distort their voices and sound like a group of 20. Coyotes also use scat (feces) to communicate by depositing it in the middle of a trail or on the edge of their territory. Coyote scat is similar to dog scat in size and appearance, but unlike dog scat,it is rope-like and typically filled with hairs, seeds and bones. 2 1 Diet: Coyotes are opportunistic omnivores with great flexibility in their diet. They generally hunt small mammals such as mice,rats,voles,rabbits and prairie dogs,but will also eat fruit and berries and will even scavenge road-killed animals. In urban areas,coyotes are also known to eat pet food,unsecured garbage and compost. They may also prey on unattended domestic pets, such as cats and small dogs if given the opportunity. This does not indicate a danger to humans,but is rather a natural coyote behavior.This behavior can be prevented by reducing human-associated food attractants in urban areas and not letting pets outside unattended. Social Structure: Most coyotes(called resident coyotes)live in family groups with one breeding pair and 3-4 other related individuals. Coyotes do not hunt in packs,but work together to defend their territory from other coyote family groups. Other coyotes (called transient coyotes)live alone or as an isolated mated pair. Coyotes mate once per year, during their breeding season (which occurs from January through March).During the pup season(April—August),the breeding pair will give birth to pups(typically in April or May).Litter size depends on available resources and the number of coyotes in the area. The average litter size is four to seven pups. Coyotes will place their pups in a den for the first six weeks, after which the pups will learn to hunt with their parents. Coyote dens are found in steep banks,rock crevices and underbrush,as well as in open areas.During dispersal season(September —December),the pups from the previous year(yearlings)will leave the family group and become transient coyotes in search of a new home range. Habitat: Coyotes are naturally diurnal (most active at dawn and dusk), but often shift to more nocturnal activity in urban and suburban areas in an effort to avoid people. Coyotes prefer open space and natural preserve areas over human-dominated landscapes, but are extremely adept at living in proximity to people. Coyotes thrive in these areas because food, water, and shelter are abundant. Home range sizes vary for each individual coyote. Research has shown that home range sizes for resident coyotes average 2-5 square miles, while transient coyotes have larger home ranges (averaging 10 square miles). Home range size can be an important indicator of resource distribution and abundance and also may correlate with population density. ROLE OF COYOTES IN ECOSYSTEM Coyotes play in important role in our ecosystem. As a top predator, coyotes feed on squirrels, mice, rats, lizards and other rodents that are wildly regarded as pests. Coyotes also feed on "mesopredators" such as opossums and raccoons,which in the absence of coyotes could multiply in number and ravage the nests of wild birds, eating an abundance of eggs and doing serious damage to wild bird populations. Coyotes are curious,smart and adaptable creatures.Our urban areas provide the perfect balance of food, shelter and water for them to live. What you may not know is that even in fragmented and urbanized landscapes, coyotes can play an integral role in their environment by providing ecosystem services and helping to maintain species diversity. Coyotes in urban areas not only 3 provide free rodent control by feeding on mice and rats, but also help to regulate the population size of other species that may cause conflicts with people in urban areas (such as voles, wild turkeys,white-ailed deer and Canada geese). LEGAL STATUS Coyotes have no special protection in California and may be killed by any method that is not prohibited by federal, state, or local statutes. Since the passage of a state ballot initiative measure in November 1998, leg hold traps cannot be used to capture coyotes except in situations where a human health and safety emergency has been declared by designated officials, or in selected situations where the existence of an endangered species is threatened by predation. Toxicants or poisons used to control coyotes are illegal,with the exception of fumigant cartridges available only to predator control specialists to asphyxiate coyote pups in their dens.No chemical repellents are registered for use in repelling coyotes from property or from livestock. COYOTE ATTRACTANTS IN URBAN ENVIRONMENT Coyotes are drawn to urban and suburban areas for the following reasons: 1. Food.Urban areas provide a bounty of natural food choices for coyotes,who primarily eat rodents such as mice and rats. However, coyotes can be further attracted into suburban neighborhoods by human-associated food such as pet food, unsecured compost or trash, and fallen fruit in yards.Intentional and unintentional feeding can lead coyotes to associate humans with sources of food, which can result in negative interactions among coyotes, people and pets. To reduce food attractants in urban and suburban areas: a. Never hand-feed or otherwise deliberately feed a coyote. b. Avoid feeding pets outside. Remove sources of pet food and water. If feeding pets outside is necessary,remove the bowl and any leftover food promptly. c. Never compost any meat or dairy(unless the compost is fully secured). 2. Water. Urban areas provide a year-round supply of water in the form of storm water impoundments and channels, artificial lakes, irrigation, pet water dishes, etc., which support both coyotes and their prey. In dry conditions, water can be as alluring as food, so remove water bowls set outside for pets and make watering cans unavailable. 3. Access to shelter.Parks,greenbelts,open spaces,golf courses,buildings,sheds,decks and crawl spaces, etc., increase the amount and variability of cover for coyotes. They allow coyotes to safely and easily remain close to people, pets, homes and businesses without detection.In the spring,when coyotes give birth and begin to raise young,they concentrate their activities around dens or burrows in which their young are sheltered. Coyotes may take advantage of available spaces under sheds or decks for use as a den, bringing them into close contact with people and pets. a. Maintain good housekeeping,such as regularly raking areas around bird feeders,to help discourage coyote activity near residences. b. Remove fallen fruit from the ground. c. Keep trash in high-quality containers with tight-fitting lids. Only place the cans curbside the morning of collection. If you leave trash cans out overnight,they are more likely to be tipped over and broken into. 4 d. Bag especially attractive food wastes such as meat scraps or leftover pet food. If it is several days before garbage will be picked up, freeze temporarily or take to a dumpster or other secure storage container. 1 ' 4. Unattended Pets. Pets are a normal part of an urban landscape. Within their territory, coyotes may consider pets as potential prey or potential competitors. a. Free-roaming pets, especially cats and sometimes small dogs,may attract coyotes into neighborhoods. The best way to minimize risk to pets is to not leave them outside unattended. b. Cats. Coyotes primarily eat small mammals such as mice and rats, but will also prey on slightly larger mammals such as rabbits and groundhogs. Approximately the same size as a groundhog or rabbit,free-roaming outdoor cats may also be seen as eligible prey items by coyotes. It is important to note that attacks on cats are normal coyote behavior and do not indicate-a danger for people. The only way to protect cats from coyotes (and the other dangers of outdoor life such as cars, disease, dogs and other wildlife)is to keep cats indoors(or only let them outside in a secure enclosure or when accompanied by a person and under the control of a leash and harness). c. Feral cats. People who feed feral cats are often concerned that coyotes might prey on the cats. These concerns are well founded, as coyotes will be attracted to both the outdoor pet food and the cats themselves as prey.Although there is no sure way to protect feral cats from coyotes,the following tips can be helpful: i. Feed cats only during the day and at a set time—and pick up any leftovers immediately. ii. Provide escape routes for cats. iii. Haze coyotes seen on the property (see Appendix B). Making them feel uncomfortable will encourage them to stay out of the area. d. Dogs are also vulnerable to coyote confrontations. These incidents generally involve coyotes who are accustomed or habituated to people(usually due to wildlife feeding), or coyotes who are protecting their territory and pups (usually during breeding season). i. Small, unattended dogs may be seen as potential prey for coyotes. It is important to either keep dogs on a leash six feet long or shorter when outdoors or to stay within six feet of them when outside.(Coyotes may view a dog on a leash longer than six feet as an unattended pet.) Attacks on unattended, small dogs are normal coyote behavior and do not indicate a danger for people. ii. Although attacks on larger dogs are rarer, coyotes will sometimes go after a large dog when they feel that their territory is threatened. This generally occurs during the coyote breeding season,which takes place from January through March. During this time, it isespecially important not to let dogs outside unattended and to keep them on leashes(six feet long or less)when in public areas. iii. Fences can be used to keep coyotes out of residential yards,but they must be"coyote-proof."Coyote-proof fences are at least eight feet tall and made of a material that coyotes cannot climb or at least six feet tall with a 5 protective device on top such as a "coyote roller (coyoteroller.com) that rolls off any coyotes (and dogs) that try to scramble over the fence. To prevent coyotes from digging under a fence, it should extend underground at least twelve inches or include an L-shaped mesh apron that extends outward at least 18 inches and is secured with landscape staples. HUMAN PERCEPTION OF COYOTES Coyotes are regarded in various ways by different members of the community. Opinions about coyotes range from wonder and amusement to indifference to fear and as some result perceptions can become exaggerated or misconstrued based on the observers pre-existing bias towards coyotes. CHALLENGES MANAGING WILDLIFE Due to their intelligence and adaptability,in addition to extensive urbanization and the subsequent decline of larger predators,coyotes have successfully expanded their range across North America. Coyotes are now found in all states in the U.S. except Hawaii and have become well established in nearly every ecosystem. They live in deserts, swamps, tundra and grasslands, brush, dense forests, cities and suburbs. People can live among coyotes yet never see them. Often it's only an evening chorus or group howling and yipping that alerts us to the presence of this wild canid in our neighborhoods. It is important to keep in mind that coyotes have been interacting with and adapting to people for at least the last 100 years. MONITORING AND COLLECTION OF DATA Monitoring and data collection are critical components of an effective coyote management plan. Monitoring human-coyote interactions is necessary to document where coyotes are seen, and to keep records of the numbers of coyotes that are in a specific area and to identify potential human- coyote conflict hotspots. A standardized form is available (Exhibit C) for documentation of coyote sightings and interactions. This Coyote Incident Fonn contains relevant information regarding the encounter with a coyote, as well as pertinent information about the informant. Residents may contact the Public Safety Center when they see a coyote.The Coyote Incident Form will be completed by staff with pertinent information about the coyote with specific information about the incident. HAZING AND BEHAVIORAL CHANGE A hazing program encourages the use of harassing actions without employing weapons or causing bodily harm to a coyote. The more often an individual animal is hazed,the more effective hazing is in changing coyote behavior. Being highly intelligent animals, coyotes who are hazed, quickly learn to avoid neighborhoods,people and pets. The goals of hazing are to: 1. Reverse the habituation of coyotes to people, teaching them to once again fear and avoid humans 2. Discourage coyotes from entering public areas such as parks,playgrounds and yards when people are present 3. Discourage coyotes from approaching people and pets 6 0 4. Empower residents by giving them tools to use when they encounter a coyote, thereby reducing their fear of coyotes(Whistles) 5. Increase awareness about coyote behavior among residents and involve the community in coyote management efforts(Resident Informational Flyers) LETHAL CONTROL Lethal control programs may seem like a quick fix to problems among coyotes,people and pets. However, removal programs are not effective in reducing coyote populations or addressing the root causes of conflicts. Coyote removal programs are costly(due to the difficulty of catching coyotes)and controversial among the public. When implementing lethal control, it is extremely difficult to ensure that problem-causing coyote(s)will be the ones located and killed.Since firearms are unsafe to use in urban and suburban areas, traps(which are by design non-selective for particular coyotes) are generally the method used. Because coyotes are so intelligent and wary of human scent, it is very difficult to catch any coyote in a trap. Research has shown that when lethally controlled, coyotes exhibit a"rebound effect" (a surge in their reproductive rates), allowing for quick regeneration of their population numbers. The disruption of their family group structure, leads to an increase in the number of females breeding in the population,and the increase in available resources leads to larger litter sizes,earlier breeding ages among females and higher survival rates among pups. This allows coyote populations to bounce back quickly, even when their numbers are removed through lethal control efforts. For these reasons, lethal programs are not effective at reducing coyote populations, and non-selective coyote trapping programs are not effective at solving conflicts. In addition, coyotes removed from an area will quickly be replaced by transient coyotes looking for a vacant home range. If the root causes of human-coyote conflicts have not been addressed, incoming coyotes may quickly become nuisance coyotes as well. It is far betterto have well- behaved resident coyotes who will hold territories and keep transients at bay, then to risk having to deal with newcomers that have not been suspect to hazing strategies or that are not accustomed to the"rules"the community is attempting to set through hazing strategies. Lethal responses (coyote removal) should be considered only in the event of an unprovoked, confirmed attack on a human. If implemented,lethal control efforts should focus on the offending coyote(s) only, rather than the coyote population at large. This requires significant surveillance efforts to make sure that the correct animal(s)is targeted and removed. Lethal control should be considered as only one of a suite of management interventions (e.g. removal of attractants, hazing, etc.)that involve an array of humane and non-lethal measures. If non-lethal control techniques are effective enough to reduce human-coyote interactions and conflicts to acceptable levels, then the lethal control limited option may remain in the toolbox without being used. 7 TRAPPING The trapping of wildlife in the State of California in order to re-locate the animal to another region in order to limit nuisance species is illegal. A summary of the Trapping Laws and Regulations is included in Appendix D. In California, according to the California Department of Fish& Game, Section 465, (G) (1),the law states that animals trapped must be released on site or killed. Below is what the law states. "Immediate Dispatch or Release.All furbearing and nongame mammals that are legal to trap must be immediately killed or released. Unless released, trapped animals shall be killed by shooting/ where local ordinances, landowners, and safety permit. This regulation does not prohibit employees of federal, state, or local government from using chemical euthanasia to dispatch trapped animals." There are many effective methods for trapping coyotes, and success can be enhanced by considering several key points. Coyotes learn from past events that were unpleasant or frightening, and they often avoid such events in the future. In spring and summer, most coyotes limit their movements to a small area,but in late summer,fall, and winter they may roam over a larger area. Coyotes follow regular paths and crossways,and they prefer high hills or knolls from which they can view the terrain. They establish regular scent posts along their paths,and they depend on their eyes,nose, and ears to sense danger. However, all trapping of wildlife is highly regulated and is only permitted with proper licensing. ANIMAL PEST MANAGEMENT SERVICES Many of the cities in the San Gabriel Valley have similar concerns with coyotes and have utilized the services of a professionally licensed trapper. Jim Rizzo of Animal Pest Management Services has assisted many Southern California Cities with trapping and disposing of coyotes from their communities. The service initially costs $3,500 for ten-days of locating, trapping, and euthanizing coyotes. Typical results yield two to three coyotes per session. The company recommends the practice of following up every six months with a subsequent sessions of capturing and removing coyotes, at a cost of$2,500 for the same ten-day period. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH A critical element of a successful coyote management plan includes the education and awareness of the community. Education about coyotes is the key to having residents make appropriate decisions regarding their safety and management of their property and pets. This involves decreasing food sources, taking precautions with pets, creating tolerance of normal coyote behavior,yard upkeep(Appendix E), and hazing strategies. STATE DEAPARTMENT The California Department of Fish and Wildlife does not allow the relocation of wild animals; therefore,the Department does not pick up wild animals unless they are sick or injured and require medical attention.The State Department has in the past, taken an active role if there are coyote attacks on humans. 8 LOS ANGELES COUNTY Los Angeles County is currently utilizing community outreach and education to address coyotes. Based on the severity of a coyote incident, the County may provide an onsite visit to provide suggestions on how to protect your home.In addition to education,the County follows the practice of an Anti-Feeding Ordinance which is illustrated in.Code §10.84.010. This Code states that it is unlawful to feed a non-domesticated rodent or non-domesticated mammalian predator as defined in this section,unless: • The person is the owner of the animal and the animal is kept in accordance with the requirements of the State Department of Fish and Wildlife; or • After notifying the responsible agency to pick up the animal, the person provides food to a trapped or injured animal. The Los Angeles County is also developing"Train the Trainer"material,which will be available to cities in early 2017. The City looks forward to available County resources and will utilize any educational material or"training"information provided by the County. SURROUNDING CITIES SURVEY Lethal Control City StallAnnnal Contracted Management Plan Resident Concern I VL I O tion Control Coyote Trappers, Alhambra'r No written plan, No Minor Yes No practices only Few calls for service Outsourced/ No written plan, erYes Minor Southeast Area Bellflower; ' Trapping/ Animal Control Yes practices only Euthanizing Authority calls k service Authority (SEAACA) Yes Long Beach'Written plan Trapping/ Major Yes Yes Euthanizing One call for service per day MoiZ:4: o A plan is being No Minor Outsourced/SEA Yes developed. Few calls for service CCA Monterey No written plan, Major No Yes Yes Park ;practices only One call for service per day Outsourced/San San Gabnel No written plan, No Minor Gabriel Valley Yes practices only Very few service calls Humane Society Written plan with Yes Major Outsourced/City Se4Beae A,elevated threat Trapping/ Yes __ _,,...._.;': =responses. Euthanizing Many calls for service ofLong Beach nZTIZ:VO i Outsourced/San TeVe Crty?No written plan, No Minor Gabriel Valley No practices only Few calls for service Humane Society 9 REGIONAL APPROACH The City will continue communication with Representatives from both the State and County to address the coyote situation. Although the City's Coyote Management Plan utilizes many of the same educations strategies, the City will utilize any available State and County resources to educate and limit coyote interaction with humans to improve public safety.When appropriate,the City will coordinate with surrounding communities to address coyotes. RESPONSE PLAN 1. Implement the Management and Response Plan a. Coyote Behavior and recommended Response(Appendix A) 2. Education a. Coyote Informational Flyers(Residents and Businesses) i. Informational flyer in four languages (English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish) b. Coyote Workshops i. April(Pup Season) ii. December/January(Dispersal Season) c. Yard Audit Checklist(Appendix E) 3. Hazing Tools: Whistle distribution a. Coyote hazing whistles are free to Rosemead Residents and Businesses and are available at the following locations: i. City Hall(8838 E.Valley Boulevard) ii. Rosemead Community Recreation Center(3936 N.Muscatel Avenue) lll. Garvey Center(9108 Garvey Avenue) iv. Public Safety Center(8301 Garvey Avenue) 4. Habitat Management in Suburban Areas a. Areas with lush landscaping provide ample food, water, and shelter for coyotes. Suburban coyotes can reach densities far greater than they do on rangeland or undeveloped wildlands. Homeowners can reduce the attractiveness of their property to coyotes by clearing or thinning thick vegetation and by removing brush and dense weeds from the landscape, thereby depriving coyotes and their prey of shelter and cover.In particular,prune back the lower limbs and branches of shrubs and small trees to a height of 2 feet, to deprive coyotes of cover where they can easily hide. Avoid using landscape plants that produce fruits and seeds,and pick fruit from trees before it falls to the ground to avoid attracting coyotes. Coyotes are attracted to ripening fruits of many kinds,and they will also readily consume the fruits of some plants commonly used for landscaping. Install quality fencing around garden plots to exclude coyotes,as they will eat many common garden fruits and vegetables. 10 Compost piles should be managed carefully so they will not encourage rodents or other prey attractive to coyotes, and they should be fenced or contained to exclude coyotes from foraging for grubs and worms.Eliminate available water sources for coyotes and other wildlife; for example, remove ponds or fountains, or install net wire fences around their perimeter.Manage bird feeders carefully to avoid spillage that attracts rodents and rabbits,which are attractive coyote prey. 5. Coyote Removal in Suburban Areas a. Once coyotes have lost their fear of humans or have started behaving aggressively, a health and safety hazard exists. Usually it can be remedied only by removal of one or more of the coyotes. Typically, coyote removal in urban or suburban areas is conducted by predator control professionals who shoot coyotes or capture them in padded leg hold traps or snares. Captured coyotes must be destroyed, as relocating problem coyotes would incur unacceptable liability and risk on the part of the agency involved,and relocation is illegal without prior approval of the California Department of Fish & Game. Management experience has shown that removal of only a few problem coyotes from a population will reinstall fear of humans in the remaining population, often solving coyote problems in that locality for months or,even years. Because other coyotes quickly move into occupy vacant territories, removal of several animals has no long-term impact on coyote numbers. Following coyote removal, local agencies or authorities should evaluate the entire neighborhood and recommend preventive measures that homeowners should take in order to make the area less attractive to coyotes, thus preventing recurrence of the problem. 11 fY APPENDIX A DEFINITIONS OF ENCOUNTERS WITH COYOTES Active Coexistence Humans and coyotes exist together,whereby communities decide on open,public space where coyotes are appropriate and do not haze,feed or interact with them in these areas. Humans take an active role in keeping coyotes in their community wild by learning about coyote ecology and behavior,removing attractants,taking responsibility for pet safety, and hazing coyotes in neighborhood or community spaces(except for predetermined coyote appropriate areas). Attack A human is injured or killed by a coyote. Provoked A human-provoked attack or incident where the human involved encourages the coyote to engage; for example,when a human intentionally approaches or feeds the coyote. Unprovoked An unprovoked attack or incident where the human involved does not encourage the coyote to engage. Pet Attack A domestic animal is injured or killed by a coyote. Attended animal loss or injury When a person is within six feet of the pet and the pet is on a leash and is attacked and injured by a coyote. Unattended animal loss or injury A coyote injures or kills a pet without the owner being present,or when the owner is further than six feet from the coyote, or when the pet is on a leash longer than six feet.Also includes "depredation"-predation on domestic pets or livestock. Note:A pet attack, of an unattended animal loss or injury, is normal behavior by a coyote. Suspected Pet Attack Remains may be found and indicate that an animal was attacked by a coyote, and in cases where Animal Control Officers respond to these calls without knowledge of an actual attack,the incident will be recorded as a suspected attack.Note: A coyote is an opportunistic feeder and may feed on animals, especially cats,which were previously killed by cars or other means. Encounter An unexpected, direct meeting between a human and a coyote that is without incident. jj Feeding-Intentional A resident or business actively and intentionally feeds coyotes,including intentionally providing food for animals in the coyote food chain. Feeding-Unintentional A resident or business unintentionally provides access to food, such as accessible compost,fallen fruit from trees, left open sheds and doors,pet food left outdoors, etc. Feeding-.Unintentional-Bird Feeders A resident or business with bird feeders that may provide a food source for coyotes, such as bird foods,birds,rodents, squirrels. Bird feeders must be kept high enough from the ground so a coyote is unable to reach the • feeding animals, and the area under the bird feeder must be kept clean and free of residual bird food. Hazing Training method that employs immediate use of deterrents to move an animal out of an area or discourage an undesirable behavior or activity. Hazing techniques include loud noises,spraying water,bright lights,throwing objects,and shouting.Hazing can help maintain coyotes' fear of humans and deter them from neighborhood spaces such as • backyards and play areas. Hazing does not damage animals,humans or property. Threat Incident A conflict between a human and a coyote where the coyote exhibits the following behavior- approaches a human and growls, bares teeth or lunges, and/or injures or kills an attended domestic animal-but where a human is not injured. Stalking incident A conflict between a human and a coyote where the coyote exhibits the following behavior-follows a person with or without an attended pet on leash-but a human is not injured. Observation The act of noticing or taking note of tracks, scat or vocalizations. Sighting A visual observation of a coyote(s).Note: A sighting may occur at any time of the day or night. Unsecured Trash Trash that is accessible to wildlife, such as overflowing garbage cans, open trash bags, uncovered dumpsters or where debris is scattered outside the receptacle. APPENDIX B COYOTE BEHAVIOR AND RECOMMENDED RESPONSE Coyote Action City Response Coyote heard or seen moving in an area Provide educational materials and frequented by people. information on normal coyote behavior. Coyote seen resting in an area; If area frequented by people, educate them on normal coyote behavior and hazing Coyote following or approaching(stalking) techniques to encourage the animal to leave, person without a pet; and look for and eliminate attractants. Coyote following or approaching(stalking) Provide information on coyote hazing and person and pet; pet safety protocols and"what to do"tips when being followed by a coyote. Coyote entering a yard without people or pets; Educate residents on coyote attractants, yard/neighborhood audits, and provide Coyote entering a yard with pets,but with additional hazing resources. no injury occurring; and/or Gather information on specific animals Coyote biting or injuring an unattended pet. involved and document and report circumstances surrounding incident. Coyote entering yard and injuring or killing Gather information on specific animals pet without people present; involved, and document,map and report on circumstances of incident. Coyote entering yard with people and pets, with no injury occurring; Educate residents about identifying and eliminating coyote attractants. Coyote biting or injuring attended pet or pet on leash less than six feet in length; Encourage residents to conduct yard and neighborhood audits and enact pet safety Coyote entering interior of dwelling; and/or protocols. Coyote acting aggressive, showing teeth, Targeted lethal removal including trapping back fur raised or lunging. will be considered and maybe implemented. Coyote biting or injuring person City staff informs the California Depaitinent of Fish and Wildlife(DFW)for elimination of the responsible coyote(s). City staff identifies and gathers information on specific animal involved and reports circumstances of the incident to DFW }� } APPENDIX C APPENDICES THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES APPENDIX A. COYOTE INCIDENT REPORT FORM Date: Time of interaction: ' Duration of Interaction: • Name of reporting party: • Address of reporting party: Phone number of reporting party: Address of interaction: Location type(park,commercial property,residential property,natural preserve, vacant land,other): Type of interaction:Observation,Sighting,Encounter Incident,Pet Attack:Attended/Unattended,or Human Attack:Provoked/ Unprovoked?(See Reverse for Definitions) Activity of reporting party prior to interaction(e.g.walking,running,riding bike): Was the coyote being intentionally fed? Yes 0 No O Was there pet food present' Yes 0 No 0 Was unsecured garbage present? Yes 0 No 0 Were other food attractants present? Yes 0 No 0 (e.g.bird seed,compost,fruit,etc.) If yes,describe: Was a pet involved?. . .Yes O............... . ... ........No 0 Type of pet:........ .... .. Cat 0 Dog 0 Other 0 Breed/weight of pet Was pet on leash? Yes 0.... . .No 0 (If yes,was leash longer than 6 ft') Yes 0 ...No 0 Description of interaction/what happened: . Actions taken by reporting party(e.g.ran away,hazed coyote,none,etc.): How did coyote respond?(e.g,ran away,approached,etc.) A-TEMPLATE COYOTE MANAGEMENT&COEXISTENCE PLAN 1 15 i S OFFICE USE ONLY: Outcome of incident: Human injuries: Post Exposure Rabies Vacdnation Recommended: Yes 0 No 0 Pet injuries: Pet killed. Yes 0 No 0 Coyote injuries: Coyote euthanized: Yes 0...................Na 0 Coyote necropsy results: Stomach contents:human food:.. Yes 0.. No 0 Sign of disease: Yes 0 No O If Yes,describe • DEFINITIONS: OBSERVATION: The act of noticing signs of a coyote(s),such as tracks,scat,or vocalizations,but without visual observation of the coyote(s). SIGHTING: A visual observation of a coyote(s).A sighting may occur at any time of the day or night. ENCOUNTER: A direct meeting that is between human and coyote(s)with no physical contact and that is without incident. INCIDENT: A conflict between a human and a coyote where the coyote exhibits any of the following behaviors: growling,baring teeth, lunging or making physical contact with person.A human is not bitten. HUMAN ATTACK: A human is bitten by a coyote(s). Provoked:An attack where the involved human encourages the coyote to engage.Examples include a human • hand-feeding a coyote,approaching a coyote with pups or intervening in a coyote attack on a pet. Unprovoked:An attack where the involved human does not encourage the coyote to engage. PET ATTACK: t Coyote(s)kills or injures a domestic pet. Attended:Pet is on a leash less than six feet in length or is in the presence of a person less than six feet away. Unattended:Pet is free-roaming,walking off-leash more than six feet from a person,or on a leash longer than six feet, • LIVESTOCK LOSS/DEPREDATION: !I Coyote(s)kills or injures livestock. • A TEMPLATE COYOTE MANAGEMENT&COEXISTENCE PLAN 116 { 4 APPENDIX D Summary of Trapping Laws and Regulations Laws and regulations that apply when trapping for profit to alleviate animal damage and nuisance wildlife problems: • Trapping license is required if working for an animal damage/nuisance wildlife control company(Fish and Game Code(FGC) Section 4005) • You must have your trapping license in your immediate possession while trapping for either commercial fur or nuisance wildlife control purposes (FGC Sect. 1054.2) • Cage and box traps,nets, suitcase-type live beaver traps, and common rat and mouse traps are not considered body-gripping traps (Title 14 California Code of Regulations Section 465.5) • Leg-hold traps may be used only to protect human health or safety,and only by government agencies (T 14 CCR Sect.465.5) • Body-gripping traps may be used to prevent property damage(T 14 CCR Sect. 465.5) • Poison, intentional drowning, injection with any chemical not sold for the purpose of euthanizing animals and thoracic compression or "chest crushing" are not_authorized methods of take(T 14 CCR Sect. 465.5 &475) • Steel jawed leg-hold traps are prohibited(T 14 CCR Sect. 465.5) • Traps must be inspected and trapped animals removed at least once daily(T 14 CCR Sect. 465.5) • • A trapper must either euthanize a trapped animal or release it immediately on site (T 14 CCR Sect. 465.5) • It is illegal to set or maintain traps which do not bear a number or other identifying mark registered to the department(T 14 CCR Sect. 465.5) • A trapper may not set a trap within 150 yards of any structure used as a permanent or temporary residence,unless such traps are set by a person controlling such property or by a person who has and is carrying with him written consent of the landowner to so place the trap or traps(T 14 CCR Sect. 465.5) • Fur-bearing or nongame mammals taken under the authority of depredation, may not be bought, sold or enter into the commercial market(FGC 4005 &T 14 CCR Sect. 465.5) • The pelts of animals taken with body-gripping traps may not be sold(FGC 4005 & T 14 CCR Sect. 465.5) • A trapping license may be revoked for a violation of the trapping laws and regulations (FGC Sect.4043) • Fur-bearing and/or nongame mammals that are injuring property may be taken at any time and/or in any manner(FGC Sect. 4152&4180) • APPENDIX E YARD AUDIT CHECKLIST OK FIX WAYS TO MITIGATE FOOD NEVER intentionally(hand-)feed a coyote! Pet Food Never feed pets outdoors; store all pet food securely indoors. Water Sources Remove water attractants (such as fountains)in dry climates. Bird Feeders Remove bird feeders or clean fallen seed to reduce the presence of small mammals that coyotes prefer to eat. Fallen Fruit Clean up fallen fruit around trees. Compost Do not include meat or dairy among compost contents unless fully enclosed. BBQ Grills Clean up food around barbeque grills after each use. Secure all trash containers with locking lids and place Trash curbside the morning of trash pickup.Periodically clean cans to reduce residual odors. LANDSCAPING Trim vegetation to reduce hiding places and potential denning sites. STRUCTURES & Restrict access under decks and sheds, around OUTBUILDINGS woodpiles, or any other structure that can provide cover or denning sites for coyotes or their prey. Enclose property with an 8-foot fence(or a 6-foot fence with an additional extension or roller-top)to deter coyotes. Ensure that there are no gaps and that the FENCING* bottom of the fence extends underground six(6)inches or is fitted with a mesh apron to deter coyotes from digging underneath. *Must comply with Rosemead Municipal Code(s). Never leave pets unattended outside. PETS Never allow pets to"play"with coyotes. Fully enclose outdoor pet kennels. Walk pets on a leash no longer than 6 feet in length. Residents are encouraged to take steps to eliminate attractants on their property and to share this information with friends and neighbors, as minimising conflicts with coyotes is most effective when the entire neighborhood works together. S E M F O .7 CIVIC PRIDE 174,„,7•7 'NCORPORATEO' Attachment E Memorandum of Agreement Between San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments and City MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS AND THE CITY OF XXX FOR PARTICIPATION OF COYOTE MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN This Memorandum of Agreement("MOA"or"Agreement")is made as of XXX, 2019 by and between the City of XXX, a municipal corporation ("City"), and the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, a California joint powers authority ("SGVCOG"). City and SGVCOG may be referred to herein collectively as the "Parties" or individually as a"Party." RECITALS: A. SGVCOG was established to have a unified voice to maximize resources and advocate for regional and member interests to improve the quality of life in the San Gabriel Valley by the member cities and other local governmental agencies. B. City seeks to participate in a Coyote Management Implementation Plan that was developed by the SGVCOG Coyote Management Task Force. C. Under the Coyote Management Implementation Plan, SGVCOG would serve as an entity to provide informational coyote public outreach and education efforts, promote effective human-coyote conflict mitigation strategies, and support a robust wildlife reporting and response mechanism on behalf of City. D. City and SGVCOG desire to set forth the terms of their ongoing collaboration with respect to this effort in this MOA. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: I. TERM: The term,of this MOA between the Parties shall commence on November 1; 2019 and shall continue through October 31, 2021. The term of this MOA may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Parties. II. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES: A. SGVCOG. SGVCOG will: 1. Coordinate and implement community meetings/trainings every year. SGVCOG will diligently market the community meetings/trainings prior to the event dates; however, attendance levels are not guaranteed. 2. Conduct youth outreach and education programs for local schools. 3. Coordinate to send mailers to neighborhoods with high numbers of human- coyote encounters and incidents. 4. Manage a website or webpage that contains important and helpful information for residents and businesses regarding coyotes. 5. Maintain an online regional coyote incident reporting system for residents of City. 6. Develop and maintain a regional coyote reporting hotline. 7. Coordinate with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the County of Los Angeles, and other relevant external stakeholders on regional coyote management efforts. 8. Provide electronic files of coyote marketing and outreach materials. 9. Manage all invoicing and billing. 10. Submit two invoices to the City, for a not to exceed total of$20,000 over the span of two consecutive years as follows: • The payment of the first invoice will be due within forty-five (45) days upon execution of the agreement for fifty percent(50%),which is$10,000, of the total amount. • The second and final invoice for the remaining $10,000 amount will be submitted on July 1, 2020 for a total of$10,000. B. City. City will: 1. Participate in coordination calls and meetings with the SGVCOG and all municipalities that have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the SGVCOG for the Coyote Management Implementation Plan for the November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2021 term. 2. Provide a point-of-contact for the purposes of this Agreement with the name, title, and contact information of the individual. If the point-of-contact is reassigned or no longer with the City, a new point-of-contact must be designated within five (5) business days. 3. Assist with the coordination of coyote town halls, community meetings, coyote management workshops, conflict trainings, mailers, social media outreach, and youth outreach and education programs. 4. Provide a municipal meeting space or venue for events and activities within the City of related to this MOA and other events within the City that are related to the Coyote Management Implementation Plan. 5. Pay all undisputed invoices submitted by SGVCOG within forty-five (45) days of receipt by City. III. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: A. Project Managers. 1. For the purposes of this MOA, SGVCOG designates the following individual as its Project Manager: Alexander Fung, Management Analyst. 2. For the purposes of this MOA,the City designates the following individual as its Project Manager: (name) Either Party may change the designations set forth herein upon written notice to the other Party. IV. DEFAULT: REMEDIES: A. Default. A "Default" under this MOA is defined as any one or More of the following: (i) failure of either Party to comply with the terms and conditions contained in this MOA; and/or (ii) failure of either Party to perform its obligations set forth herein satisfactorily. B. Remedies. In the event of a Default by either Party, the non-defaulting Party will provide a written notice of such Default and thirty (30) days to cure the Default. In the event that the defaulting Party fails to cure the Default, or commit to cure the Default and commence the same within such 30-day period and to the satisfaction of the non-defaulting Party, the non-defaulting Party may terminate this MOA. Such termination shall be effective immediately. The remedies described herein are non-exclusive. In the event of a Default by either Party, the non-defaulting Party shall have the right to seek any and all remedies available at law or in equity. V. TERMINATION: A. This MOA may be terminated by either Party at any time, with or without cause, by providing written notice of termination to the other Party. Such termination will be effective thirty (30) days after such notice is received. B. If City terminates this MOA prior to the completion of the Coyote Management Implementation Plan when SGVCOG has not committed a Default, SGVCOG will invoice City for any costs incurred that exceed the amount initially included in the initial invoice. Total billable cost shall not exceed the total project budget. VI. INDEMNIFICATION: A. City agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold free and harmless the SGVCOG, its elected and appointed boards,officials,officers,agents,employees,members,and volunteers, at City's sole expense, from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, or other legal proceedings brought against the SGVCOG, its elected and appointed boards, officials, officers, agents, employee members, and volunteers arising out of or relating to the acts or omissions of City in connection with this Agreement. B. SGVCOG agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold free and harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, at SGVCOG's sole expense, from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, or other legal proceedings brought against the City, its elected officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers arising out of or relating to the acts or omissions of SGVCOG in connection with this Agreement. VII. INSURANCE: A. City and SGVCOG shall maintain and keep in full force and effect during the term of this MOA insurance or a program of self-insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise in connection with City's or SGVCOG's performance of its obligations hereunder. VIII. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: A. Notices. All notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered, or sent by electronic mail or certified mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To SGVCOG: Alexander Fung Management Analyst 1000 S. Fremont Avenue, Unit 42 Building A-10N, Suite 10-210 Alhambra, CA 91803 (626) 457-1800 afung@sgvcog.org with a copy to: Marisa Creter Executive Director 1000 S. Fremont Avenue, Unit 42 Building A-10N, Suite 10-210 Alhambra, CA 91803 (626) 457-1800 mcreter@sgvcog.org To City: Name Title Address Phone Number E-mail Address with a copy to: Name Title Address Phone Number E-mail Address B. No Partnership. This Agreement is not intended to be, and shall not be construed as, an agreement to form a partnership, agency relationship, or a joint venture between the Parties.Except as otherwise specifically provided in the Agreement,neither Party shall be authorized to act as an agent of or otherwise to represent the other Party. C. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes any and all other prior writings and oral negotiations. This Agreement may be modified only in writing, and signed by the Parties in interest at the time of such modification. D. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under California law and any applicable federal law without giving effect to that body of laws pertaining to conflict of laws. In the event of any legal action to enforce or interpret this Agreement, the Parties hereto agree that the sole and exclusive venue shall be a court of competent jurisdiction located in Los Angeles County,California. E. Attorneys' Fees. In the event that there is any litigation or other legal proceeding between the Parties in connection with this Agreement,each Party shall bear its own costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees. F. Excusable Delays. Neither Party hereto shall be considered in default in the performance of its obligations hereunder to the extent that the performance of any such obligation is prevented or delayed by unforeseen causes including acts of God, floods, earthquakes, fires, acts of a public enemy, and government acts beyond the control and without fault or negligence of the affected Party. Each Party hereto shall give notice promptly to the other of the nature and extent of any such circumstances claimed to delay, hinder, or prevent performance of any obligations under this Agreement. G. Waiver. Waiver by any Party to this Agreement of any term, condition, or covenant of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant.No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Party against whom enforcement of a waiver is sought. H. Headings.The section headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience and identification only and shall not be deemed to limit or define the contents to which they relate. I. Assignment. Neither Party may assign its interest in this Agreement, or any part thereof,without the prior written consent of the other Party.Any assignment without consent shall be void and unenforceable. J. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. K. Authority to Execute. The person executing this Agreement on behalf of a Party warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said Party, and that by doing so the said Party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. FOR THE CITY OF XXX COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS By: By: Marisa Creter XXX Executive Director City Manager Date: Date: ATTEST: ATTEST: Marisa Creter, Secretary City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: XXX General Counsel City Attorney FOR THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY