RFP 2019-11 Questions for IT Management ServicesREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-11 QUESTIONS FOR IT MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1. Who is the current incumbent on this contract? a. Interwest Consulting Group 2. What is the current pricing on the contract? a. $114,500 for professional services. 3. What is the budget allocated to this contract? a. $114,500 strictly for professional services. City’s IT budget has an additional budget for software and hardware. 4. How many temps are currently working on the existing contract and will they all be transitioned to the new vendors? a. There are no temps working on the existing contract. 5. Is it a multiple award contract? a. No, sole contract. 6. Please provide the duration for this contract? a. The duration of this contract is three (3) years commencing January 1, 2020 with an option for two (2) one-year extensions at the City’s discretion. 7. There are 50 full time employees and approximately 100 domain users. Why are their double the number of users? a. Multiple accounts and legacy accounts are still around due to City’s records retention policy. 8. How many users will need full support and how many will need support for email services only? a. All need full support. 9. We have strong familiarity with City’s but only service one other City in this capacity. We have several other references and can bring a new perspective on IT to the City, but there is a requirement for two similar organizations. a. Do the two similar organizations need to be municipalities? i. No b. If we only have one, will we be automatically ruled out? i. N/A 10. Is the City open to a strategy that consolidates services, eliminates the need for hardware and capital expenditures, and reduces operating costs in other areas? a. Yes 11. If our costs are higher as a result of significantly decreasing other costs, will we be penalized? a. N/A 12. What was the total budget for IT services last year and what did it consist of? a. $114,500 for professional services and approximately $260,000 for software, hardware, and miscellaneous IT equipment. 13. What is the total budget for IT services this year and what does it consist of? a. $114,500 for professional services and approximately $280,000 for software and hardware. 14. Regarding the cameras noted at the locations within Attachment C: a. Does the City have Third-parties who support the camera systems? i. IT is the primary support and if needed we reach out to outside vendor. Vendor support is on an hourly cost basis. b. To what level of support do you expect the managed IT services provider to support these system(s)? i. First and second level support. 15. Are the 51 mobile devices mentioned in the section C of the RFP owned and managed by the City or are they personal devices? a. If they are owned by the City, does the City expect the IT contract to support/managed these devices? Does the City employ a mobile device management solution? i. No MDM, the City IT supports these products. 16. Does the City of Rosemead currently have an internal Help Desk and if so, will the City continue to staff the Help Desk, or can the proposal include an outsourced help desk as part of the solution? a. Helpdesk is provided by the current vendor, there is no outsource helpdesk. 17. For the 24 x 7 remote support line, what is the anticipated call volume? a. Technician receives about 10-15 calls a day. 18. For the 24 x 7 remote support line, what is the average handle time per call or email? a. An average of 15-30 minutes depending on the issue. 19. For 24 x 7 Support Hotline, will the Hotline Support team need to document interactions on the City's CRM and if so, what ticketing system does the City use? a. The current vendor provides these services. Whoever the City selects needs to provide these services as well. 20. What level of technical diagnosis is being requested for the After-Hours Support Hotline? a. First and Second level helpdesk. If there’s an emergency onsite and technician is needed, then a systems engineer comes onsite. 21. Are there any non-English language concerns? a. N/A 22. What are the current call volumes that require a technician on site? a. Technician needs to be onsite during open business hours. 23. What are the current after hours/weekend/emergency (2-hour response on site) call volumes that require a technician on site? a. Outages (Emergency power outages, council meeting, EOC Operations, down IT Equipment). 24. Is there one technician currently providing the requested services? The Scope uses technician and technician(s) in its description. a. Currently City has one onsite systems engineer, network engineer supporting them remotely and a IT Director that meets with department head on a bi-weekly basis. 25. Are there any warranty considerations on any of the hardware? Does the Technician need to be warranty certified to service any of the equipment? a. No need for tech to be warranty certified. 26. Is it safe to assume the City will pay for any additional training other than presented in the Scope? a. Need further clarification. 27. What is the radius (Miles) of the locations? a. 2-5 miles 28. Will the City of Rosemead accept mileage charges? a. No 29. Are we allowed to support from offshore for a remote portion? a. Will be evaluated at time of review. 30. Is it okay to have subcontractors or partners? a. Will be evaluated at time of review. 31. Question regarding the service window, 7am to 6pm is not 8 hours. a. City Hall is open Monday-Thursday from 7am-6pm. Technician is expected to work during business hours. 32. The RFP mentioned this statement, “The technician will work eight hours from 7am to 6pm with one hours for lunch. Did you mean 10 hours Mondays through Thursday and periodically Fridays, which means 40 hours + (8hours every other Friday)? a. City Hall is open Monday-Thursday from 7am-6pm. Technician is expected to work during business hours. 33. What about smaller non-bid (p-card type purchases, refurbished parts, hard to find items, end of life band-aids, etc). a. N/A 34. Do purchases go through IT directly, or does it funnel back around to the procurement side? a. Both, current vendor processes purchase that are needed on a emergency basis and larger purchases are funneled back through the City’s Finance department. 35. Does acknowledgement of receipt of Addendum No. 1 need to be included in the RFP submitted by vendors? a. Yes, acknowledgement of receipt of Addendum No. 1 needs to be included/mentioned in your proposal letter.