CC - Item 5B - Minutes for 05-28-19 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 28,2019 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:40 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor/Chair Clark, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Armenta, Council Members/Board Members Dang, and Ly "e ABSENT: Council Member/Board Member Low"` , STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda,••Assistant City Manager`Tsujiuchi, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director'of Finanee Lieu, Director of Community Development Kim, Public Works Director Alfonso,,Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez ° 1. WORKSHOP A. Budget Workshop Director Of Finance•Lieu provided an'updated overview of the Parks and Recreation Budget for Fiscal Year 2019/2020; asserted that staff made the following changes: /' 1. `Staff is'`nolonger requesting the Parks and Recreation Manager position — reducing budget by $130;000. , 2. Under General Recreation Division, staff is no longer requesting an increase in hours'for Summer ,Day Camp (initial request was for an increase of 420 hours)—reducing budget by $7,000. 3:', Under Community Promotions/Special Events, staff is reducing part-time request hours of an additional 2,400 hours to 670 hours to reflect actual staff usage,in the past—reducing budget by $24,000. 4. Decreasing,the overall budget request by $161,000. Director of Finance Lieu gave a breakdown of the General Fund: revenues of $24,862,900; expenses of $23,691,70; anticipating grants reimbursements of $810,533; total surplus $1,171,200. Ms. Lieu discussed the Metro Grant for Improvements to Garvey Avenue (from New Avenue to East City Limit), which would facilitate both vehicular and transit flow on Garvey Avenue; stated funding was allocated for FY 19/20 and FY 20/21; noted the decision to accept/deny grant will have to be made when executing the grant funding agreement with Metro in early FY 19/20; emphasized the grant can be used for street furnishings, landscaping enhancements, traffic signal upgrades, and sidewalk improvements; Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.6 Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 1 of 12 ascertained that staff requests additional time to research this grant in effort to bring a staff report to the City Council.Director of Finance Lieu indicated staff is seeking direction from the Council whether to move the Garvey Park Main Office Renovations from the Unfunded CIP Projects List to funded status or leave it on the Unfunded Projects List; noted the General Fund fiscal impact is $200,000. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta empathized for Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking for not being granted the addition of the Parks and Recreation Manager position as a result of fallouts prior to his time; praised Mr. Boecking and his staff 'for demonstrating professionalism while representing Rosemead at the Contract Cities Association Conference; opined she, understands Council's hesitation in approving the position, however encouraged the Council to revisit the request for a Parks Manager next year. Council Member Ly echoed Mayor Pro Tern Armenta's praises of the Parks and Recreation staff's professionalism;,emphasized as stewards of the community's money, it is important that the Council justify every dollar spent; indicated support in funding the Garvey Park's Main Office Renovations,urged staff to move forward with the project whether the City partners with the Boys and Girls Club or not; requested staff research exchanging some of our General Fund money for Rule 20B money to speed up the under-grounding of power lines in commercial corridor to improve the quality of life'of residents. Mayor.Clark indicated she received;an email.from.a,resident expressing concern aboutthe restrooms'`at GarveyPark inquired,if an,item is not accounted for in the budget, does it preclude the City from taking action on an emergency basis. -City.ManagerMolleda advised an item does not have to be in the budget, it would simply be brought.;;to Council for }consideration; reiterated staff is looking for t direction whetherto move the project to funded status or leave it on the Unfunded Projects List. .1By-consensus, thetCity Council authorized staff to move the Garvey Park Main Office Renovation io funded status. Mayor Clark adjourned,the#special meeting to the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the City Council, and the Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:01 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Dang INVOCATION was led by Council Member Ly Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 2 of 12 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period. Speaker Margaret Holt congratulated the City for hosting a beautiful Memorial Day Ceremony; commended Janette Vicario on her passion and commitment to the senior programs at Garvey Center. Speaker Dolores Weidermann expressed frustration that Southern California Edison has still not taken care of the overgrown,vegetation at their property on Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue;' thanked Director of Community Development Kim and Code Enforcement Officer Rodriguez for ensuring the owners of 4542 Halkett Avenue start Phase ,l'of cleaning their property. Mayor Clark and Mayor Pro Tern'Armenta indicated they spoke with the Edison representative and were assured this matter would be handled. City Manager Molleda asserted that she has a•meeting scheduled with Mr. Sal Ramirez next week. Speaker Sue Yamamoto,'Libr'arian, shared about the Summer Discovery Program, kicking off with Robotics and a.magic • There being no other comments, Mayor Clark:closedthe Public Comment period. 3. PRESENTATIONS A. .-----Reco.gnitio i.of "Get,Down District"'.Dance Group in Representing the City of --Rosemead on NBC''s World of Dance Competition Show \ The City Council presented Certificates of Recognition to "Get Down District" -"t ',Dance Group for,representing the City of Rosemead on NBC's World of Dance Competition Show. -' B. Recognition of Recipients of the Republic Services 2019 Rosemead Scholarship Program Elizabeth Martinez, Municipal Relationship Manager, Republic Services, and Ricardo Padilla, Board Trustee, El Monte Union High District, presented scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to the following college-bound students: Heather Lynne Clark, Hailey Duong, Jamie Fong, Sydney Gol, and Royce Moses. The City Council presented Certificates of Recognition and commended the students for their success and wished them best in their future endeavors. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 3 of 12 Mr.Padilla also presented a Certificate to Elizabeth Martinez for Republic Services not only actively being involved in the community, but also for giving back to the community. C. Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District State of the District Presentation Tom Love, General Manager, Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (Upper District), stated Upper District is a special district formed in 1960 that provides supplemental water to San Gabriel Valley communities; indicated the District's goals are water reliability,financialrintegrity,workforce and governance, and community representation and engagement. Mr. Love shared that special ceremonial events will take place at the 2019, \WaterFest to recognize Upper District's 60th Anniversary. General.Manager Love informed the Council that the government approved the Drought Contingency Plan, a multi-state agreement in effort to conserve Colorado River water and determines how the states will divvy up water supply during a drought-related emergency or critical situation. Council Member Ly inquired if the delta is covered under the Contingency Plan if it is destroyed due to va catastrophic earthquake. General Manager Love responded that it would'not be covered as it could take up to two years or more to restore the water-supply from,Northern California. ,. , Mayor Pro`Tem4Armenta opinedalthough'the State is overall out of the drought, it is important to still conserve locally in the San Gabriel Valley area. Mr. Love concurred with-Ms. Armenia that locally we are still in a drought and need to stay true to,our conservationefforts. Council Member by, inquired if there has been any discussion to expand the ',receptive water pipelines to.:our communities. 1VIr 'Love responded that the Upper District has been working on this for 30 years; noted they have recycled what water is available from the Sanitation Districts, however there is not sufficient water left; indicated the Metropolitan Water District is looking ata much larger regional program to treat water at a higher level. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta shared about her participation in Water Education for Latino Leaders(WELL), a program for local elected leaders to help make an impact in California water policy while addressing community challenges with water; referenced her project for the WELL UnTapped scholarship, which was to bring the purple pipe located in the southern part to the northern part of Rosemead to areas such as Savannah Cemetery and Rosemead Park;noted during the project she faced roadblocks trying to work with the 5 different water companies in Rosemead as they did not want to relinquish any of their rights. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 4 of 12 In response to Council Member Ly, General Manager Love stated Upper District encourages homeowners to utilize rain barrels and design landscape to prevent runoff from rainfall or irrigation; affirmed the District does a phenomenal job in stormwater capture as an average of 98-99% of the rain that falls in the Upper San Gabriel River Watershed is captured in the main San Gabriel Water Basin and some goes down into the Central Water Basin; indicated unfortunately the stormwater captured does not develop a new water supply as we are already obtaining it. Council Member Dang thanked the Upper District for their presentation and for their efforts including conservation programs suchaswater bottle filling stations. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta noted the City, would like to try to bring water bottle filling stations to our schools in Rosemead. , In response to Mayor Clark's inquiry, Mr. Love confirmed they ensure residents are informed of proper maintenance of rain barrels to avoid contamination and breeding of mosquitoes. V ,j\ 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS -None. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly,and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to approve Consent Calendar Items A through D. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES:,Armenta, Clark, Dang,Ly.ABSENT wLow, Council Member_Ly indicated that he`\.does not want to pull an item, rather provide commentary on Item,No.'5.BMinutes; voiced concern that a business owner had to wait over two-hours-for the\Temple Sheriffs.Station to respond to his emergency; expressed frustration that;his'request made at the January 22, 2019 Council meeting had still not been `addressed; requestedthe Captain's presence at the next Council meeting to address this matter and his previous request for data regarding the response times to the activity type of call (i.e.'routine,priority, emergent) compared to the neighboring Contract Cities such as South El Monte and Temple City. A. Clain and Demands • Resolution No. 2019-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $627,531.86 NUMBERED 103141 THROUGH NUMBER 103269 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-25. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 5 of 12 • Resolution No. 2019-05 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA,AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $4,000.00 NUMBERED 10262 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019'05,SA. B. Approval of Minutes ' Recommendation: That the City Council approve the regular meeting minutes of January 22, 2019. C. City Investment Policy The City's Investment Policy is reviewed annually to ensure that it best reflects current investing conditions. As those'conditions change,minor adjustments to the Policy may be made to allow for the\continuation of reasonable returns on investments, while maintaining the priority of Ysafety first. The report is an annual item in accordance with Government Code Section 53601 and no changes are being proposed:-The investment priorities of the City's,Policy remain, in order of importance:"1)safety, 2) liquidity, 3) yield ,. Recommendation: That the City"Council approve the City Investment Policy. D. Approval ofeFirst Amendment-to City Clerk Employment Agreement The City andthe City Clerk entered-into an Employment Agreement("Agreement") on April 10;4201,8. Section,3 of the Agreement permits the City Council to conduct \ 'performance evaluations"and,grant increases in salary. Pursuant to Section 3 (A)(2) of'the Agreement, the City Council conducted the City Clerk's performance evaluation. The City Clerk received a"substantially exceeds expectations"review with a:5 rating.,A substantially exceeds expectations review entitles the City Clerk to a 5% salary increase. The City Council also desires to reclassify the City Clerk position from Mid- Management to Management, which includes Management Benefits and an additional 3%salary increase to the to help close the gap between her current salary and the Management base salary. The annual salary for the position of City Clerk shall be a total of$103,352.24. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the First Amendment to the City Clerk Employment Agreement reclassifying the position to Management and a salary increase totaling $103,352.24. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 6of12 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER& STAFF A. Little Free Library Pilot Program Recommendation: That the City Council provide feedback on the implementation of a Little Free Library Pilot Program. City Clerk Hernandez stated that the Beautification Commission is giving back to the community by proposing a concept to adopt a "Little Free Library Program", which promotes literacy in the community and-=inspires children to read, while beautifying an area; asserted the goal is to pilot the;Program first to local Rosemead schools; explained once a Little Free Library box is adopted by a school, they will be the designated " Stewards" of their Little<Free-Library box and responsible for general maintenance and assure books are supplied.,Ms. Hernandez emphasized participating schools will not bare any cost in the Construction, installation of library boxes or first set of bookswhen adopting a Little.Free Library; indicated the school may keep the Little Free'Library box with no time restriction,free to relocate it, and/or return it to the City at any time, if it,nO'longer serves its purpose. } In response to Couneil Member Ly, CityClerk'Hernandez stated the two confirmed schools are Sanchez and'Emerson Elementary'>School. Ms. Hernandez noted the`Beautification:Commission, along with City staff, will coordinate the funding of`the,,project with-donation's from the community and fundraising efforts;\specified`the.,cost to start the project is estimated at $2,000 to produce five Little Library boxes,which includes-the cost of construction materials, paint, and cost of ,Charter registration. City Clerk Hernandez stated the Beautification Commission will bepartnering with the Southwest Regional Council -` -of-Carpenters to,provide the carpentry,expertise,tools, and skilled staff to construct / the Little Free Library.boxes; displayed a sample Library box. Council Member.,Ly praised City Clerk Hernandez for collaborative team effort With this program; opined,he would like to sponsor a Little Free Library to be installed at the Garvey Youth Center. The Council indicated support for the implementation of the Little Free Library Program,`emphasizing this is a good way to inspire others to read while bringing unity to the City. Ted Jimenez, Representative, Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters, expressed enthusiasm to partner with the City of Rosemead for the Little Free Library Program; informed the City Council that legislative officials such as Congresswoman Judy Chu, Senator Susan Rubio, and Assemblymember Ed Chau, will be invited to participate during the process. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 7 of 12 B. Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department Success Through Awareness & Resistance (STAR) Program Recommendation: That the City Council, upon receipt of the formal FY 2019-20 Invoice Estimate, which is based on the received Cost Estimate, authorize the City Manager to execute the Invoice Estimate. Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi stated last year, the City fully funded and reintroduced the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Success Through Awareness & Resistance (STAR) program, which focuses on targeting our City's juveniles during their most influential years while growing to adulthood; noted the program is overseen by the Deputy Sheriffs who provide drug,gang,and violence prevention education to students. Mr. Tsujiuchi indicated both Rosemead and Garvey School Districts have requested to continue the STAR,program to focus on 4th, 5th, and 6th grade levels; conveyed that this,year,'both Districtshave committed to assisting the City in funding the 4th, 5th,•and 6th grade level'program; explained that each District will provide approximately 7.4% of the program costs for their respective district—Rosemead District will,be contributing $ 5,000"'and\Garvey District will be providing $ 4,500, for a combined contribution of$ 9,500:-, ACTION: Moved by Mayor.,Pro Tem Armenta and seconded by Council Member Ly to authorize the CityManager to execute''the FY 2019-20 Invoice Estimate, which is based on the received.,Cost Estimate>Motion was carried out by the following vote..AYES: Ar`menta, Clark,-Pang,Ly ABSENT: Low C. Annual Comprehensive Fee Resolution Update Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No.2019-26, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE -` CITY OF ROSEMEAD; CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES \ '' Director of Finance Lieu stated the City provides various"individualized" services inspections; permits, variances, etc.) that are not of general benefit; asserted that as a matter of routine fee maintenance and to keep pace with increasing costs of individualized services, each year the departments review the fees charged to users'; highlighted the following major changes to the Schedule of Fees: • Community Development/Planning Fee Adding Vacant Lot Registration fee of$60. Staff surveyed 8 surrounding cities, resulting with only one city collecting the fee. The City of Temple City collects $35 for registration fee and $112 for inspection fee. The City of Montebello has a vacant lot registration fee in their ordinance; however, no fee is currently collected. Staff is proposing $60 as the new Vacant Lot Registration fee. The$60 is comprised of$25 for the Site Inspection fee(on the fee schedule) plus $35 registration fee (Temple City registration fee); therefore,the proposed fee is $60. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 8 of 12 • Parks and Recreation Fees 1. Add Mermaid Class fee under aquatic lessons. The new fee is $40 for resident and $55 for non-resident. Mermaid classes teach how to safely swim with a mermaid tail and incorporate fun mermaid skills and some synchronized swimming moves. 2. Add Club Participant fee under Programs. The new fee is $1.25 for residents. Club Participant fee is set for those club members that utilize the Garvey Center. 3. Add Summer and Winter/Spring' Camp fees. These are existing programs with fees that were not added to the fee schedule. The fees are as follows: Camp Rosemead Resident Non-Resident Summer— 1st Child $85 per-week $105 per week Summer—2nd Child $75 per week',, $95 per week Winter/Spring— 1st Child $70 per week, \. $85 per week Winter/Spring—2nd Child :$60\per week `` , $75 per week 4. Add Senior Dance fees. The.,fee-is $5 per resident and non-resident. These are existing programs with fees that were not added to the fee schedule. 5. `Add-Sweetheart •,Jamboree;fee-The fee is°$15 per resident couple and • ,$20per'non-residentcouple:Thisis-aneXisting program with fees that were not.added to the fee.schedule 1 v4 6 tAdd Zapopan Park Picnie,Shelter/fee under Park Facility Use. The fee is $35 fotresident and $ 60 for non-resident. The Zapopan Park was opened in the prioryear,fins is a new fee added to recover costs to maintain picnic shelters.,'` d, t� 7. Change the,hourly rate of part-time employees to reflect the actual • staffing cost. 'The City complies with State mandated minimum wage requi'rernent on January 1 of each year, therefore, the part-time hourly rate changes in the middle of the fiscal year. Staff is proposing to use "at cost'instead of indicating an hourly rate on the fee schedule. 8. `,AddfMemorial Bench and Tree fee to recover the actual cost plus 10%, which will cover staff administration cost. The City Council recently approved the Memorial Bench and Tree Program to provide Rosemead the opportunity to commemorate or honor family, friends, and business professionals who have'passed away or who have had a positive impact on the community. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Armenta,Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking reported that more lessons will be offered, as well as additional space available in the classes due to the Department having enough staff. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 9 of 12 At the request of Council Member Ly, Mr. Boecking provided a breakdown of the Club Participant fee, Senior Dance fees, and Sweetheart Jamboree fee; emphasized all these programs with fees already existed, they simply need to be added to the Fee Schedule. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta expressed appreciation to Mr. Boecking for ensuring the fees are concrete as the senior programs are vital to the residents. Council Member Ly stated he hopes other cities show the same compassion to the Rosemead residents that participate in their senior programs as our staff shows their residents; queried what the purpose of the vacant lot fee is. Director of Community Development Kim., asserted that staff took inventory of vacant lots within the City as 'we.'need to, maintain an active list to ensure compliance of the fencing requirements and ongoing inspection of 'maintenance issues. Council Member Ly opined it is unfair for the City to enforce the code and then also charge the noncompliance fee; suggested if a vacant lot `does not meet the obligation of correcting the error,then the City can fine them for violating our code. City Manager Molleda<inquired if the City Council is comfortable to leave the fee with the understanding that a notice will be provided; affirmed we can convert the fee into a fine if desired by.Council: - City Attorney Richman clarified that our finesforviolations are already established in the`Municipal Code. . -Director of=Community Development Kim stated staff strives to work with the applicant in effort to avoid imposing\the fine when corrections are needed. Council Member Ly suggested staff strike out the proposed Vacant Lot fee. Mayor Clark concurred with Council Member Ly that it seems unfair and to strike 'out'the Vacant Lot fee. ACTION: Moved;hy Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta,to' \adopt'Resolution No. 2019-26, except with the elimination of the Vacant Lott4Registration fee, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Ly ABSENT: Low Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 10 of 12 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR& CITY COUNCIL A. Council Comments Council Member Ly inquired about the status of commercial overlay within the area of the on/off freeway ramps. City Manager Molleda 'confirmed the item will be presented for Council consideration in the summer. Director of Community Development Kim stated.-staff will have a more concrete date as soon as the funding is secured from the:Planning Grant application in the amount of$120,000. Council Member Ly noted the .City;Council previously approved the Success Through Awareness & Resistance"{STAR) Program,'with the understanding that we would allocate funding for=,the, probation services `for'the incredibly at-risk youth; asked for a status on Cduneil,'s request for an agreement with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Departmentfor,probati"on services. Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi stated staff Will follow-up with the Los Angeles • County Sheriff's Department to provide an updated quote for those services. CounciMember'Dang requested staff insp lect the Parking stripes along Rosemead Park that is adjacenf to Rosemead.High`School "`° City Manager,Molledastated thatshe believes the area that Council Member Dang --is referring to,Was`recentl'yrepainted. r / Director.of,Public1 Works Alfonso confirmed about two weeks ago that staff \,,s; �. freshened up the paiinting,,of the referenced parking stalls next to the Aquatic Center ` , and Skate Park y- ‘`„ , ,r Mayor yro Tem Armenta inquired what type of programs the Sheriff's Department offers schools for probation services; requested Samantha Lopez is featured in the City's`Green Sheet; as Miss Lopez is the reason she pushed to have an inground light installed on Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue; thanked Miss Lopez for proving thatf`you can be engaged with the community and make a difference no matter what age. Ms. Armenta expressed gratitude to City Manager Molleda, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking and his staff for their professionalism and efforts in ensuring the Contract Cities Association was successful; made a disclosure that the incident that occurred was outside of the scheduled session, emphasized those few individuals that do not know how to compose themselves do not define the rest of us or deter us from our mission. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 11 of 12 Mayor Clark echoed Mayor Pro Tern Armenta's appreciation for staff's efforts at the Contract Cities Association Conference; applauded Council Member Ly for facilitating a wonderful session on homelessness at the Conference; commended Contract Cities on providing educational sessions on subjects such as Homelessness and Public Safety. 8. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Clark adjourned the regular meeting at 8:45 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to be held on June 11, 2019, at 7:00•p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: I Margaret Clark, Mayor \ ;„ . 1 N Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 12 of 12