CC - Item 4B - 2020 Census Outreach EffortsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER M DATE: NOVEMBER 12, 2019 SUBJECT: CENSUS 2020 OUTREACH EFFORTS SUMMARY The 2020 United States Census will take place on April 1, 2020. The County of Los Angeles (County) elected to receive funding from the State of California to promote participation in the upcoming 2020 Census. The State's campaign is designed to focus outreach efforts on both the geographic areas and demographic populations commonly referred to as hard -to -count (HTC). As a result, the County intends to allocate Census outreach funding to appropriate cities based on the amount of HTC geographic areas present within these cities according to the State's CA HTC Index and Census Bureau's Low Response Score measure. Based on State requirements to focus outreach efforts on HTC .geographies and populations, the City of Rosemead is eligible to receive up to $28,421 Census funds. The City can select between the two following options: Option 1 - Pooled Fund Under this option, the City can maximize its Census allocation by pooling its money with the County and other cities and, by doing so, be eligible to receive the following services based on its HTC funding allocation level which include: • Digital 2020 Census Media Kit Census logos, digital material for web use and social media in various languages. • Direct Mail Campaign - Outreach materials sent via U.S. mail directly to the cities' HTC Census block groups. • Media Campaign - Media areas/populations. outreach designed to reach the cities' HTC Census AGENDA ITEM 4.11 City Council Meeting November 12, 2019 Page 2 of 3 Option 2 - City Deployment of State Funding Under this option, The City may elect to receive up to their full funding allocation (up to $28,421). However, to be eligible for this allocation, the City must submit a proposal, approving a resolution supporting the City's participation, execute a sub -award agreement between the County of Los Angeles, and complete the following tasks: • Participate in a Census Complete Count Committee - the County's Complete Count Committee or create its own committee. • Create a Strategic Implementation Plan - describing the City's approach to maximize local participation in the 2020 Census. Describe how the City will coordinate with the U.S. Census Bureau, the California Complete Count Committee, the County, and community-based organizations. How the City will address language access in its jurisdiction and how the City will use allocated funding. • Reporting — the City must agree to adhere to all State and County reporting requirements, including tracking all Census outreach events/activities using an Activities Tracking Sheet and submitting such spreadsheets on a monthly basis, and documenting that State funds are being used for approved activities/expenditures. • Unused Funds — the City must agree to return any funds not used in accordance with State requirements. Should the proposal get approved by Los Angeles County, the City may receive funds in increments beginning with 50% Census funding allocation first, and the remaining funds will be distributed as the City submits reporting obligations and invoices. Should the County not approve the City's proposal, the automatic enrollment will be Option 1 — Pooled fund. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council direct staff to submit a proposal to the Los Angeles County interested to participate in Option 2; approve Resolution No. 2019-62, and direct the City Manager to enter into a sub -award agreement between the County of Los Angeles to received 2020 Census funding allocation. DISCUSSION The U.S. Constitution requires that a census be conducted every ten years to tabulate the entire American population and to record necessary demographic information such as age, race, economic characteristics, etc. The Census is also used to determine the number of seats each State is allotted -,in the United States House of Representatives as well as a means to determine how to distribute billions in federal funding to States and local communities. City Council Meeting November 12, 2019 Page 3 of 3 The State of California initiated various statewide efforts to ensure coordinated efforts, increased funding for these efforts, and an accurate and complete count of California residents is completed by April 1, 2020. The State's campaign is designed to focus outreach efforts on both the geographic areas and demographic populations, commonly referred to as hard -to -count (HTC). As a result, the County intends to allocate Census outreach funding to appropriate cities based on the amount of HTC geographic areas present within these cities according to the State's CA -HTC Index and the Census Bureau's Low Response Score measure. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the participation in the Los Angeles County 2020 Census Funding Allocation program. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT None. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Ericka Hernandez City Clerk Attachment A: City of Rosemead's Hard -To -Count Map Attachment B: City's Outreach Effort Proposal Attachment C: Sample Sub -award Agreement between the County of Los Angeles Attachment D: Resolution No. 2019-62 Attachment A Rosemead Hard -To -Count Map LA County Hard -to -Count Map California Hard -To -Count (CA -HTC) Index The CA -HTC Index is a hard -to -count measure created by the State of California. On the map, block groups that are brighter red or red -orange are considered hard -to -count. The variables found in the CA - HTC Index measure can be found here. Click on a block group on the map to learn more about the variables most correlated with that block group's CA -HTC Index as well as other demographic characteristics of that block group such as percentage of limited English households, ethnic/racial characteristics, or renter -occupied housing units. Attachment B City's Outreach Effort Proposal MAYOR: MARGARET CLARK MAYOR PRO TEM: SANDRA ARMENTA COUNCIL MEMBERS: SEAN DANG POLLY LOW STEVEN LY City of Wqsemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 SENT VIA E-MAIL November 6, 2019 County of Los Angeles Chief Executive Office Attn: Sachi, A. Hamai, Chief Executive Officer Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street, Room 713 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Re: 2020 Census Funding Allocation Dear Mr. Sachi A. Hamai, Thank you for the opportunity to be eligible for Census funding from the State of California to promote participation in the upcoming 2020 Census. The City of Rosemead's intention is to participate in Option 2 of the 2020 Census Funding Allocation Program. The City of Rosemead is committed to partnering with the U.S. Census Bureau, Los Angeles County Complete Count Committee, and community-based organizations and other local agencies to ensure Rosemead residents in every neighborhood have the assistance and resources to complete their surveys by April 1, 2020. By selecting Option 2 of the program, the City of Rosemead can address and maximize the Census outreach needed in specific languages, translated materials like banners, posters, flyers, informational workshops, etc., to promote in areas determined to be Hard -To -Count and Low Response Score neighborhoods. The City of Rosemead is located in the San Gabriel Valley in the eastern portion of Los Angeles County and encompasses 5.2 square miles. By dividing the City into nine (9) grid sections and partnering with locally -based organizations, volunteers, and our local Rosemead businesses, we can collaboratively disseminate, inform, and prepare our residents in the community for the 2020 Census. The City of Rosemead is submitting the following draft Strategic Plan for your consideration to be enrolled in Option 2, of the 2020 Census Funding Allocations Program. PROPOSED STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION PLAN OUTREACH PLAN The City shall aid in promoting the Census 2020 by incorporating informational booths at all City events, informational kiosks at all City facilities and provide the languages spoken in the community with English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. We plan to incorporate a Census overview and Q&A sessions at our monthly Community Neighborhood Watch meetings and Public Safety Connections Meetings. Assist with promoting Census material on City's website, all social media outlets, and partner with locally -based organizations, schools, churches, and local businesses. Provide Census workshops on form -filling assistance and use of our computer lab. Advertise Census information at public -right-of-way using banners and posters at all City parks, City facilities, and City events to reach the Hard -to -Count or Low Response block neighborhoods. The City's approach will be to purchase outreach materials such as banners to place in public - rights -of -way, City parks and pocket parks, City facilities, and events. In addition, purchase advertisement decals for our five City -owned transit buses operating 7 -days a week. Purchase promotional items with Census logos such as reusable bags, lanyards, pencils, stickers, sunglasses, USB drives, etc. Additional efforts include: • Create a pocketbook on how to complete Census forms in different languages. • Host form -filling assistance workshops for residents at Community Centers. • Designate a specific number of computers from the computer lab for residents to complete their Census questionnaires online. • Partner with popular businesses to host informational Census days at Target Stores and Wal-Mart Stores and other businesses with high pedestrian traffic. • Encourage firms to place Census information at their place of business and hold weekly recognition of participation as an incentive to promote their business on social media & website. • Host informational workshops on various times and days to ensure we reach residents that work or go to school outside the traditional Monday — Friday schedule. • Host local hiring of Census enumerators workshop shops in partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau. • Mail Census campaign material to areas of Hard -to -Count or Low Response Score neighborhoods. • Recruit local volunteers to canvass Hard -to -Count or Low Response Score neighborhoods. The City's partnership coordination will include meeting with locally -based organizations, churches and businesses to maximize community involvement. Our efforts will include: • Partner with the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce to assist with outreach material distribution at local businesses and events. • Partner with community organizations such as the Asian Pacific Clinic, Asian Youth Center to help reach and inform the Asian community of the Census. • Partner with the Rosemead Kiwanis Club to help reach our senior citizens that may require assistance on the Census 2020 questionnaire. • Partner with the Rosemead Library to distribute Census materials and provide residents with assistance in using computers to complete their questionnaire online. • Partner with community clubs like the Rosemead Lions Club and Rosemead Youth Association to help recruit volunteers to canvass Hard -to -Count or Low Response Score neighborhoods and help reach households with limited English proficiency. • Partner with the Rosemead School District, Garvey School District, El Monte Union High School District, and Alhambra Unified School District to provide informational materials to schools that service the Rosemead Community and encourage the Rosemead youth to get involved in the outreach efforts. • Partner with the over 20 plus Rosemead churches to assist in disseminating information materials, promote at their events, and recruit volunteers to canvas Hard -to -Count or Low Response Score neighborhoods and promote the hiring of Census enumerators. • Partner with local newspapers that circulate the community to advertise and promote Census workshops and events in the City. The publication includes in various newspapers like the Mid Valley News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Rosemead Reader Beacon, and West Valley Journal. Also, to proactively promote to reach the Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese speaking public, we will publish in the following newspapers LA Opinion, Epoch Times, World Journal, and International Daily News, which circulate in the City of Rosemead. LANGUAGE ACCESS PLAN The City of Rosemead understands the importance of providing information in a specified language to our residents. The City is fully prepared to provide a Language Access Plan to translate all informational materials to Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. Additional languages may also include Tagalog, Korean, and Japanese, which are spoken in selective areas of the community. The City works with the firm Bilingual Services International, a certified company of over 30 years' experience offering the highest standard of expertise in translation and interpreters services. Additional efforts will include: • Translation of all promotional materials, flyers, banners, and provide interpreter services at all workshops and meetings to assist non-English speakers. • Provide Form -filling assistance on specified languages by volunteers and or City staff. Time Line The timeline of events is estimated based of the funding allocation granted and availability of City staff, volunteers, and involvement by organizations. Nov. - Dec. Continue promoting on social media, website and request for U.S. Census Bureau to host informational workshop at community centers. Currently a Census Hiring workshop is being coordinated for end of November 2019 at the north side of the City. Order decals/bus wraps to place on transit buses. Order Kiosk materials and banners to place information at all City facilities before end of November. Order promotional items with Census logo. Coordinate of any Census information to be translated in various language to start disseminating at community events and meetings. Connect with locally -based organization and businesses and recruit volunteers. Coordinate a 2nd Census Hiring workshop and informational event at the south side of the City at Garvey Community Center. Publish as needed in newspapers. Coordinate a booth at Tree Lighting Event (Dec. 3) to inform public of Census efforts and provide informational materials. Start meeting with businesses participating in Census outreach efforts and recognize each business on a weekly basis on social media. Provide all informational brochures required. Identify a section that is Hard -to -Count and Low Response Score neighborhood to start canvassing and mail campaign mailers. January: Mail campaigned mailers City- wide to all residents about Census 2020. Coordinate a Census informational booth outside of Target Stores and Wal-Mart Stores. Identify a section to coordinate a 2nd canvassing day to reach the Hard -to -Count and Low Response Score neighborhoods. Advertise in local newspapers about City's involvement with Census 2020 and upcoming workshops. Coordinate with School Districts in disseminating Census 2020 information to Rosemead Schools. Coordinate a weekend Census informational workshop. February: Identify another section that is Hard -to -Count and Low Response Score neighborhood to start canvassing and mailing campaign mailers. Continue outreach efforts in social media, newsletters, and community events. March: Provide form -filling assistance at Community Centers for residents and designate computers for Census completion of questionnaire. Identify another section that are Hard -to -Count and Low Response Score neighborhoods to start canvassing and mailing campaign mailers. Coordinate informational booth at March 7, 2020 Community Yard Sale event. Coordinate informational booth at March 21, 2020 Gram -March event. Continue outreach efforts on social media, newsletters, and community events. April: Continue outreach efforts on social media, newsletters, and community events on Census Day. Designate several computers at Rosemead Community Center exclusively to complete Census questionnaires. Follow-up efforts with social media, City website, to encourage residents to complete their Census 2020 questionnaire that did not submit by April 1, 2020. ESTIMATED BUDGET COST An estimated budget cost allocating funding estimated based on outreach efforts, media, and administrative cost include: • Cost of Census informational materials (design of informational brochures, flyers, and promotional items) that will be printed by our vendor - $8,000 • Mailing of campaign mailers at least twice — postage cost - $5,000 • Recruitment and training of volunteers (materials) - $1,000 • Translation services and interpreter services $3,000 • Purchase of materials for Kiosk booths - $1,000 • Purchase of promotional banners and decals and wraps for use on transit buses and public areas - $5,000 • Estimated Administrative Cost $1,500 • General publishing cost - $3,500 Total Estimated Budget Cost - $28,000 The City of Rosemead is committed to ensuring an accurate count of our City while strengthening the partnerships we have with local stakeholders, businesses, and residents. We look forward to taking on this task for a favorable outcome. We desire to make the City of Rosemead count and we thank the County of Los Angeles for giving us the opportunity to request funding allocations for such an important initiative. Respectfully, Ericka Hernandez, CMC City Clerk Attachment C Sample Subaward Agreement with County of Los Angeles �I Attachment II SUBAWARD AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I_1Z,1f7 CITY NAME FOR CENSUS 2020 EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ACTIVITIES SUBAWARD AGREEMENT FOR CENSUS 2020 EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ACTIVITIES THIS SUBAWARD AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this day of 12019. BY COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, a body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "County", AND CITY OF , a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code section 31000 and Health and Safety Code section 34149, the County may enter into an agreement with the City to provide specialized functions on behalf of the County; WHEREAS, the County was awarded 2020 Census -related education and outreach strategies (Project); a total of $9,393,090 in funding to conduct activities, and to initiate targeted outreach WHEREAS, on January 29, 2019, the County Board of Supervisors authorized the Chief Executive Officer to execute agreements with public entities, community-based organizations and other entities to carry out the above activities consistent with all State requirements; and: WHEREAS, the Parties have been authorized to execute an Agreement for the not to exceed amount of $ for the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions set forth herein the parties hereto agree as follows: A. APPROVED FUNDING AND PURPOSE The County hereby grants to the City an amount not to exceed $ which will be used to engage in Census 2020 education and outreach activities that focus on both geographic areas and demographic populations who are "least likely to respond." These areas and populations are commonly referred to as "Hard -to -Count (HTC)." The terms "least likely to respond" and "HTC" are terms of art and are often used interchangeably. HTC or "least likely to respond" areas or populations are areas or populations, which based on multiple demographic, housing and socioeconomic variables factors, have been judged as difficult to enumerate by the California Department of Finance Demographic Research Unit. Activities carried out under the term of this Agreement shall achieve the following objectives: B. OBJECTIVES EDUCATE 1. Inform the public about the census process, purpose and timeline. 2. Inform the public of the importance of the census. The State will receive billions of dollars in federal funds for education, health care, job training, transportation and other vital services based on the census numbers. The federal government also uses census data to determine how to apportion the House of Representatives seats among states. 3. Inform the public that the census data is confidential. No one except sworn U.S. Census Bureau ("Census Bureau") employees can see the complete census questionnaire forms or link names to responses. The Census Bureau requires that any individual with access to census materials adhere to strict confidentiality and security guidelines. The law, Section 214 of Title 13 of the United States Code, entitled the "Wrongful Disclosure of Information," sets forth severe penalties applicable to federal government officials and local government census liaisons if they misuse information they receive from the census responses. These penalties include fines up to $5,000, 5 years in prison, or both. The Census Bureau's dedication to confidentiality plays an important role in everything it does. All employees must pass a security and employment reference check, swear they are not employed as tax collectors or assessors or law enforcement officials and establish they have no felony convictions as adults. The Census Bureau employs a host of safeguards, such as electronic barriers and secure telephone lines, to block outside access to any confidential information in Census Bureau computers. 4. Identify areas and populations within City's local jurisdiction that are least likely to respond, as identified in Task 1.2 of Exhibit A of the Agreement. MOTIVATE 5. Eliminate the fear of completing the census questionnaire. Instill trust that the government is not legally permitted to use this data in a negative way. No one outside the Census Bureau is permitted to be given any information to link names to addresses on the census questionnaire. 6. Utilize trusted messengers and sources to encourage members of the public to participate in the census by completing their census questionnaire. 7. Where possible, the City should assess messaging efforts, outreach and tools. ACTIVATE 8. Engage trusted messengers in trusted environments to help the public participate in the census. 9. Conduct and participate in community gatherings and other forums to rally the public to participate in the census. 10. Collaborate with other stakeholders and across sectors to activate the public to participate in the census process by filling out the census questionnaire. C. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Exhibits A, B, and C are attached to and form a part of this Agreement. EXHIBIT A — STATEMENT OF WORK EXHIBIT B - BUDGET DETAIL AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS EXHIBIT C — CALIFORNIA VOLUNTEER PLAN GUIDANCE LETTER D. STRATEGIC OUTREACH DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION The City shall design and implement a multi -faceted, multi -channel, multi-lingual cohesive strategic outreach plan to reach all census audiences within its jurisdiction. The overarching strategic plan should address broad census goals and objectives and specific outreach strategies, as well as integrate with other outreach efforts. The plan shall be submitted to the County Chief Executive Office as described in Exhibit A, Task 1. E. AGREEMENT TERM The Period of Performance ("Term") of this Agreement will commence upon full execution of this Agreement through December 31, 2020. The City shall not receive payment for work performed prior to approval of the Agreement and before receipt of notice to proceed by the County Contract Manager. F. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS Funds will be disbursed according to the schedule and requirements outlined in Exhibit B. To avoid duplication of efforts and/or misuse of funds, all funds provided by County pursuant to this Agreement, must be used to address existing gaps in census outreach City further agrees that funds from County pursuant to this Agreement shall be used for outreach focused on HTC populations in Los Angeles County, and shall be limited to the following approved activities: Outreach activities/community events to educate and/or encourage HTC populations to complete Census questionnaire 2. Purchase of outreach materials (banners, bus wrap-arounds, flyers, etc.) 3. Distribution of collateral/flyers 4. Translation/interpretation services 5. Media outreach 6. Canvassing of HTC areas 7. Form -filling assistance 8. Phone banking 9. Pledge cards (creation and/or distribution) 10. Workforce development — coordinate with U.S. Census Bureau to promote local hiring of Census enumerators. It is known that hiring locally for these critical jobs is an important factor in establishing trusted messengers that may impact the enumeration positively. Trusted messengers are individuals, groups, and/or organizations that hold an established position of trust in the community and include but are not limited to, ethnic media and community leaders who are positioned to share culturally appropriate messages for the purpose of promoting census engagement within communities 11. Non -Response follow-up (NRFU) activities during May -August 2020 directed at members of the public who have yet to complete the Census questionnaire. City must obtain written permission from County prior to using funds for any activity not expressly included in this Agreement. G. FINANCIAL RECORDS The City agrees to maintain satisfactory financial accounts, documents and records of expenditures and to make them available to the County for auditing. The City also agrees to retain such financial accounts, documents and records in compliance with the approved records retention policy of the City and for at least five (5) years following the expiration of this Agreement. 2. The City agrees to use a generally accepted accounting system. The City also agrees to maintain, and make available for County inspection and copying, accurate records of all of its costs, disbursements and receipts with respect to its activities under this Agreement. 3. At anytime during the term of this Agreement or at anytime within five (5) years of the expiration or prior termination of this Agreement, authorized representatives of the County may conduct an audit of City records for the purpose of verifying the appropriateness and validity of expenditures under the terms of this Agreement. 4. The City, within thirty (30) days of notification from the County of its audit findings, may dispute the audit findings in writing to the County and provide the County with records and/or documentation to support the expenditure claims. The County shall review this documentation and make a final determination as to the validity of the expenditures. 5. The City will provide the County's Chief Executive Officer within ninety (90) days after the end of the City's fiscal year ending in June 2021, a report itemizing actual expenditures funded by monies received pursuant to this Agreement. 6. It is understood and agreed that any County Funds paid to the City hereunder may only be used for the purposes specified in this Agreement. In furtherance of this understanding, it is agreed that should the County determine that any Funds paid to the City hereunder have been used for purposes other than those authorized by this Agreement, the City is required to immediately refund any such Funds to the County. H. UNUSED OR MISUSED FUNDS OR PROPERTY 1. If there are any unused funds at the expiration or termination of the Agreement, City shall promptly return any such funds to the County. 2. City shall not purchase any property that is not authorized by County as part of the Project. The County reserves the right to take possession of any property purchased with misused County funds as determined by the County if City fails to make timely repayment of such County funds. 3. Nothing contained in this Section F shall limit or prevent the County from taking any and all action to seek repayment of unused County funds or County funds that were not used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. I. TERMINATION 1. The County reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon sixty (60) days advance written notice to the City. City may submit a written request to terminate this Agreement only if the County should substantially fail to perform its responsibilities as provided herein. 2. The County may terminate the Agreement for cause. The term "for cause" shall mean that the City fails to meet the terms, conditions, and/or responsibilities of the Agreement. In this instance, the termination of the Agreement shall be effective as of the date indicated on the County's notification to the City. In the event of such termination, the County may proceed with the work in any manner deemed proper by the County and all costs to the County shall be deducted from any sum due to the City under this Agreement. 3. Other than provided by Section 1(2), Notice of termination shall be given, in writing, at least sixty (60) days in advance and shall be complete when delivered to either party. 4. The parties may agree to suspend or cancel the Agreement if the City or the County's premises or equipment are destroyed by fire or other catastrophe, or so substantially damaged that it is impractical to continue service, or in the event the City is unable to render service of any action by any governmental authority. 5. In the event of termination, the City will provide a detailed report of expenditures and the balance of the unexpended amount will be refunded to the County within thirty (30) days of the termination. J. INDEMNIFICATION The City agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County, its Special Districts, elected and appointed officers, employees, agents and volunteers ("County Indemnitees") from and against any and all liability, actions, causes of action, or expense of any kind, including, but not limited to, defense costs and legal fees, and claims for damages of any nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property damage arising from or connected with the City's participation in this Agreement, including any workers' compensation suits, Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, State wage or hour law violations, liability, or expense, arising from or connected with services performed by or on behalf of the City by any person pursuant to this Agreement, except for such loss or damage arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the County Indemnitees. K. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The City covenants that neither the City nor any of its agents, officers, employees, or sub -contractors who presently exercise any function of responsibility in connections with the Agreement has a personal interest, direct or indirect, in the Agreement, except to the extent he or she may receive compensation for his or her performance pursuant to this Agreement. The City, its agents, officers, employees, and sub -contractors shall comply with all applicable federal, State, and County laws and regulations governing conflict of interest. L. AMENDMENTS 1. Any change in the terms of this Agreement, including the performance period of the Agreement and any increase or decrease in the amount of the Agreement, which are agreed to by the County and the City shall be incorporated into this Agreement by a written amendment properly executed and signed by the person authorized to bind the parties thereto. 2. Such amendments shall be authorized subject to the approval of County Counsel as to form. M. NOTICES AND APPROVALS All notices and approvals shall be directed to and made by the following representatives of the parties: 1. To the County: Chief Executive Office Attn: Cheri Thomas Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, Room 745 500 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 2. To the City: City Name: Address: Contact Information: N. NONDISCRIMINATION The City shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religious belief, national origin, marital status, physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or place of residence in the use of the Funds paid to the City pursuant to this Agreement. O. COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW The City shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and County laws, regulations and policies in connection with its activities pursuant to this Agreement. P. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement, or the applicable thereof, is held to be invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Agreement that can be given effect without invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of the Agreement are severable. Q. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE The rights and remedies of the County provided in any given paragraph, as well as throughout the Agreement, are not exclusive and are cumulative with any and all other rights and remedies under the Agreement, at law, or equity. R. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and no addition or modification of any terms or provisions shall be effective unless set forth in writing, signed by both County and City. S. EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Agreement shall be on the date this Agreement is executed by the County's Chief Executive Officer. T. ASSIGNMENTS AND SUBCONTRACTS City shall not assign its rights or delegate its duties under this Agreement, or both, whether in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the County,' in its discretion, and any attempted assignment or delegation without such consent shall be null and void. Any assumption, assignment, delegation, or takeover of any of City's duties, responsibilities, obligations or performance of same by any entity other than City, whether through assignment, subcontract, delegations, merger, buyout, or any other mechanism, with or without consideration for any reason requires the County's prior written approval. Failure to obtain such written approval shall be a material breach of this Agreement. In the event City assign, delegates, or subcontracts its duties under this Agreement to an organization receiving, or scheduled to receive census outreach funds from County, City must demonstrate how the duties and/or obligations considered are separate and distinct and that such assignment or subcontract will serve to fill an existing gap in Census outreach. U. COMPLIANCE WITH FAIR CHANCE EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES City shall comply with fair chance employment hiring practices set forth in California Government Code Section 12952, Employment Discrimination: Conviction History. City's violation of this paragraph of the Contract may constitute a material breach of the Contract. In the event of such material breach, County may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Contract. V. COMPLIANCE WITH THE COUNTY POLICY OF EQUITY City acknowledges that the County takes its commitment to preserving the dignity and professionalism of the workplace very seriously, as set forth in the County Policy of Equity (CPOE) (https://ceop.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PolicyOfEauitv.[)dt). The City further acknowledges that the County strives to provide a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, retaliation and inappropriate conduct based on a protected characteristic, and which may violate the CPOE. The City, its employees and subcontractors acknowledge and certify receipt and understanding of the CPOE. Failure of the City, its employees or its subcontractors to uphold the County's expectations of a workplace free from harassment and discrimination, including inappropriate conduct based on a protected characteristic, may subject the City to termination of contractual agreements as well as civil liability. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has executed this Agreement, or caused it to be duly executed by its authorized representative, and the County of Los Angeles by order of its Board of Supervisors, has delegated to its Chief Executive Officer the authority to execute this Agreement on its behalf on the date and year written below. CITY OF Title ATTEST: Name City Clerk By: APPROVED AS TO FORM FOR THE CITY: Name City Attorney in COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES IN Sachi A. Hamai Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM FOR THE COUNTY: Mary C. Wickham County Counsel Principal Deputy County Counsel Date Date Date Date Date Attachment D Resolution No. 2019-62 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE PARTICIPATION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD IN THE 2020 CENSUS OUTREACH EFFORTS WHEREAS, the U.S. Census Bureau is required by Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution to conduct an accurate count of the nation's population every ten years; and WHEREAS, a significant amount of outreach is required in order to achieve full participation in the 2020 U.S. Census to address the City of Rosemead's Hard -To -Count population; and WHEREAS, federal and state funding is allocated to communities and decisions are made on matters of national and local importance based, in part, on census data; and WHEREAS, information from the 2020 Census is a vital tool for planning and land use decisions, efforts to increase affordable housing, and economic development and increased employment; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead is eligible to receive approximately $28,421 in Census allotted funding from the County of Los Angeles, based on population and the California Hard -to - Count Index created by the California Department of Finance, Demographic Research Unit and modeled on the U.S. Census Bureau's Hard -to -Count Score of past censuses; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead is committed to participate in the County's Complete Count Committee which can bring together a cross section of countywide community members who will utilize their local knowledge and expertise to reach out to all county residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Rosemead City Council supports the City of Rosemead's participation in the County of Los Angeles Census Complete Count Committee efforts to ensure a complete count in the City of Rosemead and the entire County. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of November 2019. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Margaret Clark, Mayor ATTEST: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2019-62, was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12th day of November, 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk