CC - Item 4M - Management Analyst Positions - Public Works Department and Human Resources DivisionROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2019 SUBJECT: MANAGEMENT ANALYST POSITIONS — PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION SUMMARY The City Council will consider approval of a Management Analyst position in the Public Works Department and a Human Resources Management Analyst in the Human Resources Division. The Housing Coordinator position in Community Development Department became vacant on September 2, 2019. Subsequently the position and work load level were evaluated, and it was determined that a full-time staffing level is no longer needed in Community Development. As such, Staff is requesting to eliminate the Housing Coordinator position and transfer the applicable general fund balance to the Public Works Department and Human Resources Division for the addition of two Management Analysts positions. DISCUSSION On November 13, 2018, the City Council approved a Professional Service Agreement (PSA) with Michel Baker International to take the lead for the ongoing administration, implementation, and reporting activities of the City's Federal Grant Programs as required by HUD. On September 2, 2019, the Housing Coordinator position became vacant and at that time Staff evaluated the position to determine that a Planning Intern could take on the clerical duties of the position. Therefore, the Housing Coordinator position is no longer needed in Community Development Department. The annual fiscal impact of this position was $157,125 (General Funds $63,793, CDBG Funds $22,626, and HOME Funds $70,706). At the same time, Public Works Department underwent staffing changes including retirement of the Superintendent; the position was never filled. Since the new Public Works Director join the City, he has had the opportunity to evaluate staffing needs of the Department and determined not to fill the three full-time vacant"positions as follows: Civil Engineer Assistant, Associate City Engineer, and Public Works Inspector. The Department is currently reviewing consultant services in lieu of the three positions in order to better organize the Department and increase service levels. In order to cover partial funding for a new Management Analyst position, allocated CIP General Funds for the Public Works Inspector position have been reevaluated. The annual fiscal impact of the Public Works Inspector position was estimated at $115,422 (General Funds CIP $57,711 and Measure R Funds $57,711). At this time staff is confident that with the AGENDA ITEM 4.M City Council Meeting December 10, 2019 Page 2 of 3 arrival of the new Public Works Director, addition of the newly hired Public Works Manager, Administrative Analyst, and the requested Management Analyst position, the Department will be able to function efficiently. Finally, on November 8, 2019, the Human Resources Specialist position became vacant. This also led to review of the current job functions and future work programing of Human Resources Division. It was determined that the level of expertise needed for the Specialist role within the Division has shifted from clerical and administrative focus to that of analytical and project -based role with related responsibilities. An advanced skill level is needed to perform a full range of professional human resource services for the City. Having the higher-level Human Resources role on staff would also assist the Human Resources Division in workforce planning needs given future staff transitions and substantial institutional knowledge. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2019-67 for the Comprehensive Salary Schedule for all Regular Full-time and Resolution No. 2019-68 for Establishing Annual Salary Ranges and Benefits for Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential Services. FISCAL IMPACT As part of FY 2019-20 Adopted Budget, City Council approved the Housing Coordinator position in the Community Development Department and the Human Resources Specialist position in the Human Resources Division. With this staff report and resolutions, Staff is requesting that City Council approve the following budget adjustments: 1. Transfer the existing $101,349 funding from the Human Resources Specialist position to add a Human Resources Management Analyst position in Human Resources Division and approve an additional $5,951 from General Fund to cover the remainder for salary and benefits; 2. Approve a Management Analyst position in the Public Works Department at $103,500 to cover salary and benefits and utilize the following fund sources: General Funds $45,789 and General Funds CIP $57,711 (originally assigned to Public Works Inspector position); and 3. Eliminate the Housing Coordinator position and transfer $5,951 of General Funds to Human Resources Division and $45,789 of General Funds to Public Works Department, resulting in a $12,053 cost savings to the General Fund balance. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Elimination of the Housing Coordination position and creation of two new Management Analyst Positions in the Public Works Department and Human Resources Division meets a Key Organizational Goal ("Enhance Public Safety and Quality of Life") of the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan as City Departments will be better organized in order to provide an increase level of internal and external services. City Council Meeting December 10, 2019 Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachments: A. Resolution No. 2019-67 City -Wide Comprehensive Salary Schedule B. Resolution No. 2019-68 Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential Service Attachment A Resolution No. 2019-67 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE COMPREHENSIVE SALARY SCHEDULE FOR ALL FULL-TIME CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, THE FOLLOWING classifications in the City of Rosemead ("City") are critical to the efficient and effective operations of the City; WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish the compensation levels for full-time classifications in the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective beginning December 10, 2019, the City Council adopts the attached Comprehensive Salary Schedule for full-time employees of the City. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 10th day of December 2019. Margaret Clark, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2019-67, was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a special meeting thereof held on the 10th day of December 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMEAD SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE: December 10, 2019 CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY TITLE GROUP MIN MAX Accounting Specialist GENERAL $3,664 $4,565 Administrative Analyst MM,P & C $4,793 $5,911 Administrative Assistant GENERAL $3,953 $4,918 Administrative Specialist MM,P & C $4,122 $5,410 Assistant City Manager MANAGEMENT $10,812 $14,921 Assistant Planner GENERAL $4,826 $6,139 Associate Civil Engineer MM,P & C $6,564 $8,054 Associate Planner MM,P & C $5,676 $6,969 City Clerk APPOINTED $8,613 $8,613 City Engineer MM,P & C $8,221 $11,345 City Manager APPOINTED $16,968 $16,968 Civil Engineeer Assistant GENERAL $5,967 $7,322 Code Enforcement Officer GENERAL $4,300 $5,449 Deputy City Clerk MM,P & C $5,544 $6,758 Director of Community Development MANAGEMENT $9,824 $13,557 Director of Finance MANAGEMENT $9,824 $13,557 Director of Parks & Recreation MANAGEMENT $9,824 $13,557 Director of Public Works MANAGEMENT $9,824 $13,557 Executive Assistant to the City Manager MM,P & C $4,904 $6,024 Facilities Technician GENERAL $3,880 $4,794 Finance Manager MM,P & C $8,033 $9,737 Housing Project Coordinator GENERAL $4,546 $6,274 Human Resources Manager MM,P & C $7,346 $9,089 Human Resources Analyst MM,P & C $5,307 $6,414 Human Resources Specialist GENERAL $4,227 $5,313 Maintenance Lead Worker GENERAL $4,183 $5,337 Maintenance Worker GENERAL $3,548 $4,649 Management Analyst MM,P & C $5,082 $6,470 Office Specialist GENERAL $3,031 $3,769 Planning & Economic Development Manager MM,P & C $7,973 $9;714 Public Safety Supervisor MM,P & C $5,991 $8,106 Public Works Inspector GENERAL $4,991 $6,080 Public Works Manager MM,P & C $7,729 $9,500 Recreation Coordinator GENERAL $4,222 $5,131 Recreation Manager MM,P & C $7,046 $8,642 Recreation Supervisor MM,P & C $5,370 $6,755 Senior Accounting Specialist GENERAL $4,106 $5,378 Senior Code Enforcement Officer MM,P & C $5,468 $6,858 Senior Management Analyst JMM,p & C $5,769 $7,035 Attachment B Resolution No. 2019-68 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE MIDDLE MANAGEMENT, PROFESSIONAL, AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, THE FOLLOWING classifications in the Middle Management, Professional and Confidential Service of the City of Rosemead ("City") are critical to the efficient and effective operations of the City, the City Council recognizes the management, supervisory, professional and/or confidential nature of their positions; and WHEREAS, employees in these classifications are exempt under the provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act; and WHERAS, the City Council desires to establish the compensation levels for classifications in Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential Service of the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective beginning December 10, 2019, the salary ranges and benefits for the classifications covered by this Resolution are as follows: SECTION 1: APPLICABILITY Full-time Team Members in the following classifications are covered by this Resolution: Mid -Management, Professional & Confidential Service Unit Administrative Analyst Human Resources Manager Administrative Specialist Management Analyst Associate Civil Engineer Planning & Economic Development Manager Associate Planner Public Safety Supervisor City Engineer Public Works Manager Deputy City Clerk Recreation Manager Executive Assistant to the City Manager Recreation Supervisor Finance Manager Senior Code Enforcement Officer Human Resources Analyst Senior Management Analyst SECTION 2: COMPENSATION SALARY RANGE ADJUSTMENTS BASED ON LABOR MARKET COMPARISONS A basic tenet of the compensation system is that the City will not provide annual across-the- board "cost of living adjustments" (COLA). Rather, the City will annually adjust salary ranges to the "target of 95% of the average prevailing wage rates for similar occupations in the survey cities, provided that the City has the financial budgeted resources to do so. (Salary range adjustments will not result in automatic salary increases for Team Members unless the Team Member's salary rate is below the bottom of the salary range). This target of 95% of the average is based on the professionally recognized principle that a deviation of plus or minus five percent (+/-5%) constitutes a "competitive position" in the labor market. This is particularly true when total compensation and benefit variations are taken into account. Such determinations on salary range adjustments would be made on a classification -by -classification basis as dictated by labor market conditions and the City's ability to pay. The "target" of 95% of the average prevailing wage rates will be determined by calculating the average (mean) base pay of the survey cities. The selected pay range will then be reduced by five percent (5%) in recognition of the City's rich benefits allowance and the principle that +/- 5% of the average constitutes a "competitive" position in the labor market. On a bi-annual basis, the non -benchmark to benchmark linkages will be reviewed. If a Team Member's base salary is below the adjusted minimum salary range of his/her classification, his/her salary will be adjusted to the minimum salary range in the range for that classification. SURVEY CITIES In order to determine the prevailing salary rates in the local labor market, the following survey cities have been selected based on a three -fold set of criteria and rationale: 1) contiguous geographic proximity to Rosemead; 2) full contract city status; and/or a sufficient number of comparable positions. The following cities will be surveyed on a periodic basis for comparison purposes: Alhambra La Mirada Paramount Temple City Diamond Bar La Puente Pico Rivera Duarte Montebello San Dimas El Monte Monterey Park San Gabriel SALARY ADJUSTMENTS WITHIN SALARY RANGE BASED ON .TOB PERFORMANCE The City's pay -for -performance system allows a Team Member to obtain a percentage merit salary increase consistent with his/her annual performance evaluation. All Team Member salary increases, within the salary range, are based on merit through the annual performance evaluations. Based on the Team Member's performance rating on his/her performance evaluation, a Team Member is eligible for a merit increase. Team Members eligible for a merit increase will be eligible to receive up to a 5% merit increase during the term of this agreement. Team Member salaries may not exceed the maximum salary range within the respective job classification. Current Team Members whose salaries exceed the maximum salary range for the job classification will be y -rated (frozen) and will not receive any merit increases until the salary ranges are adjusted based on the labor market survey comparisons. Effective July 1, 2014, the salary ranges of all positions that are "topped out" or exceed the maximum salary range for the classification will be surveyed on an annual basis. All other classifications will be surveyed bi-annually. All full-time Team Members are part of the Merit Based Compensation System. All Team Member salary increases, within the salary range, are based on merit through the annual performance evaluations. Based on the Team Member's performance overall rating on the performance evaluation, a Team Member is eligible for a merit increase. The following is the performance rating categories and percentage increases that a Team Member may be eligible for based upon funding for FY2018-2020: The City will provide for merit increases up to 5% for the FY 2018-2020. SECTION 3: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION All Team Members will receive an annual performance evaluation. The City recognizes the importance of conducting timely evaluations. Supervisors, managers, and department directors must submit and conduct performance evaluations in a timely manner on the date the evaluations are due. Every effort must be made by the supervisors, managers, and department directors to submit timely evaluations. However, the City recognizes that when an emergency or an unforeseen circumstance arises, the expectation is to submit the evaluations as soon as practicable. Aside from an emergency or an unforeseen circumstance, in the event that a supervisor will not be able to complete an employee performance evaluation report in a timely manner, the supervisor shall notify the department director and request a time extension for completion of the performance evaluation report. An extension of two (2) weeks will be permitted for the supervisor to complete the evaluation. In addition, the supervisor must inform and notify the respective Team Member if the evaluation will not be completed on time. If a Team Member is out on an extended leave of absence, the performance evaluation will be extended out by the equal amount of time/duration the Team member is out on the leave of absence. An extended leave of absence is defined as thirty (30) days or longer. A probationary Team Member will receive an interim performance evaluation at six months from the date of hire. Interim performance evaluations are not linked to any merit adjustments or increases. SECTION 4: HEALTH INSURANCE PROVIDER The City contracts with California Public Employees' Retirement System (Ca1PERS) to serve as the health insurance provider for the City. SECTION S: CAFETERIA -STYLE HEALTH, WELFARE, & SAVINGS BENEFIT Effective July 1, 2016, the City will provide each full-time Team Member with $1,700 per month for use towards enrolling in any of the City offered health plans, dental plans, and vision plans. Any unused remainder can be put into a deferred compensation plan, taken as a taxable cash disbursement, or used for the purchase of any City sponsored insurance, long-term care, or long- term saving program. Team Members can also choose to waive coverage and take the entire benefit as deferred compensation or cash, but must first show proof of group health insurance coverage through an individual, a spouse or family member's coverage through their employer and complete the Voluntary Decline of Health Care Offered Under City of Rosemead Group Plan form. SECTION 6: CHANGES TO HEALTHCARE LAWS The parties recognize that certain changes to State or Federal laws, programs, taxes or regulation including, but not limited to, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), may impact future medical plan offerings. In the event that such reform measures or resulting changes in the ACA altering the healthcare coverage, options, costs or other elements, the City may reopen Section 4,5, and 30 regarding medical insurance/benefits. SECTION 7: RETIREMENT HEALTH PLAN For all full-time Team Members hired on or before July 1, 2007, who have 20 years or more of service with the City, and who retire from the City, an allocation of up to $1,000/ month will be given to pay for health care benefits for the duration of their retirement. If the health insurance program selected by the Team Member costs more than $1,000/month, the City will only cover the first $1,000/month of the cost of the selected program. Once the Team Member reaches age 65 or becomes eligible for Medicare coverage, the Team Member will transition to Medicare coverage, with the City picking up the remaining cost of health insurance coverage up to a maximum of $1,000/month. For all full-time Team Members hired on or before July 1, 2007, who have 12-19 years of service with the City, and who retire from the City, an allocation of up to $500/month will be given to pay for health care benefits for the duration of their retirement. If the health insurance program selected by the Team Member costs more than $500/month, the City will only cover the first $500/month of the cost of the selected program. The above retirement health contributions will only be in effect for full-time Team Members employed with the City as of July 1, 2007. When Team Member reaches 65 years of age, or becomes eligible for Medicare, said Team Members will transition to Medicare coverage and the City will continue to contribute towards the cost of health care coverage during the duration of the Team Members retirement according to the program as defined in Section 5. Furthermore, it is expressly noted that the retirement health contribution can be used towards health coverage for the Team Member, their spouse, and/or any eligible dependent. Team Members hired after July 1, 2007 will receive retiree health benefits in accordance with public employees' retirement laws and Ca1PERS. SECTION H: RETIREMENT PROGRAM (CALPERS) Team Members will be enrolled in the City's retirement program through Ca1PERS. On July 1, 2007, the City began providing the 2.7%@55 benefit formula with one-year final compensation option with no cap. On July 1, 2010, the City implemented a 2 -tier system with changes for new hires only. All full- time new hires, hired on or after July 1, 2010, will be subject to the 2%@55 formula with one- year final compensation option. All existing full-time Team Members hired prior to July 1, 2010 will remain at the 2.7@55 formula. Under the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA), effective January 1, 2013, all "new members" will be subject to the 2.0% @ age 62 benefit formula which also requires a three year final compensation (the highest average annual pensionable compensation earned by a member during a period of at least 36 months) with an early retirement age of 52. A "New Member" is defined as: 1. A new hire that is brought into Ca1PERS membership for the first time on or after January 1, 2013, and who has no prior membership in any other California public retirement system. 2. A new hire who is brought into Ca1PERS membership for the first time on or after January 1, 2013, and who is not eligible for reciprocity with another California public retirement system. 3. A member who established Ca1PERS membership prior to January 1, 2013, and who is hired by a different Ca1PERS employer after January 1, 2013, after a break in service of greater than six months. Effective January 1, 2013, PEPRA prohibited employers from paying any portion of a "new member's" member contribution rate. All new members must pay 50% of total normal cost as Team Member contribution rate. CalPERS refers to all members that do not fit within the definition of a new member as "classic members". All existing Ca1PERS members as of December 31, 2012, will retain the existing benefit levels for future service with the same employer. Effective January 1, 2013, PEPRA prohibited employers from paying any portion of a "new member's" member contribution rate. All non -classic California Public Employees' Retirement System (Ca1PERS) members must pay 50% of total normal cost as employee contribution rate. By January 1, 2018, all "classic members" were required to contribute their full share up to 8% of the Team Member contribution of the Ca1PERS rate. Effective July 1, 2014, all classic members enrolled in CalPERS began paying 2% of salary to Ca1PERS towards retiree benefits. In consideration of the member's 2% contribution towards Ca1PERS, all classic members received a 2% increase in pay on July 1, 2014,. Effective July 1, 2015, all classic members enrolled in Ca1PERS began paying an additional 2% of salary to Ca1PERS towards retiree benefits for a total of 4%. In consideration of the member's 2% contribution towards Ca1PERS, all classic members received a 2% increase in pay on July 1, 2014. Effective July 1, 2016, all classic members enrolled in Ca1PERS began paying an additional 2% of salary to Ca1PERS towards retiree benefits for a total of 6%. In consideration of the member's 2% contribution towards Ca1PERS, all classic members received a 2% increase in pay on July 1, 2014. Effective July 1, 2017, Tier 1 classic members began contributing an additional 2% to Ca1PERS for a total of 8%, and Tier 2 classic members began contribution an additional 1% for a total of 7%. In consideration of the member's additional contribution towards Ca1PERS, Tier 1 classic members received a 2% increase in pay and Tier 2 classic members received a 1% increase in pay. SECTION 9: ENHANCED RETIREMENT PROGRAM: PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SERVICES PARS The City offers an enhanced retirement package through Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) for all Team Members hired prior to July 1, 2010. Covered full-time Team Members who retire from Rosemead after working 20 years for the City will have their pension formula enhanced to 3%@55, with the provision that the maximum pension allowance that Team Member's can accrue through PARS is 90% of their final pay. The PARS retirement pension is limited to 90% of their final pay. Team Members must be at least 55 years of age to qualify for PARS. All Team Members hired on or after July 1, 2010 are ineligible for the Enhanced Retirement Program through PARS in accordance with State law. PARS has been eliminated for all new full-time Team Members. SECTION 10: SOCIAL SECURITY The City deducts from each full-time employee's paycheck, an amount as determined by law for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (Social Security). In addition, the City contributes an additional amount at least equal to the employee's contribution. SECTION 11: EMPLOYER FUNDED DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM (401A) For all full-time Team Members, the City set-up and began contributing into a deferred compensation account a percentage of the Team Member salary based on years of service. That funding formula is as follows: . Years of Service % o of Salary Contributed into 401A Deferred Compensation Program 0-4 1% 5-9 2% 10-14 3% 15-19 4% 20+ 5% In accordance with State law, all Team Members hired on or after July 1, 2010 are ineligible for the employer funded deferred compensation program. The employer funded deferred compensation program has been eliminated for all new full-time Team Members. SECTION 12: VACATION ACCRUAL Full-time Team Members will receive vacation accruals as follows: 7Ye7arsf A Team Member (with 1-13 years of service) who works 80 hours on paid status per pay period will accrue 5.38 hours/pay eriod. A Team Member (with 1-13 years of service) who works 40 hours Example 2: Hours/Pa Period Hours/Year Da s/Year U to year 1 3.85 100 10 Year 1 — Year hours. 13 5.38 140 14 13+ 6.15 160 16 All full-time Team Members accrue 100 hours of vacation leave during their first year of service. 140 hours are accrued for Team Members with one year of service, up to (but not over) 13 years. For Team Members with over 13 years of service (13+) the accrual rate is 160 hours. Team members cease to accrue vacation hours when, in any pay period, they exceed two times their annual accrual as determined by their anniversary date. All vacation requests are to be pre -approved by the Department Director. Negative vacation banks or borrowing from future accruals will not be allowed. Vacation accruals will be determined by the percentage formula of actual hours in a paid status by the City. Examplel: A Team Member (with 1-13 years of service) who works 80 hours on paid status per pay period will accrue 5.38 hours/pay eriod. A Team Member (with 1-13 years of service) who works 40 hours Example 2: on paid status per pay period will accrue 2.69 hours/pay period 50% of 5.38 hours/pay period). A Team Member (with 1-13 years of service) who has a zero leave Example 3: balance and takes an extended leave of absence will not accrue any hours. SECTION 13: VACATION BUYBACK In order to encourage Team Members to take regular vacations on an annual basis and to partially limit the growth of the City's long-term liability of Team Member accrued vacation hours upon separation of employment, the City has established the following criteria for vacation buyback. Once per calendar year, a full-time Team Member is eligible to have the City buyback up to 60 hours of accumulated unused vacation time. On July 1, 2011, the City established two (2) vacation banks as follows: Bank A: Vacation earned/accrued prior to June 30, 2011. Bank B: Vacation earned/accrued after July 1, 2011 (Subject to a 2 year cap). For the purposes of vacation buyback, all Team Members must utilize Bank A prior to utilizing Bank B. However, if there are no hours accrued in Bank A, Team Members may utilize Bank B SECTION 14: CITY—RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYS The following days are recognized and observed as paid holidays: 1. New Year's Day (January ls� 2. Martin Luther King's Birthday (the third Monday in January) 3. Presidents' Birthday (the third Monday in February) 4. Memorial Day (the last Monday in May) 5. Independence Day (July 4th) 6. Labor Day (the first Monday in September) 7. Veteran's Day (November l lth) 8. Thanksgiving Day 9. Christmas Day (December 25th) Non-essential City services and facilities are closed from noon on Christmas Eve to New Year's Day. If a Team Member elects to take the non -holidays off, he/she is required to utilize his/her own time. If a holiday falls on a Friday or Saturday, Team Members will observe that holiday on the preceding Thursday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, Team Members will observe that holiday on the following Monday. At the discretion of the City Manager and based upon business needs, Team Members may be released at 12:00 p.m. on December 24th SECTION 15: FLOATING HOLIDAYS Team Members receive 20 hours of floating holiday per calendar year. Those hours must be used before the end of the calendar year or they will be forfeited. In case 'a Team Member terminates employment with the City, he/she will forfeit any unused floating holidays. SECTION 16: ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE On January 1, Team Members are allocated an allotment of 60 hours per year of administrative leave. On July 1, 2011, the opportunity to sell back administrative leave was eliminated. The use of administrative leave will be limited to no more than one (1) day/shift intervals/increments. Team members will not be able to supplant/combine administrative leave with vacation. The only exception will be from Christmas to New Year's Day when non-essential City services and facilities will be closed. Any administrative leave hours that are not utilized by December 31 of a calendar year will be lost. Furthermore, any administrative leave on the books for a terminating Team Member will be paid out at the Team Member's hourly rate at a prorated unit of administrative leave available by pay period. Any existing full-time Team Members who were eligible for administrative leave entitlements prior to July 1, 2010 under the terms of the administrative leave clause will continue to be eligible for said entitlements. SECTION 17: PROBATIONARY PERIOD The probationary period, of one year (2080 supervised hours), shall be an integral part of the employment examination process and shall be utilized as an opportunity to closely observe the Team Member's work, to provide special training, to assist the Team Member in adjusting to the new position, and to reject any Team Member whose work performance, adaption, or personal conduct fails to meet required standards. A probationary Team member shall have no right of tenure and may be dismissed without cause, at any time, during the probationary period without right of appeal, grievance, or hearing. Probationary Team Members do not have property or vested rights in their positions with the City. All Team Members shall receive an interim performance report after completion of six (6) months of the probationary period. Satisfactory completion of probation is based on total performance during the entire probationary period. The City Manager may, in his/her sole discretion, extend the probationary period an additional 1040 hours (six (6) months). If a Team Member is out on an extended leave of absence, the probationary period will be extended out by the equal amount of time/duration the Team member is out on the leave of absence. SECTION 18: FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING Depending on a Team Member's area of assignment, an alternate work schedule may be arranged with Department Director approval. This could include the possibility of utilizing a flextime or telecommuting from an offsite location. Any prolonged telecommuting arrangement must be approved by the City Manager. Any alternate workweek must be approved, in writing, by the City Manager. SECTION 19: FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING ON SPECIAL EVENTS Based on economic or business necessity, all full-time Team Members are required to work special events with the ability to "flex" their hours to meet the human resources demands of the City's special events which include: • 4th of July Parade/Carnival/Fireworks Show • Fall Fiesta This condition exists in every week in which there is a special event. If an unscheduled event arises, the City Manager has the authority to implement an Alternative Work Schedule which allows for the "flexing" of hours within the same work period of the special event. Supervisors and department directors have the authority to approve/deny or reschedule "flex" hours so that appropriate staff coverage is maintained for operational needs and continued City service. If a holiday falls on a day of the week that would have been a normal workday, the hours worked up to ten (10) will be banked which must be used by December 31St. Those hours must be used before the end of the calendar year or they will be forfeited. In addition, an emergency disaster is exempt from a flexible scheduling and does not fall under the definition of special events. SECTION 20: SICK LEAVE A full-time Team Member who is incapacitated from the performance of such Team Member's duties by reason of a non -service related illness or injury, pregnancy, legal requirements of public health officials or for reasons specified in the Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) are eligible for sick leave. Amount Earned: All full-time, regular or probationary Team Members will accrue ten (10) hours of sick leave per month. Sick leave will be earned, commencing on the first day of employment as a probationary Team Member, and accrued on a bi-weekly basis. Team Members may accumulate up to a maximum of 120 hours of sick leave with pay per year. Sick leave accruals will be determined by the percentage formula of actual hours in a paid status by the City. Exam le 1: A Team Member who works 80 hours on paid status per pay period will accrue 4.62 hours/pay eriod. A Team Member who works 40 hours on paid status per pay period will accrue 2.31 hour/pay period (50% of 4.62 Example 2: hours/pay period). A Team Member who has a zero leave balance and takes an Example 3: ` extended leave of absence will not accrue any hours. Except for retirement, all unused sick leave hours will be forfeited when a Team Member separates from employment, voluntarily or involuntary. Upon retirement, a Team Member's unused sick leave hours will be converted to service credit as contracted with Ca1PERS. 2. Advanced Sick Leave: Sick leave time shall not be taken until such time has been accrued. 3. Utilization of Sick Leave Benefits: The right to utilize benefits under the sick leave provisions herein continues only during the period that the Team Member is employed by the City. All benefits hereunder terminate upon the Team Member leaving City service. A Team Member on military leave is not granted sick leave during the military leave period. Team Members are not eligible to utilize sick leave benefits within the first thirty (30) days of employment. Sick leave is not a leave which a Team Member may use at his/her discretion, but is allowed only in cases of actual sickness or disability which make it impossible or inadvisable for the Team Member to perform normal work assignments/functions. Sick leave may be utilized for dental or medical appointments, medical assessments and/or due to a serious illness in the immediate family. The City Manager/department director may deny or revoke sick leave if the incapacitation for which it is taken is caused or substantially aggravated by compensated outside employment. If a Team Member is absent from work for more than three (3) working days without notifying his/her direct supervisor or department, the Team Member may be dismissed from City service £or being absent without official leave. Any abuse of sick leave usage is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 4. Illness During Vacation Leave: Team Members who become ill while on approved vacation leave may request from his/her supervisor to have vacation time converted to sick leave. Verification of illness may be required prior to approval. 5. Notification to Supervisor: Any Team Member needing to be absent because of sickness or other physical disability must notify the appropriate department director or immediate supervisor at least one (1) day prior to such absence if circumstances permit, or within one (1) hour before the start of his/her regular shift when prior notice cannot be given. 6. Sick Leave Authorized Due to Illness in Family: A Team Member is allowed sick leave due to a serious illness in the immediate family. The definition of "family" defined under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy will be utilized. In the event of a serious illness in the immediate family, a certificate of such illness and the need for the Team Member's absence by the acceptable medical authority may be required by the department director. In such case, the Team Member must be able to produce a verifying certification upon request by the immediate supervisor or management. 7. Return to Work Following Illness: The department director may require a Team Member to submit to a medical and/or psychiatric examination by a physician designated by the City before permitting the Team Member to return to work after the Team Member has been on sick leave. If the results of any such examination indicate that the Team Member is unable to perform assigned duties, or if performance of those duties will expose others to infection, the Team Member will be placed on sick leave, or leave without pay after all sick leave has been used, until adequate medical evidence is submitted that the Team Member is competent to perform assigned duties or will not subject others to the infection. 8. Medical Certificate Requirement: In order to be paid for sick leave, the Team Member must make every good faith effort to notify his immediate supervisor prior to the start of the Team Member's work day. The department director may request, for cause, a certificate issued by a licensed physician or other satisfactory proof of illness before sick leave is granted. The department director may also choose a licensed physician to conduct a physical examination at City expense. Any Team Member who makes application for sick leave may be required by either the department director or City Manager to file a certificate signed by a duly and regularly licensed physician authorized to practice medicine or may be required to submit a personal statement which states the Team Member was incapacitated from performing the duties of the position for each day that sick leave is requested. Authority will also be given to the physician signing the certificate, to disclose to the City Manager or the department director, information relating to sick leave. Sick leave will be granted when the application for sick leave is approved by the department director or the City Manager. 9. Transfer of Sick Leave: New Team Members may bring with them/transfer up to two hundred (200) hours of sick leave from their previous employer provided the previous employer did not otherwise compensate the Team Member for said hours. The new Team Member must provide a letter or documentation from the previous employer verifying accrued but uncompensated hours. A Team Member will not receive any payment for unused accumulated sick leave upon dismissal of employment or retirement (either disability or regular). A Team Member may not use sick leave to extend a retirement (either disability or regular) or dismissal date. This prohibition does not affect a Team Member's right to obtain sick leave credit with CalPERS. Any other balances or if a Team Member resigns or is dismissed will be forfeited. SECTION 21: BEREAVEMENT LEAVE In the event of the death of a Team Member's immediate family (defined as spouse, parent, step- parent, grandparent, sibling, children, grandchildren, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, registered domestic partner or child of a registered domestic partner), Team Members are entitled to forty (40) hours for bereavement leave per incident. SECTION 22: JURY LEAVE Team Members required to serve on a jury are entitled to their regular compensation for up to eighty (8 0) hours provided that fees for jury service are deposited to the Finance Department. SECTION 23: BILINGUAL PAY The City offers a bilingual pay program for eligible Team Members who consistently utilize other languages to translate during the normal course of work. To qualify, Team Members must pass the test developed or utilized by the City for the following recognized languages: Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, and Mandarin. A maximum of three (3) positions per language per site may be certified to receive bilingual pay by the City. It will be applicable at all primary sites (City Hall, Rosemead Community Recreation Center (RCRC), Garvey Community Center, Public Safety and Public Works). In the event that more than three (3) Team Members wish to apply for it, management will determine the top three (3) based upon positional need. Once certified, Team Members will receive a bilingual stipend of $75 per month. Any Team Member who is not certified by the City is not required to use a language other than English. However, when a member of the public, requests assistance in a language other than English, our Team Members must make a reasonable effort to accommodate and assist in a polite and professional manner. The City reserves the right to suspend bilingual pay if the Team Member is out on an extended leave of absence of more than 80 consecutive hours and is not physically present at work to provide bilingual services. SECTION 24: SHORT TERM DISABILITY/LONG TERM DISABILITY State Disability Insurance (SDI) is a partial wage replacement insurance in which the City does not participate in. However, for non -work related Team Member disabilities, the City offers Short -Term Disability (STD)/Long-Term Disability (LTD) to full-time Team Members. Workers compensation injuries are excluded from disability leave/insurance offered by the City. The City provides Team Members with a short-term disability plan to protect against cases where a non -work-related illness or injury is sustained which results in an inability to work for a short period of time. Team Members will receive 66.67% or 2/3 of their pre -disability base salary (1 year average of W-2) with a waiting period of 15 calendar days before receiving their benefits and can last up to 11 weeks. Team Members will receive continued payment until the Team Member is medically able to return to work, or has to begin utilizing long term disability, or until the Team Member reaches the age of 65, whichever comes first. The maximum short- term disability benefit amount will be $1,848 per week. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) will run concurrently with disability. The City provides Team Members with a long-term disability plan to protect against cases where a non -work-related illness or injury is sustained which results in an inability to work for a long period of time. In these cases, LTD is received only after STD has expired and the Team Member continues to be medically disabled. Team Members will receive 66.67% or 2/3 of their pre -disability base salary with a 90 day waiting period. Team Member will receive continued payment until the Team Member is medically able to return to work, or until the Team Member reaches the age of 65, whichever comes first. The maximum long-term disability benefit amount will be $8,000 per month. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) runs concurrently with disability. Team Members have the option of receiving a full paycheck by utilizing his/her own leave time to subsidize the 1/3 while on disability. Disability will cover 2/3 or 66.67% of the pre -disability base salary based off of the W-2 (1 year average). However, when on disability, Team Members may not utilize sick leave. Team Members may use vacation, floating holiday, holiday, and/or compensatory time (if applicable). Leave Accrual rate will be based upon the hours utilized. All disability claim forms must be submitted to Human Resources on a timely basis. As a guideline, all claim forms should be submitted within 15 calendar days. All medical certifications or modifications to the medical certification must be submitted to Human Resources on a timely basis. Team Members are required to submit a Fitness for Duty — Return From Leave Certification at least 2 working days prior to the date of return to the department director. Team Members may not return to work without this certification. SECTION 25: LIFE INSURANCE Team Members receive an accidental death and dismemberment and life insurance policy of $100,000. SECTION 26: TUITION REIMBURSEMENT The City will reinstate the tuition reimbursement program for FY 2018-2020 based upon availability of funding. Subject to City Manager approval, Team Members may attend and be reimbursed for part or all of the costs of educational and other training courses (up to $5,000 per fiscal year) which provide a benefit to the City provided there are budgeted funds for such approval by the City Council. The educational/training courses must be job-related leading towards a college or university degree or certificate and Team Members must remain with the City for three (3) years after the successful completion of class/course or must refund the amount received to the City on a pro- rated basis. If a Team Member leaves employment (voluntarily or involuntarily) with the City, prior to the three (3) years after the completion of class/course, the Team Member must refund the amount received based upon the following pro -rated basis: Pro -Rated Schedule of Refund Years of Serlyice After Refund Amount Due to the City Completion Less than one 1 year Full Amount Received Less than two 2 ears 2/3 of Amount Received Less than three (3) years 1/3 of Amount Received Team Members with prior approval by the City Manager, may be reimbursed for registration, cost of books, tuition, lab fees and parking for classes or instruction, provided such classes or instruction are related to the Team Member's assigned duties with the City. Reimbursement will be made only after a Team Member has satisfactorily completed the class or workshop with the grade of "C" or better or a `B" or better for graduate level courses and that proof of completion has been submitted and approved by the City Manager. In general, mandatory or required training time during working hours shall be considered part of the job. If the City directs a Team Member to attend a specific, job-related training course during non -working hours, Team Members may utilize flex time. All study time shall be considered completely voluntary. No overtime pay, additional pay or compensatory time shall be given unless advanced written approval is granted by the City Manager. There is no mileage reimbursement for travel to and from educational classes. Required forms must be completed and necessary documentation (receipts and grades) must be provided in order to receive reimbursement. Final and conclusive determinations of the reimbursement amount shall be made by the City Manager/Assistant City Manager after review of the request and recommendations by the Department Director. SECTION 27: WELLNESS PROGRAM The City provides the Wellness Reimbursement Program at $300 per fiscal year for FY2016- 2018. SECTION 28: COMPUTER PURCHASE PROGRAM The City provides a computer purchase program for all full-time Team Members as outlined in the Administrative Policy No. 30-09 approved by the City Manager. Full-time Team Members are eligible for this program after the completion of the probationary period. Loans are due and payable in full upon termination or separation of employment. SECTION 29: EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (EAP) The City provides Team Members with access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). SECTION 30: FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT (SECTION 125) The City offers Team Members a flexible benefit plan which will allow individuals to pay for certain expenses (child care, unreimbursed medical expenses, insurance premiums) with pre-tax dollars. SECTION 31: DIRECT DEPOSIT Team Members are offered an option to authorize the automatic deposit of each paycheck into an individual's checking, savings or credit union account. Payroll checks will not be issued in advance. SECTION 32: AUTO ALLOWANCE Team Members may receive up to $300 per month based on business necessity as determined by the City Manager based on the driving demands of the position. Any existing full-time Team Members who were eligible for auto allowance prior to July 1, 2010 under the terms of the Auto Allowance clause will continue to be eligible. SECTION 33: CITY RIGHTS It is understood and agreed that the City retains all exclusive rights and authority to manage municipal services and the work force performing those services. It is agreed that during the term hereof, the City shall not be required to meet and confer on matters which are solely a function of management, including the right to: • Determine and modify the organization of City government and its constituent work units. • Determine the nature, standards, levels and mode of delivery of services to be offered to the public. • Determine the methods, means, and the number and kinds of personnel by which serves are to be provided. • Determine whether goods or services shall be made or provided by the City, or shall be purchased, or contracted for. • Direct Team Members, including scheduling and assigning work, work hours, and overtime. • Establish Team Member performance standards and to require compliance therewith. • Discharge, suspend, demote, reduce in pay, reprimand, withhold salary increases and benefits, or otherwise discipline Team Members, subject to the requirement of applicable law. • Relieve Team Member from duty because of lack of work or lack of funds or for other legitimate reasons. • Implement rules, regulations, and directives consistent with law and specific provisions of this MOU. • Take all necessary actions to protect the public and carry out its mission in emergencies. • Determine the contents of job classifications. • Contract out and transfer work out of the bargaining unit. • Exercise complete control and discretion over its organization and the technology of performing its work. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead on the 23rd day of July 2019. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachel Richman, City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) § CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) Margaret Clark, Mayor ATTEST: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2019-37, was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 23rd day of July, 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: ARMENTA, CLARK, DANG, LOW, LY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk