CC - Item 4G - Ratify Emergency Expenditures and Accept Traffic Signal Improvements at Valley Boulovard adn Ivar Avenue E M • Q. O O ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL PR DE STAFF REPORT /NCORPORATED 1959 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER . DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2019 SUBJECT: RATIFY EMERGENCY EXPENDITURES AND ACCEPT TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT VALLEY BOULEVARD AND IVAR AVENUE SUMMARY PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. (Contractor) completed the field work for Traffic Signal Improvements at Valley Boulevard and Ivar Avenue. Emergency repairs on existing traffic signal equipment, which were not part of the project, became necessary to complete in order to maintain traffic signal operations at this intersection. The field work is completed; therefore, staff is requesting the City Council to ratify a change order to cover the final construction cost including emergency expenditures, and authorize the staff to file Notice of Completion for the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Accept the Traffic Signal Improvements at Valley Boulevard and Ivar Avenue project as complete; 2. Approve change order of $20,655.09 for emergency expenditures to cover the final construction cost totaling $137,230.37; 3. Appropriate additional funding of$12,231 in Measure R fund; and 4. Authorize staff to file Notice of Completion for the project. DISCUSSION On May 30,2018,the City Council awarded a contract to PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. in the amount of$97,079.00 to complete the Traffic Signal Improvements at Valley Boulevard and Ivar Avenue. On April 23, 2019, the City Council approved additional funds necessary to relocate one of the proposed traffic signal poles necessitated by an overhead building obstruction. The construction budget was revised to be $116,575.28 (including contingency). AGENDA ITEM 4.G City Council Meeting December 10,2019 Page 2 of 3 During construction, it was determined that the existing traffic controller cabinet, wiring, cables and conductors were old and in need of replacement for proper operation and safety of the intersection. These improvements were not included in the project specifications and have become necessary to complete the project. As part of the emergency repairs, PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. removed and replaced the wiring and conductors, and the City's traffic signal maintenance contractor, St. Francis Electric,replaced the existing traffic signal controller cabinet due to its failure of operation. These improvements deemed necessary, and emergency repairs were completed as part of the field work. These items have been determined and quantified based on actual field conditions during construction of the project. The additional funding needed to cover the final construction cost is $20,655.09. Construction cost summary is provided below: Description Cost Original Contract Amount $97,079.00 Adjusted Contract Amount per April 23, 2019 Council Meeting $116,575.28 includin contin enc Final Construction Cost with PTM General Engineering Services $125,230.37 Emergency Repairs completed by City Signal Maintenance Contractor $12,000.00 Total Final Construction Cost $137,230.37 Additional Funding Needed to Cover Final Construction Cost $20,655.09 FINANCIAL REVIEW This project was included in the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Capital Improvement Program as a carryover project from Fiscal Year 2017-2018. The budget for this project is $125,000, which consists of$50,000.in Street Lighting District Funds and$75,000 in Measure R funds. The final construction cost of the project is $137,230.37, which exceeds the project allocation approved on April 23,2019 Council Meeting by$20,655.09.Therefore,staff is requesting the City Council to approve the change order of$20,655.09 and requesting for additional appropriation of $12,231 in Measure R funds to cover the final cost of construction. The adjusted budget for this project is $137,231 comprising of $50,000 in Street Lighting District Funds and $87,231 in Measure R Funds. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. City Council Meeting December 10,2019 Page 3 of 3 STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT In Strategy 3 of the City of Rosemead Strategic Plan, under section D, states: "Upgrade the signal management system to improve traffic flow". The traffic signal improvements on Valley/Ivar are in alignment with the Strategic Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: C 046 Christopher ste Director of Public Works Attachment A: Proposal for Traffic Signal Improvements s E M , CIVIC PRIDE VP 74 fp oi 49c°4POHATE°1959 Attachment A Proposal for Traffic Signal Improvements St. Francis Electric 1420 Citrus Street Riverside, California 92507 L /ancidgeectrt (951) 304-4902 (951) 274-0061 Fax www.stfranciselectric.com September 25,2019 rev 1 Mr.Okan Demirci(Trans Tech) City of Rosemead 8838 E.Valley Blvd. Rosemead,Ca.91770 Job Name: Replace Old obsolete 332 traffic Controller Cabinet,R&R BBS cab&system Job Location: Ivar&Valley Dear Mr.Demirci, We offer to complete the following work,on the terms and conditions stated below and at the prices shown as follows: SFE will Supply&Install(1) 332L cabinet wired for 8 phase,All of the existing plug ins such as Controller, detectors, communications and any other items would be removed from the existing cabinet and re-used in the new cabinet.We will re-install plugins into the new cabinet program and check operations.Remove the(e )battery backup system w/cabinet and re-install onto new cabinet,wire&test ops.Lead time on schedule is 1 to 2 weeks ARO. Labor&Equipment $4,500.00 Materials $7,500.00 Total Labor,1,terials and Equipment $ 12,000.00 Note: Only the items listed in this proposal are included in the price, any additional work or field trouble shooting if required would be billed under the current T&M contract rates. This offer shall expire 30 days from the date hereof and may be withdrawn by us at any time prior thereto with notice. This offer supersedes any prior offers, commitment or orders, contains all terms, conditions and warranties and when accepted, constitutes the entire contract between the parties. The resulting contract shall not be modified except by formal written amendment. This offer shall be accepted by delivery of a copy of this offer duly signed by the City of Rosemead Representative. Respectfully, ACCEPTED Jai/Pet-KR CITY OF ROSEMEAD Jill Petrie BY: St.Francis Electric Riverside Office (951)304-4903 Office TITLE: (951)274-0061 Fax (951)203-4586 Cell DATE: jpetrie@SFE-lNC.com (951)304-4902 - Fax(951)274-0061 - 1420 Citrus Street,Riverside, CA 92507