CC - Item 4B - Minutes of May 14, 2019 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 14,2019 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:16 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor/Chair Clark, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Armenta, Council Members/Board Members Dang, Low(arrived at 6:19 p.m.), and Ly ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda,sAssistant City Manager`'I sujiuchi, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director 'of Finance. Lieu, Director of Community Development Kim,Director of Public,Works AlfonSo,Directorof Parks and Recreation Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez City Attorney Richman requested,a motion to add'an item to Closed Session: City of Gardena v. the Regional Water Quality Control Board, existing litigation regarding the City's challenge of tie current MS4permit; noted City of Gardena has requested direction from Council'as action is required befor`e,the,;next Rosernead City Council meeting agenda. ACTION: Moved-by Council Memberiy and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to approve add„Closed Session Item,2C ,Motion'was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenia;Clark,Dang,Low,Ly ABSENTS None ��' `rye 1. WORKSHOP A. Budget Workshops Director of Finance Lieu provided an overview of the preliminary City Budget for Fiscal Y 2019,-2020; gave a breakdown of the General Fund: revenues of $24,862,9ear,00; °expenses of $23,852,300; anticipating grants reimbursements of ,:�,yy,qM r $810,533; total surplus $1,010,600. Council Member Ly inquired what projects are funding the grant reimbursements. Ms. Lieu responded that the Duff School Project in the amount of$521,000, and the Dog Park in the amount of$290,000 will be funded by the grant program. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta asked which project is the Cal-Fire Grant in the amount of$285,000 funding? Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.B Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 1 of 14 Director of Finance Lieu indicated the Cal-Fire Grant will be allocated to plant trees throughout the City. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta opined if we are going to be spending that much money for tree planting,we need to ensure it is properly planted. Director of Public Works Alfonso asserted that there is a standard for how we plant trees so that they grow upright; ensured our arborists are monitoring the maintenance of trees. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta expressed concern for trees that are not properly maintained as their trunks are leaning in a„45-degree angle. Council Member Ly suggested staff ad,dithis matte.to a future Council meeting agenda so that it can be properly discussed with the contracted arborists and in-house staff. z � In response to Council Member Low's„inquiry,Director of Finance Lieu stated the Redevelopment Agency receives property tax increments two times a year from the Los Angeles County forrexisting obligationsssuch as the two bonds and two senior housing. , . In response to Mayor Pro Tem Armenia, City Manager Molleda asserted that the Sheriff's Station. confirmed directly`the'�0.5% increase in the Liability Trust Account referenced'in the Public .Safety'G neral"'Fund. Ms. Molleda,responded to Councils Member Ly's inquiry that since the Public Works Superintendent position is being eliminated,the Public Works Manager will `wtake on those responsibilities, - ''” Council Member Ly asked for an explanation as to what"the evening and weekend roving supervision" consisted of. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking responded it means that Parks staff will take turns to canvass the parks. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta advocated to budget for more hours,especially during the summertime; noted when she worked for the Parks and Recreation Department, they rotated Parks Supervisors to ensure staff is visible and that no illegal activity was occurring. Council Member Ly questioned is it truly a matter of additional staffing needed or simply to properly train the current staff. Council Member Low opined 6,157 hours is a substantial amount to add to the budget. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 2 of 14 Council Member Ly concurred with Council Member Low;inquired why taxpayers are paying when the outside agency should pay for City staff supervision at private rentals. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking stated that when an outside agency rents a facility they must pay for supervision, however there are some agencies grandfathered in that are exempt. Council Member Ly requested staff research a full cost recovery plan. Per Council Member Low's request, City Manager'Molleda affirmed that staff can separate the various events and hours within the Community Promotions/Special Events, such as the City's 60th Anniversary. ' Mayor Pro Tem Armenta inquired about the 5%\0'147 increase for the three reclassifications under the Community Development Overview Code Division. Director of Community Development Kim,asserted that `the''elimination of the Public Safety Manager.position is a°cost,savings�of$28,000 as\\we)are bringing it back to a supervisor position. `�` / \. \ \ In response to Council\Member Dang, the``CIP\Projects include the HVAC at Garvey Park Gym and all\the alleyway o o M." Director of Finance Lieu provided an overview of the proposed staff changes for full time positions in the FY 19=20. `--Council Member/Ly�requested a separate discussion for the proposed Parks and -Recreation Managerposition. . `,.w,1 '' ``\ \ Per Councily inquiry,'City,Manager Molleda noted the new mobile stage referenced ', "under the Unfunded CIP`Projects is the stage used for various events that is " transported to different facilities. Director"of Public Works Alfonso confirmed the current stage is about 40 years old. Council Me ber Ly suggested purchasing a new mobile stage with the $1,488,800 surplus fund§-as it is a worthwhile investment; requested staff do a cost analysis of replacing the dance floor; expressed confusion as to why the Garvey Park Main Office Renovations was listed under the Unfunded CIP Projects as it was his understanding that Council previously allocated for this project; further stated, if the renovation has not been budgeted, then the project should move up to higher priority on the list as a Youth Center is much needed in the community; asked staff to look into using any carryover or surplus or grant money to ensure this project comes to fruition. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 3 of 14 Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period. Speaker Brian Lewin expressed opposition to eliminating the City Engineer position;urged Council to reconsider keeping the City Engineer position as the two junior positions will not offer the same level of expertise; echoed Mayor Pro Tem Armenta's concern with regards to staff presence at the parks; noted Council Member Ly's previous mention of establishing a permanent office for Public Safety staff at the parks to increase the level of supervision; opined he hopes the Walnut Grove Avenue improvements between the corridor of Garvey Avenue, Hellman Avenue and Ramona Avenue are on the project list this fiscal year. In response to Council Member Ly,Director ofPublic Works Alfonso affirmed that he has his P.E. and the Associate Civil Engineer,will also have his P.E. Council Member Ly inquired about the Metro Grant fore Improvements to Garvey Avenue,which would facilitate both Vehicular and trans t�'flow on Garvey Avenue; requested staff research this grant further. There being no further speakers, Mayor Clark closed the Public Comment period. 2. CLOSED SESSION ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and,jseconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to move Closed Session to'the end of,the regular meeting. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark,Dang,Low,Ly ABSENT: None Mayor Clark adjourned the speciallmeeting to the regular meeting at 7:19 p.m. RECONVENE TO"REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the City Council, and the Successor Agency to the Community Development4Commission was,called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:24 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE,iwas led by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta INVOCATION was led'by,Council Member Dang 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period. Speaker Barbara Williams spoke regarding MV Transportation services, noting they are attentive and courteous to the Rosemead Explorer/Dial-A-Ride passengers; requested the lifts to the vehicle be fixed; suggested the drivers are properly trained on all equipment and routes; thanked MV Transportation for calling Dial-A-Ride to take passengers home so that they are not stranded. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 4 of 14 Speaker Dolores Weidermann expressed frustration that Southern California Edison has still not taken care of the overgrown vegetation at their property on Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue; indicated she never received a response from the Code Enforcement Division regarding cleaning of property at 4542 Halkett Avenue; praised Public Works Manager Chavez for his responsiveness and professional leadership in following-up as to why the street sweeper had not shown up for two weeks. Council Member Ly requested Director of Community Development Kim provide Council with an update as to why Code Enforcement did not respond to Ms. Weidermann's inquiry, also to follow-up with`"Edrison on the lack of maintenance of their property. / City Manager Molleda asserted that staff has contacted Edison, indicated they are making their rounds throughout the`property. / Speaker Margaret Holt thanked the City for installing;-.lights at the 10 Freeway underpass at Walnut Grove Avenue sand Rosemead Boulevard, inquired if lights will be installed at the San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue underpass. Director of Public Works.Alfonso confirmedthe City will be adding lights soon at both the San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue underpass. Speaker Glen-Acosta,Los'`Angeles`County Samtatioh'Districts,noted an agreement resolving labor issues between°management and staff was unanimously approved; urgedRepresentative,\Clark to,support,the agreement when voting at the May 22, 2019 Board meeting. 1. .m�riirn \ There bemg,no"&othercoents, Mayor Clark closed the Public Comment period. _ \ ; 4. i'I2ESENTATIONS \ #' �`~ ' ) A. Recognitionof Recipients of the Interwest Community Foundation Scholarship 5 Terry Rodrigue�,Manager, Interwest Consulting Group, presented scholarships to the-following college-bound students: Lily Lu, Qui-Shawn Tran, Tricia Yong, and Hailey Garcia. 1 /1 The City Council presented certificates and In-N-Out gift cards; commended the students for their success and wished them best in their future endeavors. B. Recognition of Rosemead High School's Science Olympiad Team Advancing to State Finals Dr. Brian Bristol, Principal, Rosemead High School, presented certificates and In- N-Out gift cards, on behalf of the City Council to the following students: Karen Chu, William Li, Minh Le, Wendy Chau, Sirena Quach, Vivian Ton, David Diaz, Joshua Lin, Khue Dang Doan, Mia Masuda, Damanic Luck, David Du, Getty Liu, Alice Tran, Emmy Ma, and Yen Lai. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 5 of 14 The City Council commended the Science Olympiad Team and Coach Tom VanWinkle for their achievement and wished them best in their future endeavors. C. Proclamation Declaring May 19-25, 2019 as "National Public Works Week"in the City of Rosemead The City Council presented a Proclamation to Director of Public Works Rey Alfonso, Facilities Technicians Minh Ha and Lou Yates, Public Works Superintendent John Scott, and Public Works Manager Bob Chavez. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS ' A. Public Hearing on the CDBG and HOME Program Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 ` ' Director of Community Development Kim noted`for-the record the following change to Staff's Recommendationr'No. 7: ` ,_ 7. Approve the CDBG amounts of$257,000 $385,300'19'be allocated for the City's CIP Public Facilities Improvements($257,000 for Garvey Park Gym HVAC and c$128;3.00 for alleyway/improvements), and $250,000 for Commercial Facade.IrnprovementN Mr. Kim stated the City has keen notined by HUD'that Rosemead will be receiving $746,663<in CDBG funds for EY 2019-2o and$351,731 in HOME funds; indicated when,combinadw,vith projected Rcarryovelfunds'and projected program income,the City anticipates having an available/total of approximately $1,005,000 in CDBG funds and;�approxi lately $1,490Q00 in HOME funds for the FY 2019-20; asserted that a list of staff-endorsed.projects,has been developed based on funding requests andongoing‘CDBG andd-HOME funded activities, which are consistent with the o \ / / housing,and community development priorities that the City has set and followed " ‘, in the past.. \ � N Mayor Pro Tem Armentaaapplauded Director of Community Development Kim's efforts to ensure\the City receives grants and funds are properly allocated. ti There being no ,'speakers, Mayor Clark opened and closed the Public Comment period./ r ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to take the following actions: 1. Conduct a public hearing and take public testimony on the Annual Action Plan covering the period July 1, 2019—June 30, 2020. 2. Approve the CDBG and HOME funding recommendations and FY 2019- 20 Annual Action Plan, as well as authorize the submittal of the FY 2019- 20 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 6 of 14 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute all appropriate and necessary documents to receive funding and implement approved use and make necessary budget adjustments as necessary for FY 2019-20. 4. Award the following public service agencies with CDBG funds and authorize the City Manager to execute agreements: • Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley - $5,000 • Southern California Housing Rights Center - $10,000 • Senior Nutrition Program- $65,000 • Summer Youth Employment Program42;5,000 5. Authorize the City Manager to execute`+a Professional Services Agreement with Barr& Clark, Inc., and Lead Tiech Environmental for lead based paint and asbestos testing, assessment,"-and clearances tests of properties according to federal and state'layvs in a combined "amount not-to-exceed f a \ $19,000. ` '"^ 6. Award$2,000 of HOME funds to the Rio Hondo Community,Development Commission to defray certain`s,costs/for the operation as the City's Community Housing`'Development"\Orgamzation and authorize the City Manager to execute tliewn".,eces"sary operating and service agreements. of 1 7. Approve the CDBG amounts of,,$257,,000 $385;300 to be allocated for the City_,s`CIP Public Facilities Improvements ($257,000 for Garvey Park Gym HVAC-and $128,300 for "alleyway improvements), and $250,000 for Commercial Facade Improvements. Motion was carried out.by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low;Ly ABSENT:/None "�. \ *} 6. CONSENT CALENDAR, b ACTION: Moved Council`Member Ly and seconded by Council Member Low to approve,Consent Calendar, ItemsA';B (Minutes as amended), and C through F. Motion was carried°out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT:None, ) � `j / A. Claims and<Den3ands • Resolution No. 2019-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,147,131.82 NUMBERED 103034 THROUGH NUMBER 103140 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-23. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 7 of 14 • Resolution No. 2019-04 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA,AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $121,109.15 NUMBERED 10260 THROUGH 10261 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019 .04-SA. B. Approval of Minutes Pp. r Recommendation: That the City Councilapproveethe regular meeting minutes of December 11, 2018. �`' yd C. Release of Security Deposit—Tract,,Map No. 72347 for 8479-Garvey Avenue On May 9, 2017, K Min DevelopmLL ent, C, provided a security deposit in the form of a Time Certificate.,of Deposit in theamount of$182.,393.50 to guarantee the completion of off-site apublic improvements related the mixed-use development at 8479 Garvey Avenue. Since. he off--site improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of the City vEngineerthe security deposit may be released to the developer. Recommendation: T,.hat the City Council take'the following actions: 1. Accept thecompleted off-site public improvements; and , 2 Authorize-the release of the security deposit in the amount $182,393.50 to K-`Mi Development, LLC... D. \ Adoption of Part-Time Classification Salary — Summer Youth Employment Program Resolution No.2019- 24 The City Council will consider approval of the salary Resolution to the part-time classifications adding a newly created classification of "Youth Worker" for the Summer Youth Employment Program funded with annual CDBG allocation funds. The purpose of the annual salary resolution is to ensure transparency and to implement modifications to the City's compensation system. Amendments to Resolution No. 2019-24, include addition of a Youth Worker classification and their respective salary range. In addition, clarifying language that was approved in Resolution No. 2017-41 for part-time classifications. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt the Part-Time Classification Salary Resolution No. 2019-24, entitled: Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 8 of 14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SALARY RANGES FOR PART-TIME CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE SERVICE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD E. School Resource Officer Program Funding The City currently contracts with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department for a Special Assignment Deputy that is assigned to Rosemead High School as a School Resource Officer (SRO). The El Monte Union t High School District currently shares the cost of the SRO with the City for�the hours that the SRO is assigned to the School; however, the agreement mustybe approved by both the City and the School District. City staff has included the necessary funding in the FY 2019-20 Budget to cover the City's portion �'of the agreement which is approximately $127,740. Recommendation: That the City`'Council, contingent upon the execution of the School Districts Board's formal approval,of the: ost sharing agreement, authorize the City Manager to execute the cost sharingiagreement with the tl Monte Union High School District to f nd,theSRO position-.in the amount of$127,740. F. Crossing Guard Services'aAgreeme t a and Annual Crossing Guard Cost Sharing Agreements with the Rosemead and Garvey-School..D,istricts The existing agreement with All City Management Services, Inc., for crossing guard services near local public schools will expire on June 30,2019. Likewise,the annual costs aring agreements with the Rosemead School District and the Garvey 4 ' School District for crossing guard se ices will end on June 30, 2019. The new crossing:guard services and costsharing agreements are being proposed for Fiscal Year 2019-2O. The total cost for providing crossing guard services for both School ° Districts is $179,361.00. The cost sharing agreements with the Districts totals which yis one-h,alf the total cost of the contract. The City's portion of funds are being requested in the City's proposed FY 2019-20 Budget. Recommendation:-)That the City Council, contingent upon the execution of the 4. r School Districts Board's formal approval of the cost sharing agreements, authorize the City Manager to: 1. Execute the agreement with All City Management Services, Inc., for crossing guard services for FY 2019-20; and 2. Execute the cost sharing agreements with Rosemead and Garvey School Districts for funding the crossing guard services for the FY 2019-20. 7. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER& STAFF Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 9 of 14 A. Garvey Park Restroom Renovation—Authorization to Advertise or Redesign Recommendation: That the City Council consider two options: Option 1: 1. Approve the revised layout for the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project; 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-22, authorizing staff to advertise the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project for bids; 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute,an,amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CEJ Engineers, Inc., increasing the contract amount by $7,780, from $28,500/to $36,280, to compensate CEJ for the additional design services already rendered; and 4. Take such additional, related action that may be desirable. Option 2: 1. Reject the previous design layout; 2. Authorize staff to pursue the design of a brand-new restrobm building; 3. Authorize the.Eity Manager Yo.,,execute,an amendmenttc'the Professional Services Agreement with CET Engineers,. Inc., increasing the contract amount by $20,220, from $28,500yto'$48,720, to design a new restroom building; 4. Authorize the City Manager_to execute an amendment to the Professional Service sAgreement" h CEJ Engineers,``,Iz c., increasing the contract amount by an additional-$7,780, fromh$48,720 to $56,500, to compensate CEJ for design services already rendered;and 5. TakeRsuch additional, related action that may be desirable. Director of Public Jorks`Alfonso stated following a number of revisions to the ,; layout'of;the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, staff is finalizing the \ design drawings, bid specifications, and construction cost estimate, and is ‘°Tequesting the City Council's authorization to advertise the project for construction kids or consider a redesign;-indicated the existing restroom building at Garvey Park IS outdated, deteriorated, and in need of renovation as the men's and women's restroorns lack the Capacity to host the many community events and activities that are held*Garvey/Park. ti , On February'27, 2018, the City Manager approved a Professional Services Agreement with CEJ Engineers,Inc.,in the amount of$28,500 to design the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project. Upon reviewing the initial design, various safety concerns, particularly for women and children were raised; therefore, CEJ considered a side by side "square" configuration, however, staff determined that such a design would negatively impact the structural integrity of the existing building. At staffs request, CEJ provided a separate proposal in the amount of $20,220 to demolish the old restroom and design an all new restroom building. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 10 of 14 Mayor Pro Tem Armenta expressed frustration that the City has continued paying the contractor for redesigns when it could have been avoided if Council's previous comments had been researched properly by prior staff. Council Member Low suggested focusing on staff's recommended Option 1 as it addresses Council's previously expressed concerns. Council Member Ly concurred with Council Member Low to proceed with Option 1. Council Member Dang expressed concern,:for the condition of Garvey Park Restrooms; inquired why an additional exit?door was built for the women's restroom and not for the men's restroom,as well Mayor Clark echoed Council MembrDang's thought to include an additional exit door to the men's restroom. ' Council Member Ly opined therewis not a need for an additional door to the men's restroom; emphasized any changes design will further ielay the project at ar least another two weeks. Mayor Clark opined there,should...be an additional exit door for safety purposes; inquired if the mechanicalroom could,,,be switched around so that an emergency door can be included on that side. .� Mayor"Pro Tern Ar enta affirmed arevised blueprint would be required if any changes a`'made tb existing structural,- electrical, mechanical, or plumbing detail. �� Council Member Low opined-it is more urgent to complete the restrooms for the ff n, sake of the comrnunity rather thanmdelaying it to include an additional door. Mayor Clark in,,uired if we aregoing to approve staff's recommendation tonight, o could we simply ask the contractor if it is feasible to include an additional exit door to`the men's restroom. Council Member Ly moved to end further discussion and call a vote; seconded by Council Member,Low. Mayor Clark opined it takes a majority vote to occur to end the discussion and proceed to vote on the item. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Council Member Low to end further discussion and proceed to call a vote on this item.Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Low, Ly NOES: Clark, Dang ABSENT: None Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 11 of 14 ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Council Member Low to authorize staff to proceed with Option 1: 1. Approve the revised layout for the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project; 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-22, authorizing staff to advertise the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project for bids; 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CEJ Engineers, Inc., increasing the contract amount by $7,780, from $28,500 to $36;280, to compensate CEJ for the additional design services already rendered and 4. Take such additional, related action"thatrmay be desirable. Motion was carried out by the following vote 'AYES: Armenta, Low, Ly NOES: Clark,Dang ABSENT:,None \ \ / // `,' 8. MATTERS FROM MAYOR& CITAY COUNCIL „ , A. Discussion on Forming a Joint Powers ofAuthority Council Member Ly reques requested item be tabled for the May 28, 2019 Council meeting due to discussion n ededforrchangesmade in the City of South El Monte's governance structure. ; °. B. Council Comments N v / Council'Meinber Low]noted May isyAsian Pacific Islander (API) Heritage month, --reminded the'comfnunity:to,support.the various groups that belong to API. r`,, Cou cil,Memb r Ly''reiterated'his request to add discussion for the proposed Parks E , and Recreation Manager position to the next Council meeting agenda; o ;c�ongratulated,Mayor Pro Tem Armenta on her achievement as incoming President \,to the California Contract`Cities Association. Councih,,Membet Dang extended congratulations to Mayor Pro Tem Armenta; stated'he enjoyed participating with Council Member Low and the community in Civic Pride Day,/in effort to help beautify Garvey Park; requested an update from the City Manager on Rosemead Boulevard. Director of Public Works Alfonso affirmed he spoke with a representative from the Los Angeles Public Works Department and is still working on fixing the timing of signal lights on Rosemead Boulevard. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta requested an update as to how staff will inform residents of their responsibility to maintain parkways as the City does not maintain landscaping easements over residential parkways. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 12 of 14 Director of Community Development Kim confirmed that as part of the new Community Outreach Program, staff will canvass areas to ensure residents are aware that general maintenance of their property and residential parkways are their responsibility. Council Member Ly requested staff to research if the City could offer a grant to residents that do not have the funding to maintain their property. Mr. Kim noted that information for the Handyman Grant Program will be included in the informational brochures and eligible res dents may apply. J Mayor Pro Tern Armenta stated that there areweeds growing out of the crack on the southwest corner of Marshall Streetand Temple City Boulevard; emphasized it is important that the City does their, due-diligence'in upkeeping City property so that we can expect the same from the residents;tha iked'City Manager Molleda and Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking for their'efforts in preparing for the California Contract Cities Association Conference. City Manager Molleda.,asserted that\staff will/take care of the, Teeds tomorrow morning. b .w Mayor Clark thanked staff for their effort on t`he4budget and commended Rosemead on never having a budget\def\ cit. a. . Mayor'OA recessed the regular meeting into losed Session. 2. CLOSED SESSIO1'4 )N \ / A: `f CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEEGOTIATORS: /'f Pursuant tos.Government Code`Section 54957.6 City Designated Representative: CiSy Manager Unrepresented Employee:City Clerk B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuantto Govt. Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) Case Nai ie: City of Rosemead and City of Temple City v. City of El Monte LASC Case"No.,Y9STCP00254 C. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) Case Name: City of Gardena v. Regional Water Quality Control Board, City of Rosemead et al LASC Case No. BS156342 City Attorney Richman stated there was no reportable action taken in Closed Session. Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 13 of 14 9. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Clark adjourned the regular meeting at 8:24 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to be held on May 28, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk /y„ APPROVED: /P Margaret Clark, Mayor f'`� r 'FF "\ .N Pes F L yJ �� \ ' '' / \,, ,,A 4 iF { / 4 \ `• - 'N ( \ / / \ e `\ +• . ✓ F 1 I 1 ) \ /7 Rosemead City Council, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019 Page 14 of 14