CC - Item 5B - Minutes of June 25, 2019MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND CITY COUNCIL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 25, 2019 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber locate4g." 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor/Chair Clark, Mayor Pro' Members Dang, Low, and Ly (arrived at 6:10 ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, AN Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director Development Kim, Director of Parke� reatio: 1. CLOSED SESSION lair enta, Council Members/Board �a Ci anager Ts i i, City Attorney Lieu, Director ,of Community hg, and City Clerk Hernandez A. CONW-W, NC A H LE G�� SES STING LITIGATION PursuGove - nt Code Ston 54956.9 (d)(1) Case dY 'ity o2 bsemead a ty of Temple City v. City of El Monte -,ASC Case .1Of)254 adj ourne = specs : eeting tol = gular meeting at 7:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING The regular mem of the C Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Co ity D opment Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANtE was led by Council Member Low INVOCATION was led by Council Member Dang City Attorney Richman stated there was no reportable action taken during Closed Session. City Attorney Richman stated Mayor Clark requested the following item be added to tonight's agenda: Discussion and Direction regarding the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Collective Committee letter related to employee negotiations; noted the letter was received after Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 1 of 10 AGENDA ITEM 5.11 2. the meeting agenda was already posted and that action is required before the next Rosemead City Council meeting agenda. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta and seconded by Council Member Ly to add "Discussion and Direction regarding the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Collective Committee letter related to employee negotiations" as Item No. 7B, and to move "Council Comments" to Item No. 7C. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta- -Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None - PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment stated Senator Rubio's efforts he budget to help alleviate the hox Valley; indicated SB 751, wh Housing Trust, is currently on th community to attend Coffee with at the Azusa Public Irv. Sneaker Jorge Maraue NCF. (WQA), indicated he was Member � esents Rod who w g a be here VIA to July 11,11%,�al 1 so thatstafi)r �tive- ce of Senator Susan Rubio, cure $5 lion in the 2019-20 State sand hous j isis in the San Gabriel create the San reel Valley Regional it Calendar in theembly; invited the r FS _ � on July 13; -T at 9:30 a.m., ►ea nua behal-: Valerie Munoz, WQA Board mead r citiesthout water pumping rights, the en e convenes their City Council o ed m 19}3, he California State Legislature is @sponsible for coordinating the cleaning of zrou is it the Basin; noted 81 tons of contaminants %,dw"a * the San Gabriel Valley. Mr. Marquez ��tour of the West Covina treatment plant on ouragd Council to add the WQA to a future agenda re thorough presentation. Clark ex ' sed support for the WQA's continuous efforts; proudly noted fed form San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority. Mayor Prot enta emphasized Rosemead does not have any pumping rights, which iE a passing of SB 413 is so important as it will reduce costs and streamline theprocessesof the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority. Speaker Dolores Weidermann noted that Southern California Edison finally took care of the overgrown vegetation at their property on Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue, however left the debris which blew onto the public sidewalk and is going down the storm drain; indicated the grounds at 4542 Halkett Avenue has been taken care of, with the exception of 10-12 furniture pieces still visible. There being no other comments, Mayor Clark closed the Public Comment period. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular; Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 2 of 10 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Introduction of the 2019-20 Rosemead Queen The City Council presented a certificate to Alexandra Navarro recognizing her service as the 2018-19 Rosemead Queen and wished the best in future endeavors. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking announced that Yadira Castillo has been selected as the 2019-20 Rosemead Queen; shared that Miss Castillo represents Rosemead by serving as an Explorer with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's 1 Department. B. Presentation of Service Recognition Preschool Teacher. Director of Parks and Recreatio could not be present, however, 'Al, on her behalf; stated Susan was a �z City of Rosemead for 33 years, nod Rosemead Communi r r enter, and The City Council pre Recognition and a Ro Mayor PTS etn Arr perso o S classy was wit 4. PUBLIC HEA 5. OMNENTEND_. Parks and Recreation noted7iWunately Susan Martinez daughter anti Vandchildren were there Leader ander drool Teacher for the of x service,. Zapopan Center, "�inead Park. Martinez family: a Certificate of get sign titled "Martinez Ave.". ntaT' resse r�ciatio�dicating she learned a lot 's to "n s hex first experience working in a an; stat 5,. Martme� family can count on her support. X ON: Move Coun°& ember Ly and seconded by Council Member Low to app`— rConsent Cal Itethrough E. Motion was carried out by the following vote A & Armenta, rk, Daik, Low, Ly ABSENT: None In reference= m No Mayor Pro Tem Armenta noted for the record that she received a scholarship t e x gAIPAC's Annual Hispanic Outreach Summit in August 2019; emphasizing that Q P will be fully reimbursed for the registration. A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2019-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,458,057.53 NUMBERED 103377 THROUGH NUMBER 103527 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-30. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 3 of 10 • Resolution No. 2019-06 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $223,629.70 NUMBERED 10263 THROUGH NUMBER 10264 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-06 SA. • Resolution No. 2019-05 RHDC A RESOLUTION OF THE(" D HOUSING DEVELOPMENT C�RATIFALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND LANDS �11,. E SUM OF a $204,800.00 NUMBEIWI1606 Recommendation: Adopt Resoluf�To. 2015Q5 RHDC. B. AIPAC's Annual Hi�aarttcaOutreach Sift"' ugust 9-11, 2019` 'Austin, TX The City Council will ca: ' 1 prizing tS*�" ndance of any Council Member who wishes to attend AI s A iii[ �1 . ispan% treach Summit on August 9- 11, 2019 u , TX. � % E Reco ,. a e dation t the Cit'cil authorize the attendance, at City expense, of any ll" 'I Merr r intereste , _ attending AIPAC's Annual Hispanic Outreach Summit onpu Q19, in in, TX. SecodingN�,AdbpirCc�rdinance No. 988, Amending Chapter 3.24 (Purchding Chapter 3.28 (Public Works Bidding Procedure), and Adopting OWzonfo g Amendments to the. Rosemead Municipal Code nL Qn,June 11, 24% the Cit Council introduced for first reading, by title only, E Oi' s ice No. amending sections of the Rosemead Municipal Code and rest �a�Ghapt� : `24 (Purchasing System), adding Chapter 3.28 (Public Works Bidding I u , and adopting other conforming amendments. Recommen anon: That the City Council approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 988, by title only, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AND RESTATING ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 3.24 (PURCHASING SYSTEM), AND ADDING CHAPTER 3.28 (PUBLIC PROJECT BIDDING PROCEDURES) Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 4 of 10 D. Senior Nutrition Meals Provider — Award of Contract The City has contracted with Bateman Community Living, LLC to provide meals for the Senior Nutrition Program. The contract for meal services will expire on June 30, 2019. Staff is recommending that the City Council approve a new agreement for meal services beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Staff will release a Request for Proposal ("RFP") for the Senior Nutrition Program Meal Services in early 2020. Recommendation: That the City Council app*We the proposed contract with Bateman Community Living, LLC, and auth`ehe City Manager to execute the contract.` E. Resolution No. 2019-32, Authorizir-- the Applica" for Grant Funds from the California Department of Parksan'creation The Statewide Park Program K competitive grants, rde available through Proposition 68, will create new par d ne creation oppo hies in critically underserved comm E Ix, s across CaBible projects q14 de creation of new parks, expanslool sting park, renovation of existing parks. Grant requests range from $2 0 0 X8.5 mill' ith no match requirement. : That tliMitv CAWMdopt Rio ution No. 2019-32, entitled: N OF ��, CO L OF THE CITY ), CO 6)F LOS ANGELES, STATE OF APPROG THE APPLICATION FOR ARS DEV- MENT AND COMMUNITY �O OG .V GRANT FUNDS 6. A TTERS FRCOWCITV' NAGEWW STAFF A. N� knate Bill 2 -' l ing Ca is Program Resolution the City Council approve Resolution No. 2019-31, entitled: As 3TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O ���MEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CAWRNIA, AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR, AND RECEIPT OF, SB 2 PLANNING GRANTS PROGRAM FUNDS Director of Community Development Kim stated Senate Bill 2 (SB 2) Planning Grants provides funding and technical assistance' to all local governments in California to help cities and counties prepare, adopt, and implement plans and process improvements that streamline housing approvals and accelerate housing production; . noted the estimated award amount for Rosemead is $160,000, Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 5 of 10 which will be utilized to hire a consultant to assist staff in developing the Freeway Corridor Mixed Use Overlay Zone along the Interstate -10 Freeway corridor on- and off -ramps; indicated the Planning Division is currently in the process of completing the application, requiring the City Council to fully execute a resolution authorizing application for, and receipt of, Planning Grants Program funds. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Low and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to approve Resolution No. 2019-31, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C( OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AND RECEIPT OF, SB 24 PROGRAM FUNDS Y Motion was carried out by the bAll" ing vote A Low, Ly ABSENT: None 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY 0 A. City Council Appoiri �otin g Recommendation: That City Tem OF THE CITY ES, STATE OF ATION FOR, JG GRANTS Clark, Dang, provide further direction. to the City Council at the Mayor Prt> _ - stated year the City Council makes appointments iriety a to co , R ittees and boards, emphasizing depending bird, ates ares, cial decisions on behalf of the City of Rosemea gge t', or fairne nd transparency purposes, that delegates and alternates a quires - bring "hot" ticket items for Rosemead City Council scussion, w wouli ure all Council Members have been presented with anent inform i n and the opportunity to share input before any voting on their re the co es and/or boards is made. Ms. Armenta noted recently Council Mem y z ayor Clark both were not able to attend a Council of Gove ) meeting, so she was delegated to attend and vote on the City's bicated after being provided background information and receiving Council's input during Closed Session, she was able to render a vote which would determine the appointment of the COG'S Executive Director. Council Member Ly asked the City Attorney if this can be done without violating the Brown Act and what is the obligation of any delegate or representative of the City on an alternate body? City Attorney Richman responded it depends on what entity you are appointed to and what their bylaws state for that specific entity; stated when a Council Member Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 6 of 10 is appointed to serve on a committee and/or board, you are delegating authority to that individual to do precisely that, represent and make decisions on behalf on the City; ascertained that some decisions are time sensitive as there has been scenarios where you receive items only 72 hours in advance such as the item Mayor Clark requested to add to tonight's agenda; emphasized there will be times where the City may not be able to provide direction as the item is not under our subject matter jurisdiction and only pertains to that entity. City Attorney Richman offered to examine the various committees and boards that Rosemead serves on, to determine what their bylaws state, including a voting timeline; additionally, that she would confer with legal counsel of those bodies f Mayor Pro Tem Armenta opined it is imRm to have direction and consistency as it will help with transparency.x Mayor Clark inquired how would ,pointment oCOG's Executive Director be discussed in Closed Sess* ined if time p`7 and the item is not confidential, then she is hap pyf bring impactful itei4-,J b the full Council for discussion; clarified and noted fort. ecord,egference to�� � G's May meeting, she had no way within- he time constr t brithe matter too_semead Council as it was brought fong Closed high and immediately taken for vote in Open Session that sant In response to MayorCla City A��ey Rice provided the example, just as the City{ IN* discusses amtme� iv ger in Closed Session, and oncectatt� over, it cert r g�nal decision to a public meeting. Council"i ber L used the q °"Mon, if an agency's bylaws do not include rules as to how a : Weg vete, an jority of Council direct their delegate how to Cit Att Ric a ., City ,stated yo` Icanrtot compel a delegate how to vote as you've appointed tli divid 'i vote on behalf of the Council; however, you are able to ovide input pie de t_ to take into consideration while rendering their vote. ..,Richman ver statf majority of Council is not happy with a delegate's vo ecisions, n they have the option to remove that member as their delegate and ata di nt Council Member. Council M( } Ly inquired how Mayor Pro Tem Armenta would like to proceed after this discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta opined it is best that the City Attorney does not proceed with the research of the bodies bylaws as it is too time consuming; stated no formal action is needed as long as there is that understanding each delegate is to bring impactful items for full Council discussion. Sean concurred that transparency is important and opined all of Council is on the same page regarding this matter. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 7 of 10 There being no speakers, Mayor Clark opened and closed the Public Comment period. By consensus the City Council determined for transparency purposes, best practice is that each delegate brings "hot" ticket (impactful) items for Rosemead City Council discussion to ensure all Council Members have been presented with pertinent information and the opportunity to share input before any voting on their respective committees and/or boards is made. B. County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles Related to Employee Negotiations Recommendation: That the City Mayor Clark stated she represe County Sanitation Districts, cl management; noted she receive -el amongst the Sanitation Districts m was received days a ..,,the Roseme decision is needed to which is for Council discussion emeact on provides Collective Committee Letter provide further direction. of the Los Angeles and solid waste requesting actiofftlated to labor issues Lent-, the union; a a. � asized this letter Benda was a y posted and a se requested this item be brought forth Council M r Ly expre s d corift�nd re4 ftd a brief overview. City ey Ricr �� n opine ' per e ample of what a meeting would be like delegatought a i�nal board item to the Rosemead Council, you may have-, gttion .not receii answer as information could be unavailable. emb g inq h8S nnitation Districts item is going to be voted on at a c" or c meetmI , ressed concern that if Mayor discusses how she is go' o vote,�M - q the public will know prior to the board meeting; opined Ledo, es not w ounci �et too deep in discussion only to learn we overstepped he discussi g as acf;11y illegal. Mayo-- ark asd that the Sanitation Districts item will be voted on at a public meetin i per City Attorney direction, she called the Sanitation District and co per discussion was legally fine. In response to Council Member Dang, City Attorney Richman stated Mayor Clark is not stating how she is going,to vote as the delegate; reiterated that Council cannot compel the Mayor how to vote, simply provide input for consideration. Council Member Dang stated he has actuary questions that cannot be answered as the Board members are not present. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 8 of 10 C. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta indicated support for the Sanitation Districts proposed agreement with the union; stated she is satisfied that the two bargaining units came together over a two-year vetting process with legal counsel. Council Member Ly queried for future considerations if the alternate should be held to the same nondisclosure of their stand on a matter, just in case the delegate cannot attend, and they must vote in their place. City Attorney Richman stated this is new territory for her as well, and that she needs to research the legalities of it all. Jl__ Council Member Ly opined the 3% i Mayor Clark is familiar with this item, Council Member Dang stated he provide input for the Mayor's Council voted her to be the delel Council Member LowAsated she There being no period. seems to be standard; stated since o4wote however she chooses to. have enoii�information or numbers to in; howeverports her decision as Mayor Pro said. Clark on�ried and closed the Public Comment Mayors«, Tem enta noteattended the National Association of Latino Elected ials EO) co ence from June 20-23, 2019, where they ed 1 o suc s homelessness and affordable housing; e At they"A ferenc M AM the question how are municipalities to addresssue- - ersee ince ' s, such as the auto auction site that has been vacant he oseff Iyet there is nothing in our ordinance to assist us. Ms. rmenta tha the Ci allowing her to attend this educational conference as Ehl ovides the o rt ani bring new ideas to Rosemead. Colref"T embe yang concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Armenta's thought about oversee xpressed appreciation to City Manager Molleda for contacting Caltrans re aha traffic on Rosemead Boulevard. Council Member Ly stated he and Council Member Low are looking forward to lobbying in Sacramento tomorrow, to discuss important topics such as public safety, land use, affordable housing, etc. Mayor Clark echoed Mayor Pro Tem Armenta's statement that these conferences are important learning and networking experiences that helps build the City. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 9 of 10 8. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Clark adjourned the regular meeting at 8:14 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to be held on July 9, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Margaret Clark, Mayor Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2019 Page 10 of 10