CC - Item 4C - Strategic Plan for 2018-2020ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL i` t" FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 28, 2020 SUBJECT: STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2018 - 2020 SUMMARY The City Council will review the status of the goals and action items that were established in the City's updated Strategic Plan for 2018 — 2020. This is a progress report for the two-year planning period. In December of 2009, the City Council adopted Rosemead's first Strategic Plan, which established a Vision for the community in the year 2020, as well as Key Organizational Goals, Community Values -Our "Brand Platform," a statement of Rosemead's "Community Personality," and "Five -Year Financial Projections." The Strategic Plan also includes specific Strategies and Action Items towards fulfillment of the Vision for 2020. The Strategic Plan is updated by the City Council on a planning cycle of every two years. Accordingly, at the September 27, 2018 Special Workshop Meeting the City Council discussed and finalized updates to the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan (copy attached). The attached Report Card has been prepared to provide a summary of progress that has been made on the identified Strategies and Action Items for 2018-2020 period. STAFF RECOMMENDATION This item is presented for review and comment. No formal action is required at this time. FISCAL IMPACT None. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT AGENDA ITEM 4.0 City Council Meeting January 28,2020 Page 2 of 2 Review of the Strategic Plan progress is to identify the strategies and action items completed and ongoing items to be accomplished. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: •� T Ben ,s- Assistant City Manager Attachment A: Strategic Plan Report Card Attachment B: 2018-2020 Strategic Plan Attachment C: Minutes of the City Council Special Workshop Meeting, September 27, 2018 , CE M F IAMCIVIC PRIDEIT PORA1O 966 Attachment A Strategic Plan Report Card Attachment A Strategic Plan Report Card 2018-2020 Status Action Item Done In Progress Revised Comments . Economic Development Action Item A- X Adopted the City's Vacant Lot Ordinance and prepared an Implement all potential tools available to develop vacant inventory of vacant lots within Rosemead. This will be an lots and under-maintained properties to be reported ongoing effort to encourage development and use of upon biannually under performing properties. Economic Development Action Item B- X Implemented LobbyCentral kiosk system at the customer Expand technology and online services to promote service counter for streamline and efficient check-in economic development process;established an online building inspection request and schedule check on the city's website; ongoing updates to the City's website with pertinent customer service information; etc. This will be an ongoing process to enhance customer service levels. Economic Development Action Item C- X Secured SB 2 ($160,000) Planning Grant funding to Create an Overlay Zoning Districts for opportunity sites develop the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay Zone along the-10 Freeway with freeway ingress&egress off and CEQA Analysis. Consultant contract award is complete ramps and planning efforts initiated. Economic Development Action Item D- X This will be an ongoing effort by the Planning Division to Create a communication plan to promote the City of promote the economic development efforts of the city, Rosemead including city promotion at the ICSC conference and other events. Additionally,the newly filled Management Analyst position in CDD will aide in this task. Public Safety Action Item A- X Initiated the Coffee with the Chief program. CSO staffing Evaluate increasing Sheriffs Department's patrol level is stabilized and field training started. visibility by exploring non-traditional patrol programs Public Safety Action Item B- X Executed the coyote education, reporting and Implement new technology to improve customer service management services with the SGVCOG. Implementing for animal servicesthe new online pet license software system. Staff is evaluating alternative animal control options to improve customer service levels. Public Safety Action Item C— X Ongoing program as part of the Quality of Life program. Develop an encampment clean-up schedule and plan Public Safety Action Item D— X Ongoing efforts as part of several programs, including Expand engagement through community policing,fire Community Area Watch Meetings,Connections Forum, safety, and public safety Business Watch Meetings,etc. Beautification and Infrastructure Action Item A— X The city has retained a new IT consulting firm to aide in Install WiFi infrastructure at all city facilities review and planning of this action item. Beautification and Infrastructure Action Item B— X Staff is working on the items. Establish a 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) master plan, city tree master plan, and Class A bike lanes master plan Beautification and Infrastructure Action Item C— X New Management Analyst position has been created and Develop a program that will establish maintenance filled to establish the maintenance practices. services for city infrastructure and facilities Beautification and Infrastructure Action Item D—. X This is an ongoing effort and 710 funding will be utilized to Upgrade the signal management system to improve complete project. traffic flow Parks&Recreation Action Item A— X Staff was notified in October 2019 that the Garvey Park Build a dog park within Garvey Park Dog Park Grant was funded. Staff is currently working on a design. Parks&Recreation Action Item B— X Staff has applied for a Proposition 68 grant through the Study and evaluate the potential to increase park space California State Parks and Recreation Department. The by 25%, including the potential use of vacant Southern potential park would be located on the Southern California California Edison acreage under electrical transmission Edison property on the corner of Mission Drive and lines for recreational use development,which could Walnut grove. The potential park size would be 7.1 acres. include jogging,walking, and/or bike paths Parks&Recreation Action Item C— X Staff will be expanding youth programs once facility Evaluate the potential to locate a youth program at upgrades have been made. Staff is requesting bids from Garvey Park with usage of the City facility with Parks& design companies to upgrade the youth center at Garvey Recreation staff Park. A Youth in Government program will also be analyzed. Parks&Recreation Action Item D— X There has not been a study performed on the expansion of Study and evaluate the expansion of the Splash Zone the Splash Zone. Finance Action Item A— X Scheduled for discussion at the February 2020 City Council Evaluate purchasing other cities' Rule 20A funds for meeting. undergrounding power Finance Action Item B— X Management Analyst position within Administration has Tracking and reporting the city's grants administration been filled to track and report the city's grant programs. and grants writing Additionally, Management Analyst positions in CDD and PW have also been filled to process and seek new grant opportunities. Finance Action Item C— X New Finance Director will seek bonding opportunities and Explore bonding opportunities for capital improvement bring to Council for further discussion. projects S E M p � 7 CIVIC PPiDE Attachment B 2018-2020 Strategic Plan Report N. r N w i k a t.,, *.,, :\\*N\NN 4.4 M 16 . hallibiC. 19 1 n .. • .' ,19 '1/4 M .- y . _ sip. „it _ N, E3 • $ _ �. itt441 ktir STRATEGIC PLAN 9OME a 2018 _ 2020 • Ensure the City's continued financial '' viability by actively pursuing quality economic development • Beautify residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors .,1 • Enhance public safety and quality of life r Itoday's Small Town America w. :: _; b _ay" ' � ') _A`we.. �"`�_ y:� Pair y � :TS� r � S^ � •r y�1 .. ^' }"'$� ii, ill `a ; ..Mar /!)t jF 1 ,�gam v. (//�■ 4,fi E ,,,,:t,77''''' .:.�. 7. ': � �'d+_.M ,tel 4� $'1� �C� x-At,- '�`. 1^v � Table Of Contents . ' —��, �a = , t was TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction — The Community's Strategic Plan Page 2 Vision 2020 Page 3 Key Organizational Goals Page 3 Community Values — Our "Brand Platform" Page 4 Our Community "Personality" Page 8 Page 5-6 Strategies and Action Items: Page 10 Strategy 1 Page 7 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Page 9 Strategy 45 5 Page 11 Five Year Financial Projections Page 12-13 Strategic Plan:Page 1 e` i xf,4 it'i ,•-,„1,,-,47.,t; -e.,4:,,,. .1-A lop„ A, ,!} M. rYi* �, .4,—'4-:-.- 1 Y t �.:.:,,_ ., „_,,,.. /.:1,. k, a, , 4t I r Y3..L�7 A-',' . „Lf , 1.4„------, . .— •- ' -II14' to,. nase,4 ,ri.IP-0 1 #.*:50110) , ,, ': ' ' ''e''PL r r f 'Rii-Y r�y�1w.. � ' t- ..,:i.,11 ,0:, k ,i r . . OSE D� �� afflA�r.. Willo. } , "� .p 3yyp�� a3 � ! = li. dde..,-_ 1 �C.'�f w" . ���,x'}Ai.�,, }y� "*i.�� i� 3`g ^, -,,,,:::5,,,, 0., ! 'woo, y F le ;,----,,,,i __.`. .. ''}S�� ,r, sett .-24.- --.1..- ;4 ya SY . The Community's Strategic Plan t �` yf" ' " r � „�,, ; �w s Origin of Rosemead's Strategic Plan In early 2009, the City asked the community for input regarding their perceptions of Rosemead. A postcard that was translated into Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese was mailed to all Rosemead residents and businesses, as well as many people who work in Rosemead and live in surrounding communities. The survey asked questions about what community members enjoyed most about the City and what they felt needed improvement. Results from the survey provided a foundation for Rosemead's statement of Community Values, also referred to as a "Brand Platform." Following a series of public meetings, which included consultation with the Planning Commission and Traffic Commission, the City Council developed Rosemead's Strategic Plan in December of 2009, which also established our vision for the community in the year 2020. Since the initial adoption of the Strategic Plan, the document is updated every two years through a series of public workshops and meetings. The Strategic Plan updates include specific strategies and action plans to guide the efforts of the City Council, Commissions and staff for the next two-year period. What is a Strategic Plan? A Strategic Plan enables the City to identify what the community wants Rosemead to be in the future and how it will get there. The Strategic Plan process has included: • Gathering input from the community; • Taking a wide look at both the internal and external factors that might affect Rosemead; • Analyzing the City's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis); • Creating Rosemead's Vision 2020, which provides a look into how the community envisions the City to be in the year 2020. • Developing key organizational goals; and • Identifying strategies and action items to accomplish each goal. Strategic Plan Focus The Strategic Plan focuses on enhancing Rosemead's appeal as a new kind of small town in the heart of an urban environment by honoring tradition, uniting in diversity, and evolving for the future. This is evident in Rosemead's Key Organizational Goals which aim to: improve public areas including infrastructure and community facilities; enhance public safety and the overall community quality of life; and ensure the City's financial stability to be able to meet these goals and provide basic services to the community. Strategic Plan:Page 2 x k ....t.,-.17: yR•,x 41'-i:° 4 � Wx , ...7L. i".,, Y7� + � -!1:: . �r� 4 �^ _ 7� --=,'' ,_._____,.,,,,4, ..� �' �� rt,ttir„,„,,, Alt a:W ' ` � f � �: _ y'S 3 .t „,,,1--;:":"..,,,.....,...„....K.,_,.,,,,,..._ ._ fltn,t kit r t - OSE �, vibt r,? r 44, C(j � a ..��¢, #. _ + ')f+)!�f(//�/J� y .} '',71.1;;',. �- y�. iii+ bt2 ,k.7� `r -Is1%`i`sion 2020 and _ � �.. Key Organizational Goals .� ` ¢ ¢, 6� ♦ '” *s q tea^ w -°:-.;'",°°'- -,. .2 e. a as^ i; ,' q lgy R " .� _� .$a ?.,.. .o.a..,:..... ..... ':„.7..,,,,-.4%--":"; .a..is�' $'a�E ,�..-€, . :gym_„a,_ '*x$R .. iX g.. mow. ;ue.�^a In the year 2020, Rosemead will be recognized as a welcoming and thriving small town community in the heart of an urban environment. Rosemead residents from different cultural backgrounds will unite in diversity and will get to know their neighbors through family-oriented amenities and programs. The City's boundaries will be distinguished by its attractive appearance and commitment to sustainability. , Amenities for Rosemead residents and businesses will include: • Attractively landscaped and hardscaped public areas; • Updated and well-maintained public facilities; • Comprehensive recreational, community, educational and cultural arts programs; • A well-balanced mix of local, regional, and national businesses, restaurants, andhotels; • An array of housing options; • Convenient modes of transportation; • A low crime rate and a general feeling of safety; • Partnerships with local schools to support high quality education; • An attractive downtown area; and • Well-maintained residential and business properties that are consistent with the community/neighborhood. �., . ....a>d,^..� �J � vn �a �• _.,.*. °I�,� S ....°��, e„»,w �°`. ,. ' � �°sPg8 �� �' ..4xi ...� ., .Y.e .A'« * r Ensure the City's Continued Financial Viability by Actively Pursuing Quality Economic Development S-'w Enhance Public Safety and Quality of Life Beautify residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors Strategic Plan:Page 3 r .41 tilt.:-:::.,P ''''''V .'71 +�" -L: '����� {a� f F �� TITS t2{ f M % 6 % •' ' _ Jet..�.-,. . e.. fix`' y.t, .':: � �-#�r " "�5 L0kr �2 '. 4 sol a F.4,-:r*,t".",. 1 r illi .�� :� '':',,74...:',,, ' 'N- '1 a.µ 12� '�'aR a :;,----,,t'.! S .:;R e .SE f ` Community Values "�' a43r,,i Our "Brand Platform" 0.11,1,,S +'- ` ` People and Businesses who seek the charms of a small town, in the heart of an urban environment. it x'Wv"�x0.., .ate.5. .. . ,a< a $ % . u _ .. a _ . { $ xM AI f4 We are "Today's Small Town America" —traditional yet diverse, a true neighborhood in an urban setting. .Ili . ' 0� B - ; R ,,. .. a Because in Rosemead, neighbors share the traditional values and commitment to community that makes small town life so appealing, without losing big city advantages. -:::;,-,::: :::.;,...,;;;',..;:.;.'''',:;1.�_° __. y jos `eAre ��, _ m iow.' a oT=i'w °_ -a:::::::%::;'2..2.i: Grounded Honor Tradition Welcoming Unite in Diversity Thriving Evolve for the Future Strategic Plan:Page 4 a„ � ti te. yrs B +1 �� P [t11te �Y` . , d•+Av �. f Nth, ;�"^' ?`3 � Sk'.' - Our Community Personality �47410 11 • - 41 , • r - ,° r .,z w -. x .,&'" AQY 7-* -sem ,p- *. x s"'TM e. pp 9s'§•. 411, These "adjectives"describe our traits as a community. GROUNDED Familiar, Down-to-Earth, Established Rosemead is in touch with where it came from and always honors its roots. WELCOMING Neighborly, Warm, Friendly Rosemead welcomes everyone who is committed to making the city better. THRIVING Vibrant, Up-to-Date, Flourishing Rosemead is delivering what citizens need and want, and they are responding. lr$ } Vl)ar° 'era, a ..,..; ...dc#e .x_ _.".`.. �.°.# ,e c `w,. S`..wr'ac ` e.'.' 0. "S as°e..ti �-T&c.`�•B"'s"»i _ a857e�, :... 'we' These "verbs"define the actions we take every day to deliver on Rosemead's values or "brand platform," HONOR TRADITION In Rosemead, we honor our long tradition of community spirit and civic engagement. We preserve old traditions like the 4th of July Parade, and look to create new ones that will keep our community vibrant and appealing. UNITE IN DIVERSITY Our multi-cultural experience reflects contemporary American life. While we come from different parts of the globe,we are united by the traditional values of hard work, family and education that help our community thrive. EVOLVE FOR THE FUTURE As we honor tradition, we are a modern small town that keeps its eye on the future. Our location in the heart of an urban environment means that we must continually evolve to meet the changing needs of our residents and businesses. Strategic Plan:Page 5 1).Lt1 A TEN"''',-- :: _ ,�3 }'3Z`' .n+`±.Y°,fea ; .. 1 R.+`X'- . . ^,y, ... _ ,.a ffim.ai s F. t 46,0 i tii, 10 ... -:. ;44 . . s�. `.1.4,t � � c� rsfri,:4,•r i : . ®SE ® : Aa�„ -, i‘N • '47 ."kl iw+ene ' k. ,'" : -° a ° , re d ,—*4* ' ysiT1jte' , :-, ° `- �-• 1:45 ° - , r ,Our Community Personality ' . x. . m . • '-'74 a t t ,,ti l„ Aa ,;.;,°,1:":.7...:...;:::: a T.n a �3e -- � P. as ) e'6".".V,;10::",°1—', . �f° .... a + _. .s d ksn 'a:•as • ..r. . s� I.-3 ..x.: 4.44 Since its incorporation in 1959, Rosemead has taken pride in its "contract city" status. With services provided by the Los Angeles County Sheriffs and Fire Departments,the community is provided with am array of highly professional public safety resources and services at cost levels that reflect economies of scale. The Rosemead Public Safety Model, which features a Sheriff Lieutenant serving as the City's Chief of Police, enables the community to maximize the advantages of being a "contract city" while exercising local control. :`. • e C;,.+ '.f,°,441:,,,:!:;:' S ',,e'b€ 0., �1'� ' .* - ° i a "5'° �'3a1P° a aT2e�' 5 'u d g nc1 r lle :tor duels onsi �" g aq + —axx°.�i 8., . x, . ".mt,',:',...s.- :. t°" �:s. .s ., >. �. :'..`ass. a P :.sW m'�._.,....,,°,.... R .s '. ..[ a ,� The City embraces the following financial management guiding principles: 1. Always live within your means 2. Employ cost recovery when setting fees for "individualized"services 3. Use "reserves" only for one-time expenditures or temporary stop-gap measures 4. When in doubt, contract out (and periodically go out to bid) 5. Provide for transparency -s s ,-----3,-,4 "" '4 ;Pi.,--.; ,°° $ aem' - b � t ��� , meg a ld.s A-' e z �0'£ zo ons '::�� : _6 xs bSOWe ga _ As individual team members, and collectively as an organization, our motto is We Exist to Serve. And, to meet ever changing community needs, the City continually "flexes" its organizational structure and service delivery systems. Like an amoeba, our small and nimble organization is able to quickly change its shape (albeit in a sensible and responsible manner) to meet service demands. When it comes to customer service, all team members function as front-line service providers. Amoeba (a-me 'ba), n., small single-cell organism that changes its shape rapidly in response to its environment. Strategic Plan:Page 6 �, - 1` f irk Ael ' `. '� t • .0 s *, = yam, �� taw �S 4g tit te---— F `' � 1 w t t"""= e- r- • �� 'lr�t7 i4'. ^Yy s �- 4 w fb. Ul tii ,�. re . �� xae� az:mss-s,�.� - . y :S�� y�. Strategies and Action Items ` �. # , pY G Yt . COO c 01CIO menu, .o .: � . � i , :_.. �"3 44. .�+,,.z x. :ra ,.cs.aarx,:a!. €* ..........e. ssgt. ` . `.,.+..z. Aggressively pursue economic development to enhance local shopping and dining options, encourage new high quality and affordable housing stock, beautify commercial corridors, create jobs, and increase General Fund revenues to sustain service levels and maintain public facilities. ACTION ITEMS A. Implement all potential tools available to develop vacant lots and under-maintained properties to be reported upon biannually B. Expand technology and online services to promote economic development, transparency, and services C. Create an Overlay Zoning Districts for opportunity sites along the I-10 Freeway with freeway ingress & egress off ramps D. Create a communications plan to promote the City of Rosemead Strategic Plan:Page 7 F - riti ItIthi *A i. "t.-. ! rr t, v,� .;1—,mo. (e+ti .BP[ . 4 ' I» 7 ' "�• 'r.z • . ih OSE "''. ..,,,,,,th . P V „,.. r...ip,it, [ ally , 4 . - 4,,,,,--,..:4.04-44 ...--4,,L .--eg Nte a'[' a w,..Y.„M 1. kl . ” ,, _ �+ '"'.seri lir..,.,'....:.".."', ...„,_„„„, Strategies and Action Items ;, i. � .� [�� �,,�� r STRATEGY is Public:Safety Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more secure community by combating crime and preparing for emergencies ACTION ITEMS A. Evaluate increasing Sheriffs Department's patrol visibility by exploring non-traditional patrol programs B. Implement new technology to improve customer service for animal services C. Develop an encampment clean-up schedule and plan D. Expand engagement through community policing, fire safety, and public safety Strategic Plan:Page 8 p�Y�j 41 l d' w% f 4 a y n Nisfil:FR'z'i..t.}} k yr �.,J _ ..F• .-..r s-.- .^.� j.1itttr w+ ii, c 4 a M� a6 y. t 2k,.' 'leggy'. Strategies and Action Items k `~�� ail % i .` ems,. u - _ +``l ___-_- ._ a v ,, do i eau'if catia and ° as r ciul e, '' ,4 . ° _ `:k' �: q ® ,. . v e xn �. .. ✓ :.xvafa. � ,.., ,.e..w ,,,.a a. r-e. �a _�.. ,. .�, .u:. ,..� r�=L .. � �%ate. ,. %,.>#t.S ..,�... �- s,k,..."at�,�. Continue efforts to enhance the condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community ACTION ITEMS A. Install WiFi infrastructure at all city facilities B. Establish a five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) master plan, city tree master plan, and Class A bike lanes master plan C. Develop a program that will establish maintenance services for city infrastructure and facilities D. Upgrade the signal management system to improve traffic flow Strategic Plan:Page 9 { 1 r 5. 4 _ ../ a —tr., —t a *c .. l d La �',. wry`.,)77e ' r , k x �d. eYld4�G V ` f _* ' � . z?;y{dry 'F� , illit OSE411 ��. �:� a, +fit,,; ,-. ,.,.r.,. ';'* - - we-92. x 'T - • a E i 8--r Strategies and Action Items .�_ �ki'''..`P :. STRATEGY 4:Parksr&sRecreation Make improvements to existing parks and explore the acquisition or use of additional properties for prospective new parks facilities; and make adjustments to recreation programs to meet the changing needs of the community ACTION ITEMS A. Build a dog park within Garvey Park B. Study and evaluate the potential to increase park space by 25 percent, including the potential use of vacant Southern California Edison acreage under electrical transmission lines for recreational use development, which could include jogging, walking, and/or bike paths C. Evaluate the potential to locate a youth program at Garvey Park with usage of the City facility with Parks &Recreation staff D. Study and evaluate the expansion of the Splash Zone Strategic Plan:Page 10 9'ai.A, c ' ,1 moi. a „.„. [ yF a' y `�ak-4 F' ,w ,.—, ..k L 'fe„. tde-fit .i • .,==,..*" V "x7$1 k„:-.4, .„,,, -...-d- '" ..- ,..,:2F,ii.v,7,;.„ If-5,,...7-ttX.,4 ;rileit 1001101*§ it.14ii? „____„.g.,,:1._ rl '''''''-'7-3"%;)-'7'..-Z-12z-r-'%. ; ''''''' '''-';::`,`' '''''"':' :: • TI , II OSE I 4 D �, rM1E ich7lie0� ,a " a . 2�{ -- s. 7 kt� -e' i .- 4,)p(�� .. . r-:1-,,,'7,41-'",` ",!.,--�,_�_� � J .,„,]y y ,as wore �t r }t�uui x o a .Strategies and Action Items i -- I� ,r L. , ..+a.;. �a . ..a aA `„a:;"ci. `v. ..— , s, ^ai�a�" Achieve and maintain a structurally balanced General Fund budget with regular, recurring revenues that are sufficient to cover ongoing expenditures ACTION ITEMS A. Evaluate purchasing other cities' rule 20A funds for undergrounding power lines B. Tracking and reporting the city's grants administration and grants writing process biannually C. Explore bonding opportunities for capital improvement projects Strategic Plan:Page 11 }� .> t •a e'EYE Rt'A. t,y. t • %f, `; • - 1j51 M BEY ' I K dl� y r mr, ).. ....,044:1V-, , c { ar,,_ta, f ,..yam ...0 t' .2. _ _- t A�w 1 r+o S Ee1 .' . lsfri,El.: 4ki V„-.1:7,i , Five-Year Financial Projections i ter:Z: ° : t5 a'..., ,'''' _, -,y �r.,,,,,i� , ('�F'. ` __ r 'la < <. The following General Fund projections, based millions of dollars (add 000 to each figure), show anticipated growth in Revenues and Expenditures for each year through the 2017/18 Fiscal Year. Revenue projections are fairly conservative,which is appropriate given the uncertainty and economic fluctuations that have occurred in recent years particularly during the Great Recession. Expenditures are projected to increase at higher rates due to expected operating cost increases that are largely beyond the City's control such as utilities(electricity,water and gas),insurance,pensions, and Sheriff law enforcement services contract, etc. Revenues 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Proj. Growth Sales Tax 3,279 3,343 3,410 . 3,479 3,542 2% Prop. Tax 2,190 2,234 2,278 2,324 2,371 2% P.T. VLF 5,134 ' 5,237 5,341 5,448 ' 5,557 2% P.T. Sales 1 ,090 1 ,112 1 ,134 1 ,156 1 ,180 2% T.O.T. 1 ,490 1 ,535 1 ,581 ' 1 ,628 1 ,677 3% Franchise 1 ,161 1 ,173 1 ,184 1 ,196 1 ,208 1 % Bldg. Fees 970 , 980 989 ' 999 1 ,009 1 % Public Sfty. 545 552 560 568 575 1 -2% Other Fees 1 ,964 1 ,992 2,019 2,045 , 2,078 1 -2% Total G.F. _ 17,823_ , 18,157 18,496 18,843 19,197 , - Strategic Plan:Page 12 11: xk7, ''Ta ; f.3 % 4{' a `. ' $ F -, r)147 .4. 441 . 4 .::‘ ' fl*...kCL.'i * b ^4. , xrf . �, WLp. 0.,.'','4...;...-,,---:,, . -. F - l.� s 7, l'' A r sk wn '' n - MSC^i Five-Year Financial Projections , A�x ` �� � Expenditures 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Proj. Growth Public Safety 7,683 7,990 8,310 8,642 8,988 4% Parks & Rec 2,320 2,390 2,461 2,535 2,611 3% Public Works 2,989 3,079 3,171 3,266 3,364 . 3% Comm. Dev. 1 ,364 1 ,405 1 ,447 1 ,490 1 ,535 3% Supp. Svcs. 789 873 837 922 888 3% Admin. 558 575 592 610 628 3% General Gov. 2,020 2,101 2,185 2,272 2,363 4% Total G.F. 17,723 18,412 19,003 19,738 20,378 Totals 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Revenues . 17,823 . 18,157 18,496 18,843 19,197 Expenditures (17,723) (18,412) (19,003) (19,738) (20,378) Variance 100 (254) (507) (895) (1 ,181) Strategic Plan:Page 13 S E M 6 O k O Iv C"✓IC PRIDE Itilir,,- -..i- 1 ' ilasia AtoftpoRAlsovo Attachment C Minutes of the City Council Special Workshop Meeting, September 27, 2018 Minutes of the City Council Special Workshop Meeting September 27,2018 • The Special Workshop Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Ly at 6:10 p.m. at the Garvey Community Center, FGT Room located at 9108 Garvey Avenue, Rosemead,California. PRESENT: Mayor Ly, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Council Members Armenta and Low (arrived ° at 6:30 p.m.) ABSENT:None • STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda,Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi,Director of Community Development'Kim,Director of Finance Lieu, City Engineer Fajardo, Chief of Police Lieutenant Kusayanagi, Sergeant Fiedler,Fire Chief Ramirez,Parks and Recreation Supervisor Chu and City Clerk Hernandez 1. PUBLIC COMMENT-None 2. STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP A. Consultant Jordan Marks will provide a summary of Strategic Plan Workshop Session Ito the City Council and staff. Consultant Jordan Marks reviewed items discussed during Session I of the Strategic Plan that included pursuit of economic development, increase in Public Safety and community outreach,continue focus on projects to enhance the general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and public right-of-way. In addition, make improvements to existing parks, maintain a balanced General Fund budget, and improve transparency and communication with the public. B. The City Council will continue to discuss updates for the Rosemead's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Year 2018-2020 in an effort to develop organizational strategies, as well as specific goals and action plans for the City and City departments. Consultant Jordan Marks led the discussion with the City Council and•City administration to review and evaluate the Vision for 2020 guiding principles. The • Strategic Plan Session II analyzed opportunities, reviewed, and narrowed action items in groups in order of priority for the next two years. • The following action items were finalized to be included in the Strategic Plan 2018-2020: Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Workshop Minutes of September 27, 2018 Page 1 of 2 STRATEGY 1: Economic Development Implement all potential tools available to develop vacant lots and under-maintained properties; expand technology and online services to promote economic development, transparency, and services. Create an Overlay Zoning Districts for opportunity sites along the I-10 Freeway with freeway ingress & egress off ramps and create a communications plan to promote the City of Rosemead. STRATEGY 2: Public Safety Evaluate Sheriffs Department's patrol visibility by exploring non-traditional patrol programs; implement new technology to improve customer service for animal services.Develop an encampment clean-up schedule and plan.Expand engagement through community policing,fire safety, and public safety. STRATEGY 3: Beautification and Infrastructure Install WiFi infrastructure at all city facilities; establish a five-year Capital Improvement Program master plan, city tree master plan, and Class A bike lanes • master plan. Develop a program that will establish maintenance services for city infrastructure and facilities;furthermore,upgrade the signal management system to improve traffic flow. STRATEGY 4: Parks &Recreation Build a dog park within Garvey Park; study and evaluate the potential to increase park space for recreational use; evaluate the potential to locate a youth program at Garvey Park with Parks&Recreation staff;lastly study and evaluate the expansion of the Splash Zone. STRATEGY 5: Finance Evaluate purchasing other cities' rule 20A funds for undergrounding power lines; track and report the City's grants administration and grants writing process biannually; and explore bonding opportunities for capital improvement projects. 3. COUNCIL COMMENTS—None 4. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ly adjourned the Special meeting at 8:47 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to be held on October 9, 2018 at:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. ik 4,0 n Ericka ` andez, City Clerk APPROVED: • Steven Ly,Mayor Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Workshop Minutes of September 27,2018 Page 2 of 2