CC - Item 5B - CC Minutes 07-23-19 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PARKS COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING JULY 23,2019 The special joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and Parks Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Armenta, Council Members Dang, Low (arrived at 6:10 p.m.), and Ly; Vice Chair Ruvalcaba, Commissioners Lin,Morten, and Nguyen ABSENT: Chair Tocki STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez: 1. WORKSHOP A. Park Design for Proposition 68 Competitive Grant Recommendation: That the City Council and the Parks Commission take the following actions: 1. Provide feedback and approve the'conceptual park design; and 2. Discuss and approve a"name"for the potential park. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking noted translation services in Spanish, Chinese,and Vietnamese, are available`for the Workshop. Mr.Boecking introduced Nancy Matthews,Consultant,NML Consulting Services; Gary Vasquez, Principal, David Volz Design Landscape Architects; Luis Pedraza, Project Designer; and Wendy Dahlin, Dahlin Grant Writing. The proposed new park location is a portion of the Southern California Edison (Edison) Corridor located between Mission Drive and Wells Street, just west of Walnut Grow Avenue. The City of Rosemead has an opportunity to apply for grant funds through Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program, funded through Proposition 68. This program will award over $650 million in multiple rounds of funding. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis for creation of new parks and new recreation opportunities in proximity to the most critically underserved communities across California. There is approximately $255 million in available funding for this round. The applications are due by August 5th,thus the time sensitivity of this item. Rosemead City Council and Parks Commission Special Joint Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.B Minutes of July 23, 2019 Page 1 of 8 Nancy Matthews,NML Consulting Services, stated applicants are required to hold five community meetings, which Rosemead completed on the following dates and locations: 1) June 20th, at Rosemead Community Recreation Center; 2) June 24th, at Farmers Market; 3)June 27th, at Shuey Elementary School; 4) June 29th,at Guess Park;and 5)July 23rd,at City Hall.Ms.Matthews asserted by holding those public meetings, Rosemead is ensuring the community is heard and maximizing the City's points and chances; emphasized not only is this outreach a vital part of the grant,it also provides a great opportunity to communicate with our residents and stakeholders about the grant while gathering their input for the proposed park project. Ms. Matthews indicated the community survey (available in English, Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese) was administered:and collected at four community meetings; noted that a total of 67 responses were received, which provided feedback as to what residents and possible park users would like at the proposed park. The following information gathered was used to determine the conceptual plan for the park: 1. What types of activities would you be interested in participating'? Afterschool Program, Arts & Crafts, Educational Classes, Family Activities, Lifetime Sports, Outdoor Recreation Sports (adult), Sports (youth), Other 2. What kinds of amenities would you1ike this:park to include? Benches, Children's Play Equipment,Dog Runs,Drinking Fountains,Exercise Equipment, Gardens, Lighting, Open Grass Area, Paths, Picnic Tables, Public Art, Restrooms, Security Signage, Trees, Trash Cans 3. What reason(s) do you have for recommending these amenities? Promote Physical Activity, Expand Recreational Activities, Improve Health/ Wellness, Promote Community,Gathering, Improve Safety, Decrease Crime, Add Public Art/Beautify Expand/Preserve Cultural Heritage, Other Mayor Pro Tern Armenta opined it is great that the residents want all these amenities, however this property is in Edison's right of way; referenced the Jay Imperial Park design, noting Edison will not allow us to have restrooms; queried how was the City's experience with the Jay Imperial Park design incorporated in this community survey. Nancy Matthews responded that we looked at what was possible based on other projects in Edison's areas; asserted we did not want to omit the restrooms from the design if there is a possibility to accommodate the request; opined if Edison declines the request then we know for certainty. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta reiterated that Edison was firm about not building any permanent structures; expressed concern that residents will come back to Council seeking an answer as to why the restroom they requested was not incorporated in the park. Rosemead City Council and Parks Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2019 Page 2 of 8 Ms. Matthews clarified the community was not told that the City is guaranteeing the requested amenities, rather tell us what you'd like and we'll see what we can do; emphasized if the Council, Commission and residents feel having a restroom at the park is a top priority, then it is important to not close the door, especially when Edison has approved restrooms in other cities. Mayor Clark inquired if tonight's meeting is counted as one of the required five community meetings, will the questionnaire be available to the public in attendance. Ms. Matthews affirmed tonight's participants will be provided stickers to select what options they like best on the conceptual designs. Gary Vasquez, Principal, and Luis Pedraza, Project Designer, David Volz Design Landscape Architects,presented the conceptual design, consisting of a connection for the two nearby schools,parking area with twenty (20) stalls and three(3)ADA access stalls, small entry plaza with a public art feature that relates to the history of Rosemead, rose garden, picnic'area with shelter, and meditation garden. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking indicated there will be three main entry points off of Wells Street, Walnut Grove Avenue, and Mission Drive; stated for safety of the residents that live in front of park, staff is proposing an 8 foot back wall, along,the east and west side of the park, and there will be some decorative fencing on Wells Street and Mission Drive;noted the parks close at dusk and are gated at the end of the evening. Mayor Clark inquired if Edison will allow walls to be built, also if we know what the fencing is like at Jay Imperial Park. Council Member Low asked why we need to build walls rather than leaving it open. In response to Council inquiry,Mr.Boecking reiterated that staff is recommending the walls as it would provide a unifolln look and additional security; indicated that a multitude of materials make up the fencing;the maintenance entrance for Edison trucks is,9n Wells Street. Council Member Dang posed the question, do we know what type of limitations we have with Edison's easement that Council should avoid from past projects; opined there does not seem to be enough shade areas for days with extreme heat. Gary Vasquez responded there might be questions regarding the shay canopy structures, however we can ensure they are kept at a certain height and do not interfere with any powerlines; suggested planting trees to provide additional shade. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta inquired if Southern California Edison was invited to attend any of the community meetings. Rosemead City Council and Parks Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2019 Page 3 of 8 Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking responded Edison was not invited to the community meetings, however they submitted their letter of support for the project and the City has kept them updated; indicated once the project is approved and submitted to the state, Edison will have their own review period of a 6-8 week process; sated if Edison happens to have any major opposition to a specific part of the project, we will work with them. Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period. Speaker Dolores Weidermann inquired if a notification letter was sent to the residents that live on Halkett Avenue whose backyard of their property is adjacent to the proposed park; suggested additional notifications be sent to residents informing them of the proposed park; expressed safety concerns with the proposed location as Walnut Grove Avenue and,Mission Drive is a highly accident prone corner; opined something needs,to be done with that corner,proposed a tranquility garden and expressed opposition, to any project which places people under powerlines as it is cancerous. Speaker Brian Lewin thanked Council for their efforts to beautify this area and to include public art; suggested considering tree'roses to put along those walls, so it is not bare and to deter graffiti; proposed naming the park after one of the founding Council Members or Leonard Rose Park.. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta inquired how many'residents have complained about the park. Director of Parks and.Recreation Boecking affirmed we have not received any complaints, rather suggestionsfor the park. Speaker Jennifer Adame expressed concern for the following: 1) If the City allows adult sports,what is goingto keep the balls from breaking the windows? 2) Why do need a third opening when there is already two entry points on the opposite end for the property?3)Is the parking lot going to create an issue for residents that park on the street as there are already issues with school traffic. Mr.Boecking responded we are not recommending or proposing any dedicated area for adult sports,however if someone is kicking a ball there is a possibility it can go over; clarified the third opening is a recommendation that will accommodate residents to easily access the park,but if residents prefer not to have it,then we can keep the openings at the south and north ends; stated the entrance and exit would take up a car length and would not have any substantial issues where residents would not be able to access the streets. Council Member Low inquired how many residential properties are right next to the park. Rosemead City Council and Parks Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2019 Page 4 of 8 Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said he does not have a total right now, however, would provide later. Council Member Dang opined parks attract a lot of visitors, therefore suggested adding more parking stalls in the bottom right by the two picnic tables. Speaker Gabriel Yee encouraged avoiding plants that have thorns; inquired what type of pesticides they use as power companies are known to use them on their, properties,and if there has been any assessment to determine the level of defoliants. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta stated that we can plant the"Trumpeter roses", also better known to the community as "Rosemead roses". There being no other comments, Mayor Clark closed.the Public Comment period. Mayor Clark welcomed the Parks Commissioners to provide any feedback at this time. Commissioner Chen Lin indicated support forpreserving our City's history and for the thoughtful design Use of open space, meditation area for the older members of our community. Commissioner Beverly Morten indicated support for the community's following • key points: making more green spaces for the community; agreed with incorporating an 8-foot wall,placing thorns on the front to avoid graffiti, adding more parking, and concern for pesticides. Commissioner Qui Dang Nguyen expressed concern for how electromagnetic power from the power lines areaffecting the community. • Mayor Pro Tem Armenta requested staff research the correlation and any effect on the residents that already live adjacent to the power lines. Vice Chair Martha Ruvalcaba echoed Commissioner Nguyen's concerns for the effects of electromagnetic power on humans. Council Member Ly pointed out the radiation from cell phones that we carry in our pockets produce more cancerous causing waves than the power lines; asserted that we have not had any issues from being under powerlines at our Jay Imperial Park or Zapopan Park; emphasized that Rosemead is under parked as Los Angeles County recommends 9.5 for every 1,000 residents and we only have 1.1 acre;noted our Strategic Plan's goal is to increase park space by 25%,which will take us to the right direction;opined this is a wonderful opportunity to increase much needed park space; agreed having additional parking spaces would alleviate off street parking for nearby residents. Rosemead City Council and Parks Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2019 Page 5of 8 Council Member Low expressed concern for the residents that have lived in this quiet area and now must get accustomed to the proposed park. Council Member Ly responded right now what you have is overgrown grass and weeds that is taken care of; reminded everyone that Jay Imperial Park, a similar property started off that way, although not a high amenity park and yet it serves its purpose. Mayor Clark inquired if any member of the community expressed opposition at the public community meetings. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking responded that there was one opposed comment but not completely against the park, more so concerns expressed regarding the safety aspect, loudness, and location of the park. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta suggested just to put peoples,mind at ease, survey residents that live around Jay Imperial Park to see what their experience has been and if there is a correlation with the concerns brought forth'tonight, if so, how can we fix them. Council Member Dang indicated support to, having the park adjacent to the elementary school as students can take a field trip by walking to park; opined if the second exit is a luxury that will be vetted through the City Engineer to determine necessity-of second exit. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta stated,if people are looking for parking and there are not any spaces available, then they would have to make a U-turn which potentially could cause safety issues. Council Member Dang responded there typically is not a big surcharge of people leaving the park all atonce,especially if we are not having concert in the park there; stated it will come downto the Engineer's recommendation. City'Manager Molleda indicated the initial design had the main entrance on Mission Drive. Mr. Boecking stated the initial conceptual design did not have a parking lot just to maximize the number of acres and usable space; noted it was determined the best main entrance would be on Wells Street with a parking lot. Council Member Ly inquired if this agreement is a month-to-month agreement with Southern California Edison. Mr. Boecking responded it is a 5-year lease that can be renewed; however, Edison can take the property back at any time. Rosemead City Council and Parks Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2019 Page 6 of 8 Council Member Ly suggested adding a cultural and educational component by naming the park after a historical Civil Rights figure,perhaps after"Cesar Chavez"; stated we can add educational plaques to teach the children about history. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta stated she appreciates Council Member Ly's suggestion, however, agrees with Mr. Brian Lewin that the park needs to have a piece of Rosemead's history or our founding fathers. Mayor Clark suggested the Council provide three proposed names and survey the community to determine which name to proceed with. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta strongly urged staff to reach out to the individuals that attended the community meetings so that theyhave a say in the name; opined we may have been able to secure more people's 'attendance if we agendized that Council was determining the park's name tonight. In response to Council Member Ly City Attorney Richman stated there are no legal issues, and Council can name it however they'choose if they agree with the three proposed names and the will of the people. Speaker Brandan Matsdorf noted she attended one of the community meetings, suggested naming the park,"Rose&Meadow" since it is an open space or after the Native American tribe whoseland it was prior to ours. Commissioner Beverly Morten suggested "Henry Dalton" who was the original landownerhere under.the Mexican Spanish land grant and donated the property which is now Savannah Memorial Park. Council Member Dang asked if the consultants could come back with the results of the selected name to tonight's-7 p.m. regular meeting. • Council Member.Ly expressed concern that by doing so, we are not giving an -.opportunity to those who attended the community meetings or all other residents. Speaker Phong Ly suggested in the interest of time and grant deadline to have a placeholder name that is generic for the purpose of submitting the grant and once the park opens, have a community poll to vote for the proposed name. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking asserted he would have to check with the State if a working title can be submitted. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta opined a name change should not be an issue if the City meets all other criteria. Speaker Barbara Murphy echoed Mr. Phong Ly's suggestion to utilize a working title for the time being. Rosemead City Council and Parks Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2019 Page 7 of 8 Mr. Boecking indicated another broad name suggested was "Founders Park" as a working title. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to utilize"Founders Park"as a placeholder for the name of the proposed park. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None Council Member Dang opined decomposed granite is hard on children with asthma as it is basically dust and sticks to everyone's shoes when it rains; suggested considering utilizing permeable asphalt. Council Member Ly stated as a personwho jogs frequently, he would rather jog on decomposed granite than on asphalt as it is better for the joints. ACTION: Moved by CouncilMember Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to approve the conceptual design, in addition to Council's request to expand the parking lot, adding a vegetation on the blocked walls to prevent potential graffiti; and survey the neighborhoods on the south end to determine if the third axis way should be.closed. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark,Dang, Low,Ly ABSENT: None 2. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Clark adjourned the.special joint meeting' at 7:37 p.m. The next City Council meeting is scheduled to be on July.23, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: Margaret Clark, Mayor Rosemead City Council and Parks Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2019 Page 8 of 8